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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1948, p. 12

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-w ýPAGE TWELVE THE C <ANAflTAN T TEMAN. BOVMANVM1LP,. ONTAPIO JL XIM ZI.JLZI'q 0£ £% JA M f TV.. fl ý- & -. BIRTI-S BOWEN-At Bowmanvile Hos- pital, on October 27th, 1948, te Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen (nee Helen Heoper) a daughter, Dar- lene Helen. 45-1 BROWN-Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown anneunce the arrivai cf Barbara Elizabeth, at Bowmanville Hospital, on Tuesday, October 26, 1948. A big sister for Nancy and Virginia. 45-1* ]DILLING-Mr. and Mrs. George ,Dlling anneunce the birth cf their son, John Wayne, at Bow- manvilie Hospital, on Sunday, Oct. 31, 1948, baby since died. 45-1 GRACE-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grace (nee Jean HendersonY, cf Burketon, are happy te anneunce the birth of their son. Ralph Thomas, at Bowmanville Hospital, on Tuesday, October 26th, 1948, a brother for Bernice Jean. 45-1 TRIM-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Trim are happy te announce the birth qof their son at Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, 1948. 45-4* WRIGHT-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright wish te announce the birth of their son, Stephen Charles, at Bowmanvilie Hospital, on October 3th, 1948. 45-1k' ENGAGEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Potter wish te announce the engagement cf their daughter, Hazel Ileen Potter, te Walter Roy Conneily, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Conneily of Wales. The marriage to take place in St. John's Church, Bowmanviile, en Nov. 20th, at 4 p.m. 45-1* Mr. and Mrs. George McKenna, Orono, announce the engagement of their cldest daughter, Reta, te Harold Murray (Bud) Hooper, son cf Mrs. W. Thetford and the late Herchel Hooper, Bowman- ville. The wedding will taise place ini Bowmanvîlle. 45-1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow, Oreno, wish te announce the en- gagement of their second daugh- ter, Gwendolyn Audrey, te Arthur Keith Rowe, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rewe of Newcastle. The- marriage wili take place quietly the latter part of November. 45-4* MARRIAGE Articles For Sale THREE-piece chesterfieid, apart- ment size. Phone 2174. 45-1 FUMED oak dining-roomn suite. Phone 2085. 45-1 BROWN winter coat, size 14. Phone 2418. 45-1 SWEET cider. by the gallon or keg. Telephone Clarke 2811. 45-1 PORTABLE ironer, table top model, practicaily new. Phone 2523 or 700. 45-1 GURNEY cook stove,'ractically ncw, white enamel. C. D. Pascoe. Phone 2476. 45-1 RENFREW hand power washing machine, near new. Phone 2662. 45-1* LADY'S brown raincoat (iined), size 12-14; aise green Alpine skirt, waist 27". Phone 2670. 45-1* BOY'S overcoat, size 12, navy blue, good as new, Phone 835, Bowman- ville. 43-1 WANT te save money? See our ad in this paper. Elliott's Vaiety Heuse, opposite Garton's. 45-1' QUEBEC cook steve, with oven, in geod condition. Phone 2034. 45-1* COSY Home Quebec range, deep firebox, reservoir, waterfront. Phone 2239. 45-1* OLDSMOBILE sedan, 1934, in good condition, six geod tires. Phone 2810 after 6 p.m. 45-1 1947 STYLEMASTER Chev. coach with heater, Cash. Phone 1220 Clarke. 45-1* 500 NEW bricks, red (neyer used). Apply Sam Dewell, Hampton. 45-1 * DURANT motor, like new, for beit werk. Apply W. Cooper, Bowmanviile. 45-1* CHEV. truck, 1933, oe-ton. Ap- ply HartÔld Raby, 38 Liberty St. 45-1* ONE circulating heater, in goed condition, for ceai or wood. Phone Clarke 16-34. 