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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1949, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Many Violat. By-law In Durham County re Tres Conservation In order to bring ta public at- tention the steps taken by Coun- tics Council under the Tree Con- servation Act. 1946. (Provincial) we append herewith the bare ternis of the By-law passed, June 13, 1947, by the council assembled in Cobourg. Ils ternis include al woodlots purchased before the passing of the measure. The preanible states the pur- pose of restricting and regulating the cutting o! trees and appoint- ment o! officers ta enforce same. Y7he fol]owing applies ta the County of Durham: M'is By-Law shail nat: la) Interfere with the right of the occupant of land ta cut trees therean for his ow,,n use on the said land; (b) Interfere with any rights or powers conferred upon a Mu- nicipality by The Municipal Act; (c) Interfere with the rights or powers of the Hydro Elec- tric Power Commission of Ontario or of any other Board or Commission whichi is performing its functions for or on behalf of the Gov- ernment o! Ontario. (d) Appiy to trecs growing upon anY highway or upon anyv unopened road allowance; or (e) Apply to trees growing in any woodlot having an area flot exceeding two acres. (f) Interfere with the cutting of dead, braken, stunted, f ire- damaged. diseased or insect- infested trees or other trees that should lie remnoved to FORY i BAIKERY AND RESTAURANT * Only the Best QUALITY .AND SERVICE 855 - Phone - 855 ~ improve growing conditions (such as thinnings and im- provement cutting). (g) Interfere with the cutting o! Christmas trees when grownj as a crop for Christmas tree purposes, except as belowl mentioned. (h) Interfere with .the cutting f' Hawthoril, Choke Cherry. Red or Pin Cherry, Poplar Ironwood or Manitoba Mapiej trees. Save as otherwise provided in this By-Law, no persan shahl within the said County eut any trees of les.s than the following minimum sizes: (a) For Bîrchi, Black Ash, Black! Locust, Cedar, Soft Maple,i Tamarack and Willow Trees,j the minimum diameter for cutting shall ho five loches measured four and one hai! feet f rom the ground. (b> For ail trees not otherwise specified in this By-Law thol minimum diameter shail bel ten inches oieasured four and one hai! feet from the ground. In cutting or removing any trees. no persan shah sa conduct his operations as ta cause un- necessary injury or damage ta any young trees. 5. (a) Where in the opinion of the officers appointod taoen-i force the provisions af thisi By-Law, special circumstanc- es exist which warrant the cutting of trees of less thaný the minimum s;izes herein- before mentiooed, for ex- ample. but without liniitiog the genorality o! the fore- gaing, where the owner of land wishes ta cl'-ar it for cultivation, the said officersý may authorizo in wvriting the cutting of such undersize trees. (b) Where in the opinion o! the officers appointed ta enforce the provisions of this By-Law special circumstances exist which make the uorestricted cutting o! Christmas trees in- adx'isable. the said officens may, notwithstanding any-1 thiog, contained in this By - Law, restrict the cutting of Christmas trees in any area o! tho said County ta thin- rings and improvement cut- ting. 6. (a) The Cointy Road Super- intendent and mombers o! the County Reforestations Committee shaîl be officers ta enforce the provisions o! this By-Law throughout the said County except within the area of any Watershed for which an Autharity sa cestablished shail have ap- pointed officers as abovo pro- vided. (b)1 Any officer Sa appointed shahl have the power ta enter on and