?HURSDAY, MARCH lOth, 1949 TITE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILIE. OWrA~Io SZI..Z~I DAY Mr. Dick Morton, Toronto, is ~ Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Grey and apier.ding a week at his home here. Miss Evelyn Grey, Toronto, visit- Mr. C. Wood, Kitchener, spent ed Miss Florence Grey at Mrs. thie week-end wth Mrs. Wood. JDickson's. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Don Mr. and Mrs. C. Walker and and Skip, Bowmanville, visitel daughters Frances and Barbara, Mr anid Mrs. R. E. Logan on Sat- Trenton, are vîsiting her parents urday and attended the skating Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper. carnival. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tamblyn .Miss G. Thornton, Millbro6k, i and Deane, Belleville, visited guest of Mr. Robert and Miss5 Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. Edith Sherwin. Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osh- awa, visited at ber home here Mrs. Wesley Elliott, Kendal, COMING TO visited Mrs. Elizabeth Tamblyn. ]BOWMANVILLE ON Mrs. R. S. Wellwood, Edmon- ton, Alta., is visiting Mrs. Walter S ATUDIAV, Cblei Orono Skating Carnival on Narh 2, 149 Friday and Saturday nights a March 26 1949 asplendid success. T Mrs. m ln Armstrong, president of the club and to members of Executive and Trinit Churc their trainer, Miss Deane Triniy Chrch ambly, Oshawa, goes a great Auditorium deal of credit. Seldorn in a small town can be seen s many fine skaters. There are 45 mmes teyoungest 4 years old, and each1 The A bàssa r ad every one taking partwerei Maie Voice Choir enoymn fu1 te lare ro 4 h OF TORONTO attended both nights. There was a large congregation consistlng of mnembers and at Park St. Church on Sunday« directors of various church morning. Rev. A. E. Eustace was eboirs. under the direction wearing bis new gown for the of CyrIl Redford, organist of first time, presented to hlm by Cook's Church, Toronto. the Women's Association. Starting - D'" Mis Ths Trat - a new series of sermons on "The Don' MI&, Tis Teat Way the Master Went" be spoke The price is only 35c so that on tbe baptism of Jesus. These ail can corne and fill the sermons will continue following auditerium. Mother and Dad the life of Jesus until Easter. The can come and bring their choir sang "Light Eternal" with children, t.wo on one ticket Mrs. C. Wood and Mr. R. E. Logan or child's- ticket at 20c eacb. tak ing the alto and tenor duet. Tbe town hall was filled to ca- SPonsored b>' Church St. pacity on Thursday night for the Group of Triait>' W.A. Liberal convention when John Ticetsvalabe a Col- ames, Bowmanville, was chosen TngeDruStorvilbe or members candidate for the forthcomingt of he rupStorhonembe20. Federal election. Mr. M. H. Staples of th grou, or honewas chairman and the speakers,a C. D. Howe, W. A. Fraser and L.1 REAP WHAT YOU SOW! Canada%;, prosperlty depends on Canadian Agricul- ture - Canadian Agriculture depends on good crops - Good Crops are the results of good seeds - and Good Seeds can be obtained !rom Rickard's Seed Cleanlng Plant. During the past years wlnners of local seed crop competitions have ohtained their seed from our plant. At the 1948 Royal Wlater Fair, out of 23 entries la the seed classes from our plant 20 won hlgh prize honours. DONT DELAY - FOR THE BEST IN SEED GIVE US A CALL NOW AND LET US FILL YOUR REQUIREMENTS. CARNET B. RICKARD RER. 4 BOWMANVILLE (2 Mlles East of BowmanvIlle) PHONE 2Pi3 WANT BETTER DRY CLEANING?3 Let Us Prove f0, You That Our FAMOUS SANITONE SERVICE 15 BETTER! & jThorough Spot and SWan Removal, clothesj are cleaner1 Jad.d colora restored te sparkllng brillionce SSkIIIfui presse acts longer W' Invite yen te challenge Our C9o Dry Clenns Servce.j 'Ilb. umaxed ... yucoa. suaUy oue sud feel ch*di lrnce1n te very ârit sarment we dry clean for youi Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone Zenith 13000 Oshawa Bowmanvllle Agent: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR B. Pearson ail gave splendid ad- dresses. Mr Ted Wooclyard, the defeated candidate, was elected president o! the Durham Liberal Association In the essay contest "Wby I propose to be an Abstainer" spon- sored by the Presbytery Women's Association, the lst and 2nd prize in the 15 to 19 year group came to Orono. Miss Marvleen Boyd won lst prize o! $20 and Miss Shirley Flintof! 