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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1949, p. 4

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PAGE TO'U~ TH~ CANADIAN STATESMAN'. ~OWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO THURSDAY, MARC!! Srd, 1949 h.y Hel oeaer!T eal at oetsntiet rdc 4F a eiiu acho iltpn arell omemakers! cut o mie at a momentsf otiae at roucle us a Decous bath o ghrthpan cakes s o eai n acol eismnto seWaflencbat te sandgide ak Comxtr e rctin nd as ahrelsult yue a over beatlooktorcanth calums. o wgfe a crselecaffne be fi? Il' fi t- w 't- G. fi- fi 'C n i-C a '-7 W' G. "t h. k c -t -t 'S n '-t r r" "t n n t" M B, t' B, k' 'ut At.fin. ut- r? .1' C., 'ut a 4- fEu lu. a "t ..1 't' lu' t - -t e t- 't fi a lu' î4' e a Wl e a. w fi au n fi j e 'il Exclusive Westinghouse "Cushioned Action" gyrator creates scientific water ac- tion which gets out thee most stubborn dirt without caus- iog Wea.r on clothes. these tried and proven recipes. Spice Pancakes 2 cups flour 2 tsps. sugar 1 tbsp. baking powder 12 SI. nutmneg ~2 tSP. Sait 1ito 1 U cîîps miik 2 e 'ggs, well beaten 1 tbsp. meited butter Mix and sift dry ingredients. Beat eggs well, add milk and stir quickly into dry ingredients. lMix until smooth. Add cuoled, meltcd butter. Pour from pitcher on to a hot griddle--or if frying pan is used. grease it lightly,. Cook on one side until bubb]es form on top and edges are cooked. Turn and cook on other side. Serve at once wiýth butter and cherry sauce. Note: The quantity of miik in this recipe varies according tol whether you de-sre a thick or thin pancake. Corn Pancakes 1 cup cream-sty le corn 2 eggs, well-bcaten 1 4' cups milk 2 cups flour 21L tsps. baking powder -, tsp. Sait 1 tbsp. sugar 12 tbzps. melted margarine To the corn adid the well-beaten eggs, al-d the rnilk. M-ý'ix and sift the dry Jio,1geJîcnts .Add liquid iîîgredients sluwv l and beat until s mooth. Add coolLd. mnelted fat. Drep1 pbSoonIfLS 0onhot, Well- greascril fry in, pàh, or the special griddle. Whcen bubbles form, turn and brown on othcî' side. Serv e hot wîth inaple s> rup. As a Luncheor. di b. serve with broul- cd bacon. Raisin Gri<ldle Cakes 1 tnp wbite flour 1 cao vwbole xvheat flour 1 tsp. Salt S t)SP. Suf ai' 2 t g ,. e cl-beaten 12clipz nn'kl p ts-. nelted butter 4 tsps. baking powder Combine dry ingredients anti st tni'letberi. Aid raisins and stn' in the coin bined eggs and Ioit k. MJix until smelotb. Add the cooled mnelted butter. Pour on liot rvdfle or grcased frving panl. Coul: on one sde until bnIb- bles are fornicd on top and ttic I . aecooelari nwl the cd - pe Tnrn ond rc nthe othr r s î d (' secrve at once with mock Crl.i, iWaIT)es 2caps ati -purpoe;e fleur 3 t. ps. balýiing pows :er 9 - beaten egos 2 1tb sps. 111 lted butter 12.- tp. Sait1 Mix aldnn 1d :i-or>ina ,-oeits,l addi inilk cotmbin-ed xx'th eg«gs. M,,ix onlv lintil Sli-ooth. AcIcd nl'C11 1bLIttCer. IJake about 5) mintutes or tIotlesired brovnness. Serve xith butter and maple s-- ru p. Cherry Sauce 1 Clip î cryj nice 12 cap wbîte sngiir 2 tb5ps. marg-arýiie 1 cup cilotped calnncd cherries 1 tbsp. cornistarcb MVix sngar anon corns tarcb with CLI c hryjmc.Meanwh île licat i ctîp jaice andI thon stir in thle starch poste sice ly. Add chierrie-s and marl-arine. Cook 2 minutes. Mekes 2caips satuce. Take a Tip 1. Me luse ali-ptirposc flour foi, qtiick bre-ad mixtIures btcausc the rcsalt is al ligliter product. 9. We use melted fat that is partiail cooiecd becatm:c the sati sinks te the bottoin and lavsthe fat for greasing the pan free froni sat-thiis prevents p a n c a k e s from .ti-ig 3: MVe tise a bot griddle butt QUICKLY. a a w ITH M y Westinghouse T HE S A FE W AS H ER! There's a thrill in store for you when you lift your first hatch of sparkling.