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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1948, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANVTLL!~. ONTARIO #rwu~n&V %WnY ¶R4~ 1a~. Girl Guide News First Bowmanville Co. Girl Guides held their reorganization meeting, Nov. 8, in the High Sehool Gym. New patrol leaders and seconds were appointed and a class of 8 girls was picked to study their cook's badge under Mrs. Wm. Rudeil. Mrs. 17. Colwcll taught semnaphore which Tanya Goddard and Donna Dilling pas- sed. First Bowmanville Co. Girl Guides met Monday evening un- der leadership of Capt. J ean De- vitt and Lt. Louise Lyle. June Bickle took a class of Tenderfoot instruction and the rest of the Hampton company taught and passed their semnaphore. The following girls got credit for teaching sema- phore: Tanya Goddard, Donna Dilling, Barbara Goddard. These girls passcd: Peggy Stephens. Jean Stainton. Gwen Patfield. Catherine Dilling. A couple of rausing relays were enjoyed. Meeting closcd with taps and Lord's Prayer. For v'eterans' bouses built by Wartime Hausing Limited,' th e municipality provîdes a full., de- veloped lot for $1. In lieu of taxes the federal gavernmcnt pays the' tawn frami $24 ta $30 a yeam, plus a dollar for street lighting. BIG SALE GOrOD USED CARS 1940 Hudson Sedan ------------ 1938 ½/-ton Terraplane Truck 1937 Ford Coach -------------- 1937 Packard Sedan ----------- 1936 Ponitiac Sedan ----------- 1936 Graham Coach ---------- 1931 Durant Sedan ------------ 1931 Nash Coupe -------------- 1929 Olds Sedan --------------- 1929 Nash Coupe -------------- $1075 $ 675 $ 750 $ 650 $ 675 $ 575 $ 175 $ 150 $ 150 $ 150 Ontario Open Evenings Until 10 o'clock 1.THURSDAY - FRIDAY - NOV. 18- 19 Ivarch ai Time Cartoon SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 201h I ~~~' It's ACTIONM/'/A Jy: iaded Attraciion MONDAY - TUES! -?-Y NOV. 22-23 f ~~le A»oýzhcâ Wti, Tht Fairbanks Comp~any toc ps.,,ts MAfI MOIFlPAU[[F COSI ' IENRY DANIELL ROBERT COOTE NIGEL BRUCE News - Sihoit C-ci i--on Local Music Loyers Acclaim Artisis (by Gregc "But the people, how kind they arc!" Those were the words of Leopoldine Pichler, whomn we had the pleasure ta meet after Thursday night's concert, Nov. 11, in the BHS auditorium. Miss Pich- 1cr herseif had been required by the approciative and persistant gathering to reappear for two encores, and cach of the other artists, Katherine Irwin, Mary Ann Paul and Colin Bray had rcsponded with anc. As for thc concert ibseif, it had many higb and its few low points, with each artist arousing the enthusiasmi of the local clientele more thari once. From the éutograph-l'ound's standpoint Miss Pichier certainly stole bbe show. The Vienna-born coloratura was beseiged by ad- mircrs aftor the concert, and lb must bc admittcd that she deserv- cd their attention. Her vibrating, youthful and rcfrcshing voico, liem charming air and excellent choice of selections ail made a deep impression on bbc audience that bias rarely 'hoon affcbed by anotheî' singèr of bier sex at Bow- manville concerts. Miss Pichler, who was on two occasions soloisb with tbc Toronto Synmphony Orchestra, chose as lier opcning séection "The Maid- cn's Wish", by Fredorick Chopin. Chopin lias bren credited with bcing the grcatest composer for pianoforte and bis other works are as a resuit more or iess kept in the background. It is really a shame that not more of bis soas are performed on the modemn con- cert stage, for any of these that match the spirited, fnivolous at- mosphere of "The Maidcn's Wish" would indeed be an asset toaa singor's repertoire. Miss Pichler's second sang was "Der Erlkoenig", "The Erlking", anc of Goethe's most famous pooms, which Schub- ert set ta music. This sang is us- ually perfoî'med by men, but bhe artist gave it ahl the dramiatic tonal effort that could ho expeet- ed of a maie singer. Her second group 'began wibh "The BIue Dan- ubo", folaowed by Levcy's "The Baby Sitter", a most preeoeious littie effort. Yaur correspond- ent's musical tastes do flot par- iaAiIo WU iun une b - * icularly succumb to Strauss tion, is arranging them, and *Waltzes in song, but on Thursday taking care of ail the extra duties ENFIELD SCHOOL NEWS *we made an exception. Miss connected with these outstanding *Pichler's Vienna 'biood, the