A~Y, SEPT. i6th, 1948 TkiE CANAD.LAN STAThSMA.~, L~cv~LLA; VL.L2, C:~ ~ u Cj~T oday s B est Buy Ru.CEAu Victor MI F ree Demonstrcitiori in Your Home No Obligation Luxurious Listening . At Itfs Very Finest!1 @@ RCAVýICTOR Our Service Department Completely equipped with the latest electronic instruments assuring our 12 Tubes, FM, Standard Broadcast, Short Wave, with Golden Throat 12-inch speaker. Strikingly lovely modern cabinet, mahogany finish. customers of courteous, efficient service on the products we seil. satisfied customers, by actual count, can't be wrong! 1,472 RCA VICTOR "LITTLE MASTER" RADIO "Golden T7hroat" tone systerm Standard Broadcast band. Built-in Magic Loop antenna - no ground or outside aerial needed. Moulded Brown plastic cabinet ..................................3 6.00 Compare This Price $339-00 TAX FREE THE 38 King St., E. RADIO B owmnanville SHOP, Phone 573 See our large selection of R.C. A. Victor andc Iluebird records Private listening room 1~Courtice AanAe Mr. adMrs.ý .Ti I Champs in Darlington Have Interesting SPORT NEW S Football League Overseas Visit Ti The strong Courtice Football Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tait, Elgin Club fat only finished at the top St., wbo recently returned from ]Bush League Bowling in the outfield. Bill Bagnell was of the regular league scheduie of an overseas holiday arong friends Get U de 'aywith bis borner and shoestring, tion for 1948 but went on ta winbv tbe Statesman ta iearn of con- Thi FrdayNigt rnnig ctchs. he eguarthe league charnpionship for the ditions they found in England and Thi -rd y i connsill terminThe win-la second year when they took two Ireland wbich tbey toured ex- conestwil deermne he in-garnes straigbt frani the Orono tensiveiy. The foilowing sum- Under a new executive eiected fer. emi h -efnl. mary of the interview is a realis- na recent meeting. Bowmanviile R H E Playing the first game in Or- thi ngs aotistcvband. he Bush League Bowling Club gets Mks 046 ak1 24oo ensaSpebr8ethi e t iistcvia s he off ta its 1948 scbeduled games in MTkse02ro1uark 3r124 an, Wenesdy, iptemere Martyn's Bowling Academy on B.T.S. 320 il dark 7 7 Courtice edged out a 1-0 W i Thue rounttd tplas omaeBithe iFriday night, September 17, at 7 Umps: Ralph Mclntyre, pae h ia iue fpa.Ooosprfte plansateBiih pam. sbarp.te was rated the faster tearni and Ov e rseasn AirwaysadColr po r ation. V Sonny Hooper, bases, no squawks. rn~dsaig~~Oo bee heaunylftadiltec- Tbee re igt teas n t ocaions. The return gamq in roster of tbis timber-topping, fa Courtice, Monday evening, prov- meais served wîtbout charge and paced League and shifts will ýe iCoa ed equaily fast but fans sawý Cour- soft pillows and blankets arrang- necessary for the scheduled games repSi Coas in tice as the more expcnienccd team ed for rest by specialiy tnained with the first from 7 ta 9 and theFisGaE second from 9 ta 11 p.m. Iis PIayoff G m hc again won by the samie personnel sucb as the nurse-stew- Wihls csntefrtfrtescore 1-0. ardess. It was fast, convenient, Wihlatsesn h frt o teFrom Mike's Team comfontable travelling. Busbers, this winter's contests The final game was attendedBrts oiud prms ob ete hnee.by a huge assembiy of footballBrtsFoite proisetabe betertha evr. Pepsi Cola sbowed their deter- fans who'swa e lged game In ngadteviorfun *Towe Leeas madene p offur mination ta win the Bowmanvile Observers were Impressed with the people under many privations senting the Foundry, Courtice,, League Sof tball Championship on the fact that soccer football draws and contrais wbicb they bave Enniskiilen and the Boy s, Train- Monday night by 'beating last the biggest crowds of any sport in corne ta accept wîth truc British ing