-.........~ - -, - - --~.. Cbr t4atenar "DuTham Coun-IF -s-G-e- Famiv.Jw~r Hendry Family of Newcastle Win Unique Scholastic Record Awarded Four Scholarships match the remarkabîe scholastic record of the four sons and two daughters o! Mr. andi Mrs. John Rendry, Southannan Farm, RR 3, Newcastle, Ont. But the central point of interest in the record is the coincidence that four mem- bers of the family followed each other i winning the Montague Schclarship awarded annually for higbest standing on graduation from Newcastle High School. The attention o! this paper was drawn to the above achievements when Major Bert Wemp, DFC, ~... Toronto Telegram feature writer and Ex-Mayor of Toronto, tele- phoneci that Archie Hendry. 19,' youngest in the family, haci beený awarded the 1948 Mowat Scholar- i ship in Mathematies by Queea s University, Kingston. Major Bert Wemp wanted a personal sketch and a photo o! this brilliant young student. The Mowat Scholarshipi 15 valueci at $232. Success Story Always interesteci in publishing Archie Hendry the stories o! promising young students, we commenceci enquir- pleted 5th Form studies la Bow- les which turned i p the facts o! manville High Sehool. th e Montague Scholarships wbich Finally, Archie flot only won are given below. But we learneci the Montague Prize 'but xent 5ev- that Archie, a short-wave. radio eral steps further in adding to expert, haci captured five impor- the famiiy laurels. Sa there is the tant prizes during bis prepatory story and coincidence related ta education to take a graduate what amounts ta almost a family course in Electrical Educatio ttaiin i ecsl ig Quee's Uiverý.'School. At Newcastle School, Farming Tradition where tuition reac " jthc Other members of the family l2th Grade, Archie, ~..ptured the nld RoetEHnrywh Montague Scholarship and also includ rvobt E. Henry wo theWilot oldMedl fr hgh-castle Hîgh Sehoal and took the est standing in his class. Then be Associate Course at Macdonald entereci Bowmanville High School Col lege Sehool o! Agriculture, St. to complete bigher grades. Ia 1947 Ana de Bellevue, Que.. He con- he won the Lions Club prize in tinued farming, is marriedl and1 mathemnatics and on graduation purchased the farm o! Ex-War- this year be won the distinction de .J lit, ocsinS. of the most popular student in Bowmanville. Upper School by vote o! the stu- dent 'body. His fifth honor came An elder son, also a Newcastle in winning the Mowat Scholarship High Sehool graduate, took his in Mathematies from Queen's Science Degree at the Ontario Vet- University.f erinary Colege, Guelph. He is Our eserchnatuall le tolocate i in 'Halifax, N. S., where Oueriscoearych at furlm embers he conducts a veterinary clinic cfthe familey haci wourthe Mon- and accepts calis as a specialist ta ofatue Sclhoahpson tNewcast_ many points in the Maritimes. It Highe School. riesirnNastand will be noteci that. ail except Ar- later careers complete the story chiereain afrmadlsctc briefly as follows: pursuits. Thrift Annabel Hendry, now Mrs. Sots dernet Rickard, Shaw's, was the The Hendry family have a tain- iIf'»rst member of the family to ous Scots ancestry and although ;e'the Montague Scholarship, the parents, Mr. and Mrs. John va ~ ~ hen t 15.Se later Headry have won fine success in grdtd from the Ontario Lad- farming for many years at South- ie*College, Whitby, and joined annan Farm,. they stili have the I#e faculty as a teacher tefore iher characteristie "Scots burr" o! marriage. speech.. Stili youthful and active1 Famnily Spirit Next came brother, Alex W. 