ances.. recitais. \Vhen carried away by On Nov. 5th, the Mission Band *try of which was probabiy mind- the music, one is apt to forget openced with the cail to Worship fui of -botter days in that fair those who are making them p,, by Presidcnt Kathleen Smith. We city, surged undoubtedly to a sible for the Bowmanviile public, sang "The Bible, that's the Book --vermillion hue during the chant- __________ for me," and ail repeated the Mis- ing of the Viennese themo-song, sion Band Aim, Watchword, Pur- and smed'o this exhuberNE TL TO pose and Memory Verse. Secre- spirit emdt cast its speloe E T TO tary Evelyn Pascoe read the the attentive crowd. The encores minutes and called the roll. Glenn1 that came after were Grieg's "My Mrs. H. Vine and Mrs. M. Cochrane took Uip the regular coi- Johnn ad rah'sWige- Emerson attended the W. I. Con- lection of 59c. Ronald Stephenson lied", a most fitting climax to a vention in Toronto. took up the Birthday box collec most mclodious cycle. Mr. and Mrs. Staniey acl tion of 12c. Lorna Cochrane gave Kathcrine Irwin played first visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Wiiiard ascempan MR.escott.earch Chopin's "Funeral March", to Cook, Oshawa. raead anMiss. ry st esang commemorate the war dead. AI- Congratulations tb Mr. and "esusaBiss hn e," i ry epat-, ways the romanticist and spirit- Mrs. Pêe Wil]iamson on the ar- cd the Mission Band Praye n ualist, Chopin could not helP rival of a'young sonto.a tnmnts fgms inserting in bis incomparable Ms .W Mro 's the n hN o.m12 ues fbad a J.R maner sngig ndatein hefricnds in Toronto. Cross meeting wbich opened with midst of this sombre, destitute marob for the dead. a veritabie Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm God Save the King. Minutes of lui] after the storm. It is probabiy of Blackstock, and Mr. and Mrs. last meeting were road by Dorecii during this pause for the bieak Lconard Joblin visited Mr. and Lycett, also the Roll Caîl. Marion that Chopin imaginod the soul of Mrs. Wilmcr Fize. Pascoe took up the collection of the dcad person escaping frcm Mr. and Mrs. John Mappin. To- 53 ccnts. Pregram wvas: readings, bis earthly confines to the celes- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. David ail of which were Rememrbrance ci?]. domain of the divine father. Johns. Day pocms or stories, Marion Miss Irwin played this selection Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolin Pascoe, Kathleen Smith, Lornal with feeling and teminerament, and famil.h, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cochra ne, Evelyn Pascoe, Glenn ~ruly making one mindful of the Joblin visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cochýrane. Dellan Lycett; recita- !sacrifice so many paid for so many Hunter, Port Porry. tion by Garry Bowman; songs by i-ore others during two 'brutal Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Middleton, Doreen Lycett and Ronald Hub- rwars.Mai Islington and Mrs. John Thomp- bard and Bernice Cochrane. dt CarlMai von Wober's 'Gaiete son, Brandon, visited Mr. and Barbara Hooper was called i IRondlo" ivas Miss Irwin's next Mrs. H. Vine. the front and in a few well-cho- nurher a ealpiee fr te vr- We v.'ere pleased to hear Mr. son words, Doreen expressodi the nums.ber a srei tice forsthe ir- Geo. W. James, our Editor, spcak, regret of teachers ai-d pupils, that troduce a form of the Tone Poem on the radio Sunday night. Barbara and Ruth Sharon are which vas such a common form Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford moving to Oshawa. On behalf of of musical expression for later and Mary Lou spent week-end in teachers and pupils, rone Fer- composers as Richard Strauss and Toronto. guson presented Barbara with an Richard Wagne-r. The Rondo, aF Mrs. George Ncsýbitt. Toronto. aulogýrrnph album and hand[ker- suc deicinga easntvisiled Mri'and Mrs. John Prciutt chief; wxhilc' Bernice Cc'chranc scecdantlylived up to its title. and Mi'. and Mrs. Win. Stecle. gave bcr the samne for Rutii scieess da intîly llobi Mr. and Mrs. Percy L. Malcolm, Sharon. Barbara was ccrtainlyý I wileMis Iwins kil obiosly Toronto, visited Mi'. and Mrs. L. surprised and touched 'by the re- lived uir to ail of Weber's contrap- Joblin.. membriince. untai embroidery'. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Willard Cook. Wce c:peet a new pupil in aur Enrique Granados' "The Maid Oshaxva. Mr. and Mrs. Lnurance midst this week, a Grade 8 pupil, and the Nightingale", Khatchat- Malcolm spcnt Sunday cvc-nin," by naine Bobby Ferguson. urian's "Tocatta", and DebuISSy..s \ith Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mal' "Claire de Lune", the latter as an coîm. 'Honor to faithful merit is de- encore, rouinded out Miss Irwin's lad. d always bas been: butr pî'grm.Khtcatuia, t i, Canada is the largcst oountry lit'is sure to follow.-Mary Baker! be rem-cmbùcred. as recentlv î'e- i h mrcs dv manded, together with Serge Pro- i h mrcs dy kofieff and Dimitri Shostakovitch. for deviating in his compositions from wxhat ho, Sta lin, considered ncossar.v of a Communist corm- 'îoscr. xvho was to write not onîx' .or the public baste, but alFo in aI vein that adhered to S" " 1 nslpi'inciples ini the T'2 'hatever these might 'be. TUc' ever. ail thî'ee are now acaAn ' 1 1 Stns no changes.hatbau ju ltra-modern, surrealistir:siwhich simply canoot aonr ' t] e average muýic lover. The i question, therforc, is vhv NEX ' pianiFts force us Io listen to much of it. A Mozart sor- would be so much more attr-,- tive. Colin Bray. although fii possec- sion of a rich. voluminous bir:- rto ne voice. lowercd hbimsclf ar littie in the publie esteem throuch his somexvhat disintorested man- uer and bis persistcince to lounge ovr 'othe piano, as if to show that hfrît vcry nliich at home. Hisý Iffrt s. atnd HndesaTm'LnO WAV one of Bcethov-en's lesser kno\wn, B ONNI That's True Will Live Fore'.'er"' When your BACK 65 KING ST. W. ÀACHES... COMMLEE LIN] Backache is Olten caused I>y IzY kidney atio.Wben kidneys get out of order exces aisadpoisons remain in the system. Then II!IItEU'I! bàckache, headache, riaeumatic pain, cdis. H IT A O IL &nai turbed rest or that 'tired out' feeli'ng may H IT M GF S OR HE N IE sn follow. To helP keep your kidneys working propely-..use Dodd'a Kidney Pilli. T'une-tested, popular, sale, non-habit-fonn.. ing. Demand Dodd's Kidney Pilli, in the blue buDod hed b Kide135isYou Are Cordially « Stating that the British Empire rejoining the British Cornmon- "The Puritans", an opera dWsarded has changed a lot since George weaith of Nations. for lack of a tenor able to, take III, the vice-chanceilor of McGill A U.S.A. tenor named Mc- its higher notes. University recently told a New Cormack, who possesses the Honour and shame from na York audience that the time has highest range man's voice knownJ condition rise; Act'well your pairt: corne for the U. S. A. to consider in a century. vill sing roles in t],ere ail the honour lies.-Pope. were pemfommed with wonderfui fvoicd, but it is quite apparent that Mr. Bray's gifts lie more in the Negro Spiritual. This hoe showed in plcasingly robust fash- ion with "Deep River" and an unknown sang learned from a porter on a Pullman car. Ta fin- ish bis part of the program, Mr. Bray portrayed Albert Hay Ma- lotte's exotir representation of "David and Goliath," whicb pmov- ed a tremendous success, followcd iby a Chinese sang of five wards (A Big Joke). and the ever popu- Jar "Drink To Me Only With Thîne Eyes." Mary Ann Paul opened witb the Andante froni Fclix Mendels- sohn's melody-filled Violin Con- certo in E Minar, w'hich may bc recalled as forming part of the opera sequence in thc film "Two Sisters From Boston," starring the gî'eat beroic benor, Lauritz Moîchoir. Miss Paul played this Aridante slightly hesitatingly, as if not quite aware af the poten- tialities that lay in the music and the violin, but shawed remark- able skill and manipulation in "From the Canebrake" by Garn1- ner, which came after it. DeFal- la's "Ritual Fire Dance," lately 'becoming of rathor trite occur- ronce in concert halls, was the next numbor. To dispol the gloom brought about by the ituai Miss Paul pcrformond iii a most en- chanting manner the "Rever 'v'" bv Branding, and Hubay's Czardas "Heui Kati," a nostalgie gypsy air that tboroughly satisfied the wandering heamt. As an encore, Miss Paul played Scbubert's Ave Maria. By the way, it may have rome ta the attention of some readers, that Miss Donna Grescoe, wbo played bore two weeks ago, will ho featured soloist with the To- ronto Symphony Orchestra on this Frida'y evening's Pop Con- cert, conduotod by Paul Scher- man