-cle.tn cloches from the gleant;ng porcelain-enamnel tub of vour West- inghouse Washer. You'll be am.îzed ai the -way exclusive Westinghouse "Cushioned Action" washes cloîhes cleaner . .. faster . .. and without wear on cloîhes-as proýed by scientific tests! And NVestinghouse preuision engineering is your assurance chai ibis thrilling flrst performance will be repeated Nekl after %N,ek for ntanv years of trouble-free operation. Callinii and sec i today. IpxCîîisve Westinghouse Sentinel cf Safeîy proects mocor againsi overload; avoids "blown" fuses, allows you to operace svvitLh in com plece safecy even with wet bands. Letel uçringer has Icatiher- îeîuuh safciy relcase thiat operitues instant!v at the flick of a inger . . . proceuts you and your clothes. An gels of Mercy, Ethiopiah Style Only a hundred doctors and a few dozen nurses ivere available until' recently te care for Ethiopia's total population of some 12,000,000. Now, with the aid of the U.N. World Health Organizatien (WVHO), training programs in ail parts of the -country are turning eut the necessary hielp te relieve the critical shortage of medical personnel. ANNOUNCEMENT To Residents of Dowmanville & District 1 February 24, 199. To My Patients of Bowmanvilie: It bas been rn-y privilege te serve Boxx manville and surrountling district with Eye Care foi' the past three years. Due te the pr'essuîre cf mv Port Hope practice I fînd it niecessary te titro vo> practice in Bexvvanville over te Mr. Hoilenberg, Optometrist of Wltitby. Mr. Hollenberg us weil qcalified te rcitder Eye Care te titis commtinity. A graduate of the Cclleg-e of Optometry in 1942, Mr. Hollenberg bas Coli-, ducted bis own practice in Whitby for the past two and a baîf years. Mr. Hoilenberg will be in Bowm-anvilic tti-e days a week and will be in a position te render prompt Optical Service. I wîsb te tbank ail mv patients for lte i past patronage and wsh te assure tbem of contînucd service at the same office. Yours truly, J. T.McCreery, Optometritt MAR VIN HOLLENDERG Optomnetrist OFFICE HOURS Monday anid Thursday - 10,a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday - 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 22 DIVISION ST. PHONE 2024 Why Red Cross Needs $5O,0000 In Peacetime \\'Us cUîî.' tiwC-tamniilian lRed tii -ici ni s-,lluuI),i)tlu)in peace- 'l'o as the Lied Cross us woi-king i. t a.- ird (Iteitol IltUe peace as tu- S-uie' x- ci ici 1lielp xWin it. Tlutriru' imminvpiobi ensts bbe xi'urltc(i oiit ins n (oiintry after >-i utxxar cru Cl anada us 11e 'fiere arc, pi uit-oi cof bealtît uit > uiu:' pt(pl(' ee(diig guîd- anuee: tuF j i. î,fitcmlîos imn îeod tuf nuolticl antmi dntalI (are. New C'a uuIia- who u haxe arrîx-ed in I uir uýoîitt i oîci ne'cti ielp in be- Iicming ct.os There are vet- crans xvlîcare stil srxmn. i ng WhieYourS ACK Begilns to Ache REACH FOR ~ "'~/BECA USE- S Backache is olten due ta an upset kidney condi- tion; and for ol-er haif a century Dodd's Kidney Pis have helped bring relief f rom backache hiy treating the kidneys. Get Dodd's Kidney Pis today at any drug counier. Looik for thie blue box wjth the red banduL ou cari depend on Dodd'a. 1.5 J. i. on hospitals beds, who are blind 1 or cripplcd. There are the people cf Europe -people wbo bave net only lived tbrougb years of .var and devastation but are now liv- ing through cold, tînger and pri- v atiens. These are *itst a fcw of the lbings that are in nced cf vour money te carry on--these are a few of the needs that your dollar wvillfi. Social Credit Gov't. In Saskatchewan Demands More Taxes "It is gi atifyuing that the head of Canada's only socialist govein- ment has acknowledged the prov- e fact that we cannot expand our social services fvrtber until we are able te pay moi-e taxes," said Joseph Lister Rutledge, Chair-1 man of the Canadian Unitv Coun-1 cil this wcek. Mr. Rutledge w'as1 commenling on the statement of Premier T. C. Douglas cf Saskat- chewan tbat the expansion of so- cial ser'vices had nearly reached uts limit in the province aniess it prodtîced more wealth. 