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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1949, p. 8

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THURSDAY. FER. lOth, 1949 P A r~w VT<IWI' T1~E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO NE\~V I lSportsmen Accused Lack of Cooperation NEW S In Fish & Game Laws Il Muttn a d Litle rolled with Mutton's teain lead- Were Top Bowlers had 3348 and Luxton's teamn had ________3345. (Intended for last wek Cancilla's team had higb team score wîth 1243 and Jack Cooles Bill Mutton set the pace at the teamn had 1234. alleys on Jan. 26 when he bit the Some Highlights timben to the tune of 800. Bill had 224-300-276. Bill Hearle rolling Eddie Rundie throwing the bal on the same team bad 764. H. C. down the gutten when he is on a Osborne was next with 721 and'r mark. Doc Rundie trying to beat Sid Nichols from Courtice had Jim Mogan so bis score will counit. 707. These were the only scores Morley Vanstone trying to keep over the 700 mark. up to Doc Rundle. Bob Watt try- Dick Little had high single ing to hold his temper. Lou game with 347, Ron Richards and Wiseman*s new stance. Roy Swin- Bih utto xvre ted ith 00,delîs tnying, to bit himself on the Bill Heanle had 302. Bruce Mi'eé he'ad wibh the bail. Samn Woods 301, H. C. Osborne 294 and Sid trying to k ick the pins down. Hap Nichol 290.Palmer tryiog 10 pull a hcad pin. Nichol 290.Walt Polley ont saying anything. Dick Little took over the lcad Doc Siemon tryiog 10 get a four in the avenages witb 244 for Il i ndFak1ilam n gamez. Bih ll utton is next with Jack Bnougb tryiog to bit a fivel 243 for 9 games. pin. Jack Colo lryiognont 10 bel Bihl Wcstlakc*s team is in finsl 1,o, man for the nigbt. We wili, place with 21 points with Phil gve you some more of this next Cancillas teani next wîlh 20. Os- week. bornes team has nved out of __________ last place and Ah Piperls team bas now laken over tbis position. Neyer despair; but if vou do, Soegodtrmscores were work on in despai.B' Soe oo tar re I SPORT1 Memorial Arena At Bracebridge Featured in the Globe nnd Mail, Feb. 2 is the story and pic- turcs of tbe new Memnonial Arena recently erectcd in the Town of Bracebnicîge. Pop. 3000, Ib is hailcd as a memonial to the 44 soiciers frorn that district wxho feli in baille dcfcnding freedom. Recognizing ibis freedom the people of Braccbridge selecled a Rink Commitie wb-icb starbed a drive that raised some $25.001) in public subscription and secured finanicial backing from local set- vice clubs and the Legion. The blnercquired, upwards of $1000 vas votcd 11y bhc muni- cipality on a 20-year debenture issuIe. The Arena, 175 x 80 will coin- fortably seat 1500 people and it is belicved the building will be available for commuoity- purposes bbe y ear round. The people are quite confident that the deben- bures mwill be retired from ireven- uies neceived. The new Bowmanville Memor- il Anena, wibb like dimensions and seating capacity, but nonanti- ficial ice, bccomes the property of the town on issuing onlyN $18, 000 dcbcntures, plus $15,000 from McGill estabe funds. Repentance without amend- ment is like continualiyv pumping withoul mending bbe îeak.-Dil- wv n. Value,, Effective Thursday. Friday, Saturday, FebruMry lth. llth, l2th Al Merciandise sold at your Dominion Store l uncondittially C ,: guarantecd ta give 100% satiqfaction. m ST. WILTý,AMS-TWO FRUIT 8'4 frMARMALAD E 2.ý 29c se a G~REE'\N AZI El-SI I)-UNG. Fe oe 200Z. GRENPES2 Tins 2C UV ATT BRAND TrOMATOESCHOICE Ma. 20C SGLASSCO JAM ~37C RICHMELLO-COLOURED OLDCHEESEb.49c LIBBY-TOMATO CATSUP OTARIO-WHITE BEANS HENLEN-CIHOICF HALVES PEACHES t HOIL 1.