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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1949, p. 14

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4 j PAGE TOURTEEN ------.... ~ '.,.. .m~j THURSDAY, TEE. lOth, iki THE GANADIAN STATI~MM~ ~OW?~A?~TT7 1.1! ~M'I~A~?P~ PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD BIRTH IN MEMORIAM WRIGHT-Mr. and Mrs. Walter 'DONOGHUE-In loving mer Wright (nee Audrey Stinson) an- of a dear wife and mother, E flounce the arrivai of a daughter, beth Donoghue who passeda Lorna Lenore at Sioux Lookout Fcb. 5th, 1942: Hospital, February 6th, 1949. Past ber suffering. past her1 Mother and baby doing well. 6-1* Cease to weep, for tearsa ________________________vain; She who suffered is at rest, MARRIAGE Gone to heaven with the bl -Ever remembered by hust THRASHER -MILLER-At Trin-'and family. ity United Church Parsonage. on Friday evening, February 4, 1949, by Rev. S. R. Henderson. Leola DONOGHUE-In loving men Flle Miller, daughter of Mr. and of a dear daughter and si Mrs. J. W. Miller. Powmanville, 1Beverly Doîîoghue, who pa and George William ThraSher, away Fcb. 121h, 1941: Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. The worlM may change frorr A. Thrasher, Oshawa. . 6-1 vear to year ________And friends from daY ta day DEATHS But never -will the one we ic OSBORNE-suddenly at h er home -Ever remnembered by fat in* w;niln pilni 't b rothers and sisters. 1,949, Ethel Maud Allia, beloved wife of J. Frank Osborne. Inter- mient Bowmanville Cemetery. PHILLIPS--Ii. loxing memox a dvar husband and father, iiam Pliillips. wbo died Febri ROBBINS-in Bowmanxville Hos- 8tý197 pitl,- on Februaryv 2nd, 1949, -Exer remembeî-cd by wife, Bessie Jane Cowling, widow of and daugbteirs. Matîhew C. Rabbins, in hem 841h ___ year. Funeral fram tho Funerall Chapel of Northeutt & Smith. ROWAN-In loving memorn Interment Bowmanviile Cemetery. ou' d2ar daugbter, xvba died' ________I tth. 1948, in ber 251h year. Richard Rowan (nec Ethel Ar WIGHT-at her late residence, Carter): Liberty Place. Bowmanville, on The garment of her soul has Fcbruary 8th. 1949. Amelia Wight, Passed away, wife of thie late Joseph Wight and The Siinig Spirit and the Io dear mother oî Wrightson, Mel- ight stay, boumne and Fred. aged 85 'years.i The echo of her voice. her e. Resting at the Morris Funeral hcr smile, Chapel for service on Friday, Just as thev are with us alilth February llth, at 2:30) p.m. Inter-> while. ment Bowmanville Cemetery. Those whiorn we love go out _____ ________sight, - But neyer out of mind; Notice iThev arce cherishied in the hei The Towvnship of Darlington -Sadly missed and deeply moit will not be responsible for an), cd, mother, dlad, Isabel and Fi- damages to cars ]eft parked on d ie.6 the roads during their operations ____ of snow ploughing. By Order TRIIýMM -In loving memory J. D. Hogarth, Clerk mv tather and motlier. Elias Sa 6-2 uci Trimm. who passed awayc year ago, Fcbruarv 9t]?, 1948,a Sarah M. Trimm who passec ANNLAL MEETING P'est six years ago, Marchà The annual meeting of the Boxv- 1943: manill Hopitl Bardwil bcRememberaiieç is a golden cha held in the Council Room at 8 p.m. ettrstobakbtal Wednesday the 23rd dav of Feb- vrwarvi ousi adlay ruary, for the purpose cf hearîng Ti er ousaddy reports and electing the new Tei probini t r a Board for 1949. iThertobd ghsaept R. J. Dilling, Sec'ý.