45-1 WINTER coat, size 14; three-pç,e. winter outfit, size 4; skirts, ..ize 14. Apply 33 Odeli St. -4541* GIRL'S C.C.M. bicycle, just used a short time, $30. Phone 2174. BLEY-HUTCHINSON - On Fni- 45-1 dayevein, Otobr 2nd 198,FINDLAY Quebac heater, large at 7 o'cleck, in Columbia Univer- godcodton hne28 sity Chapel, New -York, Ruth " g' 5o.modtin.Poe 84 Articles For Sale SIZE 4 C.C.M. lady's professional figure skates, white boots, narrow width, perfect condition; also Dunn's double ball bearing relier skates. 110 Liberty St. N. Phone 469. 45-1 CULTIVATOR, M.-H., 13-tooth. tracter hitch, good condition; 1928 Chevrolet car frame, with new tires (less motor); 13 pigs, about 75 lbs. each. Percy Werry, Phone 2124. 45-1* STROLLERS - Prams - F. F. Mor- ris Co. have the largest stock of strollers, go- carts, toddle carts, 1 cribs, etc., for the baby this side of Toronto. You will save by get- ting our prices first. 36-tf 300 FEET half-inch and 60 It. of one and a half inch galvanized water pipe; one double-teamn plow, io ne sct double harness; truck< load of lumber; four ice tongs. Alf. Shrubb, Bowmanville, Phone 2680. 45-1 YOU can make m6-nêy by collect- ing club orders for new blankets made from old woollens. Brand new, all-wool or pure wool, ful size blankets, in newest colours. Direct from miii to you. Write for catalogue today. Midland Milis, Dept. 22, Midiand, Ontario. 45-1 NEW Fleury-Bissell spreaders at $275.00; tandem discs, $152' 00- tracter plows; grinders; harrowsè, Otaco spreaders; wagons; sleighs; water systems; cow bowls, $4.25; pump jacks; 14-inch Case bammer mill; Perfection'miiking machine. Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 15-20. 45-2* KITCHEN steve, excellent con- dition; five kitchen chairs; china cupboard; kitchen table; springs and spring-filled mattress; two small tables; plate glass mirror, about 2'x3'; congoleum rug, 7'x9'; bread box; two-bumner hot plate; siiverware. Apply 170 King St. W. 45-1 OSH-AWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modemn chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and fleor ceverings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at cempetitive prices. Befare buying visit Brad- ley's New Fumniture Store., 38-40 King St., W., Oshawa. 24-tf NEW Case 6' tandem disc harrow; new Case 2-furrow tracter plow; new Case 3-furrow tracter plow; new electric Rangette; new 3-wire Rangette; used rubber tired wag- on; new Otaco manure spreader; barbed wire; roll snow fence; 9 B.T. steel stalîs: B.T. water press- ure system. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 45-1 Elzabetn, aaugnter of ivrs. M. J. THREE-piace bcd cutfits, $26.95; Hutchinson and the late Mr. Hut- FORTY stocks cf cern, price $10. steel panai beds $13.75; spring-fili- chinson, te Kenneth Carl, son cf John Nichols, Phone 2168, Bow- cd mattresses $24.75; 3 piece chas. Mr. andi Mrs. J. Bley, New York, manvilla. 45.1* tcrfiaid $99; double door glass i ______________________ 1947 PONTIAC six sedan, oxford wardrobcs, special, $47.95; wainut DEA~;blue, heatar and trim rings, mile- coffea tables $9.99; card tables, ________________age 4000. Appiy 21 Carlisle Ave. spacial 99c; walnut corner cab- URES-At the residence 45-1 mnets S12.95; batter quality ches- terfild suites, $159; fait base floor Orono, on Monday, Nov. lst, 1948, GIVE a young friand oe or more coerings, spcciai 69c sq. yd.; Frost Robert Burgess, son of the late fluffy angora rabbits for Christ- Ring ice boxas, $4750; studio Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess, aged mas. Compiate equipmant. Phone couchas, extra spacial, $49. Brad- 93 years. Resting at the Morris 17r1, Orono. 