-1» SSF T-N ARIOLS BI PEARS2 N C. NN V IEfTENED-PINEAPPI JUICE2 VITA-B 16 OZ. PKr CEREAL1 COFFEE- Bici îî,'m -l NEPEKOE TEA B G PREM TISSUE 3 PARD 2. FLOUR il oz. Bottie 2L3J 2 Lb. Bat 2 C B.C. FANCY PYXK "Tin-25c SALMON i~ 25c 3RANXDS PICNI('-SINEET MIXED Tin- 25cP CKLES Jar 27c 2 iIn" l YRUP 2TLn-27c G. 2 for 25ec IEIN/-F AN( VARIETIES -Po-32c SOUPS TI. 13c ,SE INOI LGE. BAR 19e ]elbg 635 OAP 2 ]ar-25c v 30-3 4c OXYDOL Fk.38C 2lTo243c PUMPKIN 2 Ting25c Rlfi. 27c BEETS 2Tin1O }IIE/N-Wei ru lCHEESE lTI£&- 7 SPAGHETTI 21TIn-27( DOMIN ION -1PI' .-NUT 43c. B U TT E R lot Iz38c Fruits & Vegetcables Flonida Pascal Fresh Crisp Size 48's Texas Seedless Green Celery . . . 17c Grapefruit - Loal Grow~n No. 1 75-lb. bag 10-1b. Sw cet and JuicY Potaloes - - $ 1.59 23c Florida Orang (aliforîîîa seedle'îs Navel Size 341's Californi.î Fresh Fir Sunkisi Oranges - doz. 27c Iceberg Lettuc Size 96's 6ie for 27c Sie216's ges- doz. 35c rin Size 60's ce- 2 for 35c Tea m Enniskillen............-------- G allagbcr --------------- D e ce \ ---- -- - -- -- ----- -- Founilry ---------------- P o lle y ----------------- T ay lor ----------------- B T .S .- ---- ------------- Courtice --- ---------- A verages Pla yen Lawrence Wer EanI McQuade Bill Polley Collie Woolner Jàck Gayv Dud Deeiey Doug Taylor Bob Gallagher Walt Polley Norrn Cowle -- Jack Elsbon--- John Slemon-- Re.-,Elliott Points 20 20 .3 Ga mes n --- 10 -- - - - 12 -12 ---- 12 -- - - - - 12 -- - - -- 12 .----- 12 .----- 10 -- - 12 More than 300 delegates from all parts of Ontario attended thel annual meeting of the Federation of Anglens in Toronto last week. It was a great success, and a high- light was the speech by Hon. Har- oid R. Scott, Minister of Lands and Fonests. He said bounties had been paid on 2,700 wolves in On- tanin in 1948, and ha did not favor increasing the bounty. In Quebec the bounty is $15, in Ontario $25. if it went any highen in Ontario, ha was sure many of the Quebec woives would move over loto this province where they are worth more. A few of the items mentioned were that an area had been set aside in north-western Ontàrio to try and re-establish caribou in the province; that beavers were coming back under the zoning system; that there was a good partridge hatch in 1948; that 30, 000 pheasants were released last ycar and may supplant the part-, ridge as Ontario's numbcr oneý gamne bird; that 27 Ontario fisb baîchenies were being renovated and modernizcd; thal sportsmen were not co-operating in the fish and game census. Tucketts Take Over Bob Williams Has First Place In Top High Scores in Ladies' Bowling Lge.1 Men's Bowling Lqe. Helen Dunn's Tuckctts banded the Exponts a 5-2 defeat Tuesday niglit and thus lbcy took over sole posscssion of first place in tbe Ladies' Bowling League. Jo Coonors was besl for Tuckettsi witb Bernice Buday and Duainel Palmer the pick of the hosers. Vi Cooles Kools" took the measure of Helen Piper's "Play- ers" bv a 5-2 score. Eunice Jack- man. Helen Lockhart and Emma Slined led the losers. Carol Marty n burned in nice games for tbe Players. ho tbe third game of the night, Doris Pollcv's "Black Cats" ap- plied the white xvash brusb b bbhe Pbillip Morris eam by 7-0. Doris Joll and Shecila Wilson carried the load al the way for bbe Black Cats. Donc Mubbon xvas besl for bbc losers. Her 649 took the high triple of the eveoiog. High single went to Sheila Wilson wibh 272, closel 'v followed by bcam-mabe Doris J011 271. To the low depant- ment Helen Milne stole bbc show with 74. Florence Koigbt ,was close bebind with 76. Team Standings Tiîcketts ----- Exporîs ----- Black Cals --- Kools Pbillip Morris P la ye s -- - - - - - - - - 1 0 --------- . 9 .-- - - -- - - - 9 .-- - - - - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - Averages Playen Games Ave. Donc Mutton ----- 6 208 Sheila Wilson ----- 3 207 Bernice Buday ---- 6 203 Eunice Jackman ----- 9 195 Doris Joli ----- - 6 192 VI Coole --- ----- 6 192 Duaine, Palmer ---- 6 181 Ruth Barclav....6 181 Carol Marbyn..