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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1948, p. 12

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- -. ..--- - -.-- .--- -- -...--.. -. - - - -..-. -- e ---------- ...- BRING YOUR SIELL ty TAE AYCAH N MESSAGEB ORE ~(Tf AEMNMJ 12,000 READERS U OCOT3cPRA BIRTI-S CRAWFORD-Mn. and Mss. Gea. Byron Crawfard <nec Ruth Vin- tue), announce the birth ai their daughter, Janet Ruth, at Cham- bers Momorial Hospital, Smifbs 1* Falls, on Augusf 26, 1948. 36-1* HILLS-To Ms. and Mss. Ken- netb His at Bowmanville Hos- pital an Sunday, August 29, 1948, a daugbter, Gw.endclyn Louise. 36-if LITTLE-Mr. and. Mss. J. Alyl- word D. Little (nce Dosotby Scott), are happy ta announce the birtb ai their son, on Wednesday, Soptomber 1sf, at the Wellesley Hospital, Taranto. 36-i MAYNARD-Ta Mm. and Mss. Ken Maynasd af Bowmanville Hospital on August 27, 1948, a daugbter, Lunda May. A grand- daugbter for Mr. and Mss. Alex Mains.361 TWIST-Ta Ernest and Iva Twist, in Bawmanville Haspital, an Fni- day, August 27, 1948, a doughter, Kathleen Elaine. 36-1* DEATFIS CASBOURN-Suddenly, at Brant-j fard, Ont., on Sunday, August 29, 1948, Ann McSephney Wylie, in her 28th yeas, dearly beloved wiie af Sidney N. Casbourn, 510 Dawves Roasi, Toronfo, Ioving daughter of Ms. and Mss. J. A. Wylie and dear sist'2s af Masgasef (Mss. L. H. Wbeelen. Informent Pine His cenmetesy, Toronto. 36-1 DILLING-In Bov.-manville on August 29, 1948, Andsew Dilling, belavesi busband of the late Annie Diîiing, aged 82 years. Funesal from Northcutt & Smifh's Funesal Chapel. Intesment Bowmanviile cornet ery. HOAR-In Bowmanvilie on Aug. 31, 1948, Fred C. Hoar, beloved husband of Alice M. Hoskin, agesi 77 yeass. Resting at the Funeral Chapel of Nurfbcutf & Smitb until Tbussday, 10 arn., then at the fa- mily residence, 74 Division St. Funeral service wiîl be held in Trinity United Cbusch on Fsiday, Soptember 3, at 2:30 p.m. Inter- ment Bowmanville cemetery. Off . cors and members af Jerusaiemj Lodge AF. & A.M. No. 31 kindly meet at the Lodgo Roam 0f 1:45 p.m. ta attend the funesal of our lofe brother. IN MEMORIAM LEGGOTT-In loving memasy ai Marion Leggott wbo passed away Sept. 5, 1944. Lovo's gseatest gift- Remembra nec. -Sarn, Hannab, Marlon and iomiiy. 36-1 PIPER-In loving mernory aofrny dear mothes, Catherine M. Pipes, who possosi away Sept. 5, 1946. Away in the beautiful bilîs ai Gasi, By the volley ai rest so fais, Some time, sunie day, we know not wben, We wiîl meet aur lovosi one these. -Lovingiy rememberesi by ber dougbter Winnie. 36-1* Articles For Sale ICARRIAGE, gaod condition, $I: Phono 580. 36-1 KITCHEN cabinet, Knechte Phone 2480. 36- APPLES, on the tree. Cransto Scott. Phono 2527. 36- WALNUT dining I-oom suite, in ciuding large table. Phone 615. 36-1 PONTIAC sedan, 1931, in goo condition. Phone 958 Bowman ville. 36- METAL ice box, 50 lb. capacitý ini goosi condition. ApPlY2 Churcb St. 36-1 1 COMBINATION bookease as SAMELLS-In laving memaory ofl desk; corner kitchen cupboan. aur niothes, Emma Somelîs wbo Phono 710. 36-I passed away Augsîst 31, 1947. One 3'ear bas passcd but stilli we DEERING corn bindos, ties tbeî miss ber, layung clown, la good wanking cor Nover shal ber memory fade, dit ion. Phono 2341. 