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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1949, p. 4

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PAGE Fotyx THZ CANADIAN STATK~IEAN BOWMANVILL!~. ONTARIO THUPSDAY, MARCH lOth, 1041 PONTYPOOL Younqjman Says the. Honeymoon lu Over Some folks say the best part o! a joumney is returnlng home. Well let's see if it's true. Alse, let's se what happened during aur month's absence. We had to put the chains on the car, besides bav- ing te shovel aur way tbrough some nice big snow drifts that had accumuiated during the previaus twelve boums. But, as it was the Iast one and a bal! miles o! a 2,142 mile joumney, we didn't mind. We knaw that a lot o!faoks will want ta know how the car per- fommed and what it cast ta go the distance mentiened. We, can tutbfuliy. state that we had ne xnechanical trouble whatever, that aur entire car cost for the 2142 miles was $20.79 for gas, plus $1.60 for an ail change. We went 30 miles ta the gallon o! gas. Please remember that an Amemican gal- lon is anly wine measure, nat as large as the Canadian Impemial gallon. Had we used imperlal gar- Ions, we would have had about 35 miles to, the gallon. Sa, it cast approxi.mately one cent per mile. Seems to us, it would be bard to beat that record for econom-icai travelling. It should be borne in mind too, we drove aur car through the heart o! a good many cities, where traffic was dense, and, gasoline censumptian higb. In Philadelphia we went down Broad Street with it's 44 traffic stop ights, and, had ta stop at about 39 o! them. We must give credit ta Bob and Ernie for keeping the bouse dlean and tidy, even though they aLow- ed their mother's house plants ta freeze. Our grateful thanka te Mrs. Andy Sutcb, wba, 50 gener- ously invited aur boys ta ber home fer many good meals, besides coming bere ta do tbeir laundry, and dust, tbrough the bouse, de- spite the fact that she bas a bus- band, two boys of scboal age, and a five manth aid baby ta laok a!- ter. People wbo argue that the neigbbours aren't sociable any- more, are plain "'nuts". The plain truth is, a lbt of coun- try people have become more in- IDANCING AT VARCOESI FRIDAY NIGT.. Joe Crysdale and RHis Records That popular M. C. of C.K.E.Y.'s Club 580 will act as. master of ceremonies.at a recoid dance every Frlday night. Spot Dances and Attendance Prizes. - 50e FER PERSON - Dlancing 9 - 12 p.m. Special arrangements te have Gaton's bus stop an iast trip. Joe Crysdale SATURDAY NIGHT.. Jack Fowler and His Ochestra (One of original Western Gentlemen) Arranger for Mart Kenny for past 13 years. Currently arranging for Borden Cavalcade Show heard coast-to-coast each week, OPENING HOURS Fniday and Saturday - 8 p.m. - Sunday - 2 P.m. ýTHE CANADIAN ARMY - "INSURANCE FOR PEACE» Today, the Reserve Farce Soidier carnies on in many ways the tradition cf the pioneers. He reflects their spirit cf building and guarding. For, like the Pioneer, he is a Citizen-Soldier with a keen sense cf duty ta the community, recognizing the need te keep Canada growing - to keep Canada strong and at peace. The co-operation and active support cf Canadians from every walk cf life is important, for the Reserve Force is a vital part cf Canada's defence system. The neu, Réserve Force bas a lot te effet: Trade aud technical training; athletic programmes; Active Service rates cf psy for time spent in training and suminer camp. The Reserve Force Armoury is a meeting plac where You can make new friends. sular than formerly, but, once you dig down tbraugh their ne- serve, tbey are just as kindly and néighbourly as the aid timers ever were. Instead o! griplng about bow mean the guy on the adjaîning farm is, wby flot slip over and show bim, tbraugh sane' littîn neighbaurly act, that you are interested in his welfare. We are willing ta bet that be wifl light up like a cbristmas tree. Our dog, Mike. nearly busted bis awn ribs wagging his tail against tbema in ecstacy at aur re- turn. We don't want bim ta corne toc lcose thougb, because bed tangled wîth one of those striped kitties a couple of days aga. It is nice te bear the cbeery greetings o! our acquaintances, wba, ahl wisb ta know how Harry Truman expects ta run the States without aur assistance. We are glad ta bear Jim Hunter's voice doing bis broadcast. We didn't like ta, find the run off pipe in the kitchen sink broken. Neither did we like Ernie's sidekick tak- ing a run out powder, thus stop- ping the pulp wood cutting. We were sorry ta learn