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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1948, p. 6

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-t - "t---r-n - -- t~ 4'- * W' - W 4@boa dCui TEE CANADIAN ~TATI~M'AT~t ~flWMANflTTT.T.I! ~ --- - - ~ * , Family Kotor Tour in the U.S.A. Nade Comfortahle ai Low Cost A Real Educative Vacation (Instalment No. 3) A previaus article deait with costs of five ways of taking a round trip ta California, by train, plane, motar bus, an arranged pri- vate auto trip or simply "thumb- ing it." These accommodations are common taday throughout bath the U.S.A. and Canada. Dif- ferl.ng destinations and length of time would find costs proportion- ed accordingly. There stilI re- Start Tonics Now Neo Chemical Food Liquid--5 1.35, $2.95, $4.95 Capsules $1.45, $2.65, $5.95 iAlphamettes $1, $1.85, $3.50 A.B.D. Caps-5 1.10, $2.50 Cod Liver 011 Caps ----- 98e Halibut 011 Caps ---69e, 98c Wampole'd Extract ---$1.00 Ayerst IOD Cod Liver 011, 4 oz. 75c, 16 oz. $1.75 Baby Needs J. & J. Powder ----- 28e, 55e J. & J. Ol r ----60c, $1.10 Mennen's Powder ------ 28e Mennen's 011 59c, $1.19 Pabena -----45e Pablum -------------- 45c Baby Pants ---35c, 59c, 85e Dextri Maltose -- 70c, $3.00 Castorfa - - 33c, 69o F-uCÈEM THEPERECTHAI DRSSI M rn#BIDy 25~*49 Phone 695 Baby's Plastic Bit COWLING'S OR mains to be diseussed just about the most economical, pleasurable and comfortable tour of the lot. That is a family tour in the fam- ily car, whether new and modern or a reliably tuned-up jalopy. Many of the latter are on the roads today, some flot sa reliable. Educative Trip Enquiries and observations and indeed the experience of many LINIMENT Relieves Athlete's Foot 1= P(NITnATING AIETOSE9II< ,- ~- MUICULAU HIUMATC PA~h~ and is excellent for Pain& and sprainh, lieu- ritis, lumbago, sciatica, etc. 4 oz. si»e 49c !10 oz. 1»i 1.0 SWEET PICKLE Mixture Excellent for beets 1 gal. 35e 3 gal. 20e Thermos Botties 1 qt. size $2.50, $2.75, $3.50 Pint size ------- $1.50, $1.65 Spint size -----------51.35 Special Value NYLON BRISTLE HAIR BRUSHES Reg. $1.75 --- now 79e Reg. $2.50--------- now $1.98 Hughes Brush $1.25 bs - 60C IUG STORE Trusses v * It's big newsl It's the radio event of the year! As of September 1, Station CFRB, Toronto, and ail your favourite CFRB programs and person- alities move to a new spot on your radio dial-101 . .. where you hear them over CFRB's powerful new 50,000-watt transmitter! Now 50,000 watts-a new high inI good listening I Listen ta *Radio Thctre * Iner Sonctum *Spotlght Revue *Jlm Hunier and Wes McKnighI et 1010 on your CI*-'! Follow all your favourites to 1010 on your dial-CFRBI Now 50,000 WEDDING VWHITEFIELD--POTTER Beautifully coloured gladioli formed the floral background in St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- manville, Saturday, August 21st, for the wedding of Dorothy May Tressa Potter, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Potter to Robert Whitefield, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Whitefield, Courtice. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. R. Nicholson. Given in marriage by ber father, the bride wore a street lengtb dress of blue crepe, with net yoke and round necklifîe, short sieeves and a lace trimmed peplum, a white picture bat with gloves ta match and a corsage of red roses. Miss Katbrine Patter, sister of the bride, was 'bridesmaid and ware a street length dress of tur- quoise silk with round neckline and short sleeves, and side pep- lum, a white picture bat with gloves ta match and a corsage of pink roses. --. --l- .r.cnn.11vwaz OsaaM.antr. akWe-GS NI man. ster, Ray Webster and Miss Enîd A great number o!f fiends ln For the reception at the borne Irving, Toronto, at Milton Samis'. Bowmanville and district were of the bride's parents, the bride's Alex and Joyce Abernethy re- shocked ta learn af the death Of rmother wore a grey dress with turned ta Peterboro after hall- Gus Annis, 54, wbo died suddenly grey and white accessories and a daying with their grandparents. in Bowmanville Hospital, early corsage of pink roses. She was Doug Hooper and Ross Taylor Monday morning, Aug. 23. Neyer asisted by the groom's mother bave gone west ta lend a hand fil a day, always busy and cheer- who wore a black dress with with the bamvest. fui, he