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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1948, p. 7

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THE ANADAN TATIRMAV nMUAlýM.TlP. WMA Tzr1zC!1,TTrAa' 'Ae 5UWTd~m.AN~-?VILLE. pNq' A1,1i HA PT Nassisting with Christmas Post O-fo m th Words, "How far is it.to SLVE W D IN also a tri.liht lanp by tO Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. W es worthy of mention and consisted to o mte, a catwi Let (Intended for last week) *'Hoskin from our village who are Of two well rendered, rousing MR. ANI) MRS. H. SKINNER Dancing and a social time èsen-* Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Metcalf and residing at Harmony-for the Christmas anthems, 'With Angelsjoeicunglch famfiy were guests of Mr. and winter months, at least-where Sing." and "The First Christmas On Saturday evening, Dec. 18, Wo nsIstutmeath 1ia rc lre Mr. Hoskin is engaged. Morn", Mrs. James Smales taking about 30 immediate relatives gath- home of Mrs. Howard 1t. It -Miss Margaret Purdon, Cherry- Miss Annabelle Adcock, visited the soprano solo in the first an- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. was decided to send a d ton to Wood, visited her parents. at C. Woodley's, Tyrone. them and Douglas Rackham the Norman Woodley, Tyrone to ce]e- the Children's Hospita . s- N. -Mrs. Cari Wilbur, Oshawa, with Mr. Cecil Carveth, Newcastle, tenor solo in the second one. A brate the happy occasion of the Woodley reported she order- lier sister Mrs. Elmer Wilbur. was at the sehool on Wednesday numnber of Christmas carols were silver wedding anniversary of Mr. ed two dozen new cu arid sau- Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wray and afternoon with interestirg films sung, 'Joy to the World" being and Mrs. Harold Skinner. ces1r ..Sin wsi liaxine, and Miss, Eileen Wray, for the pupils and in the evening used as a processional hymn as A bountiful supper was served, charge of the progr. Mrs. H. Oshawa, with their parents Mr. again presented a number of the choir entered from the back thil table being decorated with a8 titngv h ional and an Ms T ra.pleasing and. instructive pictures o! the church. and up the aisles to three-tier %vedding cake and sil- Christmas carols wve Siing. Mrs. Misses' Francis and Margaret which were much enjoyeco. the choir loft. The church dcc- ver candies. After all bad been Rolph, District Pre nt, gave a Metcalf, Camfpbellcroft, were tea Sunday services were well at- oratiors were two prettily 1!ghted serv'ed the bridai Couple were es- verv interesting a e lucational 5uests of Marilyn and Sandra tended. A "white gift" service Christmas trees. I ccrted to the living-room to seats address on the Fo atinn of the Lockwood. .vas beld in the Sunday School Hampton Correspondent takes. under a pink and white arch and Women's Institute, d its work- Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdon and and $50.00 will be sent to "*Care" this opportunity of cxtending the a white wedding bell. ings from the loca :onch to Fed- 4a àtr.,s with relatives at Janet- fund--parcels to be sent to Bri- Greetings of the Season to the Mr. Lamne McCoy, master o ratdWmnslttso h àûwtain and Greece. Itenms on the Statesman staff. ceremonies, expressed the best ord Ms.E n White ren- reings, Toronto, was Christmas program were an in ishes of the family and the hope dered a Cbristm olo. The group QVisitor Adcock's. teresting story presented by Mrs. that thev vould be spareci to ceîe- in cag serve andan Reith Bi oronto, with Mrs. Harold 'Salter and a solo by Ger- braie, their golden wedding. Aftcr cookies and Mr irent treateci