- y----- TEURSDAY, Ws.RCH 10th, 1049 Mrm. John Carpenter and two children, Guelph, are visiting ber miother. Mrs. Fred Cryderman. Mrs. D. R. N. Bryson and daughter, Donna Ruth, Toronto, are visitlng witb Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Mathcwson. Mr. Jim Paterson, University of Western Ontario, London, spent ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. dePencier Wright Rector R.M.T., Organist 2ND SUNDAY IN LENT 8 arn. - Holy Communion 10 a.m. - Sunday Sebool and Bible Class. Il a.m. - Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7 p.m. - Evensong. Preacher: CANON W. G. NICHOLSON of St. Clement's Chureh, North Toronto. r, the weekend with bis parents, and Mrs. W. L. Paterson. Dr. F. C. Trebilcock and dai ter, Mrs. Ritchie, Toronto,i Sunday guests of bis sister, Margaret Trebilcock. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ho and John, Brampton, and Mr. Mrs. Green, Toronto, were vis with Mrs. Wm. Thetford. ST. ANDREW'S Presbyterian Church Corner of Church and Temperance Streets lo.m. - Sunday Schoo] ia.m. - Church Service Minister: Mr. Peter Wotherspoon Organist: Miss Louise OsbornE STRANGERS WELCOME SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fice an. family, Mrs. Wm. Fice, Oshawa at Nelson Fice's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Werkema arn Frankie have moved fromn Chas Nayloc's te Beachville, near Wood- stock. Miss Joyce Gifford has been il. with the flu. Mrs. Leonard Dart, Torontc with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart. Mrs. M. Ollivier, Mr. and Mrs Norman Wilks and Norma, To- ronto, at Ray Camecon's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Peckin attended Mr. and Mcs. Lorenzc Trull's 30th wedding anniversary at Austin Barron's, Hampton, on March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron at- tended a party at George Knowl- ton's, North Oshawa. Women's Institîste met at the home cf Mrs. Herman Haass, March 2 with President Mrs. Harn Geissbergcec in charge. There was a good attendance. Pcogram in- cluded "The Story of St. Patrick" by Mrs. H. Haass; two violin solos by Henry Haass: reading "My Neighbours littie Dog" hy Mrs. Henry Dart. March gcoup, Mrs. Haass, Mrs. Gerry Glaspel, Mrs. Wes Camecon, served a delicious lunch. Forbes Fisher and Edward Haass each got a nasty cut on the face fcom flving pucks at schoel. Arlene and Alan Westlake, Sa. lina, have been staying with their aunt. Mrs. Nelson Fice. Mr. and -Mrs. Hans Geissherger at A. Eyman's Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson and Norman, Courtice, at Gecry Glas- pel's. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Venner and daughters at Gordon Venner's, Pickering Beach. Mc. and Mrs. Tom Westlake and family, Hampton, at Percy Davidson 's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and family bave moved te Ennis- killen. Mr. Joe Chant. Fort William, at Refond Cameron's. Stay alive and Fav.e 'our money. Its easy-DRIVE CAREFULLY. ;Mr. iugb- were Miss oper .and iitors, f r 0I p v c ai r~ Only ZION 9-a th lurd £ You Will Be Welcome TRINITY UNITED CIIURCH il a.m. - Morning Worship 7 p.m. - Evening Worship and "FAITH TRIUMPHANT" Second in Motion Picture Series on The Life of St. Paul. This film deals with St. Paul's Trial and is a most inspiring drama. Mlnlster: Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D. Dfrector of Music: Mr. R. G. Harle. $149.50 TERMS AVAILABLE - RUNS 24 HOURS FOR LESS TRAN TWO CENTS - Ideai for Homes, Apartments, Flats, Business and Professional Offices, Summer Cottages. Recreation Rooms, Trailer Homes, and Many Other Uses. PLUGS IN ANYWHERE! Needs ne special wiring. SAVES SPACE! Measures only 21"x 21" x23". Sit it on a small table or serving bac . . . or fasten it to a wall! STREAMLINED DESIGN! Sensational new patented freezing unit needs no moter! Over 90r, of the internal space is use- able! Adjustable shelves and door tcays permit cold storage of an amazing quantity cf penishables. ATTRACTIVE . . . STURDY! Strongly built from special aluminum alîcys for