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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1948, p. 14

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iv g r F PAGE 7FOuTYFPm< THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 'BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO q- n -91- l THEATRE - BOWMANVILTE 71"", THURS., FRI. - DEC. 22 -23 -24 A "TWO FOR ONE" SHOW Two Corne In For The Price of One DON'T MISS THIS TREAT!1 mou%: tKUL CVUII UUiuingJV FLYNN IDAl1UPINO SJOHN GARFIELD . "Th~j~ BARRY FIT1GERAL 'The SATURDAY - ALSO MON., TUES., WED. DECEMBER 25 and 27 - 28 - 2 9 And gat a . "Belvedere' Re' gota tchique MATINEE NONDAY -DECEMBER 27 MID-NITE SHOWI SUNDAY - DEC. 261h - 12:05 a.m. Stan LAUREL and Oliver HARDY The "FLYING DEUCES"I also a LEON ERROL SHORT Technicolor Cartoon Selected Short rONLY ONCE AYEAR Does the Yuie corne - but our seasan's wlsh to ycu s that ifs rnerriness, ifs heartwarnith wiil be yours for each of the everydays thaf will dawn before you set up your 1949 Chrstmas tree. SOshawa Laundry& Dry Cleaning «lhone Zenith 13000 Oshawa B,)%%-an,.iIIe Agent: HOOPERS LADIES' IVEAR IlIname their littie bambino after they seem now, neyer were, but piet fius. As Philip is one of our christ- the pleasures of them, the friend- but ian names, you must admit that skips, the simple joys, and the scer The lew asil In epen entwe hit the nail on the head. be- sclid sati5lactions were and are the Th N wcsTle Independen cause the littie Prince will bc real and enduring. mal Mn.TrdySalow jknown as Charles Phiiip Arthur The evil days which are upon tomx 4 __________________________________________George. us are neyer as bad as aur fears TI ______________________ e nearly had a David and Go- make them. Because evil is neyer day j Merry Christmas ta Ail is the liath squabble on the main drag whoily avercome, it seems ta grow sori sincere wish of your Newcastle iast Saturday, when an angry, as efforts to combat it fail. In aur old Correspondent. In* buriy father took an undersized, day men are so concerned with the whi Mrs. V. Patterson, Toronto, vis- In te .LadAAors Mvaal bespectacled littie teacher to task evils they contend with that their as t ited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill for baving administered corporal Quigg. punishment ta his son. ----- Mr..and Mrs. Ai Turner, Osh-1 Box 489, O.A.C., a When we used ta get a hidingi awa, is with bier mother Mrs. A. a schooi, we were too cute toi Adair. Guelph, Ontario, either brag or squawk around Mr. Bryce Ward and Mr. Char- Jms Dec. l8th, 1948. borne, because the rule then was. ence Clark are driving Mrs. D. S. M. to have the old mnan dish out his Milligan to Tampa, Fia., this week 1 Yaur recent edîtorial "Fewer speci ai brand of iicking because wc I We hope they have a pleasant Students Registered For Degree had needed one at scbool. trp. FC ourses in Agriculture" empasizes No wonder the citizens* that re- Mr .McMullen bas had the your dlaim of servi .ce ta the agrl- ceived their schooling then turned Cubs and Scouts busy remadeling cultural commi'nit . Severp'l rr t eahry ae o a and repainting toys ta be sent ta tinent facts are brought out in this ota b e aghad ace.orb u ailt sick children. A very worthwhile1 article. thashintog aaboba h project.H The need for graduates ta serve Acringt u coecr Miss H Mason will replace Miss Canadian agriculture cannot be the Stewards of Local 189 hast theI Cora Butler as librarian whîle aver .eniphasized. With the in first round.in it's bout with The Miss Butler is in Arizona with Dr. creasing complexity of modern Statesman. Why didn't the boysWhtete jButler. We understand this is the farming more and more graduates get their collective heads together. htbte first holiday Miss Butler bas bad are needed in extension work. make up *a statement of dna hita"t ove a erid f years sa we wish Furthermore there is a cryîng and have The Statesman deiniai ber