'It seems that finaily the socialist polibîr- ians, once in office, have î'ealized that their sometbing-for-notbing policy must be replaced by free enterprise's policy cf risk-some- tbing - poss;ibly-gain-somethinga,"i saîd Mr. Rutledge. "As is the case in ever>- part of the countryý," said Mr. Rtut- ledge, -Saskatchewan needs pri- vate capital te develop jobs and xxealth. The reasonable oppor- ttity te derive a fair î'eturn on1 bbe investment cf private capital is the force that turns nattîral resources into wealtlt - wlich means jobs, wages and goods in the stores. "It is significant," eaid Mr. Rut- ledge, 'that Premier Douglas re- cognizes the danger of bis pi-o- vince becoming. in a business sense. a tuî'gid backwater." Mr. Douglas bad pointcd our in bis speech that, his government w as anxiotîs te have private industry corne into the province te develop its natural resotii'es and bad1 stated that last year 8001 compati- tes biad rcgistered with the gov- 'At the present time," said Mr. Ruttedge, 'the cost of social ser- vices in Canada mons into the1 batndreds eofiýnilion.-,of dollars. possiblY a billion dollars. The UIu Feb. 28, 1949 459-463 King Street West G ordon Lindsýy Toronto 2B, Cunadian Statesrnan', 7tovnuan-ile, Ontario. Dear Sir. A J'encil WiiI IIeIp ed with the hotîse in the back- 'We are glad bo learn from our A ~ ~ ~~~~~, p,îIwll;rteam)tte- ,Rrouind. There is nething lîke a ft] too in thie gIcdtî±' it, and1 well-kept lawn to show off te 'oý:i-iSza ada" copy wili be it so;4il e te frst lleputto ret.rn,'î: in ý otir paper again in use cýad cî stij. T ruv, it i, net; One should kcep in mind the-- nîîn useont t lc gaden If, mature height of the plants, sbrtî- X'yi LI b ntrttoko but witlîil few pire-s nt paper bcry and trees te bc used. Allow !t t bUis ie SOîb year without maid pavîaps i semallr it will haif as much space betwccn as a break ilat xx c have used news- tomle inî mtihty halidy for plan- these individuals x'ilfiilx- ,Papt 's ;s the nmajor single mnedium lontg, And! pîtutîii tg is an, impor- grew. With an aster that means l'O" anx rtising 'Salada" TË-a. tant alid Ple-wiant part et garden-_ f few inches apart, witb a suni- hý ni\ or niay net be ar ilig.~f lower or hollyhock, 2 or 3 feet. for an nliloron carnpaign~tL It is ilt Ioni xt have an MCourn LI tall shî'ubs such as oî'din- craîi it stands as proof, that arv sptres, pretty close te 4 feet. " il a [igb standard of qtîality, exwnosactb e, tith> 'ouil a rplanand wîth a maple tree tbc spaice ini:iily in.anticonsistentlv main. dkethwinte cale, t proporaticonh etween would be at lcast 30 tairied, an artic-le publicized in skth th ioet t rportionfeet. "c%\ pnes ith the regulariby wit tli puirinrî latuc- lke Next Week:- Mor'e about plan- 'le haive pr-ic will achieve a te., ý t garagle,aout te gt.ning, indoor planting. first jobs. Poe ilion of leadership. vfc. mared i laout he rghThz.n1k ou for your contribu- places, wilI rnake tblngs neater tienas a 1 lî~'c oward the~ and casier. Ereofiiaivv ii eoceib Eireoffciaiý-villbecniethestcccss of omr cdx crtising in 1948 Thbe main thing about planning, Republie of Ircland on Easter and pia.se acceot our bcst wishes howcver, is to help gct the garden Monday, 18 April, 1949. for preosperii'y in 1949. started at the proper time, and te prevent duplication and crowd- Reeently removed restrictions Yours fru1l', ing. on the sale of margarine in