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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1949, p. 2

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* AUX TWUH AAMNSAEMN.EWAVLE NAT rH~DY ACTlt,14 Established 1854 wth w;hich is incorporated The Bowmanville News,.The Newcastle Independent and The Orono News 94 Years' Coninuous SEgvf ce ta the Town of Bowrnanville and Durham County Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Mernber I~A Audit Bureau (LIt~> of Crculations Weokly Newapapers ib Association SUBSCR1PTION RATES $2.50 a Year, strictiy in advance $3.00 a Year in the United States Published by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Bowmanvjlle, Ontario GEO. W. JAMES, Editor Election This Year Announced At Orono Convention In ail the press reports we have seon fol- Iowing the Lbral nominating convention in Orono, March 3rd, not one carried the only significant statomnent made irom the platform. That was the assurance of Bily Fraser, Liberai organizer for Eastern-Central Ontario, that a general, federai election would be held in 1949. It may have been a hasty interjection in a rousir.g political speech, but it had ail the ap- pearance of authenticitv in the story told by Mr. Fraser. He told how he and Mr. Hawe got together to plan an immediate campaign to organize thie district and the beginning took the iorm of the Orano convention with bath Mr. Howo and Mr. Pearson, twa high-rankinq Cabinet Ministers on the. platiorm. When they spoke later, neither denied the assertion of Mr. Fraser. Few will deny that Mr. Fraser knows what is going on 'md what hoe aid about the election may ho taken as an assured fact. Now that the cat is out of the bag and a niarch has been stolen on opposition parties with a big-gun local convention, it behoves the other palitical groupe ta get out and organize and name their candidates. With the Liberal nomine in the field we can say we have no officiai word as yet as ta what other candidates will be nominated. If a June lection is called there wili he omre fast scurrying about ta get ready for the contest. Trees and Conservation the Big Issue in This District Deepite the ups and downs in the current farni market situation and the iack ai assurance that farmers have of getting an even break in the future, we go back ta aur ai t-repeated as- sertion that the basic need ai thie whole district lu cr reforestation and conservation programme. Now that the political pot le beginning ta bail we introduce tuis issue once again ta invite dis- cussion and suggestions as the campaign deep- ens. It le a matter involving bath Dominion and Provincial juriscdictian by virtue of inter- locklng agencies mostlv in the agricultural sphere. The initiai source of farm wealth has greatiy diminiished by the cutting off of woods and forests. A grecit acreage, bereabouts, has gone compietely out ai production and thausands ai other acres have bast thoir original fertility. Scientiste have proved that this decline le having a seriaus effect on bath human and animal if e and the material prospority ai the community. It would take a long time ta explain the scien- tlfic factors in the case but we hope ta say more about this in later issues. We have provincial legislation now on the books that enables any organized municipality to establisb a continuing programme of reforest- ation. This bas been stressed in these columns time and again. We can nover hope ta restore water resaurces and soul fertility until wo get right down ta cases and start this aided scheme. But in the meantime we have many othor thinge in which the federal governmont has respon- sibility arrd which has heen long neglocted. We in wbich the great mnajarity ai the peoplo - at least 60 per cent - livo in housos which they own themselves, a decision of this sort should surely ho made ai ter full discussion ai ail the probieme involved. In the second place, this decision shouid sureiy be made by those autharities which are responeible for any public contraI ai houeing. If it ïe the duty ai the Provinces and municipal- tiee ta deal with housing, thon each Province and municipality should surely decide whether the taxpayers at large are ta provide part ai the caît ai housing. To speak as though the Dominion Govern- ment had a supply aifrnoney which it could tap, wbich cames irom other sources than the money wbich Provinces and municipalities can useo, l certainly absurd. Dominion Government subcidies ta hausing, coupled witb Provincial and runicinoil zubsidirs, wDut!d simplv mean th--t the taxpayers pxiy a shcue of housîng Cost. in a mont coniused way. In it even qood con- stitutionai law for the Dominion Goverriment te contrihute money for the solution of a