THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO 1. ;s the hardest thing in thei The great thinker is seldom a Worlcl to be a good thinker with- i disputant. He answvers other men's out being a good self-examiner.-- arguments by stating the truth as Shaftesbury. he sees it.-D)aniel March. Nqake Your Christmas Shopping EASY! Give subscriptions f0 magazines and newspapers.'- Gift rates nom, available. Place your orders tbrough your local news dealer. He guarantees delivery on ail subscriptions, or your money refunded. Place orders locally and be sure of delivery. The following dealers can take care of your orders: JURY & LOVELL DRUG STORE JEWELL'S BOOK STORE Bowmanville Bowmanville DYER'S DRUG STORE Newcastle 'VALTON CIGAR Newca.stle TOP PRICES FOR TOP QUALITY Market. your EGGS and LIVE POULTRY through PICKERING FARMS YOU GET THE HIGHEST PRICES PICKERING FARM4S LIM«ITED Whltby 336 - Nlght or Day WHITBY, ONTARIO Have you a picture of Financial Security in the future? Let me show you the 2-way benefits of our NEW DOMINION SECURITY Policy. It uro vides immediate protection for your family, while accumulating a retirement fund for you. LET'S TALK THIS OVER Ili m. L. LYCETT, Bowmanvllle, Ont. - Phone: 2382 BLENN GETS RESULTS, SAYS EMIEL VANDEWYNGAERDE -arn very saisficd with the resuits obtained on my tobacco using Blen Plant Food," says Emici Vandewyngaerde, tobacco grower of R.R. No. 5, eylmer, Ontaro. -1 cxpeat to use Blen again next year.- Mr. Vandewyngaerde used Swift's Blenn because he knowa that the choice of a good plant food la Just about as important to ralaing profitable tobacco as the choice of good land. ~ Swif t'a Blenn la a acentific plant food Sdevelopment, prepared in Canada by SSwif t experts to help grow more profit- roui~~~[aable tobacco crêps in Canadian soil. Now la the beat time to aee your Swift I~PWffiPlant Food Dealer about your next Syear s supply of Swif t'a Blenn. PLANT FOOD DIVISION P.O. box 39, New Toronto, Ont. Bridesmaids in Killarney Green at a Picturesque Wedding at Kedron* t'nin-k the Jçws were dealt with 1 The surest way to live with properly. We also think the French honour in the world is to be in should Ilave got the same dose. reality what we appear to be.- Socrates. Affliction is the wholesome soul Therefore I (Jesus) say unto of virtue, where patience, honor. -,ou, What things soever ye desire, sweet humility and calm fortitude. when ye pray, believe that ye take root and strongly flourish.- receive them, and ye shall have L>avli Mallet. FILTER QUEEN Don't buy a Vacuum until you have seen * The World's Finest. - FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION WýRITE OR PHONE Your Authorlzed Representative WILLIAM S. COL VILLE - ALSO USED VACUUMS AVAILABLE - Phone Bou-manville 2393 160 King St. West NOTICE 24-HOUR SERVICE IVe pay as hlgh as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses- and Cows Accordint to sîze and conditlon-Small animaIs rcmoved free. No trouble to the farmer. IVe do the loading IIIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLfl HORSES PHONE 4026 PETERBOROUGH - REVERSE CHARGÈS NICK PECONI, Owner M MR. AND MRS. A. J. BOYD AYRE AND THEIR ATTENDANTS photographed following the ceremony which was held in Kedron twin brother of the bridegroom and his best mani; Miss Joan Morgan, United Church. The bride. who is the former Irene Joyce Crossman, 'Taunion, the maid of honor; Mr. Lloyd Metcalfe, Mrs. Phillip Morrow, is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Crossmari, Taunton, both of Oshawa: Mi. Gordon Fascoe, Solina, and Miss Jean Crossmnan, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mis. Alfred Ayrc, Hampton. Bowmanville. Mrs. Morr ,ow and Miss Crossman are