I I FOtTETEEN BRING YOURRIN-- G y. -VRADo. PAY ASH AN MESSAGE BEFORE COTe5cPEfA 12,000 READERS . BY__ ______ 9 BIRTiIS IN MEMORIAM Articles For Sale ]BARCLAY-Mm. and Mrs. James FRANCIS-In loving memary of CORN. Phone 352. 38-1 Barclay are happy ta announce a dear father, Richard Francis, the bith of their third son, born who passed away September 19, 1942 Chevrolet coach, good candi- at Bowmanville Hospital on Mon- 1947. tion. Cail evenings 805. 38-1* day, Sept. 13th. A brother for 'Sweet memories will linger- Stephen and Paul. 38-1 forever, GENERAL Electric battemy radio. Time cannot change them, it's' Phone 2162. 38-1 BRADBURN-Mr. and Mrs. Earl true; Bradburn are happy to announce Years that may corne cannot sever 375 lbs. International Livestock the arrivai of a baby brother for Our loving remembrance of you." Food for cattie, reduced price. 0. Donald, Ivan Cecil, in Port Perry -Sadly niissed by daughter Ena. K. Osborne. Phone 2480. 38-1 Hospital on Sept. ist, 1948. 38-1v: Walter and children. 38-1* MARCONI__Console_________Bat- ]BROWN-At Crenshaw, Missis-. tery radio; good farm wagon and Sippi, ta Mr. and Mrs. John D, FRANCIS-In loving memory af hay rack. Phone 2980. 38-1* Brown (nee Ruby Hobbs) a soli, a dear father, Richard Francis, a brother for Marion, on Septem- who passed away on September INFANT'S car bed; blue Ïbaby ber 10, 1948. 38-1 19, 1947. walker; excellent condition. Ap- "Qne year has passed since that ply 74 Ontario St. 38-1* SCOTT-Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. sad day, Scott are happy to announce the When ane we loved was called TWO ail burners 7" complete with bith of their daughter. Anna aw-ay: glass jar. Phone 2863 Bowman- marOieJOD, a ornvluhUleitlspi LUi ¼uoa iooK1111 im nome, ii ws ms U 030 on Tuesday, September 14, 1948. will, 38-1 Within aur hearts he liveth still" MAN'S bicycle, boys' avercoat _________________________ -Sadly misscd by Viola and and suit. 14-16, brown, new. Apply DEATI-S Les, Henry and Helen. 38-1 13 Carlisle Ave. 38-1* 1RUBBER ta boit on tractor, neyer BARRELL-At, Toronto General FRANCIS-In loving memomy ai used. ear wheels anly. $25. W. Hospital on September 8. 1948. a dear husband, Richard Francis, Cmaig, phone 2365. 38-1* Elsie Barrel], beloved wiie ai who passed away, September 19, Frederick Barrell, aged 30 years. 1947. CEMENT - Ameican, available Interment Norway Cemetlery, To- '*He's gane, but not forgotten Sept. 20. F. E. Morii, phone onta. 38-1* 1 As it dawns anather year, 2456. 38-1 __1- In aur lonely boums ai thinking 1 FRASER-IN Bowmanville Hos- Thoughts ai hlm are always near. MODEL A Fard roadster, 1929, in pital, on September 12, 1948, oh- Days ai sadncss stiil came o'er us, good condition. Best offer. Write ive Mildî'ed Little, 'beloved -,vife Friands may think the wound is Box 123, Statesman Office. 38-1 ai the late Daniel Ketcheson Fra- healed. ser. Interment Bethesda Ceme- But they' littie know- the sorow , iRL'S herringbona wintcr coat, tery. 1That lies Nvithin the bcart con-, size 15; all-weathcr coat and fal ceale." ýcoat sizesi12. Phone 521. 38-1 TAYLOR-In St. Michael's Hos-1 -Sadly missed by his wiie. 38-11:_____- i__ pita, Tmont, o Setembr 1, -AUTOMATIC biri feed coal stok- 948l, Gorentoohtîr Taylr l d2,er, used only two scasons, in par- father ai Marvin, Oshawa: Orval' RICHARDS-mIn oving mernai-y fect condition. Phone 2332. 