-Tireas. Tey are gone but not forgott 6-2 And as it dawns another year Thoughts of them are always ne -Ever remembered by th Lost daughter, Ethel. 6- HOSPITAL ring, initiais B.G.H. Wok W n d If found, please return to R. Grant. ikWa te 8 King St. E., Apt. 6. 6 1* EXPERIENCED man (marrie LEATHER wallet containing two wants work on dairy farm, begi drivers' licences and snim of . mng April Ist. Capable of op( maney, lost in Bowmanville on ating tractor. Separate housec Saturday. Reward if returned 10 sired. Write Box 201, Statesrn address in wallet. Office, Bowmanville. 6- SAY IT WITH GIFTS FROM JURY & LOVEJL'S HERS .. . Smiles'n (huckles, Valentine Heart C hovola tes --.----82.00 Smiles'n churkles. Assorted C(hocolates. 1-lb. Valentine ivrapped $1 .00 Chanel ('ologne .830-50 1'ardley Lotus Cologne 80.-0s82.5 0 Cbanel Per-fume S5.00-8S10.00 1"ardlc3- Lai-coder Perfume I2-19830 RIS . .. Sunbcam Shav-emaster 1;26.75 Remington Foursome $ 23.95 Schick Razor, double head -------- 21.50 Prophilactie Club flair Rrush-. $ 1.49 Ronson Lighter 1% (with service kit) $6.85 -RaIls Razor --- 12..50 Yardley Lavender Soap, Yardley Shaî-ing Bowl --81.25 Box of 3 cakes 9 1.50 Yardle3- After-Shav-c Adrienne Tnilet Soap, Lotion 81.0-81.50 Box cf 3 cakes .810 Gillette Tech Razor ivith .5 blades ---------49e Tonl Home Permanent 1,2.50 --- - - - Helena Rubinstein Heaven Sent Cologne S1.00-s1.50 Elîzabeti. Arden Blue Grass Floiver Mist S1.7 Lucien Lelong Joli Bouquet Perfumes, 3 scents in attractive box - . 55.00 Lucien Lclong Balalaika Cologne %vith atomizer in glft box .----- S2.50 Coty Purser with L'Aimnant Perfume $ 2.25 BETTER PICTIURES IVITH KODAK SUPPLIES Babý* Brou nie. Special Target Brouvole, No. 620 Tarzret Bnî'wnie. No. 616 ýBrow -ilie Refle-, Kodak Duaflex Renwiek (0w bide (asef t)uaflex ('amena------- Kodak Duaflex Flasholder. $3.47 $6.72 $8.12 511.76 $14.56 for $2.75 $3.25 JURY & LOVELL 1'OUR RFX-ALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 Ilhcn IVe Test 1'our Eyes It is Doue Properly BOWNMANVILLE 2 w~eeks; sîîPPlv $.1:l o quicker stops. $5.011. aI JurV &' LoVoh S ald McGi-egoi-s Dnîig Store. 6-1 goos) mailed po-'tPaidi lainu 1 !F.JAJEONTiUEICANAL IAS TATIiIS4AS i TIRE SHOP jSealed ecnvelope wix'.tb pr ce (S. Six Sarnples 25c: 24 su rnipies Si. O. Corner King & Silver Sts. jMail Order Dept. T-38. No'.--Ruih- Phn46 Boavil Put Your Message Bef ore 12,000 Prospective Customers ber Co., Box 91, Hamiflonl, Ont. Poe 6 omnil 1-83 -. -. ..*ra-.o1..