2nd prize of $10. Miss Florence Linton received bonorary mention. In the young- er age group 13 to 15, three re- cieved bonorary mention, Olive Brown, Valera Copping and Alex Drummond. Woman's Association of Orono are proud o! their young people and wish to congratulate them on bringing these bonors to our village. The World Day o! Prayer meet- ing was well attended on Friday afternoon, Ladies from the Ang- lican Churcb joined the ladies o! the United Churcb in giving the program. Mrs. M. H. Staples gave an inspiring talk on -What your money does" and Mrs. A. A. Drummond sang a well rendered solo. Mrs. A. A. Drummond was in Oshawa on Tuesday attending a meeting of Executive o! W.M.S., Oshawa Presbytery. Mr. John-Blue, manager o! the bank here, is being trans!erred to Bank of Commerce in Port El- gin. We are sorry to lose Mr. Blue and bis family from our village. ENNISKILLEN. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Alldread and Miss Margaret Allun, Bow- manville, at Frank Dorland's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird, Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson with Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson, Os h awa. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke w'ith Mr. and Mrs, Herb Rundle, Hamp- ton. and Charles w-ith Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Slemon vis- îted bis brother Mrk H. Siemon, Toronto. Mr. Russell Acton, Victoria Corners, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wagg and Marilyn, Uxbridge, at Mr. and Mrs. L. Wearn's. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Kersey and Ronnie, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mrs. C. R. Walton and son Ron- aId, Kingston, visited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. Mr. Geo. Reid visited friends at Little Britain. Mrs. J. Smales and David, Hampton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving and Rickey, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr and Mrs. John Osborne, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. On March 1, the ladies of the Parsonage Board, for Enniskillen Circuit, met at the parsonage. Those present were Mrs. W. Bow- man, and Mrs. H. Smith, Enfield, Mrs. R. Dean, Mrs. H. Larmer, and Mrs. C. Avery, Burketon; Mrs. H. Milîs, Mrs. R. McGill n Mrs. M. J, Hobbs. After discuss- ing what was most needed for the parsonage the bostess, Mrs. R. Seymour, served a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin, Laura and Muriel, Yelverton, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wotten, Oshaw-a, were Saturday callers at Mrs. Mary Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Maurice and Beverley, Asbhurn, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page, Patsy and Donald, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Adams, Beverley, Marilyn and Wayne, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and Wayne, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Miss Dorothy Stainton spent the weekend with Miss Mary Bowman, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and family at Mn. Keith Ormiston's, Courtice. The Mission Band met in base- ment o! cburch on Sunday with 33 children and 3 adults present. Meeting opened by singing 'Tell me the story of Jesus' and repeat- ing the Mission Band Aim, Watcbword and Purpose. Shirley Ellis read a story on Temperance Mrs. H. Milîs read a chapter from the study book "The Watcb Goal Boy". Shirley Milîs gave tbeI "World Friends" out. Meeting closed with Mission Band Prayer. World Day o! Prayer Service was held in the Sunday School Room on March 4. Mrs. R. Sey- mour gave the cal 1 prayer. Mrs. E. A. Werry acted as leader for the following program: prayer by Mrs. T. M. Slemnon; address on prayer by Rev. R. Seymour;* two solos by gucst soloist, Mrs. J. Smalct;, Hampton; dedication prayer by Mrs. H. Milîs followed short prayers of intercession, by Mrs. H. McGilI, Mrs. L. Ashton, Mrs. M. J. Hobbs, Mrs. F. Wérry, Mrs. J. Smales and Mrs. R. Ormis- ton. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Llew ýH-allowell' attended the funeral o! Miss Clara Hearn o! Toronto in Port Hope on Friday. M.and Mrs. A. Dobson and Marv Loui were in Port Hope. A number attended the pictures sbown by Mr. Carveth in the sehool on Friday. The Brimmacombe sawing ma-' chine fromn Osaca is in our com- munity. .Mr. Earl Haud, Fort Frances. and Mr. and Mrs. SOi Halloweli and famil.v, Cowvanville, visited <Mr. Lloyd Hallowell. S everal attended service at Shi- lob on Sunday. M rs. Fox, Toronto, is visiting ber sister Mrs. Etwell. Miss Margaret Knapp at berý homne in Hamilton. Congratulations to ',\r. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer upon the' birtb of a son.j SPORT Vi Coole's ""Kools" SURl Tops Ladies" Bowling League Vi Coole's "Kools" strengtben- ed their league lead when tbey defeated Black Cats 5-2. Mel Me- Nulty, Vi Cocle and Emma Shred were best for the winners. Joyce Major was best for the losers. Pbilip Morris took over second place when tbey blanked the Ex- ports 7-0. Captain LiI Pbillips and Ada Tonkin led the Philip Morris teamn to victory. Jackie Elliot was best for the Exports. In the third game Helen Dunn's Tucketts wbite-washed Players 7-0. Helen Dunn and Ina King were the pick o! the xvinners. Sally Cole w-as best for Players. The bigh triple xvent, to Lillian Phillips with a 690. High single went to Eunice Jackman with a 261. In the Lemon League it was a ligbt race between Marg Elliott and Doris Polley. Marg emerged the xictor witb 91 while Doris bad 97. Team Standings K ools -- - ----------------- 30 Philip Morris ------------- ----26 Tucketts ---------- ------26 Black Cats -------------------------- 20 Exports --------------------------- -17 P layers -- ------------------- - 7 Ave rages Bernice Buday -----------201 V i C oole -------------------- 193 Lii Phillips --------------------- -191 Sheila W ilson --------------191 Ada Tonikin----------------------- 190 Helen Lockhart ----------185 Dorc Mutton---------------------- 182 ,\VIel 1Vcîlc: u y --------------- 181 Doris Joli -------------------------178 Joyce M ajor ---------------- 177 Emma Slired---------------------- 176 Helen Dunn ------------------ 176 Sally Cule - ------ -- -- 176 Wbat is a communist? One who bath yearnings for equal division of unequal oarnings. Idier or bungler, or both, he is willing to fork out bis copper and pocket y-our shillinig. Ebenezer Elliott (1831) lI can't s00 why 1 didn't win the figure-skating contest, I'm sure that 1 bad the best figu.re." In fact few other huai- nesses have their plant actu, aIly u'orking So few bours a day and spend so niuch time on cleaning. Milk cans are sterilized with superheated steam before t hey go back to the fariner. Bot tles are polished and sterilized befure tbey are filled. So rnuch labour is expansive, but it if; an in- vestment in health yoxir dairy is rmaking for the communi ty. GLEN RAE DAIRY NEWS AI. Osborne, Dur Bowling Reporter Broke Two Records Your bowling reporter is really on the spot this week, because he broke two records at the allev for this season. No matter wbat I say it will probably create a lot of heckling at tbe alleys next week. Anyway we can take it so here AI Osborne was rcally bot on IWednesday night and walked away with bigh triple o! the sea- son o! 899, and also had higb sing- le game of 371. His other tw-o games were 326 and 202. O.K. fel- lows I will not say any more ex- cept I hope nobody tops these scores and I have money for the banquet. Eddie Rundle was next with 790, Jim CalIan 779, Frank Samis 749, Jack Gay 734, Jack Coole 732, Ken Luxton, 712, Frank