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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1948, p. 6

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TEE CANADIAN STATE~MA1t BOWIWFVYLLU flN'i'AWn @MAIUfl5DAYà NOV. 1Me .... BURKETON W. A. held their bazaar Nov. 9, lni the church, wlth a good variety of fancy work, aprons and'knit- ted goods. There was a good sup- p ly of vegetables and home cook- ng, et.,ail donated. Proceeds over $60. Rev. R. M. Seymour was chairman for the evening pro- gram as follows: community sing- ing, led by Mrs. Seymour with Miss Gwen Dean at the piano; musical numbers by Mrs. Orville Greer and Roy Ashton; several musical selections by Mr. Jack Smith; readings by Alden Hub- bard; dialogue by Ken Larmer and Miss Gwen Dean on "The Train of To-morrow"; duets by Mrs. Orville Greer and Mrs. Dean; solo by Rev .Seymaur. Mrs. E. Adana and littie Shirley Dean,1 Marion Haines and George Dean1 gave two guitar numbers. The1 thanks for the W.A. was extended( ta ail who generously helped. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephenson 11 held a party for their relatives and friends Friday evening. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. E. Darcy in the death af her hus- band, James E. Darcey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webber, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. 'E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shackelton, Bowmanville, with her aunt, Mrs. J. Curran. Mrs. Alf Grace with Mr. and Mrs. H. Grace. Mns. Rilda Stevenson with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hughes. Mrs. J. Carter, Isabel and Fred Carter in Toronto, with relatives. Mrs. Harry Rahm with her tamily in Toronto and Westan. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Coates, Ethel and Barbara, Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter. On Wednesday evening, Miss Isobel Carter and Miss Pat Bow- les were in Toronto ta see the Ice Capades at the Maple Leaf Gardens when the B.H.S. char- tered a bus giving many an op- partunity ta attendà. p -. 0 »ýan 0 - 0 % -I Records VA UGIIN J0NO *FREDDy MOROE e. * DIRA NSHORt * ENNry 5O#O J * YMMVGOOMAN A star-studded list of regular 750~ RCA Victor Records ta be withdrawn from the RCA Victor Record ~.Catalogue january 1st, 1949. COME IN - MAKE -.-YOUR SELECTION EARLYI The Radio Shop -x' 38 King Street East Phone 573 SOLINA Mr. and Mri. halph Davis and Patsy at Clayton Hallett's, Sonya. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Xellawlees and Gladys and little Dorothy Woodruff at Sam Dewell's, ln Hampton. Mrs. Gardon Taylor and baby daughter, Sandra, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mill- son. Miss Velma Gilbert Toronto, and Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- bora, at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Charles and Helen, at Roy Mc- Gill's, Enniskiilen. Miss Ileen Balson wlth Mr. and Mrs. Allan Balson, Judy, Peter and David, Cataraqui.. Mrs. Gardon Leask was in charge af the missianary pragram at Sunday-School which included story by Mr. E. R. Taylor, vocal duet by Carolyn and Edlth Pant- ling and recitation by Elray Kranz. Sunday Schaol next Sun- day wlll be at 1:30 with Church at 3. Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees, Weu and1 Harvey, and Mr. A. L. Pascoe at- tended the funeral of the former's uncle, Dr. J. B. Reynolds, at Port Hope, Tuesday. Sincere sympathy is expressed ta the relatives of the late J. B. Reynolds, who passed away sud- denly at Bowmanville on Satur- day. Dr. Reynolds was barri at Solina and bas always been activ-1 ely interested in the grawth andk welfare ai Eldad church and the community. As a great student, teacher and friends, he will ai- ways be remembered. WESLEY VILLE Sunday School was held at 1 with an attendance ai 31. Plar were made for Senior Girls Cia: ta take part af service at the Rai ly at Canton. Wednesday aitennoon the Wc mens' Association met at the Pai sanage in Welcome. It was di cided ta hold election ai afficeî at next meeting. Mrs. Andenso provided the topic and Mrs. Wi. Lewis was the speaker ion Ai mistice day program. Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Thonr dyke and family wlth Mn. an Mns. Walter Longyear, Elizabeth ville. Fanm Forum was held at Cli ence Nichoils'. Topic discusse was very interesting ta the youn men present.* Mn. and Mns. Vance Coopei Joy and Teddy, Cobourg, wil Ir . and Mns. Harold Barrow clough. Several ladies £rom Port Bni tain motoned ta Toronto ta atten, Women's Institute Conventiai They made up two busloads. Mn. and Mns. Len Oughtred at tended the Ice Capades at Tor onto. Mn. and Mns. George Tuffor( attended the funeral ai Mrs. Tuf fond's gnandmothen, Mrs. Archi, Benihett, at Markham on Wednes day. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Binstea( attended the funeral oi their ne phew at Onillia an Wednesday. Mn. and Mns. William Tuffon. attended the funenal ai Mn. Ton Atkinson at Cobourg. Several men iromn the commun, ity ratunned irom hunting on Sat urday while several others irn mediately lai t. Wednesday evening Y. P. U held their elections. The meetini was well attended and ended wil l ns ,r- 1- ns n n- several games. Officers art: Pres. Murray Payne; Vice Pros. Dora Anderson; Treasurer Harold Beet; Secretary Muriel Mason; Planist Ruth Payne; Assist. -Elsie Schwarz; Usher Dolares Dlcker- son; Recreation Cammittee Gea. Eest, Dora Anderson; Convenors, Christian Fellowship, Clarence Nicholîs; Assists. Harold Parnell, Muriel Austin; Missionary and Worship, Berniece Best; Assists. Lea Parnell and Margaret Bmn- sted; Citizenship, Howard Payne, Helen Binsted and Neal\Nicholls; Christian Culture, Dr. Oke, Allen Holdaway and Victoria Sorochan. Visitors with Mn. and Mrs. C. Payne were Mn. Sidney Lockhart 4nçl Mrs. A. Sherry, Port Hope. SIL VERWEDDING Mr. and Mrs. William Quick Saturday evening Nov. 6, the brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Quick, Elgin St. Bowmanville, and took them by surprise ta celebrate the occasion af their Silver Wedding Anniver- sary. ln the living noom were large bouquets oi mums sent by fniends in honoun ai the occasion. Mn. Harvey Brooks acted as Chairman. Mns. L. J. Brooks pre. sented the bride with a corsage af red roses and Dr. Geo. Wenry pinned a buttonaire on the groom's coat. Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm presented them with a large basket of munis and read an ad- dress. Little Miss Susan Parker pnesented the bride and groom with an aid English Reproduct- ion Silver Platter. Mr. and Mrs. Quick veny ably thanked the guests for the gif t and welcomed them ta their home. Mrs. L. J. Brooks gave a very appropriate neading and the ne- mainder af the evening was spent in card games. Lunch was servel, the dining room table having been deconat- ed and centred with a wedding cake which was made and decon- ated by Mrs. S. E. Wenry. Those attending from a dist- ance were their son Donald, Mn. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, Mn. and W. J. Pascoe ___ Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Plummer _____ Mr. mnd Mrs. G. P. Purdy- B. Pingle - A. L. Porter Mrs. Perris Mn. and Mns. G. Patrick- S. G. Preston T. Phillips, Tyrane Albert Piekard ----- Mr. and Mns. G. Polley, Sr. Gea. Wm. Polley ---- Mrs. B. Parker Cedric Pansons- Richard Pattersan Miss C. Painton ------ Miss Helen Phillips Mr. Patter Mn. and Mrs. B. E. Patterson and Jim E. H. Perfect ___- George Piper W. L. Paterson.----- -- Miss Helen B. Pritchard C. Papineau - - Rev. G. Cameran Qulgley- Radio Shap - C. E. Rehder .---- Miss Muriel Rogers Miss Marjonie Rundie Mrs. Shenwood Rundle-. Ross Rombaugh ------------- Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Richards Mr. and Mrs. F. Rundle- Ray Runde ------ Don Rundle ___ L. Rundle- W. J. Richards Edwand Richards W. B. Reynolds R. Rabbins ------- -- Miss Ruth Rabbins - Mrs. Thos. Richards Ken Rundle W. L. Reid __ Ivan Rogers --------- George E. Richards Miss Frances Rowe Harvey Rowe --------------- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Raby - Mrs. Florence Robinson N. Roberts ------------ W. E. Riddolls --_ Mrs. E. Raach -- Dr. H. B. Rundle Mrs. Harry Rice Chas. Rundle John Rufel ---- -- ------- O. Richmond Id and Miss Susan Parken, al ai Sheppard & Gili h- Toronto. Lumber Ca............