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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1948, p. 3

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TTRRDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1948 - ei~apg iayed for the first time F u itr tedBiea edn nC uc 3. Notice the food chopper at- F u itr tedB ieaW d igi bnzrC uc tachment designed ta hoid the 1 chopper flrmn and at the same time protect your table tt- or working surface. It cao be- fasteoed s0 thatit is eut of youn way whenj îl!yw£ d & 4.Again, a new grater and easy PRO ta dlean because the grooves are NfOME FONOMLÇrmore curved. 5. There are many new apant- ment washing machines this vear . These are time savens and require ,, -lel Hremaes e only smail storage space. beiieving!" is the motta cf te 6-f. An eiectric dnien for clothes ,< , hibitors at the Canadian National I another machine which many - Exhibition this year. These man- wamcn are considering. ufacturers tell thein story with 7. The thermometers are also Y--" minutes running time. It is worth- inexpensive cnes ever maree while ta do the Exhibition neayThe ne are specil purpase cnles fan stages so that you have tim tose deep frying, for syrups, or for14 thevanauspictitres and it's anceI>eats, as wcii as dualprpsr- way cf resting achy feet. cording gadgets. The women wili want ta spend 8. Electnie ranges are agaîn the some time in the Coliseum eci n fetursoa:the rt-e.su e ccke where there are practicai nt firats a e:ement sre oilin pa deconating schemcs and dmn-ta ftnight oen thea sel-gcoesan stratians pertaining ta home and tht ies igaisntht ringrike an community program prajects. alianm dock; light fixtures for the 0f speciai interest will be theavnesyt-anditasan day when your hobby or craft is in streamlincd handies.M campetition. Consuit the enta- 9. New iranens and hand irons logue for place and scheduie of are dispiaycd in the manufactur- events. ers' building whene many pieces New Equipment cf lauindry are being donc for your 1. More glasswane is now being benefit if you wish ta neview your k made in Canada. There will be technique. ample supp]y cf table glassware Community planning is the con. as weil as coaking and baking cern cf the family, yct womcn utensils cf this type, have a keen intenest in the pat- 2. The aluminum ieily moulds ternncf life sunnounding them. The of different shapes and sizes are model homes are in detail and an ___________________________ attendant wili be glad ta tell you ail about them. Requested Recipes Piquant Tangue Moldt W A W l1 package lemon jei]y aowder 2 cups hot water R AI NG 21/2tbsps iea 'àtsp. sait REPAER140 1tsp. scraped onion 31/ cups bailed tangue 1/ cup chopped diii pickles 1/ cup mayonnaise f or safisfaction Dissolve leman jeliy paowder i pobo ju, / ufu rw hot water. Add vinegar and sait. sgras espoon cf four, 2/3 cupful bnown cn hl.Winsihl hceelaves. Fi the pie plate. Add Hold-4th Reuniont resoabe rîes place in bowl of ice and water and the top acrust, crirnp edges and a -1AtB levle O t reasonable prices vhip with rotary egg beater until aeiahoovn45dAtB l vleO .2 Brig ou WachToUs fluffy and thick like whipped fn1gmntsrrdc e ta.mc Brig Yur atc ToUs cream. Fold in onian, tanguesd pickles ndmynaseeun rate 350 deg. F. and bake an- ino loaf pan. Chili until firm in other 2 minutes or until donc. ~, eny0etasn eea ALL WATCH REPAIRS electnie refnigenator. Unmold. Ciaves and brown sugan give a toewawn fiitdwt Garnish witiî crisp iettuce and ra- new and different flavon, but if ~ thoe wHstings and Priced wand GUAB NTE D Plntaion ilkShak its god, oo.Regiment, will converge on Belle- 1 GUAR NTE D dsh~s Maes 0 sevins. ou refe a ashcfilmanjuien.Oct. 2 ta celebrate the i 1/ cup peanut butter Iced Tea furharnual neunion cf Ontan- For One Year 1 ±isp.i-ioney Alaow 2 teaspoons of tea for . io's famous "Hasty Pees". Special t MANSRIGSICLDE 2cpsalk every standard measuring cup (8- events, featunes and prizes will f _______ ',iitUED usp. valîlamince) of briskiy boiiing wvater. mark the get-together.a nutmeg uetes. A special feature will be thec Put peanut butter, haney anduts memoniai service, scheduled for sat 0 ai.Ad /4cu il ad Fili taîl glasses with cracked or Sunday, Oct 3 when the conven- beat until smooth. Add the re- cued iev wthn pur indthe hot tion wiil pay tibute ta the mcm-n VER X'~ maining miik continuing ta beat.te.Srewhsuaanlmn ory cf the many, Hasty Pees who Add vaniiia. Pour into jan, caver slices. jie h WieBtaint and store in refrigeratar until Old Tm at High-ranking afficers of the ne-b EL E Ry needed. 