us Billett. n ald Balson; a numbcr o! carols raicafwlnso oty itnsck.Ms Mr. and CADMUS .iedn e ne !perad to deliciousC asck.M. miskill.n s. Walter Oke, En- were useci, one being sung by tbe at the appropriate time Miss Don- Trewin Scott ved a vote of, iand Mrs. Milton little ones. It xvas gratitying to oh kne n r.A nw hnst op n h Grayd )ile, at Merwin see so many out to the evening (Intended for hast week) presenteci the bride and groom hostess. Mounltjoy's. service andi especially young 101K Mr. Charles Gibson bas left to with several iovely gifts of silver Mis ar Hayward,- Bow- Mis Malo Kesey O haw , nd hil re wh oc uped he spenci the wint'r with is son andi and glass. Nancy Lake, a niece. mnanville, w- rs. E. A. Virtue. bias been convalescing at home !ront seats, the school childnen caughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. pnesented the bride witb a bou-R.W Ram ib after a recent ilness and is now sînging a Christmas carol, accom- Gilbert Gibson in Toronto. quet o! pink and white mumsMrw.H'bmBrkon Visiting ber brother ReaniedMrs on the piano by Fay Rey-an ,trJcBowae'H Kersey, Ajax, e.adMs o~ irpso' icus a Mahood's scbool concert was an1atr akBowap- Lti Hodgson, Bowman- Mr. . W. Horn is in Toronto an inspiring Christmas message well attended. They bad a real hew, pinned a buttonaire on the ville, wvi t. and Mrs. George gooci concert o! songs, dialogues, groom's coat. Harold andi Pboebc, Alîdreaci ________ recitations, pyramids, etc. Santa in a most gracious maniner, re- _,J visited as usual but I presume sponded to the sincere good wisbesf Santa's sons must be old enough ivith words of appreciation and -IAYDON\ý ibis year to take some o! bis du- gratitude for the kindly thoughts îles. The one be sent to Mabood's wbich prompteci sucb an express- xvs nta hbyadfta i ion of love and friendship "For fater sei t b. H ws vryThey Are Jolly Good Fýllows" I~dfrLs ek was sang and ihnee cheers given Y0orep dntwss J iios wnaa ~shy, but maybe when be makes as Urrieanigro,.tff Patrons of the Canadian 1many trips as dad be wll be bet- A ver noal iewsSaeW.Rvr ap n ter acquainted. Aftcr Santa was eyeJoybelm pras:a n er ap n THRE DOCTOR there, the,, solci the boxes. Every- Spent together for the remainder rous NewYear. anMr one belped b taking bags fo __________ Jar Hanna (nec Ruth Fergu- those who didn't have boxes or o>thimarae ORDERED!Marvin Nesbitt for making the ±Ifland MOsaway tM.W _ ahohtlone. PThanks o3to.Mm. T RyE1ý11 a w rs a, SMW.th an Devitt's concert was also large- (Iniendeci for last w-ek) ï4ponald Mountjoy, Toronto, Fay That la what we try to do yaitendeci. They haci a Dr., the anoyBw nvleatM.F rIinister and Santa Claus. The Conratulations to Mr. and Mrs. paby'ýs. In each and every Jlob wve concert was a variely of dia- Harold Skinner \vho celebrateci Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham at logues, songs, recitalions, etc. her5hwddganversary .,Vr, Cyrus Ashion's, Burketon. haudlE. We i~ake every!Santa was there but be was quite Saud1eein ttehm Mrs. Chas. Rankine and Margot tal ad tin Ithik ant qllo! Mr. andi Mrs. N-,orman Wood-'in1 Tomonto. Mr. Wm. Corrigan effrt ossbleto arr ou have to feed bis family on a lîtîele i and Miss Olive Rankine ibrought imore bec! steak, or he will neyer Rex'. A. E. Creswell gave a verl"Ilher bhorne. Your wishes and orders to be as good as bis father. Theme splendid Christmas message On" Miss Vivian Cowling, Toronto, the vry lat wowas no snow fbr bis reindeer so I Sunday morning. at borne. the very laat wa gues heocharereci a prladamnR. J.Ces. M r. and M rs. Don Cameron ai an n ha romsplan o Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H0oW' Mr. Garnet