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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1949, p. 1

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0 ami b VOLUME 95 finisters Howe and Pearson Liberaj Convention Speakers J.M. Ji K ames ChosenCadat The crowd that comnfartably seven special reporters. The filled the auditorium ai Orono Statesman 1resents the follawing Town Hall. Thursday night, Mar. accaunt as a general summary ai 3, 1949, remained disappainted if what transpired. they expected any new annaunce- Nominations ment of government policies as a Mntso h rvoscn genera] election approaches. The vMnionute aithereaus dont- meeting, convened as the Liberalen sti wer atreaid, t opt-t Nominating Convention for Dur- ed la ibws paidftarer lte ham County, heard the chic Mars. eolg aion, foer aS - speakers, Rt.'Hon. C. D. Howe, etyer oythe aianOroniwas Minister ai Trade and Comm eeted ta thimedvaanclyni-1 and Hon. Lester B. Pearson, Min- ates wremed.F nitely nain-, ister af External Affairs, tel l atated. Gbea.F.ann ist, ournte, the ovenmet bs dne n sv -Mr. James vith seconding suport eral important fields but offcred irom Bert Lindgard, Port Hfope.1 no particular change in the course Mr. Waodyard was prapased byj presntlypursed.Harry Holdaway, Port Hope, and Election This Year A. L. Pascoe, Sauna. Main points1 Only one thing certain and de- stressed in the nominating speech-r finite was placed before the aud- es were the military service in the1 ience. That was the annaunce- Intelligence Corps, of the first ment hy W. A. (Billy) Fraser,, namince and the epenrience i municipal goverament ai the sec- ond. Each candidate was allotted five minutes for an acceptance speech. Briefly, Mc. James said, he was nat a politichan, didn't knaw the prablems very svell but if chosen candidate w-auld study and wark andi try ta cedeem the iding. He deploreci the laek oaiînterest that resnlted in small total votes being cast in late years. He promîsed a dlean campaiga. He asked for support in the vatîng. Mc. Woodyamd said he regardeci govemament as serions business and in bis service as councillor and reeve be helci ta that prin- ciple. He told that he haci been about the county with bis rival helping organize andi that tbey pomised mnutuai support aiter the convention andi agreeci on aiea campaiga. Voting Groups ~Placards above grouped dele- Â M gates gave the vating strength as follows: Darlington 40, Millbraok John M. James 10, Cartwright 25, Manvers 35, Ex-M.P., Trenton, "naw Liberal Clarke 45, Cavan 26, Hope 30, organizer, that an election in 1949 Bowmanville 60, Port Hope 55. bas been determined. But he gave When Mr. James won a majarity, no indication oi the month, excet the two candidates again spoke to state he would be back i briefly. Durham County "soan" ta help Mr. JamcŽs said he icit honored elect the candidate chosen. The and humble and realized there *e'andidate praved to be Jahn M. was only ane way ta win; that I James, Bawmanville, who woan a was with the help ai everyane, ',,'btnajority over E. R. Waadyard, "inciuding my famijy and rela- Orono. the only ather candidate tives" and xith a significant pause, to let his name go befare the con- hie went on: "Lct's start selling vention. The majarity in the 315 Liberalism and keep it ralling." votes cast was not disclased. Ex- He said hie was assured af the M.P. W. F. Rickard was naminated talerance ai his gaod wife who but declined. came ta the platiorm ta share ]Imprtat Guststhe applause. Mr. Woadyard can- Imporant Gestsgratuîated the winner and pledged Chairman ai the meeting. M. H. his full support. Staples, President Durham Cauntv t01îte mam "'Durham County's GUreat Family journal" 1- - - Y , . - . Ly - , qJL£l nl ijj V JLI VLIi,1949 c îPERîC uurïNUMBER10 Early Sunday Morn ]BowmanviI1a'" NeI Fire Discovered At Jackman Nursery1 Officially Opened Sharpiy at 3:16 Sunday moro- ing the fire alarm wailed a wa.rn- The new Bowmanville Memor- ing which brought the .fire de- ial Arena was afiicially opened partment promptîy into action, Saturday night, March 5, when. a followed by the few hastily- crowd ai nearly 1200 came ta see attired fans who always glory in the ncw building and enjoy