36- Loving tboughts wilI always FIVE cassis dry wîllow wooci linges, Round the grave where she is laid. four foot lengths. A. W. Grabor -Lovingîy somembered, Hlesman Newcastle. Phono Clarke 1223. and Kennefh 36-1*. 36-1 _______________-- QUANTITY ai lumber (Fis) 1- *CARDS 0F TI-ANKS jOx6x 18': 2-4x8x12'; 2-4xlOxl6 _______________________ -tlOxl2'. Phone 434 Bowmar jWo wisb ta thank the Supemin- ville. 36-i tendent, nurses and staff af Boxv- FORD oadster, '29. goasi tire! manville Hospifal, also isiensis motos oxerbaulesi, $165; De Sot and neigliboms for flowess, gifts coupe, '32, $275. Phono Clark and cassis sent duringi my stay in 25,30. 36-1 baspitai. - __- ______ 36-1 Mss. Nasman Allun & Famiiy SEE our complete selection o pSchli Books andi Supplies. El Ïiotf*s Variety House, apposit 1 wisb ta take this opportunify C îoî.36-i ofa expsessing myý, sineere c.ndr groteful thanks fa flie many FOUR-busiier clectrie songe xif iriends wbo emre so kind f0 me 'higli oven, xvamming aven an( wben in the bospitai. and espe- sielf. Appiy 95 Queen Streel cially ta the Supemntendent anîd Phone 818. 36-2 nurses for attentions shovn me. TATR ,omc ern 36-1 Owen Nichola"s. jTATR eomc ern _______Formai F-14 mofor, and tises ii The faniîy ai the late Jatnes A-1 condition. H. J. Simpsor Brown wisb fa tbank most sin- phone Clarke 16SL. 36-i' cerely their many iriends andsi -________ ______drill___ neigbbassfor theiî- kind epre- HaLF -INH e chindilanc sicis ofbsake se-lndningp machineian sic~~~~~~~ -iismptyadbepdrn marîy other garage supplies. Ap their bereavement, with special 1 ply Maple Gsove Garage. 36-2' thanks ta their Base Lino neigb bons and Wesfmacint isiensis. KITCHEN ronge, dining roonr 3 6- 1' chairs. sideboard. double bed. sewý REPAIRS REPAIRS fa al makes of sefig- oraters, domestie andi commercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., Trucking oe NEAT-Woy Shoè Repais: Goi LARGE 3-ton stake truck, avail- substontial workmonsbip, seliabil- able ta baul tomafoos ansi iarm ity, dyeing, solung, sewung, etc. produce. Phono 3690 W, 307 Eu- Try the Neat-Way, opposite Baw- lalie Avenue, Oshawa. 36-2 manville Cleanens. 7-tf Tyrone Harvest Home SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 SPEAKERS: Aftennoan Service 2:30 p.m. Bey. Donovan E. Jones, Oshawa Evening Service 7:30 P.m. Bey. Andrew E. Eustace, Orono Special Music at Bath Services by Bübenezer Junior Maie Quartette >!onday, September 6, Labour Bay Basebal In afternoon between Salem, Haydon aüd Tyrone Supper Serv'ed in shed from 4:30 until ail are served Soccer Game aftcr supper between Enniskilien and Tyrone teams Play Commenclng at 8:30 "Where's Grandma?" presenteci by Salem people MR. ROSS METCALP WILL PERFORM BETWEEN ACTS Admission: Supper and Concert $1.00 Concert 50c ung machine, wasbing machine Phonîe Bowmanville 2904. 36-2' VENETIAN Blinds-F. F. Marriý Ca., distribufars for Conado's fin- est venetian blinsis. We measusE andsiunstaîl. Cail 480 for free esti- mates. 36-ti GIRL'S w.ine bicycle, 18-tooth sprocket for easy pedoling, good as new'. Apply Doratby Wright Blackstoek. Phono 106 - 32 Panl Pessy. 36-1' -jINTERNATIONAL hay bales or rubber, witb pick-up ottacbment, in excellent conîdition, aisa a Jobs Deere . Appiy S. S. Morton, Bow- roanville R.R. 2, phono 2279. 