------ r- Chas. E. Stephenson, M.P. RoardCu Stedman Stores ig R taryClubA. H. Sturrock Stocken's Garage. r, (Cantinued from Page One) Mn. and Mrs. Sid Scott R. Shana - -------------- th meet any eventuality, sudden or Harold Smith v- pnoloniged, in the nature ai open Scotty-..... wariane. Len Spicer Canada's Defence A. Stacey --------------- ---- d Canada bas not been idle, said Mn. and Mns. H. Sumensiord n. the speaker, in pneparing lier de- Herb Smith ---------- tfences. He quoted threa important Wm. Smith -- services launchad in this categony: Ethel Seymourn r(1) The Defence Research Board, Paul A. Simpkin -dwhich unden the Department ai Cabinet Ca- dNational Defenca, is engaged in j. Stackaruk -- ------ - f- long-range, overali planning. (2) MÀrs. H. A. Sangnis ie The Industnial Defence Board Mn. and Mns. F. Smith - which is engaged in research and Mns. Molly Saunders- planning on the procurement le- H. T. Smnal -- --------- - td vel. (3) The Coondinator ai Civil Dr. V. H. Staney Defenca Planning. All these cam- W. S. Staples bined ambrace militany planning, T. Sucie ---- -d launching instantly a great iactorY Gond Sellers-- Sproduction and a prompt stepping Mns. Stevens ------------ up ai food production. Thase are Mn. and Mrs. Roy Swindells laid ta caver the entire nation, J. C. Samis ------ --------- t-even ta remote parts, with a vast Chas. Shaw-------- 1continental coordination. Mrs. M. Sîlven r. In People's Part W. H. Shotter Iconclusion, Col. Bastedo went W. Souch ýg into considerable detaîl an the ne- D. Smith -gnouping and reonganization ai A. Spice ------- the armed services, the ainfonce, E. C. C. Southey the navy and the anmy. He spoke W. R Stnike-- with more authority on the army Mrs. W. R. Stnike setup and gave facts and figures Mn. Swindells-- o n unit and regional arganization Miss Vesta Spango under permanent officers and C. Samnis------------ NCO's which left no doubt that Kaith Shackleton this c6untry was alive ta its duty Raymond StaceY and responsibility in the long- Miss Margaret Stacey drawn cnisis that is still with us. Dr. E. W. Sissan -- ---- He closed with this warning: "De-. Harny Sutton------------ - ±ence is nat a job just fan armed Mns. Tom Sheehan, Jr.- ionces, but for ail the people ai Miss Emma Shredd Canada." Mrs. Sumarsiord-- The speaker was tendered sin- Mn. and Mrs. W. Spry -cre thanks by Col. L. T. Mc- Mn. and Mrs. I. Stevens aughlin, whase long military ex- Mn. and Mns. Frank Samis -anience made bis words mare R. M. Stutt- inpnessive as hae seconded the Mrs. Stainton opinions and conclusions ai Col. Miss Stanley l3astado. Past Prasident Mal Dale, Wm. Stavens pinch-hitting for President How- J. H. Sandenson and Rundle, convayed the thanks H. G. Saunders with a club memento ta the Gardon Sturrock.-------- speaker. Othar guests lncluded Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Sleep Rotanian Ken Mankle, Oshawa, Bert Syar-... Rav. A. E. Eustace, Orono, and Mrs. L. Smith Rev. S. R. Henderson, Bowman- Mel Sleap - ------- ville. B. and R. Smithson Scout Apples George Sparrow Len Elliott and Johnnie James R. W. Stocker---- .vangled the sale ai a bushel ai Mrs. John Spencer 3oy Scout apples for the hand- F. R. Schon-____ ore sum aif $42, ta be turned aven Jack Shackleton _____ ta Scout Treasurer, Chief ai Po- L. B. Short -- lice Sidney Vanton. Past Presi- A. Sheehan _____ dent Gea. Chase won the apples Blake Short -- - and John James the theatre tic- Dr. and Mrs. K. Slemon kets for the week. Wm. Sevens Miss Edith Sevens Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemnon Area ontins Specialty Paper Producta 1 (Continued From Page Five),- Tots Toggeny (p) IC. Tamfinso-n (Pete) jMiss Dorothy Tomlnson- ILawrence Turner IMns. J. Tait - IM. Tamblyn -____ Mrs. Wm. Tait____ Jack Tait ---- ___ Paul Tuerk----- Mn. and Mns. Fred Tuerk- Mr. and Mrs. D. Tordifi - Mn. and Mrs. E. Turney Elmer Tweedle ---------- Mn. and Mns. S. Tomlinson Gnaha'm Tenhune --- Mn. and Mns. J. Taylor S. Tnewin ------ Wm. Thentell --.