'Rendry, who after winaing the Montague Prize, returaed ta the famnily !arm. He too, is married end now manages the !armn, spec- lalizing in registereci seeci grain end a pedigreeci dairy herd. .Third ta capture the scholarship was Editb Headry, now the wi!e of Dr. Bruce Murray, VS., Stirl- ing, Ont. Like the others she alrik ia semi-retirement, they attribute the success a! their children most iargely ta the virtues o! bard work andi thri!t taught them and they brought those precepts ta South- annan !romn the landi o! the H-eather and Thistie. Af ternoon Blaze On Tuesday Destroys Local Merchants Say Summer Business Good Due to Tourists Four factors have contributed to the increase of tourist buyîng in Bowmanville over last year. 1948 has witnessed the greatest number o! U.S. tourists visiting this country o! ail times. During the first six monthe of the current year, 302,021 persons entered this province on Travellor's Permits alone exceeding last year's record number by 13.6%, Hon. Arthur Walsh, Minister o! Travel and Publicity, recently announced. An increase in the value of goods which may be taken back duty free naw permits U.S. tour- ists who stay in Canada 12 days to take back $400 worth of goods per person. The new double highway which by-passes the business section o! Oshawa now places Bowmanville lin the favourable position o! be- ing the first town o! *easonable size reacbed after leaving Tor- onto. The efforts of local merchants to exhibit attractive window dis- plays and a prosperous business section lias done a great deal to stimulate business, this season. Most o! the local merchants ques- tioneci, stated that business had reached an alI time peak and in some cases doubling that o! last year. -. . 'y .1o rnivits ÂJ2.LL a, ILu4zs 6'O c PER COPY> NUMBER 36 Posiponed Lions 'Club Carnival Draws Big Crowd on soi Righi Feature, Ail-Star Sofihaîl Game Rained out twice, the Bowman- He camne fromn the famous Bonan- ville Lions Club annual carnival za Kernaels owned by Barney Dil- was beld, flnal]y, on the Hlgh liag who haci several o! his pedi- School grounds Wednesday night, greeci cockers on display. August 25. The week was the hot- The ten Philco Maritel Radios test on record for the past 50 were won by Cecil Hill, Black- years andi people just shut Up tock; A. Dorney, Toronto; Mrs. their homes Wednesday evenlng to WM.' Maynard, Bowmanville; congregate at the carnival where Vern Smith, Port Hope; R. Lock- an occasional breeze broke across hart, Bowmanvilîe; Adele Trim- the campus under the hilîside ble, Weston; Wilma Wotten, Bow- trees. But there remained a hu- manville; Mrs. Jane Ayres, who midity that apparently causeci a recentîy arrived inl Bowmanville listlessness when it came ta shell- from Englanci and is visiting the iag out at the booths calculateci tQ Carter family; H. G. Brough, produce the larger portion Of Bowmanville, andi J. Drinkie, funds needeci for the ver.y impor- Oshawa. tant Lions community service. Just to make the game mare Happy Children interesting the Lions had iucky Among the score o! well stock- draws between the innings. lst eci, miniature emporiums. the ice draw was a Waterman Pen and cream, iceci drinks booths got the Pencil set, won by R. E. Osborne, big play. Equally popular was Bowmanville. The 2nd draw, a the merry-go-round where hua.: DuBarry Beauty Kit, was won dreds o! chilciren haci a wonderful by Peter Stacey, town. The 3rd time as they also di at the pony draw was a DuBarry Beauty Kit, rides superviseci by Harvey won by Miss Marion Mar- Brooks. Another popular spot was tia, Newcastle. The 4th draw, an the home cooking booth presiciec overaight bag was won by Miss aver by wives o! the MEm r Doris Luttreil, Toronto. The 5th But even the most lusty Lo' draw, garden hase was won by roars failed to draw good patron- Ken Ruadle. The 6th. a coffee ïMerchants Questioned age to the major -lucky^ draw booths. At the midnight close it ar ~ odadrslnnwas estimatedl thatth~e returns Dgoods. Hudson Bay and Ken-, stances. wood