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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1949, p. 8

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PAGE ETGHTTH AAANTAEAN O ANLLNTROHUSAMRId 14 Brotherhood o Wes. Werry, Rae Pascoe, Haroldi an5xvcred by verse of favourite ofClenienen. Zioîî., program. J. hymn; vocal duet by Rex'. Lin- Hampton Circuit Cruickshank, Hans Geisberger: stead and Arnot Wotten acm Hol F ' Nigt scial. Barney Beekel, F. H. P, as tnicd by, Francis Wotten; talk H l armers'Nce èe, Harold Gifford and Bob Kil- oc ' Most TrligEpr len. ie:.ýcc by Penrl Leach; readings Hampton Circuit Brotherhood hiv Harvey Yell'o%,viees; a lesson met in Hampton Church base- it po.se. comporting book on head ment on Tuesday night, Febru -lTNAbY Glaulys Yellow.lees; communitv ary 22, with 80 present, Jack SO. ineî1 led by Murray vice and Cruickshank was fite chair and - ccïcation conducted by Rae Pas- A. L. Pascoe was secretary. Mrs. H. E. Tînk, 'Mr. Bruie. coe o. Corretion- In last week'F; "Faith of Our Faîhers" was Tink and Mr. A. L. Pasco a " r.1rt tif Y.P.U. meeting the let- thrown on the screen andsn tended the funeral of Mrs. E. W. ter 'ccd by Glay elole with Dr. George Werry as ac- Tink of Muskegon. Vlich., at Col- xxtns Ï y Rov. Merle Thomp- companisî. Rev. E. S. Linstead uimbus last Wednesday. Ms.Tink 01 <noMion vork at Kennedy. led in prayer. Communiîy sing- w-s wife cf Rev. E. W. Ti:tk xxhc ..o.tnx-n.adntb en ing was led by Vernon Osborne fonmenly was minister in this con-i ci-guson' as reported-Sorry! of Oshawa and Dr. George Wenry. lerence. Mr. nd Mrs. Tholnas Jackliin, C. E. Shortridge gave a reading, Mr. and Mrs. M'es Yclle star cv S:-sk.. are visiting M\r.!: "The Parson and the Hockey Misses Gladî s Yeilox'. tees ari jNi Franck Wcstlake and Gamne." Violin music was pre- Pearl Leach, Mrs. A. L. Pa.ce oiinet frinds bore. senled by Henry Haas. and MNrs. Ralph Davis attendec Mis S. E. Werry is visiting ber Ed. Summens introduced the[ the Sunday School co ucontion.H.E.Gromao speaker, Ralph C abr fEnniskillen. Mlic.E.Gromto- 'Brighton, Agrieulture Represent- Aduit Bible lass held a Sociai ',Ir.Cordon Pascoe, Universitî ativeoe f Northumberland County. evening at Solina School Fridav ~'note tbre He told lhem net te be ashamed evening and in the Lost H M d r.ak age ox- of their ealling and net te be games Mis. Walter Parrknder ad r.aciMr.Jak age -w fearful cf consequonces that lie Mr. A. J. Balson xvou prizes. mctnv:lle. at \Walter Parrinder's. ahead for ho thought there would Mr. Bruce Taylor. asitat \Ir. and Mrs. Bryce Brown and bea good market for some time supesinlendent, pre'sided fej- heJe-ni_ .,C-taxva. at Tomn Bakcr's. for hogs and beof. Ho concluded Temperance prograim iuýt Siiiax 'Ur. R. J. MýcKcsock, Ohawa, a fine address on different uines Sehool. Aoopting a nexv înetbonti tîr. A. L. Pascos. of agriculture. of teaching the detrimienial ei i'. WesXerry aI Belleville. Dr. H. C. Rundle cf Brighton fects cf ;ulcoltolie beverajs. and MrI. andMts William Culi ing,1 camne up wilh hlm. Dr. Werry xxilh speciai consicleîntcon £or the 'Iru. andl Mrs. Jack Sherriff and gave a piano solo and A. L. Pas- childnen cf the schocol, Mrs. wc ' .1 he. sbaxva, Miss Annieý coe a neading, 'Down on the YeIlowlees showecl a 'cirlus or Pnllr. Teronto. at Alox Patter 's.' Fanm?" piclures poiniing out the lcsson 'dTrs J. W. Yc ilowlees with ber B. G. Stevens moved a voeocf in each one. 