the watching the efitiency ai Fire pragram arranged for the open- Chief L. Haoper and his crew. ing. .Within a matter ai minutes the Rex-. J. dePencier Wright, on firemen were at the scene which -behaîf ai the clergy of the tawn. proved ta be the Jackman Nurs- made the dedicatian address in eries. But the blaze which arase which he stressed the moral im- in the partition woodwork near partance ai the building in build- the furnace had already been ing character and physical stami- brought* under contrai by Roy na in the youth ai the cammunity. Jackmian who saw the reflection Mayor L. C. Mason aificially from his bedroom. He used the dcclared the building open and nursery water-hose ta localize paid high tribute ta the building the ilames and firemen completed committee and ta those individu- the blackout. ais and arganizations which had It was assumed that a spark thrown their whole-hearted sup- from the furnace ignited the ad- port into the praject.. jacent woodwork. Mr. Jackman Reeve Norman Allison and De- xvas cammcndèd by the Fire Chief puty Reeve Frank Jamieson ad- for his prompt action. The fire- ded ta the Mayor's address by men rcmained tiil about 5 arn. thanking the contractors and the ta be sure every spark was ott orkmen who had done such a The loss amounts ta only a few splendid job ai construction and dollars. expressed their pleasure at being members ai a Town Council jwhich had been able ta render Hockey Game assistance in promoting and fi- Friday Night nancing the structure. Workers Win Applause Unless the weatherman fails The great craxvd displayed to bring cold weather, there hearty appraval and pralanged approval and prolanged applausej %vilI be a hockey game on whcn the speakers told that the1 Friday night between two entire project was carried for-t good outside or local teams. ward with the combined efforts1 Arrangements are going for- ai the Arena Building Committee, cansisting ai John James. Me]- ward ta have Whitby Inter- boumne Wight and Cliii Samis andc mediates and the combined the master-builders, Pyramidi Cobourg - Port Hope entries Cancrete Praducts ai Brantford,r feature the evening, but no- whose awners George Frastad thing.definite bas been settled and Don MeLean worked them-t selves and their staff night andt to date. Admission price wilI day ta rush the building ta com- Iý be 50e for everyone and the pletion. But, there was certainlyt game ivili start at 8:30. On, no evidence ai 'rush" in the sol-n Saturday night, If there Is id, spaciaus, well-appainted struc-s a,.J 'ce. tilev wli DeuvUblie skating wvith the admission prices being 25e for aduits, 15e for children and 10e for spectators. The 10e spectator fee is being charged to reduce the number of spectators wvho corne to niake a disturbance rather than ta see the skat- ing. As the game on Friday nlght will be the first hockey game ever held in Our local Arena, ev %eryone ls urged ta be on hand. Dr. & Mrs. G. Miller Entertain Their Sun. School Classes Fine Structure The speakers also gave fnl' credit ta the public for the gener- ans 'donations that really made possible the continuity ai the wark ai the contractors. Th< erowd saw under the vast, damed roof just how salidly the arches andi walls carried the whoie struc- ture ta permit an unobstmucted view ai an ice surface or centra: iloar the equal ai any in the prov- ince for skating and hockey and ail the other purpases envisioneci Accommodation foc over 2,000 People was pactieally completed and modemn est-rooms on twc ihoor leveis tagether with a large auditorium certainly wvon papular faacy as the ccowd moved about ta seceail that haci been pravideci. Ne fiesTe main lounge is a magnif i- D iuring- the week additional do- sigsn S tr elngm ~ ibrl socato, aabyhad- ~ evUrlcr D.an rs. Gea. Milleraen cent space floored with hardwood nations wAere receix'ed irom the mve.Ti ilb eu foed thedpr e edings ut a d e l -thBsi ess o luded xvofih e their hom e n M onday evening and segm ented w ith rubber m at- follow ing: S. R. A gerG 8.00so, B ram]v yes. T i w l e a re gu ti eoleo !te iloeidn afie.Rswhen the members ai their Sn-ting. A most modemn refreshment O'Neii $2.00, Foresters Grs'B Linsard3mornig fetre at i come the