pleasant. times wbile she is need for graduates ta do research, Winte isudodrtahegift ai ilawere away.ad especiaiiy in certain fields of pro- entire membership forbidding bouquets or Dr. h Mrs. N. Munroe, St duction, ta say notbing of the op- them ta use their Godgiven right Thomas, visited Mr. and Mrs. portunities in farming which is ta purchase and read the paper L.ow prices. Percy hfare. the immediate or ultimnate goal of of their choice, they actively prov- We aré pieased ta report that an amazingiy large percentage of ed The Statesman's repeated con- ~3Mrs. Olga Gibson is now home graduateýs. tention btat, they are trying ta Aafter bier second operation in To- In stressing the balanced nat- set up a dictatorship under the Ironto General Hospital and bier ure of a course leading ta a science guise of demnocracy. O D R Y U L condition is much improved. deren'Arclue ouhv Surely it is not democratic ta Citizens were pleased ta see the hit a point not grasped by a great order the non purchaFe of a home C.G.I.T. girls Friday nigbt accom- many people. Pemhaps it would be town produet, and, thus deprive panied by their leaders Mrs. Jack news t sni of your readers ta several families connected wi J K RA A N itand Miss A. McNab,ou nwtaor debating team last The Statesman of their righttaJ K. RA I 1sitt g roIs. We. hear they were year advanced ta the finals in the earn a living.ENSIL much enjoyed by the shutins and Inter-University Debaling League Our bet is that, regardless of ENSIL agdadn tevlae which rpprescnts n1li r"i the verbaten order, the members Phone: Bowman, ç 1You coresondntvisited Mrs. Universities in Canada. The finals, wl thumb their nases at thc g B. Moise wha bas been at the ta Which we had the bonor of Le- Stewards, and, go right on reading 1 home of Mrs. E. Wicks for anýe ing hasts. inciuded teams repre- their favourite papcr. If onl.) ta_____________ *year an Dec. 18. Mrs. Maise is senting University of Saskatch- see bow the scrap ils progressing. Ivery neariy biind and is very ewan, Acadia and OAC-OVC. In- The Stewards played righ t inta Sproud of the Electraphone given cluded amang thase whicb aur their oppanents trap that time. 4ta bier by the Canadian Institute team met in the preliminary Sfor the Blind. This instrument rounds were such well know in- plays talking books. At the pres- stitut ions as Osgoode Hall and There"B ent time Mrs. Moise is listening LoYola Universitx- of Mcntr~.-l O IAr M yT e B ta "The Life of Queen Victoria". Last year aur student societies ,UJ.~ V~ These books piayed by records on presented "The Pirates of Penzance themacinearea oure o gratand two 3-act pays, one a Broadj The Christmas message was ex- a pn s pleasure ta lier. Mrs. Moise ils com- waY success and the ather from pressed in sang and story at the We were greatiy impressed by tbe gramme ils similar. vices. Wesley Yellowlees, Sup- V~ i pleasant surroundings and laýveiy You also stressed that the cours- erintendent, was in charge af the The \Vorld roams that she and the other es in fundamental science. princ- Sunday Scbool pragram wbich i ladies enjoy there. iples of engineering, principles of inciuded a story by Pearl Leach Christmas service at the United cronhics , nd mrc- tr-cti-'al 1 and vocal duet bv Olive Cryder- Church was \veli attended. The subjeets and practical work give man and Donna VTice. 'How Far Yf We look forward . with de- special music under direction a thoroughl.v balanced coursp. Is It ta Bethlehem?" was the theme lightful enthusiasrn ta' the of leader Mr. Jas. Dyer was very That many peeple' consider Ihlis of Mr. Linstcad's message ta the godceradflosi beautiful. In the Antbem 'Ring an excellent background is eloq- cburch congregation-the distance . odceradflosi X'e Behîs*" Mrs. Jas. Brown Pna îîcntly proven hv the wide clemand of which can only bc calcîîlated v Mr.* Glen Alln sang the duet. "O for grAu.