38-1* and Allen. Pickering, in his 641 ai a dear husband and father year. Ftînaral from thea Mýorris iom .i-cars'hpse Funemal Chapel. Interment Union i wa Sept(,ibcr 14, 1945. Camatary, Oshawxa. "The~ evening stars shine o'er the grave 0f the one we loved, but could REPAIRS nlot save; The caîl was suddený the shoch REPAIRS toalal makas ofi refrig- severe. ematers, dornestie and rommercial. To part xith ane we loved so Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., dear." phone 438. 26-tf -Ever ramembered by- wife NEAT-av Shir, Ann. ,ad fJUUu,3-1 substantial workmanship, reliabil- ity, dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, opposite BPnu,. Lost zn-anville C1eaneS. 7-tf ý BETWEEN Courtice and Bow- manville, anc hag tattoo, station- J amy letters V-1. Also one chain I rs G rdn are tightene. Phone 2418. 38-1 I FOUNTAIN pen, black, g o 1 Teacher of Singing rnounted, keepsake. Lost eithe I111 Ontario St. Telephone 94 July 2, filled with grecen ik J Cash reward, eturn ta Statesman ________Office. 38-2* Best Quality Reading Pea Coal Mosi economical of ail fuels Now available ai OWEN NICHOLAS FUELS Phones: Office 410,; House 2249 GUARD YOUR BABY'S HEALTH Ail children should be immulllzed against diphtheria... ivhooping cougli . . . smallpox. Proteet your child... consuit your doctor NOIV about such important safeguards to baby's life and health! NATIONAL IMUNIZATION WEEK, SEPTEMBER 12 ta 18 Baby Preparations Pablum --------50e Pabena -- --- -----50e Dextri Maltose .-- 70c Stork Antiseptie Baby Oul 60e Stork Nipples -.- -- 3 for 25e Stork Nursers ---- 39c, 3 for $1.09 Stork Baby Pou-dem ----ý -28e Helnz Stralned Foods 3 for 23e Woodwvard's Gripe Water --69e Baby's Record Book, up ta the age ai 3. blue or pink 50e Baby Brush and Comb Set bristled wvith nylon $1.00 Dennison's Diaper Liners -- .- -35c. $1.35 N'estie Baby Hair Treat- m ent .-- --------- - 1.25 Klelnert's Quilted Rubber Pad. complete sanitary protection -- ----- ------- $ 1.,25 SCHOOL DAYS CALL FOR TONI Waves .New 'Daluxe Kit with Plastic curlers .8 2.50 Regular Kit with fibre curlcrs $1.50 Refui Kit %vithout curlers $1.25 Cream Sharnpoo Shasta - ----- 59e Lustrae('reem ----- . 33c, 55e Rayve -- -------- 33c, 59c, 89e Pi-al ----------- 27c, 63e, 89e Liquid Shampoo Dreila 39e. 67c. SI.10 Halo 29c., 49c, 89e (aconut Oil 28e Hudnut Egg ('rame 1l.25 Fitch --35c, 69c. 98e Hair Dressings Suave Br- yci-ern WiIdi-oot Cream ail . 49e 25c. 49e 59c, $1.09 JURY & LOVELL VOUR REXALL DRL'G STORE %Wben W1e Test Your Eyes itla;s Donc Properly Phone î78 C.N.R. Tickets Articles For S4ale OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modern chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and -studios. Bedding and floor covering.- a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Befome buying visit Brad- ley's New Fumnitume Store, 38-40 King St., W., Oshawa. 24-tf TRADE-IN - Thor washer and iraner; Findlay coal ranges; drop- leaf table, Duncan Phyfe; chester- field; studio couch; Daveno beds; four-burner electric range; rang- ette, automatic oven control; man- tel radios; steel beds, complete with spings. Murphy's, phone 811, 38-1 * THREE-piece bed outfits, $26.95; steel panel beds $13.75; spring-fill- ed mattresses $24.75; 3 piece ches- terfield $99; double door glass wardrobes, special, $47.95; walnut coffee tables $9.99; card tables, special 99c; walnut corner cab- inets $12.95; better quality ches- terfield suites, $159: feit base floor coveings. special 69c sq. yd.; Frost King ice. boxes, $47.50; studio couches, extra special, $49. Brad- ley Furntture Comipany,* 38-40 King St. W., Oshawa. 