'1 W 1RSD A N'OV. Ifh. 194RTH E CA N A D IA N STA TESM AN , BOW M A IqVff LE . O N TAIU O I f I -mmW I #m Tlvvvm .ol" ATTENTION HOMMWIES! Bonded Singer Representative wlll be lu Bowmanvllue and District every Tbursdiy. For Information regardlng repairs, rentais, newlnt courses, electric and treadie machines. Phone or Write Singer Sewing Machine Co. 47 Walton St. Phone 1015w Port Hope, Ont. ing at Courtice Church on Wednes. day with much being accomplisheÉ getting ready for their bazaai which will be held in Deceriber. The Harvest Home Services held in Courtice Church were a wonder. fui success. Crowded congrega. t ions greeted the guest speaker f rom Toronto and music was sup- plied by the newly organized choir w ith Mrs. Penfound at the organ and Frank Walter at the piano. Guest soioists were Mrs. G. F. Annis and Ross Metealfe. On Friday night a large crowd FOR was served by the ladies to a chicken dinner which wsral EMKI:KYup to the mark in every way. ]BA mmu0 Pretty bouquets adorned the tables AND which had lovely white linen table cloths and the waiters were kepi mw.~mmm y until quite late serving the RESTA RANT any visitors. Proceeds for Sun- day services and supper went ta OnIy the Best the $500 mark or perhaps a littie better for wbich the committee UALITYtruiy thankful. QUALITYMany of our local hunters are AND are enjoying their usuai hunt. Some for deer and others for SERVICE ducks. Good luck to ail. Phone 85S FARM FORUM PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM Our Forum met at the home of AU. and Mrs. R. Hendry with 16 present. The discussion topic was "Let'& Go Farming." We think the "~ ~ total investment required in this .2> .district, ta buy a farm, including buildings would be about $100 per acre. To equip the farm wfth stock and machinery' around S $5,000 would be needed. A young man wanting to farmn * could first hire out ta get exper- ..... .... ... ience lhen rent a farm for a time before' buying one. He could get a loan from the Farm Loan Board ?eet"Of and with money saved from prev- ious experience purchase a farni of his own. Next meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks', Nov, 15th. DANCE willl be held i Newcastle Community Hall Friday, Nov. I 9!h IJuder auspices of the New- castle "Ladies' Sottball Club Don Hamm, bis saxaphone and 7-plece orchestra ADMISSION Per Person - 500 Proceeds ta supply new players' benches in park [ E A *1 A AG I C PEDWIMLK MAINTAINS GOGO IJIDER HEALIH GOOD uddet boulé le a.oewy e q -Ming rulw... Md te. uilom, f« , MW Sade d. lm of te .De Lavai Mauoli. -u" dve ula uma nO ~ .§é udsu.1li id.upoeily wm 1* a uu.d vdte. De Lavai Speadwa7 'baiahod of Fau t M4 lu.amgod .tatea. ,uur b«hea umociier «y ip.nanr,,.. ;am fur ir .o.uundlugne m ofh. 00 L-vaiMugn.dc Spaadway inul ?M mIldfflPerfwmaeanomd rwi. DE LAVAL CUM. SWARATMR a= in l 8m " donodr i MIqg P- ukoea. hog - t'ab Pom Pm etsa o A d- .md ad* 1«Le. oue d mi oeu-àmod n« -u dd4wu. kltihn ousam& DI AVAL-MIU< OF kWU @ver.8 la WuI't. Ion a MI LAVAL le&mgu lever *ol tu Okbuo pwo. Waeoe W. H.BROW DEAILEr FOR Case Iparm Machlnery - VWIrege DeLaval NMlrs a" Separate Beatty Dros. Stable Eulu.mst SKngst. W. rial M1ro a T,àm3 w UuwIRIC Mrs. A. J. Oke was a visit at Severn on Sunday accompaniq by ber brother, Mn. Wili You: and Mns. Young ai Audiey. Mrs. Ed. Youngman, who bi been with ber daughter, Mrs. Dc Thompson and Don, convalescir since ber illness wbich necessitatE bcing a patient in Oshawa Haspiti returncd ta ber home at Pontypoq on Sunday. Wc ail hope fon do. tinued impravement. Mn. Chas. Osborne attended th meeting at Canton an Thursda night in connection with the Fe< enatian ai Agriculture. Norman and Mns. Ciemens an Marilyn, Toronto, wcne guestsc her mother, Mns. G. Trevail. Mn. Sam Gay, Vancouver, wa with bis sistens and brother ani othen relatives. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Kinsman ani Mn. and Mrs. Fergus Kinsmai wenc in Lindsay attending tih funerai ai bis sisten. Ormey and Mns. Robinson an( daugbter wene with Lindsay re latives. Many ladies attended the quil SPECIAL L__:__ 1 RAIL FARESI1 B . ONTACT and Sld Bowmanvîlle Shoe Repair 12 Division Street TO ROYAL ABRICILTIRAL. WIITER FAIR Nov. 16-24 TORONTO 0»di USIU-Nov. l5th co l7th indusavc. Retuum-Lsve Toronto sot lacer chas miaighc, Nov. 25ch. PARIE AND ONEl THORD FOR TUE ROUND TRIP Goutnui.g Tai lia [ AAINHTOA 1 -- 1 - OR - Neai - Way Shoe Repair Opposite the Cleaners to Live in Blackstock SILVER WEDDING Popular Couple t 1or ?M..hMfS. GORDON LEASK ,cd ing Wednesday, October 6, being Ithe Silver Wedding Anniversary hsof Mr. and Mrs. F. Gordon Leask, )o anotheirrnany friends and ~ Ï tdoccasion wbich comes only once 1ai in a lifetime, it should be fittingly oo nemembencd. n- Accordingly on the cvening of 4 Oct. 5, in order to ibe a real sur- ffi prise, sixty close fricnds and rel- [vatives assemblcd at the camion- .-table home of the Gardon Leasks ta find the master of the house in idoveraîls and slippers, and his wife nd caimly winding the dlock and put- ofting aut the cat for the night. It was a real surprise! Such ,as excitement for a few moments! d Such scurrying around and dress- ig up in best "bib and tuckcn." d Beautiful baskets af munis and nm roses appearcd as if by magic. One he outstanding basket af delphin- iums, mums and rases, was furtb- d er beautificd by silver ribbon and .e. silve els In cveny room of the spacious home, lovely flowers t- lent thein beauty and charm. Especially appreciateci were the> ýd giftý flowers from the Sauina r WoYnen's Institute, af which Mrs. Leask is a vaiucd member. Id All thîs time severai young rmatrons were busily transforrning àthe dining-room into a bower of rwedding ioveliness. Pink and white ruffled streamers from the ir chandelier, festooned the table nwhicb. was covered with an Irish 3R N R.R lace clotb, and silven belîs wereMRAN MSR everywbene. Coral and yeilow who were mannied recently inC roses entwined the table mirror Caroline (Peggy) Snowden, thi don whicb reposed the threc-starey and Mrs. W. E. Snowden. of awcdding cake, made and decorated the son ai Mr. andi Mrs. E. M. yby Mrs. Elmen Wilbdr, and which tasted even better than it Io ,oked. When the exditement had final- e v subsided, the bride and groom K N A toftwcnty-five years were escorted K N A ebv Mn. and Mrs. S. W. Brooks,___ Bowmanville, ta chairs in the r.RahPerbowt aliving room ta the sweet strains Ms.Rah Perbo, it aio Lohengrin's Wedding Manch ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. eplaycd by Mrs. Robent A. Holden' Martinell. Oshawa, aunt af the 'bride . Mrs. Mrs. Fred Falls has returned Elmen Wilbur presented a corsage after visiting hcr daughter, Myr- af bronze and goid munis ta the tle in Peterboro. rbride, and littie Miss Sharon Wil- Mn. and Mrs. Warren have ne- bur pinned white rosebuds on the tunned frarn a viit, with their lapel oi the groom's coat. Mn. daugliter Mrs. Mercer in Guelph. Evcrett Vice as Master ai Cere- Mn. and Mrs. Ive Little visiteci manies cafled on Mrs. Frank Gil- in, Oshawa and Wilfred accon- bert ta read an eulogistic address panied them home on Sunday. to Marjonie and Gardon, Commen- Mrs. Eddie Couroux and Ray hainotaity, r hme their are visiting hcr sister, Mrs. Vance hositlit, ndtheir enactment lin at Orono. ai the "Gaod Neigbboun" policy -Mrs. Mary Luxon spent several ta anc and aIl, ably assisted by days with her brother, Mn. C. thein chanming daughter Eunice, Mercer, Elizabeth ville. and their staiwart son, Ewart. M.adMs e.Mre n At the propen moment Messrs. BrMn. and Mhr Gea.ercer.and Herb Rogers and Henry Bal' Brue at Ohawabr. er n.C prcscnted the honouned couple Esya saa with gifts* a large aid English Misses Christina Jilisen and reproduction Silver tray and a Theresa Couroux wene guests of solid wainut coffee-ta*ble with Miss Grace Mercer at ber birth- glass top, ail beautifuliy wnapped day celcbration Sunday. and festooned with roses. The son Thene was no church service in and daughten ai the bouse, Ewart Kendai Sunday due ta anniver- and Eunice, prescnted thein pan-1 sany services at Newtonville. ents with Gruen Precision wrist P. O. Pollarci bas been in this watches. A heantfelt response by vlcinity several times this past the recepients. was fotlowcd bY week encleavouring ta find thasc i caminunity singing, deligbtful nesponsibie for breaking the solos by Mrs. Laurence Malcolm, sehool bell and