at Massey Hall. The value of the concerts, and their musical enticemont as a wbole is apparently not slipping fromn the grasp of the local citi - zens. Special thanks should again go ta the Lions club, which, ta- gether xith the Dept. of Educa- MOIR'S PLUM ]PUDDING MeLAREN'S PLAIN QUEEN OLIVES IONA STANDARD TOMMATES 2 CREAM STYLE CORN CHOICE 2 AN AE PEANUT BUTTER IONA (Pectin Added) PLUN JAN - 16-oz. 1 8OZ. 39e 28-oz. 5 Tins U 20-z ITins z5-5W 16 oz. Jar35 24-or. O Jar > FOR T KENDAL Miss Clara Seens, Bailieboro, with ber sister, Mrs. Reg. Elliott. MrsQ. Lamne Paeden, 'Crooked Creek, with Mrs. Jennie Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Joanne and Billy, St. Thomas, with Mrs. Darlington and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson have returned to Kirby Io spend the wintcr with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan. Mrs. Hattie Langstaff vish'ed Mrs. Percy Burley. Hunters have been going far away, when deer have been around this week practicaily at thoir own back doors.1 Tho amount of the Thankoffer- ing in a recent issue should have read "over $200.0V'. I understand A i at present stands at $250.030. Some from Kendal joined our ncîgbbouirir,' Institutes on a tnp ta the W.I. convention in Toronto1 at tbe Royal York Thursday. 1 Wednesday evening, many of the young folks took in tbe 1e Capades, also via Burley' bs AIl rcport a fine time. Mr. Eddie Couroux with Mrs. Couroux and Ray at Vance AI- en's. Orono. We were very sorry to iearn of bhe accident ta Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Winn and 'baby. Mrs. Winn and babe are at Mr. Geo. Lang- staff's but Charlie is stili lin BoUw- unanville Hospital. We hope they will aIl soon bc well again ENFIELD Mm. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Ruth and Rose Marie and Mr. Ayimor Prescott with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mallette, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, Orono, at W. Bowman'e- Mr. and Mrs. C. Niddery and, Bobbie, Toronto, at W. Pascoe's.1 Mrs. A. W. Prescott spent Sat- urday afternoon with Mrs. C. Big- elow and Mrs. H. Brent, Tyrone. Our church and shed are mucb improved in appearance with a new coat of paint and new cern- cnt stops. Sunday was M. and M. Sunday r when Rev. R. M. Seymour preaob- ed a very fine sermononti subject. After istening tobiex planation of this vital work no one can romain 'indifferent ta such a worthy cause. PINEAPPLE SLICES MAPLE LEAF MINCEMAT ALL PURPOSE FLOUR ROBINP HOODi A_' P D.. ru- 2-ztin~ 45C 2-lb tin 35c CALI]FORNIA RED GRAPES - TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT FLORIDA - 250's ORANGES - - FLORIDA 176's TANGAR!NES - - WASHED CARROTS SHREDDED SALAD I MIOT IIOUSE TONATOES .-.* PASCAL CIELERY HEARTS P.E.I. GREEN MOUNTAIN POMMTES - - - r . . . 2Ibhs. 25c 96'~ - doz. 49C - doz. 23c u- doz. 25c *3 lbs. lOc - - pkg. 15c IL - l.22c -2 bches 29c *-bag $1.69 OPENINO WEEK 0F THE LE 5ç to $jOO STORE OPPOSITE THE STATESMAN OFFICE EDOF 5c TO $ 1.00 NERCHANDISE FAMILY CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPINCS I nv iied To Corne In And Look Around - %,' h CASH SALES ONLY ART'S GARAGE Boneless Round Steak or Roast 5ge~kfPorterhouse, Wing or Sirloin -----lb. 69c Roast Loin Pork, either end --- lb. 53c Loin Pork Chops lb. 59c Shoulder Roast Park, Shank Off lb. 43c Fresh Hams, Whole or Half- lb. 47c Swif t's Premium Smoked Hams, whole or haif lb. 55c Boneless Smoked Hams, piece -.-------------------- lb. 77c Choice Breakfast Bacon (slicéd) ----------------lb. 59c Cooked am (sliced).------------------------------ lb. 85c Fresh Haddock Fillets lb. 39c PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO YRIMRnAV. NOV. Igth. 194R QUAKER 1 -z - TON. SGUP Tin« 51 QUAKER NUFFETS 2 Pkgs. 23e QLJICK or REGULAR BUAKER GATS 48-o. .26e ALL EN S APPLE JUICE 3 Tis .25e EUROPA BRAND CANNED MEATS BANS 10 ta 12 Ibs. $13.51 PORK SHOULDEIS 6 ta 8 Ibs. 9.50 IDEAL TO SHIP TO GT. BRITAIN AND EUROPE NEW LOW PRICE IONA ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT NARMALADE 24aoz- 25e ANN PAGE-3 Varicties PGRK & BEANS 2lTi-os-19e KRAFT MACARONI& CHEESE DINNER ' Pkg. 17e A & P FANCY WHITE MEAT TUNA FISH --n' 49< BORAR OFFEElb 51C ANN PAGE-WHITE or BROWN MILK BREAD .24oz loaf lOc 1

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