-,.,., - - -. Ô ,.,,,. ~ 4',~-~l BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS ýos m Lý THE CIANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMtr- MWYA1!rTm 1 Articles For Sale -- COMING EVENTS Parents Attention Ray Blair and Mrs. George Ruth- _________erford. ary QUANTITY of baled timothy hay. Newcastle Lions Club wrnter Ail parents who expect to have Miss Dorothy Howsomn, Toron.. Elza Pon 22 Bwmnvle, 6- T E CANADIAN 1STATESMAN craîval and dance at the Com- children attend the Public Sehool te, visited Mrs. Charlotte Farder. away munity Hall on Fridav, Feb. 25. Kindergarten being planned for Blackstock Women's Institute IBALED hay. Apply John Lowery, a .Amsin2c - hi alaerqetdt h 0 pain 8OronodmiPione5cOrono 51-7. 6are eq1esed filin met at the home ofMrs. Clarence pan rn, hn rno5-. 61 registration forms new available' Marlow. Mrs. Norman Malcolm ar 1D nc tT ro eH ldaud y at the Public Seheols. Pupils must was in the chair in the absence of BALED hay and straw. R. Rewan, 7% nea ~oeHlVrev eC erYMs alDrel h hm a lest. Band. Admission 50c. 6-1* by Dec. 3ist, 1949. Each child Citîzenship with Mrs. L bandBABYcarnge, n exellet co- A Isheuld be registered by February Thompson, cenvener. Hat s~'" 6-1* dition._____Phone___2778.I Dance in the Cammunity Hall,11h Pln arbegmdet es were given out and ever~ 6.1 diio. Pon 278.6-1 A d e L*~* ~4~Blackstock on Fridav, Feb. 11h. transport daily by bus from accepted one and spoke. Mrs. SEPRATRuse ony hre - L * ~Music by Keith Wilson's orchestra. Central School ahl kindergarten Edith Butler gave a fine t.alk on SEaryOR wek.M s.Hnec, R.R 3, h- Idv r is R t Ad mission 50C. 6-1 pupils not residing in the South "The Canadian Citizenship Act". istr. wa P.Mr.hon 357 .R. 3,s- Ward School area. J T zistr, wa, hon 357R3.6-1Bowmanville Board of Education Jean Tompsan and Donna Fer-, ase FETV AUR 3 98There will be a euchre this 5-2 der favoured witha og HOTPOINT, new deluxe table Fridav, Feb. 111h, in the Recrea- There was a double header ef M tpeeti tvoeol.$299._____________ tien Hall. starting at 8 p.m. sharp. T hockev at the rink on Monday The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 6-1 Goad prizes. Admission 25c. 6-1 WNanted T Buy nighî.' Hampton beat the Canada Y,- Bread team from Oshawa 12-4. loved IARCO hot water car heater, in BIRTHS - DEATHS - ENGAGEMENTS - MARRIAGES Tyrone Junior Young People's 'PLAY pen in good condition. , Then Blackstock beat Sauina 9-4., first class condition, cheap. Phone CARDS 0F THANKS $ 1.00 Fer Insertion will present their play "A Rcady- Phone 2597. 6-1* There was a good attendance. ither, 2187.,~1 made Fami in Tyrone Hall, ___________ 6-1* - IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10c a line for verses per insertion Februarv lBth, at 8:15. Admission SCRAP batteries, $1.00 each. Pick- GURNEY new, 4-element apart- ~40e and 20c.6- pG.FJaisnTrShp ment size, electric stave, one only, NOTICES - COMING EVENTS - ARTICLES FOR SALE Phone 4-2p 7 . F2JmesnTieShp BURKETON r f $219,00. The Radio Shop. 6'i LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - FOR RENT - WANTED - ETC. Progressive Euchre and Lost ___ Wil.. MAN'S overcoat. size 38; mans i Cash Rate: 2c a -word (min. 350). Must be paid before insertion mHeiay at Eniski Fbll Com- BEFs.Or s ellng aore liepory MosIav benome bb sco ldran 'uary bicycle. Neil Yellowlees, Phone muiyHlFiaFbl1h Ityu.Oî rie r ihr .haebe oewt od n If Charged: 3c a %vord (min. .50c). Add 25e extra for 8 p.m.. tinder auspices of the Ser- FIait, R.R. 1, Bethany, phonie 7 r a niild form of chieken pax. All son2500. 