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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1949, p. 5

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~1IURDAYTEE.Srd,104!. V~ ~A ~T STemArE!S A ?~q w - .3..Z..£,JLI» B W LVANL4V .L.LIE DTA I N .,The House by the Side of the REi A REVERIE 0F THE GOOD OLD DAYS BACK IN THE EARLY 80s BY A FORMER CITZEN Port Perry, Dear Mr. James,- Jn 2 99 When last in conversation wifh you I infimated thaf I woubd write a few limes on rame early days I recollect in Bowmanvibbe and you foolishly condoned the offense. Well, I finaiiy did write rame and mny pen ran on fi I see I bave written far fao much in quantity and far fao littie in quality, but You bave a large waste paper sec you are stili making Tbe tferman live up ta ifs name. Yours Sincerely H. G. Hutcheson When a Bovrmanvilbe Boy re- lu-ns fa bis borne fown, particul-j jarly affer a lapse of many years, lie cannat bebp but -be imprassed by the progress, impravements1 and prosperity of bis native Bow- xnanvîlbe. But I tbink down in a corner of bis beart he gets a great-1 er tbrilb when be discovers an an-1 cient andrnark associated with bis childhood days which bas re- sisted the era of change. To illustrate, as a visitor he will be faken ta iospect the very ex-1 cellent High School and the Pub-t lic Schoal and he will be siocerej in bis compliments, -but, down inf the corner of bis heart, wbat hec reabby would like ta sec is the Old Union Scbooî which was burned1 in 1887 and be able fa sit for a1 few moments at the aId desk oni wbich be had carved bis initiaIsv and been justly caned by Malcolmrn MacTavish for the offenca. t For my part when I visif thec Old Town I like ta mofor aroundc for a fime and then quietly slip down fa The House by the Side1 of the Road, which in my casev Would be the Kingston Road atn the east end, and slowîng downv the mofor furn off the pavementc and bring the car ta resf an ther driveway in front of the bi, fhrough the bars of whicl bad of seven I bad wafchE worbd go by 70 years ago. The world is stili going b with greatly accelerated whir, whir, go the matori frorn overhead cornes the of a plane indicafing that impatient motarisf, irkeÉ the restrictions of fhe spe mits, bas taken ta the air. But as I close my eyes1 world of taday fhey open1 world of yesterday, the hors buggy age. Gone jr the] highway and ifs place tak( a rutted gravel road wbil, cernent sidewalk bas given ta a board walk. If is getting on for nine sunny morning in June ani east-end pupils-Souches, JE and Jonesses are clarnourin Holland's Hill. The gafeq in the close, bigbboard fencE isolates Mrs. (Col.) Reid's dence and ber two granddj fers ernerge. When tbey aur gate I join thern as we attend the privafe scboob ke] those wonderful two Irishb 1 the Misses Welch. A clatter of boofs jr hear< Jimmie Simpson canters byc pooy with bis scbool bookss ped ta bis back. Following h- portly Magistrate Haines ir top buggy, drawn by a di grey mare, which ha comior filis, as ha goes f0 fake his on the bench. At a distance bebind, but r ly overtaking hirn, ir Senafor H-onourable John Simpson, . idant of the Ontario Bank, wind blowing bis long wbis< bis face as ha urges bis bar ta faka bis place on the EF of Directors in the building occupied by the Bank of Moni As we approach the 'Two Trees' monarchs of the f wbich had survived the m man's axe and which sfood a wast of our gate, we notice old Red Head Liz jr seafec neath tbe shade of fbem indu Clearance Sale WINTER DRESSES Reduced 25% Outsfanding dress fashions that you rieed for your wardrobc. Here arc your favourife dresses, each. dasignad to flatter you. This jr a rare find at thase reduced prices. MISSES' & GIRLS' SKI PANTS AND COATS ,OFF Take advantage of this framen- dous saving fa add sanie smart ski togs fa your wardroba. A good variety of styles and sizes îeft at thasc budget saving prices. LADIES' WJNTER COATS 33-!-% OIT t 50% OFF, Sec thesa beautiful winter coats to-day. A large range ta choose frorn in a wide variaty of styles, sizes, colours and prices. Cama aariy 'While the salection jr at ifs best. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 836- 49 King St W. -BOWptANVMLLP ia d scred itd, g w hile her tali daik N e e r s n w v s i e u i y C nc lo f d r a o L eit t oa aaorstands guard. This pair donspeettie nScrtyCuclC nedrto i were credited, or should I say, Res-' ~ "'~'.lport Ail-Time uiîgn of ti disreitdwith being survivors kee g gate of the notorious Bush Gang of > Insurance in Force iner as a cattie thieves and highway rob- quen ed the bers who terrorized the district Atte 7hanulmetn o a from their hideout in the swamps Cofdrto ieAsciatio, . oam by and adjacent to Markham. NewK McdndreintadC. he speed, harmless, but not sinless, they are K.Mde ld, cpresident, ad gen- omi s and doomed to haunt the Kingston eral manager, reported that 1948 drone road. had been an outstanding year. D i, some As we pass them, who should New business written in 1948 was de d by we sec coming towards us but $121,093,807, a gain of $4,021,235 feit1 ed li- poor demented John Moon, whose over 1947. Insurance in force aids obsession was te run the Kingston reached an ali-time high Of $893, eral to the Road adorned as a bridegroom ta 544,406, the $105,395,136 gain be- !net1 to the meet his bride, top hat, swallow- ing more that $17 millions greater ing, e and tail coat, striped trousers, fancy than any previous gain. Assets the i, paved vest. high collar and bow tie and and policy reserves increased ta prodi en by carrying a magnificent gold head-$3.550an $8,494r- indus le the ed cane bearing an inscription spectiveily. Payments ta policy- strivi place showing it was a presentation onr n eeiire cei I from hmself Acros his est a$615,000 greater than in any pre- os on a large gold chain. My strategy was vious year. i ý id the te step forward and politely ask ready ewells him the time. Whereupon oid Mr. Macdonald reported that 4 ng up John would corne ta a stop and interest earned on invested as- «V opes silng s touh Iwasdong imsets decreased from 3.68 per cent Mr.3 open smlingas houg I as dinghimin 1947 te 3.61 per cent in 1948. chase that a faveur, would take out a large Eiected by theTJN General Assembly, Cuba, Egypt and Norway This was attributed te the matur- formn resi- hunting case gold watch, which are this year beginning to serve two-year terms on the Security ing and refunding of many aider know [augh- aiso bore an inscription indicating Couneil in succession ta Belgiumn, Colombia and Syrla. Here General investments purchased originally ing. reach he had presented it fo himself, A. G. L. McNaughton of Canada (second from ileft), January's at excellent rates, and fhe fact tadai, three open it and after iooking' careful- CuelPeiet res(ett ih)AbroIoet lae htdrn h a er i nu pt.by iy at it would give me the exact ConiPrsenret(eftorhtAbetIocteAarz ttdungte ar ers ilnu ladies, time. Then with a still broader of Cuba; Mahmoud Bey Fawzi of Egypt; and Finn Moe of Norway. funds available were placed in miun smile lighting up bis rub icun d' _________________________________ war loans at 3 per cent or less. On or in d and counitenance set off by a fringe the other hand, mortgage invesf- being ohis Of red whiskers, he would return X11A ments were placed at an average rafte. strap- the watch ta his pocket and break Yvealhy TorontoA Note of Warnîng rate of interest of 4.93 per cent, d'Th d i i s into a rùn, ta make up the îost Seeks Charity About World Af fairs compared with 4.89 per cent in gardli ýhis time, with his coat tails flyîng in C n d 1947. The average rate earned cost( lapple the breeze. Fromn Rural Vtlt vr Canadias h upan ail new investments, includ- we ar tably As we resume aur walk we no- following condensation of an ar-1 place tice several covereci waggons "The farmer in Alberta or the ticle by a U.S. Congressman, Wal- At the same time, Mr. Mac- igina] coming around the bend. "Hark, apple grawer in Annapolis Valley ter H. Judd:- donald made the interesting ob- costs apid- Hark, the Dogs ta Bark. The Tin- will neyer receive any benefits Truhutewoewrda servation that money- was lent be-rs. rThe kers are coming te Town."' Yes, from the subway systern ta be fierce political and ideological for mortgages on homes, apart- 'Ce Pres-tuggiti ments and industries, etc., in 189 increa er in wagons. As they reach us we therefore it seems hardly reason- the focus is China. If Russia gets 1 diffntcmuiesBodadso] ,s o otc teswarthy, bewhiskered able ta ask that people outsideth Cin ad the contraI of other stock investments were made in thank oaddrivers in the front seat, while Greater Toronto area should bear rih2otin odas si hiherent cauntries and each ance Badbehird them, lolîing on piilows part of the cost of the new syst-iice prtionsyofolEoasthea ance province of Canada. "Where the highI.