School. Ruies and schedule .year's champions, Mike's team bx town or countny aesaeot fortitude. Thene was little gruni- areposedon ue lly bllein10-2 at the Public Scbool grounds. ydatrcto s They areut- bling in the continued stnuggie ta board. Pulling out a substantial lead iooking forward ta the Ulster Un- work out better living conditions Officers foi- the v car are: Pres- in the first inning, Pepsi Cola ited gamne araaased for Tyrone after the long hazards of war. Idnt al o .e:. vice presdnkp h aewi nhn i akltri h at.Tbey saw the special attentions Ment Wat PoIeý esient eni. the ir le avy in ac- A yePar aga inthe Couticetengiven chiidren by the governmcnt Johinnie Grah2mii: treastîrcr, Coul-1eeig hi 'ayhtesac eraoteCutc er but some of the teen-agers still son Wooincr; secret arv., Jaà K it- counted for the easy win, with Played off with Enniskiilen and exhibit nervous tensions. s on. ýonIy rnembers of the winning the series created bistory by going Standing in the bomb-shattered - t~~~~eami scoring extra base bits. five games whicb wenemstyrisoMs.Ttsealhm, ~~~~~~~~~This gaewstefis fabs tc.Ti 'ar there xvas na tbey caugbt a real pictune of what Mike's Heavy Hitting 3 out of 5 series for the champion- room for dispute and the cham- the' people had ta endure for four sbip. Despite their nather disap- pions again look fonward toaayas.BfrlevnteTis B allers Down B.T.S. painting sbowving on Monday dinner celebration tbey bavecearst aîo twavood ptreis and Bya coeof137 nigbt, Mikes are expected to put tainly won. It bas been a fine took another 50 lbs. with theni. By a Score o 13-7 u P abetter figbt in the foliow- season with little press pubiicity twsgadosehwtee ing games. Next game is Frîday due ta inability ta get news of asgndtsebo the A suftbal league pla\ down be- exening. games as they were played. Con- were sa gcnuinely appreciatcd. tween Mikes and BTS. cariy Keleman, the winning piteber, gratulatians ta Courtice tearn for Food Needed last week tunned out ta bc a pro- walked 2 and struck out 1. Wil- their winning effort. For people in Canada tbey sug. test, no-cVntest gamie when iMikes liams, pitching for Mikes struck gcst sending as znany parceis as tok the field short of their pit- out 2 and wal ked 0. Hooper led passible ta bclp out in the strug- cher Williams. Bu t the game xvas the extra base bits with one home gle ta get back the great British piayed with 'Porky' Osborne tak- run and a triple. Giihooly bit a Bil Edger Stars production of farmer years. Most ing the xnoînd ta rack up a 13-7 triple and Haliman, Yourth, De- In SeresBewenanted are tea, sugar, butter. -win over BT.S. star pîtchen 'Ace' pew and Little each scored dou- ~ re ew e cheese, sbortening, bacon and Rirdswena. ak bdaloe us 3bt n ros. , Petes and Kingston nîce of which their ration is two Parky was shaky ii the lst Summary: Pepsi Cala - 10oz. per week. Used clathing alsa by Werry plus two crrors set him i Mikes - 2 runs, 3 bits and 4 1 In the five-gamne Sr. A., O.B.A. isrneetsic alltonin copso back 3-t0. But bis mates rallied1 errons. piayoffs between Peterboro and pailrenst. lo ns opn o Nvith a bit and ruin barrage andi Pepsi Cola-Little c, Giihooly Kingston, Bill Edger, the Bow-cbdrn fine fielding to go ahead in the1 2nd, Yountb 3nd, Piper ss, Hoop- manville boy, took part in tbre Jam, dark bread and vegeta- 4th. 6-5. Homers by Brough. rc.Dpw sHlmnrfBr1fte ats t roi' ~~~ bles anre off the ration list and Aies and AI. Osborne put BT.S. Iif, Keleman p. cbing punch that won the three meals Of dr ra n eea througli tic wiingcr. Mikes-T. Bagneil ss, H. Os- 'games necessanv to tLake tbe Eas- bles are eked out witb meagne Brogb tared itbfie bts.bore it, . sbone nd.A. s-tern Ontario