RUJRSDAY, DEC. 2nd, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAJN, ROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE Flrrl'RN n spct o 50s0,oer a n aid hxperdctouly pres- cd miwholesalc tobacco businesT heEetrso h anlp andped ater psdupply hfcredso srictle contnuelh ressc- i Uin Bowmanvi]le 16 months agoT'nofB mavll embers Give Account of Stewardship asight ed aI O ,ther upp as Jih eavfrysrtaxaerCoun cilorJaie- e C ti El Il c d iu ls and have met with success Hvn .tw Iwauld add greatly to the presenit ber of counicil. Chairman of the I o e i oeetm h 1 M unicipal Affairs During Pasi Year debt burden. Mr. Mason said that non-spending Court of Revision Fo_ aogorD p t- eve my bxeIt ycnto tehat fyo or Cucla o m Uaccount ta repay principal and af wark which lnvolved adding ta year, I solicit yaur morete and in* VieU Alinded Nom nation beeting nterest should be reinstated and the town's revenues by the suc-i To the Electars af the Te the Electors af tet ona the elbs frs beyond that an effort made ta get cessful sale af the Horsey Black '*1Tawn ai BawmanvleTown of Bowmanville ta t oraste rea basis o se- une nthtbeaf.h -Arncreased pravincial grants. Other- 'ta which hie had given much tinie. Having had the honour aofer During the past five yoars I cost af expanding services. If you h eta yaiiy At the close of municipal nomi- no bribes had been affcrcd him. wise the town might be faced with This block xvas now fully revenue ving -you through the regular have had the pîcasuire af yaur ,vant ta bring clown the tax rateT hakn o.Ia nd aw Cer AexLye alednext year, hie urged the voters ta also that Public Utilities should 'nesses adding ta tawn taxes. the iast one, that of Mayor. the Cauncil. and now corne ta you If elccted, my purpose wiii be 91 Pan aIl candidates proposed ta get out and vote as they thought take over xater hydrants and dis- What the town expected fram Ift will be yaur pniviieg ta me a the rspotin of eptv oucis duti e s I do t m w IR .Nde courei w as oun uagneinm e o r t a re uporti n o eecting ta p lut ie s 1uche g n m y l i t q e t i r n s c a , i n Y a t e a s pe r - e s t e, p o s i p a n . c u n c l a s a unib s i n s s s e n s e d e c id e if I t a k e i t o r n e t b y t h e ,v . D r n h s t i e I h v u i e s T h i i e s o h Yth q eseton s se t ig h e afeoip. R e e lisCoun illor Dilling by people who knew the value of use of that wonderful instruÂm ent ote .d r n ue t i s, asi eie h ved b.CbDusinu iipetsofs.r a vil Yn rhepeoet ar presn t. Te ol Mr. Allison said hie would quali In the race for Deputy Reeve, a dollar. Mr. Jamieson promised "The Secret Ballot." Please use t he majonity afIvelu would haveI idi ta bare essentials ta conform fv for the Reeve's chair. He re- Councillor Dilling told ai his Pub- ta devote his time and ability ta it oeadi letdilcniu .ith space in this paper. ported as Chairman, Fine Commit-i lic Property Chainmanship, which this purpose bath in counil and j During the past year I have so ta do. To the Vaters of thean ofemysrisbeevn eading off, Mayor Sidney Little tee, that equipmeflt was in fiiist- had ta do xith cutting dlown trees, at Cabourg. been Chairman af the Rd a Tw Cuciarnod14 ade the general declaration that class shape and fire loss for the paving street îighting bis and so Noothe candidates for counil Streets and yo know we had , In my daily workaspbi -TonfBwm vle stimates for 1948 showed credit year was oly$478, compared fort.H'adacte ctdw fee n cmet ao itedisastrous bridge washouts which cauntant, I amn a licensed munici- I have cansented ta aller m: e aepbicsriet i th h H ad n re u conihf re n bfet.Myr iteIpe the plans wehadhopd pal