Wil- liams 705. Other higb single games were D. Little 325, Frank Samis 313, Reg Hearle 304, Jim Callan 302, Eddie Rundie 296 and Russ Hayes 295. Osborne's teamn had high triple team score with 3517 and Dr. Run- dlc's team bhad bigh single team score 1227. Ray Brock was the top man in the low department with 115 whi.le wild Bill Oke was next with 119. Bob Cale had 121 and the old coal man Dave Parks bad Alaey Chatter Ted Bagnell was sure hanging around alleys one and two on the late shift the other nigbt. Nover mind Ted you have two more chances. Bob Watt needs a book keeper ,when ho bow4s to keep tab on aIl the side bots. Ab Piper had a nice 393 'bowling sweeps Satur- day. Bull Mutton bas lost faith in bis team at the zero hour. Walt Polley is the spare man on Can- cilla's team. George Elliott bas been using the wrong strategy lately and is now in 7th place in the averages. Team IWon Lost Pts. Westlake------------ 17 10 40 Rundle--------------- 16 il 39 Cancilla ------------- 15 12 37 Williams------------ 16 il 37 Luxton--------------- 16 11 36 Bagneli -------------- 16 il 35 Oke ----------------- -14 13 33 M ilne ------ ------- 13 141 29 Osborne -------------1 16 26 Coole - --------------l1 16 26 M utton -----------Il 16 24 Piper ------- ---- 7 20 16 A. Osborne ------ -----------230 K . Luxton ------------------229 B. Pollcy --------------224 F. Williams -------------------223 B. Bates -------------------------- 222 B. Williams ---------------- ----221 G. Elliott ----------------------------220 R. Hearle------------------------- 220 D. Little -----------------------219 R. McKnight -----------------218 B. Hearle ---------------------------- ,7 D. Carter -------------------------- 27 J. Gay ----- ------------------------ 217 E. Rundle --------------------216 J. Callan ----------------------------216 Dr. Rundle --------------------214 R. Maynard --------------------214 M. Dale ----------------------------214 T. Bagneli --------------------213 B. Westlake -------------------213 P. Cancilla --------------------212 jR. Swindells--------------------- 212 R. Fry---------------------------- -211 Il .Osborne---------------------- 210 R.O e ----------- ----------- 210 J. Coole ---------------------209 ID. Deeley -------------------------209 IC. Rundle ------------208 A. Spicer --------------------- 208 B. Milne-------------------------- 204 L. Wiseman --------------------204 B. Muttun ----------------------- 204 A. Bell ---------------------- -----204 R. 4chards--------- --------- 203 D cnight -------------------- 201 J. Knight -----------------201 F. Samis ---------------201 C. Oke ------------------------21 B. Oke ----------------- -2 00 Walt. PolIey's Team M oves Up Ini Bush Bowling Lge. By vîrtue of their 7-0 win over Tay lor, Walt Polley's team ijump- ?d into second place in tbe Bush League standings. Jack Elston, WValt Polley, Hank Janzen and El- ,-in Bray led the attack for the .v-nners. Jim Levett was best for lie losers. It must bave been the fact that Aie Big Boss was coming down with the camera because the Foundry team went out and blanked Deeley 7-0 tn move far- ther into the lead. They now have a 10 point lead over the rest of the teams. A'fter Mr. Rehder bad the pictures developed they were returned to the Bowling Alley. To me it looks like the "Barber Shop Quintet". Getting back to the açtual bowling, Bill Polley with a 761 triple led the Foundry teamn. B.T.S. team surprised Bob Gai- lagher as they banded his team a a-2 setback. Jim Thompson with a 712 triple was best fnr tbe BTS. tearn, but he received belp from Matt Harrison and Wally Bra- den. Perey Werry and Bob GaI- lagher were tbe best for the los- ers. On the late shift the two rural entries booked up in a tight bat- lie %vith Courtice coming out on the long end of a 413 score.