6-1- o!ubr r ele ietd oti fie vice Club. Admission and lunch, 13. reverse charges. 1 7-tf are glad ta see the snow for ski- 6- UE ktemn adbys 25c. 6-1 - ing and tabagganing and fun for al! sizes, priced reasonably. Ne at- (diinlIsrios. aeRts GORDON YOUNG LTD. will be ail. Wa SoeReai, ppste Bow- <diiniIsrin tSm ae)Ta-morrow night Jack Skitch pleased ta pick up dead or crippi- Cnrgtoa etn hc of So mavl e îars. 1-tfi and bis Sevenaires are featured aI cri farm animais and pay highest was gt eiay ismeing wheld Feb._______________ ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN the B.H.S. "At Home." Gel vour prices. Telephone colleet, Toronto 1 Feb. 8. Mrs. Ergdiesae prmn NOON WIEDNESDAY. C'ash, stamps or moneyr tickets immediatelv,: McGregor's AD3636. Cobourg 48J. 1-52 Mrs. J. Rogers. Hampton, Mrs. ýnnie size; 8' Atlas saw; 12*" bandsaw: order with order to get low rate. Du trS .JmsI~r 6"joner MrteBo'00 Saes'ance. Pat Bwlcs or Dunocan NOIC-armers. We pay as L. Heasman. Mrs. Harry Rahai manOfice 61 __________ ____Phillips. Dancing 9 ta 1. 6-1* high as $10.00 for Dead or Crip- were dinner guests with Mr. and man ffic . 6 l*pied Horses and Cows, according Mrs. J. A. T ompkins. ove 1941 CHEV. coach, Master Deluxe, CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE Plan ta attend the Valentinie rtasize and condition. smail ani- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rabm. Mr. healci-, slip co'eî's, motor over-i Bail at Varcoe's Pavilion. Feb. 16. Iml eoe re ihs prices a e d M rs. George RhSit eYes, hauled, good lires. Phone Clarke! Commencing at 9 p.m.. round andpadfridose.Pne42 fedMr CW.ah. etn le - Under auspices of C.OF. Girls' Nick Peconi, owner. 5-tf treai. a recent graduate of Royal Iof1946 DODGE Special Deluxe 6- WAan-ted H lp W nte Bal] Club with proceeds in aid_______________ Victoria Hospital. Montreal, were t fpassenger cou.pe, îow mileage, __;_____________ of Memarial Arena. Free bus Repairs itb Mrs H. Rahm. gaad as new,\. Apply Neil Metcaif. STORE space urgently needed inil GOOD, energetie speciaîty sales- service. Admission $1.00 per ~aisMiss Elsie Bah., Bethany, is 'artsPhn249 Bo\mnvle. 6P omanvilie by reliable i'etail man, with car. salary and cam- couple - REPAIRS te aIl makes of reffrig- saîgwt r n r.Lsi A EWFamai tacar h'-concei-n, Write Box 186, Bowmani-'mission, excellent apportunitv acs oeteadcmeca Argue. i-.draiilic touch contrais, pulley xil ttsa.2-fwt sRlsedcma~.Rpy eal Estate For Sale Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., Mrs. C. Gatcheil and Tommy, stating experience and references plione 4318. 26-tf Bowmanville. with Mrs. Jim Gat- red- and pawver take-off. Phone 2388 PARTY ta take aver f irst martage, 1te Box 202, Statesmian Office. $3.500-Bown .anville - 4-roomed chell. 