problemn for wbich Mr. St. Laurent says it bas ne respon- sibility? Mr. St. Laurent went an ta speak ai the speciel case ai veterans. In that particuier field public opinion will agroe that the Dominion Govornment bas a particuier responsibiiity, but what le the problem ai housing for veterens? le it nat simply a problem created by the f act that, when the vterans wore discharged from service, they f ound that ail the rentai housing in Canada was occupied, at depressian rentais, by the people wha had not gono into the armed services? Ie not that the real ieason why voter- ans, and yaung familios established since the war, find it impassible ta got a share ai the availabie hausing at iow rentais? The coid fact ln thril the average rentai ai a house in Canada is $2700 a month, but, as a rosuit oi rentai contrai, veterans and newly established familles are forced ta pay far above the rentais which prevail for the sort ai houcing which they require. Suppose, before the Domin- ion Governmont engages in this ehaborate ey- stem ai 3-wey subsidies, it be decided that the Dominion Govornment should get out ai the whole housing business? Hundrecis Are Graduating From Ryers'on Institute Lest week this paper carried an extensive report ai the address of Mr. H. H. Kerr, Director, Ryerson Institute ai Technoiogy, Taranto, wha was guet speaker at the Mens Canadian Club. We gave the eddress the fulleet possible caver- age for the purpose ai informing parents and young people ai the great apportunities that foiiow aiong fram any course chosen and faith- fuliy pursued la this highiy practicai schooi. At the Ryerson Institute which cames under the auspices ai the Ontaria Department ai Educe- tion, the basic instruction and practiceofaila- most every avenue ai business and trades is given at the lowest cost ai money and time among ail the echools ai the continent. But the point that we faiied ta stress, is that many ai these courses are activeiy supported by commercial and industria! firms who have wait- ing lijts for the greduates and student appren- tices at ail timos. We observe in a recent issue ai the publication, Ontario Goverament Services, a haîf page devated ta the nomes ai graduates who won many prizes offered by the sponsoring firme and trade associations interested in secur- ing trained young people. With this kind ai trein;ng and backing it is bard ta understand why sa meny youtbs gang up and compiain they can iind no work or apportunities. Howe and Pearson Speeches Differ in Political Approach There was quite a contrast in the speeches made by the Bt. Hon. C. D. Howe and Hon. L. B. Pearson, at the Liherai nomninating convention held in Orana hast week. In advance ai their appeerance, this peper carried their pictures and a summary ai their achevements in the hope ai inducing ar large number ai people ta came out and hear wbat they had ta say in dol once af govornment policies. Mr. Howe stuck gon- eraily ta facte and figures in the mannor ai the great businessman ho bas shown bimeeli ta ho during hie whole course with the prosent gav- ernment. On the ather hand, Mr. Pearson ap- peared quite out ai character when ho attempted ta emear politicai appanents, the majaritv elec- tarato in twa groat provinces and bis awn frn- onde wbo wore grouped witb the "~Bay Street crowd.-~ This tirade came ight ai ter the twa candi- dates proposed for the honor ai standing for the ioderai bouse in Durham County bad piedged a completeiy cdean campaiga. la attackiag Drew and Duplessis it was apparent ta any reaeaning mind that Mr. Pearson was contompt- uous ai the action taken by the rank and file ai the electorate. Ho exhibited none cf the cour- tosy accorded bim when Drew off ered no ap- position in the Aigorna contest ta the election ai Mr. Pearson. The Minister wili iearn that bis sort ai cempaigning is not the kiad wanted by any elector cave the hidebound partisan ta- day. Politiciens elwavs try ta by-pass facte thet destruction ai the middle elernents. Ia a dlace- lese cociety, you cen oniy have the proieteriat and the bosses. Socialiste are untiring in their denunciation of Fascisrn. But bore le anather aingle in the wards ai Colm Braqan, the wel known British poiitical wrîter: "Sociaiiem is cern- pleteiy Fesciet in organization, though it bas a protence ai democracy in spirit. Centralized contrai ai the wholeofa ecoaomic like and gav- eraiment by decree cannot survivo aiong with tho dernocratic spirit or minority and personai rights. One or other wil ho destroyed. It le not yet toa lete ta cave ireedom by rejocting Socialisis, but ia a i ew years thet choice will hardiy be open. We shahi have ilioqical Social- icm that wiii bing us recrr ta starvatian or logicai Sociaiism that wili clamnp