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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1949, p. 11

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YXURSMAT, FER. rd, 1949 IThe Newcastle Independent Mma.Trudy Saliows Mrs, Olga Gibson is very fil again ln Bowxnanville Hospital. fler many friends bave missed ber since the beginning o! ber serieus Ifness in the fail. Over a perîod of years Mrs. Gibson has done Indefatigable work with the Red Cross Society, Liberal Conven- tions, newspaper cerresponding, etc., and entered Into ail phases of community werk. Her greet Interest and kindness to animals, especially dogs, will always be remnembered. We sincerely wish for her great improvement in health that she may be able te ý,ëturn home soon. -ý eare sorry te hear that Mr. 1<~ Selby is confined te bcd su!- fëing from sciatica. Glad to hear Mrs. W. H. Pearce ln recevening from ber recent ilI- iness. Mrs. Marie Gartsbore bas re- àumed ber teacbing duties aften ±recovering from a leg injury. "Sunnylea Lodge" folk bad a party recently, the ecccasion being the 82nd birthday o! Miss Elien J. James, aunt o! the editor o! the Statesman. We jein with ber xnany friends and relatives in offering congratulations. *The taxpavens of the municipal- Ity will be grcatly interestcd to know thet the fcllowing roads hiave been taken over' cntircly by the United Counties road systcm: from No. 2 Highway te the end of Mill Street (the lake) and te the end o! Bolton Street; aise To- rente Street te the C.N.R. Station. This will save the villagers from $1,500 te $2.000 spent yearly on these roads. There is a new bridge Item should cheer our citizens. InCidenteîîy Reeve Waiton bas werkéddbard for this by-law and nrucb credit is duc bim. About 22 girl fricnds cf Mrs. P. 'Williams (nec' Aresta Martin) gatherèd at Mrs. Dora Brooks' last Wednecuay night where a mniscellaneous shower %vas given in her benour. Aresta bas been werking in Toronto for a number o! yeans but bas kept in teuch witb the oid home town. After the lovely gifts wcre opened and the bride-to-be thankcd aIl pre- sent, games werc played and the 1hostess served a dainty lunch. Il Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rickard and rson are on a holiday moter trip sto Florida. 1 Miss Bell's girls' Sunday Scbool class entertained the boys at a Party in the Anglican Church Parish Hall, Friday night. The original plan was a skating party but as the ice was in poor shape 1the young people had to assemble at the cburch hall. Games were enjoyed and refresbments served. Mr. Art Toms andf Miss Lorraine Lee, Toronto, were weekend vîsit- ors xvith Mr. and Mrs. Herb Toms. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woods (Marg Toms), Win- »nipeg, on the birth o! their daugbter. The Girls' Auxiliary c! St. George's Anglican Cburch met at the home cf Helen Ash on Jan. 25. Meeting opcncd with the mem- bers' prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer. Joan Belscy read a chapter in the study bock which is called "Wei and Ku." We prac- tiscd the songs which we sang et the Parish Hall Thursday night. Lunch convenors Helen Asb and Pcggy Stephenson seýved a delic- ious lunch. Next meeting will be held at the home of Betty Lou Hagerman on Feb. 8. Don't miss Newcastle High School Commencement Exercises and Concert on Friday, Fcb. 4th, et 8 p.m. 5-1 Thursday night under the aus- pices cf the Women's Auxiliary of St. George's Anglican Church, a good crowd enjoycd the very fine films shown by Mr. Ceci] Carveth in the Parish Hall. A- mong the films was a good one of the Santa Claus Parade in To- ronto. The Jr. W.A. favoured xvith several vocal numbers and Mrs. John Garrod played pianoi selections as additional programi numbers. Refreshments cf delic-j' mous cookiAs and coffee were served. We hope the president of the Town League Hockey Team will take note of the following. Why no more Siturday aftcrnoon hock- ey gamsis? There are a good many who can't go to Orono and see the games during the week who look forward to these games and Fella's and Girls ... Here's Great News Joe.Chrysdale's Teen Clu] - AT - VARCOE'S PAVILION 'THIS FRIDAY NIGH.T. Yes, here's something entirely new and different for the Youth of Bowmanviile. Mr. Joe Chrysdale, popular M.C. for CK~Y' Club 580 and other feature attractions wiII be herc -FIiday nlght te act as Master of Ceremonles for an evenlng of fun and dancing te the 'best in records. We're sure You'Il have the time of your lfe se plan new to corne te Vareoe's Friday Night and meet Joe Chrysdale. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO HAVE GARTON'S ]BUS STOP ON LAST TRIP Dancing 9.12.30 Soc per persai ONLYA '1 POOR FISH GETS HOOKED TrHATS RECAUSE RE FORGOT TO LOOK AHEAD Caretul planning cf your electricai installations is your way ta avoid trouble la the future. Corne la and taik aver your requirements witb us - you are under ne obligation. Then, If you want to, bc sure af the best la wiring we are equlpped to handie any size of Job. When you tel 4 go ahead on a Job you can bc certain that only qualifieél 'Icians wlth y cars cf practical service will be daing the i lation. Vie aIse pride ourielves in using the liest of rnat«aiAllIn eacb and every job. - GIVE US A CALL TO-DAY - HIGGGN ELECTRIC Tour General Electrie Applia»oe Dealer Phone 438 Bowtmanville 42 Ring St. E. A A ZUN.MIAÂ 3TATM A, J W £U..IUILLEL, 3Ld JAkIO si WILLIAMS-MARTIN St. George's Anglican Churcb b was the scene of a veny pretty wedding on January 29, wben b Aresta Ann Jane, daugbter o! Mn. J. P. Martin and the late Mrs. Martin, Newcastle, became the bride of Mr. Philip Hugb Williams, son of the late Mrs. Williams, Ot- tawa. Rev. D. R. Dcwdney per- formed the ceremony in a setting of white stalks and pink canna- tiens. The bride was given in mer- niage by ber father and lookcd very lcvely in a street length pale blue tissue crepe gown wvith a long to!fee shade vciling draped over ber left shouider. The same shade veiling was on the matcbed bat. She carried e cascade of red Amenîcen beauty roses. Mrs. Dora Brooks was ber sis- ter's bridesmaid, wearýng wine tissue crepe gown with match- inig bat and short veil. The best man was the groom's brother, Mn. Frank Williams, Ottawa. Ushers, Mn. Bill Bell, friend cf the groom and Mn. Arebie M.,artin, brother e! the bride. During the signing o! the negister, Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, Nesticton, sang *Be- cause". Mrs. Jèhn Garrod et the drgan pleyed the wedding music. The reception was held et the Queen's Hotel. The guests werc received by Miss Lois Martin, sis- RI ter cf the bride, \vcaring e tur- quoise blue suit xith black accessenies and corsage of pinkt carnations. She wvas assisted byc the groem's aunt, Mrs. J. Collins,( Ottawa, who wcre a royal blue dres witb black accessories andf >c o rsa gebo! dank pink carnations.s bride and gnoom cut the( f ing cake and Rev. Dewdneyt of!ered a toast te the bride whicb t asably eplied to by the groom.n For the wedding trip to peints west the bride chose a skipperh blue gabardine suit, white blouse and black accessonies and wore a t corsage of pink carnations. OnG thein return the couple will re-R side in Toronto.E Out e! tewn guests were Mn.J and Mrs. Bill BaIl, Mrs. Bert 12 Lovequest, Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Y jGoddard, Mn. and Mrs. Fred God- dard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil- hamas, Mn. John Mattbews, Mn. and Mrs. R. Stewart, Mn. and Mrs. H. Milîs, Mns. J. Collins, Mn. and iMrs. Gardon Morris, Mn. * andI Mrs. L.» Wooding, Mn. Ken. IIeb- burn, Mn. and Mns. A. Martin, Mn. Mac. Martin, Mrs. May Johns, Miss May Armstrong, Miss Mur- iei Hornbrook, Mn. and Mrs. Law- rence Malcolm, Mrs. K. Kilpat-i rick, Miss Beatrix Kiîpatrick r an r.Anchie Martin, Mr.M' Peters, Mn. and Mrs. Horace Bur- nett and Douglas, Mn. and Mrs. H. Smith, Miss A. McGnaw. MILK.PRODUCTION IN U.K. During the first-ten montbs o! 1948 mîlk production in the Unit- ed Kingdam exceeded by nine per cent production duning the cerne- spending peried in 1947 and by 21 per cent that cf 1939. Milk sold in liquid form was 85j per cent cf preduction January- Octoben, 1948. and 89 per cent that o! 1947, cempered witb 64 per cent eut cf the cansiderably small- er production in 1939. In spite of the increase e! total milk product-I ion, the quantity processed in 1948 was only two-tbirds of thet processed in 1939. Preduction cf butter. cheese rnd eondensed milk wene ail consdenably lessj in 1948 than in 1939. The only imilk product te i!icrcacFe in eut- put camp.ired with pre-war is~ milk powder. . 