35-tf Pets For Sale REGISTEBED Cocker Spaniels, light cohor. Apply B. Dilling, 23 Nelson St. Phone 2770. 38-2* Livestock For Sale VEAL calf. Apply R. Stenger, Enniskillen, phone 2824. 38-1* JERSEY bull 1 ' yaars, rcgistcr- ed. Phone 2804 aiter 6 p.m. 38-1 CARDS 0F THANKSNG MTS COMING EVENTS H. Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Th f miy ith lte Eiz beh fThe engagem ent is ann unced- Lloyd Skinner. Annhebber Lakote we isaethdoteGertrude Lillhan, eldest daugh- Réserve Tursday afternoon, da.h and Ms.Nelson Bickle and Ann ebbe Lak , w sh t ext nd t r o Mr.and rs. illam P ul- ctob r 2 st, or t e Or er f th M r.htandnd Mrrsnd AlbeAber their grateful thanks and appreci- ton, Toronto, ta Ernest David Ray- Eastern Star bazaar and afternoon Wood and children with Mr. and ation for aIl the kindness shown mond. eldest son ai Mr. and Mrs. a. Furthem particu1aps later. Mrs. Don Davey. on the death ai their mother; for Jimmie Tate, Toronto. The mar- Mm. and Mrs. Henry Wood weire the lovely flowers sent by the riage will take place quietly, Oc- Dance at Tyrone Hall Satur- in Toronto on Sunday and brought Newcastle and Tymane neighbors, tober 9th. 38-1 day, September 18. Ruth Wil- their baby home fram the Sick for the kindness ai Dr. A. F. Mc- san's Vaiety Band. Admission Children's Hospital. 1Kenzie, Orono, and Dm. Howard Mr. and Mrs. David Denault, 50c. 38-4w Mrs. Mina Hugbson is home af- Rundie, Bowmanville. 38-1 Newtonville, wisb ta announce the ter visiting ber daughter, Mrs. G. ' engagement af their daughtçr, The Guild ai St. John's Church Arnold at their cottage at Lake Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson Mary Amelia, ta Boy Patterson will bold a tea and sale af home Simcoe. and girls, Nestieton, wish ta take Berry, son af Mr. and Mrs. John cooking at the home ai Mrs. E. . Mrs. Bill Hugbson and baby, thisoppmtuityai haningaurBerry, Orono. The marmiage will Southey, Elgin St., on Friday, Errol have returned ta Taronto neighbars, fmîends and customers., take place the latter part af Sep-1 Sept. 24th fmom 3 ta 6 p.m. 38-2* aiter' a lengthy visit with Mrs. also the Nestieton Women's Insti-'tember.* 81 iaHgsn tute, Nestieton Pmesbytemian C___Partyand 38ce1* Mina n hcmugsnt xenss Church and Yelverton Women's 1Card pamty and damnceta reape, n The comiy extends.s.m- Association for their gifts, flowcrs Mm. and Mrs. Stanley H. Mal-N toileCmutyHln pathy ta thefml iMs .H and numeraus kindnesses. colmn announce the engagement ai Friday evening, Sept. 17, 1948. Fraser whose funemal taok place We greatly appreciate the con- their anly daughtem, Bertha Jean Cards from 9 ta 11. Ladies please on Tuesday afternoon frarn the sideration and helpfulness ai aur ta Willard Thomas Cook, son ai bing lunch. Admission 25c. 38-11 family residence ta Bethesda Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Cook, O.--haw.a. - Cemetery. business associates, aur travellers The wedding will take place in Ray Dudley, pianist, xvill play a IM.adMs ec ec n acn delveymnduigGrn. Nestîcton United Cburch on Sat- recital program in the Concert childmen, Bowmanville, called on Our thanks also ta the nurses, urday, October 2nd at 2:30 p.m. Hall ai the Ontaria Ladies' Cal- Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis. Miss Chrystal Fallis, Miss Mar- 38-1 lege, Whitby, an Fmîday evening, Mmad rsL.SPatsn gamet Steele, Mrs. Gea. Finlaysan- Sept. 17 at eigbt o'clack. Fiends M.adMs .S atsn and Mrs. James Naylar, and ta utm Wro in Bowmanville and district are Steep Rock Lake, with Mr. and Dr. Rennie and Dr. Dymond for Custom_______________ cordially invited ta attend. 