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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1948, p. 1

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br ia.a a tate~m~rn "Durham County's 9Great Family Journal"I VOLUME9~4 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARI09 TUJRSDAY, SEPTEMBR 6th, 1-948 6c PER COPY NMlR3 Head Table Guests at Women 's Legion,: Rally Held itn High Sehool Audtru Shown above are the head table guests at the Zone Rally of the and resolutions were passed ta be presented ta the Provincial Con- tary; Lt. Clijf Samis. President Bowmanville Legion; Mrs. Russell Mayor Sidney Little, Bowmavle rs .Hmhey n ie Women's Auxiliary, Canadian Legion, held in the High Sehool vention scheduled for Sault Ste. Marie. Reading from left to right: Candier, President, Bowmanville Branch;, F. Threadgold, Whitby, President, Bowmanville Biac;Ms .KlarcTesrr adtruBowmanville, Friday night,Set 10. Visiting branches Mrs. M. Bates, Secretary, Bowmanville Branch; Col. L. T. Mc- District Commander, Canadian Legion; Mrs. E. Coyle, Past Pres- Bowmanville Branch; Miss RoeBtltVc-Peiet1omn inluded.&U the district organizations. The meeting discussed ways Laughlin, G.M.C., D.S.O., Bowmanville; Mrs. M. Waller, Zone Rep- ident, Bowmanville Branch; Mr. Loveil, Zone Representative, Osh- ville Banch. and meanglé wîdenirig the splendid services of the Women's Legion resentative, Cobourg; Mrs. Cameron, Provincial Command Secre- awa Legion; Mrs. Richardson, Treasurer, Provincial Command; Junior Farmer Clubs Psmse alNn opee Kurve Inn Scene V cto a Ail Previous Records Droken Outstanding Feature OoîatrCr Kn opee f Fatal Accident Vctoa evc ue AtD rauCeta arBlackstock Fair T oo iyls AtDrhmCetalFi 65 Years of Continuons Service T ooiyls Key to Suca sflBsns TeAheeetDay pragram 'a Sevc D .L Kurv Inn xvas the scene Tues- for the North Durham Boys' Beef "U UJ day nîght of the second acciden Caîf Club and West Durham there within recent weeks when ____ Ooo auda cso 2ýtLeslie W___ H el a O ono Sa ur aySwine Club, held Et lackstok Information received frornthe week weand year after Alvin B. Cowan, Glen St.,. oo rufOtts_-t r Bright sunshine and fine, coolli ir ~Agricultural Representative E .masters' Association, states ta l h aewnsuccess at home rBwavil 1 aryCu braught out more than 5,000 peo- __________________ken competitions. Regional Postal Conference held uated from local schools and went Reconstructing the accident, it !E 1rakbeadeso uieseh ple to the 1948 fair of the Dur- j On the grand total score the in eNorth Bay, Ontario, Septem- on to pursue their respective vo- would appear that Cowan, 52 Killed in MYoorcyce cshntesparatria' ham Central Agricultural Society stndings for the Caîf Club was: ber 9, 1948, Postmaster Carl B. cations. These stories are a re- yersod, was procceding west ani Accident Near B."'S ucen eli .Worfa at Orono. Some 500 automobiles (1) Win. R. Fergusori, Nestleton. Kent, Bowmanville, was schedul- cord of the progress of this rising hismtor driven bicycle when____Perbopkenth sujc were parked in the race track en- (2) Glenn Larmer, Nestleton. (3) ed to receive the "Faîtbful Long nation. They are, in fact, theofVctnaSeve.Bsghi closure and total gate admissions, Richard Van Camp, Nestîcton. (4) Service Badge" whîcb carnies the basic history o Canada. Sa we hie was overtaken by a truck driv- Alex H. Simpson, 21, sno xoiinuo h orwyts with chiidren 'havýng free entry, Donald Prout, Nestleton. (5) 'have turned 'back the files of The en by Howard W. Teskey, 102 Mr. and Mrs. Horace Simpsoo fItraioa oay netted approximateiy $1,000. And Keith Van Camp. (6) Douglas ligbts of