blankets are in great de- Ai-trGm mand by U. S. tourists. AI-trGm Jeweilerv shops report tîhat, A week previously. wvhen the Engiish china, 'better makes of showe was rained out, the chie! at- iwatches and some siiverware of traction, an Ail-Star Softball 1 vell-known manufacturersaei Game between the Toronto Hock- the lists of bargain iiunting ls, ey Ail-Stars and Bowmanville tors. Ail-Stars, had to be cancelled. It came Off as scheduled on Wednes- The restaurant business in Bow-da evening. It was the grand manville has more than doubled opening wth the players piped this season with many campli- onto the field by the Boys' Train- ments for tlie quality of the food ing School Bugle Band. The game and the splendid service. . i reporteci on the sports page of Bowmanville is not the only this issue. But the bleacher fans town benifitting from the tourist were listless in the heat andi of- boom this season. Reports have fereci applause only when pepped been received that towns ail over up by Johnnie James as he an- the province are breaking records nounced the players andi plays ov- in this year's increase in business er the Radio Shop public address uto American tourists. system. uTh, nceased tourist trade. has ]uleTak brnught many more AmericanPulcTnk to Carnival Manager Emmons dollars ino Canada and in return Crawford welcomed the galhering these U.S. dollars are essential in vrtemcohnadtea- buying gonds and services pro- oeerathe icke ropoeand he at- curable only in the Unitedi States.tendace e d rdas erae sua- In this edition o! the Statesman uervie bys broadte James a apasadslyadvertisement jvnl ospce h inn appers dislaytickets £rom the drum. At the issued y the Foreign Exchange conclusion of the night's proceeci- Control Board o! the Dominion nsLisClbPedntJc o! Canada requesting al Cana-Bing, eions lubpesientJacks dians to co-operate with the F.E. fBroughespessei publiac thans C.B. regulations by turning inpafor "te ospleid lictenace ayi whatever U.S. currency they re- patro ng hthe p a ublc n lery ceive to their banks to keep a warme Canih theAsias ubleent. proper trade balance.t h CriAl he Lons.Cub ar Trinity Choir Makes Gif t ta Organist At Picnic Gathering The annual TrinitY Churen choir pienie was helci at Mr. A. W. Pickard*s cottage at Williamns sponsoring an Ail-Star Football game between Ulster Unitedi, Tor- onto, andi Darlingtoa Ail-Stars, la Tyrone Commuaity Park, on a date ta be announceci later la Sep- tember. Prize Winners "Leo," the cocker spaniel pup-j py was admired by many andi won by Neil Britton, Newcastle. tabe, was won by Jimi Coyle, town. Public Health Nurses 1 . South Ward School: Mrs. MuriE Four public health nurses have Symons and Miss I\yrtle Hall. recently joined the staff o! the At the High School Miss C.0 tNorthumberland-Durham Health Martyn as resigneci andi Mis Unit ta f111 positions left vacant. Gwendolyn Murray. Toronto, wh, Miss Mona Sharpe and Miss graduiated from O0.C.E. last yea: Jennie Tabacki tok their post- has -been engaged inla er placE graduate work in Public Health Mr. Jack Ross. Toronto, bas beet Nursing at the University o! To- engaged is Assistant Physicia ronto. Trainincg Instructor. The remain Miss Ruth Austin and Miss Ber- der o! th(, _staff is as follows: Pria ice Seeds bth receiveci cegrees clo)al L. W. Dippel. A. Andersor in nursing from MeGili University Miss L. M. Carr. Miss JTean Cun. andi each baci 6 years o! service aingham. G. R. Elliott. Mrs. Agne! as nursing sisters with the Can- Lewis. Miss Hilda Rice, W. M~ adian Army Mdical Corps and Stacey. E. J. Witherspoon. served inl Africa and Europe. Mr. R. G. Harle is musical di. These nurses each had a varety rector for the three shools. of expérience in hospital work, industrial nursing, or with the Vîctoriza