2 cups diced rhubanb giment, past and prescrit, wiil at- Top each giassful with a dash cf 1 cup water etn.Icue r t-o.Kn BOWMAN VILLE nutmeg. 11 cups sugar ~. nedy, president cf the Regimentai Biuebemry Pie lÇ2 teaspoon sait Association; Major Max Porritt, 43 King St. W. Phone 463 Line a pie plate with a rich pie 3 tablespoons quick-cooking M.C., and others fnamn vaniaus pastry 1/ inch thick. Mix 212'ta tapioca parts of the district. General ___________3 cups f bluebernies with 1 table- 2 ctîps crushed bernies chiir"---' fI4'---l - .'* '* li-rzeraPLN.DU VMZNIIVALLE, ON51 ITARLIO p ~Ar HIAMPTON (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Sarah Dickey, Nestieton, Mr. Fred Johns and Miss Louise Johns, Caesarea, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ploughman, Mr. and Mrs. iMurray Wood, Port Perry, Mrs. 1 Roy McGill, Enniskillen, Mr. Wl fred Williams, Nesteton, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams and Miss Eva Williams. Miss Marilyn Clemens, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clemens. J. B. Horn and daughters, Ijul- ton, are visiti ng relatives here. Mrs. Chas. Smith and Anna, Oshawa, with her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Tru il. Mrs. C. J. Jebson, London, and Mrs. Geo. Vine, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Da- mant. Mrs. R. H. Reynolds and Miss Lenore Reynolds, Toronto, with Miss L. Reynolds. Mr. W. G. Giffler, Sunderland, with Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountj oy. Miss Marion Kcrsey, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns, Oshawa, Reg. Ker- sey, Ajax, and Lloyd Kersey, Bradford, at S. Kersey's. Mrs. Orpha McGill, Vancouver, B.C., was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewett and Glen, Miss V. Kellar, Mr. and Mrs. Percy'McMahon, Wayne and Bobby, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert MeMahion. Mrs. Dorothy Wilkins, Gladys Barron, Muriel Truli. Grace Chant, and Miss Mary Niddery enjoyed a motor trip to Windsor and Detroit. A number of young ladies at- tended a shower for Muriel Craw- ford at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Broomne Monday evening. Bey. and Mrs. Linstead and daughter Ilda have returned from holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow and Roger, Mn. and Mrs. Austin Barron and Enlyne, Mn. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truil, Mr. and Mrs. Per- ey Allun and Shiela were enter- tained at Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn's cottage at William's Point. The Misses Pundon who have heen on a motor trip ta Quebec, accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Hawe of Hamilton, spent Sunday with their parcnts Mn. and Mrs. J. Purdon. Mr. and Mns. M. Motuntjoy and Mrs. 0. McGill called on friends in Lotus and Janetville A number of friends and rela- tives fnom Hampton attended the funeral of Gordon Trevail in Osh- awa on' Thursday which was very largely attendcd. Service wa-r r'nnducted by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson. The sympathy of Hampton people is extended to Mrs. Trevail- (for- mer]y Bertha Taylor Of Hamp- ton) and family in the sudden bereavement. We extend sympathy also ta Mr. Blake Stevens, Soli .na, in the death of Mrs. Stevens. -Our pastor ccupied the pulpit LOW ]RAIL FARES TO THE AUG. 27 - SEPT. Il $.OCoach Good going Thursday, Aug. 26 to Saturday, Sept. il ie. Return Limit-Sept. 15 Fuit inoraio "'.ayagn again on Sunday eveniing and gave a stirring message. There is littie difference ln ou* summers and those of the Yukort and Alaska. FOR' DAKERY AND RESTAURANT Only the Best QUALITY 1 AND IERICE IS ALL YOIT NEFD IF VOIT Can quaiify for a Provincial Second Mortgage YOU GET A modemn new home with alI of the following features: 1. A good location. 2. An excellent investment as xvell as a home. 3. Repayment of mortgage is probably less than your presenit rent. 4. Efficient floor plan. 5. Large rooms with plenty of -light and air. 6. Brick construction with full 7' basemnents. 7. Hardwood floors. 8. Fully insulated walls and ceiling. 