-----6 180 Eilcen Hearle..-----6 179 Mcl McNulty ------ 6 179 Emma Shred.---- 6 178 Rigbt actions for tbc future arc Jhe best apologies for wrong ones in the pasl-the bcst evidance of regret for tbem that we cao offer, or tbe world receive.-Tryon Ed- wards. It was ail Bob Williams on, Wednecday night at Matyn'si Bowling Aliey as Bob romped home wif h bbe higb single and high triple games. Bob bad 337 to win the Royal Theatre tickets mi bbc singles and went on ta have 7,50 ta capture the triple honons. Other high scores wcne Dave Mc- Kniglit 296 and Ronl Maynard 298.1 High triples wc-re Doug Cartcr( 743, Bill Heanle 732, Ron May-j nard 723 and Dick Little 703. Dick Litle is setting a tough pace in the avenages having 242t for 14 games. whilc his nearestt rival is Bill Hearie with 231 for 14 games. Cancilla*s teamn have taken the lead in bbe team standing with1 2.5 points wbile Coole and West-( lake are next both with 24 points.t Piper is stihi in the cellan with 7 points. Piper may not be hittingt bbcm in the league but he sure made short work of it Saburday1 afternoon when he had 389 bowl- ing in bbc sweeps. This is the high for bbc season and makes Ab a contender for the Hooper Bowli ing Trophy. Russ Oke's team finished at thel bottom of tbe first schedu le and the way they bowied the other oigbt wili soon be taking over tbat position Ibis sehedule. On the othen hand Frank William's tcam is bot Ibis schedule and are n0w in 4th position and are bard ta beat. Lloyd Krichew had a nice triple the other night, 416 for 3 games. Doc Rundle and Council- lon Vanstone rushed from bbc Rotary banquet ta gel loto the last game but as the boys were sa yîng it would bave been baller had they stayed home. Team Standing (End of Sth Week) Team Won Lost Pts. 1. Cancilla - . .--- 10 5 25 2. Coole ------- 10 .5 24 3. Westlake.......---10 9 24 4. Williams ------ 9 6 20 a. Mutton ------ - 8 7 18 6. Luxton.........----8 7 18 7. Bagnel1 - . ..------ 9 6 18 8. Rundie..........---7 8 17 9. Oke ---------- 6 9 14 10. Milne...........----6 9 1-3 i1. Osborne .------- 5 10 il 12. Piper ---------- 3 12 7 Players' Averages Name Games Ave,] 1. D. Litle..........-- --14 242 2. B. Hearle.........--- «14 231 3. B. Mîxîton -------- 12 228 4. K. Luxton........----15 224 5. B. Wcslake.......i 224 6. B. Williams.......----14 222 B. Polley - .------- 9 222 8. A. Osborne.......---15 220 9. F. Williarms.......----12 220 10. D. Deeley ---------- 1 220 11. T. Bagneli ------- 5 219 12. B. Bates ------ 15 219 j 13. R. McKnight ------ 15 219 14. H. C. Osborne -.-- 15 218 15. R. Hearle.........- ---15 218 16. G. ElliobI ....------ 1,5 218 17. P. Cancilla........-- 15 21.9 18. J. Gay, 15 214 19. D. Carter 15- 214 20. C. Oke ------- 12 210 21. R. Mavnard ------- 15 208 22. M. Dale ------- 9 208 23. R. Hlallamo - ------ 15 206 2 4. B. M ilne --------- 15 206 25. R. Ok e -------- 14 206 26. E. Rundle - .-------- 12 206 27. C. Rundle.........-----15 205 28. A. Spicen .------- 13 20.5 29. H. Palmer . ------ 15 202 1 30. D. Mc Knilah t ----- 15 202 31. W. Polley -- -- 14 202 Repentance is sonrow converbed into action: loto a niovemen - ward a rpw and betterhfe- R. Vincent.. . 1 Doug Taylor Tops Single and Triples In BowlingLeague Altbough his teamn suffered a 5-2 setback at the hands of the B. T.S. team, Doug Taylor took ail the individual honors with his 326 single and 751 triple. Ab Graham also turned in nice games for Taylon's team. Jim Thompson and "Ace" Richards led the B.T. S. teamn to vicbory. Walt Polley's teamn had thein hands fulîl as they defeated Cour- tice 5-2. Walt Polley and Jack Elston led the wayv for the win- ners. Eanl McQuade and Jack Gay were the pick of the Courtice bunch. Enniskillen took over the League Leadership when they ap- plied the calcomine brush 10 the Foundry