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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1948, p. 8

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PAGE C IGEIT TEE ANAIAN TATSMAN EOMANVLLE ONTRIOTH'URSDAY, NOV. 4th, 1948 fSPORT NEWS B.H.S. Rugby Teamn Avenges Defeat by Trouncing Cobourg Citizens of Bowrnanville who attended the rugby garne at the Hlgh Scbool grounds on Octaher 3th, were treated ta a fine dis- play by the tearns from B.H.S. and Cobourg Collegiate Institute. Bowmanvilîe, stili smarting from the unwarranted 21-17 defeat in- flicted on thern by this sarne Ca- bourg teamn, came back with a vengeance ta smear the vaunted aerial attack of C.C.I. 16-0 in a game whîch featured rugged uine work and tricky rutnning. Cobourg, relying mainy on for- ward passes, found their recivers smothered tirne after time and were forced to us lune plunges and extension plays which were chopped down by Hank Tamblyn and crew as soon as they were started. ]Bowmanville were solid defen- siveiy, but Lady Luck smiled on thcm a few times when thev re- covered both their own and C.C.I. fumbles. Even at that the score is a good indication of the play. The first half saw neither team with a decided advantage. as B. H.S. tried to get their interference for the backfield clicking and Cobourg tried to locate their pass receivers. DeGeer kickcd one point for Bowmanviile, and late in the haif he plunged through the line for a major score. The conversion attempt was unsuccessfu i, eaving~ Studded Sure-Grips For CARS and LIGHT TRUCKS the uper-traction tireSL take y ouough snow, slush, muck or gumbo WITHOUT CHAINS. the score 6-0 for Bowmanville. The second haîf was ail Bow- manville's. Play was contînually close to Cobourg's goal line, as B.H.S. cornpletely dorninated their opponents. CC.I. was forced to kick from behind their line in the third quarter. B.H.S. ends, Knox and Lobb, blocked the kick, and Cattran recovered the bail for the second Bowmanvilie touch- down. A few minutes later on a reverse play Art Reynolds carried the bail around left end for a 35-yard run and another touch- down. Both scores were uncon- verted and the final score wvas 16-0. Quarterback Johnny Cattran put on a show of his own towards the end of the garne when he reel- cd off gains through the C.C.I. line for three successive first downs. His co-quarterback Jack Munday ably seconded his work by rnaking several impressive gains through the line, while Coombes was unstoppabie in end runs. The victorlous B.H.S. tearn play Whitby in Ajax on Nov. 3. and a Bowmanville win there wiil force a sudden death play-off game on Saturday àt the High Sehool be- tween B.H.S. and Cobourg for the League Championship. SKI CLUB NEWS Don McGregor Heads Ski Club Of ficers Sharp, strong studs, set-in angular , h is etn fteBw arragemet lie tacto cletsmanville Ski Club was held onj arragemet lie tacto clets, ' ~Friday' night, Oct. 29th, at the bite deep . . . take hold ... get Lions Club Centre. Due to other you through. Stop spinning meetings and activities the turnout wheels that waste fuel and time, was flot large. Election of officers cause delay and inconvenience. wshl o 99wt hs e Put oodyar tuddcISre-Gipssuits: President-Donald McGre- on your car or light trucks today gor; Sec'y.-Heien Tait; Treas.- f and save yourself a lot of trouble. Doug Harnden; Transportation- Jack Tait; Entertainiment - Ab. COODYEAR BATTERIES FOR Darch; Building-S. Sturrock; Ad- vertising-Art Hooper. 1110k TRATOR O CARyear's g31îiraces and also other mcavi b which were procured by ,,ed Chant. An executive meeting was held S.] eca idess hldandeiner Bowmanville Mlotor Sale mebr eie t odawie 166KI GSTE. D D O O A E Z4D S R I Elater date. There is a big year 168KIN ST. E ~PHONE 585 ahead for ail ski fans, so if you _____________________________idn't ski iast year corne out this ____________________________________________________ year and let's have a real good - ' I I I A *me. Many new thingsaire plan- __________________________________ DEALER_____ ned for the coming year. In the '~ meantime see this eoiumn for weekiy ski news. Are You Proud oF Your Tow ? Are you a persan who has thaught of the wark and the effort, and the money that citizens, same dead and some alive, have put into Bo wmanvjlle ta make ft the tawn it is to-day? Do yau realize that not sa many years ago there were no paved streets, no waterwarks, na electric lights and no factaries emplaying hundreds af Pea-ple at good wages. Have you contributeci anything ta the future of Bawmanville or have yau been ane oi those who has existed like the parasite who lives off others and qives nothing mare than the effort of living. Bowmanvjlle is gaing ahead. It is a town of which