assemblv and the dis- Wo rsdn-.R day Schoal Classes (which also counter was presided avec 'by Team $95.00, Bawmanville Clean- eLisvenunity Ceingtre cpe tinguished guests on the piatform. ooyard: lst Vice-Pres. - Roy includes Mcs. Miîîer's C.G.I.T. Tom Carter, expert chef ai the ers and Dy-ers $50.00, Mc. andBecAvnu.HpigteSp Thesir House e ollagew.n Ge. alon N'wasle Sc' up) came together for a social Carter Famiiv Restaunrant. who Mrs. Jas. BrnCttieiO0 isn of the youngsters w-ci BhenickHosn, ain Rer;E ras-po.te. M HW.ap e ening. About 25 yaung people with his helpers had a busy night. Mr. and Mrs Sid Price $1.0 Joan Hutchinson, Kay Jones anc Bhll Frser ExM.P Brce vicwho retired as President but con- enjoy ed the 5ariaus cantests and A smalier lunch caunter on the It was announced during the BbGiahr n on c tinuedFassCrairman ai theceet- games such as -Lest Heir, Pit and iower floor permits patrons and evening that the committec is ap- son nestdiasiin int tive Libecal candidate for North- ing. Crokînole. Of great interest were players ta step in wîth skates on praximately $5.000 short ai com- supervision on this programni the moving pictures taken by the for quick reireshments. Conven- nleteiy financing the pro.Iect. inviteci ta contact the Recreatior' umberland, Dr. Fred Robetson. Speakers who îiîîed in dcîing Millers whiie they resie nl-in.mdm tiesjs aotPasa- lobigpeae for al Director at the Commuaitý Th lcl n ct pes ubee (otiud nPaeSi) dia. Films includied viewsa aycampiete the picture ai comfort a campaign ta raise funds for ar-- StTes lclcu o The__localand _______press ________________________onPage__Six _ oaithe cities and histori sos iand canvenience represented in .tificial cêatee-Tgers, a locta cslu or India as well as pictures ai the Sten-a ers ime e as u u rfamily. Mr. E. G. Witherspoon iyCnr.TeDeco'Hus waSatnrcayrgveoinghat the Comm. I As' in harge aunch erjecytherlHon. Lese .P a s nT lsparty sill be carried over and an extelent r. Th Direor'slHou L E.Ic ee h l lhast and hostess conciuded an ex- e.Tcesae vial rn cellent ex-ening of iun and ielloxx Problems of World Security mnbr fteeeuiefo25 DUNCAN PHILLIFS, Editor ship. Others present included Mrs. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __W alter__ __ __ __Reynolds wha is assisting cach. Last week an inform ai Mrs. Miller with her C.G.I.T. Speaking generallv on the indefinitelv. It might have thwart-dce w-asf el80with a recople Seon FrmPrgrm i ~Od aconldHa aF ~ Gcoîîp and Mrs. Witherspoon. Rex. worid situation ai taday and the ed it altogether. atteni~dng. Dueta Iat epi* Beginning at 2:45 o W ednes- Such a tradition as M r. Dippell's S.' . H n e s n a d M . V n e pr b e s a e iî g t e b s "There is n u tim e for pla yi g o c ou t o p nî g a c dyaftecnoon, the students ai the -rattle-bly' just canîda't be over- Mathewson. means possible for secnring uni- poic gistpoic rcîass o acUliafporn arranged hihsehool as wcll as a gaod tnmn- looked. sn, ne Mi nte . ai.Exera against class with the treacher- by the Director w-as carried os-e. ou fparents, sawv another Our Teeth N W fN T P Aifairs at Ottawva, gave a Durham of msefldisplay ai B.H.S. talent. aET N IL E Cunty audience a close-up study hope aýi world peace has tempor- Satnrdav aiternoan, March 12, For the third Friday aferC ail iapaeasarslof1a1:0.n.vl mkthpe- M ur ay P ee W ee) W innac tt, in a row the students w ere fax- of hîs . personaiity and opinions c m u i r . W r p o e n j r f O e o s o a d n as master ai ceremaonies, apened oured with a movie. This anc, Rex'. Mc. Tink, anc time pastor, %%,'hen lie addressed the Liberal comns.W1r pae nJicea pnHnefi ad n the programme with a short show "Our Teeth", cxpîained thei cailed in the village îast weck. Convention in Orono Town Hall, the United Nations hy Communist table tennis at the Lions Coyn- of wit. He introduced the skit got rmbb tt ni hy Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hutchinson Thursday night. Marcc 3rd. Mr. dcalings at every turn. This is munity Centre. Enchrc, bridge Busy Day at B.H.S. Barber Shop' are fuily dex'eioped. It did avec- x'sted Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fac- Pearson faliowed bis coileague,apobe thtassishao