36-1* LAMPS-Summer sole of fine Sampie Lamps at reductians Up tc 50 per cent. Complote lamps and silk shades ini this group, $6.95, $7.95, $8.95. Sce these outstand- ing values af F. F. Morris Ca. 36-1 rYOUR car will look shiny new, if you use "*Tarnof." Just rub il on-an I wipe if off. 16 oz. tii 6 00, 36 oz. tin $1.00. At McGre- gos & Company; andi Osborne Ser- vice St: tioîî. 36-1 SPECIAL trode-ins sale-Used Singer lîsopheasis, treadie or elcc- fric $25,00 ansi up. Guaranteesi one yea-. Budget termas. Singer Sewing Machine Ca.. 47 Walton St., Part Hope, Ont. Phone 1015W. 36-1 CHEVROLET coupe, 1933, in goosi suîning condition. Scbick clectrie nazor, Ciase-Jewell range xifb oi burners, box stove. Phane 1133A Clarke. Mss. Eric Wicks, 1 Newcast le. 36-1* STROLLERS - Prams - F. F. Mon- ris Ca. bave the Iargest stock of stsolless, go-casts, tosdile carts, cribs, etc., for the baby this side ai Toronifo. You xiii save by get- tung aur prices fisst. 36-tf WILLYS Sedan, 1938, thîree new tires. cashusetor ansi bottery twa rweeks olsi, brakes relînesi ansi -dusmis lathesi, sealesi boom lights, fog iigbt ansi fan, aiso heates; ex- tra gond condition. on raad eveny day. Pricesi af $575. Phono 2007. 36-.1* FURNITURE buyers-If we bave if as con supply if. F. F. Morris iCc. xiii save 3-ou 10 per cent on z-nv furnituse item advertised in Toronto papers. Before yau buy .-nE tle asivertisement an Mail Order Catalogue ansi save wbile bU3 iîg at bomne. 36-ff OSHAWA'S nexv furniture store- Exerytbung in modemn chester- fielsi, bedroomn ansi dining roomn suifes, ansi studios. Bedding ansi rfloor coverings a specialty. Quai- lev' NewFurntureStore, 38-40 KigSt.. W.. Oshawxa. 24-tf THREE-piece besi ouffits, $26.95; steel panel bess113.75; spring-fiil- ccl mattresses $24.7.5; 3 piece ches- tesfieid S99; double door glass wa sdsobes. special. $47.95; walnut calice tables $9.99: card tables, speciai 99c: walnuf corner cab- inie;s$12.9.5: bettes quolity ches- testielsi suites. S159: feit base floor '.avesines, speciai 69e Fa. yd.: Frost King iueoboxes. $47.50; studio couches, extra special. S49. Bnad- loy Furntitume Company, 38-40 Kiîng St. W., Oshawa. 35-tf Custom Work PLOW\ING andi cuifivating. 4Iso JoliiiDecre sepoîr work and parts. F. S. Allen, phono 594. 19-tf Try provon FRUIT-A-TIVES, fa- ing toalailow an ice surf ïce 75xl75' cotShvi-ng remAter Everpolnted Pendils, conceai- mous herbai medicine used 'suc- and an ice susface 80xl8O'. Seat- Ms .andi Mr. Clirence (oodrman Shave Lotion, and ed Era.¶er, lght %vcight- 39e cessfuily for 45 yeaîrs. Brings r-e- îng accommodation requised for and Jîidilh. Bowmvranvihle, wýitb Brilliantine $1.75 lief quickly-tones up live- i 1200 persans wifh standing room Mr. anîd Mss. L. J. Goocman. ________________ _______________ keeps boweis active - restores for an additional 1000. Plans andi Ms. andi Mss. N.1T. Collacutt good heaith-reiiable. 36-1 specifications shoulsi be includcd and Ms. and i Mmm,-. C. W. Woodley i P- HY GI E I Csuppies ~bb~with tender and shoulsi show de- xisitéed atNisa.U £ L V H Y I N C upples ruberfails af offices, dressing rmains. MsT. RPIllli C;el ani" ,H. J UY & LVI L goods) mailed postpaid in plain lunch soom, ligbtisîg, pluiiinm Skinnvr ztu ýIttt i t1r.via Fir, ENVURR(LI,~G T seaed nveopewit psce ist befig, etc. Lowest or any ten- hibitini4 s!iîýee andi aie ut the C.N. Six sampies 25c; 24 samples SIý.00 der not necessarilv acceptesi. E. this',>-cel:ý . -ith an oxîbt.Vhen 14e Test Your Eyes Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- JOHN M. JAMES N-- sAT. ans B. .1. qI(sphenz. PHONE 778 Tt Is Doue Properly BOWNIANVILLE ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Chairman Amena Bldgj. Commrii ,;ý- i si . -c. r fo,'-rIl 36-9 Bowmanvillc, Ontario. 