was taken by an unex- grey accessories and a corsage of Glad ta know that Mrs. Hoskin pected beart attack and died an pink roses. Smith wbo bas 'been under the 'hour after being takeft ta bospital. Following the eception the doctor's care is improving. Gus Annis came ta Bowman- bride and groom left for a wed- ville in 1937 ta take over pro- ding trip ta Toronto and points prietorship of a billiard academy west. For travelling, the bride ]KE NUAL and won the regard of the coin- wore a black dress with 'black ac- ____ munity by bis bigh sense of cit- cessrie an a orsge o re Mis Mry aylo, Trono, is-izenship. In every drive for funds roesoisadacrsg frd MssMr'alr Trno i-for community prajects and for roses.ited with Mr. and Mrs. B. Alex- Victory Loans be was always a babav tkenfailymaa Mm.A.JcsnMr.WHoe large contrîbutor and it bas been Who avetake failymoto Mr. A Jacson Mr. W.1-IneYestablished that he was among the tours in the U.S.A. lead ta the and Mary, Milliken, spent the past forernost in sending parcels over- dlaim that a three-week's or mon- week at Kendal. . seas for war-stricken familles. He th's vacation of this kind is not Miss Georgina Darlington Is was a great supporter of sparts much in excess of living casts if holidaying with Mrs. Danl1ington among young people and belped the family remained at home. Let's and Bill. many a youth out of difficulties. take the case of a man and wife Mr. and Mrs. Don Little, To- Br nAcda ree e and from twa ta four children ronto, with Mrs. Neva Little. came ta Canada as a penniless travelling in a safe, well-equipped Mrs. Gillespie, Toronto, visited boy during the first World War. family car. The educative value Mrs. Wm. Boyd. He couldn't read, speak or write of the trip, especially for sebool Miss Selina Therteli and Mr. in the English language but mas- children, is a distinct considera-, Roy Sleep were in Toronto Sat- tered it competently in spare tian. If the driving can be alter- urday attending the double wed- t'm e as he worked bard to win nated and a leisunely speed ob- ding o! their nieces, Misses Hazel Juccess. Taking jobs in Lindsay, served, it will be a great, restful and Shirley Thertell. Peterboro and Toronto be saved holiday. Mm. and Mrs. Norris White and enough ta en'ter the restaurant Home Cost Tour Russell, Bowmanville, were guests business and then the depressian Such a famnily party was faund of Mn. and Mrs. T. Hilditch. took his business and savings. ln Los Angeles seeing the sights on In the absence of Rev. Bunt Again he warked and saved ta get a month's round-trip motor tour wba is on bis holidays, Mr. M. H. re-established in Bowmanville. fromn central Ontario. The father, Staples, Orono, preached a very With faith in the town be in- a factory worker wiho bad saveri interesting and belpful sermonr vested in two central business up bis paid vacation, calculated Sunday morning. blocks and left bis entire business that the entire expense, if the KMm. Chas. Kenny andi Mm. Jim interests dlean and intàct at bis car held up, would be approxi- Kenny, Gananoque, weme back to death. Hie was a father wbo en- mately $150. This was asido from Kendal for a few days for the couraged bis two sons to get a the revenue realizeci in ental of play-offs with Canton ball team. sound education and ta take part their borne for a month wbile The many friends bere o! Mr. in church affairs. He became a away. In months of preparation J. J. Mellor learned with sincene member of Jerusalem Lodge A.F. for the trip they bad secumcd ail regret of bis recent operation in & A.M., was a regular and faitb- Possible information as to routes Oshawa General Hospital and add fuI attendant and a Chapter Mem- and living accommodations. These their prayers for bis safe recov- ber. A keen reader he was well are not difficult ta get when coin_ ery. informed on domestie and world etition for tourist trade is keen The peaceful sleep of Kendal volitics. He held aIl these tbings and motor organizations and villagers was rudely shattered on ta be a matter of good Canadian Boards of Trade are eager ta give Tuesday about 12:45 by the me- citizenship. assistance. peated inging of the scbool 'bell. There mourn bis passing bis Assured Service Thinking theme must be a fime or widow, whose father, M. Petros, Freemap, îee ist o!appav-sometbing equally serlous