Order. They will bc Noted Indlustrialist working in diverse areas o! the WelK o nH e Health Unit. Miss Austin from the elK o nH r Brighton office: Miss Tabackj from Transferred to Eng. the Bowmanvllle office, while Miss Seeds andi Miss Sharpe will work out o! the Prt Hope office, Howe Martyn, noted scholar andi industrial executive, who has Locl fshemensee tobe erybeen identified with Lever Bras., successul this season. Messrs. oot, for sme years past, has Nathan Hircock, Bill Batesan been transferred ta the marketing .im Fair journeyed ta Fenelon bado! that huge firm lan thé Falls last weekend andi brought home office, London, Englad. back 18 pikerel andi bass, 6 each, With is wife and family they andi the smallest not less'than 16d saileci for Englanc, August 6, on: iches la length. Messrs. Charley the Queen Mary from New York. Brzes andi Bart Smithson went t Mr. Martyn. a grandson o! the and snared five pickere. The au- Bowmanville, and nephew o! the theticity a! these stories shoul- late W. J. S. Rikard, Shaw's, is not be doubtec. but as yet Thenown to many la this district Statesman hasn't baci any visual proof.- Local Schools Open Renuvcls Tuesday, Sept. 7 With1 tàt.of eeu ene uvth a a ow rnpr o Donald Cobson praceeding west James Bediford, King St. East, in his car stoppcd when he saw andi Edward Fiee, Bawmanville, Lowdea driving out on the high- were crassing a level crassing east way. When the truck driven by o! Newcastle, about 6:30 Tuesday rLowden callideci with the trans- evening, whea their car stalleci. spart, it turned completely arounci Bedford and Fiee were attempt. wîth the tail end striking Cob- ing ta push the car off the track, sson's car. when a train came arounci the g Lowden was uncansclaus when bend ' éDr.-H. Rurndie arrived at the scene Engineer George Joel and Can- a! the accident and was taken ta ductor F. Campbell, la charge o! Bowmanville Hospital. Injuries the C.P.R. freight, endeavoreci ta indicate possible cocsin stop the train, but ±'ailed ta do so before the car was struck. The train carried the car 21 feet where Lawrence Goddard it was pushed into the south ditch VW ins Chev. Car In fence aantte ht n 1There was cansiderable damage Oshawa Legion Draw' dane ta the car, a 1939 Nash, but ~nuuuher driuermanpwaseone o!eI captured othe neitherizdriver orAuto nd Ggerawera casle1 iemthe Most surpriseci men ian ow aie o nkd ind edIî ,~ a e b u a , us day L iowr e a t T h r o n g s a i E ld a d C h u r c h I n o i i ro em n il , Saturday night, w e s o n ' v n cateHigh S hool. She also com- Pr ! u k ow rga b o e -F r S n a e m r a e v c sj reoiad we t t raasf e e b r h w o u t ln t h e is o la t e c i g a r a g e o ! G e . s o n e S u n d y t a c n ! i r m h e n o w Fowler near the '" t r n t ea d ds o eei t a o b d b o es r p rs rcî e h O p ns E ec ri ho aker as a t he garagTe da th i e se pie thMxre e h at t at c soreGodt eddnshnanddu y w ncr ofa e'rlt ta sm n tth Pe rb r Fo - an t is ssume ci th t l aci-s i tepr eaîe xtrer a ee k tx resci d ep t aa s îa b ha!ion u a ter 1948 Coah afe ci e In St. C a th a rin es gasolene q ike eth e bo l a zed ..s el tePrevng water ae d to y atessChurcnd h e B rfor h n saildt-enoff by tereOhaxvalbrah a ! h w w r i c m l s u q u ic k elis eh e aew e e k a g o. L a t e r on f o C- eri es ta dar, Fid y, ug 13 , he th fre lar w s t ra d -gaton A lrg nu ber ca e s mm r a h eB a tesmoran: th ay e do- 1 4 C ac Fauresftll p e ingo ! eSt a tfine, i he fir e riga edmade antie-d M m ra evc s i la e uiu nd u eu it. I -ofb h s a ab a !romdisantpoit aUjiten rcSnay tir natin o! 100 rortMiss AnaesaMeri. G Fdd rd a acy a ouaecin ectric, a that ity. W2t9,e1s4ai laidaaseeforthe longdistanc erines St ndard, F iday, Aug 13, Whe sti tironlthe wwaitrnnd lfst.omwten fhoiMrs.t Oshorneng