the career of Postmaster Dawes Rd., Toronto. Teskey Whitby, was instantly kille onsakretfthnaryofi- the crowd had something ta see Whitney, Port Hope. (7) Stanley Statesman ta recapture the high- daisntcasansastounSca.,ih 1ThdmorninSvstain adagmett and enjoy for the exhibits and MeCabe, Janetville. ()KnCarl B. Kent. cceptionally brighstb ind i n g Turamori accideptHicopeeySprtdhshss.e horse racing, together with en- Whitney. (9) Laverne S igitt, *.x Personal Hitoy had ight s roeeindaiwn- fimdta tetu9pîc larged midway attractions added 1. Nestleton. '. Carl Bedford Klent was born in grade on the ncw stretch of high- to fvctoa evc nov up ta the greatest fair in the his- The Swine Club standing: (1) Necs-,Otra uy 2 89 a n ald ta dim his lights -c h nrdcino ie tory of the Association. HaadTeiB-ea. ()tevr a httesrn u-atog ekey says hie flickedacetneohu nvlest Fine Races Oîîll HindmaHmton. 3) À i CutyOrageOderf tht his several times. Suddenly, Ca-lie MrWod It wouid take mucb more space: i Herb Craîg, Bowmanvilie. (4) tm, commteunitywt Ff ansccl am no iwdiet than is available in this issue of 1V th VanCamp. (5) Kennetb tine, pradeIdutesretcsehie lyinants ycefcmein rcoltovedie-rfrak the Statesman, adequateîy ta dc- ~~Sin.clIair, Pnontypool. (6) Ralph' n rm ndecus el nfoto i rctolt ibya nal n th ttsaaeutl od-went through the local school and to avoid an accident, according fun rtr scribe ail the variaus departments HilsEnnskile . (7) Geo.D Tsha Speaker n e w e a t r e s a s h e r a d l y M - v d s o n H a p t o . ( 8 D o al d. as a m r e o u th h e jo in e d th e s ta ff t a T e s k e y . T h e r a d ia to r g rill o an pca etrs n ftevdoHmtn 8 oadof the Newcastle Post Office in the truck was pushed back but!Itouto f h pae a ne etrswsteBalyM-Prosser, Burketan. (9) Bobby' 1883, as a junior clerk. He suc- no other damage was apparent, afn iiayapc sRtr bile Starter used in the barness jCoesBwanile. (10) Han- ceeded the late J. E. Atkinscin. while the cycle was badly dam-Co.LT. cauhiG . hos ae hc a pntdold Crawford, Hampton. (11) who ývent on ta become praprietor aged. Cowan's body with terrible c. ... ol a ,ito by Mr. Bradley, Toranto. It was: Murray Logan, Pantypool. of the Toronto Star and rail up head wounds. was faund along the , Cniudo aeSvn a car with a platformi and long' Mr. Summers states that the , a fortune of millions ta be left ul- 1 edge of the highway several ___________ b tar at the rean which evened the general results shown at Black-' timately ta Ontario charitable or- 'yards removed from the wbeel. ý-. racers as they came to, the stat-' stock were eminenitly satisfactary ganizations. Dr. V. H. Starey, acting coron- eiao igtwradte pdaanewith the contestanits rating fine Young Kent remained in the er, and provincial police officers < ~.DSrie i n g t w e r a d t h n s p eraw a i A t e n d e from the track. Not a false start pasfor their wark. The Southr Newcastle Past Office for three investigated but no information was mnade in the variaus heats. throng of admirers. The Knox Durhýam Clubs competed at Onono' years under Postmaster Acy Wal- bas been receîved af an inquest Pu' A radio announcer, Ken Spence-i honey display brought out the ex- Fair and the results are shawn in -bridge and bis successor Thomas of any charges. ly, Toronto, handled the public tent of this fine Orono industry. anothen column. McClung, a former Bowmanvilie A t address system. The continuously Apples and vegetables were spien- Tersosblt ftemi packed grand stand and the crowd and the Robson Fanm Equipment, ln July, 1886, at the age of 17,M nge;ida twr tesucsso otid oth ihihsadr- omnilsoeth aeti alBKetMn. Kent secured