that Henry Sucee bad stuck one of bis fingers in the wrang spot in a tractor, resulting in the digit bav- ing ta be amputated. We were also' sorry ta hear that George White was seriously Mî. Mr. White is 82 years cf age, is a definite link with the Yaungman family's early histary in the Pontypool area. For, it was be wba met my brand new bride and I when we stcepped off the train. He dmovt' us home witb bis horse Dan, bitched ta the buggy. Althougb that was 29 years aga, it seems like yester- day. During the 1914-18 war we were in the army nearly five years. It was Mrs. White wbo gave us aur first piece of fresh rhubarb pie, smotbered in creari, sbortly after aur discharge. Nearly 30 years ago, but the memory cf these kindnesses and what they meant stili linger. We learned with regret cf Wal- ter Rayfield's death. When he died be was governor of the Dan Jail, Toronto. Before that, be was 5cr- geant-at-Arms in the Ontario Legislature. But, before that, he used ta operate the farm near Pcntypool, now being operated by Harry Carter. Walter Rayfield won the Victoria Cross for out- standing bravery on Octaber 8, 1918, wbile serving with the Can- adian Infantry. He was a genuine gentleman, was born in London, England, yet, was a typical Can- adian. This writer acted as clerk at Walter's auction sale wben he decided ta retire from farming. Tbey dan't make tbem any better than aur old friend, comrade in arms, and, neigbur. We would like ta offer aur heamtiest congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Robert Payne who bave joined that select circle known as great grandpaments. The latest ad- dition ta the Payne family circle is a girl, and, was born an ber great grand-dad's 82nd birtbday. Mrs. Payne, incidentally is 84 and stili as spmy as a spring cbicken. Our local hockey team bas been handed a sbellacking in five out o! six games Howevem the boys comprising the team bhave such splendid spirit that they bave, during this winter, rented tbe Janetville rink, (17 miles away) ta practise on, besides hiring transportation ta and from the practice rink, and, the other vil- lages where they played. The Manvers boys. of Dutch, Hungarian, Ukrainian and Anglo ancestry have the same "get Up and go" spirit as the Manvers Irish used ta have years ago. Ray 'Faith got in the way of a puck during the most recent game, me- sulting in a trip ta Lindsav ta have bis face sewn up. Emnie Youngman is the local goal keep- er. didn't have the price of shoul- Business Direclory_ LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MVASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 - Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solictor - Notary 91/2 King Street E. Bowmanville, Ontario Phone: Office 825 - House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gauld Temperance St., Bowmanville Phane 351 DENTAL DRS. DFVITT & RUDELL Graduates cf Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street - Bowmanville Office Haurs: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday. Office: Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt . 325 Dr. W. M.Rudell - 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Wednesday Clcsed Sunday. Phone 604 OPTOMETIRy JOHN T. McCREERY Optometrist 2-1 Division St., Bownanville Office Hours: Monday: "7:30- 9 p.m. Thursday: 2- 8 p.m. Phonesv: Bowmanville 2024; Port Hope 248 IC. B. Copr General Sales Manager of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Canada, Limnited, announces the appointment of Mr. iF. G. Willmot as Assistant General Sales Manager. Mr. Willmot has had over 20 years' expferience with the Company, and is ell-known in the rubber industry. He has been manager of several departments in the Sa1les Division, latterly as Manager of Tire Sale& der pads, so, made a pair out of several of his dad's good grain bags. (In bis dad's absence, of course.) Our hockey team's moniker is, "The Pontypool Stumblers," and, how they do try to live up ta that name. Best of luck, fellows -ENFIELD ENFIELD SCHOOL NEWS On Feb. 16 the teacher and pu- puls were pleased to receive a visit from Rev. R. M. Seymour and Mr. Wyman, Oshawa, who on behalf of the Gideons, presented the school with 25 Bibles. On Feb. 18 in the hour set aside for Religious Instruction, we held our Mission Band programn with President, Kathleen Smith in the chair. Meeting opened with Cail ta Worship. We sang the Bible song followed by Mission Band Ainmt, Watchword, Purpose and Memory Verse. We repeated the names cf the Books