ý Snow under the canopy, are their wives em stated Joseph Lister Rutledge, of r eorcein oow the bilavne individual palicyowners live and can r treal. and children. Behind each wag- Chairman 0! tnie Canadian Unity sfescsitng l n heraveu work, that is where life insurance denly 0Big on are tethered several horses, Council today. Mr. Rutledge was Ihfe esrnl nhrfvu forest their itock for sale or barter, es- commenfing on the report that that the men of Asiatie temipera- periarms ifs mission, P.nd fuifilis great uood-metwornRsi a'vy littie Peciabiy the latter, at which fbey the Toronto Transportation Coin- menljt sihou ussiara wyery ae a str.Thycud frade mission is appealing ta the federal .e..ut.i.i.utfr.ewyar . 1tbc- horses while crossing a sfream governmienf for a grant ta bý ap- worldecas deutilftheetern usr-an d corne out with the best of the plied againsf the subway's con-wrdhabldtsftaet. stibargain. struction casts. The weaknesses which have The Scene Changes "The Toronto Transportation brought us fa this ominous hour If is the barley harvest and Commission has been a highly have not been primarily military farm wagons drawn y tudy successful operation for several or.c.omi. Or geatst.ai.re teams, piied high with bagsaof decades," stated Mr. Rutbedge. have been in the political and [ barley are coming up fhe road During that time if has paid nodaogclfils t. and as they reach aur gafe they taxes, federal or provincial, as it We go ta the diploataic confer- furn dawn the road which leads would have had if been a private ences with men who are mnasters j. direcfiy ta the harbour, stibi caîl- corporation. In lieu of municipal Of the strategies and tactics ofî ed by the aId cifizens, Part Dar- taxes if has made an annual grant military and economic struggle lin gton. There they will have ta ta the city for some ycars, the a- as aur representatives-and corne take their place in ine and pa- mount determined by the Commis- home with bloody nases. tîently wait their turn ta be un sien. Under such conditions it Russia sends te the conferences loaded ino the elevator. Sanie might have become a fabulously ber Molotovs and Vishinskys with ~ have came from as far north as wealthy corporation but for the nothing but superb skill in the Cartwright Township. Later the fact that it has used its earniogs strafegies and tactics of diplomatie grain will be loaded on ta a fleet ta deliver better service af a low- and ideological warfare-and fhey of sailing vessels, for Lake Ontar- er cosf than probably is enjoyed go home with the bacon. ia could then boast a rrerchaot by any city of comparable size on Riîssia is spending far more » marine-and would be sailed the continent. Even granting this, effort and money) on propaganda mosly a Oweg, N., romthe Commission's aperafions have for her ideology than any other whicb it would find ifs way ta the been highly profitable and if is nation. Her rubers are aware of .X brewerv ta be turned info bub- in no need of charity." what ane man, KarI Marx, was blîng aie. "It is argued that the subwa, able ta start with an idea-and Perhaps I could be excused for would be a 'make-work, projeci," I what two others, Lenin and Stalin, r an accasional smile as I would no- said Mr. Rutlede adtud-hvebnabeacryonwh fice a man, whom we 'boys had ir- serves a grant of money from ot- that idea. They know what Hit- r reverently caled a Methodisf tawa. But in view of the Hon. C. ler did with an idea. àb t Temperance Crank, seated high D. Howe's recent statement thaf I recognize it.is already ferrib- on bags of bariey for the brewery. the -ork force of Canada is 98 IV late-perhaps too late. Our If seerned a little inconsistent. per cent empboyed there seenis best hope af avoiding disaster is The icene changes. If is naw a littie need ta make work for any- through mobiiizing aur utmost Sunday afternoon in summer and one at this time. Even if the ern- strength and skill in the political the weekly pibgrimage te the cern- Ploymnent situation changes while and ideological fields as well as etery is on. Tramp, framp, the subway is being builf, the To- the economnie and military. tramnp is sounded on the boiýd ronto project seems likely ta help, Our difficubties are not insur- walk ai; the whole population the People of only that îocaîity mountable if we can devebop seems imbued with the desire ta and hardly qualifies for federal within ourselves and other free visit God's Acre, man.) bearing financial help, even if such help peoples a sense of mission, a moral beaufiful bouquets ta Place on the added only a modest burden af in- compulsion ta bilid in the worlcb graves of their beloved dead. On creased taxation for the whole the sort of order which aur fore- and forward goes the ane way people of Canada." fathers had the will fa build. procession tilI about four o'clock However, if we persist in put - whenthetidebegns t chngeting aur faith in faire rernedies.