auditor for three neighbouring services as Cauncillor for the year alances at the moment and few w 3994 the year befare. In by Public Utilities had cost be- 'conducted a question penîod vhichupe e adoctamnipiesadbeivthtte14. fIareetdIwllocamntv l'ould go in the red at the close af temte a h othWr xeen $30 and S40 and light bills brought out questions on fîre pro- carry out for sidewaiks, roads, experience gained from this, my bcst ta look after the interests hie Year. Services had been main- sidewaiks lhe said that with the re- af $400) a month left littie saving tectian in Hydro blackouts, the etc. Hoelerwith the ca-aper- culdwt yfv er n<ftetw a h eta yabte lc nwiht ic ained ith careful econamy movai af the school waik and 1 on his $7.750 estimates. Five years cost af new water supply and se ation of the Road Superintendent Councd i and ater i f hetwnt the sameo r Tax arrears, at a record îow, money nat spent nwr adt on council, f * he was also auitior forth, all aI which were answered 'n tf ewl aeeetdte.sol ea ept eaiiy okadpa .ere balanced against a maunt- wasrnly far that idewalk shouldHe ask- fully. nwfnea h ipslpat munaidîceepanelîties.edbe tiono euyRee out and vote on Monday regard- uiesadfnne Itetw 1g debenture debt for unar i- laihrennihdeise e d support on Dec. 6.MionJElot re-buiit the bridges and carnied, na euyRee ;utfordinarMimaintenanceiattser My car will be available for 1'ýsS af which candidates they r ade ih h tns ae bIc public works. An additional oe Councillor Niddery Re-eleced by acclamation ta e s iout addin g inean ext sra those desiring transportation Io faX U.4Xour s icr..Hwvr.n atrwihcn arrowing of S82,000 bro""ht th- As member at Cobourg he look litvcsvthuadng nyeraVu sneIN atal net debt ta over $337.000 and 1rdtfrrvrigapooe Again a candidate for couneil, Pub]ic Utilities, Milton J. Elottxst o hc naewl here vas more ta camne since county grant for Hospitals of $600 Couniciiior Niddery told ofhitne his spasas ndgav aaditis spnosadgv di sa remancabie achieve- rI 69 hHb ~dt rab aehJ lt iaeyufvuIwudug 1wark as chairman, Cemetery Coin. comprehensive review of thbr this at the timie desired. ai4o9r-a1s hir'eocai rater and sidewalks %vere in de- ta S1,500. In regard ta missing e br.met ,'lad th comng yar.counicil meetings marc than any mittee. New drainage and gen- lems of the local Commission. During the year I attended the Thanking you for v'aur contin- ad e arning Èca.oral upkecp had taken up mast. Dealing with the water supply he Dec]ainhe had personalîy other member, Mr. Allîson said hIl00 ne homeconsructon reularYourssincreb' een an the go ail the lrne ta ge*t and rnanv by bus and train one of his $4,00 Csiae.H hne odta e oecntut o unlalsoes tend fted rten speiRy:.Dlln.To ftie Electors af the Nlo .Obre o n Couici, alo atelied en secil Ra J.Dil9-1s lings clone and save manri the had travelled 17,000 miles by plane Superintendent Highfieid for fine and increased industnial use had Coutl Public Property meetings 49-1* Town of Bowmanville ayr oite ot e adsaedother than tawn's business, bu t ica-apera tion. Making no promises made the water problem acaoiwihI a rtr nd ofCounil l ie 1949r Canctil,ToteEcoisfth ve 200o tedsoa pathdhrre akwehlecudle askcd support for re-cleetion. 