38-1 Mrs. Loi-ne Annis. their excellent care and attention. PLOWING and cultivating. AlsoMranMs.NYeovesan 38-1 -Ruth and Grant Thompson John Deere repair xvork and Don't miss "The Far-off Hilîs," Mr. A. Cation, Hampton, with parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. a sparkling 3-act camedy present- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yelawlees. 19-tf ed by the famous People's Reper- Mr. A. Hilîs, Mr. Wes Hills with Personal tory Theatre in the High School Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Hilîs, Ham- H Y I EN I suplie (ruberauditorium, October l3th at 8:30 ilton. goas) aild pstpid n pain UCT Ap.m. Get youm tickets from any Miss Bessie HuIs is attending goos) aild pstpid n p ainÀ T1 N S A L'E member ai the Lions Club. Ad- Normal Scbool at Peterbomo. sealed envelope with price list. F A R M S O L D mission 75e. 38-1 Mr. and Mrs. S. Jewell, Miss Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1,00.____ Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- I have received instructions from Dorothy Wright and Mm. Bill Je- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. . , Announcing the Rally of St. well visited Mms. F. W. Lee, Ked- 36-9 i Mr. C,. V. LooDer John's A.Y.P.A. ai Bowmanville mon. 'LOT 15 CO. 6 CLRKETWP on the evening ai Friday, Sept. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton FEEL half-sick bahf the time? Tmy the 24th, 1948. Everyone betwee.n and children with Mm. and Mrs. pi-aen rui-A-Tves faous (; mile nrha rn n the ages ai 13 ta 30, inclusive, is Clarence English, Newcastle. herbal medicine used successful- 2 miles east) 1crilyivtd rn vn r.R akyadMs .H 1 Py for 45 vear,'. ri,,Uc e i,. ,,.,,i- i,,, , P., nim n meof pntertainn1Unf will e L iv Mst. -kn n rs .H -tu,'diallyinited. A grand aoe gven.Mto ih,-r.s.-G.Pai.r.ad No admission charge. 38-2 Ms .Hyad Mrs. Russell Wrighit entertain- AN INVITATION ed a few ladies Wednesday aiter- Mm. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and noan, Mrs. R. Hawkey, Mrs. J. H. family invite the fans ai the Jun- Mutton, Bowmanville, Mrs. G. îor and Senior Darlington and Phair and Mrs. A. Hawkey in Clar-ke Football Leaýue and their honor oi hem mother, Mrs. E. friends ta an evening's entemtain- Wight. ment, consisting ai The Johnson Mrs. L. J. Goodman with Mr. Entertainers, including Miss Fol- and Mrs. Fred Goadman, Peter- lowdown, ai Blackwatem, also Mm. bora. AI Harvey, camedian entertainer Mm. and Mrs. Albert Hilis and of Brougham, on Wednesday, Sep- family with Bey. J. W. and Mrs. tember 29, at 8:30, at the Ennis- Wilkinson at Oakwood. kili Church Shed. A tmophy will We would like ta mention that be presented ta the Junior win- Mm. Boss Metcalf took part in the ners. wbich honour was wonl 123 concert at the Harvest Home on hIe Ennishilien teamn for the yeam September 6 and put on an ex- 1948, and will be held as a trophy cellent performance between acts for competition in the future. 38-2 ai the play xvith bis musical num- bers. He was accompanied by Mm. W. E. C. Workman, Bowman- T YRONE ville, at the piano. The cornmittee in charge ai the Mmr. and Mrs., Foster Snowden, Hamvest Home would like to, Kedron, Mm. and Mrs. Earl Ship- tbank ahl those who in any way- man, Courtice, wîth Mm. and Mrs. helped out. !S. Jewell. School re-opened on Septem- TRINITY W.A. Id G.M.C.. 1941, 2½ ton stake body FLCP. ,-.