of the Bible. Then we used our neý Bibles and read the first chapter of Genesis in unison. Evelyn Pascoe, Secre- tary, gave the Roll Caîl. Glen Cochrane took up the collection of 36 cents. A temperance read- ing by Lamna, a peace reading iby Marion and a story by Mrs. Pres- cott. Meeting closed with ten min- utes of the Sword Drill game, la- cating Bible passages, the girls winning. On Feb. 25 we held aur Jr. Red Cross meeting with Pres., Lorna Cochrane in the chair. Meeting opened with the sing- ing of O Canada. Roll Cali was made by Secy. Doreen Lycett. Col- lection of 51 cents was taken by Treas., Marion Pascoe. The main part of the program took the form. of an Oratorical Contest for the seniors, interspersed with other numbers planned by Jack Hooper and Ronald Stcphenison. Instrumental duet-Marion and Kathleen; Piano solo-Doreen; recitation-Garry; Speeches were ail excellent Dellan, A Fishing Trip"'; Jack, " My Trip ta Ncw- foundland"; Glenn Pre s c o t t, "Jacques Cartier"; Glen Coch- rane, "Tbree Little Pigs"; Rose Marie, "John Howard and Eliza- beth Fry"; Lorna-The Goat's Pie"; Allan-"Henry Hudson"; Evelyn-"How aur Cat nearly got poisoned"; Kathleen-"My Trip to, Niagara"; Marion-My Trip ta Niagara": Doreen-"Flor- ence Nightingale". The work was marked by the teacher andi marks awarded. Meeting closed with God Save the King. We are sorry ta lose Irene and Bruce Ferguson, who have moved ta Enniskillen. We welcome aur new pupils, Murray and Terry Abbott. On Feb. 28 aur teacher and Mis- sion Band members were pleased ta receive a visit from Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mrs. Russell Ormiston and Mrs. Seymour. These ladies gave us a treat in the form of sldes on China, Korea and Japan; accompanied by the story. Mrs. Seymour, in ber usual, capable, winning manner, conducted some games which were mucb enjoyed. YoA llkeit lwtr-olu directionstril package. Skinny m en womeruff gain 5 10 ig"a C ue ntiNe Pep, ImVi Wbu i th i D ony1ml st;ulyhll irp econolnpager.~ybdyie at Sit~. oenn men , ewlI gmbeuo Cet ,w r'o New ep, Vt, lig ol tente. Ostre. . tos tmînsivgrtr. Irat. viamn h c.,,. e r l boo.ibpo' a.e 1 d -11-11 hait.es 00 o Itegî lo louribenpt u,.kfie , ae uS . 1>', n cr Mer e,10 a.to h yueane yte t. I , e r.ul, o ldecil for norma liibr. <t. îtIe re e eultd ieet .> 1r5am u Otre h.Tome labler for n ew vl wig tr aad dde youdalia vvy "Y. At iau dmuugta OBITU ARIES REV. A.JL<G. CARSCADDEN Active in the ministry o! the former Methodist and later Unit- ed Church for 35 years, Rev. Ai- bert James Gardiner Carscadden, 77, died Marcb 4 in Bcwmanville Hospital. He bad been ill for two weel<s. Fallowing bis retirement in 1933, he resided in Toronto utitil the summer cf 1948 wben he moved ta Bowmanville. Mr. Carscadden was bomn at Kirby and received bis early edu- cation in. Bawmanville. lie was graduated frcm Victcria College in 1898 and was ordained in the Metbodist Church. His pastorates încluded Windermere, Honey- wood, Sandfard, Creemare, His- bcrcugh, Victoria Harbor, Pene- tanguishene, Central Cburch, Bar- rie, and Parliament Street Cburch Tarante. He leaves bis wife, the former Mildred Armstrong, two sons, Ivan, Toronto, and Arthur Car- scadden, Long Branch; twc daugbters, Edith Carscadden, To-1 ronta, and Marion Perkins, wife cf Dr. A. F. Perkins, Barrie, and one sister, Mrs. F. H. Morris, Bowmanville. Funeral service was beld at bis late residence, 39 Beech Ave., Bowmanville, on Saturday even- ing, Mareh 8. Service was beld in the Bedford Funeral Chapel, To- ronto. Interment was in Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. BEy. T. W. MURPHY Rector of Ail Saints' Anglican Church, Toronto, for moreta 30 years, Rev. Thomas Wila Murphy died suddenly at bis home, 67 Pembroke St. He had been in ilI health for several days but attended a banquet of the sidesmen of bis cburcb Wednes- day evening. He was in bis 72nd year. Througb bis long years of ser- vice in a downtown parish, Mr. Murphy had endeared bimself ta a great congregaticn of people of many types. Born in Hamilton, here he re- ceived his early education, Mr. Murphy was graduated from the University of Toronto with the de- gree of bachelor cf arts. Later hie was graduated fromn Wycliffe Col- lege. He was ordained in Toronto in 1906 by Arcbbishop Sweatman. His first charge was at Darling- ton, now St. John's Anglican Par- isb, Bowmanville After serving for a time as curate at Cburcb of the Redeemer, hie was appainted rector of St. Paul's Churcb, Char- lottetown, P.E.I., here hie remain- ed for ten years. He came ta All Saint in 1918. An active member of the Upper Canada Bible Society, Mr. Murphy held the office of president for a number of years. He was on the couincil of Wycliffe College and had been a mnember of variaus committees in the Synod. He leaves bis wife, the for-mer Ethel Hoyles, daughter of D r. N. W. Hoyles; two daughters, Kath- leen Smyth, wife of Rev.