45-1 ley Fumntitura Company, 38-40 Funeral Chapal, Bowmanville, un- Kn t . saa 5t til 10 o'cleck Thursday momning. FOUR-bumner gas steve, with Rn t . saa 5t Thance at bis late rasidanca,- oven, $25.00; aIse two-burnar gas Orono, for service on Thursday at plate. Apply 22 Carlisle Ave SAL 3 p.m. Intermant Orono Cametery. 45- 1 AUCTION S L Flowars gratefully declinad. 45-1FODtuk198 -o;frFAMSL CARDS 0F THANKS wvagon, rubbar tires; set Ranfrew The undersigncd has received _____________________ scales. Phone 418 Bowmanville. instructions fromn Mrs. C. J. Smala and family w ish 45-3* I L te sincere]y thank their friands for MAN'S navy xinter overcoat, size Mi'r. Lorne .uobinfs al] the kind expressions cf sym- 36, excelant condition. Tee small te salI by public auction pathy cxtendad on the death cf for ownar. Apply 67 Church St. at 1 p.m. at their dear brother and uncle, 45.1* LOT 33. CON. 8, CLARKE Hubert T. Smala. 45-1 TOWNSHIP__________ MASSEY-HARRIS 2-furrow disceO NSI Mrs. James Malley, Pontypool, plow; '32 Pontiac sedan, Lomne Haîf Mile West cf Leskaéd wishas te thank hermamny friands Thompson, R.R. 1, Burkaton. onl and neighbouî-s for thair kindness-1 45-1* ~ Nv as shown during the illnass and' rluay, N v f,14 passing cf lher husband. She! SILENT-Glow cil beatar with two: wishes te thank members cf thea idrums and cil carrier. May be The following farm stock, faad, L.O.L. and R.B.P. lodgas; aise Rav. seenat Bert Parker's, Ring S. ïharnass, implaments, etc.: Julian. 45.1* or Phone 2174. 45 HORSES IMatchcd Team cf Percheron Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and BARRED Rock year-old haens; Hersas, 4 and 6 years old. daughtcr, Orono. wish te thank Tolman Sweat appias and tablae IKcw their fr'cnds and relatives. also tumnips. S. W. Brooks, Phone 2227. Hosten Cw',3 ys.,fa rn Orono Fîî-c Brigade and Bowman- ___________________nia Cow 6 ys. duesDecaBrn ville Canadian Legion. for their1 1947 DODGE speciai deluxe sedan Brindie Cow, 6 yms., due January; help and lkindnass at the time cf Mopar deluxa heater, defroster' Brindie Ccxv, 4 yrs., due November the fire. Special thanks te Mm. Lan 10W mileage, perfect condition' Durham Cow, 5 yms., caîf at foot; Pearce for bis courageous help_ in Garnat Porter. Newcastle. 45-1 Durham Cow, 3 yrs., caîf at foot. saving Mr. Wiison's life. 45.1*! FAT CATTLE GIRLS' juvanile two-wheel bicy- 13 Fat Heifers. 850 lbs. each; 3 Fat Mr. Meredith E. Failis and fam- i de (Sunshine), good condition, Sters, 8,90 lbs. aach; 4 Durham ly wîsh te express te their many enly usad 6 rnonths. Write P.O. Stears. 7.50 lbs. aach: Fat Caîf; 10 friands, relatives and naighbours Box 55, Newcastle Ont. 45-i Hereford yr.-oids, 600 ibs. each; their heartfelt thanks and appmec. I1 Durham yr.-o]d, 500 lbs. iatien for acts cf kindnass, mass- ROTATILLER Garden Tracter, in ages cf sympathy and beautiful perfect working condition. Apply SWINE floral tributes extended to them Brcokdale-Kingsway Nurseries.. Sew. hred 2 months; 5 pigs. 100 in their ecent sad bereavament 45-1* lbs. aach; 10 pigs. 8 wceks oid. in the loss cf a dear wife and198 ECUY t sae POULTRY niother. 45.1* 124 ECR wotnsae l)aying Hans. -body truck; aIse 1940 International IN EMO IAM haîf-ton panai. A. C. Darch, Bow. GRAIN AND FEED IN____MEMORIAM________ manville. 45- Quantity Cartier Oats, suitabla for seed; Quantity of Good Hay. BRUTON-In loving memnomy cf THREE wire wheals, tiras and HARNESS Sgt. Nomm Bruton. C50()51, who tubes, 19", in good condition, cern- Set Doubla Harness xith Breech- made the supreme sacrifice in plate, for quick sala. Davcy R. ing; third horse Harncss; Sevarai Hoiland, November lst, 1944: Aildread, Machina Shop, Ring St. Collars. -Ever remcmbered by his buddie, East. 45-1*niIMPLEMENTS P. Baker. 