6-if B ow m anville, A . W ood. 6-1'l $3 50 fine sm all farm , m o de rr 6-1I r m o t g , p n r x r .f ll r . W t v n o n l e t PRINCSS PA coa and- oodhouse, long or short terrni ban. insraedotae, pwatrv era fuily LTl PT7CrOCK TorMi'o, W tevensonand AIberA. PRICES PA col ad odWIite Box 197, Statesman Office. MAN foi- steady tavel amng good basement, hot air ftîmnaceTrotoHuthM.hndMss.A of range, good condition. with hot 52- cnsrnrsin an~d around Bow- n * . Hîî ghes. hre yar arn- water front. Phonle 1557J Osh- 1cl pitetu. tre1er On l'eb. 1, the county meetingi Mr. and Mr-. Jim Curran with one awa. 6-1 WOMAN would like comfomtabl maniville. Permanent connec tonI aga g'girage. cernent floor, haif- Oagmnwshl tteM.m m.LoadVnVl on aa.6 1WOANwoldlie omorabe wthlarge manufacturer. Only ltOragmna h r n r.Lo dVnVl and fu furnished hausekeeping room, or hsircniec.Writec acre lt good garden soul and i Lof oom wtb30 embrebrgdsaa i to. OFA electrie sto"'e. fu l- room and board. Advertisei- lalehslrcosdrd. 13Iýsn-ail fi-uit. Contact Evelyn E. Loaige ronwt 0mmesknug saa Sth, ments witb aven, warmîng ox-en Po1Ofc o 63 omnil' Rawleigh's Dept, ML-B140131 Cooke, Realtor, NewcastleClaé e1 presenit. There were 12 fmom Miss Isabel Carter with ber and stoîage space; in good con- 6-1* Monti'eal, Que. 5-41 A2621. 6-1 Orono and 18 from Cartwright. cousins, Brbara and Ethel Coates tidt.J Phone'395. 6-1 TI__HE______an___________nt_____ -a god ___sales-Itwas of special interest te note 'in Brooklin. a initn.~on -IT spring onils wyand th e -man70 are10wanes.ttisie aligaJmed sales Idedhi APPROXIMATELY 700 cedar coc eeto o amhussManli'rbas good i'easons frbc1fa - 7-am 10 ac's7tunirat cJalmeeyr ttende0 d is __________ ofrails, suitable for fencing or kind- Iland businesses that are on - lieving lhe coîld bc, age ov e 0,- lenhkewpond raofedrn sorand fis auly mieein7eaors ga ofling, $50 cash. Ken Cain, 0o îist ueyw a av orprefeî- mamricd man, must lhave ' hnbue od\ae.' tr5'adhsol isdoi rtLONG SAULT ~ Kngsav unc, Nwcatle 61* st. p robl.Youa sounde vob i -car, good education and character i -romelou ectiix ii-rtbrougb sickness in ahl the years prblm refrece, e il tacpyusurses.sion. Reduced for since.____ ten 200 EGG bot waler incubatai-. $15gaio:he 1u6otat 0amsbusiness, permanent position foi- q7c ae xnrrtrng fîesfrtenwya ac el lce fiesol; I r coal brooder S7.50. Apply Mattlicw Nixon, Real Emate Broker. 16the îight man.ib is Ierritor.v shnuld $ 50Bwanil, cîo-d.Cu, Msc'Hr wi~HoeadSha lbae:P N.,BomavileBari h bo as 1 brS it- d ot- M\aster-HAlb SwMot-HoeWat E'k Viceb a ea.Brown, Miii Street, South, Newv le' make him $5.000 per- year. Bari North newv 1.10. insu tbick 5 r put M.erAbet oron, dent-Watr Van Ey; ic ~eir castie. 6-1* Poe62 -_______ dealer made $1.5010 ini lasIt tmreei rooms, electrie fixtures included. Chaplain-Rev. J. McKibbin; Pre.sident-Staniex- Gable; Secy- ______ months. Wî'ite District Distribulor lr wýatei- in bouse, sorte bardu-ood Rcc. Sec-W. J. RiddellP Fin. Treas.-Mî's. Stanley Gable; Asst. BRIGHTEN up for Spring! Can I36W-item St.,Petcî'boro. 6-2 flooring. large lot, easy terns. Scc.-J. Brown; Tîeas.-Henry Secy-Treasq.