a transfcr ta the General hMstaawonagsehethm sut wt eprînedfuec.cars and trucks. The women's ndanyf otra Domestc Showauxiiiary served nieals and lun-BokdfrR un citation, "In recognition of splen- continued in this local officeB n fM nra uge a h eeiainSr The exhbtin Showik a1tba wee el paroize.r îd ubic eric." heprse- ,vithout a break for the past 62 Visits Local Branch Okehes tviceer atl St.onPaul'sidpuUnitedvic Churcb.n f 1 ITbere is rnuch left out intîs all Game taptian was assigned ta Mn.Ar .yas ateBwmnil fie____ ail the space availab e and wereSetSudymrig greater than ever. The women's brief report. _____Gîbson, Regional Director, Can- he served first linder Postmaster Customers in the local branch Alex H. Simpson Pecigt ag ogea secionan scoo exibts t- Outside the rin k, the platform adian Postal Services, Toronto, in' James B. Fairbaira who died onr of the Bank of Montreal, Thurs- toM.Qiiyelre i scinadsho xiisa-The Canadian Champion Sun- 'bebaîf of the Postmaster GeneraI, Sept. 1, 1906. Mr. Kent oxves rd'atro e machine went suddenly outo'tct tteta h rul tracted a throng ail afternoon and contests among sebool children in day Morning Softball Team, Tor- Ottawa. much ta the kindly influence of d y aten Spt. 9 ere met o 1r, was projcedai blc s e k n ,hvda b g t r n itb genial s miles of the staff as 'c n r c e c o s t eje it n a t e w n d t d y i jud.gigwsaoseacing task public speaking, bîd sbi.thPn onto, bas been boaked under the Mr. Fairbaira. a true gcntleman th vr ce areev am ditch ino a telephone polean milydetthididulr- The Township School Area had and fiddling contests won much I 'The badge is given members off h l-sho racerhgev eîn seefrom a dinued-teipc cubdtenie' n osbf i uy n epni it is hwa ttefi.o applause. West of the tnack the iBowmanville Rotary Club aus- teCnda otlsafw of h l r -.haatr 1teipatcuhe h igial ainin"s y M. A A.Robson Farm Equipmeat had a pces for a return eoftball game 'have completed 25 years of mer- In subsequent, aiteraating, PO- looking. dynamic individual who skul causing instant death. iginal paintings by Mn. A. . with the local M en's A l-Star itonias and faitful public ser- litical appoitm ents Mr. Kenti appeard to be a guest of mana- Young Simpson was emp oy d blty a s m on ele T e R - ___________ j deded a C o tîcaton P agion)T e m . h e gof w lthepla ech urcher ed u n ew assm a ta on te Hgh ebol grund, St- ond that for he as served 65 John McMurtrv, another fine gen- tunate c ustomers, incuding the' School w bere lie was a ge ea'Chit n C uch uraSpebr2 t3pm nyears continuousiy in the postal tleman and long nespected mer-, editor, had the pleasure of meet- favorite. He bad been gratd Cmeinonheecrin Ennis ille 's Fisi Sreet ancecase of rain it will be postponed service whieh ncudes 27 years as chant. When he died la 1912 the ' ing the visitor r bis halidlay the day before adotebrh h~ba aeh hor.certain that few in the public sr-greatly respected local ml r G eperatw copaiibscroGosrdonM. uiReysttedtht bs n And Carnival a Huge Success Rtrycaimn atDeGeer vice of Canada have attained a man, for many years on the Can Getral Moaaer antwof Men-k< pic up one ohn g fo bisvareet a htteewreS stisiltti ots ilb eodcomparable withMn. proceeding ta-' manyhis dpeopleatio. Thwereeunableeeta in the nature of a grudge game Kent's. In extending community May 9, 1921, political appoint- coretofuwhichhetroos ne wards omnilwh t Enniskillen's main street wasi i. bich the S.M.C. will seek ta congratulations ta Mn. Kent on meats had become uapopular, fol- ' vis ome 35 of he bank'sed'bran- nthappened. Gaiuewsepesdt h crowded with young and aid citi- Elected President wipe out