ancibgepusaaletni with Bud Hockin and Dang He3-- look the matter ai pceventing de- cow and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Me-1 Rt. Hon. C. D. Haw-e on the pro- avec aI l anda nd f traga es taent is ci te. oiing rsc land as praprietors. Sncb faol- cas- howevei-. Take the advice ai Neil, Oshawa. gramme and won a bit ai press suntsoledi wl îg rgi e gepaotiesanra cic. il intees hardy custamers as Ross Souch, doctoîs and dentists and keep Congratulations ta Mc. and Mrs. notice the following day, salely s t."ted atesr.rily nic Glen Buttery, Daug Sleep, Ralph aAav irom sait drinks and choca- Alf Graham (nee Lena Kimbal) because be intcoduced a bitter At.the same time he wacned tA atte na avigwl Kelly, Ken Buttery and Bai- y lates. on the bicth ai a baby girl, Janet attack on other leaders and people. "passing padlock laws and mak- Acasi opcrigwl Johnshnme nera n obl azr ' the58 Marie. Looked upon previously as a brul- îng cammnilism-i illegal in Canada commence on Tuesday. Macch 15, puihetudranberzrCongratulations are also in or- liant and affable administrator wouid not be successiui. Let us t73)pr i itrse ate and a large pair ai shears. Dong We h students were at der for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence the new Minister appears ta have ecrflwdontho aa aeivtdt ted.Pasbig Heyland, the Negro bell hop, svas Club 580 a week ago Saturday, Gilmer on the bicth ai a baby boy cbanged greatly in the few weeks aur libecali Sm ta combat com- a pen knife and one or more cakes also courteons enongh ta poiisb each ai the five iorm representa- adM.adMs Knalt ihas beeni in'the Hanse ai Cam-mnim"h said.aivoysp ihou the custamners' shoes as %vell as tives reported the mast papular1 Newfonndland, and now xith mons. Maie basketball enthiat th dstaithircots -~ sang in his form. The sang irom Mcad rsAbneyoth Annl saiheatinhp He also paid tribute ta the shoulci bcing their cnnning shocs the dut of heir oats. l In a ong t ose fve th t was oted r. an Mrs.Abernthy, o the n PrimesiM ifnthterrtLouisi 1St.meLancent. ouas t. camentontd tae the Hith ghi Schooio carrying ont ail these deeds, hov- amogtoefv ta aroe iai a 'baby boy. shown in the speech reveals the "hr sn ieg-se rgmasnno hrdyngt ever, the customers were made masi prpular duringonhe week's arcîs- obj, e ai ners wpread ebalot ouding xvaseGoo-Ro kin To- . are in the throes of the new Minister in the light ai per-1 more intelligent man in Canada at 7:30. obet fnmru rns al This was oD-ocn STitslu epidemie. sonally atiacking the comman than Mr. St. Lancent," ho said, _________ At the conclusion af the skit, Nîght.TiswsDn tt Miss Lorraine Milligan. Linci- people ai Ontario and Quebec wbo "and my service in the depart- eight girls performeci the "Irish choîce as the second iorm repre- say, wbo bas been visitiag ber elected Messrs Drew and Duples-J ment ai external afiairs gave me TRINITY Y.P.U. Wasberwornan's Jig". Joan Lux. sentative and foc this reasan lhe brother William returned home sis in democratie manner. He a wonderiu: opportunity ai watch- Mrh7meiga cnt ton, Joan Wonnacott, Janie nrd Bell- went back ta Club .580 last Sat- Tuesdav. won na great applanse from bhis jing bim."Mrh7meigo rnt mai ndDoa lak vee res d - - As consolation prize, Don MeSsr.SaiyJootn a-leele Young d audince savenat one in bright green skirts andi taok won a recard-player. aId Buciev and George MeCuli- point wbce e deploreci the Pad- Failing aece rabb Pe-anse ons it harege ogh Meetiangultas the part af the girls, 1whiie Bar- Tahr betonqb bas-e had their hanses in- Mrck Lar, fidanuhovtrmer audiee, Ml c Pers on achrge AnaiJChsandCultur bara Sellers. Mary Bowman, Ta-day Miss Rice retnrncd ta snlated. McParo sada "nhl trndatewodpctc incsecsA aJosadDn Helen Magnire and Bernice Han- the B.H.S. staff after almost a Nineteen ladies ai the combin- alliance" ai "Bay St. colonels which Communism and Christian Morris, Anna and Macg Staeey -rin, dressed in white 4ronsecs. three wecrks lay-oii because aI cd Woran's Missionarv Socicties suppacteci by people like Duplessis iDemoci'acy stili strnggle ta slip. concmucteci the worship service an J.