1 we rather imagine it's a slap ta the Rink Committee who teck considerabie trouble flot te men- tion money, widening the rink this year, especially for hockey. Usually it's the oider members cf the village who get accused of lacking public spirit. How about You "yeung" chaps who play hockey? Hope something will be done sean te bning a few games here. Granted there hasn't been much good !ce but bow about a week ago? If it hadn't been for a bhard working few tbere would net even be a rink. Let's be fair. Sympathy o! the entire com- munity is extended te Mrs. Fred Graham and family in tbe pass- ing of Mr. Fred Graham Tuesday merning at Bowmanvilie Hoppi- tal. Mr. Graham bas endured a long-suffering illness. C.G.I.T. grcup met Jan. 25. The meeting was opcned witb the Caîl te Worsbip", and fcllewed devotional period. Mrs. Nesbitt read the story called "Waa Sîcon". Business was conducted by Nor- ma Allin. Mrs. Nesbitt and Miss McNabb provided the group witb recreation. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Enwright en- joyed the week-end in Stratbroy. Ray Brown teck them. Monday nigbt in Orono saw two good games o! hockey. Jas- coe's beat the Elmhurst Jrs. '7-3. This wil be the first game Jas- coe's bave won in 2 years bard fighting. It was a real game toc. Then the top leading Quccn's town tcam lest te Weyricb 15-14. Weyrich definitely out-played theý town boys who just couldn't click, We hear there isn't much support s0 fer as on-lookers go. Corne on out and sec these boys play. They are all good and deserve your support. Make up a party and go to Orono te sec the next game. NOTICE Mr. H. S. Britton, Newcastle, wisbes to thank bis meny fricnds and loyal business supporters for their continued patronage. during his 35 years in thc-grocery business in Newcastle. He feels sure thet in his successors, A. & R. Randaîl of Smithville, Ontario, the public will find the seme high standard of honesty and good service whicb we bave always tried te maintain. The contacts cf this sale werc i made and the deai effected by Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor, New- castle. 5-1 ENFIELD Mn. and Mrs. Frank Lycett and family et Mn. Wilfred Ogden's, Oshaaxî. Mrs. J. Stark, Mrs. Norman Stinson and Anne with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Taylor, Toronto. Congregaticnaî meeting was beld after the churcb service Sun- day. Thene were reports from al] departments and each one sbowed a substantiel balance on hand. Annuel Sunda\- Scboel meeting wes aise beld w ith thé following off icers elected: Supt.-Wallece Pescoe; Assistant Supt.-Hoskin Smith-, Secy-Treas.-Miss Lois Ormisten; Pianist-Miss Manganet Smith; Teachers-Aduit Bible Class, Mrs. A. W. Prescott: Inter- mediete Class, Rev. R. M. Sey- mour; Juniors, Mrs. God!rey Bowmen; Primary, Mrs. James Hennis. It was decided te stant Sunday Scbool et 2 p .m.* sharp with cbuncb services et 2.30 p.m. Britain's dailv rne ilprsno have six ir.stead o! four tadard sized pages. Candlidate N11ewcastle Unitel 'Its Annual Congri Encouraging reports of pro- grésa during the year were feat- ured in the annual business meet- ing -of the United Church con- gregation on Wednesday night, Jan. 26. Meeting for a pot-luck supper ait 6:30 nearly a hundred interestied members enjoyed a pleasant social hour, a good meal and a rousing sing-song led by Choirmaster James Dyer. Rev. A. E. Eustace of Orono, addressed the meeting on Christian Stew- ardship. Miss K. Rutherford of Angola brought greetings from the church in Africa. Reports were presented in a different form from other years in that each person