Symons, Bowman-t Ifanoc asrom t en Olard Brent. ville. the main street in Cadmus would Mr. and Mns. F. Wright en Mran r.DulsHgi, tbcy please let our new Dr. John- chîlciren with Mr. and Mr$,0,ToonoadMr.DougadSaHgnsr ston know. He would like two or Wright, Blackstock. oota r ihradr ýthre roms f pssile. ein soson's. If you have any electrical problems feel free In con- threeroacifnssible. ofBueingS Mn. and Mrs. Jim Gi*èh0rn. Mrs. W. Thompson, Newcastle, .sul us t aythn - I wo't cst yu athin.mny acciensts o v tof buk- Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. at home. s u i u s at n y t m e It w o 't o st y o u a t ln g tn e s e e m s to b avH e q i t e a b u s- W . M a c d o n a ld . B ib le c la ss m e e tin g w a s h e ld a t fesu hr.H ih el Mr. and Mrs. Edward eillson, Mr. Ceeul Slemon's with presidentt We specialize In bouse and farm iwring and pnlcle ibere if someone doesn't get him Orono, with Mn. and Mrf. Leon Mes. C. Slemon presiding. Devo- ourselves on the fact that we put nothing but the best of roomns in Cadmus. Maybe some Moore.toa day he will erect a hospital aI et. ahry atetr i on.l peniod was taken by C. Sie- workmanshlp and materlals Into each and every Job. Deibia Dell, a itile lake ai Cad home feRev.nA. C.Crcsswelh con a:sfeelingtmucby împpuîaedisducted election o! officers: Presi- CALL US TO-DAY ABOUT VOUR PROBLEMS Perr hopitl 1 Mrs. F. Werry with lier sister,det r.CSlmnVi-ps- chosci.Mrs. Chas. Awde, Oronc. dent, Mrs. A. Beech; Secretany, Charl;e Fe bas had chieken Master Grant and i tUJe Miss Mrs W. Blackburn; Treasurer, --pox. Gwen GlaspeIl attendeda Christ- Mrs. A. Reaci: Social Committee,c R I G N E E T R C Oscar McQuade is gaining nice- mas parlv given by Douglas Scott Miss May Trcwin and Mrs. J.( H I G GeONe L E eticApince 'ea ' ]y now, andi we hope he will soon ai Oshawa, Saturdav. . Pos. A donation o! $10.00 wasf Tou G neal Eletre pplan e eaerbe home a ain before the roads Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis voed towards the minister's sal- '48Bowmanville 42 King St.IL andiwethr get bad. andi Craig, Toronto, witt. Mr. andi ary. Mr-. and Mrs. Cifford Kerr Mrs. Ralph GlaspelI. W. A. met ai the home of Mes. have returned home from Font Mrs. W. Macdonald visited ber Leslie Graham with Vice-o)res-i- William. auni. Miss C. McKenzif, Toronto, cdent, Mrs. R. Oleson, presiding.t. There was a rnisprint In the Mr. and Mrs. eurolci Martin, Bible reading was rcad by Mns.t news ast week. It shouhd have Oshawa, with M Mr sR,. lc anddvoinlb Mrs. been: Mns. Geo. Johnston was B. Scott.. R. Oleson. Readings were givent TrURNintaT E P G S O President o! Cadmus w.r. ndi M. and Mrs. Dawson Timln, bY Ms. A. Reac, Mrs. C. Rankine,t Miss Audrey McKec plans on wood, with Mr. and Mes. Willis Blackburn. A vocal duel was - going to Trenton for Christmas,- Stewart. rendereci by Misses May and Win- Miss Helen McKee is to return Miss Helen Mile, nurse-mn- nifred Trewin andi a piano in- ,8ýihome with ber for the holidays. training ai Toronto General Hos- strumental by Mrs. P. Forgeth. A Helen andi Audrey have been pen- pital, with Mr. an'd Mrs. W. J. Christmas contesi was enjoyeci pals for a number o! ycars. This Miller. and lunch was served by Ms yeam thcy planned t pni Mes, W. F. 