9. Ample supply of double electric plugs in al the rooms. 10. Some houses ready for accupancy very soon. 11. Built by contractors who know their business, ta N.H.A. specifications. Don't delay seeing uis for further details, illustrated bookiet and prices. These homes are selling be- fore they are fnished. Yoiî must act quickly if you want a home of your own before tho snow flics again. Monthiy Payments Start at $25.50 per month. (principal and interest) Ask for Mtr. Nash at 4400 chofie1d SC1»NSU R ANCE Rcaitors 6 Simcoe St. N. OSHAWA ETH7- FILTER QUEEN Canada's Bagless Vacuum Cleaner FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION WRITE OR PHONE: A. L. ITCHING 19 BRADSHAW ST., BOWMANVILLE PHONE 812 I I RING'S TAXI FIVE NEW CARS WHEN OUR CAB drives up to yaur door, yau're about to enjcy tbc utmast in safe, courteous, de- pendable transportation service. 24 Hour Service - PASSENGERS INSURED Cati Us For Prompt Service Te1eDhones: Day 561, Nighi 561, 707, 922 OPERATED BY LATHANGUE BROS. 8 baked tant shelîs 1/1 cup cream, whipped Combine rhubarb, water, sugar and sait i0 saucepan. Bning toaa bail and simmer 5 minutes. Add quiek-cooking tapioca and hernies and bning ta a full bail, stiring constantly. Remove fram heat. Cool, stirring occasionaiiy. Turn mbt tant sheils. Chili. Just before serving garnish with the xvhipped cream. Makes 8 servings. Anne Allan invites you ta write to hem in c ao The Canadian States- man. Just scnd in ycur questions an hoi-ceroking problems and xvatch this littie corner cf the col- umn for repuies. Praying Mantis Convene on King St. The local cntomoiogist, garder cm and w-ccd specialist, sitbingi the shadoe at Wood Senobe, had gooci expianation cf xvhy the mai street xvas invaded by sevenz hundrcd formidable insects knov as Pnaying Mantis, tbc past weel Sa me ivere green, some brow and thcy had shoppers steppin carefully oiong the hob pavemenù "There's no banîn in them," sai bbc exper-t. "Thcy î-eaiiy destnc mony other insecbs but won: touch humans. They probobl just dî-ifbcd ino t ovn seekirý relief fromo excessive heat ori dumbiv leapecd frum the frx-in pan iîîto bbc fine." The cracl refuseci ta comment further. Because "it does the rest," Kodak Verichroine Filn, nmakeq al your picture-taking sîîrc-ire - g-ivs %-Olt elear sparkling srîapslîotî5 eier N' inîie. Canadian Kodak Co., Liniîcd, T'oronlto.' Il's mode in Canada ... Kodak Film ... the film in the familiar yellow box ý "iKODAK IS A TRADE-MARK Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alvin Metclfe'who were wed in Ebenezer* United Church recently. The bride, who is the' former Miss Muriel Down, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Down, Oshawa, was attended by her four sisters seen in the upper pictune. From left ta right they are the Misses Jean, Ella and Wilma Down and Mrs. Harny Worden. The flower girl is little Miss Elsie Down, the bride's niece. The bridegroomn is the son of Mr. Norman Metealfe of Bowmanville and the Ste Mrs. Metcalfe. left by automobile for nanthero WEDDINGSand eastern Ontario. For travel- ling, the bride chose a suit cf rase m- ST. 3OIIN-ABERNETHY gabardine with matching hat and in navy blue accessonies. Hem jew- 10a In Bowmanville on SaturdaY eiiery was a cairngorum brooch, an aftennocn, August 21 the wedding a family heirioam, and a wedding ai took place at the home cf the gift from her great grandmother Yn bride's parents cf Miss Ruth Isa- Over hem suit she wore an aqua ýk. belle Abernethy and Mn. Harold shortie coat with a corsage of vnWilliam St. Jahn cf Sunderland. gardeolas. On their netura, Mn. ngThe bride is tbe daughter cf Mr. and -Mns. St. 'John wili reside in tand Mns. James H. Abernethy Osbawa. o5 f Bowmanvilie and the 'bride- id groom is the son cf Mn. and Mrs. HO0AR-COLLACUTT Oy Lloyd St. John cf Sunderland. alGrv UntdCuh lyt fred G amrnQugevpr as the scene cf a pnetty xvedding "Yig me the ceremony against a Satunday afternoon, wbcn Lenore id b ackground setting cf palms and Miidred Coilacutt became the lfern, and white standards cf or- bride cf George Edward Hoar. le chid and cneam coiored gladioli. Rex-. W. W. Patterson, Newcastle, jThe wedding music w-as played officiated and standards cf giad- by Mrs. Edwin DeNune, aunt cf ibu mode an effective setting. The the bride, and Mn. Harold