âtok the part ai the boys. the chieken-pox. As exams start ai the Presbytei-ian anc Unitedi and Honde" bad been iormed ta 1 port conilicting politicai andi econ- the theme oi the "beanty ai the ~Patsy Smith, dressc'd in a long Manday the students will gladI'ý Chut-ch met in te Presbyterian capture Queoec icom the N~beralif omic ideohogies. Admitting tbe eacth".*f -A a bri'zht coloreci greet liec witb numerons quest- Cn-hfrosraina h at- Te aesdysrne ernt breakdawn ai the Unitedi Mrs. C. A. Bactîcît, the gnest bonnet, recited two pieces "Wbat ians dning these ast two days. World's Day ai Pra3-er an Friday bediells Drew on the anc side 'Ntins the pakrsadee onj speaker, wss introduceci by Don ~,i'Sanz about the New Mc. Hewiîî irom OC.E. bas snb- The newl3- arganizeci Farm Fo- and Duplessis on the ather. alternative o re nations fMarris. Before showing ber films, Bonnet"' andi "She Powders Hec stituteci in ber absence. rum met at thehome ai Mr. and don t knov who is an the rigbt was Io unîte in a securit3- pact Mcs.Bate gvaniersni Nase". Mr. Stacey aiso bas just nicely Mrs. Melville Samis ast week but 1 know- who is iurtbest ta for mutual protection with no acCOLnt ai bier visit ta Bermuda. Pee Wee Winnacott then îe- ceturneci tram a lengthy viitwith and in the home ai Mr. andi Mcs the right,*' hesaid. thanglit ai aggressixe wariare in The piciîîres wbich stood ont are aopeared and introduced tîwa the fin. A 13 pe ai neticitis set in Gea. Henderson Monday- csening.1 "Thev are endeavonring ta con- the field. Collectiv-e seecitv is f ihose of the multi-colauced chancIs plas Seoa Dze wic pr-whchcophcaedmates.As Congratulations ta Dacothy fuse the publie for the next elc a system based upon the theorY beneath the plane, the firsi start- trayed sehool chihdreiVs troubles they are naw bath back andi fecl- Stapleton -ho woan second pcize ftion. The Ncw'fonndland quresil, aatck J n t in g vie 5Aofa the glistcning ishanci. avec love matters. The chacacters in' fit, we'Il just hope thev sta\ in an essay cantesI on Temper- for instance, shonici bave been a l tack an ai the pînk and ithe buildings, the wer: lbetaOt, MriynMiler wih s or om tme a *ore. ance sponsox-ec by the Oshawa SmeO- were:Albeta Ot, MailynMillr. wih usfor osimple t cai 8.-The apposition had 1 Quating persanal abserx'ations hast aiflowvcrs, the cedar irres, Calen lake JanHuchnsn.Seio BsktbîîPcesbvteî-y Wonian'.s AssocilationJ already approved the terrms oaiîn Germany and abroad and ex- the iamily îombs, the airplanc ore eCakanand an tuttno. Sno Isebl Winners 'were annannced aver the union. No\v tbey say they perience in international canai- iccew and finaîhv the lîgbts ai New Taeoe ckad oni pcagra (by Bob Gailagber) the aic imomn CKDO on Sunday. disapprave ai the methods ai do- cils. the Mînister offereci higb York cîty as sèen fiîom the plane aI los amemer agSeod orai On 'Marcb 3 anc Seniors again ing sa. Tbey want each province hope that the Atlantic Pact, soon iai aigbt. A touch of humour la maintaenedmtheirofnbecten cerm consultedi on it. ta be t-ompheted and probabîv en-ibath lier intcodctcion andi the cx- sang their focm sang. The stu_ cord bs- i ubete r- Mr.E. E. Patterson and, son 1 -t is ail part ai a plan ta play' docsed by the free nations, xwoulc rpianation wiîh which she accom-c deles cwith 0e te saouthean-cb or S ehoa oc ibe D 30 -2i.James attendeci the funerai i thi anc province against the other. pros'e ta be the truc wav ai ight'panieci the fiUmý, won foc MrsIr teacher and sang it ta the tune (Continued on Page Six) ronto. inight thus have been postpaned ing the worid. preciative audience. w Nemorial Arena Saturday Night the building. Tributè was ais 1paid the local contractors who in stalled the heating, plumbing an wiring anti also did mucb ai th carpentry wark. Tbanks ai the Committee wa expreseed avec the sound systen ta Atkins Flow-er Shop who bai decorateci the auditorium wit] ilowers and plants and alsa t, E. R. Wadyard wha bad that ai ternoon provided the Arena wiil an inter-communication set wbici praveci ins'aluable. Expressions o thanks shaulci alsa bave beer made ta the Midland Regimen w-ha loaned the sounci systcm t( the Amena on a tempocary basis ta Ab. Darch who also loanec aciditional sonnd eqnipment; t( Roy W. Neacis who co-ocdinatec and installeci