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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1948, p. 4

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T~~1 W D A Y, j~~~~~ UE AA UIA I '< TA IXP UM A, O W MAN V !LLE, ON T AM O Y W T M AV f C~ IA AUSTEALIAN WHEAT The officiai forecast for th i season'a Australian wheat -crop is nearly 190 mrillion bushels, whîieh las 30 millon bushels less than ljaitl year's record lianvest cf 220 mail. lion. It i-s stili about 35 nil. lion langer than the average crop of the fi-ve years i.mmcdiateiy pre. ceding the wam. The wbeat anea is noughiy 1 3million acres; about the same as the pre-war average but 900 acres less than last §éan. The estimated yield i-s 14.6 bush. els te the acre, compared with SOC AUfl SOA Phono Us ý,Mr. Bill Edger, Peterboro, spent Mr. Bert Jewell, Oshawa, spent weekend with bis parents, Mr. Christmnas with hi-s iother, Mrs. deMs. W. A. Edger. Maria Jewell. Mr. and Mns. Frank Bryson. MusiLi-an Hoar, Toronto, Fhmond Hil, spent Christmas spent Christmas with her sister, Mr. and Mrm. L. D. Goddard, Mrs. H. W. Jewell spent Chris- /Tanya and Teddy vlsited Mr. and mas with her daughters in St. Mrs. Robert Payne. Pontypool. Catherines and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mi. J. McGilI and sonl, Mrs. John Spencer and Mr. Andrew, and Mrs. McGiUl, To- John McConnachie spent Christ- ronto, Miss Chris Crombie, As- mswt r .A et saa bestos, Quebec, and Mr. and Mrs. mswt n .A et saa G. Crombie were guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Frith, To- and Mrs. J. Crombie. ronto, spent Christmas with Mrs. Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, C. T. Ross. Dr. Dorothy M. James and Mr. Mr. George Underhill, Peter- Donald Mason, Toronto, spent boro, spent Christmas with his Christmas with Mrs. N. S. B. parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Under- James. hili. Miss Jean Cunningham, on the Mr. T. H. Jennings, Toronto, staff of B.H.S., is enjoying Christ- spent Chistmas with his sister, mai holidays at hep. home in Miss M. M. Jennings. Q¶ueensville. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Brown, Ot- .Miss Dorothy Haig and Miss tawa, enjoyed Christmas vacation Rena Mutton, on the staff of the with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Finnigan Central Public School, are spend- and Rickie. ing the Christmas holidays at Col- Mr. and Mns. G. B. Bickle, Mr. borne. and Mrs. C. R. Bickle, June and Mrs. F. A. Rothwell, Miss Mill- Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bickle, 'ckent Rotbwell and Miss Agnes Bob, Ray and Billy, Mr. and Mrs.a Cluson, Toronto, spent the holi. G. F. Jamieson, Larry and Lar-F day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. rafle, tourn and Mr. and Mrs. H.V 0. J. Presson. 0. Jamieson, Peterboro, spenta Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman, Christmas Sunday with Mr. and Andrea and Jimmy, Toronto, were Mrs. C. L. Uppen, Peterboro. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bickle and Lewis r Mns. Geo. W. James. will spend the New Yea's holu- Mr. Doug. Bryant, Roy and day with relatives in Kitchener. Donna spent Christmas with Mr. Mr. Herbert Cole, TorontoT and Mrs. C. Toppîng, Marysvij1le. spent the Christmas week-end t Mr. and Mrs. Withers accompanied with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. F. them home and were their guests J. Cole. nr for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Charron and C Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Rowe, Mn. son Bobby, Ottawa, spent Christ- B. S. Rowe, Miss D. Ketola, Mn. mas week-end with thein daugb- bi L. S. Densem, Toronto, and Miss ter and son-in-law Mrnd r. M. Bunker, Burlington, were W. F. Thompson. -Mr.0 Chifistmas guests with Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Mitchell,C Humphries and Mrs. W. H. Den- town and Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb rE sem. Mitchell, Toronto;, were in Lind- Among the many Christmas say for Christmas. CI cards received by the editor none Mis Helen Cox, Toronto, Mr. a was pnized more than the one and Mrs. Don Cox, Mn. and Mrs. received from Mns. May Weeks J. E. Wylie and son, Cooksville; 01 of Los Angeles, Calif., who was MÀr. Gerald Cox, Richmond Hill, in Editress of The Statesman back spent Christmas with their par- 87 i-n the 80's when the present edi- ents, Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cox. a tor was a mene infant. Mrs. (Dr.) Penkins and daugb- bc Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborne, tens, Barrie, Miss Edith Carscad- foi Detroit, Mich., spent the holidays den, Mn. I. H. Carscadden and hi with bis parents, Mr. and Mns. R. family, Toronto, were Christmas o) E. Osborne. visitors with Rev. and Mrs. A. J. 0ý Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mountjoy, G. Carscadden. Mi Islington, Mr. Gordon Siemon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoopen, Su- Bc B.A., Mr. Elmer Siemon and Miss zanne and Garry, Napanee; Mrs. lat Velma Gilbert, B.A., Toronto, Mr. W. E. Driscoîl, Portsmouth, Eng- Ev and Mns. Theo. Mountjoy, Hamp- land, were Christmas guests with an, ton, Mr. Milton Siemon, Haydon, Mr. and Mns. W. Thetford. ani Mn. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, So- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall and Gr Uina, were Christmas visitons withso mCah ,ar pnign Mrs. J. E. Elliott. son im, Chaitham, aretspeM.ndg o Miss Peggy Moses, Hamilton,1 holidaes iHbiarensMr.an h spent Christmas with ber parents, Mr.Jandmes Hall. M a wes i Mr. nd Ms,,. Moes.and Linda, Mr. Glenn Brooks, To- Wi ronto; Mrs. Leslie Sleight and aw Dawna, West Hill, spent Christ- $5. 4 LOSE 0iot mas witb Mr. and Mrs. Leslie thE -Brooks, Scugog St.1 Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, CIL 7ee~waToronto; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. INATrewin, Belleville, spent Christ- ens IPNCER mas wlth their mother, Mrs. T. E. Ha, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Burnside, 3 SUPPORT Montea, spent Christmas with goc DESIONUD. Richards. aft( ESPECIALLYI Miss Jessie Knight and Mr. awi FOR YOU Gerald Bonsteil, Belleville, wene sea Bowmnvile 027Christmas guests of Mn. and Mrs. gre ono le27r6Fred Allun. ten Oroo 2Il Miss Dorothy Evans, Toronto A J'en, I General Hospital, spent Christ- ate FuE ed lIVE vali "AS WE EMBARK IN file THE NEW TEAR NIV. LET US SAIL IN THE u ent . . . . ....... ý:.LIGHT 0F GOD'S Clo elo GUIDANCE" mas the jazz TRINITY UNITED CHURCHM And, In order tisar Our wish may bear fruit for Our many ionda, we pledge lurslves to serve YOU botter during tbis New Year than W. ever have before. BARRY ATTIn & sammeJUR ERGROCERY sanvi-li --a u -ah ah . TIM COnM St. L Bown Phone 367 mas wlth ber parents, Mr. qz jMrs. E. C. Evans. jMn. and Mrs. Aldn W. Balsoi Judy, Peter and David4, Catari qui; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Smali Ottawa, spent Christmas wll their mothen, Mrs. C. J. Smale. Mn. and Mrs. G. W. Colmer an, Donalda, Bnacebridge, wene boli day guests of Mrs. F. C. Colmer. Miss Irent, Casbounne, Hamni ton, Mn. Hanold Casbourne, Peter boro; Mn. Sydney Casbounne, Mi and Mns. Don Stephens, Mn. anc Mrs. John Wylle, Mn. Brown, Mr and Mns. Lee Wbeelen and Glen na, Toronto; Miss Gladys Norton Beleville, were Christmas guestý of Mn. and Mrs. H. H.Casbourne For the fi-rst time in oven 4( yeans Mrs. A. Johnson, Libent3 St., and ber sister, Mis. M. Hobanl of Slave Lake, Alberta, were àble to enjoy Christmas together. Mrs Hobart i-s spending several mon- tbs as guest of. ber sisten. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Bunley, Toronto, were holiday visitors witb hem parents, Mn. and Mrs. M. Vesna. Mn. and Mrs. H. S. Bennett, EMaine and Jobnanne spent Christ. mas with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. M. Thunston, Li-ndsay. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Bennett and and Donotby, Mn. and Mrs. Gor- don Bennett, Toronto, Mn. Peter Walker, Holland's Landing, Mn. and Mns. Chanles Bail, Fred and Ron, and Mns. B. Benett, Oshawa, were Christmas visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Bennett, Sr., and Mr. and Mns. S. Bond. Mn Don Camenon, Kenogami, Quebec, spent Christmas vacation vith Mr. and Mns. Alex Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. George Bahl, Rich- mond Hill, are guests of ber sis- tes, the Misses Allen, Beech Ave. Miss Helen Morris spent Christ- mxas with Mn. and Mrs. Andrew Clarke, Toronto. Mrs. Annie Dancb and Mn. Ab- i-e Darch were Christmas guests if Mn. and Mns. Clanence L. Cox, >shawa. Mns. William Harris is visiting ,lati-ves in Oshawa. Miss Helen Gunn, Toronto, spent hristmas wi-th ber parents, Mn. rmd Mns. J. A. Gunn. John Rundle Ovens, 58 yeans d, propnieton of The Wool Shop n Chippewa, died at bis home, 16 Simcoe St., Niagara Falls, of heart attack, Dec. 24th. He was nn i-n Toronto and lived thene nr some yeans. Sunviving are is wife, Winnifned Bnittain )ens, and one son, John Gordon yens, in Bakersfield, California. nrs. Ovens fonmerly li-ved in )wmanville and i-s a niece of the ite Mn. F. F. Morris. Mn. and Mrs. :ant Clemence, Oshawa; Mn. nd Mrs. William Hanna, Wbitby, .d Mrs. Ross Stevens, Maple rove, motoned to Niagana Falls r Sunday with Mrs. Stevens ne- mining to attend the funenal 1ich was held Monday. Mrs. J. F. Goyne (fiee Jessie illiams), 18 Hillcnoft St., Osb- &a, wr-tes: Please find enclosed .00 for the Statesman and put te change toward the new rink.* Wi-nners i-n the St. John's Men's lub Christmas Dnaw wene: goose, .T. Sevens, J. Westoven; cbick- s, Bob Davies, C. Henning, Don anna, U. Stevens; cigarettes,« ord Gibson.z Many Christmas messages of1 od cheen wene neceived by vet- ,n Bill Tait while un hospitalt er an operation which kept bim1 vay from his home i-n the festivej ason. Meantime Bill is missed ,atly as Maintenance Supenin-s ndent at the Town Hall. 1 Merry Christmas to Wood Sen-i ecame from Owen Nicholas ais when bis genial drivers fil--1 the Senate coal bin. The de-X rry slip manked "Pald" Is a lued document for the Senate es, a ni-ce gift fnom Senaton cholas. Miss Kay Roberts, Montreal, was est for Christmas with ber pan- s, Mn. and Mns. Oliver Roberts. Crusty and homeless old bacb. )rs were seen enjoying Christ- is dinnen i-n local cafes with zjuke boxes silent as juvenile :addicts had dinnens at home. \s. Rose Irwin, Cowan Block, >t the holiday with ber daugb- ,Mrs. Gordon Tunney, Trenton. &rs. Hilda Meyers and sn, was Dola was ter, Mý Chri- just spler Maje Th- banc greet Bant] Eagl( ton,] Mr Willi. RayI of Mi Billy days' Ray S S. No. 9, Clarke I Christmas Visitons: At Harold Gibson's-.Mrs. G. Annis, Scarbono. At Orvilie Osborne's-Mr. and Mn.- Frank Osborne, Mn. and Mrs. Russell Osborne and family, Mn. and Mn., Earl Osborne, Mn. and Mmi. Leslie Guy. At Austin Turnen's..Mrs. W. Cowan, Orono, Miss Anne Wnagg, Newcastle, Mn. and Mns. F. Love- km ,Mn. and Mns. Chas. Hunter and famiiy, Lakefield; At Fred Bowen's-Mamy Bowen of Cornwall and Alice Meadley, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Howand Bowen and Bi-l wene in Oshawa at Chair Wickett's for a family panty. Mnr. Howard Bowen had a defightful surprise Ciiistnias , uhon 1bew SKATES S.HARPENED WHILE YOU WAIT Prompt, expert service on eaclm pair of skates we sharpen. Brhng your skates ln to-day