~ .-. .,- t,"-i~~~tl~di iu i truck, tires nearly new. Phon e îmbs. ai 34 Leicester sheep and quickly -tones-up livterr- keeps 'W de ,Sp.2 e2332. 38-1* lms E. G. Power, Omono, phone bwlsatie- etoaTgo hedllwnsgy Sp.2 56 r 10. 38-1 health-Beib.381Teflwng [d FORD sedan, 1932, 4 cylinder mo- FRESH Holstein cow; John Deere WEAK, tired, pepless men, wo- HORSES kton. ApyMray*es ure rco, Model D, on rubber. Bill men. Try Ostrex Tonie Tablets Matcbed team ai grey Percheron ,k ton.38-4 Stackaruk, phone 2986. 38-1 for new vim, vigar and pep that mares. 6 and 7 years aid. 1.400 ibs. TENsqumesbui Rlbrk sdin. 00 ulltsLebom, Bck y-lasts from early marning t late each; bay Clyde mare, 9 years aid, o0TNsursbf obi iig,10ples ehrRc Y at night. Contains iran, vitamin 1,300 lbs.; grey general pumoose $42.00. Beautiful white Regal brids, just started ta lay. Hammy Bi, calcium. New "get acquaint- mare, 10 yeams aid; bay gelding, Fe lilies, buibs 15e each. C. J. Mitch- Knox, R.R. 1, F.nniskillen. 38-1* cd" size only 50c. Ail druggists. 9 years aId, 1,300 lbs. elPr oeRR . 3-*NINE gaod Yorkshire pigs, seven 38-1 FAT CATTLE -FORD sedan, 1936, good condition. weeks aId; also fourteen pigs, six 4 Polled Angus steers, 800 lbs. ca.; You have to see and drive this car weeks aid. David Craig, phone 4 Durham steers and heifers, 700 -ta appreciate it. Apply 3 Silver 2365. 38-1* Notices lbs. ca.: 5 spring caives: 2 fat -St., (top floor), atar 5. 38-1* caives; 25 choice Hereford year. * DDG cupe 137 hete, waYOUNG team ai harses, five and Wanda's Beauty Shop, 80 King olds. ýn DDEcue 97 etr six years aid, weighing about 1300 St. West. Permanents that make GS 1ncw tires and tubes, in goad con- lbs., gaod sound team. T. White, permanent customers. For ap-PIS - ditian. Apply at 94 Concession St.i Pontypool. Phone 20rl2, Beth- pointmants, phone 2851. 33-tf 2 Tamworth sows, due time ai cl aiter 6 p.m. 38-1'* any. 38-1 ____ sale; 1 Tamwomth saw. duc Octoi-~ Ca.. ditriAbors-fPCanada's n Real Estate For Sale P T h e Bowmanville Memomial 15;18 eed IErho s,0I ec C. itiuosfrCnd'fi- Park Association are offering for IPEET est vanetian blinds. We measure SVNroe hue me-salp (subject ta notice in writing M.-H. No. 5 binder, 6 it. cut: M--1. and instail. Cal 480 for fi-e asti- iatpossession. .lpply 26 Liberty SEE-roedbus.Ime- r r a f taArit atioe quahead sddflt i1oe 4-se: 1ctio ebr- -mates. Jb-tt St. N., Bowmanvilc. 38-1 ebr iteAscaint h as itbto mk utr contrary)-the boards and lum- set ai sleighis: 2 rubbei- tii-ad va-i SJUST arrived! Shipmant ai studio ADo utsrai ure ber whicb comprisad the former gons, bath good; McCormick bay i couchas, congolaum rugs, window rk:sokrc:3snl cf os blind, caar cestsand Ial acre lots, more or lass. Apply E. hockey rink cushion. Apply N.raestcrck3sngaculrs carpetsw eap estF.aFn Mois G. Mitchell. 38-1 J. Scott, sacretary, at Brookdale- M.-H. No. 21 mower, 5 it. euît; Ca. Phone 480. 38-118 acefmlk frnga Kingsway Nurseries. 38-1 Cocksbutt ail bath mowem, 5 it 180 cre armlakefronageeut: stock trailer, ncarly new;, WHY sleap ike a log! Coma in woods, crack, saîid brick bouse. L.. - Cocksbutt single plow; fiat bottom andse au lrgesaectonaielactricity, 150 foot baem; school AtLiUII Sales trailar; coal brooder stova; Vik- sping-filled mattrassas in ail 200 yards. Apply Mi's. N. Nes- untr- .JaeSev- sies f-an 295 F F Mrrsbitt, R .R. 3, Newcastle. Phane FmiueM- ae tvn neamly naw: Case pony dise phow. Co. Phone 480. 