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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1948, p. 15

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ýgiinal endowment of one of the %M UMMMM RT BoysTraiinuSchol Sudensu.ldings many years ago. At the banquet a year ago the Toronto Great is the quality of Truth i e s l... club sponsored w rit w t h s f r'.~ a d s wtht hequlifootrtr Receve )AaeII~eacboyut pear a v. BACK An th ma;nh autographed hockey sticks really I-6M 4 ports tefhru alcngs Fr ntT ro l R try I as R si t the mark. Guests of the sehool I seviho inthea n;hean from Toronto Rotary Imas Hosis this year camne fine members of 0 taei oe n ee ev the Toronto Rotary Club who eahohr displayed just as much enthusiasm The truth in man is no dictum, i Restrained enthusiasmi gripped for each boy and an armful of as their young friends. Other is vital as eyesight; every Wide-eyed student in the other g.fts as well. To cap the cli- guests included members of Bow- If there be any Soul, there is truth BOY's Training School as they sat max it was discovered that each manville Rotary and Lions Clubs. u-bG if there be man or woman, there at the banquet tables in the school stick was autographed in ink by Viitn Getsi truth; if there be physical or auditorium Thursday night and Happy Day, coach of the Maple Vlsiti1,ng Guestsuth Saw heaps of new hockey sticks Leaf Hockey team and most of Ted Kent was chairman of thei hrbequlrumovlton flestling beneath a huge Christ- the stars on the team. It was a Toronto group which included I there be euilibiumoervoitin Mlas tree on the stage. Then when red letter occasion in the history Past President Len Philip, Del the meal was over and Santa of the scihool. Brundage, Neil Kansman S Ham- a l pn h atteei ar et i rtah.uo h atteei Claus jingled in, their expecta- The banquet and Christmas bly, Tom Cass, Ronrei t 0i truth.o h at! mdtr tionswere xpresed i chees Tre wasthe anual xpresion f HeaheriOtotruthF.oflsthellearth!o pIss arnwa doterr When the bewhiskered oId gentle- the Toronto Rotary Club of its members of the youth service com- Man said there wa.- stick interest in the B.T.S. since its oni- mittee. The Bowmanville group yu Soud. u oc! cl on __________________ includedRotary President How- Sudyu -ie cl on ard udle, ard.d ec tains, or dive in the sea after ~---- ----.JOaiuwe nigh , PAdreAndeon Dr W jyoO; 0r H. Bîrks, Dr. R. E. Dinniwell,-W L WHT N Pastor O'Brien, Dave Higgon, F. R. Schon, Geo. W. James and ArtC u Baker. The guests were warmlyfl iOSO l A wecom d iy S pernten ent B r ed e s' l ub H old J a c k E a s t u g n d RA sc s a r d t w h u ' peritendnt Sanly RikardwhoAnnual Banquet The uest an entre tudet 1Holstein Breeders with their; Ahody wero served at the tables by jWI *wives, lady friends, and other; ,A the teachers and instructors of 1 guests to the number of 130 sat igthe schooh which has become the! down to a courteous turkey dn Thé del h im s G'fcustom for this funiction. The pre- ner at noon in BlackstockCon Sliminaries inciuded the Boar's uiyHl.Tebn etwsp- 2 ! H ad P oce sio n p er ori ed y ap ared b y th e lad ies of B lack sto ck , nw,,ith the boars head, syvmbol Mr. Gordon Kellogg of Wel-! of te fest.The velldrýs'èdandcome, the club pensident for 1948, na rnerlv young boys \vere the iaeted as toast master. Rev. Harn- - Available Now At 4 equal of anyone present and as a son____________________the________________te_ M group were better singens and Blsonwecomend tals embin sto xvere better verseci in the Christ- Harold Gully who was unable to tion cost of making the division.Baksckndaoleinaig mas carols. Alternating with the attend this yean. Last year Mr. It would destroy the incentives M Solçler group in sin-ing verses the Gully was the principal speaker ivhich keep men and women striv- .ereMLuhi fEm Syoung \-oices complýetely outshone and made a great hit wi1h his lui- ing to produce an abundance of eroft Farm, Oshawa, one of theI COURTICE their seniors, moi, hav fever and Bergen hair- the goods and services by xvhieh Vice Presidents of the Canadian Pho e 833Bo man il'FIr~r