36-2 1 witb Mr. and Mi s. R. Burgess.i 1 0 IPAGE ITWELVLr 'nIM Llvestock For Sale Notices Lost or Strayed Miss Edith Woodley bas entered siderable publicity and Australi- the Oshawa H-ospital to train for ans fear that, with one national- 13. SIX or seven Yorkshire pigs, six WHITE and brown steer strayed a nurse.. ized bank, accounts of individual .1 weeks oid. George Holt, phone The office of Apha I. Hodgins from Lot 6, Con. 8, Darlington. Mr. David Kronquist, Leoville, ciýstomers would be under the - 2409. 36-1 wili be closed until September Finder please contact owner at Sask., with his grandparents, Mr. co ntrol of the government of the el. 15th. 35-3* the above farm, or -,hone 2323. anld Mrs. O. Beckett. day with ail sorts of abuses pos- 1-1 YORKSHIHRE boar, 5 monthse 36-l* Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley and sible. -oid, eligible for registration; also Dr. C. W. Slemon's office wiii family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Web- on eighteen pigs, 7 weeks old. James be closed from August 28 to oc- BLACK and wvhite heifer strayed ber, Clifford, with Mr. and Mrs. » Pl T. Brown, Newcastle. 36-1* tober 2th. 34-3 from Lot 26, Con. 3, Darlington. O. Beckett. Frank Krolewski, R.R. 3, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. 0. Becket n ýn_ TWELVE pigs, 6 weeks old. Also avle361Ms vlnBctt t 'iB ck oSh l Corneli 595 seed wheat, grown ~~~~Dr. Storey's office will be closed mnii.3- isEey ekt attended the, aktoSho 5.funerallof95rseeWm. LakegSr., M 1* fromn certified seed. Tom Baker, July 30th to September 8th, indl- unea fMs i.LkS. ,S EC - Hampton, phone 2180. 36-1* sive. 30-7* Auction Sales Newcastle, an aunt of Mrs. Beck- SPECIAL- r-FIFTEEN Yorkshire pigs, six wks. Wanda's Beauty Shop, 80 King Giigup farming. I ht otn Bosst have re- r and Mrs. Jack Barr, Mr. Gwils' al-woolusers wth old. Apply Kenneth Huis, Orono. Stcet emnnsta a eivdistructions from Kenneth Alan Barr, Brampton, Mrs. M. mac.CÉrs ay e -3Phone 5t.3.W36-ifPermanent .aoes. Foa p Bal, Lot 33, Concession 7, Clarke Stewart, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs.=r GRYPrhro os.fieyaspinmns hoe25. 3- Township, 2 miles west of Kirby, Tom Barr. Rlhad ~ adbon ie3t b9GE e twheeon os ite eandpitetphn 81 to seli by public auction on Wed- Messrs. Wesley, apan Miss i ý ' to clear $1.98 l* oId, weight ewesitnad nesday, September 15, at 1 p.m.. Bessie His at Twelve Mile Lake ___ -seventeen hundred. John Barrett, Bowling-A meeting of the La- 1aIl his farm stock, implements,1 and were guests of Rev. and Mrs. id 57 Liberty St. 36-1* dies' Bowling Leagpe will be heid hay, etc. Terms cash. No re- J. W. Wilkinson. Girls' white silk Slips, sizes M d.TET-FV Lehrs on on Tuesday, September 7, at 7:30 serve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and fa- 2 to 12. p.m. at arfn's owlng Aad-36-1 milv with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne E year old, laying 65 per cent now,1 emy. Girls wishing to join the_____GfinndJa PrleHI I 89c and u Swant room for pullets, $1.40 ea league please corne or leave vtur Th dhdI Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue vis-- n- C. H. Snowden. Phone2380. 