'Mis. R,-litp hvi d'ur iss Ida Reynolds, To- thaîîks and tedeein co et'nd a sHorva VcllniîlCc~ ~ \iii Gilbert, Toronto, with the National Antheml-. The I n Pantling sang '- c es 5 c Hampton social committeefur littie Spcîrroxv faIt." lt omne. nished a fine lunch and a sca og'tiaii e5r iM. 5.G orudon Tavlor and San- half hour was spent. This vas Peut-y Westlake on t 1 î bie ( . n-e o.uIM iMise' the hast meeting of the season. their son. The follewing are the offieers As Keulriou X.P.U. imeinhr nn)kcln irui and cemmiltee fer 1949 and 19.50: were unabie 10o visit Sulinc it cici ikllnCici Hon. President, Rev. E. S. Lin- as planned for Mondas n l, kRaise Minister's stead; President, Bruce Hogarth: was necessary for the 1mcciI cnlttI Vice-Presidents, Bruce Tink and ral cenvenor, HarveyYloxlc Salary to $2,100 Allin Thompson; Seeretary Trea- to arran,,e an inmpromeptuipro- sonDe. Ai%. .Pascoe. gram. This proveri te o e 1 Inhlc lcoiluinction xitb the ruling Cammilîce, Hampton, program .and profitable anid broutl"l oui sucnt decxn fromn the Genes-al Jim Reynolds and Harold Quas-ry: the oftentimes hidden uC'apacity Ccîuitcil of the United Church cf social, Jack Reynolds, HaroeId in a group for inriividuîal Caie~ -nadcav htch met in Vancouver- Salter, Osville Hindman and poraneeus participation in0 c-oc-j1 il 4hl' . the la ' mon cf Oshawa Gees-ge Armour, Eidad, pregram. tive enterlaiitment. 'The srîtrmPi- .hvers Cil Feb. 1,5, 19419, ad2ý Ewart Leask and Har-vey Yel- inclided a cievoliol lser\viýec eno vî i lte l-jvmon of ail the cil'- lowlees; social, Clarence Vice. ctiucted b,ý Penn Lunch: i n J c-ij:rt< il, 4h<- Put-,Sbstors' thal the miiiin im alanv for an ordained iis -'cd ministos- shall be $2100 purt t cor. pluis travelling expeits- esttoe a car is nocessas-y fer Pljciwt)rk. With this lu mind, Leut nge,,ationcîl meetings xx ere Ikea, 1I c Jwjut t cach of lte appeintments ci "Enisiillen circuîit at tnc thlie sctlcmi- of the iniister 41 re Ffl vo ir \ j I ncoriii cjt u lte îexxrut1- itn" i Ithe Mantal aI $2100 per W W cphcis circutit expenses fou Th Pc<-být.,.ýlay represetît- ative. IVMr. F"uou Ellis. and the al- le-ricute, "cli'. Mc. Hci ,coniducted lite' miicc 'ttîgs at Enniskilleni, En- Mix and sift into bowl, 2 c. once-sifted pastry fite'ludand.lBui-kton at which there f or(rFi e . once-sifted hard-wheat flour), 't.aefiten(,iros;eiiitien cof the tsn.Magie Pakinir owdr.i -o. ilt- (lut rin .. ' c ftcj'us cand the menhers cf otîr 00ý finely, 4 tbs. shortcriing. Mix 1 beaten cgg and sufficient miik to make Mý c. iquid; mix in 1 C. r minced cookcd meat, 1 fineiy-choppcd sinall union and 1 choppcd diii pickle or l2 c. weii-drained pickie reiish. Make a well in dry ingrodients, pour j n meat mixture and mix ightly with a fork. Turn into greased loaf pan (4,1ýn x 8V.Bak ini hot oven, 450, 30-35 min. Serve with tomate or brown sauce. c ilti ut'c-bes.- Is som' J)odNjs face ted? A Bri- t ýi.hL,-i (jor pamphlet reccntly ,oLsLC, The' pue mns of Britain aie(, fileul witd the bonniest babies ii i ngn i mr and showed a k îhn~baby boy, that CI to have becin taken 13 ccr.s a go, son of the late Duke of ARENA OPENS SATUDAY A Dream has corne true 00 0 This Saturday evening, Bowmanville andi dis- trict citizens will witness the opening of the new, mod- ern Arena. It is an achievement of which every citizen shouid be proud because it has been b-ult only because af the support and backing of the pe.oDi'.e. As young and aid see and inspect this fuif iii- ment of a dream which has been in thc-ir minds since 1936 when the aid Arena burned, they will realize that great things can be accomplished in a community which has vision and determination. To thase who have been reý--ponsib1e for rais- ing the f unds and arranging the details of construction, we off er our sincere congratulations for a wonderful piece of work. To those wha have not yet contributed either energy, time or f inancial support, we urge you to send in your contributions