45-1*t HUPMOBILE sedan, 1931, odManura Spreader, McCormick-1 FALLIS-In loving tribute te the condition, tires excellant, appgond Deerîng. g ood; Mowar, 5-ft. eut, memory ofada ubnan nego,$0ores ffar. Cao MCormnick-Deering, good as new;c father, Charles H. Fallis, who de- be sean at 25 Church St., after Cockshut Kid Twin Piow, naw;( parted this life November 3, 1945: à p.m. 45-1* M-H. Hay' Tadder, good; Culti-t -Wife and family. 45-1* - __1 vator, McCormick-Deering, good;s MlOFFAT electrie range, 4 plates. 1 3-Drmr Rollar, McCormick-Deer-d MASTERS-In loving memory cf high eVen and warming oven. In ing, good; Toboggan Sieighs, good;o a dear father. James Masters, who Ai condition. Bargain for quick 4-section Harrcws; 14ay Rake;c passed away Ncvember 2nd, 1947- sale. Apply Howard Gibson, Bain Wagon; Fanning Mill; 2000t One year has passed dear fathar; Bowmanviile, Phone 2482. 45.1* lb. Scales; M.-H. Bindar, 6-ft. eut; Sine yu wre alid aay;9 OFFT eecti ang, furW agon Box; Singla PIovv; Mc- Sinc yo wee ealedawa; MOFAT eletrierane, ourCormick Hay Raka; Singie Scuf- How well de we remember humner, table top. cream coîcurfie That sad and weary day. jutlkenw $7.Apl . .FRNTR Ybu suffered much, you mur- jstt, ke neSt7. Apl [Large RNTUE Wewmured flotbo, eS., Bowmanville.4- ag Quantîty cf Furnitume in- t Wwatched you day by day;i cluding 3-pce. Chesterfield Suite; We cried and prayed that your VENETIAN Binds-F. F. Morris 3 Bedroom Suites; Dishes; Cook dean life Ce., distributors for Canada 's fin- Stoe with cil humner; Tables, etc. Would net be taken awvy est venetian blinds. We measure Ternis Cash No Reserve -Ever remembered by his faimily. and install, Cail 480 for free asti- JACK REID, Auctioneer. C . 45-ý1mates. 36-tf 45-1 COMING EVENTS Don't forget the date of St. An- drew's Church Bazaam, Nov. l9th. Homemade baking and afternoon tea. 45-1* Guildettes Rummage Sale in St. John's Parish Hall, on Saturday, Nov. 6th, 2 to 5 p.m. Afternoon tea, home baking. 44-2 Reserve Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Nov. 23, 24, 25, 26, High Schooi Commencement, musical comedy "Trial By Jury." 1 43-5 Dance at Enniskillen Hall, Fmi- day, November 5th. Ruth Wilson's Variety Band. Auspices cf Enni- skillen Athletic Club. Admission 50C. 45-1 Corne te Hampton Women's In- stitute Bazaar in Hampton Sunday School roomn on Tuesday, Novem- ber 9th, at 3 p.m. Wide variety cf booths, cafeteria tea. 45-"1 Goodyear Recreation Club will hold a Dance -a1e Recreation Hall on Saturdy, N . 6th, stàrt- ing at 8:30 p.m. Don {amm and His Orchestra. Admissix.n 50c par persen. 45-1 Coma and bring your friands te St. Josaph's Church Annuai Baz- aar and Draw, Friday, Novamber l2th, at Lions Community Centre. Afternoon tea, 25c. Sale cf home- made cooking and fancy work. 45-1* One hundrad good seats avail- able for the second concert, De- partment cf Education Series, Nov. llth, at 8 p.m., in the High School Auditorium. Tickets may ha oh- tained from Liens Club mambers or Alex McGregor's Drug Store. Sea advt. in this issue for furthar details. 45-1 The County Contest in Public Speaking fer the public sehool childran in Durham County wili ha hald in St. Mark's Parish Hall, Port Hope, (near Collacutt's Bus Station) on Friday avening, Nov. 5th, at 8 p.m. Contestants ragistar at 7:45 p.m. Encourage the child- ren by your prasence. 