team to the tune of 7-0. Lawrence Wearn and Jack Potts were the big noises for the Hill- top team. Norm Cowle was the best for the Foundny team. On the late shift Gallagher de- feated Deeley 5-2. Bob Gallagher led the way himseif with a 707 triple. Dill Langley and Leo Bird were best for Decley. Ccc Mills and Bob Mitchell had a battie royal for the Lemon League pnize this weck but Milîs Iemerged the victor with. 94 while jMitchell had 96. Team Standings _q FRIDAY NIGHT. . . Joe Chrysdale and1 PRIZES . . . SPOT DANCES 50e PER PERSON Special arrangements to have Garton' SATURDAY NICHT His Records -DOOR PRIZESj DANCING 9 - 12:30r 's Bus Stop on last trip Jack Fowler e His Orchestra Jack Foivler Is the arranger for Mart Kenney and hLs orchestra and has been for the past 13 years. Dancing 9 p.m. - 12 p.mn. $2.00 PER COUPLS Jack Fowler SKATES SHARPENED PROFESSIONAL WAY, SKATES SHARPENED WHILE YOU WAIT SKATES SHARP ENED WHILE YOU WAIT c4. C.C.N. FLEMING LENGTH WISE PROFESSIONAL SKATE SHARPENER This is the only type of grinder prof essional hockey players and figure skaters wîll use. You can have your skates grounci this way while you wait for.- 35C Skates sharpened the old cross cut way stili only- 25c MeNULTY'S SPORTS AND CYCLE 6 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 2578 J I i Local Girl Stars In Inter-Collegiate Badminton Match t An inter-collegiate press re- Slease relayed to the Statesman, 1Saturday gives an account of the Girls' Badminton Tournament leading to the inter-college chamn- pionships in Toronto for the cur- rent year. Total points in the semi-finals place PHE first, St. Hilda's and Victoria tied for sec- ond, University College third and Physio Therapy in last place. With only two of the College Tournaments completed, the re- port goes on to name the stars of the current play. Among these. Winona Clarke was named the star of St. Michael's College. Win- ona is a graduate of Bowmanville High School and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke. Her mnother is a member of the Bow- manville Board of Education. Skiers Have Many Spilîs and Accidents (Intcnded for las, week) Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 30- 31 wcre big &~ys for the the local skic'rs. At least we skied for a change. Due to the ice condition skiing %v'as fair but very fast. Sat- urday afternoon skiing is becom- ing more popular. On Sunday a good turn out in the afternoon made the his look more like last yea r's ski days. There were even some spectators. Skiing on Sunday was a little c.xpcnsive for four skiers. Bob aRo.,crs took a grand loop to break aski nicel. He is going on the Lauirentian trip, so store keepers thcre's a customner for new skis.1 Didge Rundie was next in line to take a pretty spili. Boy was the air blue! That was broken ski no. 2. Ga'rry Dilling had a mishap on his skis -to make broken ski no. 3. Phil FinneY was the star performer for the day. H-e had ani injury 10 his eye. 'y falling on his ski pole resulting in a broken ski oole and a very sore eye. One wonciers how a person can faîl on a little ski pole when they have a big hýII. to fall on. THIS WEEKEND AT VARCOE'S PAVILION STA K VLLE of silver and an extra shower of TOPS IN" POPULARITY Maxwell buseconfetti. Miss Norma Hallowell, Toron- The slightest sorrow for sin 15 adwellfoue sb ore to, with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hal- sufficient if it produce amend- n noe ymr lowell. ment, and the greatest insufficient peo ple than any other Mr. Normington, Hamilton, if il do not-Colton. with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson. Thketoery an hs brand of coffee in the Mrs. H. L. Trîm visited Mr. and thought. Sturdy and defying world at any price. The Mrs. Coulson, Oshawa. though he look, ha has a helm IesnIsfaoi Mr. D. Shutka, Oshawa, with w-hich he obeys, which is the idea' esn IsfIo i ueh Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka, His after which all hîs facts are class- daughter, Donna returned with ified.