Christmas motif, aside eut. The boys gave a last rcsound- they and their families live. Holstein Friesian Breedens Asso-, P o e23 o m n il l rmthe huge tree ,vas expressed îng cheer for their Toronto friends csto oe sddtentoa fieîdmn oy asis toena itictal in beautifullv painted panels before wending to their bouse fi,.. epdesntRoyive E. A. Duimrstý aout the walls featuring the na- residences to open their scores of'S. C alsAllun ersnai E A.um r,1 Ytivitv. These wore executed bx' packaged gifts. ber who showed their calves at ____ ___ ___ ___ __ is rt tud nts Ca dle on his Spl ndi Stff eti es s S cre ary Orono Fair with $2.00 each. There tables laid with spothess linon photo xithout naming and payîngb otonA sn ee1 fteejno amr ________who were given complimentany Sadded to the setting of a roal home tribute ta the staff members who tickets to the dinner. 1l and firesido Christmas. With the did so mucb to mako the whole Atheauamein ofhe M.NiMtannrdco te gifts handed out bv Santa w-ono occasion a high succcss. The fol- Durham County Shorthorn Breed- guest speaker, Rev. S. R. Hender- Jçhand-made loather goods for the lowing nlames with dutios assignod crs Club hield in the Agricultural son, Minister of Trinity United ~; istin gest. himad ad dna \ere rcad amidst heaî-ty cheers fic last Saturday, S. Chas. Church, Bawmanvilo, who gave Stcd b.v the students. Santa's voice Hero is the nester \vhbi shows Allun announced his decision to a most interesting address. Yultie qiite reminiscont of a rotund how the sorxing, dish washing retire as Socnetary Treasurer, a T he presidents of the Northum- Yuleti e !c,,tleman long' connected with and cleaning wcre taken care of: position ho has held for the past berland and Ontaio County Clubs ' thc' staff of the school. The ladies Tables 16 vears. Mr. Allun was accordedasopkebif. Che ~ ýf the staff received nylons fnom RwN.1MisAuMr.auaimu oeoftak o MspoMa]coel Ch er K c(ronto Rotai-v. . D N. Ms Aln r.auaimu oeo hns o r.Mlom(formerly Miss A F- th rDnmo snig r. ensem and Mr. Parkhill. bis splendid services over thaaslotn fi --irnby and Mr. Linton alternated MrNo. rsJyaMscln oro o ie.Hsk Smith sang to bis own thepiao. te crolintr-Harrison. and Mr. Hall. is John Riekard, Newcastle. *acmaiet nisiosMn. BaIl of the B.T.S ~ o o -Miss Blue, Miss In the absence of Prosident Mn e.MLuglnpeeted Vfana aoofecieiLewis and Mr. Hornby. Garnet Rickard, the chair was M.Go caglnpee -olios. Student Danny Browder ne- Ro N.4- s. ceiMs taken by Vice President John M lu ite "he igt Bfor Ci-it-Wotten and Mr. Pollock. Intyi-e. The retiring Secretary Mr cits e d h t Botefre C horibots Row No. 5.-Miss Hearle, Miss Alhin submitted the financial iý Tomi Cox and Cliff Poterkin Du Blackmore and Mr. Newton. statement and auditor's report for2 Moy you enjoy an abrindance of all goodonaoed sit OeiTh Row No. 6-Mrs. Honnby, Miss tCheyear which disclosed that the ~ Rad. he'bî wreaplade Ahtn ndMr. Harrison. Cu vsi a healthy financial things during this holidav season and may A ateecoa el tg rists. Row No. 7-Mrs. Hall, Mr. Wer- position. Mr. Allun also gave, a~ the comninq year be bright wilh continued The 'boys Bugle Band, piping inryadM.ay htreotfteRginlS rt1 prSantaiy anshappiess.eBst wises !ro Dish Washers-Messrs. Baker. horn Show held at Oshawa Fair.ý prosSantaad alsonereceivedishegreat pap-e.Brown, Clarke, Duncan, Fai-man. vhich now cornes under the din -* ail f u fana Mrry hritrna an a Iplase.e Rabb, Richards, Webb, ection of the Durham Country New Year. Wend the rogrwammecoanled o Cleaning up auditor i u mi- Regional Show A ad h teews isatld fMessrs. Bagnoîl, Braden,, Rack- The Regional Show was held Abis c gifts, Superintendent Eastaugh man, Thampson, McNeil. T] asked the Toranto Rotarians ta an previousl 1y at Lindsay Fair. At 1 assemble on the stage and nocoive Messrs. Smith, Camnpbell, andîlis yeans shiow there wore 7 ex- h JURY & LOVELL A tbe plaudits of the entire assern- Cak evdte h hibitors, 58 cattle and 77 entries. , bly. For the students. ogGodP ro. Dept. room. I l went off These entries captured $552,a JURY LOVE L m i lie clockwork