us ln slavery. The clampe are being iorged now. The wark le aimost done." (From a pamphlet is,,ued by The British Workers Information Bureau) It Isn't Just a Family Matter- By Gea. W. This newspaper bas çxisted for 95 years. It is onky confidence that its subscribers grant it that enabies this nowspaper ta exiet at ahl. During nearly bal - 42 years ta ho exact - ai its existence, Te canadian Statesman bas been conducted byO its present editor. The fact that The Canadien Stateernan now bas a larger circulation thaen et any timne in its bistory is a beerteaing evidence ai tho confidence which the people af Bowmanviile and Durhem County give ta this institution. My father, instructing the present editor meny years ega, laid dawn the primo principle upon wbich e local new spaper firet engages, and thon reteins, the confidence ai the public. That priacipie le simply ta eern the pubbic's respect - "have an opinion; speek it aut ieirly and irankiy - and thon tbae public wili respect you and respect the papor, whether they agree with yau or not." Thot wes hic dicturn, hic precopt. Hic if e and the bu e ai The Canadien Statesman were built eround it. It le the very cornex;stone ai this newspapors ile. Na newspaper cauid esk for or hobd tho respect ai the public if its opinions wavered with every breeth ai wind. It muet ho boneet and consistent. It cannot havo one view to-day on mettere ai public policy and thon (perbape hy reasan ai came politicai cansideration closely ai iecting its personnel) reverse its position te- morraw. The readers would net only f eei ho- trayed, they wouid ho betreyed. Personai con- siderations cennot be permitted te vary con- victions. Consistent Course .Lýîy readers wiil reelize that in al of the ahavo I have simply made an introductory roi erence ta the situation which this newspaper cantempietes by reeson of the nomination of my nephew and equal business partner, John M. lames, in the Liberal iaterest for Panliiment, e situation which I propose ta discuss with cendor. Contrary ta corne opinions this paper nover bas been Liberai - in the partisan sense. It has been liherel la ils outiook la ail thiags for the public intoreet. At any ime it bec supported the Liberel party it bas done so oailis own independence', not as e siavish instrument of party. At presont itle backing the poiicies wbich are those, but which have net aiways heen those, ai the Progressive Conservative party. Equeily, it stilli le fot a sievish party instrument; it wiii ho juet as ready te criticize George Drew, sbouid occasion arise as it hec been te criticize Mackenzie King or Louis St. Laurent. It is the oditariai furîction ai e newspeper ta iorm opinions and ta express themn - ta treat the neW's quite feirly la its newo columas, te report ovonts and discussions f aithfuliy and impartialiy, and thon ta speak out upon tbem la the editoriai page. wbether anybady agrees or not. Neutrality la a newspaper is as abhorrent as neutrality wouid have been for Canada in the hast war. Noutraiity sametirnes masquerades as in- dependence. It wiil nover ho so la The Can- adien Statesman la the preseat situation. Persoae)Decision John James is a worthy young citizen ai thie community and of the country. Ho bas servod bis country wol la the recent war, juet as did bis cousin, my son. The members ai the Statosman famiiy and the Statesman itseli bave eiways stoed for public service. My father served as Mayor of this tewn for twa years. Sa did I. My son and I et different timos bave set la the tewa counicil, and my nephew, loba James, bas rendered censpicieus public service ta which the newiy iinished skating arona stands as e lesting monument. And now in the democratic processes which mark the ireedom aif this country, John lames bas been cailed, and le ensworna the cali, ta one ai our leading political parties in the hope and expoctatien that la the event ai bis election ta the grand tribunal ai the nation, ho mey render stili groater service. It is e tribute ta bim; an evidence ai the bigh regard la which many ai bis feliow citizens hoid bim. But it ceoeste bave been concluded by some people that bis more nomination autornaticelly assures him the editorial support ai The States- man, regerdiese ai the journeiistic prncipies which have been outiined above. That wouid ho easy if it were oaiy a iamiiy matter. Bleod beiag thicker than water, there is nothing that wauld please me mare - ail thinge being equal - than to suppcrt for public office my nephew and business partner, e bearer of the naome 50 What Others Say HARDWARE DEALER SAYS WEEKLY PAPER ADVERTISING BEST (St. Mary Journal-Argus) Importance ai retailers adver- tising in their weekly newszpapcrs James, Editor respective opinions. Obviausly, as