* B.*P.* Srnyth, Toronto, and Mar Jorie1 McKibbin, wife of Rev. John Me- Kibbin, Blackstock, and one son, Rev. Maurice William Murphy, secretary o! the international British Columbia, witb beadquar- ters in Vancouver. THOMAS SARGENT Thomas E. Sargent cf 488 Sher-! brooke St., Peterboro, died on' Feb. 27, in hospital in bis 87tb year after a lengthy illness. Mr. Sargent was born in Otonabep Township, son cf the late Samuel Sargent and Ellen Johnstaxi, and bas lived in the city for the past 28 years. He leaves bis wife, the former Margery Evaline Ha n br id ge. There are also five daughters, Mrs. Stanley Harrison, and the Misses Myrtle and Grace, al cf Peterbaro, Mrs. Percy Cawling, Bowmanille and Mrs. Diliwyn T. Davies, Toronto. Mr. Sargent was well-known in business, municipal and church affairs. He was a former mem- ber cf the Otonabee Township Council, trustee of the schoa] board, S.S. 12, Otanabee, and president o! the Peterboro Hu- mane Society for six years. In churcb circles, he was secretary of the Peterboro County Sunday Scbool Association for some time. a former member of the officiai board of Trinity United Churcb. He was formerly financial secre- tamy cf the Canadian Order cf Foresters, Court 29, and was as- sociated in the retail business of tea and coffee in the city for a number of years, lateriy owning his own business. In 1945 be and Mrs. Sargent celehrated thei: Stb wedding anniversary. Funeral service was held Tues- day at the Belleghemn Funeral Home. Rev. Dr. Bruce Gardon officiated and burial was at Little Lake Cemetery. MRS. MELVIN C. BATTERS Mary Alice Thompson, beloved wife of M. C. Batters, passed away Feb. l8th in the Eatonia Hospital, Sask., having suffered a stroke Fcb. tith and neyer re- gaining cansciousness. Funeral service was held in the Eatania United Church, conducted by Rev. E. Best. Interment was in the Eatonia Cemetery. Mrs. Batters was the secand ~daughter of the late Wm. and Margaret Tbompson a! Bender, Sask. She was born in Enniskil- len, Ontario, in March, 1877, and received bex education there. She jcined tbe Presbyterian Church in ber early teens. She went west ta visit ber uncle, the late Wm. Chapman, in 1903, remaining with tbemn tili the arrivai cf ber bro- thers in 1904 when shE-kept house for themn at Bender. She remnain- ed with them until ber mariage ta Mr. M. C. Batters af the Wind- thorst district in 1911. Tbey fammed there for some yeams and later settled in the E3tonia dis- trict in 1920 where they have since rcsided. The " large attendance at the funcral service, floral trihutes andl cierCis s'howcd the high estcem in which deccased \vas held by al who knew ber. She leaves ta rn.ourn hem loss her husband, one sister, Daisy, -,ho rosided wilh ber; anc bro- ther, onc nephew. Wm. Alfred Thompson, Cloverdale, also anc HANDS IN TRAINING niece, Ellen Thompson, and one adopted son, Frank J. Stewart, both of Regina. Sask. Over $34 Mllions Distributed by Lif e Insur'ce Companies More than $34,500,000 was dis- tributed by the life insurance companies operating in Canada to the beneficiaries of deceased policyholders in Ontario during 1948, the Canadian Life Insur- ance Officers Association reports. The payments of death and ac- cidental death dlaims were madO under 10,734 ordinary ]Mfe con- tracts te the amount of $25,760, 192; 13,201 industrial policles for $3,365,292; and 3,889 group centi- ficates for $5,42 1,853. Disbursements to living policy- holders and beneficiaries of de- ceased policyholders in 1948 for ail Canada reached the sum cf $196,148,361; an increase of eight per cent over 1947. The paymnents were: Death claims $76,046,002; ma- tured endowments $31,695,651; disability benefits $3,615,233; an- nuity payments $6,139,160; sur- render values $43,162,754; and dividends to polizyholders $35, 489,561. MOTREABrthdays ... anniver8arsea ...alL red ltter days are fit occasionsl for a favorite cake, especialiy decarated to suit the day. But make sure it's the best cake cvcr, by using the finest ingredients! In- gredients such as SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR, the cake fleur that's sifted aven and aven again until it's 27 times as fine as ordinary flour. 