any ai its citizens can be praud. Right now, those wha want ta help make its future brighter are contri- buting funds ta the Memorial Arena. Yau are going ta be proud ai this Arena, but yau'll be much prouder if you know yau have dane your part ta make its erection possible. Be generous when the day evening. canvasser cails on' Fn- ruBLISHIED IN THE PUPLIC MNEREST BI JOUX LABATT, L1IUJTEU ' I Jack Coole Big Shot Men's Major League Jack "Windy" Coole was the big shot on Wednesday night corning through with a 797 made up of 254 -285 -258. Windy just nosed out Ed Rundie who had 794. Other good scores were Mel. Dale, 778; Maxie Yourth, 763; Jirn Callan, 763; Bob Wiliams and Dr. Rundie were tied with 754; Bill Shotter, 751, Harry Depew, 732; Jack Gay, 731; Bill Mutton, 723; Alan Osborne, 715; Roy Swindells, 702. In the singles it was a father and son battie with Alan Osborne having 320 to nase out "Goose" Osborne Sr. who had 318. Bill Shotter had 305, Maxie Yourth 298 and Jim Callan 294. Bill Westlake dropped bis aver- age to 249 for 15 games but is stili well out in front, having a big iead over Jim Cailan who bas 237 for 16 games. Bowlers are aver- aging 200 or better. This repre. sents approxirnately 50 per cent. of the bowiers. Bruce Milne's team had -the high tcam score with 3479 whiie AI. Osborne's team had the hîgh single game, 1242. Ted Tice had very littie oppos- ition in the lemon dept. having a nice score of 111. Westiake's team is now holding undisputed possession of first place with 29 points foiiowed ciosely by Osborne with 28. Standing - 6th Week Tearn Westiake --- -.--- Osborne. Piper------------ Milne ------ Cancilla ---- --- Rundie -------- Coole -- Luxton ------- Mutton--------- Williams ------ Bagnel----- O ke ----------- Won 12 11 10 10 8 8 8 8 7 4vrae B. Westiakc, 249; J. Callan, 237; B. Hearle, 232; A. Osborne, 229; Dr. Rundie, 227; E. Rundie, 224; K. Luxton, 222; J. Coole, 221; B. Wil.liams, 219; C. Rundie, 219; R. Oke, 218; J. Gay, 217; L. McFeet- crs, 217; G. Piper, 215; R. c 1 Knigbt, 213; S. Woods. 212ý; A. Piper, 212;, G. Eliiott, 212; Dr. K. Slemon,211; B. Mutton, 211; B. McFeeters, 211; H. C. Osborne,j 210; H. Depew, 210; T. Miller, 210;1 B. Oke, 210; B. Milne, 209; L.! Wiseman, 209; B. Bates, 209; J. Knigbt, 208; M. Yourth, 208; L. Krieckew, 208; D. Ca'-+er, 206; F. Williams, 206; T.,lsgnell, 206; M. Vanstone, 2rMs; D. Little, 204; M. Dale, 2.03;' R. Maynard, 202; A. Denshi, 201; J. Braugh, 201; R. rdchards, 200; R. Hearle, 200; D. McKnight, 200; G. Moody, 200. Providence Farm Forum Holds First Meeting of the Season Providence Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barnett with 25 present for the first Radio Farrn Broadcast 0f, this season. The discussion tapie wvas "Boy Meets Girl." The most important qualities a farrn wife shouid have, apart frorn those any wife bas, are perser- verance, co-operation, love of nature, helping ta keep a good morale, a fondess of animais, in fact she must be an înterested i partner in aillber husband's work on the farm. To dev-elop interest and a bet- ter understanding of rural prob- lems on the part of city people. farmers must madernize and beautify farm homes. They must also forrn organizations strong cnough ta advertise farming, and invite members of Citizen Forums ta meet members of Farrn Forums ta discuss and exchange views on uirban and rural problems, there- by getting hetter acquainted on eaeh others mode of life. If farm boys and girls have a proper home life they will be able to manage their own marriage and parenthood. We were favored at our meeting by having Mr. Chas. Osborne, President of Durharn County1 Federation of Agriculture, who spoke on "Folk Sehool"and en- deavouring ta solicit candidates to go ta Cherry Hill Farm, Mark- ham, owned by Mr. John Madsen. Our next meeting wiil be at Mr. and Mrs. R. Hendry's on Novern- ber 8th. Lost 6 7 7 7 8 8 10 10 10 10 11 14 Pts. 29 28 26 23 ' 22 20 18 18 18 16 9 Heading Your Way ? WHO KNOWS WHEN they may bel That's why it's important ta, have enaugh Fire Insurance ta adequateiy caver today's value af your praperty. Do you have this vital protection? Cail on this agency today for campetent insurance ad- vice. StuartI R. James LNSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 181, Res. '91 KÈing Street . BowmanvilIe Enniskillen Now Leads Bush League With Score of 797 The piough jockeys of Enniskii- len took Doug Taylor's mob to a 5 to 2 defeat. McLaughlin's 660 for 3 was bigh for Enniskillen, wvhile Taylor was the big boy of bis team with 628. Courtice was defeated by B.T. S., 6 to 1. M. Harrison bowled a nice 665 for the wixfiners, aithougb both teams were fairly even and Courtice tied the second garne ta spiit two points for