45-1 Anniversary and Thank-Offar- ing services in Newtonvilie United Cburch, Sunday, November 7tb, 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Rev. A. E. Eustace, B.A., Orono. guest speak- er at both services. Special music by the choir at the aftamnoon ser- vice, whiie the choir cf Runnv- made United Church, Toronto, wili provide music for the aven- ing service. A cordial invitation to ail. 44-2* St. John's Cburch, Cartwright, Annual Supper, Community Hall, Blackstock, on Friday, November Sth. Supper hegins 6 p.rn. Sale cf fancy work, garden produce. etc. Programma at 8:30 p.m. "More Arctic Adventuras" with the Rev. Gea. Nicholson and bis movias; spaciai music by Mr. Donald Bail, Tomante baritone. Admission: gen- eral 40c; for programme only, 25c. 45-1 Livestock For Sale TWELVE pigs, fine weeks old. Phone 1652J12, Oshawa. 45-1 35 ROCK roosters. Apply even- ings, Mrs. R. Olesen, Haydon. 45-1* THREE -year -old Clyde mare, quiet in avery way. Trewin E. Scott, Tyrone. Phone 2930. 45-1* PUREBRED Shropshire shearling and ram lambs, Bowmanville, Phone 2274, Gordyn Brant. 45-2* SHORTHORN bull, il months old. Appiy Ross Hailoweil, Newton- ville. 45-1* NINE Yorkshire pigs, seven waeks old. Appiy Raymond Ciapp, Ty- rone, Phone 2980. 45-1 75 PUREBRED pullats, laying, 7 months old. Apply Chas. Fisk, Newcastle, R.R. 2, Phone Clarke 3833. 45-1* TWO Dorset ram lambs, purebred, $25 each; purebred Scotch coilie puppies. Stanley Taylor, Burketon. 45.1* TWO young cows, third caîf, one to freshen in March, milking; one te freshen in December. Won't separate thema Phone Port; Perry 78r21. 45.1* 19 YOUNG Leicester breeding awes: also International twc-fur- rcw tracter plcw, in good condi- tion. Appiy John E. Wilson, Purpla Hill, Cartwright. 45-1, Notice Io Credilors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F: MAMIE NETA FOWLER ALL persons baving dlaims against the estate cf Mamie Neta Fowler, late cf the Village of Pontypool, 1 County cf Durham, deceased, who died on or about the l9th day cf October, 1948. are hereby notified te send in te the undersigned Per- sonai. Represantative cf the said deceased on or befere the lSth day cf November, 1948, full particulars cf their dlaim. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative wiil distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only te dlaims of which he shall then have notice.- DATED at Lindsay, Ontario,! this 2nd day cf October, 1948. WILLIAM AMBROSE FOWLER,! Village cf Pontypool, Ontario,i Executor, by Cuningham & Thom -l son, 14 William St. N.. Lindsay, Ontario, bis Solicitors herein. 45-1 Auction Sales Blue Ribbon Shorthorn Sale at the Fair Grounds, 'Oshawa, on Friday, November 5th, at 1:30 p.m. J. Baker, manager, Hampton, Ontario. 41-5* 1 have receixIed instructions from Mr. George Couvier to sali by public auction at the Exhibi- tion Grounds, Orono, on Saturday, Nov. 6th, at 1 p.m., his entire household effects and.some live- stock. See bis. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 44-2 The undersigned has received instructions frcm the Executor cf the astate cf the late Mrs. D. K. Fraser te seil by public auction at ber lata residence, Lot 4, Con. 5, Darlington Twp., 3 miles east cf Hampton, on Saturday, Nov. l3th, at 12:30 sharp. Ail hem farm stock, impiements, bay, grain and wood. Further particulars sea bill.s. Termas cash. No Reserve. Jack Raid, Auctioneer. 