vasr rnnfora upwta recivetno s !sbstg od uc. D. E W Sison forsh toknfe, a t o e s f l a k e i b t s t i o n a l id - t a t h e n ar e s byig d r a dt e a n - x i a t i o n . o ! l am e o i l n d o w s a m e i d o n a e i y i h t r a n M r . dG o .i s s 2 s e o d , i t r , i f u t ve er n to rsepl u saes, l-th e time the smaîî, compact t urec plaqueinstat eointta ho nr ear t oW. oJames, Bow mavi sse, A ni te Onathe clasing day sh won h c ess o!in th e pro ie tr, eorg ta n g olai e o avt e lo d. st n cef i t e sain o h n ar . l so ban ese ci Mt, C r. Pa co , e p lp t h c ir e t l n t e a t n i t icth oose who rvalteer dfo e vi Ms.an W. t Y elowl esan i!m ly. .N tvGoeo floo.l doi a t e s ow h u vertsin ofsuply ouse, te tme he mal, copac stuctre ltqe sericledo!tah chrcdéwerefeelingmashe reaierecod ithe ness on bis owa la St. Catherines, the new furaishingsof! ews, Il the churh bistryfo the gfts9 e rOl De.1 14.Intesor poeIi eauty S lnpit, chairs anci organ donateci anci anci contributions anci pleciges by Ilowe M'artyn 9 er l aieadMg a o! 2% years he bias won publice a e w e contributeci. These were all des- the people o! the commuaity, tram holiday visits with bis rela- Teitm ro leading electrical dealers ia the 1- ieeRfre so oa Niagara Penisula. Mrs. Molly Sanders Beautiful Settina' it possible for ii ta annouce college carca. est bcause it refers ta the fahrS Ta ~~~~~~that Eldaci Chuncb was that day He graduatecitrrom Stratfordac rafto !svrlwl ioigltra eebr x George Humpage is a son o! T accommodate the solemnity rdition, Augr f evra Ge.W umae a vtrn Fied n ptoso teIigof the occasion andi the greatj completeiy fre rom debt. As a sehools where bis father xvas for known citizens of Bowîiianileus252, r.O- 19e4.1 ,W. Hcumpage, w eean rie ncy S an i llpatron s e the ar num ber expected, the Church th ughtfu I conclusion andi r-dec- m any years Principal o! the N i-O e o Norok C u t' l etjb r e w n a c frt p îe ai 1914-1, ex- ouncilor, B wman- Beauty Salon wîll e pleaeci t jI - Board ere t ank!ulfor t e bea - ticato lili inviede theche gr ga-gm leSeholmaHe wect o ta He resdeatsnndta îfologOresiontNosrfTh se wia add reat] ville,"wbo with Mrs. Humpage are leara that Mrs. Molly Sanders jutuwr taVio heba-to a ieadsn "rieGd1t oria ollage, niv' esity o! Oan alielngr s-titasutabttosith proucio' hirsnssccs.SnWho bas been the popular man- W. rE. C. Workman tfl forlFrrgmas o ton a rscaci sigPasaFo"1citorGaveror eenersit edal a sces.Sntfu lra raneets o t a! thisdistrict, John Willi hi George graduateci from Bowman- ager for the past two years. lias 1 palms, ferais, glacioli andi asters Prom Wem AlI Blessiags Fmiles ville sehools andi than starteci as purbasaci the business !rom Miss manvilile la cars for Williams donateci by the Atkins Flowen The hyma was sung with deep Toronto, where ha majorec inlaoa Simcoe on No. 3 Highway, cl-__________ successful salesman la the elcc- Betty Bickle o! Whitby. Point between 5:30 andi 6 p.m. Shop, Bowmaaville, also the la- feeling. philosophy. Ia 1930, hae coatinueci brateci bis 98th birthday on Fi tricai uine 6eore ha went into Mrs. Sancers is weîî quaified After a celicius picalesupe stallation of the public aciciess Appropriate Music is studies at Christ Church, Ox- da, August 27, o nbte at business la St. Catherines under for the task o! operating baer own arra ngad b3' Mrs. Harry Crycien. systemn by th e Radio Shop, Bow. Tecuc ui ragc o fard Univcrsity, England, tinder jBora on the sanie faim WervT rog the name o! George's Radio andi salon. She bas taken courses and man anci Mrs. Tom Hircock was manville, andi the electnic fans the aftemaoon service wvas chosen an Amenican Feiiowship, takiag a he aow resides, Mr. Osborne i vAIr Appliances. Gnowiag success practical training la aaarly every