ý wn the tide bginjstfa th age There are few business men who and in worshipping the gods wc and se eturon in isle te late ill disagree with the Ottawa ourselves have creafed-our mech- goaer u onfi Iloewy Journal when if stated: The a- anical skls u cecorpow- TOM tot, awke rommy e-mount of work every business er, aur material success-tben we Too, fot I wae fommy e-Office must do for the Govern- too, will perish.- strutting ta aur verie and a bouder bonk warns ment, and free, would astooish doom like fthe twenty civilizations SetCprlCgrte lasrahy me that I arn blocking the drive- thora xxho are not famliar with before us." weCaolCirteslayracyq way, se pufting the car in gear I it-the formns ta be filled ouf, the S no h ossetsotnsmln Pull out again onto the highway pay-roll deductions, the intricaciesSaeoytecniet mthsmld! and leave "The House by the Side of'fax computations and adjust- Once, in England, money faor. C spared another vinit at a net too collector for'the Treasurywr-sl fofc n oos dsatdt.ing under very rigid regulations It's New Year's Rasolution Climb an the Sweet Caps bandwagon. H. G. Hutcheson and subject ta constant officiai Tume again, and one resolufion carefully check the label or the container and ascertain i f the mixture jr nmade up of the kînds ?YHOSSE. and in percentages basf suited for __ARF his purpose. -V,, -'_ OW i'Canada*s lumbering industrx k ý' hstegreatest payroil, a quarter blindollars. - The fox is one of the farmer'.s greateat allies In fighting meadow mice and other Pests-.it helps keop nature in balance and deserves protection. Remember-nature in balance is nature unspoiled. C f YORS T ENJ Y IGURS TO PROTEC TH truc purpose," said Mr. Mac- lald, "We are but the trustees tbe savingr left in our safe- )ing, and fthe policyowners' ýrsts are aur interesfs. Conse- mfly, these funds are invested re there jr evidence of round agament, whether if be car- ate or governmental, and rcussing the sbarply increas- ast of daily aperations being by ail business, Mr. Macdon- said that in industry in gen- increased costs are usually by a combination of improv- cfficiency and of increasng, price of the article or service luced. In the life insurance istry, whiîe there is constant ing for incraascd efficiency perafions and service, if jr mot ible ta increase the price, that ie prcmiurn on policier aI- [y issued. cery fcw people realize," raid MVacdonald, "1that in the pur- eof life insurance in ifs usual iwe bava perbaps the earlicst -ýn method of instalment buy- An individual can contract , ta buy aur product at a set ja instalment price-the pre- m-.-and take 20 or 30 ycars aore to pay, each instaîrnent 9at the original contract 'e point is therefore, that re- ess of hour aur day-fa-day of operations may increase. ie bound ta accept now, and ifuture, thora payrnents or- lly contracted for whan ertainly we are at liberty ta ia aur rater today, but that ly for future business, and ks ta the fact thaf life insur- jr a privafa enferprise and [Y competitive, no ana of us neef aur probiarns by sud- increasing premiums f0 any axtent." M M. It is ofle of the most beautiful compensations of this lite, that no mian can, slncereiy try ta help another without helping himselL -Shakespeare. The rich in spirit help the poor in one grand brotherhood, ail having the same Principle, or Fa- ther; and blessed is the man who seeth his brother's need and sup- piieth it, seeking his own in ana.. WATCH frsaiRfcionG reasonable prices Brlng Your Watch To Us ALL WATCH REPAIES GUARANTEED For One Year MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED MARR'S JEWELLERY BOWMANVILLE 43Kig t.W. Phno l6 RED FOXES ARE OI4LY FOUND W KERR TNEY ARE NEEDED..WIIERE T149KRE ls A PLENTIPUL SUPPL< 0F MICE.RAsSI'tS ANDO THSP ENEMILÇ OF Tia MMER C.ARLING DREWERIES LIMITED wATENLaO O.TA.à ess, satis. t.I@TgN ?0 "TALXÇMO tC INC DOMINION NKýDRK, BUNDAY EVE.INO@. irette.- G A R E T T E THr CAlqAnTAU.qPrÀTVqV,&U i % lw_ - - - -, jrà%UJE ZZVIE 424 ý7 i

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