45,1 FURNITURE SALE-I have been iauthorized te sali by public auction for Ella Mcîntyme at the rear cf 109 Cburch St., Bcwmanvilie, on Saturday, Novamber 6th, hem housahoid affects including dining- room, living-room, bedroom and kitchan fumnitura, dishes, cil steve. heater and electrie range, and many other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. Tarms cash. Elmer Wiibur, Auc- tioneer. Note:. This sale was postponad fromn Saturday, October 3th te the abuve date. 45-1 On Saturday, Nov. 13th, 1948,' the Bowmanviiie Lions Club xiii sali at public auction about 200 articies,'baing the balance remain- ing unsoid at their previeus auctien. These include many cf the largar and better items such as chairs, satteas, stoves, chester- fields, tablas, mattresses, beds, etc. Sala wili ha held on the lot ad- jeining Palmer Motor Sales, King St. E., or in case cf bad weather in the premises aboya Paimem's Garage, ccmmencnig 1 p.m. sharp. Tarms cash. No raserve. Auction- eer, Wm. J. Challis. 45-1 Sale of Land TARE notice that pursuant te power cf sale containad in twe mortgagcs thereon, both cf which are now in dafault, a farmn con- sisting cf ninety and one-haif acres, more or lass, and being part cf Lot Elevan in the Fourth Con- cession cf the Township cf Clarke, in the County cf Durham, form- eriy occupied by H. Stephen Sim- onson, will ha scld by public auction but subject te resarve bid, on the premises at 2 p.m., Novem- ber 15th, 1948. Deposit of 1017, of purchase price by cash or marked chaque. Balance cf pur- chasa price in 15 days upon com- pietion cf sale and possession. W. R. Strika, K.C., Solicitor for Motgagae. 44-3 Voters' List Posted Clerk's Notice cf First Pestlng cf Voters' List. Voters' List, 1948, Municipality cf Bowmanville, County cf Dur- ham. Notice is hereby given that 1 have compiied with Section 10 cf the Voters' List Act and tbat I hava postad up in my office at Bowmanvilie on the 26th day cf October, 1948, the list cf ail per- sons entitled te vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tiens and that such list remajns there for inspection.,- And I hercby caîl upon aIl vot- ers te take immedîate action te have any arrors or omissions cor- rected acccrding te iaw, the last day cf appeal being Tuasday, November 9th, 1948. A. J. LYLE, Clark cf the Town cf Bowmanviile. Datad this 26th day cf October, 1948. 44-2 Custom Work PLOWING and cultivating. Aise John Deare repair work and parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. 19-tf JURY 1Phone 778 AUCTION SALE I have been authorîzed te selI by public auction for Alfred Brown LOT 11, B.F., CLARKE 21/- Miles South and 1,2 Mile West of Newtonville on Wednesday, Nov. 101h The following: IMPLEMENTS Mower, M.-H., 6 ft.; Binder, M.-H., 6 ft.; Seed Drill, M.-H.; Rubber Tired Wagon; Cultivator, Inter- national, 3-herse; Hay Rack; Farmn Wagon; Hay.Leader, M.-H. (goed condition); Hay Rake; Democrat; Manure Spreader, M.-H. (good); Orchard Sprayer, on trucks, 120 gai., (good condition); 2 Kid Kan- garoo-Single Plows, Set Sleighs; Harrows, 5-sec.; Scales; Single Scuffler; Fanning Mill; Viking Separator; 2 Buggies; Wheelbar- rew; Cutter; Grain Bags; 'Pulper;, Gindstone; Broddem Steve;, Ex. tension Ladder; Fairbanks-Morse Grindem, 10"' plate, 75 ft. drive belt, 8" face; Prurrrs; Apple Barrais; Relier, Steel; Set cf Iron Wheals; Forks, Hoas, Shovels, Chains, Pig Box, etc. TRACTOR EQUIPMENT Case Tracter, V.A., 1946, on rub- ber, lights. starter, pulley; Tracter Plow, 2-furrow, 0-Taco, rubber tired, goed condition. CATTLE Black Cow, 6 yrs., bred Marcb 3rd; Grey Cow, 5 yrs., bred April lSth; Red Cow, .4 yrs., brad April lst; Red Cow, 4 yrs., bred March 2th; Hereford Cow, 4 yrs., due Decem- ber; Durham Cow, 7 yrs., due Dec- embar; Brindle Cow, 8 yrs., fresb, caîf at foot; 2 Fat Heifers, 900 lbs. (approx.); 4,Spring Calves. HARNESS Set Teamn Hamness; Coliars. FURNITURE Beds, Couch, Tables and many other articles. GRAIN 600 Bus. Mixed Grain ( extra goed) POULTRY 25 Rocks FENCE POSTS Quantity of Good Posts PIGS 6 pigs, 150 lbs. HAY Quantity of Good Hay Terms Cash Sale at 1 p.m. sharp C. M. JONES, ELMER WILBUR, Clerk. Auctioneer. H-elp Wanted CAPABLE girl for housework. Phone 835, Bowmanville. 