a Liberel candidate, ho con- net expect the automati'- support ai tues news- paper aay mare thon I could if I were a Con- servative candidate and the twa ai us were runnipg la the came electian. Sucb a situation would make this newspaper a leugbing stock. Deservedly sa. It would lace for us that public respect and confidence on which this papers existence depends. Whether the Liberal partisians expect John James ta ho olected, or whether they had the ideai that in nominating hlm they would either win aur support for ihe Lberal party. ar crippie the influonre of this nevýspaper, is conjectural. The fact romains that thîs newepaper bas a tradition cf public service upon which it stands and wîll continue ta stand. From its very beginniag it bas fougbt ior the intereet ai the fermer as the base ai ail the Canadien econamy. Sa long as the iarmer lu presperaus the rest ai the eonomy praspers accerdingly. Layait y ta Public When the fermer is discimineted against, regulated, controlled. rogimented, and evea de- pived ai the full pnice avaiuable in world mer- kets fer hic praducts, I f eel that this newspaper bas te fiqht against the poiticai arganism thet produces this discrimination and undermines the very fouadation ai national prasperity. That je one cf the great issues that we cee - that and the tendency towaed the 'welfare etate." There le very Iittlý difieronce in the long rua between the 'welfere state' and the 'hreadline stete." However, that is net e mattor wo wish ta labor in this article. I rnight finish off the tbought by seying that tired geveraments in democracies inevitahhy seem te seek ta iortiiy themeelves and bang on te office by arbitrery devices whicb central free people unduiy and throxv the ecanomy out ai lino. Tired goverrnents. undor aur democretic system.i having served their day, bowever well, qet throwa eut ila ceepoliticai upheaval. Which is as it shouid ho. It looks ta me that, aise, is as it wilh ho. This is net te say that expediency playe any part in my shaping my point ai view. There is ne bandwagon aspect ta it. Here in this towa and in Durham County wo are e miniature oi Canada. The eyes ai Capada will be upan this censtituency, and we muet carry ourselves la the stature ai full Canadian maahood. Inaony other circumstances, al ather things beiag equal. this nowspapor's editoriai support wouhd go soiidly for John lames. Ho may be elected anyway. If ho le, mare power ta hum. Iho is net, thon ho bas not hast, but bas qained la the acquaintanceship ai this community and bas enhanced bis name for any future colle to public service. Loyalty ta Staff Doubtless la the latter event ho wiil return ta bis duties la this newspaper - the cempaign being over - and la the meantime I mysehf and the rest ai aur loyal staff muet, eveh without bis centinuous presence and hie skilled belp ln the back shop, carry on the business that le bis livelihoad, and etrive ta maintain for h7im, as for myseli. the value ai aur newspaper' in- vestmnt. For me the course le clear. Ia ail good conscience - the issues being far bigger thon mon or personalities - I propose ta continue fightiag for the issues as I see tbem. loba lames wibl undeubtedly wage e f air and dlean campaiga. I amrnont oppasing hlm. for thie le 'not e personal motter, but I arn appasiag the issues ai hie partys poiicy. I iind myseif behiad the issues which tho Progressive Conservative party. unden George Drew endorse - and in that I bave net moved aver; it le the Progressive Conservative party which bas progressed ta the point where it now advances many ai the principhes ai the late Sir Wilfrid Laurier, which the Liberai party bas de- serted as "Chubby' Power and Hon. Angus MacDonald have se well said. Priceless Principle Times change. Vision chears. Parties change. Issues change witb them. Principles, bowever, are agehess and unchangeable. The prnciples ai this newspaper stand unchanged. This nows- paper wili continue ta view the passing etorme ai politice cahmhy and judicialhy. It wilh frankhy stete its views whatever they may ho; reqardiese ai who may agree or dinagree with them. No doub t as time wears on and the writs pers are close to the cammunity, they are friendhy and intimate, and subscribcrs read them from caver to covcr. Your adi cannot help but make a terrifie irnprcs- s 100." POLITICS IS DIRTY (St. Catherines Standardi) was cmphasized by Nelson Mc- Why ýo many af the better ci- Farhand of Long Branch, Ont., at tizens ecc., politics and ail its recent Ontario Retail Hardware works, wii' v the atr is depriv- Association convention in Toron. cd af many' aio the finest mnds in to. framing îaws for public w'elfare -We are dcfinitely sold an ad- mav, well be contaîoed on obser- vertisiog ini aur store and have vationas b' W. L. Clark in The run the gamîît of advertising ex- Winr!