present was furnished with a mimeographed report of ail the various organiza- tions of the church and the repre- sentative of each, instead of read- ing the report only spoke to it, pointing out the most noteworthy1 features. In this manner less time was consumed and greater in- terest was created. The Session reported a decrease in the number on the roll of church membership due to a larger num- ber of transfers to other churches, stimulated by the efforts of the session to relate ail who have set- tled in other communities to the church of their new location. During the year eight persons were confirmed in church mem- bership. Three separate efforts in the raising of overseas relief were reported. The ladies of the Wo- man's Missionary Society spon- sored an offering during the summer which realized over $90, which was invested in food par- cels, etc., through C.A.R.E. for Europe. The Sunday School raised $50 to support one child through the Save The Children Fund. Henri Lemaire of Boulogne, in France has been assigned to the school as special ward for 1948-9. On Christmas Sunday the con- gregation participated in a White Gift Offering which amounted to $100 and which bas been for- warded through the church chan- riels for investment in Relief par- cels. Twelve bales of clothîng were also shipped, six by the Wo- mian's Association and six by the W.M.S. Report o! the Sunday school spoke of an encouraging increasej in interest and attendance. The average attendance ait the ten d'cock session of the school dur- ng the year was 64, an increase of 12 over previous year. Woman's Vissionary Society reported the raising of $785 through its var- ious groups. Woman's AssociationI reported another year of localc ninistry to shut-ins and 'bereav-f ed, the installation of a new kitch- 1 en in the parsonage, and the re- t ervicing o! the electric wiring 1 for the bouse. and new dishes in ]k the church kitchen.f When the choir report was1 presented showing $110 raised for t the work of the choir the congre- s gation moved a hearty vote of Iý thanks to the leader, Mr. Dycr. V nd the members of the choir for t teir splendid service during the b ear. Recent additions to the fi membership have now made it a ecessary to secure another bal! k ozen bats, Mr. Dyer announced. r Other persons thanked for their a ntiring efforts throughout the cear were Mis. Fisher, organist, a Ir. and Mrs. John Scott, Cburch C fficers, Mr. Chas. Cowan and tl 1e ushers of whom he is chair- fi ian, and the minister, Mr. Pat- ýrson. CI The finance committee report- tl id t4050 raised for the current a aised to date for Missions of e: )1050, whîch sum is an increase f( )ver last year of approximately nr ;100. cî The minister outlined certain Si entative plans for the celebration dthe, i25th anniversary by the sE ongregation during this year. gi Sweek o! preacbing is planned or April. prior to Easter, and a ac pecial Anniversary week in late lc ctober. Certain improvements w~ t hepronprty ae- ls u1e1f The social evcnng t the Bar- chard Home on Seturday evening was quite a success. There were seven tables of Five Hundred and Euchre. Byron wo the Five Hun- dred prize, Mrs. Chnis Barchard the Eucre prize and George Cal- der the lucky cup prize. A vote was taken emcng the ladies pre- sent whether we shculd cater for the Masnic Banquet this year. The nay's were the major- i t. The Woman's No 9 Club meet this Tbursday at Mrs. Harold Gib- sen's. As we wvill be scwing don't forget yeur thimble ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner, Mrs. Brunt, Mrs. F, W. Bowen, Mrs. Howard Bowen attended the congregtional annul meeting in the United Church. Mr. Bert Reid, Orono, calied on Fred Bowen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Osborne attended cngregationl meeting in Trinity Curch, Bewmanvile. Miss Mary Bowen came home on Fridey afternoon, beving gone through from Cornwall on Thurs- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Martin ttended the wedding f Mr. Mar- tin's sister. Aresta, te Pilip Hugh Williams in Newcastle Anglican