for othler damage Nesticton, and Mn Robent A. Hol- done at the school Hallowe'er den, Oshawa, and an appropriate night. It is really a sharne th,-É rcading, "Sandy Maclasan's Count- yaung folks can't have fun with- ship," by Mns. W. J. Leask, Bow- out doing material damnage. The. manville Card games wene enjoyed bell bas been there a great many during the remainden ai the even- years and the question of its ing value and where another can bc At the head table were seated obtained secrn ta bc, the stickers. the bride and groom, Mn. and Mrs. Sonk dcaim it has -becn in a dia- Robent A. Halden, Oshawa, and maged condition for yeans, while Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Rogers, St. others sav it must hre cracked ta Ann's. The bride, assisted by the functian propenly. groom, cut the wedding sake witb A banquet was held In the a silven knife, and a delicious Orange Hall on Friday evening and satisfying lunch was enjoyed, by the W.A. of Kendal chunch for senved iby a bcvy ai cbarming a-bout 90 mren, about 45 being- young ladies. fnom the Bowmanville, jZtary Amid a hast af Congratulatory Club and the rest local men. Ai' good wishes, the guqsts departed, repart a fine time and dandy sup- hoping ta rctunn for the Golden. per especially lots af pie. Wedding festivities of this most The deer hunting season'is an wortby couple. again with niany local residents Those attendling fnom a distance suceumbing ta the lune ai the wcnc, Mn. and Mns. Herbent Rog- wilds. Among those who have leit ers, St. Ann's, Mns. Olive Nonnish are Roy Sleep, Jae Jilisen, Mar- and Stanley, Tononto, Mn. anîd tin Mandci's and Jas. Martineli tIns. Melleville Lathangue, Ponty- witb Cecil Burley's gang at Tory pool, and othens from Oshawa, 1Hll; Wm. Mercer, with the Mer'- 3owmanvi]le, Part Penny, Nestie- cen Hunt Club, south ai Dorset ton, Biackstock, Enniskillen, and Ray Martineil who went ir Hampton, and Sauina. with Harold Roach's gang Many Congratulatory Cards ________ wre recieved fnom friends, asý weli as best wishes from Mr. and RE.MARKÂBLE SKILL ;'r Mn. and Mrs. John Liptay en- tertained at a birthday party for their eldest daughten, Helen, on Satunday evening. Mn. and Mns. Dan Black and iamily attended the Jabnston- Dickie wedding nt Cadmus on Saturday. Mn. Don Cameron and Mn. Ken Hardy attcnded thc banquet ai the Ontario Rcgt. Tank Corp Reunion at Oshawa on Saturday. We are glad ta report that Mrs. W. Martin is out oi the baspital and improving. At pnescnt she is staying at Mn. Delbert Myles', ai Orono. Mrs. W. Thompson and Mrs. Cecil Siemon wene gucsts at Miss Vesta Spargo's, Bawmanville, on Thurday evening when a former Quade and children, Oshawa, Mr. Sunday Schooi Class party was Frank Smith, Enniskilen, Mr. and held. Mrs. Silas Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Delbert Martin has returned Jini Martyn and Anne Elizabeth, to the States after being here Bowmanville, at Mr. W. Trewin's. ver a week while his mother was1 Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy, 50 ill. Nestleton, at Mr. Cecil Selmon's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Woollings, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McComb, Mrs. George Reid, Toronto, at Mr. Mr. and Mns. Walter Purdy, Jack Henry Ashton's. Canneil, Donald Murray, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Runde. Mrs. Stuart Hooey, Long Sault, at Mr. Lu Runde and Betty Lu, Bow- Frank Denby's. manville, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Mountjoy, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. family, Enniskilien, at Mr. A. Roy Trewin, Port Credit, Con- Beech's. stable and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Mn. and Mns. M. Blackburn, Belleville, at Mn. W. Trewin's. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Black- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and burn and family, Miss Bessie family at Mr. Debert Myles, Blackburn, Salem, at M. W. Oono. Blackburn's. Miss Jean Black, Toronto, wth Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and er parents. family, Toronto, at Mr. Henry Miss June Anderson was in To- Ashton's. ronto. Mrs. Chas. Rankine and Margot Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Semon at with M. Rankine's grandparents Mr. Theron Mountjoy's, Hampton. at Brampton. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family at Mr. John Brown's, Orono. aeilt a d i m rit M iss V vian Cowling, Toronto, b re dow and dest red the at Mrs. T. Cowling's. 2 rk onad etoe h Mr. and Mrs. Aluin Henry and 20 civilizations that precedd ours. fa m ily , L in d s a y , a t M r . F r a n k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Denby's. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Corigan, Mr. RosCorrigan and friend, Mr. W. DAIR LI N GT ON Corrgan Mis OiveRankine, Mr. Reec and friend, Torronto, at Mn. HAMVPTON - Chas. Rankine's. Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech ac- EN companied Mn. and Mrs. Don Carr O rE and family ta Mr. Arthur Hough's, Peterboro, an Sunday. Customn Killing (Intended for last week) Thank-Offering Service was heldAn Sm Sunday evening despite the fog A dS and ain. The church was beauti- fully dccorated with fruit and - W'holesale c flowers. Mr. Stephen Sayweil, layman preacher, Oshawa, was guest speaker and gave an inspir- ing message based on: "Prayer." Sauina choir very aby rendredRP trec excellent antbems.W R Hallow'en parties were held at W A R L the schooi on Frîday aiternoon and evening. In the aftrnoon the THE PLACE TO B mothers and any pre-school child- 'AI ren were entertained. In the even- 24 iXd"visionlSt. ing the community were invited and about 40 were present. Best costume, Ronald Ashton; second iDnize, Annie Hast; Best comic, Mrs. T. Cowing; second pize, AMERICAN SHEEPSKIN LINE] Mrs. L. Ashton. Games were en- FLYING JACKETS.............----- joyed and lunch was served.AIFOC L NGJ KEç Miss Vivian Cowling bas secured A R F R E F Y N A K T work in Toronto. ARMY CADETS TROUSERS, NI Mrs. Lloyd Ashton attended the ARMY COVERALLS, NEW - W .M.S. Presbytciai meeting at A M O L EN B A K T Port Perry. RYWOLNBAKT Alymer Beech had a very suc- RED INDIAN BLANKETS, NEII cessfui sale on Monday with a WHITE SUNRAY BLANKETS,1 large crowd present. W. A. sold1 lunch, realizing $23.20. Ross Ash- SPECIAL VALUE INI MEN'S ton has purchased the Beech farm. Mns. W. Smith, Mrs. Jack Mc-' If has been found necessary Io make a third cul in the power service of Bowmanville due Io the faci thai wiih the lwo cuis during fIhe day the Commission was sti11 going over their daily quota of hydro-elecîric power. Until Further Notice Power Culs WiIJ Be fNade Daily Nonday through Friday m m 2 Oa.m. lI oO3O.m. a IsI Cul And When Necessary a Cul will be Made ai 6.30 p.m ta 7.30 p.m. These power cuis will be made ai the above hours in the Town of Bowmanville and in the rural districts fo the South East and to the South West of Bowmanville. Domesîic and Commercial Consumers have been making a splendid effort la cul Iheir power consumption but with de- creased quotas if jusi hasn'l been enough. We stili ask thal ail consumers continue Io save as much power as possible in order that additional culs wiIl not have fo be made. The industries of the iown have co-operaled fo the full cuitting down on thu'r hours of consumption during the week and working on Saiurdays and Sundays lo keep up pro- duction. Please do your pari ta save as much eleciricily as possible by shulting off non-essentfial light s, appliances and machines. Chairman. Manaçîer. Mý ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTERFAIR TORONTO NOV. 1 - 24 FARE AND ONE-THID For the Round Trip (plus ta) Good Going-Nov. 15 - 17 inci. Return - Leave Toronto flot later than nmidnight Nov. 25th. Full information fnom any agent. PACIFIC ABATTOIR9 F- NRO - Pickling ioking lUS STORE BUY AND SAVE Bowmanville;; ------$9.50 RW $3.50 ----- -- --- -$ 5 .5 0 W ---- $6.95 NEW ------- -- - $6.95 AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR ZALPH M. LARr4ER Oshawa. Formeriy Miss Margaret ce bride is the daughter of Mr. Oshawa, and the bridegroom is Larmer, of Blackstock. Courtesy Times-Gazette SPECIAL1 SPECRI A I NW HYDRO CUTS BOWMANVIE.. I r. I r- Dowmanville Public Utilities Commision GEORGE CHASE, 1 1 W. ROSS STRIKE, K.C., TffrrRSDAY. XOV. 11t'h. INA fflý ý à - . - . - -- . --- - . -- --- - - --- 1 HAYDON '. l ' 2nd Cul