%cr Star. He cemments on perience and experimentation." certain rivlomnt ithin hisi he laid the harrl-headed bard- own lalik waremeo, according ta a repart ni "The C.C.F. boys have haro fi-J Hardware and Metal. "It is Our c-urie g eut ho'. ' hev will attp'ck considered opinion that the best Ken ac yrCooservative can- medium fer roaching large masses didiate in Essex West. After somne over an extended area is the local tbinking. thev haove decided thev weeklv new,ýspaper. We have the wiil accu e Mr. MacIntyre aoflie - misforture te be Iocated at the irg 'succ2. siuI. Aiter ail. that is end of the b,,sineý, section and w-ýual Socialist strategy,. Mr. Mac. onlv b 'v consistent and dynamnic liltvresz crime is that he went ta arlvertising have we maintained a th e'ar as a junior lieutenant in hligh sales volume. I he Esex Sccttish and came home M on.f us are Fmail retailers a la ieutenant-calonel 10 cern- operat n c ii ýmaýI Ilocal aas m i afor heScntt;zli and w7i*h the where-tc ha'.e thenes aD-te ci. lScr'. ice Ordr.Bc-. -weekly nev'%.pepcri. Thc.Že pa- cauýe lie dicd that, and because lhe w.as a popular officer. the C.C.F. urges everyene, veterans includ- cd, Ia appose Mr. MacIntyre. 'It sounds funny, but that's what the CCF boys have already .;tarted ta do. Thc came stî'atcg,ý ,.as tried against Lt.-Coi, the Hon. William Griesinger. M.C., V.D. wlict he ran in Windsor-Sand- wich. Some of bis appontents bangei away nt hlm because he had risen from lieutenant ta lieut-_ enant-colonteh and had won a mil- itarv cross. And, appenents af Dave Crail in Tarante Spadina at- tacked him because he had hen successfuh and risen fram private in the rear rank te lieutenant-col- oncel.' Vvhat a fallacy in political thiok- ntg it reaily is that a man whi5 has 1-iecu a godi mani in his own line is1 ta be ca'îdrrmoed in the sociahisi way of thinking. Fundameýntall.y t is nothing but class hatred that .s being ;ippeahled ta. As a matter af fact. that is what the C.C.F. de- pends upon: it5 leader is crving aloud ahnost for a depressian ta hit the countrv se that he cati ride loto power. If net a depression, the wAay his party uines uc with the worn-aut iberal administra- ,ion at ottawýa. Fseaoaithespis af office a re worth taking in the mealn wn île. Sovereign, known ta many Cana-1 dian ex-servicemen, and on boanJ ta Russian since 1944, has been returned and will be scrappcd. HAVE YOUR SKNA TES I SHARPENED THE NEW WAY! 1 For the smoothest sharpened skates you've ever had. e try our new C.C.M. Para11e1 Skate Grinder Results - fasfer and i moother performance and quieker stops. GF. JAMIESON TIRE SHOF (,orner King & Silver Sts. Phone 467 Bowmanville BUY KEYES BABY CHICKS " NH X BR Hybrids * Leghorns * Barred Rocks (f ast feathering) * Barreci Rocks X Leghorn Hybrid Canadian approved hatchery opcrated under "Ontario Breeding Station" Regulations. Our chicks have exceptionai iivabilîty and are the resuit of seeected dlean high-produm' ng strains. W. C. KEYES 39 John Street PORT HOPE Phone 22 GEORGE DREW Leader Progressive Conservattve Party wiII speakc Thursday Night MARCH 17 ON THE SUBJECT "The Natîon's Business" C.B. L. b 7:45 P.M. (E.S.T.) Progressive Consorvative Part y The Road to the Market b* also leads ta the hank. For both market and bank are essential ta good family living. Tbrough four generatians, it has been a tradition wjth many thousands of Canadien families ta use the services of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. From cashing payroll and salary cheques ta safeguarding family sav- ings, or lending funds for educational and aiedical services, vou'il find banking at Commerce helpful te, every member of the famnily. Plan ta open an account flow. i THE CANAN BANK OF COMME RCFI, BOWMAN VILLE BRANCH NEWCASTLE BRANCH ORONO BRANC'H - "FIEE" Radio Service ? SureIv iou must know that no business can give you1 something for notbing. Our service is flot free but wve do offer you somethlng you need - Professional Radio Service at an honest prive. IVe have the knowIedge,j equipment and integrity ta put your radio ln perfect condition. If Your radio is ilot wvork- lng at its best-if reception is noisy and poor, wont you phone us now0W. 1e kno%% that you %vili bc more than satlsfied %vith the resuits. 30 DAYS GUARANTEE MY LES' Radio Service (At TED WOODYARD'S APPLIANCE STORE) i44 King St. IV., Bowmanville Phone 901 Orono 79-4 R. L. Mitchell, Manager J. C. Porter, Manager - T.. Blue, Manager ïwý v THIE CANADIAN STATESMAX. 8OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THUik-SDAY, MARCTI 10th, 1940 FA r-lir Irwe - 1

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