XA1Phillips. seconded the thak fhkk very creditablo showing. Mr. Allin eakthsopruiytX YOUR BEXALL DRUG STORE g tihe Superintendent Chirmn îi-ged more moembers ta exhibit Wetk hsapotnt aý When We Test Youn Eyes it la Dane Pnoperly g Ted Kent nesponded for the Tor- I _,. t the show in the future. thn g o etn sL imionto group and declared the v wore Corporationseandan Phone 778 C.N.R. Tickets the neal beneficiarios of th egroat Farmers Do Not Forne excellent sales for the year serve - And to wish you A occasion. Len Philp, Past Presi- i'-Lt ona_____f__d uls lla eryCritasJ :1 .: -dent, Toronto Rotary' Club added IPay IncomeTax Hec~onside;red the future was hi tans ndthseofPesdet rihtfo teShorthorn ýbreed, at Joyous Ne wYear. Jon tknsof Shingwauk ai least for a consîderable period. Successful farmers and profit- Marier Beath, an exhibitor at *~'~\ ~able corporations do net poy in- th(, Chicago International, gave .,camne taxes. Theyý rrly collect an iotaresting account of this -- ,, .- .and services. W'henenployers, Bnccd Trend ~ J K. GRAHM ernlx-p~ lize Mr.Bcath found American FLORIST à, fully that they nover pay income bedr uigo uht ai tax as pîoducers, hbit onl]- as con- -bile Sborthorn breeders in west- Enniskiîlen-Onai S.- ~sumers, the- mav take a more con- cmi Canada particularly, wvanted -~4structive viow of taxes, more bone and size. At prescrit Whenanysecton f th Con- aies of Shonthonns bave a trend munity domands a subsidy for ta the U.S.A. nather than ta west- hous. food, chothing, or any-arCnd. h . thing else, thase wbo make the thean It was decided ta holdthan deand hope ta take monev awayý nua! sale on Thursdax-, March 10, fnom others and to put it inl their 99 tOhw arCr own pockets, hy lessening thoeot14,e saaFi rud n of wat tey oy. hey ailt 0030 bead \were pledged foruthessale tf hat s consuersThey pail eey ttem tigThanule- *. * Thehnlywaytaing.p thhe t $2 con smeoisunmer ince a eaectdfr199 rsietJh TIDINGS 0F GREAT lOY WE BRING We trust that every m-aerial thinq yau wish ibis Christmas ta brin g wifl Le yours and that the blessings of Heaith, Happiness and Suc- cess Le with you now and li the years ta 10110w. I 'v V V V >1~.~~~~ r - --------------- F. F. MORRIS CG. BOWMANVILLE and ORONO an outstanding success. IRoy Ormiston auctiobed off one dressed turkey which was Ieft and sold to Mr. Geo. McLaughlin. One nice thing about the, Christmas season is that some people Are much more courteous about driving a car in traffic. If we could ibe like that all the year round, this old world would be a much safer place. Show the right kind of Christmas spirit by being courteous and thoughtful in holi- day traffie. the Premier' Breeder's Banner which was competed for at the in Black and White show at Orono, to Sandy Muir on behaîf of A. P-Muir and Sons. id Mr.*J. T. Brown, ur National ieAssociation diector, presented eoutstanding production certificate t ta J. H. Jse and Sons, Everett Brown, Carlos Tamblyn, Cedar- dale Farms, Bruce Tink, Alex .Hendry and Carman Seymour. )r Mr. H. J. Brooks moved a hearty vote of thanks ta the ladies who rprepared and seved such an ex- rcellent dinnen and also all %vho - helped ta make the gathering such I--- I Not because of custor, extending greetings aitt î Le cause of sincerity oi your kindiy friendships we are prampted by th ta wish you a good Christmas. 3KigATKINS FLO' 3KigSt. W. BOWMAI m long est abiished of the holiday, season, but )f aur appreciation, af 5and loyal patronage, he spirit of the season aid-f ashioned Merry WER SHOP NVILLE Phone 474 . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. a Christmas is the time of the ye -L we Can ail best express our thanks for a year of plenty. Le sail open our hearts and help our flot so fortunate neighbors. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN 49 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 836 CLOSED FOI STOCK-TAKINÇ 'iWe wish fo announce ihat our store will he closed front JANUARY 3 la JANUARY 8 (inclusive) In Order Thal "We May Tk Stock Itliaà TMT7!IDAY, -DE. 23rd, 1048 eAGE TIPTEM l

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