now s-0 that the job may be cam- pieted and a start made toward installing artificial ice before next season. Be sure ta attend the openinq on Saturday. You'11 be prouder than ever of Bowinanville. Local Nurseryman Speaks Again in U.S. Appearing almost every month Ibis wintes- before United Statez audiences in universities and con- ventions, Norman J. Scott, BSA; Msc., Manages-, Brookdale-Kings- way Nusseriese, Bowmanville. is booked as chief speaker Normnan J. Scott in Pittsbus-g, March 2, at the Western Pennsylva nia Nus-seri-- mnen's Association. Ho wili lecture on "Oppertunities foi- Nurîseny- mnen" wxith particolan emphasis on mnaaeement efficiency and lahen sOXing practices. The Statesman bas received a Pittsburg press notice cf the con.! x'entien whicb states: "Mn. Scott is manager ef oeeof tbe largest and mest eutstanding nurseries in Canada. Highly edîîcated and a successful opos-ator ho speaks the nuîrsenymen's language and neyer hesitates te release "secrets" cf how litebas w-on suceess. He is ceeîtainly one speaker' you eaîýt afford te is. Mr. Scott is ces'- taiîtly makiîtg Bowxmanville w-oh kîtewnlt inte U.S.A. Lif e on the Prairie- Topic of Address women's Institute Spuiîtg like xx eatiter and pros- pects cf an iîtorestiîtg meeting hlteped te fi the Union Hall oi Thmirsday Feb. 24 for lthe neguilan mceîing cf Bow-ýmaitvillo o mon*s lIitiule. Mrs. C. Daw,, Hamptont, gave a -ix-id descr'iptiont cf 'Life on the Pr'airie" cuin itgter 25 yeans as am resîdent cf the province cf Sas- ka t be wzai. The fit-st setlers w-ono miness it searcit of golci, thoît came thec epnietual sticrant cf pioeees stli 1 it scarch cf gold buit now lthe boutîtiful. tarvests cf goldent graint that couîld ho grcwît en these vast prairie lantds. Ail were gamblers. they were giveit,,4 s'ctionts of landl'y ihe' goveritmottt with groat cdds thuil lthey vouldn't succeeci They didr huit il is bard le undenstand how they did'it. The loneliness and intense bit- ter ceid cf wiittens, the dry uit- sitaded, unsiteltered,blseit litat of sommer and the unceasingj iviitd ail gav-e tltem a struggle bo endure. Tite finŽl picîteers itnlthose parts itad te biasi giaîtt boutideus lu clearng lte lantd. This land \vas laite botten lantd enigiîtaiiy.j Tite siiostage of water and low raiîtfail added te thoir struîggic, the w-ater in some places hein" drawît a distantce cf cigit miles,. Lack cf trees and foliage \vas vervi itotîceahie te these peoploexvho1 itad ittostlv goîte fi-cm Ontario antd ut late r \ cars titoy struggled te coax a few trees te exisl. Loss is a generai tiig shareci by ail. if ireuîgbt, bail or wind its ail are affected. The loiteliness and silentce w'ere v'e ry depressiîtg and xvhen lthe radio came ta the prairie it wasj likec a miraýcle, il brouigit anothe- voice Ihan their ov-ni to e e Contrunitî- club srn m was touîgitt o ho the aitswes- 0t teir probiem cf their ienelinoss, tii vuts tnied and previed such a sc- 1 css that they put shacks oi .qieighIs and ail meved to the hall for tte w'iîtler months giving tito children ait epperluîtity 10 attentd reiteol and thte adulîs cempanicît- itip. This ccimunity laler w-as tamed Saîtcoary. Mrs. Daw aîtd aitotiter nurse set uîp a sick hahx' chie later fol- owod bl'y a cc-eh baby clinie thon cî-ccoeded te have chieis and hectos-s for immunization and ieîttists for dental cas-e. Laek of dittai cane antd prepe- food play- cd itavec w-ith teelh. She men- tioned a Scotch nus-se who came to bois- part and being x'ery lone- oitte and feeling the people need- ci nuîrsing tcokthem nt blber, home and in heing a public bene- fil to clthers ovencame heron aonel, ite s. M"! teîtri 'ouI htink: cf people and ne w-est I ou tiik of people