'Worden visiied her Lele nha rup onto tChrita together, if the xvea- sister, Mms. G. Drew. Oshawa. o $.owsvldfrTeTh- t erpmmits. Miss Madelene Me. and Mes. R. B. Scott, Mr. gram's Christmnas Cheer for Brut- Henry plans to spenci somne o! the WiliHs Stewart wilh Mrs. Mary holidays with Audrey also. Brown, Peterbomo. ame ta Canada wlth Jekn iM.ac r.Sves nCninîn Chnpai u nt1ch 4 houn nset e Mand wihpr etsM. imet b toiîc ec ltwt.J1JO .Y gon, Euahe, n on ua /Nl~y~~~M.andi Mes. Wesley Sweet. Jr., Tvrone Senioi' Young Peoplc )ctobe 24th 1621,and Mes, Wesley Set a large oumber present. Mes.A. ho CardaTh wbithld bornl--t-. - People's lanes are sVraing bo Richards' group was in charge o! RT O Y )n Ca a . he lîttibe d l-'" ' i wih s o h e d n a s the progran, The m eeting openeci 'ny~~~~~~~ a Qu ec n m ee( Jre geting stuck. Miss Joanne y singitig tli ce Christmas caros * I C flL. ny6 tte..7Young wonders if the snow pîow Devotional 1 given by Mes. H. 3E M S ýç zý1 M_ vould be kind enough to plough Philp. Solo WhV iit, Christmas" was __hem lane once in a while. nicel.v suing b,,(3ûi'dyn Brent: A by 46 yere lter, hen ean TlonMr. andi Mms. Ivan Kelleit and 1 Chistinas stom'v was told by Mes, "the Great Intendant", took the first !amnilv, Pontypool, visited ber Cr svel nd illustrateci b3' slides t census, New France numbcred 3,21' atint, Mes. A*thur Hanna. l 1. Be nt playeci a lox clx ' People, mostly larmers. Mr. and Mes. Geralci Stinso in ol.Deiiuslnh1a siste and rothe Mr. nd met n o s unday eool och w as ~j AMM"are visiting bis uinches ai Cedar semv.ý Creek. The\- have moveci in with 1Tvýronp Junior Young People Mrs. Lewis StinFon. Dec. 17. Bill Jewell took charge ý t hedwss ogtthElmisAceDo nci ren A r . "Tbin ydig i tram 1897 ta 1912, Canada was te'11mo Archrs ondSiioenA ,_______ even when you don't goal of 2,239,000 hopeful people ~ sia. and Mr. Hamfl' Aer- ATHRPAR feel like it," 1 suggested. tramEurpeEngandandtho e e viîth iir parent-, je andi "You'Il be surprised how it United States. Norman Argue atJac-U R NEEhepmketeSnhne i-. Ronald Williams. Mark- Adsatnu! Today, Canada holds a promnise bamn, with bis; narents, Mr. andiI FrOeYa He smiled. I smiled back. toi great things to corne for thousands of crowded Ms ireWlins His smile widened. "I bagin from Euroe-whootur to Cnd eaa o-vbheae that Me. Geoe"e MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED to see what you mean," fie peple rr uoewotrnt aaabcue Heaslin wuas bit hbv a car iwhile 1rsad thue' rom o ro-înCaad Uniritd.crossing sireet in Whbitby. He was ______ ther% rom t gro-inCanaa Ulimiedrusbed to the bosPital * where it1 was found he haci a froken heg. i~anD ' ~ No mnan cao feel perfectly ______________________happy if he bas any worries £IA&AA 4E~ rabout his family's financial KE ? T O I scurity and is own retire. Air, Rail aO' SeamshlPJE WEL LER Y e ln.Fortunately ay E W 1 Nt BOW-MANVILLE one can eliminate such wor- F31JU15 & wOVEavLLe 3Kn tW. Pae43 ries througb owning life in- Bowmuillesurance. 15King St. W. Phone 778 72W. PAGE SEVINA ish ChilIdren Fund. FO U Mers. E. C. Ashton, Enniskilen, F RM FO U South Africa at Me. W. Trewin's. Controls Sale Mr. Wallace Stainton, Toronto. Providence Farm Forum 0 -agrn ai Me. A. Beech's.OfM raie M. and Ms. Lloyd Ash on and Providence forum met ai the ____ tfamily ai Me. E. Werry's, Ennis- home o! Me. andi Mes. Earle os- The South African governmený Mle. ncMr.JmatMe. borne for Reviexv night. Twenty - bas pemmitteci the tnnufacture oft and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine.' To- fi ve members andi a visitor. M. margarine since 1945, but becaus«, onto, Mr. and Mes. Shackýleion, Dale of Regina, enjoyed a social of ithe sIcmtage o! raw matcnials: Bowmanville, aI Me. E. A. Mc- evening after lislening 10 the andi bbc lack of machinery, ac- NeilI's. broadcast. tuai production dici not begin un- Me. and Mes. Clifford Pethick. One o! oui- junior members, S.. til 1947. The sale o! margarine' Mes. E. Steuit, Enniskillen, at Me. Turner. son o! Mer. andi Mes. Clar-atafxcriebsencoied Jack Poits. ence Turner, is taking a short:aa iertehsbncofed Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron atir course at O. A. C., Guelph, early'1to owem incomne groups, and dis,.', >Me. C. W. Dowvney's, Bowman- in the New Ycar. itiuini oiolc hog ville. itiuini otoidtruh Mr. andi Ms. Fred Ashton andi Congratulations bo oue social güevemoimeiit-owned mobile' mar-, f a m i y , r. a ci e s. e e t A s h o n io n . U r.