38-1 Clarke 2414. 38-2 son, Victoria St., Orono, wilsel nal e:Mae eftvnlo by public auction on Saturday, Verity single pho\v: Veritv single DRESSER. oak; twa pool tables, BUILDING suitable for conver- Sept. 18. at 1 p.m., bis anti-e plow: 2 sets tcam bai-nes-; set ai two 10 ball machinas; door framas; sion ta a two family dwelling in bousebold affects. Taris cash. brecching harness; set ai single Bowmanville. Fumnishad accom- Sac bis. Jack Raid, auctianeer. barness. 1buiy liam Wqinent 58 cuord.modation for ana couple availabla 37-2 MILK COWS St. 38.1* naw. Small down peymant. Bel-Hefodow8 easdeDc -- ance ta suit purchaser. E. and F. '75 b2ef cattla, 60 feeder liogs Hrfr ov vas u e. PONTIAC coach, 1937, six cylin- Sutton, 429 Kingston Road, To-fu rsCaetco.fllin der, good condition, newly paint- onto 8, Ontario. 3or- fouer lai-sas, ase tracai. fulithen due in r ming: re' uramco.Duxr. ~8-2ai eari ne far mahina-y h m due in M ai-c, dilkîng m Du- cd. Priced right foi- quick sale. propei-ty ai Mr. John Nesbitt, Lot emc.7 'i- deDc.nik H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville. Phone Wanted to Rent 3, Con. I. Br-oken Front, Clarkke îng; black coxv, 4 veai-s. due in, r2636. 38-1w Twp.. hali mile west af Part Dec., niilking; mced Durhem c'W, - ~~FOUR or more rooms. Phone 905. Granby, ta sali by public auction 6 'ei-idu i a-ch ilg BICYCLES with double beavy 3- onWdeaySptbr29at mcd Durham cow, 7 veers, due i duty frame and lai-ge balloon- 12:30 sharp. Foi- furtham partie- Mai-cIi. milking: rcd Durhami cow tires, boys $57.50, girls $55, G. F. AT ance-Famm, 50 ta 100 acres. lr e il.Trscs.Wl erdei cray ilzn, Jernieson Tire Depot, Coi-nec Kingi Apply Wi-eiord Cornishi, R.R. 3, a- e iîs em ah i- eis u nFcbua-, ikig lai-d Lord, clcrk; Jack Raid, auc- FE and Silver Sti-cets. 38-1 Burketon. 38.1* tioncer. 38-2 1.000 bushals Car~tier nets, suit- able for seed: 100 bushels ai mix- STOVES - Large kîtchen ange, For Rent Th nasge bsrcia d grain; 300 bushels af fall whet. Quebec heater, large square heat-iTeudrgn hseevd cm, bot water jacket heeter. Ail in FURNISHEHD room, board OP- 1instructions fi-rn Fi-ad G. Smitb,PO TY excellent condition. F. E. Moi-il tional. Phane 2026. 38-1 Lot 3, Con. 8, Damington, 1¼, mile 125 Rock baens. 1 ycai- ohd, laying Phone 2456. 38-1 . east ai Long Sauît Chumch, ta scîl good. 15 Young gease. TWO upper, haated, furnisbed by public auctian, on Thursday, Tai-ms Cash. Sala at 1:00 pr. JACKET heater anîd pipes. watem ' housakeaping roams; business pao- Sept. 30. 1948. the falowing: TwoI tank aîîd fittings, complete or wil ýpIc preferred; abstainers. Phone bai-ses, 5 cows, 2 haifars. hi-ad, 1NoRsiv scil separately. used only 2 years. 1 416. 38-1 veyar aid; 6 calves; 7 pigs and a' A. E. Morton, clark: Jack Raid. Phone 2793. Floyd Bradd, Elgin full lina ai implaments. Sec buis. auctioneer., Omono. Ont. 38-1 St. cta- pm.38-1 Found Ted Jackson, auctionear; S.E. STROLLERS - Prams - F. F. Moi-- YALE Key. AWhit44,ntclark. 38-2TUR SALE ris Ca. have the largest stock af 38-1 Mm. Leonard Hibbamd, Lot 9, 1 hav e becn autharized ta soli hy st-allai-s, go-carts, toddie carts,- Con. 10, Cavan Twp.. anc mile!jpbi uto o cribs, etc., for the baby this sida W'ork Wanted nomth and anc mile wcst ai Caven pbi ucinfi ai Toronto. Yau xii seve hy get- lias said bis farm and xili salli by Vr to ting aur prices i-st. 36-tf 'TEEN aeagirl available as baby u'1 acio n ona. et.s . fi .James LADIS' bownwoolgabadin sittar. Phone 2863 Bowmanville. 