1seriaus consideration. New homes imade two inspections of Registry TCte oeruanmyIlsubit the 1949loin in-Tl fBwnni er $2.000 n the dis osaOfplantsadChurri d back and he couldformationnaotheoeletoratoriationhave thscntcd t stand fo oney bridge. At the rate of in- sions. He believed what lhe had 1i Couin dfncilJa e cl lomnleted recentynwunber aeo ffcsn-nyGo n elt h ona omnil Declaringdefinitey he0wou d 8 mare are near comple- Unit buildings, etc., 50 'ou wiii 1 After giving thîs rnatter a grcat support of my candidature. Foriiniadhvn enbr reased demands for public serv- learned loaking over industries in stand for the position of Reeve,tin ih15asnavndrc- sce the life aI a Councillor is a 'deal aI thought, I have made mav the past 15 years I have been a adrie atistw hsi enting another slight risc in' the ting irdustries for Bowmnaville work done under his chairman- Competent engineers have pre- I wili not bore vou with admin- Knowing it takes considerable position presently as weil as Asst. dxiisretatebs fm x rate for 1949. of a better character than the tan- ý ship of the Civic Committee. Two sented estimates on laying new istrative statistics or make any lrne ta do justice ta this posýition, Sec*,y.-Tireas. in the Bowmanville aiiv Stating definit l ie s -- nery. main items had been settied. (1) 12-inch pipe on the 6-mile stretch 'rash promises but will sec you get asueteecosIxildom Fudr.Irnc ptnlvf- eld~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ forrs-ueceoth.eLtte Aidefrortavelinwadla- Teocrr-avc aosttimen ont1Skiner srin, wjchtoethr 'dofarci--1 rged peoffle ta get Ouît and vote tending Cobourg sessions. other ix'eterans' houses. Aillbut anc are, with added equipment wouîd run eetarnvauef o youiamay lowbest ta adcte aîîa i s ante ihami' w35muneiaî fiane adMuic ru Id pick the man best qualified things whieh prevented full at-i now paid for and the finial prap- t *$15.000. Other figures wece 'ta leave a d'ean record behind jbath economically and inabui AsactenoBom vilI do the job. tendance at counil was obliga-t erty -would be settled immediate- being assembled oni taking the me. I wili aiso continue ta do -esa lîe i As eadcitednmofch tm ate B helatofca1cuto Reeve Baker tions requiring tirne as a Union l v. (2) The Carnrunity Counil alternative course aI going ta the ail in rny power for the commun- Jeslk a' ilhv ccoe ufleI h ~ eclaed h woud i Drector and a CCF candidate. a nd hiring aI a ne\v Director ta lake, xvhich xxouîd îax'alx'c mueh itv in xvhich we live. thakpteaxne ov li'-n g afr aomfmbri Sniesonad Ekmo i anda-abuta in for Mayor. As Chairman afi ('ouncillor Mason include in his duties the conduct greater cast. If the toxvn wishied 'I romain, this town. Sunclay School teacher. If eleet- mn epea hr r nKn aads and Streets hie pointed out, Definitelv in the field for Mayar, aI the communit programme in new industries thece xvas only anc Sincerely yaurs, I arn therefore soliciting voUr e d I shall devate my timie and arOt 0W tough the job had beern the Councillor Mason dea]t at lengt1h the new rink had been arraaged thing ta do and that was ta se- Arthur S. Baker vote on December 6th as a fc'low b'crt talents ta the conduet oI ai- st yar. recing ne cul wîh ton fnancs a Charma by way aI public vote, cure a permanent supp]y oaI w'ater If transportation requircd phonietapyrlosanheCucl itpri- rts, 28 sewer connections and aI the Finance Committee. He inl attending every regular and Io h ae ateqeto 842. 4- .000 feet af sidewalk and many pointed out how the tax rate had special counicil meeting, Mr. .james periad Mr. Elliott explained cicar- 49 G. Frank Jamron ular attention ta sound finance. If' (er things had been done at the lallen w h n the 50 per cent. s ehool said his w hole endeavor ha d hbeen l ' the position in regard t tak ing 49-1 vou loc I ca serve y au w ell I T W ! l rPense a others, but the w ork rebates had been received from t a keep exp ndit îres on a strict over hYdrants and disposa plant. To the Electors a the compîctie ha pync eiy.a e i di been balanced ta the bcst ad- the provincial govrrment But business basis at lowest cast. AI- Itfxvas simply a matter aI taking Towni aI Bawmanv-,ille For Councllors i .RbetMto ntage under the $25.000 bud- these had resulted in increased lotted his full budget the first of maney fror nen pocket and trans- IstnforeectnasMyr____ t. spndin whih heled rvers thethe year hie had observedi econorny Ierring it ta another xith no ad.