Czeni- Salada Tea Company cf Canada, * *ada had been in effeet for 601 Linvited, Laying Out The Garden i'ears. R. X. B>'tlell. Foi' the vegetahles planning is simple mathcmnatics. It is justa ---- case et oetermintng 00w mach soace is available and then laving this eut in rows of various widths'. Foi' vegetables of medium size like beans, lettuce. carrots and. stîth thinir it is best te bcave at least a foot between rows and up te txvice tbis mucb will net htîrt. More space betwecn makes cîlti- vatien easier. Larger growing things like petatees. pezis, cern, etc ., shotld have at least two feet1 between rows, and a y ard will net be too n ttîcl, especially where a garden tracter is te be us ed for cultivation. Tbree feet apart is about the rigbt distance for te- matees, tee, although they can go dloser if Ihey are staked. With sprawly vines like cucumbers, melons and small squash, the best plan is te plant ini hills ef a foot te 18 inebes square and at least 2 feet between. Planning Flower Garden For the flower garden, iawns and sbrubbe)-y about tbe bouse, thea experts usually advise an in- fomilyout. By that, however, tbey don't mean jcst planting any- whcre or, as one wit suggested, mixing a dozon packets cf seeds together and sowing broadcast. It may sound a bit Irish but what these experienced gardeners bave in mind is a carefully plann- ed lay out te produce the informai effeet, antd it is net difficuit te accomplish. A few simple mules wili help. Fiî'st, and of gî'eat importance, is bbhe1- xvn. No matter bow smali the amounit of ground te be land- scapcd it is advisable te have a piece of laxvn in the centre and foî'eground. Arouitd this the flowers and sbrubhery are group- baby bonus atone takes fifty cents eut cf every dollar of personal incomne tax paid by Canadians, and that is oniy one cf thte dozens of social srie that muîst be paid for by.ý the wages and salaries of the w-orking population. Mr. Douglas' tacit admission that any gYox-ermtment must dépend on pri- vate eîtîerprise as a source of tax ineomne us evidence that thé social- isîs admit Ibat their form cf gev- ernmeîtt, te surv'ive, ntust lean on the principles of free entcî'prise. "It migb t be iaddcd." said Mr. Rttlege, -that if Sasicatubew'at's soeiaiist gox'erntteîtt sincerely xxisltes the public te risk ils sav- ings in lte proviînce te create wealtb and jobs, it \vill have to gain tUe confidence cf Canadienis that it is not ils pclicy teo take oxcr any btusintess that shows a p ro fit. A c'chni ennuar nenor'l %zeiy5ý;nAT LAKE 0F THE WOODS VAcationjsts sa>' Canaclian lîosrui- rec-ordls. Write I lie Lake of the baliitv' k at if,- tbu-st at Luî'l ake Wouods 'Vurist Burt-itl, Keiîuuîa, of thle Wuicds 12,(X)()suiac toiles Oit., ilbiuîut iuu--uuiîiîucat muuîrinug- of pltu'vgruuiînd for 'tpnorttmi,lu lere inîg fîuuîîm II uxi'Iuu«uigi"'sli u)i Otario> border- cun M\atioba ana nduml îui :iiîu -itus. If \-onmi atîkr luir a the State of -Minnesuota. lliiunpui-u uu trîaîlhuiuiu u iuatp of Ikes and iiets tering iît h lx) t-tu :ku-te uulic os by rail otr smuaJ I nuut.h bass, niuýis, '-.lnku- îlaîio-. O r lu>'thle "au-mis trott and walli-'-s >'early- gitr,,tu-t ilîu' if you lu:ve time for a anglors out te smash fislîing le surîînuner dîrixve. I. r- M M. fi- n I.. w, a 't r n I fi' a M nex-er smoking bot. 4. We tain pancakes once-- whcn ovbbles form. a. if \wc bave te Fc.ep thern hot, 'le slp thovo on tUe ox en sheîf xiiloutix pan)111hcioxv thcM or' cocc ovrr thent. The o; on should he xarvo. 