inspect the trees on any land within bis jurisdic- tion for the puroose o! en- 1 Kashmir Issue Nearer Seulement United Ch. Lcymen Puts Farmer's Share Plan Drive to Raise At 2.4Cents aTin Minstes' alaiesConsumers often talk with littie Toot:-h - ceao o h knawledge o! the !armer's share Toroto Te Moeratr o!Thein the price o! a can o! food, S. C. United Church o! Canada, the, Peck, o! Prince Edward Caunty Rxdr. Witlh r Brew. 1 Vegetable Growers, said at a ban- rdsappand Offiiai Bords-o!quet meeting of Northumberland Stewad ndOfcilBa so!caunty Vegetable Growers in exery U.nited Clîurch across Ca -' Briglîton on Jan. 13. ada trging thîem ta support le aTheoxirefr centes frctoa- laymen's drive now in progress Tiefre eeie e a p to boot fn52100 es salar:es Io apoiaeyfu et o oa ta boat miniters i 1919, 2 w rcents for tomato juice. in lîOad S400 n 152. three cents for peas. and four in1,0ad$20 n1j2 cents for beans, Mr. Peck said. S The demand for this increaFe,_________ has not came !rom 'the inistens themselvec . the Mo,-ierator point- Dairy Production cd out. He commcnded the 'lox ai saeve' of ministers who haveý Shows Decided Drop The future of the picturesque North-Indian State of Jammu and omic prsude incresingeon- hý D ring PastY a Kashmair bas occupied the world ever since, 15 monthsa ago, ndla comparative affluences of many __ and Pakistan fell into, confilet over I It was partiy settledàlu mon a! equal ability and training1 The January 1949 Montbiy January with the help of the United Nations. Here members of in other !iclcds." iDairv Report o! the Ontario De- the UJnted Nations Commission for India and Pakistan which In a stirrinîg message ta the partment o! Agriculture, gives a mediated the dispute on the spot interview some of the inhabitants. Boards o! Stewýards o! the United cmlt ttsia eoto _____________________Church, David H. Gl'bŽuni, honui-! oa1ry production for 1948. Show- arv chairman, and J. M. Pritch- î. general decline !rom 1947, fnrcing the provisions a! this as it is in their oxvn cammunity ard, chairman a! the Nationa lthe sharpest drap bas been in By-Law. wbich is mostly of the open mar- Corninittec on Ministorial Salar- echeese and butter production. Aîny person wlio xiolales any ket type xith no Co-operative in je_,, said: -We have neglccted for "For the province as a whole. of the provisions of this hy-law the vicinity. 'Ltoo long aur responsibilities.. Let creamery butter feil from 77,030,1 shall be gîîilty o! an offence and They liko ta make their awo us wage a warÎare that xiii briîîg 455 Ibs. in 1947 ta 74,166.898 lbs. shall bo iahie ta a penalty. not bargain between producer andý new powcer aîîd îew infiucence and in 1948, a hoss of 2,863,557 lbs. exceediîîg $500.00 or ta imprîsan- buyer and ta seil ta whom and refresh air land xvitha tthe Christ- Preseiît butter pnices reflect the ment nont xceediîîg three months. when they dosire ta do so. o gosoci îhrougýh aur clevoied short position. Production in Dur- Passed inoe Couincil this Regarding the surplus o! farm mrinistrv. This task blnst o a ort elfo ,5,5 13th day o! Jîine, 1947. products which is reportod rmigbti and ta cvery iaý-man o! aur Unit- (ha.. ta 934,532 ]bs. i0 the above develop inathe near future wx.e d Churcli." period. would eut down on production or Addressiî'g a meet,*iing o! Cen- Cheese production for the prav- F R FO U S seek foreigo markets. trla eo cibcrs of the Nation- mncc, wîîich amouinhed ta 87.482, ______ ahwnle te rop lCo rmttee. Rex. Dr. V. T. 1199 lbs. in 1947 feu ta 66,505,845 PROVIDENC'E FARM FORUM in s.aFred Traewin d othesgro and Monnex. Treasurer of The Uniled lbs.in 1948, a hoss o! 20.976,354 a social time xvas topped by a Chuncli0o' CPîîacla