cousins of Members of the bridai party from left to right. are: Mr. Lloyd Ayre, the bride. Courtesy Times-Gazette. ~zL ~1 L DflJTVDlOTbe the final arbiter in Canadian Big alh ringin kro Celbraes ONTY OOL"lçw soits, trials, etc. Today we are Big ain rin in kro ~ewJ[de~ ___sure we need the Privy Council - rs. And'y Sutch is backrrom as the final court of appeal more Gold n Ju ileeof G odye r Co »any Boy manville, Hospital,,accompan- than ever. Why have we changed ied by lier brand new son. ,onald -our mind? Because, until now we About 1700 key emfployees from Production Superîntendent, E. S. migrants are like Ronald Kenneth particularly Supreme Court Jud- almost every country in the Varcoe, Technical Superintendent Suîch, the ones that are born ges, dýspensed justice evenly, world, gathered at Akron, Ohio, E. L. Olver, Factory Accounting eetoidsruhngab whu eadt clr aer Oct. 6, for a three-day celebration and E. W. Crawford, Mcchanical Chere, t insrs hnoiab e with ut, egr octr a ce, ohr of Goodyear's Golden Anniver- Engineer, as well as A. M. Hardy, an d ugan Citihens Chief -Justice T. Rinfret urged sary. The climýx of the celebra- for many years Plant Superin't- Mrs.EdYuga ishm members -of the Que-bec Rural Bar tion was a surprise presentatien endent. fron Oshawa Hospital. -where, Ascaint rn hi ae te Chairman of the Board, P. W. Bowmanville citizens wiîî re- 'she daims, royaltyCourtuld not Litchfield, of bis portrait in oils caîl that it was in 1910 that Good-haebn rtdbte hnteteywu av mo:atnin and the awarding of 50-year pins year commenced its Canadian op way the nurses, doctors, etc. treat . ai the irwold ae moe an tei n to two Goodyear employees. erations after the acquisition of e-clher. Although stili wobbly on pid h eaiirco n eir eng- the Durha Rubber nmplnshsSheapiingsh in rlre a, we be- In a movîng drs Mr. Lîtch- Plant. From thîs relatively small home. Court, here aCiin ould eahget field told the history of the found- Wntb ogtl hbeez p orwer iie ol e ingofGodyaran is xtnson ginning, Goodyear Bo\x-man- Wntb ogtl h reeUi above such narrow-minded. pre- ingof oodearan it exensonville has continued to grow, over Mrs. Ken Sparkes and son juttice. It Just 'goes to prove what! into Canada. at Bowmanville, 38 theyas oemaueo htDulsarvdi.te82tanaltofshvebivdfr years ago. From an original home eyersnSmemesue f haol arrv te 8r.20 rai alo o u av1hive'fra cash, g may b appreciated hyo a.,t vkafe r. pre ong- while, that. if certain ele- plant costing $13,500 part oah iwthe bidnsadeup ohr r.E.YLnmn vîeingthebuidins ad euip moher Mr. E. Yungan. ments of the French Canadian part notes, the plant won success ment which today stand as a About tbirty-five friends and Catholics had t.heir way, the rest among much larger competitors mark of the CompanY's progress neighbours called on Mrs. John -of us wouldni't get much of al and eventually outstripped them and compare them with the orig- Cochrane last :Saturday evening chance. ail to ibe-came the large-st organ- mnai buildings of 1910. And this bL wish her many happy returns izatien of its kind in the world. year witnesses the fact that ove& on her 87th. birthday, and te pré- The people on the back con- Goodyear Bowmanville was re- 700 me-n and women, a substantial sent her with a mementoý of the cessions dont like the way the presente-d at the Fiftieth Anni- proportion of our cltizenry, are occasion. Mrs. Cochrane is stili present federal government leg- versary Celebrations by C. Cat- working with Goodyear Bowman- voy activ-e despite- ber age. .aie h lea nr noCn tran. Plant Manager. R. Watt,1 ville. When our children were small, adaZ of a greup of Fre-nchmen, and at evening, becaine tired and recently.Frenchmen whom their + cross, their mother used to slip o%ýn Amnbassador disow&ns. Yet the WekyReiwtheir ngtlte n ahtheïr 's eïrpe lciral go'ernment worked ieekleRandw fa nld~s on, was ana their heads off to tos- eut a grou fw momnents -would be fast 01 Jc "sho came in illegally. eI W hat Fool The e jasieep. We notice cre of oui e L puts bis niglitclothics on, fss es Iarounid combing bis hair, al of rforta s Be 1which takes about forty-five min utes ni. so, by which time thé poor By LEWIS MILLICAN oungst...r is wicie a-wýake,. Then he 1CER B>. LEIS MILIGAN f his re-ar-end slapped in be- mc'en bis mothers tuneless lul- l ahyes because he w onrt go to HÉ' a sale you can't afl sl.ccp. thus ke-eping hlm more style alli-wiol ladies' eoloured cc Walt Disney is the latest victimsubstantial laugh at itself. At a awake than e-ver. No wonder the prices. Coats with yards; and yar of the Soviet purge. A news dis- re-cent meeting of the Securitv' modern kids grow up wîth a.chip biîx toflbak ... patc frm Msco sttestha a otîcilof the United Nations on their shoulders. Russian critic, Mikbail Beliav- there was an outburst of Jaugh- A lot of folks around here miss- lines adàvreyo te tls sky, declared that were tbe many ter w-be-n Mr. Vishinsky s a i d ed the slugging match betweenada:vretoféersle "Americanized pigs, rabbits. wol- there wa "o loc];deofBer- Shoulders' Y Lnmnand * clur adstle.ConeI t- ves and ducks" in Soviet animat- lin." It was a gond joke, but Mr. %vee Hudson. It took place behindi ed cartoons, and he called for the- Vishinsky. who occasionally dis- the bak-eshop. Although the scrap HERE ARE A FEW, O] lmination of the Walt Disney in- plays a sense et humour, pre- .a fought without bencfît o fluence. He said that certain Se- tended not to see it. If be and hi,, boxing gloves. the boys didn't e 'Br nCot viet artists "squeezed S o vi et colleagues could be- made to aPPear te have itnocked mut hi .Ladis rw o t ;ubstaî !e imb organically allen laugh at their own jokes, and the bark off each other. We are sure E e$1oO for," ndhe advised them net laughter became unanimous, it neither of their fathers ove-r in- e ,o,0 o confine themnselves to 'fairy mi ght resuit in genera] gond fel- dulged in such behavieur. No! La ifs'M. xd1 ale-s and fables." Thevsodoshpad niealece The old boys probablv îîsed twxo L des.Mie rown he aid "ot n]ybeerbtertaining, There may be nething obvious- by fours with spikes in. the end.» Re lhmswt y funny about the atomnic bomb. We have often argued that oui.$-.O pfundi beai. ibid h ut if the nations had a keenei' Canadian Supreme Court shotild L de'Gre ot ideological position et Soviet art." and larger sense et the ridiculous I r eÉ'GrenCo t In regard te fair. tales and fa- the-y would laugh at the vers' idc.a .eg. $36.uu ý---------- bles. Russian artists have no need of mutually blowing one anotheri eo go outside the Soviet sphere te smithereens in order to settle Ladie's' Browni Coat, for excelHent material, for the an argument or hold on to strips e . 4J ---------- Russian people have for the past ef territory! There is more sai- twenty-five vears or more 'been irical laughter than tears in thes eg 40O regaled with ideelogical fanta- lines ef Shake-speare:a is uruos o ýies whih have pLved vs Turquoise, Cocu i -- -hir1,have-prev_-d --- di- But man,, pi'oud man, -7 or7 fl i. t lE s verting 10 fthe gullible masses Lrest in a Jîttie brief authority. Soviet diplomats, however, have Most ignorant of m-hat he's most not been as successful in diverting assured. us from their intentions with His glassy essence, like an angry their 'fairy tales" and fantastic ape, perversions of fact and reason Plays such fantastic tricks before since the close of the war. As hig-h heaven artists they have not handled As make the angels weap. their themes with much -pro- The Psalmist, referring to the fundity,' and the only amusing kings and rulers of the earlh "ta- feature of their art is that it is king counsel togetner' to -break so obviouisl\ fantastic. Buit one their bands asunder." dcclared: cannot expect subtelty fromn a "HP that sitteth in the hiavens bear. shall laugh." And another Scrip- As for the 'Americanized pigs. ture savs: *It is He ilha, sitteth rahbits. wvolves and dticks.