'rat party cakes alone-but ail cakes-are better mnade with $wanfs Down. Here's A Fre Folde, Thot Wili Saveeu. Time and Money when ycu're ordering~ chicks! l3efome you order your chicks this year-mke a littie "market suvey " cf your v4~,. own . . . asIc yourslf whether Vour market prefers white eggs cm brcwn . . . white skin or yellow... white feathers or barred . . . and is your biggest - portunity in eggs or meat? When you've thought -Zý outthe answer3--scna for hie recf aider describinq BRAY'S wide selection cf pure breeds and crossbredsl Scmewhere in Bray's cxtended list you will find the chicks that are right for yaur marketl Sa write te me-Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q.-for Bi'uy's holp fi fiIre& bider ...- it wil save you bath money and timel1 There's HNo Hall . i% Here's A "Beouty Treatmerat ', Measu,, About For Old Clef hes and Sound Nutrition -.é faded fumniture fab- ...but there rics that'a a wonderl àre horteutsTINTEX COLOR cre har-cus lEMOVER isth ta meals that "first step" ta briglt provide better ncw color for your nourishmcnt. And one wandemful home and youm ward wvay, as many mothers ogrce, is robel Subtract cld, faded, drali ta serve JELL-O PUDDINGS to color with Tintex Colcr Remover the famnily. Such a grand variety -then, with Ali-fabrie Tinter -of JelI-O Puddings--creamy-ricl i Tnta and Dyes, add fresh, new Chocolate, satiny-smaoth Vanilla, color i For your Spring wardrobe buttery-mellow Butterscotch and you'I1 like the fashien-right Tin. Caramel . . . and those glar*u tex Navy Blue ... and Lavender nos Old Rose, Orchid or Ensign Rej new favorites, Chocolat. and Van- t, complement piopular Navy t illa Tapioca Puddings. Plenty cf Yes, .Il-fabric Titek cornes in chance here ta keep the family's fashion's favorite colore. . . a =icals intemesting. Jeul-O Puddings your drug, department or variety offer an eazy way tea, cf getting store. It costs anly 15e and ehim- znilk into the children's diet . . . iates ail worty and guew-wark and hou, they love them I fram home dyeing I Why Run The Risk cf Icaving your valuables in your home! &n eveng when you go te the theatre or visit friends rnay b just the opportunity thieves are waiting for! An evening lIc. this could b. the most expensive of your life . . . but for a ver few dollars a year yau can give youm precicus possessions the _pretec- 1k tion cf a Sa! ety Deposit Box at the BANIC 0F !dIONTREA.L!I t's a simple inatter ta arrange ti- at your nearest B cf M branch. And yau'll haveth frecdom from worry that cames from a sens. o! security. Sa why xieti caîl on your Bocf M branch to-marrow? It's a matter cf minutes only ta ment a Sczjety Deposst Box, whicâ i U-l give vron peace of mind for years a.e.aFOR ONTARIO Ouar Way of Lite Rewarde Tralned Bande SOntario workers know tbey eau earu : more, have executive rcsponsibiity Sand enjoy a higlier standard cf living : in direct ratio te the skilis tbey ac- :quire and the way they make us * cof them. Tchat's always true in a free ecanorny ; -that's why aur corn- petitive system Winl continue te make: Canada great and a iii great place ini whieli 10 îO te live. Learning to Make Plas tics TN Ontario the wlieels cf industry turn for the benefit cf every single o. nc of us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tracters, business machines, etc. are praclucing goods and services which earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities which contribute to aur seeurity and high standard cf living. Everv single one cf us, therefore, bas a very personal interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers ta industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which are important ta aur way cf life. We should a ppreciate, then, the co-operative efforts cf gavernment industry and labour in the field of employee trainin;. In schools and in factories aur workers,young and old, are given the 0pxortunity te develop new and specific skills in cvcry field of business an industrial activity. For instance, as in the pictures shown lîcre, every effort of Ontanio's newly.iikilled plasttics w4orkers wvill 'nean hcttcr plastic products - wil help tu make Ointario a finer place in wihi to li've and work.. THE BREWING INDIJSTRY (ONTARIO) Spore $orne time for Canada thi, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PACM rolm "IURSDAY, MARCff IM, 1949

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