serveci, swimmiag anci boating arrangeci by Bryce Brown, of with discerriment. The chair flrst in modern greats. so f the late Ward Osborne ac forceci is removal ta 91 Geneva paeo! beauty culture, starting -%vas enjoyec.Oshawa, and the Radio Shopaudmes indeci"Te DeurM e entderci sinAes wiTha Adeline Mcnaîy. Ho was acT w nFî p h a s e ~ ~ ~ ~~Bw m a v i îe . T h e s e r v ic e s w r c a d msen c H r , HrkM K m A d e is n A g a y T o - o !. a a m ily o ! te n , o ! w h o m o ] St., across the street from the in Guelph witb one o! the out- A sing ong was elc, whicb was thus cariaci ta the overflow gath- Mys Soul" with the sla prts tak- nto. and laten joineci Lever Bras, a e sister, Mrs. Emma Watsono sfmcs i h ttsa first store anci the change o! standing salons anci later being ld by M. Russell Osborne anci eriag la the basemet Suaday Brc eTb y or. J. sC. LSm a ay orMn. stadvnt iiag maager.t i n ard Simcoe, who is 85 years a! a .i s at w e h al aî one~ goaderesavice lina oo! asae g w stbMissmcDonl ev S eîdamasoa. Seboaonlahcofonful, comiontableR.N.. Bowmanville, sang with is coasidereci a great stap upward brother, Arthur Osborne of Woo.mnil nacafeei mu who basreha avtrlieavnu larnetab.isb me on La the l ae.edonth rn T snu W. deep feeling the solo, "Bless This anci a recognition o! exceptional bouse, died ln December, 1946. soe1yFiayfrno.Te frotage with 40 feet o! show ta Bowmaville two years agoi Cawker, n behaf o! the chir Officiatinir Ministers House." talents la the business field. M. Osborne continues ta enyprceeitaTrtowreal wiaclow. The intenior is fia- and, acconding ta ber owa state- imombers, presenteci their ora- Gucst ministers who assisteci the Equally appropriata wena the Mm. Martyn marrieci Miss Mar- remankably gond heaith and i i b onhte fiilyoee u !shed inlablue-gray andi as fluor- ment, feula love with the tawn ist andi conductor, M. W. E. C. circuit miistr, Rev. E. S. Lin- slections for the evening service. jorie Howood, Toronto, la 1933. le ta get abut the fanai everyda.Cada NtialEhbtote esceat ligbting. Display depart_ anci its !riendly people. Workman, with a punse, la ap- steacin l the services were Rev. J. The choir selection was "Senci OutTbey bave thraa chilciran, Nancy In politics he lbas beeîî a lifeon saaftro. meats include alI the latast home Possibly the tact that she bias preciatioîî for bis many yaars of Vanner McNelly, Oshawa, Presi- Tby Light" anci visiting soloists tandi Sylvia anci an infant son. Pet- Libenal, and ieh is a menîber ! Terylvstr eeetr electrical appliances set up la built an enviable reputation for admirable service as aganist anci dent Bay of Quinte Coaference, were heard with deligbt. Mns. an Howa. Three sistars, Miss Flo. Mr. Zion Unitedi Church. tieiae hmdya h oa model kitchen, living oom andi fine workmanship and service1 choir leader o! Trinity Unitedi anci Rev. Walter Rackam, Man- Lenore Crawle, (frmerly Lenora rnce Martyn. Miss Cal Mar- H aneitefre aytyett !R.Hn icn bath with the basement given w ich as made han salon na o! Churc, B awmaîville. la, former pastor at Eldaci for 14 Reynolds), Oshawa, a g " om Heni .G r on J cln lv rbm o a ck tefor mero paeiiisyate w od Catn çr to a service departmant, a the busiest la town. is also ta Praseatations weî-e also madie years. The afteraoon service an- Ye ta the Mountains" andi Mr. la Toronto. andi bis parants, Dr. away la 1932. Ta this unionwee otboWlomHp Twn e showroomn anci stock. Lame extent respansible for bier, ta Mrs. W. Dork, andi Mrs. L. Mal- rangeci as the formai dedication, Glenn Allia, Newcastle, sang and Mrs. H. G. Martyn, live at bora eight chi]drn, seven o hp ava h asyhm ng deémonstrations ane c fandaess for this dist-ict.calin, twa members o! the choir, was taken jointly by Rev. Lia- "Open the Gates o! the Temple." 