for the best slarpenlng job they have ever had. MINE O BGRNE'S IMPIRIAL SERVICE STATION King Street West Bowmanvllle DANCE -AT THE - AVALON - OSHAWA - New Year's Eve 9:30 p.m. to Morninc RATS - HORNS BALLOONS -PRIZES $1,.00 per person MITNIGHT FROLIC SUNDAY, JANUARY Znd Dancing Every Tuegday, Frlday and Saturday ad three nieces from Indiana arrnli Misses Margaret, Magdalene ar ý, Dorcas Sappenfi-eld. Tbey had hg -a tel reservati-ons i-n Oshawa an e, Mr.. Bowen stayed Chrlsti by ber brother, Dr. Ward Rec dick on Sunday. id At Chas. Gibson's-EilI, LesE Li and Mary Gibson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fi-ske ai 1- family spent Christmas at Mr r-Mrs. Fiske's mother'., Mrs. Ai r. thur Russell, Campbellfond. Mi< Ld Fiske Sr. went to Hamiltont r. spend Christmas with bis daugh 1-ter, Mrs. Pentori. r, At Mr. Harold Pedwell's-Rus ts seli and Lloyd Doreen and Mn e. Carswell, Toronto, Mr. and Mr. ýO Youngblut and daughters, SI y Catharines. These along with Mi t and Mns. Harold Pedwell an( e Maurice and Marie spent Christ 3mas witb Mr. and Mrs. Stanleý -Riekard, B.T.S., Bowmanville. 1Mrs. M. Hooper spent Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bar. ,s chard. Mrs. Alice Barchard sper, Cbristmas with ber daughter Mns. Harrison I-n Toronto. The No. 9 Young People helda skating panty at the Marsh Mon. day night and then had lunch with Maurice and Marie Pedwell. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whittaker and Kenneth with ber parents Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Gilmer and littie Peter, Niagara Falls, and Mn. Raymond Gilmer of the R.C.A.F. with his wife and baby visited Mn. and Mrs. Frank Gi- mer. Mrs. Tone Langstaff and Mrs. Mabel Langstaff with the latter's son Wilbert, Toronto. A very successful public scbool Cbristmas tree was held on Wed- nesday evening, Dec. 22nd in the Community Hall. Prognam con- sisted of recitations, short plays and operatta, also carols were beautifully sung. A great deal of effort was given by Mr. Anderson assisted by Mrs. Harold Caswell. 0f course Santa made an appear- ance to the delight of the childnen. Rev. H. A. Bunt acted as chai-r- man. $44 was realized. The Hockey Club held a suc- cessful dance in the hall Dec. 23. To get their uniforms they need more successful evenings. Holiday visitons Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, with bier sisten Mrs. Annie Nes- bitt. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Lane and daughten Leone, Plattsville, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Leutty and son, Port Hope, with Mrs. W. C. Lane. Mn. Ina Thompson, Toronto, with bis aunt Mrs. Samuel Arnott. Messrs. Bert Bunt and Bud Jones of Queen's University, Kingston, at thein respective homes. Mn. and Mns. Tom Curry and daughten Dawn, Foxhoro, Mns. Florence McGee, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Herb Gibson and twins, Newcastle, with Mn. and Mns. Raymond Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Daynai-d and daughten,' Mn. Wesley Day- nard and son, Peterboro, with Mn. and Mns. Jas. Daynard. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harcount and family with hi-s parents in Port Hope. Mrs. Wm. Wbittaken i-s under the doctor's cane. Hen daughten Mns. Wm. Chester, Oshawa, spent a couple of days with ber. Mn. George Thompson and bis sister Miss Bertha Thompson who have been visiting relatives i-n To- ronto have returned. Mns. George Ovens who was on hen way to ber daughter Mns. Ken Wane, Toronto, was seriously in- ured. The taxi in which she was apassenger colllded with a bus. Mn. Frank Ovens bas had his s d t tE 1i C er B. te Mo CK th Mi DEATH LUXE-At Maple Avenue Farm, Kedron, Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1948, Mary Annahella <Minnie) Werry, beloved wife of Richard J. Luke, in hem 78tb yeam. Funemal froni Luke-Mclntosh Funeral Home, fOshawa, Friday, Dec. 3 1, at 3 p.rn. Interment Uni-on Cemetcry._ d 1 cottage wimed for the benefit of bis d tenants Mr. and Mrs. Daynamd. Earl Walkey did the work. d Mr..and Mri. Tom Wilson of s Wilson and Brown bave retumned à te their farm sltuated betwee.n -Newtonville and Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Acheson and edaughten, West Hi-il, Mn. Wm. Andrews wlth Mr. and Mmi. Vqn 1 Allen. Mn. and Mmi. Roy Burlcy, Mr, and Mns.