43-1 MEN wanted-part time halp or full time, for fali shipping season. Apply Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- series, near C.N.R. Station. 45-2* COOK, general. farm in town limits, home with ahl modemn conveniances. Wanted by Decam- ber Ist. Write Box 150, Statesman Office. 45-2* EXPERIENCED Comptom a t e r operator. Apply in person or by letter to The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Limited, Bow- manvilla. 45-2 WANTED-Man for steady travel ameng consumers in Whitney. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable bust- 1er considered. Write Rawleigb's Dept. ML-K-140-131, Montreal. 45-4 FEMALE-part time cppertunity for wcmen cf above average in- telligence, resident in Bowman- ville or in small towns and vill-j ages, for occasional work inter- viewing in connection with pub- lic opinion surveys. Write: Can- adian Facts Limited, 146 Welling- ton St., West, Tororito, Ontario. 44-2 BE your own boss! Distribute our 250 produets: toilet articles, med- icinas, extracts, spices, floor wax, insecticides, farm products, splen- did assortment cf gift boxes. Our dealers make substantial profits! A custemer in each home! For catalogue and details, write te FAMILEX, 1600 Delormier St., Montreal, P.Q. 44-61 AND Real Estate For Sale FRAME house to be torn down and removed. Ross Hallewell, NeWtonville. 45-1*1 HOUSE, six reoms, lights and water, garage. Possession at once. Phone 468 or Write P.O. Box 146, Bowmanville. 45-1 LOT on Church St., apprex. 66x 150 feet, and building 14x30 feet, nearly new lumber. Apply 20 George St. or Phone 986. 45-1 HOUSE, eight rooms, Village cf Hampton, good, barn and garden. Immediate possession. C. E. Horn, Hampton, Phone 2144. 45-1 NEW, modern, 28x48 bungalow, 95r, completed, 45 miles from Toronto off No. 2 Highway, with- in town limits. Includes 9/½ acres tilled land, woods and spring-fed stream. Wonderful view from large picture window. Excellent 30x40 cernent foundation barn. Sacrifice for cash hecat'se cf extenuating circumstances. Im- mediate possession. Write Box 10, Orono, Ontario. 45-1 DWELLINGS Bowmanville-6-room, imitation brick, insulated, immediate pos- session. Bowmanville - 8-room, brick, hardwood floers, ideal location, lovely home. Enniskillen-large, brick, suit- able for large family or apart- ments, 31/ acres, immediate pos- session:ý On No. 2 Highway, west of Bowmanville-6-room, frame, new roof, newly decorated. FARMS Several desirable farms in Bow- manvilie district. STUART R. JAMES Real Estate Broker Phone 681. Bowmanville 45-1 Notice Dr. H. B. Rundle's office will be closed from November 7th to 2lst, inclusive. 45-1 Applications will be received by the undersigned up te and includ- ing November 3th, 1948, for the position of Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector for thc Municipality of the Township of Clarke. Place of Office: Townçhip Hall, Orono. Salary $1800.00 per year. Appli- cants kindly state qualifications and age. E. R. Woodyard, Reeve of Clarke Twp. Orono, Ontario. 