- ,r- iy nb - -- <or by a personal returo ta the man- le that is an essential part af Holy Nigbt" in duet form was aur national life. We number a-j ger scene and ýc-direction of ane's _î the Yuletide season. Our suing by Mr. Dyer and Miss Joan mong aur alumni sucb promineot life ta the example set by Jesus.Ï Bennett. These numbers were es- men as Dr. Hall, President of; The choir sang apprapriatean kindest regards ta each i pecially enjoyed. Rev. W. W. Pat- Western University, London. thems. adtahr r erson took "Love Ahi Powerfui" We do neot pretend that aur The pupils adtahr r y you on this Christmas Day. as the theme of bis messagewîh cuses of study are either ideal Scott, of Solina Public Scbooi, V 'sas very impressive and inspir- or ail that they migbt be. How- ipresented their Christmas pro- log. Douglas Lavern ares,: ever, improvements are beingj gram at the Home and School Club fant son of Mm. and Mrs. L. Har- made from year ta -year, and I feel1 meeting last Friday nigbt. Mr. !j ew ,are plesd t ccn-et that this institution bas much ta 'Harold Pascoe, President of they nerwas batsed.t ecoet offer worthy. of tne cansieeraticn H. & S. Club, opcned the meeting 1ý McFeeters' Bros. town Dr. L. Weissgerbcr, aur nev. of thoze High Schaool stuinsfc and secretary, Miss Pearl Leach, Yý Idoctor wvho bas purcliascd Dr. J. rcl with the rroblem of 'vht cl-rcad the minutes after wbich Mr. ~ 44 Kiing St. E. AButiers. practice. Dr. Weissger- lege or whether collcge or not. 1 Scott took charge of the children's P BOWMANVII ber bas recently returned from In ciosing 1 should like ta con- ýprogram. including: sangs, recit- ýý SEurope where hie vas with thc graitiîlate you. sir. an the high at.ons, rhivthm band sclectians, the ki Department of Heaith. Hecames standing which The Statesmnan story of the Wise Mon in panta- ta Newcastle very highly recem- again attained in the national ed- mine, piano solo and skits. Final--_______ Smended, being a friend a*nd.class- tcriai c antests. ]y Santa Claus arrivcd, ta ther mate of Dr. Mihîs and Dr. BirC. Yours Trul, deiight of every littie girl and of Oshawxa. We hope ta soon w.el- Donald Jase. boy present. Chiidren taking part came Mrs. Weissgerber te ci. were: Albert, Catherine and Rus- -Y vlage. She ils at prcsent stay in' seli McQuade. Sharon Robb, Dean- Y with her aughter in Toronto. Dr. n"acVncn aiy yn ~ and Mrs. Weissgerber have twc r UILLIrUL, Pascae, Arnot Wattcn, Lorne Tink daughters, ane a public beaith ____ Murray and Allyn Hoskin, Daug:. nure i Brckiii th ater Toail thoFe wbo have been kindi las Cruickshank, David and Dan- Dq married ta a science student at- l£5let.ý tendng Trant Uniersiv. -enough ta rcad this column in theaiKeet.Gog C.diG LT.orooUimesty. 17past, and, at presenit, your carres- ICnrtlton aGog n Tbemetingroupene bt e c17.pondent wishes a bright and Eilecn Knox (nec Farrow) on Tae morehipnfolioed b inginhegcof merry Christmas. their marriage last Saturday. ta Wrshi folowedby sngin ofMrs. Evereft Cryderman tînder-Y "Sulent Ligbt" Miss McNab read Joe Richardson met with a oas- shot tov o Critma Cros.ty accident a few day s aga. In some xvent an aperation at Oshawa Hos- ý a short anner angunrisasasiCcrarsedipitai, Wednesdav marning. We IThey sang ."Oh Came Ail Ye ianJe recaied te as in tbf' w.is hrapcd revry !Faithful'. A talk given by Mrs. facde Hece dtebati h Is*lea pdyrcvy. 1 Nesbitton "Wht Cbritmas Mans an is in bospital at present Mr. Silas Hancack, Manitoba,;rgesn eywî.h~Mr uhrHnak aitn IBusiness period was led by Jeanan rgesn eywl.I1SM.LuhrH coHmit;W TomsandNora Aln. allot-possible that a plate wiil have ta Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Webster, Mr. TosadNraAln olc-be placed in anc jaw. and Mrs. F. C(.