the sound eqnip- ment and ta the Radia Sbop whc acivertiseci the apening event witf. their saunci car-. Mnch credit foc having ice musi go ta Amena Manager Tom De- pcw and ta Dave Gilfillan and Jack Samis and Wiaton Bagneil and a dozen others wba gave him assistance in the bucry-up job. Thcy wocked bard andi long oah3 ta iind their efforts frustratei by the w'eather. Programme But w-bat about the apening programme? The cammittee had ta esîculate for weeks on uncci- tain weathem and plans for a bang-up hockey game baci ta be abandoneci since the ice surface was covereci with water. Conse- qjuently the Oshawa GM Veterans Pipe Band was secured ta fuc- nish the music fac the accasion. This excellent band meally went ta tawn as the main support af the programme, Ia place ai the hoackey game. twa High Sehoal teams, assembled at the lest mianute playeci . braom-balî and ;wished spray with lusty abandon to endi up ia a scoceless tie. "Tick- er" Crombie was the ceferce. Car Winner Then came the lncky draw, ta determine who would win the 1948 Pontiac on which tickets haci been sold for somne time. Stan )nnn and a capable staff ai sales- nen and women Wdre gi ven a creat oAvtion foc their efforts iin raising almost $3,000 an the car. The lucky winner proved to, 'De Lyall McDonald ai Beaverton, with the ticket beiag drawn by Nrm. Taylor. manager andi awa- J136. Wîth a sh rp eek- nd f ost The successful. launching of tha th a shpblic kting art h Saturday Morning Club, a club Ahreas on blicnda ngt the for young children. eight years'of tnearly 300 attended arnd on Tues-aigeadudrtokpceo day afternoon, the public school Saturday morning, March 5, with children were given an hour's 107 children present. The pro- e IÉ N-asoriic Ladies' Nite Brilliant Social Aff ah Seldom has such a brilliant pro 30 gram and guest ]ist been as 1sembled than an Friday night ýd Feb. 25, when the Jerusaleîr e Lodge, AF and AM, held its an nual Ladies' Night in the Higi Is School auditorium. Mare than 30( npeople were received and wel dcomed by the ranking officers h W.M. Lawrence White and Chas 0 Tyrell, Orona, DDGM, who re. 1presented the Grand Lodge. h A superb musical pragram al- h ternated with dancing, cards and Jan excellent buffet lunch and handsome prizes an lucky draws rounded out an evening long to be remembered. ; j :Excellent Choir 0 Guest çIrtists wha won great japplause were the Whitby Trebl. Cleif Chair. Under the leadership af Mrs. Heleti M. Spratt this chair presented an hour's entertainment which included vocal duets, cho- trai singing, vocal solos. accordion solos and a rousing finale. The popular and classical music the 1choir pravidcd deserves much 1greater notice, with names, thar can be accrded in this limitec report. Dancing Music for the square and round dancing was excellently rendered by Donald Hamm's Orchestra, Or- ana. The cammittees which ar- rangcd the programme leit n.ath- ing more ta be desired. Owen Nicholas was chairman in charge ai entertainment and Chas. War- re \vas chairman in charge aiý decorations. The Carter Family prepared and served the greatly appreciat- ed buffet luncheon. The follow- ing guests won the prizes in the lue-ky draws: Draw Winners Cake: Mrs. Clayton, Port Hope and Mrs. Geo. W. James, Town. Lucky draw and spot dance prizes: Mrs. L. Clemens, Mrs. Chas. Warren and Mrs. F. Rogers, Hampton; Mrs. MLeod and Mrs. Ross, Port Hope; Mrs. Tamblyn, Orona; Mrs. Chas. Raper, Whitby and the iollowing ladies irom Bowmanx'ille: Mrs. H. Pickard, Mrs. H. Hancock, Mrs. A. Mofiat, Mrs. Aub. Smith and Mr. Len. Richards Director Reports IRailway Transport Board A pposes Beachfload Crossing Council Looksfor Way Ouf 0 At the regular meeting ai Tawn af BeIl-Govenlock, Toronto, sub- * Cauncil, Manday night, carres- mitted bid for $18,000 debenture pandence xvas read from bath the issue far Arena, pr.ice 991/4, rate Board af Transpart Commission- 3.15. Approved unanimously. ers and the C.N.R. management Letters: From Acting Chief of which disclosed that bath are ap- Police Bernard Kitney submitting posed ta a public crossing over recommendation fac parking reg- the railwav as a canvenience ta ulations ta accammodate people the Beach Road. The letters gave