-- Mns. Wm. Thetford Dr. Wm. Tannant .--__ WV. .. LOt.rmston ------ 10.001 Russell Osborne, Clarke - 10.00 E. L. Oliver ------ 25.00 Poale's Bakery (p) JMiss Katy Patter Fan iPooltan--- Badan Pingle------------- -- Mnr. and Mrs. R. Pattenson Howard Patter _. - --- James Post- ---- Wm. Porter- J. Pankin --- Wm. Polley Bud Pingle ------- PalImer Moton Sales -- R. D. Preston and famiàly, R.R. 3 S. Pake ---------- Maurice Prout J. Poolton J. Poulton --------- Mn. and Mns. Geo. Pundy- Mrs. T. Prout --------- jPickard Sisters.------- Mn. and Mrs. L. Plain --- - Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Perfect Mn. and Mrs. D. Park ------ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pundy Miss J. Popovîch Mns. Marion Practar - Mr. -and Mns. F. Piper Mn. and Mns. H. Pollock - J. Presson 25.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 200.00 20.00 3.00 5.001 10.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 5.001 2.00 1.00 5.00 .50 2.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 .50 5.00 10.00 7.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 300.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 50.00 .50 .50 2.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 2.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.'00 2.00 5.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 .40i 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 20.00 5.00 2.00a 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 50.00 10.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 3.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 Men! Want pep, vim normalvilt? Thousand Rega Vigor, Easy Way Qut tedlIagwe@X. ps.w@ e.ut do 3.W ethan youazs. mTry a i=m.'sgn wt tM,&jg.Ivacala let 5Uod nunoangCoi. apd11 aeNiS-z i. wou~cf40ouceou Ces StU. E.r"om Norman K. Taylor F. A. Tremneer _____ Wm. Thickson C. Tomnlirson Miss Olga Tod____ Bill Tait _____ Ted Tice-___ ___ Wm. Thetford L. H. Tabb ____ A. M. Thompson Miss Helen Tighe Gary Tighe --------- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tighe Miss Helen Tait- Miss M. Trebilcock 25.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 2.001 10.001 3.50 (V) Vanstone Flour & Feed 150.00 L. W. VanDriel 10.00 F. C. Vanstone ------.___ 100.00 F. C. Vanstone (p) 100.00 E. Varcoe --- __--_--_- 20.00 G. Virtue--- 2.00 Mrs. Sidney Ventan - 10.00 George Vine ------ 10.00 Mn. and Mrs. S. VanCamp 10.00 Walker Stores'"- Mrs. Charles Wight D. Wilcox --------- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Williams ------ --- E. A. Wenry, Enniskillen- W. Whitehead------- Miss Gweni Willatts -- B. Webb ----------- N. Wilkins------- Russell Wray W. Wight - Geo. White------- Mns. A. D. Wheeler Miss Florence Wenry J. H. Welsh ----------- Clark Wilson L. Welsh ---------- Evenett Winacott Reg. Wilson-... Mel. Wiseman -- Frank Williams Miss S. Wilson ---------- Mr. and Mns. E. Wood- Miss Joan Wright Mrs. Whltmnee --------------- Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wight Mr. and Mrs. L. Wiseman Mns. N. R. Wilcox ---- ---- Miss Norma Wilcox Walt Woodward ---- W. J. Woodward Miss Verna Willis-.... S. Woods --- --- - N. R. Wight --------- Mrs. E. Willatts--------- Lloyd Winacatt -------- Miss Ellen Ward -------- Mn. and Mrs. S. H. Wood--1 Fred O. Wood'----------- John M. Wilson---- George Wilson Walter Woolley - E. Welsh -------------- Clark Wilson --- Miss Joan Wright Coulson Woolner. R. Widdicombe - Frank Woolner Peter Woolner Mr. and Mrs. Ed. W itheridge ------------ George Wright ------ Mn. and Mrs. Mel. Wight- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Woods Don Venton ------------ Rev. J. dePencier Wright (Y) Maxie Yourth.------ Wm. Yea.------ - 100.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 2,00 5.