-,'o. VMr. . . . May every qif t you receive be ion was taken up by Catherine Afwvas J -~-Obw ihMs hs ln Tucker. Meeting closed witb .A . vars agoJe as dri,- Osaw, ihMsCa.Bl and good cheer ta last a Ii "Tas".Thegirs ten entta ng a car at night, with bis eibow chard. sevrlaes in an singigrs.gO h idwldeof M.adMs ~rodAt~ car doar. The car collided Jean aod Lorrane, Winnipeg; Mrs. ýwrt iiarharst h caai te ge ad hu-is. with a hayrack on a wagon, re- Gardon Taylor and Sandra, Mr. . homes, we wish you the merri _________________ sulting in a badiy smashed arm Jerry Milîson, Toronto, at E. Mili- ~~ for Joe. san's. and ail gaod wishes for the N~ 1The world famous London Un- The Christmas concerts are in Mr. and Mrs. Russell Balsan, derground ils now controlied by fuîll swi,,ng at the \'arious sehoals Caralyn and Barbara, Bowman- easumes seem fewv andifcc"- ýwhen distance dims this ne, its shining towers wvill bç jays and the good deeds whicb ike these the good aId days of mormow. rhe trutbs wbich can make ahi ys goad days sbine through the rrows and the evils o! the prooe, 1days and the bad new days, ich are neyer as good or as bac tbey seem ta be. - -- -- -- way te Say "Merry than with a lovely rs. Plants, corsages, *r hair ornaments. Order nowl )WERS TODAY M, Fionis! ENI iville 2468 Fruit ILLE >e ane of h lietime.F ie warmth riest of Chi Vew Yearl MAR ?rop. il vantage of this fact. MriNiiobaacntc- May this Christmas be the Happiest you have foV>tn otaqatiyo ht yet enjoyed with your famiiy and your friends pine, and is busily skidding up -ad may you find a weaith of goad cheer tue ogs ut t dat. jand joyfuiness in the New Year aheadl Alvin Olan lias purced a Sprettx' nifty looking Monarcb. I lias everything, beater, defroster-.j -~ cigarette ligbter, radio. Ed Youngmnan, not ta tue out- "Esielle" Beauiy Salon dione by Mr. Olan, purchased a' Mm. and Mrs. Howard Bickle new Austin the samie day. Io fair niess ta Mr. Olan, hie had a chance ta buy the Austin before Mr. X'aungman, but declined becausc ibe tbougbt the Austin toa small Youngman dlaims bis car is big i enougb for ail practical purposes. land, nearly biew a fuse %vhený Olan asked hlmi if he was goîng ta put a couple of planks up ta the' bedroomn window and run the Austin in thex e for the nigbt. Imm A cp(-of vceks aga we pre W dicetat Lizzie and Phil would iJaa ~~ i ~n-- Store Phone 674 .. . . . . . happines From th in your uiPone37 di RCAVICTOR RECORflt This Christmnas give RCA Vict Records . . . thcy're sa easy ta give and so acceptable. Corne in today and choose f rom aur grand stock tof RCA Victor Rcd Seai and Populas Records, Ilere are a few suggestions. RECORDS "My Darling, My Darlin g" "Buttons and Bows" "Chocolate Choo Choo" "Cornbelt Symphon y" "Seventh Avenue Express" 'Ve Gels Teelus" "Galway Bay" "On a Slow Boat ta Chinat ALBUMS "BaiSads of Old Irelandt Lonny Boss "Allegro" - - - Original Cast "My Wiid Irish Rose" Dennîs Day "Love Sangs"-- Donald Dame "Down Mernory Lane" Vaughn Monroe "High Button Shoes" Original Cast "Stephen Foster Favorites" Sammy Kaye "Beryl by Candeiight" Beryl Davis "Blossom Time' - AI Goodman "Ail Time Hits From the His" Eddy Arnold "The Red Mill"- AI Goodma3 "Sweethearts- - - AI Goadr--'% "Busy Fin gers" -Tbree "Happy Gang" --Pricée e "Schubert's Unfinished Symphony" Boston Symphony "Greig's Concerto in A Minor4 Artur Bubenstein "Nu tcracker Suite" Philadeiphia Orchestra "Square Dances" Woodhills Old TinWt- "One Sk-ing Fiddie" "Chiidren's Album" "Dumbo" - - Chiidren's Album "Pinocchio" - Children'u Album 6/Le r RCAVICTOR RE%,JvCORD Sa personiai . . . sa acceptable - acasy ta give - an RCA Victor Record (uift Certifîcate matX2s an espccially apprapriate Chrisutr.is prescat when yau're ini doubt about the niusic your friends anîd relatives prcfer. Send them a certi- ficate and let ihem choose tIArii favorites from -our extensive stcck of RUA Victor Red Seai and Popu- lar Records. Corne in today and let us bellp ).ou solve yoîmr shopping probleins this handy, effcctive %vay, THE RADIO SHOF Phone 573 38 King St. m. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -. - - -. -- -- --~.ià LI~7 / THURSDAYj DEC. .23rd.. i§4»ý'i '1

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