-oaf Bowmanvilie an the sound plat-_ _ U IW YL Defending the Dump Bridge picture and the milI rate had by turning back 43 per cent. aI the vantage.1 form aIf long experience, hard 1To the Ratepayers afI Towtn Eo rs owanI the Ïntract let without tender, the since canstantly risen. Now the budget ta the public treasury. If1 Chairman W. R. Strike wxoi-k and a personal record aI the Town aof mnil Twna Bowmanville ec inmyl every case where Having accepted nomination for Ask the Iirst hundred taxpayersBnedSgr art Hope engineer, who advised and great cace must be exercised carry the same ca;eIul business added ta Mc. Elliott's repart0o inam ecWihe auoMosIhave j Ifut p e uilct ed you may be aured vte.ofal isfndbtedaess Idout if fat $6000 xvas a 10w, figure, and in municipal finance ta prevent management inta the 1949 counicil1 the watec situation. He obsecved 11hv felce - a b sue i e canractas wee repted a furher dasti incrasesin th i ad as epresatatve atCoborg. 'thatsincehe beameetmembgsaI'hcnledemetingc- enversec-ndcisins wil begiver witîîoii anc oundeehi au. Forlyars tey (Fornvlle nd Ditric comntentmca.He satedthatmilirate Councillor Jamiesan .teCmis-e h cc.y essary ta quickhy transact public fear or favour in the best inter- have been a squashed elemet.eey hrdy 1dealings were above board foc Aside from a town debt noxv in I As a native businessman and a !aofwater had increased cavec 500tbusines.IhavetianditseacssofBWavilf e . Cruhr. gThat 1is th det i asupr tgr Frifraio eadn ________--___~ senidridD. aruthrs irg tntI ak oucsupor tatr -- percent. ana Il~rewas n ques car ta travel at personal 49-1 and hiait iis catachysmie drift. The rpis ctlswn tio tata ewsouceaIsup pe~nse in gettîng thîngs done. ____ ire'v Council slate suggests thatcureecrian must be tapped and that at the Ilanso doing I have saved the our Merchant Princes are at hasttraemchns hake. The cost of installation ivould 'towa thousands aI dollars ia get- To the Electors aI the becoming alarrned. (It's abouti n 11be kaow when engineers' reports tingcantract prices reduced in Town ai Bowmanvîlîe tinie). My' chief desire 15 the IPoeo rt T o I' .e E l ctors of B o irnar ville wece ompieed. ctofis Mc.severai instances. fu In athe belief that vaung busi- farrnat:on aI a Taxpayers' AssocSne-Swn ndprescrit Hydro etfs r into the recard anid cannai. muin teipl respoasibilities1 havec mariwh pays the Piper can cl Strike spake briefhy on the his tory dispu ted. My service af 15 x'ears cnseatdt tn onlcir heTn ihu era'en ai the provincial developmentun on Council includes fu years t the 1949 Towa Council, Alter Bobbed dlown. This is a persanalMahn Co As candidate for the Office of Mayor this is 1 der commission since 1910. Ho de-ion County Couacil and the part rerving avereas v.ith the Canad- appeal for every vote, and 1Ipiedge claced that on every occasion af txvo years es Mayor. The exper- ian Navy in the late wac T carne m.yseif ta eovery voter that if lack af rainfaîl the resîîlt %vas loss iocfhs aadba ena home resolved ta enter busine'ss elected I ilptertin Ii perhapsthe onl opportnity Ishah ha e of co veyingof generated power. Toda's df-great benefît la effcctinathe work ia my native towxn anid trv ta do have irita it, rather than anything 47WtnS.Phe 05 to you rny stand