w'hc ave dex-eloped a great teles-ance it elp antd alw-ays willing b hlend qiteipiîtg tand to others. She -loseri ber s-omarks hy quting: àfew linbtof 'Out Whene theý West Begins." Ms-s. Wm. Leask gave two short tîmorocîs i'adings and Mrs. Ir-t -utn pieasedi ail w'ith a sts-ring )leo. Ms-s. Johns, Social Welfare oneux-its- was in charge of the mrg ram. Final arrangements w',ere made' or the Kopper Kas-nix-al to -ho id in the Lions Communitîx ,entre, Becch Av-o.. on Tbunsday. Earch 10. aftennooin and even- g. A gencrnous tnthber cf pnizes oe on it selaY Inter 10 ho Irans- 'mcd Ici the Hy,,dre She.p. King ;, whes-e tickets w-iii ho on sale. c fc si Les zAntgeles airpont is the' P *st te aciopilte famouts xcar- toto FIDO. t Foc, initeitsic-e.dis- 1,er. iil cf) for grtiiitg sici cf fog oit !Jàcci,g -tripe. Heat fs-cm jets o: fiantedccsŽCtht fog HAYDONton, with his grandmother Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs. L. Br-adley, Ennis- Bible Class meeting w as held killen, Rex'. A. E. Cresswell, Ty- Tucsciay cvening Marchi at the rone, aI Mr. C. Slemon's. home cf Mr. and Mrs. A. Becch. Mr. and Mns. J. Poîts and fam- Tyrcne Junior Y'oung Pcdple 111' and Mrs W. Martin at Mrs. are' presenting their play "A Olesen's. Ready-Made Famiiy-' in Haydon Ms-. and Mrs. A. Beech called chus-ch on Fsiday exening March on Ms-. and Mrs. R. Gilbert, Mr. 11. and Mn%. H. Stainton and Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens Mission Barnd meeting xvas heM - Mrs. T. Cowling has returned Friday afterneon in the Public home fromn visiting relatives in Scbooi. Pi esiclent Caren Oie- Toronto. sen presided. Sciipluire readinz Mns. T. Cowling has had the was taken by Mary Liptay. Afîci' hydre installed in her home. xvhich al nepeated Mission Band Atm, Watchword and puirpese. Miss Trcw-in sea d 2 chapters ci Registered Seed the Chinese Story,. Meeting closec' wilh Mission Bantd prayer. Werlc', More Profitable Friends papers xves-e given eut,_____ by Ethel Hall. Seldem in the histony of fas-m- Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. ing in the Prairie Provinces have Arthur Read on the arrivai, cf a farmers had such a fine opportun- daugbter. îîy tb obtain geod seed aI reas'on- Mr. and Mrs. Chas-lie DoNvney. able pnices as they have aI the Bowmanx'ille. ut D. Cameron s. presemit tirne. A large surplus cf Mrs. W. Titompsen and Ceunie rogislered seed in 1948 bas caused Osmond, Newxcastle, Mr. aîtd Mrs. seed gnewers to voluntarily reduce Walter Bridgett and family. onices cf negistenod seed ta com- Hamptont, Mr. Bert Ashton an-d paratively low levels. Farmers sons, Toronte, at Ms-. Henny Ash- therefore whe have any doobîs ten's. regardiîtg the punily of thein Miss Jeant Black, Tenonto, spent stocks would do well la consider the week-entd utlitet' home. s-cpiacing, a pestian of these with 1Carolyn and Leon Carr. Ennis- good negislered seed. killen witb lIr. and Mi's. A. Registened seed means a guar- Beech. anleec, f high x'ariely purity, Mr. antd Mrs. D. Fontaite, Te- seundness, fneedemn from disease ronto, at MnI. A. McNcii's. as well as freedom fnom weed Mn. andtiMrs. L. Bradie.-, Hamp- sceds. Off-types and admixtures ton, w-îlh Mn. antd Mrs. J. Hantit in a grain field are oflen the SMaster Herbie Bradley, Hamp: tsource cf neduced yield and low- FRESH FEED LOT LAMB LEGS *- lb. 69e FRONTS FISH FOR LENTEN MEALS SOLE FILLETS A FAVORITE DISH.. SMELTS No. 1 LARGE . . . . . . SAL MON STEAKS SILVERBRIGHT NOM HEIN GYSTERS Tu ered grade. The use of registered seed would tend ta increase the farmers' income. Farmers might also consider the fact that in the light of present prices and labour costs, it wouid be more profitable in many cases to purthase