-Emerson. him. Mr. Cecil Carveth, Newcastle, showed pictures in the school Monday evening. Mrs. G. Trim in Toronto. AT DCW Our community was saddened WA T D *C W at the sudden passing of Mr. An-Cls orBcw d drew Minto. Newtonville. He wasCls orBcw d a rerent resident of this vicinity Young or Old of Ail Breeds and greatly esteemed. Sympathyl is extended to his daughter, Mrs.1 WE BUY - TRADE OR SELL Ormiston. Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell- PLEASE WRITE OR PHONE - and Jim with Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Hallowell, Newtonville. w )S C HW A R Z B R 0S. (Intended for last e Mn. and Mrs. B. Samis, New- R.R. 3, Bow%ýmanville Phone 2895 tonville, with Mn. and Mrs. Monr-_______________________________ ley Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hallowell, Newtonville, were in this vicin -__________________________________ Mn. and Mns. George Knox,WA SU P S ST R Bradleyv, wene presented with a A SU P S ST R cabinet and lamp in Starkville TePaet school Friday evening. The hap- Th Pac uy and .Save py couple made fitting replies 24 Division Street Bowmanville and a social time was spent after a program of music and neadings. Mr. and Mns. Sid Hallowell, Cowanville. visited Mr. and Mrs. Work Pants - - - pair $2.85 A. Dobson. Miss Knapp spent the week- A1-Wool SQcks - pair 49c end in Toronto, Mn. and Mns. J. Loweny, Onono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fan- Air Force Mackinaw Coats (new) $5.50 row. Air Force Flying Coverails (zipper) $4095 KENDAL Army Double Deck _____n ryPerton Bunks with Mattresses .------------ $116.95 vstMrs.Sta ryPrnyton, Army Pants ---------------------- pair $4.00 Mr. John Cathcart, Toronto, Khaki Rattledress, Trousers and Tunies:, New and Used with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parkas, %vool pile lined; Heavy IVool Plaid Shirts; Mackinaw Wes. Cathcart. Coats; Combination Underwear; Reconditioned Arm3' Boots; Mr. Joe Jilisen and Mr. Barnes Rubber Boots; Overshoes at Money Saving Prices. spent a few day s in Delhi. Mn. John High who visited W. Mercer's is sporting a fancy grey '49 Ford coupe. Mns. W. Jackson and family, Mrs. Pency Bunley, Mns. W. Mer- cen and Violet abtended the New- castle High School Commence-ý ment. daM. Cecil Carveth was in Ken- dy Wednesday, putting on the films for the tbree schools in the afternoon and again in the even- ing for bbc communiby. A gond cnowd tunned nut ho enjoy them. The ladies wene especially inter- ested in bbe kitchen as shown ba- fore and after. Several carloads of hockey fans took in the game in Orono be- tween Orono and Uxbridge, score 13-3 in favour of Orono. On Fr1- day evcning, tbcy saw a double- beader, Ncwtonville vs Courtice, wxith Coutirice winning, and the Orono and Hampon game. New- tonville games are of especiai in- tcrest 10 us as Eddie Couroux and Howard Quantrili are playing. On Satundav evening, John Tbompson, Wm. Darlingion. Wm. Mercer. Roy Sleep. Ned Foster, Gen. Mercer and Eddie Couroux took in the hocke 'y game in Osha- wa between Generais and Mari- bonos. A vcry pleasant evening was heldi Jan. 26. when bbe family. the brothens and their wivcs and the sîsters of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mer- cen joined wiîùb bhem in celebrat- ing their silven wedding anniver- sary at the home of thein son, George Mercen. Afler a dinnen of roast fowl the bridai couple were presenbed witb a beautiful case ECONOMICAL, FINE QUALIrY 9LACk TEA 1 ý - - Pm MR CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVrLLE, ONTARIO PAMP L"C.lýTT

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