1 233 Water St., Stratfond. wbom are stili living. Tlîey ae fe rafs h at asc hedi h o e c- 5 Ms.Sad 1swasbr h eercnl r. stead anci Rev. McNeely, with the Chair leader Mms. John Baker andc.Brlaisoneo t and al displays feature home en- Guelph, daughtr o! Ms. Hanni Appreciation sas expessd ta visiting miister preaching a pow- Orgaist Miss Ileen Balsn, offi- vironments. gan anci tha late T. J. Hanniai j1Mn. Pickand fan providing sucb a enfuI sermon apprapriate ici the ciate inif the musical services. Miss Doren e.affrcy on the staff aines. Evenett L. Osboriie o!fow :3Ean aThactenei o! the nwope ho paow ta himany Baw le i beautiful site fan the outing. occasion. 1gev. Rackham preacb- The Future maf iheaBanksofCharles Kitchen a! Daspite tha beat ChatlesiKntche &Thaeaihng do ore bo niorta bi anBt \Vaiwll ____________ d la the evening on the impor- And so a new chapter n athe. iag a vacation. 1 Waltonor, Mrs. R.lH.am secan teso-ih a a ms-o :)frdo uzpo ctzn sSc-'tant place of public warship la the long service o! Eldaci Church op- A happy reunion took place lsta ton anMsse.H.sslac h itngihc rvles u p ~ o p î z o f e e c i o n a q i z p r - C t i e n a s S e . - T a a . ! t e n - r M . a n d i M r s . M i l t o n J . E l i t t c h u r c h , w i t b a s t i r r i n g c h a l l e n g e e n e c i a s t h e d e d i c a t o r y p a, a e h a M s A t o aof M a r a r el t son n M et he h rlo a s a a ea i pramr i , whe MripAthnieonsenManare Osornheihom. T grmwhicb was broadcast aven taia Municipal Electnical Assa.i have retumneci from an extendeci anci affectionate nemembrance for claseci the services o! a solema jo! Liberty St.. Town, anniveci at are also 21 grancichilcirena25 gra pweulcrwpthoghtw the local radia station. M uch o! H er busbaad , w ho dieci 14 'yea s 1m ator t i t a hie U nt d States. the people hob rd ila e r ast yet h op f l y b i h c a i nci S a e L k .A b r a a s e d se - g a d h l r n a d t r e g the success of the entenprisiag aga, vas Paul B. Sandars, Pro- Thev visited Mn. Elliott's brother, rest anci thase who senvec inl war. future free from debt andi with anal weeks with han sister, Mrs. E. great graîîichilcîren I lttîilPioica >l vrprietor is due ta bis sales abi- fesar af Horticulture at O.A.C. Harald W. ut Travers City v ich., 1fS ' Report cesore -. br. - ta a s pe 4e avranihlie n reget t 9jlty which bas been exteadeci The new aw'ner la lien aciver- tîîen %vent on to visit Mn .EiItt's 1A ms nersi part ofthe bSgt c 1rî aSlv a<A w d l as te s o sr o a al ie e ti hs ssfeh anci enduing as the spirit ago that thse two sisters spaat- 1 ih is sma w îig li wid ly s he po sor o! d il3 tsem nt a his isue, asse ts that nièe . En i ly Osborne in A lbert services was the address o ! the that as helc-iso true la the corm- eci on their arrivalinlaCanada train M rs. IH .H um phris, M s. W . H i h of w y radio pnagnam. The Statesmnan hem customaers wiîî continue ta ba Lea. Minnesota. Aften tourng thej longtime Steward o! Eldaci, Mn. A. munity for the past century. Many Swedaa. Thein brother came ta Denseai andi son Scott atteýndi offers cammunity congratulations provideci with the finest matenjals îîarthera central States thev took 'L. Pascoe. Ha reaci the list of don- names of visitons at the services Canada a tew vears pniar to this. the f.ineral of Mrs. W . J. Rr,". M.ChreLogltoi.v ta Mm. Humpage on bis well earn-j available, good workmanshin andi the car ferrv- acrnss Lake Michi-1 ors ot the mpmonial Wvindoxs. th'e lx vill be founci in the Sauina ne,,ws.> and it s Iheïr hope ta xisit him at .