1. Serve ,c fi, santd pancakes con bot plat es. 7.Wipe off[thbe the wafTle, iro or paicimke gridite xxith a clean i rx >c-çoth rab s:oî e n a cool place. If tîteve --re anv particies burned on the~ irm)n, bra5b xiîb a stifr hiî.hor ise a bit cf steel wool, l'ion deainxith a sofl cloth. ThIe Question Box I\rs. A. R. asks for: ('hocelate 31int Sauce 4 s q Li a r e s of unsxveetened choc ola te -t si. xanil la ca xatc i. tctip imargarine dla-Ucof saIt and few drops of mint cxtract Addri cou-laIe te xxater and place oxer liixv eat stirring imtil blenri. Acicl scgai'ancd stiî' un- t il cdi- solxýcd. Mix in agiie xailiila, peppermint and sait. 1xate Il1, capsý. Mr. Tý. J. B. asks f'or: Mork Maple Syrup 1 c-tp granalated stîgar 1 th - p. btutter 21 clips boiling xvater t1ciL. p. covoril 1a rcbi tsp. ciaple cxtract BarelY oteit the granulated su- gar iin a bu avy salmepan. Stir in xvafer. We dissolx cc add but- ter mA dirsar- that have been crcanied tociether. Ailow mixture tii unît fer :3 nouales. Add manie extraci and a pinc-h of sali. Scrxe h) 0t_- Cor-rect Place of Salad Fork S'inco comîxnience and uungen- mail cliii ir, .011 trvvoi:i'ce is t ho foremno.t thought cf every hostcss xxvc vt v tUe :aiatl or cdessert fcrk shoî id he plai-eci betxvcen bbcý dinner fork ai-d the plate xx !ion the tamble isý set. On special ocoosxhcn a side salad us st'rxcrinit cîcli plate, Ilbis fork isî csd Io cal il afior the imain cci.epla1in or vit ilanti pela- toe.: . mcirrnaîxeci. If dessert ik ittn vxith a ftîrk Ibis si-all fork is L it. \Vhco a main s4atad plate s -orvecd annd a nvoall butter ;s U jr,îl tuýd f a îl 1<n i o, placee >;mBîcl foi-k at right -i e1 ()f l( Ia t, 11-.ît l u llp spoon. t1.e hon no ion or îdes-crI ,tspoon-- îler ha jttc-i spi rcdii is placed ac- Anîi-c llail iii'..l ,s xvnute xxritc ti hum- iii taire cf l'Ue Canadian Stan ain. Seiln ii oîmr Stg- on,,celioniemlalkiîg pio-c uis iai xxliilUe, scolumv foi' re p ile s - 'luI ûfpe4~O This year the Red Cross Must have More Money * More cali More Outpoit or Blood Red Cross < for Red Cross -"- Hospitols Donor Services,,-,,- isd etrn$ The Red Cross must be prepared for ail eventu- alicies. Year after t-car the demand for Red Cross services grows. Millions of dollars have heen spent in flood, fire and other disascers, in aiding the stricken and homceless. Throughout Canada, the Red Cross operates 75 Ouîpost Hospitals and 2 Crippled Chil- dren's Hospitals. More are being buit and more are needed. Last year over 70,000 patients were served by Outpost Hospitals. Vua, ~&P C~O$5 mo#vq is back*dup Province hy Province the Red Cross is open- ing its Free Bluod Transfusion Service. Untold lives have heen saved by chis great organization. But moure funds are nceded coe x- pand and maintain chis humanicarian work. V Recd Cross prutiides many serviccs for vet- crans in leospitals. Other Red C.ross activ- ts include.:Junior lRed C.rosus; Swimming and WXater Safcrr; Nutrition Services; First Aid and 1o m e N u rs ilg ; Women's Wurk Acci- vicies etc. /> / ~~ t i I i i i be Mhomesnd5 of volun,'eer wor-ker BOWMANVILLE HEAI)QUARITI-:IS 25 KING ST. E. - FII(>NE 85 *THE RED CROSS NEEDS 5 'MILLION DOLLARS -40 %, MORE THIS YEARI In Ontario we have a bcliduay parauhise . . .let's ahidcail we can te enc'eurauge visitors frcm acrcss te horder. Ptil)lishe4ý in support, of the tourist huttui- ncss by Johnn IAbatt Limnited. E FILTER QULLN Don't buy a Vacuum until'you have seen The World's Finest. FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION Il RITI OR PHONE Your Authorizcd Repi cdtatîi e WILLIAM S. COL VILLE - ALSO USED VACUUJMS AVAILABLE - Phone Bomanville 2393 160 King St. West LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACKI CONMMNENT TERMS "éSO CLEAN..and 80 IWURHYlSFURNITURE AND M URHY'SAPPLIANCE STORE j * we sg ----------- L- qwqý THURSDAY, MARCE Srd, 1949 ,- PAGE POUR TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, nowmANMLE, ONTARIO

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