3- name at the Bowling Alleys. 36-i Te underigned as receive E _____________________instructions from- the executors of ited with -Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boun- Bos flannel plaid Shirts, the estate of the late Frank Stone sali. Hal4burton ; Seed Grain For Sale ENGAGEMENTS to sell by public auction Friday, Ms ril n vlnBc ie o8 Spebr3, at 1 p.m.. at his late ett are visitin« Mr. and Mrs. Har- $1.-09 n, WINER whet, "Coneli ~ Mrs. R. J. Hobbs wîshes to an- residence. Lot 10, Con. 5, Clarke r eki.S.Ctaie.____ *new smut-resistant variety; also nounce the engagement of Miss Twp.. aiil bis farn stcck. impie- Mrs. V. E. Milîson with rela _Dawson's Golden Chaif, grown inez A. Bickell to Mr. Douglas F., ments, hav. grain. etc. For fur- tives in Bowmanville. Boys' and girls' ¾, length= -frcm second generation registered Jackman. The marriage will take ther part iculars sec bills. Terms. Pats y and Carole Phillips vis àbofany wool Socks, elastic seed. James T. Brown, Newcastle. paelt n etme. 3-1Ics.N esv. Jack Reid i ted friends in Trenton.E tops. Sizes 6 to 8 1,. Colorn, n-36-1* auctioer 35-2; Mi-. and M-s. George Yeo. Lvnn royal, black, brown, scarlet 1 and Bessie. Mr. and Mrs. C. Col- and navy. The engagement is announced vle - Real Estate For Sale of Doreen Ruth, daughter of Mr. Li;'esfock, bardxvood and some "ll, Bertha, Bernice and Tm, toBIDN lt 0fe frn an dMrs . Vicor Farrow, Orono, implemenfs, theproperty of Leslie YeowanvailyEM. nd s. envs Just Arriveci BULDNGlo, 0 et rotae.j oJaesV.Loer, o o M. . ocrne Lt 8,Co.9, Dir- Ensiln eApply 18 Brown St. 36-21r and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery, Kir- Iington Twp., I mile cast of En-! îted Mrs. Bertha Yeo. English wool, 3 ply. Color., bY. The marriage will take place field, Stic 1S=tme , 9' r.T.MRbrs n os-Goîd, bottie and light green, jLOT on Beaver St., Newcastle,eaîinStmbr 61I oisigo14 il cvs,* visited Mrs. J. McRoberts. envy gry sart L1/5 acre. Phone Clarke 1240.____ ed-ongatl;8îoss6pis Mr. Karl Colbary and son, Kari-p dchteadolnl Mt.an Ms.Lews wan n1 3 acres of numnber onie, dry bard- visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Doonan, brown. FIVEroombunglow.Appl A.nounce the engagement of their wood. mapie and beech. good roadWoîr30 o. 45l -Bothwell, Maple Grove. R.R. 3. youngest daughter, Winnifredfotrcs Purchasers have till h omnile 6l Grace, to William O. Cordingley,. ue1f 90 ormv od Id Terns cah. Sae ýt 1:30 sarp. APLE G O E i d omavll.36 nr of Mrs. Barnett and the lafe àem ah aec 23 hr. MTf d- HOUSE-Sx rooms, bath and Mr. William Codingley, Toronto. Theron Mounfjoy. clerk; Clifford ______ 1*1sail furnace, new three yeass The marsiage will take place t! Pefbick, auct'ineer. 3 5- 2* Mr. John Stevens, Mrs. E9.B. ago; good size garden. Possession their home on September il at 3 1 Steen. uzanean Jak.BIn l, StvnSzne n ak ln uctober 15, $4,800. A~pply Stuartr o'clock. 