the second garne. D. Langley finally carne into bis own with 639, but his teami (Deeley's) was defeated 7 to 0 bv Polley's boys. W. Poiley cam .e back frorn London where he fin. aliy ended up but he bowled a fourth with Elston bowling a fiee 632. % Gailagher's tearn met a 5 ta 2 defeat at thef bands of Foundry. They bad four men over 600 pins while Galiagher's only had 2. Pol- ley and Welsh bowled nice games of 302 and 289 respectiveiy. Mit- chell had a good 272 game for the lasers. League Standing Enniskilien - --------- Foundry --------------- --- ---- Gallagber Taylor ----- ------- Polley ---------------- --- B .T .S - ----- -- - ---- - ---- -- - Pts. 38 35 32 32 23 C ou tie ------- -- ---------- - 101' Douru e ------------ -------- High Averages B . Poliey ------------------- 215 W . Poliey ------------------ 213 N. Cowle -------------------212 B. Gailagher --------------- 212 F. McLaughlin----------------- -211 D. Deeley ----------------------- -210 D. Taylor ----------------- - 206 B. Pickie -------------------- 206 C. Woolner--------------------- -205 J. Graham -----------203 M. Harrison ------------- 202 B. Mitchell .------------202 J. Levett ------------------ 201 normalvitaflty? Thousands RegainVigor, Easy Way Qut eeIng w 111ea c efflest-,,worn-out. rundown isith stimilating. lnvlgo,ting, revitallzMUR, blooZ- regcneratlng Ostrex. Es'e' aly advIsed for men,. womnen of 40 '0 -r V L ('st, Uittle. New *tes acquaInted' 1i,',Onl, 500. Try Ostrex Toric Tab- let. te rerew Vep. vigor. rllallty and feel years younger. this very daY. At aU drugglsta. Lucky Strike§ Lead Ladies' Major League Ladies' Major League bowling wvent into the sixth week with the girls getting better ail the tirne. Lucky Strikes bit the jack- pot bowling 3098 pins, one garne total being 1132, giving them 71 m'ints and putting them in first place. Luck Strikes ----------------- 26' Phillip Morris ----- ------ -- - -24 Tucketts .----- -------_ _ 24 Black Cat ----21 Old Chum ----------- - 21 Players ----19 Kools------------------------------ -17 E>xnort 16 High singles went to Doris JoIli. 298 and 276; Vi Coole, 269; Carol Martyn, 264; Lola Wright, 261; Helen Lockhart, 260. High triples xvere: Doris Joli, î08: Marg E. King, 654; Vi Coole, 632, Carol Martyn, 632: Lola Wright, 613; Sally Cole, 608; Helen Dunn, 604, Ten High Averages Garnes Ave. Vi Coole ---------- 18 216 Doris Jol 18, i Helen Large 15 Helen.Lockhart 14 Vi Martyn Il Bernice Buday 6 Ada Tonkin 18 Eileen Hearl 15 Ada Luxton 15 BETTER TOBACCO THIS YEAR SAYS JOHN GOEPFRICH 190 und BR IS , 187 Hkig otismdAdetC. Dr. Chasea In-0 i Menhbrte uik"relîe.6 Keguar Six* 1769c. Economy Site. 6 urnes as -nuh $2.23. 1 8e A heaier for 0,cr 50 ye«s. 182 Di-.hae'Ointe As "g. Mrs. John Goepfrich (above) admires Blenn-grown tobacco crop. And Mr. Goepfrich, tobacco grower on Emil D'Hondt Farm, R.R. No. 5, Aylmer, says, "The results of my tobacco crop grown with Blenn were most satisfactary. The tobacco was heavier and smoother. My first two kilns were graded B-2-L and C-4. 1inend ta use Blenn next ycar." Mr. Goepfrich Is another successful tobacco farmer who knows that the choice of an appropriate plant food Is second in Importance only to the choice of farmn land if you want to make money out of tobacco. And Swift's Blenn is the tobacco plant food made in Canada to give best resuits in Canadian soul. It's a ï~ ieý scientifically prepared plant food ~, lW1 1~ ï made by Swif t's to produce a finer, Sfulier-bodied leaf. ~TO9A W>< ~ Ask your Swif t's Plant Food S Dealer about your supply of Blenn S today-and grow a more profitable 9 WITS ~crop in '49. SPiontVoods 4 PLANT FOOD DIVISION W. P. MAQEWa u 3@ NnwTinranl.. n Hydro Power Cuts In Dowm-anville As our quota of hydro electric power for Bowman- ville bas been cul a furîher 3,500 k.w.h., if has been nec- essary Io cul power in Bowmanville, and the rural districts Io the South East and bI he South West of Bowmanville. UNLESS FURTHER SAVINGS ARE MADE THESE CUTS WILL BE RADE NONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY INCLUSIVE AT THE FOLLOWING TIMES 10 A.N. TO 11 A.M. If this one cul in the morning is not sufficient Io meet aur daily quota il will be necessary for another cul in the aflernoon front 2 P.N., TO 3 P.M. Everyone has been doing a splendid job in con- serving power and the Commission regrets having Io take this step. You are stili being asked to save power and if we can méeet ur quota we may gel away withoui having any power cuis. PLEASE DO YOUR UTMOST TO CONSERVE POWER Dowmanville Public Utilities Comission W. R. Strike, K.C., Chairman. r<eorge Chase, Manager. 7 7 -710qffl à, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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