*E e o n a ý co d x c i e n' c - k e ts a n d i d e p o is . P r o d u c t io n q u o - ; a n d ! a m l y T o o n o , I M - . H . r m a i ni m e n . , ' h b c r ' o e - t a s h a v e b e e n s e t u p f o r t h e f o u r ' Ashton's. joye. Ms. Wm. Bagg finisheci regisicmecd manufacurers. ber leaderFhip for tis 52e;rici i The margarine is sold to -the-, Grant Brooks takes over for bbc public at about 2T cents a pound,r next meeting at Mm. and Mes. 'and the regulations do not prohi-. r E D LCaeAllin*s on Jan. 3. bit the use o! coloring. (Intended for Last Week) Mes. Hattie Langstaff was x-îsit- ing relatives here. Me. andi Mes. Art Meeccer, Gar- da. HilwthM.L.Wisnrn Me. and Mes Gco. Mercer Ncre j WHE IR E1H E R E'S COKE in Toronto aiiending the funeeni o! Mrs. Memcer's uncle. Me. andi Mes. Alfred Elhioti, To-I ronto, and Me. and Mrs. Milton H R ' O P T I T Dunbar, Peerytown, visiied Me. T E E S H S I A I Y , and Ms. W. Elîlot. Me. andi Mes. R. Meecer, David and Donnie with Ms. Mary Luxon ....s andi Marion. . We are pleaseci to learn that Mri. Jean Lofihouso who bas ben .. g in Oshawa Hospital, is able to be' . . . . .. .1! * . home again; and fixai Mes. Barnev rr :t. k WR]tpq Ppprhnr -li vvaites, veerbor, wîiuwas in St. Joseph's Hospital, is also ce-r covering. We regret to leamn o! the scrious car accident near Lancasber's gar- age involving Me. Moss, the Im- peril Tobacco man, who is in charge o! tbc shipping o! bobacco from ibis locality. Me. Moss xvas taken unconscious to Bowmanvillc Hospital. Rumors o! lots o! 500w andi baci stoems have been comniig og b s from aIl directions. But, to bbc man., who were out celebratingr Christmas, Saiurday, bbc roacis and m-ealhcr were ideal. The pic- ture bas now decidedly changeci.r The snow areiving Monday even- ing and Tuesday clinging to the sbrubs andiircee lrunks provide ai i-cal Chrisimasy scene and finallyr makes us reahize that Christmas is beme. Young folks and older folks turncd oui Thursday evening to make a full bouse ,when Mr. C.: Carveih presenteci another set o! interesting films in bbc Sundayr Sebool room. These consisteci of: Training o! Cieus Elephants; Eyc Wibness; Our Canada's Present Double Henitage; Christmas Car- ols and piclurés o! the Olympie Qucen, Barbara Ann Scott. The folks wee much inieresteci bo sec some o! the local films too. A beariy sing song Interlude m'as enjoyed fmom seleciions on tbc secen. The most intercsting fea- lure o! bbe evening, especially for the young folks, was the arrival o! Santa Claus, a little laie duc to the lack o! snow, but rigbt there to give out the presents and bags o! candy feom the Christmas tee.- HANDLY'S CARBONATED BEVERAGES OSHAWA PHONE 755 Just Taste That Creamîy Goodness ! k. f I 'K' j ~ .5 i h Sip by Olp .nis'Il enJov the taste- tenipting goodnes's of nourishing, healthful pasteurlzed milk. Nur. ses stress its importance day after day because il conains Vitamin D and calcium that the entire family requîmes plus rlhi creanMy sqmnothnesq dow~n to the last deliclous drop! GLEN RAE DAIRY King St. W. Phone 444 For Delivery BowmanvilleI 2KURbOAY, DEC. Sth, 1048 1' Y c c . ..........

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