36-1 b eim, Mrs. R. Pîckner, Detr-oit MRS. BERNIECE COLLIS ni R.Jms- el sae 64 A. U C T I ON kS À L E wcre n-eekend visitors with their Proprietar * DUBE ous. osessonof Mr. and Mss. Talmage Taylor, cousins, Mr. and Mss. R. R. Ste > ii t . o-avl west hahf October 1sf. Nortbeast Burketon, wisli to announce tlhe Te1neswe as received yvens. <poieBloa itl corner Elgin and Concession Sts. engagement of their youngest îsic ccfcnMss. Ray Snowden. Donna and---- ýdApply E. and F. Sutton, 429 King: daîîghter, Ida Jean, to Leslie AI- MrS. Hrer i Jewell 1Bill. Trot. r visiting hes par ____________ stn oaToono8,On. 36-1 best Johnson, son of Ms.adMs etM. and Mrs. R.__R.__Stevens__ ston RoStevTnsonto_8,_Ont._and_______relatives Albert Johnson, Middlesex, Eng- 16 LILERTY PL.. BOWTMrrANVILLE adohrrltvs willtak plce1 to seli by public auction at îher Mse on nweMse room, hedsoom, soom for bath- in Deer Park United Churcb sesidence on SeesadJa rgtaea - oom, kifchenette witb sink. Ligbt Chapel, Toronto. Septembes il, the Sebool for Leaders at 0... an ary Lveytrutstea.at 7 o'clock. 36-1 .Sax1l-ijrL yýSepnt 4q ifby. this week. Chas. R. Knox -acreage. Nosth of Bowmanville. I~"> Service next Sunday will bel SWrite Box 112, c/o Statesman IMs. and Mrs. Irvin Allin. New-1 The fo1lovwin',ý bouscbold furnituse. heid as cburcb-school meeting at' -Office. 36-1' castle, wish to announce the en- and other cffecfs, including: 12 pm. wben eus pastor will be Amber SFARM-100 acre fasm, al yde gagement of their daughter. Doris Dining îei ut, erc sieVVt s cultivation, choice land,lag Ellen, to David Geddes, only son bds, dresser. xvasdrobe, oak IThreshing is the order of theH0 N EY 1 ~o Mss. and the lafe Ms. John1 combination xviting dcsk, wal.jut day among the fasmners. brik oue, are tale.pigeyGeddes of Toronto. Tbe massiage, combination wviting desk; uphol- Sevesai from bere attended the on sale at h chieken bouse, silo, implement wiil take place Septembes llth at sfered coueb, sexing m-chinc, dedication services at Solina on HONFY HOUSE, ORONO dsbed. All buildings in A-1 sbape; 3 o'ciock, at the borne of Ms. Stan- coal ail.stove, hall rack, chair ta Sunday.' hydro in ail buildings; dsiiled ley Aluin. 61 match. chest cf dsawers, 2 Con- - Tues., TChuro-., 7 69 9 1 nv% .t welI; smali orcbard; balf cash se- ____ oem îus c ox okn a.atro 2to quired. Mrs. William Scott, one goemrrg, eborcig a.ateno -mile soutb, one mile cast of Mrs. Pauline Nichais Forbes, chais, ratirri rocker, bandlmade TOOK OVER WOMAN'S 15e per lb. in your standa4 n Tyrone (Couch Fasm). 36-1 Oshawa, Ont., announces the en- jwainut hall sc~at, hbandmade oak DEPOSIT WITHOVT NOTICE Honey Containers ________________________gagement of ber daugbtes, Marian isirie table, winut sv,.ivi.i desk Tren Nihol, t MaleyW. it-chair, law-n ower, dishes, g'arcdeîj (Toronto Globe and Mail) i Wanted To Buy flewood, son of tbe Rev. and Mrs. t ools andi nuni2rous ches r iiees. TeCnda tfsaBw CHAS. R. KNOX S.Liftlewood, af Bobcaygeon. The Sale 1:30 r.n sharp. Termis cash., manville, on August 12 relates a BEFORE seiling yaur live poultry araewntk lc nSa-rI.J bi jte 36-;.e sf053' hich illustrates wbat state 64r2RO ,O etry us. Our prices are bigher. M. urday, Sept. 18, 1948, at 4 oýclocîk, contrai cf ail banking could mean ,F R Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phono 7 r in Albert Street United Cbuscb. t niiul.A utainw- HNYADFJ 13. reverse charges. 