Siîici: -Our b iba Durîng the same period tuel (hîtoned or astwee) dlîcauslunh srve byuicis îîot oîihv ta get up to 82h(00. but1 figures on the sale o! fluid miik We met e om ate !Mn adelhosc edbythlreacli the' .522(10 and $9-400)goals as ilîeld abaut even, withî 35,458.500 Mrs O.t K. tOshoe of 8pr- Nx meiga Mr. and M nt-.s ooO as pos:ble.' ThE Comrmithee! qts. in 1947 and 35,347,300O in 1948. Stanfod Van amp's.is hoping Ihiat thiose up ta or i _________ sent. The tapîc was ~This Little ahovethat iguren iiiaNa î Pig wcnt ta Manket." Our group crease the salary paid ilîcir mrin- Kennedy Names seem satisfied mainhy with pro- 151er. sont marketing scbemes, where Lake Shore, Clarke Thc Cniîîmittee ai.so hiopes ta New Milk Board the producer and tlhc distnibuhor_____ encourage con91regations ta in--____ sit down together and set a price sthigvnstoheM- satsfctry a at. W blive (Intendod for iast week) crcateiru'in t i- The first milk contrai hoardi salI ai- T wonder if thore usianyonesionan,' and Mainîtenîance Fund rocaberq under tho new Ontario' that supply and demand sala- Iwne fthr sayn , that aid]-receiving charges viii Milk Contrai Act wiii be Judge A. wvays, in the end, set the pnce- who can campete with tho record h, ab!e t eîfto î u c B. Currey. chairman. Gare Bay; If it was passible ta !ormn a Do- O! ono Gardon Martin whîo daims dule o! increnî-sed stiDeiids. For K'. M. Betzner .Waherloo. repr- minion xide Cooperahive argan- taehve been in attendance at 't. 1949 the Board a! Homie Missîiins senting thie producers, an-d Marris ized marketing scheme. sa that least part of overy Homo and Wiil renluire ai" adrlitionai0 $1,50, Hart. Oshawa, representirfg thle all farm praduce was handled di- Scboal Club meeting held in this 00() for _1h15 pUpurose. distributors. rect from producor ta consumer, community. Congratulations Gar- Rexv. J. C. Torrance, Toronto. C.MMek ilbetoecu wo think this wouid be the best don and keep up the good work. reC.e hM.ron Trnh iv eear ad i etr.exe method. Had a nico Jantiary meeting iast tlhere arc 150 rural charges xxithhbrd ilbaeonaivnh- The xarning o! a surplus o! week with a gaodly number pre- 34mon receiviiig îîncieîr 2100. coardsing, averatontand insectl- farm products in the neer future sent. Mr. C. Carveth, 'Newcastle,, Simihar needs wxerc reponted'from ci. PrmiraT Lnndanc- we consider small, as tbere is presented a number of interest- eivpovne onc Pemte persanne o!at- litthe chance o! there being a sur- iog, ontertaining and oducational Incrcascd cas. aolvif .higber atvek plus o! any food cammodity. The films. One which was panticulaniy' prices for book-, and higiier lat r. big problem is, distribution o! enjoyed was an the meking o! a casts of maintaininrý a car ,vere Mr.Bctzner îs a Waterloo food on an international scele. violin. Mns. T. Wihson, Newton- cited:u s roasons xliv min istrscunty farmer. a dirocton o! thel Government planning and ad- ville, entertained between reels should-receive higher salarjes. Trît ikPouesAsca vertising o! aur pnoducts. would with guitar and mouth argan se- ________ tion. former president of the On- help this situation and Cenedians couid use Canadien praduce and less o! imparted foodstuffs. A recreation period o! cards and crakinole ended a very on- joyable evening. Next meeting Feb. 7 at Mr. and Mrs. Neil Muttan's. BLACKSTOCK FORUM (Intended for lest week) Bleckstock Farm Forum met at the home o! Mn. and Mns. Percy Van Camp. Farmens were in the majority, the xvives mostly being conspicuotis by their absence. Penhaps they weren't interested in "the iittle pig that went ta market" on maybe they were home niirsing bad colds. A lively discussion took place on the best wey ta market the hittle puR and all the othen things which the farmor growq for sale.