- the.\ upon the- circle of the ear*l, and did not originate %vith Disne..teihbtnste faea Over 1vo thoiisand .\-ars ago. grasshoppcrs." We are no bigger Aristophan-es. the Greek poet. 5a- or wiser than the Lilliputians. and ricatured the politiciar.s and phil- Puck sumined up our quarrelings ospesof his dav by depicting vehen hie exciaimed: "Lord, what o~~ophers ~~fools teemrasle ,hem as 1tPr1king frogs and birds. 1_________________________ Our own Lewis Carroll was reF- fosbelor popularizing thisTe form of art and literature with The-SfafesUan Sold tisq "Alice in Wonderland.*" The oe RussiarsF are flot notable for their Ai ollowiin SiOe .ense of humour. and their lit- ______ rature has hitherto been chiefl;- Dyer's Drug Store. Newcastle )f the hea,. v, and morbid varletY. D. G. Wal:on's. Newr.ýastle 3îî i' it wou1d seem that thf- artists W. C. Lane & Son. NewtonvilEe ri aoco re beuir.ning to See T. N. SIeronEnniskillen Ibe fatal Io Sovîet ideology C, A. Barron. Hampton ~ Ru- .~ n vopie- were *o ac- Wm. Hackwood. Pontypool :.ea s'n-ýe of hun-ou 'r and be- H. T, Saywell, Blacks-ock Io laugh aItthe fintiîstic ab- C. B3. TYrrell. Orono -ýiities of their dictalor,. V.'. . Bagnel. Jury & Lovell p .s o'. TW VJewe.1W .1 jBer n -1e p re Ziit tiir~e i s to ha\ e a go"c The Statesman Office. A Big Strech . ..0 WHEN THE CLOTH la ton smaîl, it cant do the job! And, if Yeur insurance la too small, It can't be stretched to fully cover you against a severe financial loss. ]ne fully lnsured! Cali on this age-ncy. StuartilR. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 1681, Res, 113 King Street - Bowmanville Ladies' Bro'Qwr Coat, Reg. $34M5 Ladies" Liqht Blue Coc Reg. '$3,7,.50 - Ladies' Red Mixed Twg ., eg. $47.50 ------ Ladies' Mixed Gray C 'Reg. $34.50 Ladies' Coat with F=i $46.95 --.. Ladies' Brown and Fav Reg. $34.95 HARD 0f HEARINO COME TO OUR *FREE DENONSTRATION AT .THE HOTEL GENOSHA OSHAWA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 161 2 to 8 p.m. 0F THE LATEST ELECTRONIC HEARJNG AIDS 4 (ONE-PIECE BATTERY-CONTAINED SMODELS TO FIT EVERY HEARING NEED) INCLUDING THE OI:TSTANDING WESTERN ELECI MODELS 65 AND 66, DESIGNED BY THE BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES. ALL NEW MODELS, GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEW -COMPLETE IJEARING AIDS - NO GADGETS AIl modela accepted by the Council on Phvsical Medieln the American Medical Association. PRICED FROM $97.50 <OTHER MODELS PROM $47.50) Henry Pulnam Q. Sons 9GEORGE ST. , . PETERBOKC2I'GH, NCE oF fford té misa! Beautiful high cats at amazlngly low sale irda of angel-soft wools that coats wlth handsome collar s.We have them ln ail sizes, -ay and select yours. ý THE BARGAINS On Sale $22.50 Coat, On Sale $ 19.5:0 'On Sal $2 x'5 .On Sale $29.50 -On Sale $27.50 On Sale $24.50 ct, -- On Sale $29.50 zeed Coat, On Sale $35.0( ,oat, - On Sale $27.50 acy Collar, On Sale .$35.OC ýwn Coat, - On Sale $27.50 SPECIAL ON SNOWSUITS DarkSnowsuits, in sizes 1 and 2 only Regular $6.75---- ------------ ----- On Sale $ 3z95 UFARMERS TRI( AR ne of ONT. - t i. fMILD-COOL-SWEET C ouch Johnston & Cryderman ~ 4 KixgSt.W.Bowmanville Phone 836 -1 7'MTPS"AV. 14ZOV. lItli. lq4lt PAGE ELEVEN 'them.-Mark 11:24 it