-Gordon Burley, Torontoi Mr. and Mmi. Wilhls Farrow, Mmi. Mazel Stringer witb Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Burley, Cowanville. Mr. and Mm.. See, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ethen Jones. 1 Women's Institute met Dec. 15 at the home of Mmi. P. Brown,1 Newcastle.1 Financial report was recelved. 1Mmi. S. Jobnston, Mns. M. Samis,1 Mns. S. Rowe and Miss Jenniei Thompson wame appointed a committee te look Into forming a Farm Forum. It waî declded te send $5 to Hospital for Sick Chul-( dren. Mns. Ferguson read a lettert from Mns. Gibson's nurse thank-3 ing the Institute for pancel. Parcel i-s to be sent to Mms. E. Aldreada wbo i-s in bcd. Mmi. Ferguson, Con-1 venon, was I-n charge Mf program. Roll Cali " Why I like to live i-na Ontanio". Mns. Rickand and Mns. . H. A. Bunt spoke a few womds.a With Mmi. Fisher at the piano N several canols wcme sung. After a N fine piano solo by Sheila Gogerty 1 the Gobeen sistens sang several lovcly duets. While the delicious ai lunch was being pnepaned boxes 10 for Mmi. Brown and Mrs. Gibson M werc packed. Mmi. George Kim- bail moved a vote of tbanks to the ai hostesa for ban hospitality. MissKENDAL 8 MisPhyllis Jackson with ber aunt, Mrs. Wmn. Honey, Milliken. >1 Miss Donothy McKcnzie, Ton- *onto, with Mr. and Mns. Roy Mer- ecen. IMiss Madelon Ain, Orono, with es ber grand parents, Mn. and Mn. *W. Mercer. Mr. Robt. Alexander, Toronto, with Mn. and Mm.. Alexander. Mn. and Mn.. H. Reynolds and Peter were i-n Toronto. Mn. Bob Hilditch, Miss Edie Ruiter and brother Wally, Bow- manville, wi-th Mr. and Mmi. T. Hilditcb. Roy Slcep i-s bolldaying I-n To- ronto. Miss Myrtie Falls, Peterbono, wi-th Mn. and Mrs. P. Burley. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Jackson and famiiy witli Mr. and Mrs. Win. Money, Milli-ken. Mn. and Mns. Jack Glovar, Jo- anne and Billy, St. Thomas, and Miss Geongina Darlington, St. Many's, with Mns. Darlington and Bill. Mr. Alec Little wlth bis mother Mmi. Neya Little. Miss Annie Thompson witb Mns. Tbompson and Arthur. Mn. and Mns. Joe Jilisen, Mn. Joe Pi-cavet and Mn. Martin Man- dens wene i-n Delhi. Mrs. Jenny Hoskin, Miss Selina Thenteil and Mn. Tomn Hay were, guests of Mn. and Mns. W. Robin- son. Mn. and Mn. V. Aluin and fam- iiy, Onono, Mn. and Mms. E. Cour- oux and family, Mr. and Mns. Gea. Mencen and Bruce wlth Mn. and Mns. W. Mencen. ENNISKILLEN Christmas visitons Mn. Wesley Allin, Bowmanviile, at E. A. Werny's. Mn. and Mn. M. J. Hobbs and Joan wi-th Mn. and Mns. W. Rod- man, Lindsay. Mn. and Mn. John Slzmon and Kathryn, Mm. and Mmi. T. M. Sic- mon with Mr. and Mns. J. R. Knox Hampton. Mn. and Mns. Clifford Petbick and Mrs. E. Stnutt with Mn. and Mns. Harny Strutt.t Mn. and Mns. S. Rodman, Port Penny, Mn. and Mns. I. G. Traveli, Beth and Bruce, Oshawa, at 0. C. Ashton's. Mn. and Mmi. G. Yeo and fammily at C. Woodley's, Tyrone. Mn. and Mrs. H. Annis with Mn. n and Mmi. G. F. Leask, Taunton. c Mn. and Mrs. F. McGili and Don- t aid, Toronto, with bis mothen Mns.1 J. McGilI. V Mn. and Mmi. L. Stainton and c family wi-th Mn. and Mns. H. S Stainton, Hampton. c Mn. and Mns. J. A. Wenry, Mr. a and Mn.. H. J. McGilI and family 1, with Mn. and Mmi. J. H. Borrow- b dle, Oshawa. a Mn. Gordon