Cburch on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pedwell have arrived in Florida. Home and Shool meeting is Feb. 9t. Program convener Aus- tin Turner as securcd Rev. S. R. Henderson, Bowmanvile Trinity Church, a-s speaker and opes everyone wiil came eut te bear Successful Year 0f Enniskillen Church Reported Annual meeting of Enniskillen Cengregation wes beld in the cburchb. A splendid group gather- cd te bear thc reports. Each secie- ty reperted increeses in their work and carried over substant- ial balances. A greaten interest bas beeni created in ail cburch work. Outstanding efforts were indi- cated in the fcllowing:-Thc vestibule cf the churcb was ne- flccred, the pletform in the large shed ivas cxtendcd and new sys- temi of supports for the platform made, a coating te preserve roc! was given the shed. A-new church bulletin board was installed. Treasurer reportcd that the min- ister had rcceived aur church's share cf the minister's salary be- ingc $1030 of the saiary cf $1800. The minister drew attention te several nepairs and improvements that migbt be made te the person- age and its grounds. A parsonage committee for the whole circuitJ cemposed cf men is te be appoint- ed to take care of this work. At each o! the societies of the W.A.1 on the circuit, a cammittee cf la-( dies had been appointed te look1 afte'r eny work to be done an the inside o! the parsonege. Some discussion was had in re- gard te the $2500 given by the latei Geo. MnLaughlin, Oshawa, andi the mînister referred te letters, now in the bends cf Mr. Jas. Wer-c ry, wbich distinctly seid that thist maney was given te the "Thank-C Offcring fund cf the Enniskillen United Churcb, tc do with as the board tbougbt best.". From a bockt of the treasurer a motion was re- ferned te wbcre the Enniskillen Ujnited Cburch board had agreed o keep in good shape, perpetual- y, the cemctery, previously known as the Cemetery o! the former Prcsbyterian church cft Enniskillen. In consideration of bis agreement the Trustees bad et aside $800.00 of the McLauph-e in Fund, the interest cf whicb vas ta be used for tbis purpose, bis amount was te remein in bonds and was te be untouched for eny other expenses. The bal- ance now rcmaining was te be kept in bonds in the name o! En- iskillen United Church and lcft s such for the present time. The minister reported that at à recent meeting cf the Quarterly' Dfficial Board, the board decided bat tbe salary of the minister ýor 1949 was te be $1900. The choir rcported baving pur- ,hascd new choir bocks and an- hemn music. Both the minister ind the cangregation are very ýxpressive o! their apprecietion ,or the large numben o! choir nembers and the very fine musi- -a numbers tbey present eacb ;undey. Everyone is enjoying the fine eries of sermons aur minister is iving on the life cf Jacob. One o! the outstanding char- eteristics o! our cburch is the vely warm, comfortable churcb 'e bave each Sunday evening r this we extcnd our apprecia- ion te Mr. Howard Pyc who is 9thoughtful o! every small and rge detail. In view o! this splen- id service the meeting unani- ously voted an increase te $150 er year. It was agreed that, the new stem of cards for graups, an- ouncing meetings of the entire ear in botb the W.A. and the W. LS. bas been a great success. ýur apprecietion for this very ne systemi is extended tei the ife o! minister, Mrs. R. M. Sey- îour. The system bhas been adopt- i on the entire circuit. We are lad te note the impravement in ie beeltb of aur minister. After the meeting lunch wes ýrved. GOVERNMENT LICENSED NURSING HOME Accommodation for elderly, convalescent and chronle cases. Twenty-four heur nursing service by efficient staff. We have remodelled and now have eight (8) beds avallabie, pnivate, semi-private and semi-publio. il RIDOUT STREET- LINDSAY, ONTARTO BULOVA, 17 Jewcls 15'-Jewel gold watch. Daintv lcathc'r band. SCARF PINS $1.00 DRESS PINS $1.00 MIABRR'S JEWELLERY 'I lit d Church Holds egationa1 Meeting Blackcburn and Garnet ]Rickard. Board of Stewards--Frank Mc- Mullen, Chairman, 1. H. Jose, Sec- retary, A. 