most of is still a minister of the Greek Fre masfre litsof pprv-the residents hustled out to lend Ortbodox Church in bis native ed tourist camps made the entire a band-only to find it was the journey little more formidable work o! pranksters. than a trip o! 100 miles or s0 in A number o! Kendal folkc char- Ontario. Membership in such or- tered the Burley bus last Wednes-. ganization as the Ontario Motor day to attend the 'hall game and League is invaluable in saving carnival at Bowmanville. ml e- time and money on a motor tour port a good time. Mrs. Hlditch anywhere. It bas eciprocal con. was lucky at bingo winning a D onatic tacts and services throuighout îovely table lamp. North Amnemica. Its car, presented Anteprgsiv sepf- across the line assures accredîted ward was taken Monday when, car service, free tawing service, Burley's Bus commenced its route* guarantee avoidance of gyp.-joints bethville, etc. that are still ta be found on ai- W.A. met at the borne o! Miss most every bighway, Katie Stewart, Aug. 25th, with a Motel Living large attendance. A very interest- A wise laYout o! such a motor ing talk was given 1)y Mrs. Gill- our would be ta aim at a certain espie on hem work as a deaconess distance ta be travelled each day in connection with the W.M.S. of 1 and the name of the tourist camp the Presbyterian Church in To- ecommended ta be noted an the onta. Mrs. Roy Mercer spoke on oad mnap. The modemn camp in the tapie "God in My Business" he U.S.A. today, and the most The musical selections by Mrs. popular, is called a "Motel." Built Swarbrick were appreciated.DE round an open court its individ- Kendal won the two play-off ual accommodations are just like games with Canton. 0f the final ahome. The car may be parked score 11-10 in favour of Kendal t the door in safety, under con- in the first game, nine uns came tant observation. Witb the in. in the last bectie innings. The1 beriom electically equipped, bouse- second game was played in Portî :eeping and cooking dan be set Hope with Elmen Elliott pitching ip instantly if provisions bave a fine game and the other players een secured. Laundry tubs are backing hlm up-score 9-1. àsa usually provided for the fam- ýy wash. Some tourists stilîl prefer ta BLACKSTOCK 'ay a tent and a gasolîne stove ind park beside a stream or lake M.john or the nigbt. This is a cîutten-up Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Bradburn mernorial ýhat loses time, means mare work, and family, Toronto, with Mr. and ýaves littie money. From a Motel Mms. Wesley Bradýburn. Bowincnvi ifamily can walk out and get Mr. and Mrs. David Fairthorne, inder way, dlean and neat from a Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Oson Deat Sir: nisk shower-batb after a goad Wrigbt's. ligbt's sleep an a good mattress. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Domneli and .ttendants dlean up the place a!. Martin have returned ta Mont- Mn,1a er the departure. The night's real after a month's visit with'Psso 'ntal is fan less than any good Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorreli. C At iotel. It is really a home away Mr. Will Taylor, Vancouver, is Tl C om home. visiting witb bis sisten, Mrs. Nel- Roadside Supplies son1 Marlow. Glad to report Brian Ivan by s'bsc Meals in these Motels can be Mountjay, son o! Mm. and ra, dvl5ed ýrepaned as cheap and often Ivan Mountjoy, is home from c b heaper than at home and with Bowmanville Hospital. acr etter vaniety. All along tbe bigh- Miss Janet Watson, a formericcra 'ay are found roadside stands teacher at Continuation School, I~Act ith fruit, vegetables, eggs, broil- is visiting Mns. John Farder. rs, etc., that can be purcbased Misses Pearl and Dorothy coding ta needs from day ta Wright, Toronto, with Mm. and ay and cooked in a modern kit- Mrs. Carl Wright. en. At noan the paty dan get Mrs. Ivan Stook and Marjorie ]ight luncheon at a drive-in cafe Anne, Toronto, with Mrs. John rmake sandwiches before leav. alw ig. This saves time and money Carongauainst m.n îtbe party bowls along ta theMC. ogadlayns on tre imtnd ~~~xt~h stp A upnma-t 1o!a-agtealite ite o CLARKE UNION Master Jack We]sh, Oshawa, Is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swancutt. Mr. Donald Robb left yester- day by aeroplane ta visit bis bro- ther in Seattle who i5 ill. Mrs. Arthur Saunders visited in Toronto. Mr. Burley and Mr. Bryant are busy harvesting their crop of tobacco. Mr. Manson Patton underwent an operation in Oshawa Hospital last week. We hope for a speedy recovemy. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Bawen spent the weekend at Algonquin Park. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleemon and Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Conner, Kinsale, at Harold Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephenson and Ronnie with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowling, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy, Peter'boro, Miss Corsina Samis, _______________________________________________________________________________ ~LflUI~~LJ~ z land, and two sons, ýrormy 16, The funeral was held from the sas City, Toronto, Lindsay, Peter- and Sammy, 14, both students in Morris Funeral Parlors, Aug. 25, boro and Belleville to pay theill Bowmanville schools. One bro- with Rev. J. de Pencler Wright af- last respects and assist the be- ther, Jim, resides in Belleville, one ficiating. A great wealth of floral reaved family. sister ini Kansas City. Another wreaths came from Bowmanville Interment took place in Bow- brother and sister remain in friends and people far distant. Re. manville Cemetery with Masonie Gre ece. 'latives came from Chicago, Kan-'brethern acting as ibearers. Deer Lodge, Lake Louise. They visited Victoria, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. While in Van- couver they were guests of Dr. and Mrs. John Balfour, Cbaugh- nessy Heights. and of Mrs. Bal- four's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson, formerly of Caesarea, and now living at Roberts Creek, a picturesque section of the coast, 20 miles from Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson were in good health 'and were eager to hear news of their friends in Cartwright. AI- ways active, they have built a very attractive home on Elphin- stone Road, and are planning to erect a cottage on the sea coast which commands an excellent view of the shipping lanes to Princ'e Rupert and Alaska. After a delightful trip through the Koot- enay Lake district, Miss Marlock visited friends in Yethbridge and Winnipeg, while Norma spent a few days with Rev. and Mrs. Nor- va! Robertson, Creston, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Handley , Win- nipeg, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edye, Sioux Loakaut. OBITUARY t s t è a r f tj p s [a u b n s fi b ci t as la m te th fai sol gac dalo CHRflOE 0f OUJfERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT from THE RIS BERUTY SRLOfl 38 King Street West a Bowmnanville It is with considerable pleasure and pride that I announce the purchase of ful ownership of this salon which I have mani- aged for the past two years. In making this announcement 1 solicit and f eel confident of the continued patron- age and goodwill of the people of Bow- manville and district. A high quality of materials, good workmanship and service will alwavs be maintained ini this salon. Molly Sanders Modyihog0Stra Open PHONE 455j ns to -Arena Fund tS Income Tax Deductions P M i T M N T 0F i N PT IO N A L R V - .ýATMtlFlDivisiOfli CCtfEld'lBt1dn Ottaiwa. ont. 27th August, 1949 ,uena Building Fuxd C o ' ille, Onariio-51 o eogiino.h We hve eceiad he plicatiafi on Frzati 11 o n flton t t'Pt the ai a bilncharitable Oga l nor te pUt we hae nd çox nittee as aic), ai the :i Set uio n g5, unCt o r (1).P, aiatphs(j) and Icre Wi 4 etio ubseto (1o ) he atthe propertl and assets PurchClsed t. sued fo heviiatO h le. pravided this is done yau are ct i p r wl es t n heTa n i BowmnU . - nd videflced by a recelpt amrpton wi danated. to the above argci the taxable incorn te donaof that arons utoni een i 'c the caboVe-tnentioned Sectial a ,, clairriedaS Cadeducto t imiaios0 lnce w1th, and Subi ct ta the Umitauol, Ct. YU5 8X!tly SS. yORSYTII, oi DeputY Minustey (Taxtlion) eu Give Now? ontreal FLLE m And -Generously donations accepted by Canadian Bank of Commerce BOWMAN VILLE MAKE CHEQUES PAYABLE TO ARENA BUILDING FUND ~? V. -1 PACGExr 75 2ýàm Follow your favourites to 1010 on your diai TEE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWT&&NVnM. ONTAMa qmmrvuoi% à nr wwummvmuMIM 9 1 Did 0

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