Aber- wedding music was played by Mrs. nebby, brother cf the bride, sang, Ross Allun, tbc soiist was Mrs. "With This Ring," before bbc ser- Lawrence Malcolm who sang the vice, and "I love You Truiy," Lord's Prayer and Because. The duî-ing the signing cf the register. bride is the daughber cf Mn. and. Given bi marniage by ber fa- Mrs. Leslie H. Collacutt of Bow- ther, the bride was gowncd 10 J manviile, and'the bridegroom is ix'ary duchess satin fashianed the son of Mrs. Edwin C. Hoan cf, with a fitted badice, tiny self- Newcastle, and the late Mr. Hoar.1 cax-encd buttons icnding interest Given in marriage by her fath- ta the back. The nylon yoke er the bride wane traditianal white aubiined the portrait shouider- satin. fasbioned with a fitted»fha- uine. fonmed. by gathered foids dice, and long painted siceves. -.he of- satin edged with rosepointe of-shouider bentha and fishbail lace. The long sheath siceves pepiumn wene cf Chantilly lace. cnded in points aven the hands The - full skint ended in a train. andthe bouffant skirt swept into An orange blossam headdrcss heid a sliih train. Lace-edgcd foids ber full iengtb veil cf tuile iilu- of satin formed iny side pepiumsI sion and she carricd a cascade cf anci ber fingentip veil of tulle red roses. illusion feul froni a petai hala Miss Pearl Collactîtt, the bride's edged wîtb iny pearis. Hrjw sisten, was hem only attendant. ,She eleiIrv w-as a single strand cf ware a picture gowo cof sheli pink pearîs, the bridegroorn's gift, and faille with a low bentha and tiny she canîied a powderpuff bouquet puff siceves. Hem braided head- of Pinnochia roses witb a centre dress with bow at back matched cf garde'-ias. hem gown and she carried a cas- Miss 'Mari aie Rundie w-as thej cade of deep pink roses. bride's only attendant in a gawo The best mon was Mn. Harold cf loc moire taffeta witb a Hoar, brother of the groom, To- shaw'l necklinc and side pepiums ranto, and the ushers ,were Mm.' coniing ta a point belaw th e row Frank Hoar and Mr. James Nokes. of tiny self buttons dow-n the back A reception at the home cf the cf the badice. She wome match- bride's parents foliowed the cer- îng mnittens and a pebal halo, and emony. To receive her guests the comicd a cascade bouquet cf yei- bnide's mother ware pale blue iow glodiolus fiowercts. crepe with navy biue accessanies INm. Roy cc St. John attended his? and a corsage of American Beau- brother as best mon. ty roses. The bridegroom's mc- Fo]]oiving the ceremony, the ther, who assisted hem w-as in nay reception w-as beld and the bride's blue with matching accessonies mather chose a dness cf noyai blue and a corsage of yellow roses. crepe xvth a corsage of yeliow Gladioli and carnations decoroted i oss The bridegroom's mother the romrs. w%-are a drcss cf grey painted siik Later the couple left for north - 'and a coi-sage cf pink roses. cmn Ontario and Quebec on their Later the newiy married couple 'honeymoon. The bride was wearr unim i ivie uvei -an program is Regimental Sergeant Major Angus Duffy. Captain Bob Scott heads the dance committee with Captain Hyslop and Major Angus Mowat wilI look after the prize and draw arrangements. Padres Major Arthur Smith, Reg. Lane and W. Gilling will tbf- ficiate at the Memorial Service. Draws for prizes wilI he held at 11.30 Satunday evening. The an- nual association meeting-is sehe- duled for Sunday at il arn. when officers will bc elected and othen businesss transacted. ing a peach crepe dress under lier black -hortie coat, a black picture hat and accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Hoar will make their home in Toronto. 1 D For Proud Dress-Making 9D*44~ 1*0 & CHUSTEJILAIN F English pure wool worsted broaderepe 0 We have it again! Lovely Gordon Mackay Chesterlaine English Broadcrepe . . . soft drape ...warmth without weight. Two dozen high style colours ta choiose from. See titis smart, reasonably-priced fabric while there is stili full colour choice. .53 Io 54 inches %vide $2.95 0 For smart Tailored Casual and children's styles illustrated, se pattern books. The woman's dress in size 14 takes 31/a yards Chesterlaine - about $9.25, and about $1.50 for buttons, pads, zipper, thread. Pattern extra. 7dd46e4 S1o, 1iMÙnded k,ýaurà THE CANADIAlq 9TATrqUAlq MWUAMM.T.V. num,&ure% in

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