17-tf361TR IE man, going firom Brisbane ta Mel- OL o cipld ose. f o T RO Eboumne ta visit ber son, took witb __- - OLU r cîppld hsses Ifyou ______her $4,000 in Australian money want us ta remove your de ad farm COMINO EVENTS Don't forgef the annual Harvesf and banked if in Melbourne. The stock within an ho",ý. (-11_________ __ --___ ome î t Tysone nr'x.,t Sunday Commonwealth beard af this mo- leet. Margwill Fus Fasm, Tyrone, Dance at Tyrone Hall, Saturday,, and Monday, L[:)or Dï. ney and took all of if but $4 and phoe Bwmavile 2d..Seperier4. Ruth Wlo's Vr- Wc hloPe'fa cee a goqd attend- tibat was the fisst she knew afiti. S d ioo 1 iety Biind. Admission 50c. 36-1* once at choir pi-actice Friday ev.-1 The tardy explanation was that -Kelp Wanted ening.l she hadn't made an income tax jEucbre, sponsored by The Com- ý Miss Bessie His won 3rd place seturn The Socialist tax depast-ple 1BOY or girl. Apply at Cseam of panions af the Forest, Thuisday1 in bcr table selfing demionsf:-afion ment did flot know that she bcd SU Pp le -Bariey Camp. 36-1 evening (tonight), Sept. 2, in th,: in th"eI-Tomeo Making Club) at Pet- an incarne or that sh 0-,wed tbe ___Sans af England Hall. Good prizes. erboso fair'. state a shilling. The3F learneciA WOMAN with sales abiiity. In- 36.l1ý Mr. and Mrs. . M. Coley rmd that see ad $4,000 and .Without terestin work a y_________urs.Bsock, West Hil,ý Mr. ai-d Mss. 'psocess of law, court action, rPays weIl. Write Box 11il tte- W oofo ihM- "djdeenlrgribe oe nott's 1 man OffEuch. 3-2Saturday, Sepnthember Hal4ad rMs Howard Brent and Mss. Big- 'on if. She may or rnay not haveyHo e M AN Office. 35rRa2legh8:30 ev p.m. inda the Union Hall nd Ielovw'been a tax dodger but tat sould V r e y I e s MANwatedfo Ralegh us eesySaurdy heraferspn- Mr. and Mss. Fr-ank Wrigbf, h1 e prox-ed firsf. This happenêti <OPPcsit-e Garton's> 'mess. Real oppastunity. We 1 sored by the Ladies' Legion Aux- Grant and Bvre.Mir. and Mss. sevesal yeass ago but it got con- belp you te get stasted. Write iliary. -1 NelYiovesDnandCsi ___________________________________ Rawleigb's Dept. ML- 1-140-0, attended the i--opening of Eidad Montreal, Que. 36-5 Dance wili be beld in tbe New- 1 Ch'iscb. Suncla. AVONProdets equies Slescastie Communify Hall on Labos IMs. Sani r-owvuis. Trenton. Ms. AVONProuct reuirs SlesDay, Monday, Sept. 6 under the and Mr,;. Everett Bow.ers. Bell e- Representative in South Bowman- auspices ai Board ai Management. ville, witb Mr. and Mî's. Raymon dPefcin s s ville and Newcastle. Part time. Russ Creighton and bis new. 7- Ciao)p. Standard Practi'-e Box116 Sttesan ffie, 52*sion 50c per persan. 35-2 .Ms. Robt. Camnero'n, Ms. and MssI.g EL. For Rent Maber's Double or Nothing Ra- Mr. andA ls.e6oreAnileadihTepameitlae ahn dia Bsoadcast will be held in the jMi-. and Mss. Howardl Philp, Mi,. ta chance when he compounds TWO unfusnisbed raoms. Apply Bowmanviîle Higb Sebool audi- i and Mi.. Everton White and Mi'. aprsiton Hssadrdn 39 Beech Ave., between 6 and 8 forium. Monday, Sept. 20, sponsar-i and Mî-s. W. S. Staples enia ed a '->-.-ah ispoesal vok s p.m. 36-1* cd by the Boy Scout Mothers' As- 1 bon',.ttip through the Muskoka , pefeipo,"andinascl o. Bowmanvile. Available at once 36-1 Mr. and Ms..ark Gibbs and srigti tnadh p Michc. i visited tCi lBechhoids the finest traditions of ta suitable married couple. Write --A L 1 1 "qMIgnAV- REPTLMMIM 2.1149

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