ý whethen it is botter ho selI on the!I apen market or througb a Ca- operative market. These farmers seem to be pret- tv well satisfied ,xîth marketing Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notery Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Monoy ta Loan - Phono 791 Bowmaîîvilhe, Onhario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phono: Office 688 - Resideoce .553i W. F. IVARD. B.A. Barristen - Solichon - N otary 9"2 King Street E. Boxx'manville, Ontario Phone: Office 825 - House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Baîrister. Solicitor, Notary Public Successon ho M. G. V. Gould Tempenance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 -DENTA --L * DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduahes o! Royal Dental College, and Facuhty o! DontîstryToronto. Office: Jury Juhilee Bldg. King Street - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. tao 6 p.m. daîlv 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday. * Office: Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Dex'itt . 325 Dr. MI. M. Rudehl - 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D1.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Lihertv St. N., Bnwmanville 1 Office Hours: 9 a. m. ta 6 p.m. dailv 9 arn. ta 12 0000 W'ednesdey Chased Sunday. Phone 604 0 OPTO0ME TR Y JOHN T. McCREERY Optametrist 22 Division St., Bowmnanville Office Houns: Mondav: 7.30- 9 p.m. Thursday: 2- 8 p.m. Phones: Bowmanvilhe 2024, Port Hope 248 lections which were much appre- ciated. An invitation to visit Brown's H. and S. Club was accepted for Feb. 8. Our Club wvill suppl ' the program and Brown's the speak- er. Lunch xvas served. Alec Hend- ry and his committee were re- sponsible for the program. Mr. Archie Hetidry, Queen's University, spent the wcckend with his parens, Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crago and famnily, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Lois vivsited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKnight and Mrs. M. Huggins, Osh awa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner a.nd Dorafhy, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lakp. EVERYBÔ'DVS BIJsIESs, 'How can 1 gain more confi- dence?" Again and again people ask me this question. So here is the ane suggestion that will perhaps prove the most helpful: Dev.elo/p outside intere.sts - especially wi>'h other peo ple. Invariably those who suf- fer from sbyness live too much within tbemselves. And this is the real cause of their trouble. Ille best cure lies in mix- ing more with people under ail conditions - especially in group activities. It matters little what these activities may be: political organiza- tions, cburch work, service clubs - anything that gets the individual outside him. self. In this way he becomnes ab- sorhed in what he is doing w hile with other people. Soan he learns ta be at ease with themn - and to forget himself. His shyness vanishes. If you have financial security' for the ttre, >'ou will feel more confident. Life insur- ance offers the easiest, surest way ta achieve this security for yourself and your de- pendents. Mon arch Lif e Reports Successful Year The Forty-Third Annual M\/eet- ing o! the Monarcli Life CompanN was hîcld at, uts Hcacd Office a, Winnipeg, January 25, with J. sElmor Woods, Výice President, 1presiding. Tie Compan 'NTreported its most success!ui year iii hîstor.v. Nexv. business piaced at risk încroasod 9.4'7r ta $2-5.524.000,00. xvhulP business in for-ce increased 13.3 ', jta $145,034.000.00. The amounit o! buiness ini farce fiucreased in recent yvars for it, was oîîiY