27, at 12:30 sharp, 50 head'ai bcedf12I QUEEN ST.. BOWIWANVILLE LADIS' bown ool abarine38-1 suit, siza 14 and man's navy blue- cattla. thi-ebai-ses, 20 pigs, ful on fine serge suit, size 40. Bath in WatdToRi ne ai gqad ici-m machinaiyy, Safrday, good condition. Apply Mrs. F. ______________________ grain, poultry and same furniture. i Saudy, SeptJ. 25 Osmon, Newasîl, or hona UREBED Yaksbi e bScbis. Ternis cash. Willcrd Tlîe following valuable Csmai-keN11c2. tle,1orfihone ta Eight Yontks i onef omLord, clark; Jack Raid, atîction- HOI'SEHOLD EFFECTS ofw3_Ohwa_3.2____re ol bedroom suites; APPROXIMATELY 50 raIls aiw shw 8* ci-a3-22 uar-a chairs and centre ta- snow fance, chaap; also i-ubber BEFORE selîing your liva poultry On Saturda3'. Octaber 23i-d. 1948. ble: niigro utuhltr lird ago, ewtirs nd ubs.try us. Our prices are bighar. M. The Bowmanville Lions Clu b w~ill ed' bcd witlî mattî'ess: quarter oak 6 cllar windows. Apply Brook- Fhatt, B.R. I, Bathany, phone 7 r. isali by puiblie auction etthie Palm. diniîîg raam suite; walîîut hall clle-Kingsway Nurseries, .nearC. 13. reverse charges. 17-tf eri-Matai- Sales lot, 2(0 King St. E.. rack and chair ta match; combin- HORSES:Stdtinon.îpped. Hi Bowmanviile, a lai-ge assai-e t ion bookease ai-id secrctci-v; - HOSES Ol andcriple. Hgh- and vaiiety ai articles new and t's- couch; sewiîîg machine; alectrie CANARIES, budgarigaras, cages, est price, plus bonus if delivarcd cd. donatc'd by the citizenis andstvnx'odtal;rckg supplies, a full lina ai seed, sang at TYrona. Alsa abie ta kill et business concariis ai Bowmanvilie chairs; staîr cerpat: rugs and mun- restai-ar, tanic, cuttia banc by the vaur fam. Daad farm stock me- and surmounding cammunity Pi-Ine;citis;plos quts package or bulk, gi-aval Se par movad within an boum. Cali us ceads ta ha uised for the canstrue- ' dock: ail paintings; pictures and pouind, Rabinson's Pet Shp coîleet. Marawill Fui- Farm., tion ai a wading pool and othex fi-ames: e] ect-ie toaster; clectil p)hone 916, 142 King St. East. ti Bowmanville. Phone 267î9. 38-tf additions at the Lions Comniuity 'hee;n~Icn aie;anns FURITREhuvrsIfwc av - Centre. Ternis cash, no reserve. new; dishes: glassware; sîlver- it or ('an suippîx- it, F. F. Moi-ris 'lp Wanted Sale et I p.m. 38-1 wai-e; chamber set: trunîks and suit Co. will save yu10 per cent CPBE ilfooaswon Ms .Fui-bar.s;24aQucen St.ndE.. mattrcss Cliv turniture iemadvertised ion APABEcases;r hocaro cavai'M. iaîîd tant; featE.,hertess Torontîo papars. Balai-e you huy Phne 835. .38-2 Bowmanville. will salI by public P.S.-This is a large sale ai fi-st -hi ig the adycitisemaent or Mail SALESMAN-Doar ta door can- auction on Satui-day, Sept. l8tlî, at cîass furnittire in good condition Ordar Catalogue aîîd sae while vasng. $30 weak anîd bonus. Ap- 9 .. h olwn:Gidntos oîiîigmr, ai'hcpca huvîng et lhome. 36-fpl . .Meevr,34 taiS gai-dan bases. same Nvood ai walnut and oak. E._Ohaa.374,wdageafktable; Marrisanchairs;eaTerma Cash. Saleatai1 p.m. sharp Case spring-tooth hari-ows; new MAN wanted for Rawieigh buis- thai' rocker., 2 cbesterfieid chairs;:I1 Clerk Auctionria Case 3-fuîrow tî'actar plow; naw imess. Real appai-tuiiity. Wei hall muram; sama linoleum; BeattyI 38-2 Case 2-lurri-ov tî'actor plow; used baip you ta et started. Write washing machine, inse tubs.