their previaus defeat by neceiving bis faithful long service lowing the world war and Mr. vchetsoHe w35 o m anied byn- Rîdîng abead some 300yadcpbecm nyoPesn&Sn fno m the surround ng district ga- .the m en. T he gam e w ill close in eview ing h s rem a kable car- appointm e t as P ostm aster. H e !' o p n o s i i g d u l , K n i e c - p r t o a b e e a tbened ta participate in the v41- . - . tbe 1948 season for S.M.C. wbicb enr. lhad la fact been the real post-icmaonrdgdube lage's finst street dance and canai-. marked their supremnacy aven brti otnt th at for the past master for the previaus 20 years. netb Burley and Harold Lidse.eclcceo hi ok $v0l which netted appnoximateiy W ona.d Champion Queen's af Ani- 94 yeans, thîs paper has neported, (onîne o Pg Sx)T e rsaw the motcchead pca msewsprvddb $0.zn.tbe paie. The machine brokeutesiofAxMGegrwb The occasion was heid under the The previaus game in Bowman- -inoafine and the two lads diraedrsn"GoiinEcss"yMo auspices of Enniskillen Athietic iville between these teams wasL on Simpson aRe ur s utheway fr ombcte ame!zn.TeJnorCor.ne b Club in an endeavour ta raise considened indecisive by the Ton-rsIE I hbd saccen fortieIt viie necafite out girls and tbey xish to wipe * fr *Wbile one boy remaiaed athe"nada"bSieu.MssD- scefil.I ilb ealdotthe defeat befone hanging up ~W r scene the othen called the poienraCesersn h euiu that the junior soccer team from thein classy swing skirts for the Splendid for* Commui ty W o1r and fine department. Provinca BesTi os. this village wvon the junior titl. winter. Tickets are naw on sale n:N, Constable Ray Kowal summoejAtte vnigsrce th this 3-ear. an hoor which put en-for aduits at 50c. Tbey may be Presîdent Jack Brough wel-Shoînue "'fimn exiused tejaedbM.adMr.avdA - tbusiasm and a desine for improv-j obtaîned fnom any memben of comed almost a full assembiy of' colBoy nue the coromn e r.C. . uistisddctinoeh rasvsso ed pi ying ondit ons i ta th iJG m anville R otary C lub in the j m em be s ta the Lions C lb dia-i . fam es. R elatives of the dec ea e t o g a d t e a i l g t o a e minds of tbe cammittee ila charge. matm.I rmsst ea'e bc a upuui evIn Highway Accident i,.were notified and the bodywsbyM.ad rsNomnctti Dancing and the operation of ~grim contest and the smash-hit ed by Mrs. William Clark's group,Ner '- L""lartkntaWtb.m oyofM.JH..Ju, sevenal booths were preceded ear- of the yean. Trinity United Chuncb, in the Li- C OijAtracopeenvsgto'toklc. lier in the evening by a soccer I ___________asCmuiyCete Mna - by police and coroner it wasst-rSpeilmic as rvdd game between Claremnont and tbe evening. With tables agaîn ne- Bryan Rabb, age 6, son of Mn.ced tat n ouînqueist woudb e g y h eirCor b local team aided by several out -'ne otr o acmoaBoysrs i. .Rb, hws siders with Enniskillen walking. T eA, ragdtatyt ccmoaean r.W. .RbShws esy on g vs i pso as njsniBekFrhIt o" B...By e increasing member s h i p a n d is in Bowmnanvilie Hospital suf- al o n evsbsprns ipn r.K ulsn b away witb the game 6-0. Unfon-,Fr iedguests .some of wbom wer rs eigfrombrussad lgct n itrJyet o tunateiy. Claremont couild not orBig FedDay eepesseundodnie a ect n ass JTc e o furbsipitialoo peteGts i cnt from U.S.A. clubs for the eve- suffered in an accident that c-,vsedenpssIg. wThefnteralob epe yCo]yKap bring their entire regular team Wednesday, Spt.22 nt ae was sa taxed that Li- curned durîng afteraoon recess atwsbi et 1 ibitretS.Pu' aeQattesn and with the local football atists ' iSet inng spac Goddard dined atj Shaw's School, Tuesday. ýin Forest Lawn Cemeteny."NrrtiiNar" strengtbenedi. the contest 'vas not Leighton M. Souch Ail eyas are cast on the