caming ta new Arena. Also re- estimates of the cost of signal comrmending ]icensîng bicycles to devices that were praposed. $6,500 aid recavery, if stolen. Police for installation and $450 annual cammittee will repart. upkeep, but declined their estab- Finance cammittee will deal lishment. Council will naw ex- with grant ai $1.500 asked by plore alternate routes. Hospital Board. same as last year. School Estimates Poperty commnittee given power Routine business took up con- tar act î'e cutting tree at request siderable lime before pracecding ai R. L. Evans, Carlisle Ave. ta discuss the estimates for the J Finance Approved year ta determine the genex'al tax Letter from Mrs. Donald Iver- rate. A holdup accurred ox'er son. complaining ai smoke rising the estimates an account ai the fram tawn idump on wash days, increase shawn in the bill sub- dealt with by decree "no more mitted by the Baard ai Education burning on Mandays." far the current year. It showed Grant approved for $50 mena- total requirements ai $43,375, or bership in Ontario Assaciation of an increase ai $13.705 aver last Mayors and Reeves. Grants de- year, due ta increased salar.v ists clined iram Ontario Municipal and other expenses. It is unlike- Association and Canadian Wel- ly, therefore, that the tax rate lare Council. will be determined in lime ta Old tawn campressar, wrecked disclose it in this issue of The through negleet, was sold te Statesman. Howard Hancack for $110 after Delegatians appearing before competitive bids were received. cauncil included Art Stakaruck Finance: Bills for past month, wvlo pctilioned ta open a used ardinary acet. $2,628. Sewer con- car lot in town as a branch ai his structian $8,453. South Ward Hampton business. No abjection Schoal, architect, $282. South if act is conformed with. Ward cantractor, $6,120. Total John James and Cliii Samis $17,483. saught further cauncil authority, Cmiterprswr eer withaut asking for mare money, d until reptiveeae cam ta camplete seating arrangements euniforespcsion.e ecting nucam inth nw emral Are nanmou . Ap decisian an tax rate at the meet- prva bws nanimoSal ing, the reporter adjourned toaa DebetureSalemare lively atmasphere in Wood An agent for the financial house Senate. Howe in Forceful Address Cliief speaker ait the Libecal "In sbbrt, baccing eamthquakes, Convention in Orono, Tbursday or seîious labor-management trou. night, Marcb 3rd, Rt. Hon. C. D. bles or a change ai gaverrnmrent, Howe, Minister ai Trade and the people ai Canada will have a Commerce, made a focceful ad- prosperaus year in 1949." dress on the achievemens ai the The 1949 investment pragram, government since the close ai the as repocted by the department, wac. It was nol at any time a baseci on inquimies directed tcs in- severe attack on the opposition dustcy, provincial and municipal but a straightf rom the sou Ider gaveraments, caîls for capital record ai te svack donc by the expendituces ai $3,300,000,000 Liberai administration ta presers'e against $3,000,000,000 lasi year. an even keel in the national ean- New costrutin accaunts for amy. He ceceiveci an attentive $2000.000,000 ai the total, and new fheariîîg but littie appiânse as be machiaecy and equipment for presenîcci a case la support af the $1300,000,000. fedecal candidate for the Liberais The estimateci investment this in D urham C oun t . W îth seven e r c l s f r a a l ti e o d reprters present, the ciaiîy pressyaais for aa an hmercr next day, scaccehy mentioîîed the Mînister's name. Wc shaill îy, Tnrning ta cansideration ai the in this report, ta be marc gener- puiblie investment programme, ans ta the man xvbo reahly spark- Mc. Howe recalleci that Mr. Colci- cd Canada's war effort anîd stihi well, leader of the C.C.F., pre- carries on today. dieteci vast unemphoyment fallow- ing- the war andi calleci for an Statdsnan Respected ontiay ai 5 billion dollars foc the Mc. Howe openeci with a 1ribute purpase ai rclieving the antici- ta The Statesman. He said it xvas paeistain It was, said the anc paper lie really reaci . Hce speaker-, a pcaphecy ni gloom in fouîîd it banest inii is criticisrns whiich be didn't share. In con- and Ibis, le affirmeci was gooci sequcace, a steady, long range, foc