~ rubbar-tired wagonî; used DaLaval Rawîeigh's Dept. ML-1-140-0, cracks, lots ai odd dishes: smallte nabsi- Jr. 3 separator, with electrie mo- Montreal, Que. 365 kitchen cabinet; 2 Simmon's hcds. Foi- the fi-st ieInahs s Fior ednapt-i-; ae, mail s IRSfrilaat okin-oelarge and aoie single witb god d a staînp beariiîg the ikenebs Fi'ben; ae pre roisstesnwfIeeLmSto hlasa mccl i- mattresses; bcd couch, some fea- ofaian Indien, the Ghandi memor-1 fene, ate prssue sstes i fie, ustbeable ta ee the thai- pillaws and beddiîag; 2 dress-'icI stamp in h.um denominations. stock; B.T. stcel stalis; two B.T.i public but selling ability nat ne- ai-s; steamer trunk, 2 lai-gai-anas Conscience is mneielY oum own littar carrier huets: Swift Can- cessai-y. Appîy in writing giving, and many athar usafuil articles. judgment ai the right or wrang ai adian fertilizer; Shail bai-n and complate datails ai qualifications ý In case ai ain, sale wvill ha heid aur actUar-. and So acirnovebc lîvestock spray. v also D.D.T. W. and axperiance ta Box 121, The!r inside). Ternis cash. Themon Il saff l*;guî(e en!:g1i.icned H. Brown, Case Dealei-. Phione Statesman Office, Bowmaîiville. 'Mountjov, clark; Clifford Patbic,-k. hv t he wordaf i Cid.-Trî on Ed- 497. 38-1 j 38-1 auctioneer. 38-1 -wards. - c-lir. iner wer si neWbc-1 rinîty W.A. held their first ainners, 'but owing to the illness mneeting for the fali tcrm on Sep- of the teacher the pupils have tember 14. Mrs. W. O. Souch and had two extra holidays. ber group had charge of the meet- Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore, Paul ing. Mrs. Chas. Shaw read the land baby Grace, visited Mr. and seripture and Mrs. Souch led in Mrs. Theo. Down, Lakefield, and prayer. Rev. S. Henderson gave also had a x'isit with Bey. J. W. an informai talk on some of bis IDown and Miss Florence Down experiences' averseas, stmessing who wcre visiting at the Down the fact that the cbildren had homes. been the greatest sufferers in the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, holocaust whieb swept Europe. Grant and Beverley, with Mr. and He described some of the cathe- ýMrs. Henry Brenbem, Brampton. drals and xnany other interesting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alldread an4 tboughts were given. Mrs. S. R. Clifford, Bowmanville, with Mr. James, Mrs. D. Alldread, Mrs. Van and Mrs. George Alldread. Driel and Mrs. Richmond sang Mirs. S. Jewell with Mrs. David very deligbtfully. Mrs. Clare AI- Barker and Mrs. Howard Smith, lin took charge of the business in Toronto. the absence of Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Mrs. Willis Stewart Is visiting president. A social hall hour foI- with relatives at Roseneath. ]owed with Mrs. W. 0. Souch, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown and Mrs. W. Wool]ey, Ni.S. J. E. El- Son, Newcastle, xvitb Mr. and Mrs. liott and their helpers in charge. PIANO TUINING Frank Halpenny, Ottawa, expert piano tuner, is coming ta Bowmanville soon Anyone desiring to have their piano tuned, please write: Box 122, c/o Statesman Office ART'S GARAGE HAMPTON 1942 BCICK SPECIAL SEDAN, builtin radio and under-, seat heaters. 1941 CHRYSLER COUPE, built-In radio and heater 1939 BUICK SEDAN 1931 DURANT COUPE 1929 FORD COACH Cash . Trade-Ins a Easy Termns ~, ~"~î~UVU ~ ~ - ~ IWMUDAT. 9". cwh- 124 i b.? 1 1 1 BOWINIANVILLE 1 C.N.R. YARDS THE CANADIAN STATESKAW. BOMUNV=LP. ONTARIO in A-1 Condition » PHONE 2148