(obr !W L,:~lc,. . wihle nD ...aisî niMs e d s c c e S . th b e s s er ic e s h e a n p o vîd . g a o n h e a y h o m e . p la q u e s o ! e m e m b ra n c e , th e a c - j la th is iss u e , b is h a in e o n *th e P a c if c c o a s t. w a s h e ld in T o ro n to u n F r i j- tv1 1, f . el J.. aS ýr, al n, 1- VOLUME 94 DCUVVXIAN ITTTTTT 19 TA,..'TU. . A - 5VPPM PP911 "Durham County's 1 Great Familv Journal 1 1 1 Tuesday, Sept. 7, brings sweet days of liberty andi the summer holidays to a close. This is the date set for the opening of the schools in Bowmanville by the Board of Education. The majority of the students look forward ta the begining ai the school year with anticipation, but there are some freedom loy- ing youngsters who would nol consider another month of hall- days amiss. Local book stores are getting ready for the big day with ar- rangements- for extra clerks toa take care of the expected rushj and shelves are well stocked with text and note books..1 Approximately 600 students are expected at the Central and South Ward Public Sehools and 300 at the High School. Miss Lena Tay-' lor, Reg. N., D.P.H., reports that 90 beginr.ers were registered last spring. Some changes have been made ocn the school teaching staff. At the Central Public School Miss Joan Richardson resigned and Miss Lillian Osborne. daughter ofl lMr. and Mrs. Orville Osborne. RR 4, Bowmanville, and Miss Dor- othy Haig. Coîborne, have been engaged. The rest of the teaching staff is as !oIlaws: Principal A. M. Thompson. Miss Marian Allun, Miss Leta Bragg, Miss V. Bunner, Miss Agnes Carruthers, Miss Mar- joirY Cale. Miss Marjory Couch, Miss Margaret MeGregor, Mrs. G. W. Miller, Miss Rena J. Mutton, ,t onat-Ions to New Arena éAllowable as Tax Deduction S7 After considerable correspond. f Completes Year ence with the Dept. of Revenue at Ottawa, Word was received this week that provided the Arena be.. Sy comes the property o! the town, ail donations to the Building Fund Smay be entereci as exemptions for income tax purposes. This annaunicement is expected ta give considerable impetus to the drive for funds which bas been carid on throughout the summer andi wiil become intensified i wthin the next few weeks. At present, with cash on hiand r .. and pledges, the Committee bas approximately $.35,000 with which ta work. An advertisement cail- ing for tenders for the building is in tbis issue andi will be sent 'toalal known contractors who have had experience in building Donations which have not been acknowledged include S22.55 from ladies serving Lions Club dînner; $25.00 from Bowmanville Ski Club J- and $50-00 from Dr. H. Ferguson. In the meaàntimne, the committee has obtained 200 yards O! gravel for use in constructing the f-,n- Victr R Boinsdation. has arrangeci ta have the Victo R. B vinspark cleaned up in preparation for of Taunton. xvho was a former building and will launch a car employee of the Goodyear Tire, drnw to raise additional funds. and Rubber Co., has successfully AIl that is needed now is more con'pleted his second year in money in donations from the citi- Theology at Emmanuel 'College,[ zens of town and district. The Toronto, and will shortly return only estimate in the hands of the to the Cape Croker Charge of the cammittee at present is one for UJnited Church to resume his $73,000 whwch will build the type wvork: among the North Amnerican o! arena that will be a real credit Indians.ta the town. Citizens are asked to take their private donations ta either the Bank of Montreal or the Bank of Newcatle Tuck Cnmmerce where they will be Nriercast uc given receipts for inclusion with Drive Hurttheir incare tax report. In Collision As time is getting short before winter, danations shaulci be made Turning out ta go \%'est !rom as soon as possible. the aid section of No. 2 Highway, west of Newcastle, at 7:20 MondayCa BaI f -r ,. evenîng, T. Lowden, Newcastle, CarBady aAagedL diriving a truck came in collision At Level Crossing 1 ý 1 v t IYA ., -- - . - -.ý V" e 4 Auav. e. ivi. jamiesorL