Cbampionship fori pontions of meat when obtainabie jnluig sardouleanithomie hrun'bonne I3rd . OAm e c , iAms- 198.with coupons. People are fat incldin a oube ad hoe rn !orn 3r, Aes c Wilias p 198. starving but tbey bave nothing nd a nunning. abdominal catch H latelv If, Cameron rf. Wbite cf. Bill had a job on bis hands in 1îike the meals served in Canada. -the 3rd game wben bis mates Cigarettes are 85c for 20, and sup- - booted eigbt errons wbicb gave plies are short. Women are tny- Kingston five unearned ruas. But igt e h oenett e ie fanned ten batters. batted ing aet togr e arnndy ttae-h ATTE TIO FAR VIE S a un o tae te cotes 7-6 lease3 tmarecandyftataerts wa nuphili figbt that wonEd- place ftbcofrte-gr WE AE PYIN .~HE IGHST PEVALIN PRCES gera bi had fom he row. -and permit mare weeds for men. WE AE PYIN 2H HIHES PREAILNG RICS gr abig andfro th crwd. Not a single drunken persan FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS In the final garne, Saturday, at was seen anywbere in the exten- Kingston, Petes sbowed their su- ie rvels of the visitors. Pea- H OR SE - AT TL E - O 5 perior batting ability ta win 13-6. plegeneraily were neatly dressed _____-___T E H GO Whitehall pitchedfo Petes untiljand see cleariy abrighter future be weakened in the 7tb and Ed- if peace can be won and main- Telephone Colleet for Kxnmediate Service ger was again callcd upon ta bold tie nEgadteTisvs the une.ited war cemetenies whene Can- GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Bowmanvii]e fans offer con- îadian soidiers rest and found TORONTO: ADelaide 3636 COBOURG: 483 gratulations an another season in tbemn beautifuiiv tended with wbich Bill Edgcn bas starred on gcreen iawns and fnesb flowers. the mound for Peterboro. ýCanadian soldiers wene highly rs ýd F- st ý.l ,e 9 )f d f e s r Et thought af in bath worid wars. Emerald Isle In North Ireland the visitar, were entertained by Rev. anc iVrs. W. J. Tadd, farrnerly af Baw. manville, wbo have lived the pas 14 years at 113 Ciifton Park Ave. Belfast. They were driven ta seE mnany interesting places includink the marble-finished Houses o:, Parliament. The Todds extended an invitation ta their aid Baw- manvilie friends ta visit theni anytime. On ta Strabane, Mr. and Mrs, Tait were entertained at the home of David Gilfilian and their won- derful reception inciuded trips ta the 'beautiful hili country of Dan- egal, Tyrone and Portrusk. They saw the annuai Derry Parade of apprentice boys and ail told were greatly impressed wîth the for- thern D)art of the Emeraid Isle, Back in England the visitars had quite a day at the Goodyear Plant in Wolverhampton wbere tbey renewed friendship with Jim Davis, formerly af Goadyear- Bowmanvilie. They fiew borne witb a sense of having seen a wonderful people carrying an an immense task of reconstruction witb strang resolution. But tbey were glad ta get home ta good aid Bowmfanville and do sarne mi'ssionary work in keeping par- cels gaing overseas in a very needful pcriad. What a blessing that, with its colorful art ta tempt necktie de- signers, Japan with an Adults' Day, and a Chiidren and Mathers' Day, bas no Fathers' Day! IWATCHI REPAJRJNG for satisfaction reasonable prices Bring Your Watch To Us ALL WATCH REPAIRS GUARANTEED For One Year MAINSPRJNGS INCLUDED MARRIS JEWELLERY BOWMANVILLE 43 King St. W. Phone 463 WEDDINGS ILLIDGE-SHEA A quiet evening wedding was so]emnized in St. John's Angli- can Churcb, Bawmanville, on Frn- day, September 10, 1948, when Beverly Elizabeth, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Shea, Tor- onto, was united in marniage ta John Milton Illidge, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jllidge, Tor- onto. Rev. J. dePencier