on some matters of municipal policy. ficulties xveîe due t an acutehlass and ecanomies refercd a. As the somethiag constructive far its aut aI it which shouhd mativatePatH eO. of w'ater powver. Recent rains have presidiag ollicer in Councilifi has future. Fallawing a pcriod aIail seekirig electiori.i ixproved haw quickly electni en- been my pleasure ta work ia business experience with the W. Jack Francis Niekerson. erg cn e raide t rhiveharmony with the members gen- C. Macdonald Ca., Tocoato, I open- 49-1* FINANCES: tLhe situation. He told aI the dras- ieraîîy. 'I can assure youI that ahl tic shortages of materials and estirnates have had my carettili THIE EXERCISE 0F IROPER CARE AND CAUTION IN ALL VPcesently h ydapogam been held ta the lovest figurei y te Hdroprorame ipossible la the face aI iacreased EXPNDIURE 0 MOEY .involves construction aI auxiliacy1 public demand for variaus sec- In aditon o te fascooniinaed n 146 îhic cosumd Jsteam plants. Ia case aI any watec vices. In aditionte th fiaso oriinate in 146 whch cosumedfaihure at generating plants la tbe The office ai Mayor I have.......... future, these steam plants woldnover regardcd ini the nature ofa! $29.436.?8 of the MecGill Reserves there w~as a defîcit on gencraldo uctarie-suhnavi prsiibnartisajwhc account of $7,839.82 (as silown in auditor's report) .%hich %vas sub- ence as is expcrienced tadav. Bath if taken ightly. mecans constant, , sequently covered by transfer of Contingency Reserve in the sale of Mc, Sîcike and Mr. Ellitt thaaked bhardwcra js n ItYiag Cit ofWidso Bnds Jlocal cansumers foc co-oiperatian ta look steek and important. With , r 4,* kw ia saving cucrent. a new Council coming in, pro-. Q muaicipai alfairs, and with an amounted to alver 12 milîs. Instead paymcnt ixas made from the Streams Stocked Itoxvaengineer la prospect, theThs'w tmi hre nteTxRtwol aebbywt iteeprcc n,' reserves and the reseri es are now exhausted. Wih 000ear 1949 is ancexvhere a pcesid- ig ofîteer of long experienco is With ail these consideratians in Last x eek nder view, I again reiterate that theJ a t ,ee a narask tFhso auspices job aI Mayor foc 1949 is ane that oth aaak ihand Game canriot bc discharged by sitting - Despite the dissipation o! past reserves. 1 advocate the creation Club, 10,000 bcowa traut linger- about or tied up la porsonai aI- R of a praperly constituted Reserve Fund, under the Municipal Act, lings were :Iaced in the Gariar- fairs. Ia asking a renewai of temeet expenditures for necessary future publie works and replace- aska River, Durbamn Countv. This confidence I assure 3'ou I can get 'i t E brngs he ttal umbe ofbrawn about and shahi get about on the ment o! public property and equipment, ta hoe used at a time w hon trout released la the Ganaraska town's business with ail the labour and mateniais may ho more plentiful than at the present tinie. iand trbutary' streams this yea enecgy I bave shown in the past 't 000 atva oa f3 Unusual gif ts! Pleasable gif ts! Colorn - 10 3,000 Lat I-ar atotl aI. ,and with the masi. rigid ecanorny 000 xvý,ere placed in these wat ers. possible. I urge every elector tai fui fabrics for slipovers . drapes .. ~ j DEB NTU E D BT:Ifis estimated that this tota1a get out and vote on Mondiay, DEB NTU E D BT ovr 6,00 wll eclneby 2 e December 6th, and choose the dresses and suits. Our large selec- emi-esAn-hdig- pacers..Sidne Littl,111 fer school and hospital (with ailowance for interim retirement) %vill ini a short time reach a total of over One-Haîf Million Dollars. This is reaching the point generally considered to be the limit of safety on an assessmcnt such as ln Botwýmanvllle. Future Commit- ments must