Fleet, Toronto, with j uis parents Mm. and Mmi. J. FleetP and Mr. L. Wearn's. rr Mn. and Mn. Russell Gniffin cm and famiy with han parents Mn. 0 and Mmi. Wallace Abernethy, Tot- h tenham. h Mn. W. C. Stainton, Toronto, tj vis-ted relatives and enjoyed the d Christmas gatbering at Mm. and MrIn. Floyd Beckett's. cc Mr. and Mn. Arthur Leadbeat- hL r, Sr., Mr. Lloyd Leadbeater, Mn.. cr B. Grant, Toronto, with Mm. and as Mns. A. Leadbeater, Jr. and Mm. gi Geo. Rei-d. Miss Fanny Smalcs, Toronto, th Miss Betty Smalas, Oshawa, with W Mn. and Mns. J. Smales. ni Mn. and Mns. R. J. Wcaring and an Rickey, Toronto, with friends and "j: rlatives. se Miss Annie MacMillan, Beaver- en rn, Mn. and Mn.. E. 0. Pethick, go [nrs. Venna Wood, Mr. Floyd Pc- th 'i-ck, Toronto, at Mn. S. R. Pe- j hick 's. ga Mn. and Mmi. Don Carr and b ami-iy, at Mn. Wilbent Smith's, of shawa, and at Mn. and Mns. Wai- (), nr Camn's, Codrington. p Misses Annie and Effa Wright, en nr. and Mns. Percy Tresise, 0mb. i-or wa, Miss Marguerite Wright, St. goý athenines, Mn. and Mmi. Norman La 'ni-ght. Bowmanville, Mn. and . nrs. Fred Wrigbt and family, i We have seen that nations elth- er voluntarily choo.qe teamnwork, or involuntarily are forced under tyranny. Ini redecorating rooms, niake the'heati-ng. units a decorative as- set instead of a hindrance. In con- trast to old adiators, the modern convector-radiators are smooth and streamli-ned, and can be painted i-n a few minutes witb only a few strokes of the brush over the surface. Ease if decona- tion makes possible a quick new IMaple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sandersori, Murray and Ray, Col- umnbus, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar IWright. Mn. and Mrs. - George Roache and faniily, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Kelch, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. P. Ellis. Mn. and Mn. Fred Smi-th and Mn. Frmank Smith, Enfield, Misses May and Wi-nnifred Tnewin, Hay- don, at Mrs. Minerva Trewin's and Mr. Earl Trewin's. Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Stainton and famîly, Oshawa, Mn. and Mn., W. J. Stainton, Orono, Miss Elva Orchand, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mns. M. Stainton. Mns. George Ferguson, Mn. and Mns. M. Johnson, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mns. Bert Ferguson's. Mn. and Mn. Earl Trewln and Doreen, Mrs. Minerva Trewin with Mr. A. Wrigbt and Mr. Fred Trewin, Blackstock. Mn. and Mn. John Oke, Ennis- killen, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. Bruce Ash- ton and Larry, Purple Hi-il, wltb Mr. and Mns. Walter Oke. Mn. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Keith and Reva with Mr. and M ns. Roy Langmaid, Solina. Mms. James Bush, Bronte, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jennings and family, Acton, Mn. and Mns. Ceciu Milîs and family, Maple Gro7ve, Mn. and .%'Is. Gordon Sbunk and Ronald, !Mf s. M. Wells, Pont Penny, wi-th Mrn. and Mns. H . Milîs. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Shirley, Bunketon, Mn. and vIns. Cameron Oke, Oshawa, with Mrn. and Mn. Albert Oke. Mr. and Mmi. Howard Stevens and Gordon, Mr. and Mns. Reg WVearing and Rickey, Mn. W. C. Stainton, Mn. and Mmi. W. Moore, Mrn. Dawson Beckett, Black Don- ald Mines, with Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett. Miss Ethel Cole, Bowmanville, M'iss Wi-nnifned Cole, Miss Edna Gilbert, Mn. Wand Gilbert, Ton- onto, Mn. and Mns. J. D. Cole, Lil- lian, Helen, Allen and Jean, Beth- sda, with Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Wenry. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Fenguson with Mn. and Mns. Donald Lee, Oshawa. #I' Mn. Harold Stevenson, Aice ad bis mother with Mn. and Mns. rStevenson. Mn. and Mmi. Rosi Page and family, Enniskillen, Mn. and Mrs. Ean Luke and family, Mn. and \s. Ji-m Simpson and family, Eampton; Mn. and Mrs. Don 3tainton and family, Tynone; Mn. td ,Mrs. Howard Bradley and ni-an, Maple Grove; Mn. and Mns. ceorge Rabm andi family, Saint- ield, wi-th Mn. and Mns. Leonard ýradley. Mn. and Mrs. Keith Fenguson ith Mn. and Mns. David Jackson nd Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lee, )hawa. Mns. Mary Gniffin with bier aughten, Mn. and Mns. Jack lrod, Tononto. Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, arkson, Mn. and Mrs. W. Lamb, ns. Cecil Wilson, Nestieton; M. .d Mn. Clifford Hetz and fam- y, Fainview, Penn., with Mn. and Is. L. Lamb, Mn. and Mns. Hetz d family remaining for a few ays. W.M.S. met at the borne of Mns. oyd Ashton on Dec. l4th. Devot- ýa1 was i-n charge of Mrs. M. J. )bbs., Scriptune was nead by Mns. ancis Wenry and Mns. H. Milîs. rs. Floyd Beckett took up the Êering, after wbich Mns. J. A. rerry offened the dedicatony rayer. Rev. Seymour conducted ie election of offi-cers. Program as in charge of Mns. L. Lamb and s. F. Beckett. Mrs. E. C. Aston id Mn. T. M. Siemon gave a vo- Jduet accompanied by Mrs. L. âmb. Rev. Seymour told a Christ- as story. Mns. L. Ashton gave a )al solo accompanied by Mns. .McGiil. Meeting ciosed wi-th myer by Mns. H. McGill. Lunch as served. At both the Christmas and af- rChristmas services the choir ndered fine anthems among ese was the Falan Tidings an- nged by Dr. Leslie Bell, Wben eLord of Love was Born, Sing eluia and A Song the World i-s iging. A splendid congregation as out to both services. Rev. R. .Seymoun prcached thrce sen- ns, one dealing wi-th the or-gin Christmas, one illustrating how spend Christmas and one, a st Christmas message deaiing PRESCRIPTIONS, A SPECIALTY ALUX MeCREG OR, Drugs -Phone 792 We Deliver CLEARAN mCIl LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WJNTER COATS JOFF TO 2AOFF Picture yourseif inm one cf these lovely fashionable coats. AUl amartly tallored lii long-wearing fabries -. .nlrchlylihned, band- somely detalled. Shop here and Bave On "mA Clearance of WInter CLOSED for STOCK-TAKING We wlsh to Announce that Our Store wiIl be Closed front January 3 Io January 8 (inclusive) Ini Order that W. May Take Stock ýouch, iohnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 au lm > %t e 49 KIng St. W. - BOWMANVILLE I JL JýL %J 4'bbJ&04'& "jm%,. OUU14 lu" TO EVERYONE! At this tizne we wlsh eacx and every one, both younq and old, a Happy and Pros perous Year during 1949. We hope that durrigq the year, your drearns will corne true and that you will look back on the year 1949 as a banner one. We wish also te take this opportunity of thonklng ail those who honoured us by their patronage in 1948. May we assure you that we shall do every- thing in our power ln irnproving our goods and service seo that we may ment your continuad support in 1949. -s "A-Mose-Stnt" ws1c-- by four boys wich was veny d. "A Shadow Play" ofthte a beans was donc niceiy by tbe iors. Junior and senior girls ea "Rainbow Drill', followed a "Square dance". A numben ioys dressed as dankies sang Black Joe and Golden Slip- and wcre calied back for an ire. A play by seniors and jun- "The Reit Room" was very 1and Jingle Bells by juniors. ;of ail an lntenesting piece ýh was made up by sliding .es, of the binth of Jesus, ils wenc supg as the pi-etunes Sshown , the audience joined ie singing of the carols. Santa ýappeared with a few cheeny Js and passed out presents bags ofcandy. We must give ens great credit for their and children wene veny quiet ( ,en aets: also tbanks to Rev. noun and Mns. Gco. Yeo i-n ýg. We thonougbiy enjoyed i-t di m 49 King st. W. - BOWMA NMLE 1 1 THO SDAY, f 4vecru OqAwav%,Fà» MMAý..- lý4

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