Wright officiated and Mr. W. E. C. Work- man played the wedding music. The bride was gowned in a street length dress of ice blue silk, matching haif bat, and car- ried a cascade bouquet of paie pink gardenias and stepbonatis. Her attendant, Mrs. Jack Bennett, Toron.to, wore a similar gawn and baîf bat inP saft pink and carried rose gladiofi and blue cornfiaw- crs. The groom was attended by Mr. Jack Bennett. After a reception at the borne of Mrs. L. C. Snawden, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Illiîdge lef t for a haneyrnoon at Chateau Woodland, Haliburtan. They will reside at 327 Scarboro Road, Tor- onto. In Blackstock United Church, August 21, with Rev. R. B. Har- rison conducting the cerernony, Constance Catherine Elien Wbeel- er, daugbter cf Mr. and Mrs. Han- aid Wbeeler, became the bride of' Ernest Roy Swain, son of Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Swain. Summer flowers formed a background. The bride was lovely in a white maire, satin gawn witb a pepluni. The neckiine was high, witb an inset of lace fram ber mother's wedding dness. A sweetheart, beaddress heid ber veil. She car- nied a bouquet of American Beau- ty rases. Attending as brides- maid. Miss Winnifred Swain, sis-, ter of tbe groom, was gowned in pink satin with a gold headdress and carried an ald-fasbioned nase-, gay. Little Miss Diane Wbeelen, as flower girl, was dressed in pale blue satin with matcbing bonnet and carried an old-fasb- ianed nasegay. Percy Swain at- tended bis brother as groornsman. Mrs. Pearl Hill was at the or- gan and Miss Jean McLean sang! "0O Perfect Love" and "Wheni Sang is Sweet." The ushers were Robert Wheei- er and William Cardingly, Tor- anto. Following the ceremoôny a re- ception was beld in the Sunday School room. Mrs. Wbeeier re- ceived ber guests gowned in flow- ered sheer assisted by the groamn's' mather, gowned in brown and Feoa r e p e . o t i o u k k For e mtrtn oMuk district the bride travelled in a grey gabardine suit wltb red and white accessories and wore the groom's gift of double stnand of pearis. It is likely that the British Lee- Enfieid rifle, carnîed by Canada's soldiers in two wars, will be ne- &àL" y hv U UAA. aaruarifat. Horse Races Big Attraction at Orono Fair on Saturday Dazzie Henley, owned and driv- en by Allan Pacey of Roseneatb, breezed ta straight heat victories ta capture the featured free-for- al event at the harness races at Orana Fair Saturday. Second in bath heats was Guy Wire, owned and driven by H. McKinley. R. Dawson of Port Perry pilat- ed hjs Guy B. Patch ta victory in bath heats af the 2:27 pace. Lady Signal, awned and driven by Art McKinley of Port Credit, captur- ed the classified pace event. Free-For-AiI Dazzle Henley, A. Pacey ii Guy Wire, H. McKinley 2 2 Parsans, Lutman --------- 3 3 Lau Lee, Brown ----- Ï4 f Ruby Ritz, Johnsan--------- 5 5 Classlfied Pace LUMBAGO Lady Signai, A. McKinley ---- ACES1-'PANS Warthy Girl, White ------ 3 2 AHSandPANS Bertha Grattan, A. McKinley 4 4 Free Lynn, G. Brown -------- 5 5 STRAINS ana 2:21 Pace Purse Guy B. Patch, Dawsan ----11SiA Flicka, Samis..............----- ---2 21 Corporal Bessie Lee, Wright.-- 3 3 Tom Royal, Pacey..........-----4 5 Dorathy Dale, Dawsan 5 41I Timnes-2:181'2, 2:18. in 6lacks DRY CLEANED OUR BETTER WAY Men, dan't be satisfied with ordi. nary dry cleaning. Try aur farnous Sanitone Service once and you'iI arree it's a hetter kind of dry cleaning. Notice hoiv dean they Iook-xow alive the fabric feel-- how ]ong the press holds. Try Sanitone today. It costs no marc. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone Zenith 13000 Oshawa Bowmanvill Agent: HOOPERS LADIES' WEAR AY, SEPT. 16th, 1948 ThE CANADIA14 wrrH AN