45-3 Personal HYGENIC supplies - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six sampies 25c; 24 samplas $1.00. Mail Opder Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- ber Ce., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 45-9 TORTURED by conFtipation? Try proven FRUIT-A-TIVES, famous herbai r.,edicine used successfully for 45 years. Brings relief quick- ]y - tones up liver - keaps bow- cis active - restoes good healthi - RELIABLE. 45-11 Pets For Sale PEDIGREED Cocker Spanial pups weaned and in excellent condition. Apply Balmoral Hotel, Bowman- ville. '-45-1 REGISTERED Cocker Spanici puppies, S10 and up. Bernard Dii- iing, 23 Nelson St., Phone 2770. 45-1* For Rent BUSINESS offices, above Cartcr's Store. Apply N. J. Scott, Brook - dale-Kingsway Nurseries. 45-1 LARGE, bright, fumnishcd bcd-' rooms, br-eakfast if required.1 Write Box 151, Statesman Office.1 45-11 SEVEN roomed house on No. 21 Highway, near Mapie Grove. Ap- ply Misses Harndan, R.R. 3, Bow- manville., 1 45.2* Reception k Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis wilI be at home te thèir relatives and friends on Sunday, Nov. 7th, fremn 3 te 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. at 107 War- ren Ave., Oshawa, on the occasiori of their 4Oth wedding anniversary 45-li- Strayed STRAYED fromn the farm of Ri P. Stenger & Son, Enniskillen, ai Jersey heifer. Please Phone 2824,' 45-tr Wanted TWO middle aged ladies wish ta secure small apartment or share house with housekeeping privil-' eges, best of references. Write Box 155, Statesman Office. 45-1 REPAIRS REPAIRS to aIl makes of refrïg. eraters, domestic and rommerciaL Higgon Electric 42 King St.E. phone 438. 26 « ï NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good,: substantial workmanship, reliabil, ity, dycing, soling, sewing. etc, Try the Neat-Way, opposite Bow-' manville Cleaners. 7-tf Found PUP, six months old. fawn anci white, blue eyes, part Fox Terrier; little bell on collar. Cali 132, Ontario St. 45-19 STRAYED ente my property, on« Durham ccxv. Owner may have same by paying expenses. Appl3t Bert Johnson, R.R. 2, Burketon: Phone 2290. 4 5 - .1 Lost $100.00 FOR information regard- ing whereabouts cf three céows, disappeared fromn Lot 22, Con. 8, Darlington. F. W. Werry, Phone 2539. 45-1 SILVER filagree bracelet, Egypt- ian design, valued as keepsake. Lest betwecn King's Taxi and Royal Theatre, Satumday evening. Reward if returned te Statesman Office or the Legion Hall, Queen St., Phone 466. 45.1w Wanted To Buy SECOND cutting alfalfa, net bal, ed. Phone 2432. 45-1 PIANOS-If you have a piano for sale telephone F. J. Mitchell, Bowmanville. 45-1:1 BEFORE seliing your live peultry try us. Our prices are higher. 4« Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phone'-# 13, reverse charges. HORSES:- Old and cripp1ed. High- est price, plus bonus if delivered at Tyrone. Also able te kili at your farm. Dead farm stock re- moved within an heur. Caîl us collect. Margwill Fur Farm, Bowmanville. Phone 2679. 38-tf Wanted to Rent GARAGE wanted, either privale co- public, must have clear en- trance. Write, giving full details te Box 154, Statesman Office. 45-1 HOUSE wanted, about 5 rooms or more. Respectable and respensible family. Write details te Box 153,1 Statesman Office. 45-1 MODERN room with electrie con- veniences and bot water availabli by single man employed uptown. Prcference net over two blocks from Post Office. Wili pay highest rates. Write Box 156, Statesman Office. 45-1 S AF E Satisfying Service STE VEN'S BO0WMANVIL LE -ONT. BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD s' ~LE AT THE ~&DRtUG STORESA THURSDAY a FRIDAY a SATURDAY NOVEMBER 4 S-b YOUR REXALL STORE Bowmanville LQVELL Phone 778 1 1 1 VRMtSDAT, NOV. 41h, 1§4t,

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