mea in public lufe. He founci palicy was developeci that naw a few questions in The Statesman provides a sheif ai public warks ivbich asked bim foc clarification, ta take up any sparadie unemn- aotably the' apple question. The pinyment that may be encounter- Minister ld that svhcn the axer- c d. This poicy wss aided by the seas markei for Canaclian apples I e-aperatioîî ai private business \as shut off, somethiag haci ta ims reparliîig ta the 18,000 4ues- be donc for tlie tcadilioîîal ship- tiannaires sent ont by the depart. pers in Nos-a Sentia anci Bitish ment as a public-pulse feeler. Colunmbia. A governineat cub sidy was determinec inlaia pro- Encmny Strategy gramme ni destroviag lîees. Thi s Ii clnsiag the Minister sug. amonteci ta $1.500.000 in Nova gesteci ihat the stcatcgy ai the oi- Scotia.ficial opposition was to book up Apple Question f hec foc suificient support ta cam- Mr. Howe snggcsted tuaI thîs maii c a majocity la the federal pohicy sinpl. inade it posible for bouse lie caleci for support to Dutrham Connty grouwers ta gel a elcet the candidate nominateci bcîte- priee.iii the daînestie mnac- Inst Priar to bis address andcita, ket. The Maritimes competitian p bad bigh the traditions ai true vas thus destroyeci. It migbt be Liberalismn. wel ta intierpolate bere Ihat Ther Statesmnan askeci foc a reasonabie nbsidy la behp Duchani orchard. Youths Remanded ists pratect thecir intcrests b'v C s ultiag doux-n nId orchards tlî On tCerxletery C s cre a menace ta gond grawcrs ancid y- bus praduce better qnality fcuit -TillFiAI a.I i'itb hetter pcospcts foc a betterfy,]V r.i omestic maket. The speaker Whn Police Court convened, i)fereci no comment on this point, ncirMagistrae R. B. Baxter, hicb was the essential in the he iwo youths on remanc in the ýdilacial. canaty jail, again appeareci for Progress Repart f sentence on the pleas ai gnilty iîi-entereci a w-,eek ago on charges ai la general, hawevec, the Mii het at the High Schcool andi rab- er gave the a i-I picture of lhe anaianccnom atth maiiotj bery at Maphe Grave. Ia the ab- anad an cono y a the mom nt.sence ai the Cro wn Atto ney they Wr . H a x v e s a ic i th a t in 1 9 4 8 C a n -. r e g -e i n d d u t l F i ia's trade reacheri $5,750,000,00() ,reaai e1nleinîtl n -$460 foc evecy nian, woman and ap y ()o' this \woek whea sentence îhd in this cnnnltry. - ihl lbe passeci. This lime tbey i vcre sent home ta rrmain in The trade ai Canada on a per charge f thicr parents, ta romain ipita bass is about twicc the a i a tav home ailci- 9 p.m. scie ai the Unîited States ancd 1 On Friclax- the case ins-ohviîîg jout Ivce th e, tracir- oai the depî-cdatin s la Bow-manville anited Kiageam." said M-. lHowe. 1 eteevwl 'ebad be rhe radeni Cnadatoda isyauths xvii! appear Ia answer the dater than the total trade of the f harges prcierred, inchuding ane in il e d S ta t s 1 0 y e a c s a g a . " t o v o r e a d i t h H g s h l Quoting from the îns'estment ovo oadl h ihsbo i nd Ma ple Grave cases. Long be- .îthoak, produceci by tleecoi.onm fore court convenei a large 1research bcanch aif h e T rade _ox %*(i'xva ý or. hanc i nia the c r i- ici Commerce Dept., Mc. Ha,,se' dor but the majacity leit when ýid the bigh hevel ai capital ini- asrc bth orwolip- stssr ment the18courtci bc. l:'opro Jin 1949 by about 8 per cent ceib vyn eac ny imarie' v viLjc'. Grass natioinal admet WOLhd ho abouît a billion Mc andi Mr. O. F. Rrabsan. ,Mc. hlacs irom theS1.)tt(ii(J) anci Mis. W. D Higgn, M. andi .e1 altaineci lasI ycar. Mr. A. W. G. Nocihent, Bow- "Tb-Ž geaera' hexel oi business manville; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. il] bc about the sarne." lho pre- Blanchard, Mr. and Mms. Chas. eted. with same leveîling off in Warren, Mr. and Mcs. M. L. Davy, ces that will leave the ecan-f Hampton. attendeci the' Pon- ri'v s'. ithiott the itiflat;onary tate' Bail ait the Royal Yack Ho- -ssures whjich existeci fasi year. tel, Toronto, on Friday, Mar. 4. le ýr- is Il- or se Il n- ni al :1 IS d s c IV ai ci gr ar sa cd in pr (Io wi di( orr \ i s.0 is ,n- s -e id rd Zbe VILLE. UNTARIO. THITR..qT)AvA M,&PPP l"fli 1GAG de- TilnTà 1 .ý f *1 :1 1~' <1 f7 0 4 '4 1

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