bc entered into îvlth closest scrutiny. SEWERS and DISPOSAL PLANT: A vote of the ratepayers as to assuniption of Sewers and Disposai Plant by the Publie Utilities Commission or ln the alternative in ronsideration of expenditures for maintenance and debt payments ln this connection. reduction of hydrant rental from $42.00 to $10.00 per hydrant. ASSESSMENT: Any re-assessment must be on a County and not on a Local basls other,%ise we shail ultimately be penalized on assessment equaliza- tion. A o N For information or transportation on Election Day PHONE 688 or 553 Your vote on Monday is important! Elect a strong Council, for Mayor vote Lawrence C. Mason. LAWRENCE C. MASONx Lawy er, Barrister Bovvmanv Ie, Ontario Icatteredpoints-laD'rham-î ty this fll together with the fast- 'growiag, keen-fighting, brown en ilJhave ILICîr nanas full To the Voters af the erifarcing game law regulatioris Town aI Bowmanile fron now an. At anl' rate this Ducing the past year as a mem- area is making a comeback as a ber ai the Bowmanvî île Town Iish and game mecca and -oane Counicil I have endeavoured ta city clubsar already anglrig serve the people of Bawmanvihle for camp concessions, ta the best aI my ability bath ia action and in attendance at every Clarke Tmeeting. Clarke ownship J This year 1 arn offening m services for the office of Reeve j Fo Concilors and if e]ected Iwiil diligiently try 'To he atepyen aisible on the tawn caunicîl. In ad- Tthe Townshpayrof lak dition I wîi make it my business LadeTshndGentlme:ta look alter the interests of the Ladis ad Getleen:Town aI Bowmanvilic at the I deern it an hanour and riv~ Counties Council. ilege ta have had the apportunitv As tbis is the first fll electian of serving as Councillor foc aur. for Town Cauncil we have hadj Townsbip dîîring the past severai years I would urge al This experience shauld enRbla votors ta get out and vote on me ta deal %vith municipal affairs Mondav, December 6th, regacdless more wiscl ' lai the future. B('-ng o! which candidate they' prefer. anc aI the bighest taxpayers af the Yaurs sincerelv, Township shauld place me in a W. G. (Bill) James position ta act judiciously vtb 49-1 the public finances.__________ Thereore I salicit yosîr support Onlv the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. for the office of Councillor in the bave more miles aI railvay than election. Monda,', December 6tb. ' as Canada. 1 strongly urge that ail ratepavei s exercise their franchise, so thati v.e may have a truîy represent- The Statesman Sold ative counicil. Yours faithfullv'. At Following Stores James T. Brown. 491Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle D.G. Walton's, Newcastle To the Ratepayers ai W. C.Ln & Son, Newtonville the Township ai Clarkei T. M. Slemon, Enniskiilen Having been again nominated i F. L. Byam, Tyrane For Cauincillor for 1949 I offer G. A. P.arron, Hampton ni1 ' self for re-electiori. If I reueix e Wm. llack%%-ood. Pantypool .ou r conftidence I shahil corîiî'i e 11. T Sa w l iackstock ain the pa;t ta fitîifi mv ditie.s C. B. Tyýrrel!. Ocono without partialit%: or favonirtism. W. J. Biagnc i, Jury & laovell J. Harry Davey.' vJ. W .": W. .1 Berry and 49-1* The Statesman Office. For Reeve Cushions We Speciahize in Drapes Made.-lo-Order Drapery Materials Rods, Tracks, Cranes Hooks, Etc. Kroy Knitling Yarns Butterick & Simplicity Patterns BUY and SAVE ai WEB ERB's VUeber's Fabric Centre 10 King St. E. -o--m anIe -. .-----.-------~ - k~#-~ ~ r.-<.~2~ - A Y o R Ask Us About Our Lay-Away Plan A Small Deposit will hold anything until Christmas ;k-2! viçonq» THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN 14 Bowmanvile