* Jack Gay and Sid Nichols were bes;t for Courtice. Jack Potts, Ted Mc- ..aughlin and Frank Bray were best kor the Blue Shirts from En- niskillen. High triple went to Jack Elston vith 768. Bill Polley was a close zecond with 761. High single xent Lo Jack Potts with 307. Sid Ni- nols 305 and Bill Polley 302 werc :nners-up. Doug Jackman tojok Wages paid in Canaâa's prim- ary textile industries average 62 per cent bigher than wages paid fir similar work in the United THE GLORY ANN SHOPPE I SPECJALIZING IN NEMO GARMENTS Mrs. Green, our supervisor of al aur stores and an ex- perienced corsetiere for many years is goirig to personally handie ail fittings of Foundat ion Garments on two days a week in this store. This week Mrs. Green will be in the store ail day' Friclay, March i1lth, (To-morrow). For your convenience, if you would be good enough ta phone The Glory Ann Shoppe (Phone 363) and make an ap- pointrnent with aour manageress, Mrs. A. Finnegan, it will save incon- venience to yourself and assure you of Mrs. Green's undivided attention. 57 King St. W. Ann Shoppes (ACROSS FROM THE STATESMAN OFFICE) 1 . The Glory1 the Lemon League honours with 104. Bob Bird had 113. More Lane Lingo Not to mention any names but the team from the Bush League that went over to Oshawa on Sat- urday were sure a buncb o! cracker-jacks. Maybe it was the first stop at the Genosha. Straigbt- Bull Smitb failed to put in an ap- pearance. Could it be he went to Toronto to turn Pro? And Deeley must bave lost bis key, be could- n't open the door. . . George Perfect is gettirg bis money's worth these days, tbree balîs a frame . . . Doug Jackman done it again-214 . . . Walt Pollcy saved bis good games for sweeps after league, a 822 triple.. Where is the picture Mr. Rehder took o! Jack Martyn. Is the pro- prietor holding out on us?... For Sale- Blue Shirt, 98c, apply any member o! the Enniskillen te-am. Team Standings Foundry ___43 Polley ------ 33 Enniskillen 32 Gallagber -----31 Deeley--27 Courtice 26 B.T.S---- 19 Taylor -- ---------13 Averages 'Jack Gay ---------------- 232 Bob Gitlogher - - 221 Bill Polley------ --218 Collie Woolner -- --- - 213 Jack Elston---------212 Walt Po110Y --------------- ---211 Ted McLaughlin ----------- -- 210 Wally Braden ---------------- 207 Lawrence Wearn ------------206 Doug Taylor ---------------- 204 Dud Deeley ----------------204 Jack Potts ------------ -----ý202 George Brown ---------------201 WESLEY VILLE Sunday School was held at 10:30 with a good attendance. Miss Dora Anderson, in the absence o! Mrs. C. Payne, taugbt the Senior Girl's Class. Young People's Union motored to Cobourg on Wednesday even- ing and put on a programn for the County Home. Mr. Cecil White, Port Hope, accompanied them and a good program was presen- ted . Several from bere attended the Liberal rally at Orono Thursday evening, Farm Forum was held at t4e home o! Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Austin with a good attendance. The discussion was on bad roads and bow to improve them. A quilting was beld at the home o! Mrs. Percy Snell on Thursday. Mrs. A. J. Christie returned to Port Hope after visiting ber niece Mrs. C. Payne. A great deal o! flu and chieken- pox is in the neighborhood thus antidote for selfishness reducing school attendance. Mr. Murray Payne had the mIs- fortune to lose a colony house'and 300 cbickens by fire on Thursday morning. We are sorry to report the serious illness o! Mrs. Simon Bar- rowclough. Mr. and Mrs. Tufford and Mms George Tufford spent Thursday in Rossmount. Messrs. Roy Nichols, Tupper Jonston, Herb Paeden, James Imlacb and Carl Payne made a business trip to Toronto on Thurs. day. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Thorn- dyke and family spent I'hursdVy witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne. Among the barbingers of spring such as crows, some field birds and mud, Meadoavmount Farms reported thrce deer grazing near their barn. *"Wbatever man has talents, abilities and worldly goods he holds a stewardc" . . . A sense o! responsibility for others as the ý 1 PHONE 3744-W-1 OSHAWA TRURSDAY, MARCR 10th, 1949 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO IpAnv. v un 9 le BOWMANVILLE Phone363