in 1946 that the Compan ' vfirst lad S8100,000,000) o! business iin farce.j The total anioxunt paici or credit- ed ta palicyliolders andi benefi- cia r ie s inthe 'ear xvas $3,893.690.00. Wbii thie anoit, o! deati ciainîs pawi xvas some- xxhat bigher uhanîthie prccedliîg year. the Compan ' 's nîertalil ' oxpenience continued ta be fax'- ourable. For sex'eral years, prior ta 1948, the il îerest earning rate 5how,ýed a marked rdocline, !rom vean ta 'car, a geiiritýal oxperi- once witlî ill inîx'stars. Sbartly after thr beguîniiing o! tic var 1948, \ iithe croppîng o! the pnice o! Caîîadian Goveroment Bonds, andi tic consequont in- crease in iel ad o! thien, a moder- ato tise tank place in the inter- est earning rate xvhich could be obtained an nexx- purchasc's o! secunihies. This mrant, thaI dur- ing 1948, xvas 4.31 i . a soîcîl. but satisfactor * -iiiipravemcopit ov- or the rate o! 4.26% oearned in 1947. The Coinpan 'Ns investment in bondis incireazecr suîhslantialv durîing the year. The amounit o! real estate heli resuitiîîg from mortgagc transactions lias been negligîhle for some vears. The percontage o! total assPts in- veshed in mortgages. pre!erred and common siocks ivs n oach case, iess than. at t1e previaus year end. Tie modierato rise in theIcnh- tprest returnoan new irx r'stmPnhs1 was very vweicane hut il moant. i o! course. that the' market value of Canadian Goverament, Bonds arnd al i ohir socurities io part- folio at tic heginriiiZ oa!thie voar xx'aF retuced. Thenmarke't valuie. i oxvevor. rc-niinPrd conîidephlv in Peof a!the value ah whici the.re -scunities wxere carrîed in (ho books, Girl: 'Father is sr) plcased ta p hear that yoil are a poot. Boyv: Is he' That mnakes me divinel ' vhappyý." Girl: "Yon src, hc hried ta throxx out m 'v !iast oy friendi. and he x"-as a x-ehn Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 Ibs. Cet New Pep, Vim, Vigor Wh &9 a thrill!aB nv 1mbâ ni[i ot: ugiy i,<Iw% 11i1 ni, neri l uer .rsmn, hidy ""yes hll- igifl. omnne, wl, noe-er ili gau belote. are.« n eu of 4,1 Si, ap e.îil t, .okgbo<ile,. iTIey til', , gh .ai0 ro, .i, g. l.li,,lrg foie ,tre. 9l ton rý. sit,,,,iarr, i nvigeratorm. Iton. vItarrin W4, r e n e,,l, blond. Inproîs Ap ie and d ,.geatlrk - ,food g,,... y,,îmore iIreeugth and nouiîqment D'ilt liffl, onbure bon"e. I)onIl sar getlog lin fat. Strop when youve Ralned t l 5,0. .15 or 24) lIbe ynil need foor tOOltal w*lit "'. ot. lýt!ie Sevi *gel xqîîinted olies e .fi c, ý irl.fao, is %relt on.. TabieU fo r ne.vgor am ad D oind&. 1h18 Vary day. A t &Il drusggUU& tania Federation of Agriculture, prosidont o! Farmers' Insurancel Information Association and a dinectar of Cooperators' Fidelity and Guaranfoo Association. Th- boaird wilhnont set the price o! milk. as the former board did. The price fo the producer %viil bo rh'hnrminprl hv negoliation lie- txx'en producers and distributor, or hv arbitrahion. The price ta the consumer is ah. the discrotion o! ta Canadiens who have changed their neme or address, or bath, since 1943, and feiled ta natif3 the Gavernment. This year, cheques, which are gaing begging-worth up ta as much as $1 5,000,000 - shouid he going out this March ta as many as 200,000 Canadians for the return of 1943 and 1944 Re- Trinity Sunday School Of ficers & Teachers Banquetted by W.A. Trirîty Sunday School officers and teachers were guests of the Woman's Association et a sump- tuous banquet held in the school room on February lst. The tables %vere attractively set ivith valen-, tine motifs, red candles andi flowers. Dr. J. C. Devitt. Superintend- ent, acted as chairman during the evening. Following a Jolly sing sang led by Rev. S. R. Henderson with Mr. R. G. Harle as accom- p.inist, the