-Mrs. Bob Si m s; - ada's finest Venctian blinds mca- Wanted To Rent 3--"--__ Listings and inquirie's invited. Tbornpson; Lecluîer-Cecil Hill; Lunch Committee-Mrs. Walter surcd and installed. Free esti-- HELP Wanted, Mae-If \'ou are Leroy Hamilton. Broker. Orùno Dcp. Lect foi- Clarke-James Van Eyk and Mrs. Bob Sims. - mte. . . orrs a. Pon .ONE or two heated, fumnishcd e-evc, ne'5yer fae Phone office ai' bouse. 6 i Lowry; Dep. Lect. for Cartwright O c.1 h ogSuiCm ed) 1 480. 6- rooms for rctîned lady. Phone, and bave at lea st 2 year-s High$420 ixrmdinu-bic -Ernie Swain: Marshal-Geo.mnî lbmtwt president yn 05 - Sebool Training~, perbaps van I oer- FLOOR covering Congoleum oit<h ntrsedi ak ouise. semni-bungalo,,. 3-pce. bat, Br'ow~n: Auditors-Er ore] alten a yki ecar.Po de- ruinner for' first lime in Years, IFROM 50 Ia 100 acres of goo caî'ccr wit <ho O ntamaiil5cralarge sunr'k itchen, goad 'base- Emnie Hamm. After business was gram opened with O Canada, -ian Congoleum and Rcxoleum Deluxei Pasture for carning soason. mustvieTresanoein for juqt nment, nice lot, immediate pssss cornpleîed, thce.gathering went to piayed b,, Mrs. Clarence Woodiey. in yard gaods and mug sizes. Came i bave plenty of water. W. Wesleyv i- -- calyfo lrg vret. . . eii',Phno241.6~,suc b a persan at bbe Ontariaji.bcCmnitHal hrebe Mr. Cecil Carveth, Newcastle, Taining Scliool for Boys. Bow- $,t10-Nine-t-oorned brick bouse weesrc anuti h hwed smre interesting movie Morris Ca., Phonc 48(0. 6-1 mn'll.A'ag o nitr nSeigog St.. in good repair, I islial fine sty-le by tbe L.O.BA. pitrs aigo Ial" GURNEYcoal o waod ange, ARDS 0 TH.A.KS viev by clling r. ~. . i- fumnace, ail conveniences, ý2-car The evening w-as brought te a Cidn' Pes, 'HeaIh Rickard. Asistant Supeintendent arage. Land 134 ft. bv 166 deep. close by playing cuchre. white enamel with rescrx-air and .-,c Mm. NoAsmanaMalcolm bas takeni gSeheme of Saskatchewan.' John- panel front. Uscd on],- 2 x cars The famîly of bbc laIe Elizabeth fa 0 r63 6-î1 j edaepsssin ny Van Eyk sang "'The Little and in elxcellent condition. Phono Jane Sanderson desîre ta express WE are naw ready ta appoint a 100For.:Hpa nontypool. 80x35 andinTonwtho.eMasy-anisC. uth l ad (ho Liile Dshtcn Clarke 1132 or apply Frank Os- f incere tbanks ta the many fi emnn itrc2elri o -tI'o:pao apt yr n oot.by lydb m.Wl sto fri pemannt isric delerin ow other fumniture as is, $2.600. Mr. Wallace Marlow spent à There wcre 23 present, Meeting mond, Newcastle. 6-111cnds and relatives whob «by their mnanville îerriforY, ta look after Enotigb maîcrial foi- twýo bunga- few days in Buffalo aI a canven- closed witb God Save the Kiog. - -_____ - flor-al gifts, lelters and cards off sales and service, for the famous 1 ows. t ion. Mar-, Van Eyk took Up collection CONSOLE Radias. in excellent isyrnpatby and other ministries Of 1Filter Qiieca Bagless Vacuumn 2 gond building lots on Elgin St., Mrs. Oaklev Carley. Cavan. and ofy 5 o'l uc a ev condition. 5 and 6-tube sets Of kindness, braught great comfort! Cleanier. the man wve want muist 100' fî'ontage. 123' deep, alI con- Aoril Keane xisited Mn. and Mrs. cd bv.25bcAladies.lnhwa ev well-known makes. Recondition- during thein bereax'ement. 