ne- talanthpesrpo-jItpease'aspyig it toa spectacular. ahl al markpes eot tp'pash aspaigwt As OOI asdarnes fe. Rth on t M. ad Ms. . D ably fast times beîng turned Fr had ta tny ta foliow praceed- 'others in the sehool yard and dant- Ais sons anOest eRtho Soc or Bowmandihle, W. Dh in by the only coloned participant ings from a chair in the corridor, ýed out onto the adjacent highway j o e " u i Wiso' Vret Ocesr tokSucBomavllwh af in the* annual tnack and field No Speaker No. 2 as a car dniven by Reuben imvis hee toriam e re taneyPsen eae oepstiofnsbof Cbabe '-p%înshpo be beld at the 1The meeting turned inoa bus- A. Cappe, 1660 Bathurst St., Ton- W me sA xiar ofCada o v errthn innte ntalo m e nt fno m an b ee njie v ate dstastoenr 'cf T pianships n ao n to , w as p o ceed in g east. T emegiord o R. B a l S i plydround and square dance Commence ta filthe unexpine feno.ed r th pakrbokdfrdrivroldredthecaccessful ConventionMr.J.A. obo music tbrougbout the ax-aning and termi macle vacant by the res igna- atron.cdtatteseketohd o iera sw e rd he a a rm i;biseca tar M. . aiHobs brouglit enjayment not onîs- ta the' tian of K. D. Gahan wha is mav-' This lad gives promise of de- jthe occasion, Mr. Crestney, a mill- gthe lad but ha ran ithe tha rn-rl Ais believad that Mn.eBail 'a large nunibei .- of dances buitot the i ing ta London. veloping ino one of Caaada's out- iJng expert, phoned that he xvouid fender and was tossed ta the pave- gerioratlpieasadoif the newalba- A vherv ses'sulazyo eayo'bndnPvicaTesurar 'll'~ b'- sbandingndsprinteenaaanconditionsi nadianaLegionasattedd.nHthenwasprovmenta bathe diplomateo entire vilage betause Icm rmusic He 'viii be attaeking records es* !a big at:ciiarc for the meeting Dr. H. B. Rundie, Bowmanx-illeand inth nic aminditicts eandiaîgh col aitoiuminFn thevigbyauigtel- could be heard ail aventhie vil- ei hsri amn ititadHg coladtruo lage on the amoitlifien set-up Dro- McLaughlin, Bunketon. won the tablished in former years and marked the 100 per cent attend- i was called and took the lad ta th e hrýntw.dyenig ihapoxm ided b,- The Radia Shop. Bow r card table from Nothcutt & 'looks like a sure tbing for the i- ncewe entdb- Losj op tal a eceive imnmediate r. i twasboninT rono26da e even nith prxmtl.ista vr einBac andile thalsqure ances ta per-r Crossman, Bowmanville. S5.00Oila great' like Bill Bagneil ta coach 1 ciuded a. rausing session of club -,vas absolved fnom any< blamne. in 1897 and entered the service of!r A very deliciaus banquetsu-'ab cesfl ne thesuaeon.stopr records from The Radia Sbop, them, atid the organizing abi]ity -sangs with W. E. C. Workman 'The boys injuries 'vare flot sari the. Mercbants Bank la 1914, per 'vas senvadi by the Bowînan fe uprtbe vr etwn. dne. ieeweaBowianville: Ms E. C. Ashton,, bam. the affain this .ea attheatthe piano and Wilf Carruthers osa'diti udrsod raxiii which menged with the Bank of ville Branch with the followigrmvdadtecarverag yera teaou -d ti udrtodh ii1Montreal in 1922. Meantime ha speakers voicing thair apprecu-c n h uiesmeig'a pniz.ecd-a n cas ereany er- Enniskiilen. S10.00 ia gravei from of Wallv Braden and Reg Rack- leading ln numbers often inter- saon be borne ta convalesce. His ~cvdoesa ibteCn-rto fteBwavlelde'bogtt rePoica rs caiederawbl au wmich*'vettra- d ii.Enikle:Tdd riig eolsaudb not- ruptad by the* tail twisqter colicet- 'rte sasprio tteB3s i nvpxpeiinar Frc191-cigailte n ihngietMs aern-nomda cha ts- cd cot1-bued-rtcle o Ya ,ol En n .niski n, ox o ped rsaining sc esols. n i es fa o -w rlr. rii g c o l w s w u d d b e i es a d'ba u c s l hautrna t e n na a c a r r

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