former presided for the election of officers. Supt. Dr. Devitt. who has faithfully served in that position for many years, ,was re-elected. with W. Ross Strike and E. Smith Ferguson as Associate Superintendents: Sec- retary - Treasurer - Stuart R. James, assistant-F. Morle >, Van- strone: Literature Secretary-Ray J. Dilling. A discussion regarding the hour of Sunday School and sug- gestions for imorovernent con- cluded xvith flie proposai. to carry on with the present arrangemnt that is. SundaY School heid loi- med:ately after the morning church service. Two guest mninisterz. Rev. R. R. Nicholson and Rev. WI. P. Rogers, spoke words of encouragement and commendation ta the Execu- tive. Rev. Henderson brief]v out- lined plans for the comning season and mentioned the high attend- ance of Stinday School teachers every Sunday. Dennis Pickard exoressed the thanks of ail present to Mrs. T. Buttery and the ladies ofthei W. A. for providing the excellent banquet and making possible an evening of fellawship among the workers of the Sunday School. IWATCH REPAIRING for salisfacion reasonable prices z Bring Your Watch To lis ALL WATCH REPAIRS GUARANTEED For One Year MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED I MARRS JEWELLERY BOIVMA NVILLE 43 King St. IV. Phone 463 Crcnic tlectrîc Phone 55-r-i Orono FARM AND HOUSE WIRING Repairs and Altercttions ... * * Pole Lines a Specialty ..Free Estimates ... DARLINGTON ABATTOIR Hampton --.Ontario PHONE 2836 OPEN FOR Custom Killing - and Smoking . Pickling - Wholesale and Retail - I/e bave a supply of gond baby beof to sell by the quarter and the plece. - Reasonahie prices. Do any of tht-se refund cheques belon g to )'OU? Have you changed your name or address. or bath, since 1943 and haven't notified the Government? If sa, we urge you ta fill in a Change of Address Card and mail it as soon as you possibly cen. You'Ii find these cards at any Post Office. BANK 0F MONTREAL 6a444 7eu4 ta Geo. Moody, Manager W ORKI NG WI1TH CA NADI1AN S IN EV ERY W AL K OF LI FE SI N CE là17 t137. TITE CANADTAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN~V!LLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY. FEB. IO~h, 7149 raÀ #ÀN/lhV rTi i r4Gs O "CANADA UNLIMITED"lo Louis Maheu, born in Quobec in 1650, was our frst Canadian-born medical mon. While prectising, Maheu acted as harbour-master of Queboc in his spore time. In 1724, the Sisters des hospitalières '>de St. Jean, buit a 100-bed hospital ut Loui bourg, NS. To help pay expens.. each ship in port was assess.d 10 pounds of codflsh a day. Canadian medicine kopt puce wlth t % man's knowledge. McGill University gave Canada its flrst graduate in medicino in 1833. Conada's flrst woman doctor was Emily H. Stowe who practised in Toronto in 1868. b Heroos of medicine-mon 11ke Charles H. Boit, whose many contributions ta medicine include the method of preventing blood clots during surgery-ore showing the way ta even greoter discoveries, because ther', raom te grow ini Ç~ Canada Unlimit.d. Te. full sfory of Canada,$ growf h il told hg "Canada Uninied" ' on illustrated 144-page book puklished by the O'Keefe Foundation. You moy obiain your copy by sending 25c ln cash (no stamps or choques, pleas.> to "Canada Unimnid'", Dept. N3-1, O'Keef. House, Toronto, Ontario. Ail manies recevad wil b. do.,tc ta the. Canadian Cizenship Council. * IREWINB COMPANY LIMITED *A ceuancilI of suvice, ".f-,e chwch<la hh, fraternel end a"ha efflizatIons wle a .m le Iteecqueint new Canadielns wlft the eppeIlim" ul ed by deu,.cie* .smp lt Canada. P.1 THE CAMADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. FEB. 10th, 11)49 c

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