reasonably priced registered seed than to go to the expense of cleaning up home- grown seed. This would be partic- ular]y rtue in the case of .grain containiîtg'a high weed seed con- tent or admixtures difficuit of removal. v A c u u m PACKED - Z-iWAYS FitESH Corne to A. & P. andi See Our Wonderful Way of SellingI I Fresh Fruits and VegetablesI Only fruits and vegetables of top quaflty, uniform sire a'nd peak freshness give you full value for yaur money. And that's the onIy kind yau'Il ever find an A & P's produce racks. For everything from potatoos ta parsiey is fot.only harvested fresh and delivered fresh, but sold fresh, too. We make sure of that by inspecting every produce shipment an arrivai and selecting for aur regular displays only fruits and vegetabies that measure up to aur high standard%. Ail others are inimediately put on a special table for quick. sale at reduced prices. And at these prices they're fine values, toa. What's more. the produce on the racks is inspected frequentiy during the day, and biemished items are promptiy transferred ta the "Quick Sale" table to be sold at reduced price's. Thus, na matter when you shap in tie. araduce Department of your A & P, you get full value for your money. Stop in and see what a wonderful way this s ta buy fruits and vegetablesl CALIFORNIA NAVELS, No. 1, MI,' ORANGESa doz 23r. FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESSÎNo.'1, 96'8 GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 2'5cýi PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL MARCH CLARK 'S ASSNOMES 2 DELICIQUS MAEAT SPREAD PARES PATE ROBIN HOOD TOILET SOAP PALNOLIWE YORK BRAND MEAT LALLS E. D. SMITH'S PURE CHfýl1pY JAN Bagb 37e cakesau 15, 1949 . 16- oz. c Jar g£iU" 10-oz. 15e Tinis d Tin 139 24-or. i9 Bag A1.25 Giant14 - - - 15-a:,. 35e - - - 12-z 4'. i. B.C. FANCY MeINTOSH, 163's ý.e APPLES 0oî No. 1. 4 IN PACKAGE, MO0 SIZE LEMON FL.ORIDA PASCAL. LARGE 48 SIZE No. CELERY STALKS TOMATOES d . oz39C 2 feor29r. IIAND SF.LECTED. 14 OZ. dv MINIMUM No. 1 i p g L7c PRESH PACRED, mU SALAD MIx SH REDDED, TENDER NO. 1pEg 5 CAhROTS ONIONS POTATOES- BRADFORD WASHfED. SWEET AND TENDER NO. 1 ONTARIO YELLOW COOKING NO. 1 P.EX. PRJ,-PACKAGEýD NO. 1 JUNKET BRAND DANISH DESSERT JOHNSON'S LIQUID WAX GLO COAT Pint 59 SOC IETY DOG FOOD JEWEL SHORTENING MONARCH BABY CHEESE ROLLS CHOCOLATE CHIPS CHIPITS 1- PRIMROSE SWEET NIXED PICKLES AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR CLA R K'S CHILI SAUCE... FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALNGNR FANCY KETA SALMON CLA R K'S PORK & EANS ANN PAGE BOT + BUNS... IONA TONATOES A & P FANCY TOMATO JUICE 41bu13c 4m3s 3r. 15 mb iph 43c 2Pkgs. 2V~ Giant9< 2 20-o z. Tins 27 * lb. 36e l b. 47e *Pkg. 29e 24 -oz.27 Pkg. 18e * i. 19e T.~ 39e 2Tins: 25 of 9 23e 20:o.15 Ti Ise25 lb. 45e IL. 45e ib. 28e lb. 35e 9.o:. 49e 'I _______ k WHAT GERTIE'S GOT SHE'S KEEPING! Se "Getting Gertie's Garter" and 'Brewster's Mlions' Showing together for the Howl of it. MARCH 9 -10e AT-ROYAL- i - INSISI ON THE BEST - WELL TRIMMED RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF - CANADA'S FINESI QUALITY STEAKS OR ROASTS PORMERNOUSE, WING, 65c SIRLOIN OR BONELESS ROUND 65C PR!WE RIE ROAST SHORT CUT lb. 55e FLAT RIB BRISKET......lb. 25e SHORT RIE ROAST VERY LITTLE BONE lb- 49e BELADE ROAST BLADE BONE OUT . .lb. 47e SMOKFD BREAKFAST BACON SLICED lb. 59è PORK LIVER SLICED............lb. 35e .8OLOGNA CHOICE SLICED . . . lb.- 35e îâiüSEF LEAN lb. à- BOILING FOWL FRESH KILLED lb 45c PURE PPRX SAUISAGEb - 1h49c à T HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 13OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCII,>d, 1949

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