6-1 have sales experience. manî'ied veniences alone street. Clarencee Maries- cd, new radia guarantce, and ClreceMal.. JAMESeein oNIXON1 he priced reasonabiy To Raioipieeri d, car awneî', wîthgJdAMESmetngonNIXON he Mm.andMrs R W.Gohenand cbaia'-ter references. intelligent Real Estate BrokerMm.CclHian M.Ro evrnewîbe ecm. j Sbp, Bwmavill, Pono 73, farnilv, Newcastlc, wisb te takei man witb business abilitv, wiliing 160 Liberty SI. N. Phone 682 'uo teddtefnmlo 6-1 (bis oýpportunitv of expressing ta work bard for success that is61 I eir unce(, Mn. Sam Ferguson at Gorrie. \wbo was bbc lasI of bis TeSaem nSl NEW Case VAC tractor; new Case (hein sincere thanks for the rnany I associatcd xitb gaod ea'nings, - generation of the Ferguson fam- T eSaem nSl 2-fîîrroxv plaw; nexv Case 4 11 a ne- acîs -_f sy inpatbv'N', kindness and fthrough training. WTite full de- Custom Sawing iy xvav dise: set new Case spring tbouIgbtfulness sbown ta themf tails ta Filten Qucen Vacuum - - ___________Ti At____win Stre toath baraows; ncxv Case 101"'barn- 1 during their i-ceont bei'eavernent Cleaner Sales DepI., Peterboro.i AFTER Feb. Ist. I can do some i znah setne eMs tFlo igSoe mnermili; rail snow fence; B. T. 0f abeloved sonl and brothei. Ont. 6-2j custom wonk in bbe Smnith Bros Jamnes Ginn and other members \?watpm boxvls and pressîii Winiston. 6-1 bs.nrho Bneo.Pi of bth' farnii of Mn.JaeGinD r'DugSoNeatl - stemns; ncw Ezeeflow fertîlizer --ILiveStock For Sale 1$14.00 per thousand, take vourm wbo passed away on Fia. i D. G. Walton's. Newcastle spneadei-: new Quaker ail heatcî-, Mis. R. Av'ery, Hampton, wishes - __________ ow'n slabs home. Roy Menanv. Glenni Malcolm w-ho is taking Wilson & Brown, Newtonvîlle W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phono ta bbank nui-rorus ýýfriends and JESYcwdet ee.AyrPoe Bvnnvle 17. 6.2* a welding course la Tarante wasT.MSimnEnskln 497.6- neigbbouns for mariv beautifuil Nelson Rabbins, Hampton, Phone h orne for tho week-end. F. L. Bx-am, Tyrone - -cards and gifts: aIma for telephone 2349. 6 - 1 Livestock Fed Mm. and Mrs. E. M. Burke, G. A. Barmen, Hampton EARN extra monte v! You cao cal- and ielcgraph 'messages reccix-ed - -- - - --- ___________ Oshawa, with <hein daughterW .Hçknd otPl ecet ordens 01for blankets from on bier reccnt 9lst birtlbda'v anni- Found WILL feed cattle, fram an an- Mrs. Howard Saywell. ' Wm. Hacklwoo, BPontpool bers andt make extra rnonev for making it a x-ery happy occasion. BLACK and tan, maie, hoiînd with hay, 20-2,5 beaci, priced accoî'ding a man1h'c leave and bas taken a ' .B yrroîl, Orono y aunsîf oryouî- lub. id wol- 6-i two ront fet an anc ind foot Io ize. Howard Farder. Black- trip ta Edimonton. W .Bgcl uy&Lvl Ion socks, *îînderw,\,eau-, blankets, twoifrontcae calH Bnît cPanPrtPnn 97onMe GogeFwen w-as inf 1. W. Jeweli, W. J. Berry and sweaters. etc. are accopted in part The famril.\ of tbc laie Fnederick 2790 Eox'r'ran\'iile. 6-1 6I sbawa ibbe daughtens, Mrm. ToSaema fie payrnent for highest qualit lne"\'Gi'abarn, Newcastle, xish ta ex- blankets. auto rugs, ski-cith etc.f press <hein giateful aPppeciationf fq

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