0. Parker, Treasurer, Harvey Bonathan, Envelope Stew-1 rard, and Clarence Alun, Charles 1Cowan, Cecil Ferguson, WV. E. Be- iman, Austin Turner, Brenton 1Rickard, Frank Hoar, John Rick- ard, Albert Pearce, J. C. Porter and J. H. Toms. Trustee Board bas been newiy constituted and trustees are Charles Cowan, A. O. Parker, Howard AUlin, W. E. Beman, Clar- ence Aluin, J. H. Toms and Chas. Glenney. Missi*onary and Maintenance Committee - Brenton Ricka r d, James Porter, Treasurer, Cecil Ferguson and Glenn Allun. B URKETON wit MrsL. 1lasman. Peterboro, at home and visited Members of the church will be Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avery a .t glad to learn that Mr. Russell their farmn home. Dean donated and delivered a Leslie and Stanley Taylor at- load of wood to the church. His tended the Swine Breeders meet. gift is greatly apprecaated. ing at Royal York Hotel, TIoronto, Sympathy is extended to Mr. Jan. 31. and Mrs. A. Sharpe, Rev. and Mrs. Donna Haines, celebrated her M. Sanderson and relatives in 12th birthday last week and had the passing cf Mrs. C. Sanderson, lier school chumns in for a social a dearly loved former resident of evening and a dainty lunch. jBurketon. The short funeral ser- Mr. R. Davey was in Peterboro vice held in the church Monday on Monday. was attended by many aid friends. Some cf the many flowcrs Mr~. and Mrs. J. W. Frankura were given to shut-ins. *were in Toronto. The family and friends cf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jobnston attended Keen demnand for weanling a birtbday party Jan. 30th for pigs for increased hog production. Wm. Jr., on his 6th birthday Fni- Fali wbat and secdUings in dan- day evening. ger as mnany low places covered Friday evening the church was by iCe. Young -breeding bull* almost filled to capacity when wanted up Dufferin way. Potatoes Mr. C. R. Carveth, Newcastle, seliing at 95-90c. Ample supplies and bis two aides - de - camp if seed in sight. Cail for single showed several educational, as men for farms. Many hens di:- well as entertaining movies. The poscd o! due to cgg prices. Mucli featured movie, which de--crib.ed damage from higb winds. the manufacture o! the violin, got the evening off to a good start. A Walt Disney cartoon and HAVE YOUR a short "Care of Your Pets" es- 7~A pccially appealed to the children. S iA.i E G At t his point tickets for a quilt, E donated by Mrs. Russell Dean, S A ~ and the door-prize, a well fillcd SR RPENEu hamper cf fruit and other sundries1 were drawn by Bevcriy Gatcheli THE NEW WAY and Donald Gili, respcctively. Thei quiît was won by George Deani For the smoothest sharpened and the basket by Isabel Carter, k t s Y uvie e a who returned it for auction. After sae e'eee a a sing-song led by Mrs. Seymour try our new C.C.Mi. and Gwen Dean, the story cf a Prie Kt drankitchen on the farmn was Par le k shown for the benefit of the lad- ies. Mr. J. Curran was bigbest bidder for the basket of fruit. rne Proceeds over $43. Mr. Newton Taylor promised a load of lumber Resuits - faster and for improvements, smoother performance and Mr. and Mrs. Randell and fam- quicker stops. ily, Mrs. Fred Adams with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. F A I~ l Mr. and Mrs. Amos Trick, Win- G.F.J M E O nipeg, Man., visiting relatives here. TIRE SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Port Corner King & Silver Sts. Hope, attendcd the funeral cf their cousin, Mrs. Sanderson. Phone 467 Bowrnanvile Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kerr, Lotus, him. Prominent Ontario lawyer and former member a! the Ontario Legislature for St. Patrick's Rid- ing, Toronto, who announced bis candidature for the leadership o! the Progaressive - Conservative Party cf Ontario. Mr. Roberts is a veteran cf World War I, and during the past two decades bas had close association with Cn- ada's mining industry. VWr (%AMÀnTAU QfrAMV.QUATZ v v- ji,?m A iftvý PAGE £Lxm A. Kelso Roberts ýJLJ6 'l J6d b.J£ à. J6 LINDSAY, ONTARIO PHONE 116 LINDSAY

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