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 About five million United States citizens are connectedi with Canada either by birth or mar- riage. OBITUÀIRY Mas. GEORGE MOORE There pmssed away on Nov. 3, 1948, at her home Concession 10, Darlington Township, Maria Bray b'eloved wife of the late George Moore. She was born ln Eat Whltby Township, near Raglan, and hms, that district. She was a waman of sterling qualtles and upheld Christian -principles and will b. greatly missed in the cammunlty. She leavez ta mourn her pas- Ing four sans and one daughter, John of East Whltby, Jmzùies,: North Oshawa, Claytan at homej Ivan, R.R. 2, Port Perny and Lu- elIa (Mrs. Roy Webber), Eow- Ton! *HOME PERMANENT Kit with Plastie Curlera - $2.50 Refil Kit --------- $.25 Ovaltine ------. ------ Horliek's Malted Milk-----------.---~ 49c-97c Ogilvie Wheat Germ------------- -50-1 Waterbury's Camp. -- $1.00 Wampole's Extract -- $1.00 Scotts Emulsion - 59c-$1.19 Kepler's Extract -- 90c-$1.50 Low Prices Blondex Shampoo--- 23o Corega --------- 23e-39c-69c 93e Noxzema 69e 25e Noxzema 19e Lactogen --- 69c-$1.59 12s 33c- 2FGR65c 48s EcM~.23 rnanviile. One bon Edgar, was killed ini ilrst world war. e. Re.X M. Seyrnour of Ennis. killen conducted her funeral whlch was held tramn A. L. Mc- Dermott's funeral parlour ini Port Perry and was largely at. tended . The palibekrers were four neighbours, Cecil and George Hubbard, Charles and Wesley Brown and two nephews, Russel Coatea and Sandy Moore. DANCING CLASSES IRENE HARVEY - nallet and Tap- Phono 903 Bawmaasvllle Nyal Creophos Guaranteed ta stop Coughs Builds body against Colds Bottie . L eeat .»d rb in tiARDSa, and ot. the i ulk relief Y.o . . eaicicu. faut-drying, no strong or un leaat oor. LACE Oct a bottie today; keep llcONOmicAt 15-46 it handy. etire 65C Vitamin Caps. Alphamettes __ $1.-$1.85-$3.50 Neo-Chemical Fd. $1.45-$2.65 Cod Liver Ou aihps.---98e Halibut Oil -------- 59c-98c VI-Mi Caps. - $1.85-$3.25 Extract of Malt and Cod Liver 011 1-lb. 59e - 2-lb. 98e - 4-lb. 1.69 THERMOS BOTTLES Half Pinta - - - ---- $1.35 Pints ---- _$1.50-$1.65 Ladies" Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets $15.95 - $9.75 - $8.95 - $7.95 Plastic and Metai wlth Nyalon Bristies Matny Shades and Assorted Shapes Phone C OWLIN G'S DRUG STORE TruaFet 695 rse Couch Johnston & Cryderman : 49 King St W. Bowmanville Phono 836 PAGE SIX JOIN THE DRIVE TO STAMP OUT T.D. Duy and Use T.D. CHRISTMAS SEALS This Year Next week, through the mail, you wil receive your T.B. Christmas Seals for the year. The purchase and use of these bright and cheery messengers of good will and qood health will help fight tuberculosis in this country. Invest in health, buy T.B. Christmas Seals. Any dona- tion gratefully accepted. Help the Lions Club carry on this good work through- out the County and help wipe out T.B. Remember during the war years 36,000 Canadians were killed by enemy action but another 38,000 died of Tuberculosis right in Canada. Contributions of any size are wel- corne and are deductible f rom incarne tax. A receipt will be sent u«poni request. Cheques should be made payable ta R. J. Dilling, Treasurer. Sponsored by BOWNANVILLE LIONS CLUB with the assistance of NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB A LARGE SHIPMENT 0F NEW DRESSES JUST ARRIVED IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS Smart decor for a gala evening .. . aur new collection of holi- day lovelies. Lustrous f abrics" . . . scinillating colors... betwitching detailing. Every- thing to mnake you the most sparkling of alli CLEARANCE 0F MILLINERY Visit our Mllllnery Department and take advan- tage of these apectai bargains ln ladies Hats. You will be able ta match your holiday wardrobe from these marvellous selections. GIFT PURSES No w on flisplay! Corne early, take your choice f this large asaortment of gftt purses. Every type of purse imaginable, and &Hl at budget prie.. For the YOUNG TOTS Sec aur department for the Young tata. You'll tlnd e'verything here te, make their Christmas a happy occasion. 5.00 TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOV;UANV=. ONTARIO c ý

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