extra stcength . . . extra insulation... with less weight. Beautifully finished in gleaming white enamel. Thcee peint cold control. Ice cube tray. Flat-topped cabinet. Plastic dccc panel. Chromne-plated internai fittings. Streamlined door handle opens and closes easily. Yielding rubbec gasket gives aic-tîght seal. EASY TO MOVE ABOUT! Weighs only about 60 lbs. Easuly transported ta summer cottage. ECONOMICAL TO OIVN! Even at high cold control, the ASTRAL uses oniy about 2 cents worth cf electnicitv in a full 24 heurs! No mnoter . . . ne maving parts te wear or create noise. Built te last ..,. watb the barest minimum cf service. The Radio Shop 38 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 573 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO Mr. Clarence Alldread, London, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs J. H. Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell and Patsy, Llndsay, visited their par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell or Sunday and attended the evening service in Trinity United church ,Ray Dudley's picture appeared in Saturday's Globe & Mail with a group cf students cf Royal Con- servatory cf Music, Toronte, whc this month will attend the I.F.M.S, symposium in Boston, Mass. Congratulations ta D o r e e ni Wood1 on passing Grade IV sing- ing wff h honours and to Marilyn Overy who passed her Grade 1 singing exam with first class hon- ours. Mr. Bill Edger was rushed tc hospital in Peterboro over thE week-end, suffering from an aic- ute attack cf appendicitis. He i5 feeling as well as can be expected after the operation and is con- valescing at Civic Hospital in that City. Congratulations ta Miss Diana Webber on having won first prize in junior group cf Teen-agers in the Temperance essay contest sponsored by Oshawa Presbytery. She was given the honour cf read- ing her essay over CKDO Sunday. Mr. Pete McGillen, city editor cf the Peterboro Examiner, has resigned bis position te*join the staff cf the Toronto Evening Tele- gram and is already contributing an outdoor column twice a week. The Examiner staff presented Pete with a pen and pencil set with all good wishes in his new job. Miss Gladys Maynard was en- tertained with her twin sister, Mrs.. Hall, Tyrone. at a birthday party in the Balmoral Hotel, Fni- day evenirg. Guests at the din- ner included their sisters, Mrs. Walker, Bowmanville, and Miss Phyllis Maynard, together with neice, Mrs. Allan Walker and Mrs. Hugh Pucdy, Bowmanville. Congratulations te Ray Dudley, A.R.C.T., on winning 2nd place with 89 marks in the Professional Piano Concerta Class at the Ki- wanis Music Festival, Toronto. There were 13 contestants. Ray played with Glenn Gould Concerto No. 5 in E fiat major by Beethov- en fcomn memory which takes 30 minutes continous performance. Tht Bowmanville Girl Guides met Monday evening in the High School. After a short work period the majority of the girls wece ex- cused te go skating. Mrs. Wood teck a neediewoman's class. Capt. Devîtt passed Margaret Leddy and Myrna Tuerk for Semaphore. Sevecal games wece played fol- lowed by a rousing sing-seng. Rev. R. J. Shires, rector cf St. Jude's Anglican Church, Toronto, a former rector cf St. John's Church, Bowmanville, bas been appointed Rural Dean of West Toronto ini succession ta Bey. H. R. Hunt. Mr. Shires has served the cburch in many capacities, and bas taken an active part as cbaplain of the Civitan Club. Last year he was made chaplain of the international organization. Beehive Rebekah Lodge raised $16.45 at a card party March 8th. rbere were 1Il tables and pnizes for "500" were won by Mrs. E. Passant and Mrs. Les. Nichols. iuchre awacds xvent te Ron John- son and Harcy Hamm. Final party of this senies, which xvas arràng- ed in aid of the Rink Fund, will be held Macch 22, when special prizes will be given. The sacrament cf Holy Baptîsm w~as administered in St. Paul's UJnited Church during the morn- ng bour of wership last Sunday vhen the minister, Rey. G. Cam- econ Quigley, baptised four in- fants. These were: Penny Lor- raine, daughter cf MVr. and Mcs. Victor Jeffery; Brenda Marie, aughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M'urdoch; Thomas Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter; and Patricia Dianne, daughter cf MIr. and Mrs. Hacry Conners. Music Results Pupils af Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M., R.M.T. were suecessful in the récent examin. ations of the Royal Canscrvatory of Music, Toronto. A. R. C.T. Voice (Teachers) - Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm (nec> Gwendolyn Brooks, Honors. Grade VIII, Piano - Eileen Spicer, Pass. Grade VII, Piano-Fac Rey. nolds, Honors; Marilyn Spicer, iHonors. Grade VI, Piano-Marie Fergu- ison, Honors; June D. Wood, Hon- 1ors; Joan lIobbs, Pass. Grade IV, Piano-Marilyn Mil- ler, Honors. Grade Il Piano-Michael Jarrett, First Class Honors. Grade I, Theory - Nancy Smythe, First Class Honors; Joan Hobbs, Honors; Shirley Quantrili, Pass. Pupil of Ray Dudley, A.R.C.T.: Grade X, Piano -William S. Robinson, Pass, 68. COURTICE Bluebird C.G.I.T. met in Cour- tice Church and recreation period opened the meeting with a sing- song and also practising songs for the corning Box Social. President rDorothy Hockîn opened the meet- ing. Worship story was told by Mrs. Penfound, "The story of the famous painting The Angelus". Patsy Hockn read a prayer of thanks. Offering was taken by Beth Dean and Betty Wilson. Minutes were read by Louise Wehnert. Delegates appointed to C.G.I.T. Conference in Toronto were Margaret McGregor and Dorthy Hockin. The girls are in- vited ta Mrs. Taite's on Friday niglit, to make their boxes. Men- tion was made cf exhibit of shel work on display C.G.I.T. week., and some of the gingle boxes were also brought in. Groups were formed for their sewing and sheli work. World Day cf Prayer held at Ebenezer Church had a good at- tendance. The service was opened by Mrs. Russell Gay, Pres. W.M.S. with a welcome address. Pres. cf the visiting Societies present were Mrs. Wallace Mundy and Mrs. Harry Freeman, Maple Grove; Mrs. Joe McKenzie, Cour- tice W.A. and Mrs. Alec Muir, Ebenezer Evening Auxiliary. Mrs. Chas. Found was pianist. Mrs. Yardley's address was on "Offer- ing of Gifts". A lovely vocal solo was contributed by Mrs. Ken Summerford, Maple Grove, and compesed by Mr. Laird, Maple Grove. Prayers were offered by Mrs. Laird and Mrs. Mundy, Maple Grave, Mrs. Yardley, Mrs. C. Adams, Mrs. Oke and Mrs. R. Pearce. Glad te report the littie son af Jack and Mrs. Elston (fiee Elsie Oke) recovered sufficiently from his recent severe illness to be brought home on Tuesday from Sick Children's Hospital, Toron- te. Speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. W. H. Nichols who is quite indisposed. Her daughter, Mrs. John Montgomery, West Hill, is with her mother. .Mrs. Jacobi and daughter, To- rente, and Mrs. Bowden, Oshawa, visited their sister Mrs. Robin- son, at the home cf ber daughter Mrs. Fred Balson. Glad te report Mrs. Robinson is recovering nice- ly from her illness. Mrs. Murray and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kelby, Howard and Mrs. White, Toronte; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Presten, Oshawa, with Norman and Mrs. Griffin. Walter and Mrs. Park and children, Tyrone, were guests cf' Don and Mrs. Thompson. Dressmaking Alterations ...1 .. emodelling Wedding Gowns Li Baby's Own Tabiets--------- 23ieO Johnson's Baby 011 .. 6c-$11 Mead's Pablum 25c-50c A Pleasant Tasting,1 Complet. and Economical VITAMIN and MINERAL FOOD SUPPLEMENT 284 P'1ys'.35 SUPAKT 2.95 1440AYS$95 Rigo Nippies ------------- 3 for 25e j Pyrex Nursing Bottles ---- - 25e Mead's Pabena -------25e-SOc CHILDREN'S CLOTHES' A SPECIALTY AT'PLY:- 4 Scugog St. Now Contracting FOR Common Peas AND Malting Darley Apply at office for partieulars Cea. G. Wickeff PORT HOPE PHONE 228 10 Adhesive Tape --~ lOc-15c up Gauze Bandage--------- 16e to 50e Tineture Todine, 5%, 1-oz. ---- 20e TYRONE Women's Institute wil1 meet bn March 16 at 2 o'clock at Mrs. Gor- dYn Brent's. Have your used clothing in by l5th. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomp- son, Mr. and Mrs. B. Covert and children, Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp. Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright, Black- stock, witht Mr. and - Mrs. F. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bennett and family, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley. Mrs. R. Hatherly has returned homne from Bowmanville. Mrs. W. Miller and Mrs. W. Rahm with Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perger and son, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rahm, Weston, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mrs. Luther Goodman with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Brooklin. Several ladies quîlted a quilt at Mrs. O. Beckett's on Monday af- ternoon for W.M.S. bale. World's Day of Prayer service was held in vestry of Tyrene United Church. Order of business was ably taken by Mrs. Russell Wright with chosen ones for prayers assisting her. Mrs. Ever- ton White sang "Sweet Hour of Prayer". Rev. A. E. Eustace gave a very fine talk on "The Meaning of Prayer". Those present en- joyed the service ând feit repaid for having lbeen in attendance. Next meeting at Mrs. John Hilis' on April 7. Ladies are cordially invited. Do flot forget the travel- ling box donations. They help us pay any unforeseen expense. Congratulations to Lillian Cole on passing her Grade 6 piano exam. Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett, Miss Evelyn Beckett, Mr. Lloyd AIl- dread visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webber, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yel- lowlees, Hampton. Mr. Dawson Beckett, Black Donald Mine, is convalescing from a broken leg, witb his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs and Michael with friends in Oshawa. Jr. Y. P. presented their play at Salem Friday evening. Many people in aur community are under the weather with flu and colds. BLACKSTOCK On account cf the Rector's ill- ness, services at St. John's Church the past three Sundays have been in charge cf Mc. Fred Hamilton, Rey. P. G. Powell and Rev. Mau- rice Murphy. Mr. Powell, a for- mer Rector cf Cartwright, was accompanied by bis wife and they wece guests cf Mr. and Mcs. Creighton Devitt. Mc. Murphy, who is Mrs. McKibbin's brother, is Seccetary foc British Colum- bia cf the Inter-Vacsity Christian Fellowship with headquarters in Vancouver. It is expected that Mr. McKibbin will be unable te resume his Parish duties for an- other montb, and during that time arrangements for Sunday services will be made by the Bish- op cf Toronto. Sincece sympathy is extended te Rev. and Mrs. J. McKibbin on the sudden passing cf Mrs. Mc- Kibbin's father, Rev. T. W. Mur- I ~~SO~.W.P HoIp reIiève DULLNESS a SICK HEADACHE ACID INDIGESTION * CONSTIPATION Bile Beans . - 47e AIka-Seltzer - -- - 29c-57c " NEO -CHEMICAL " A Pleosont Tusting, Complet. and Economicol VITAMIN and MINERAL FO0D SUPPLEMENT 2'D PI 45 FDA&vs 2.65 1s ppAv V5.95 Frultatives--------25c-48e E - - -- 15e 33e oUlCK RELIEF 0f ~ ~ HEADACII HANDY tuUaiGI 35c RHEUMATIC PI 5CNM Il and 75t $1.5q CoLDS Grove's Br,;mo-QuÏnnC- Me1burn's lIealth & Nerve PiiII I.D.A. Brand Week-End Specials Cherry Cough Syrup, 4-oz., reg. 25c _ -------------17c Cod Liver Oul, B.P. Standard 16-oz. - --------- -------------- 63c Cod Liver Qil Caps, 100's reg. $1.09 ------------------79c Wild Strawberry Compound, reg. 25c--------------------------- 18c Lavender Shave Lotion, reg. 43c ----------------------------33c ALMOND RUBBER Ever-Ready1 MASON'S 49' LOTION SHAVE Cough reg.50c GLOVES CREAM yu reg. 50c 23eSru 37e 19C 2 for 45e 45e - 75c SENK-RBOOM NEEDS I Here is an opportunity to stock up and save on sick-roomn needs. Make sure your home is properly prepared for a emergency; when sickness strikes minutes may mean a life. Astringent Mouth Wash. I.D.A. __23c, 69e Clinical Cold Tablets, I.D.A., Attachment 2 's, reg. 25e _---- - --19e Thermometers Minerai 011, ,SETS 69C up 16 and 40 oz. _ ... 45c, 89e 59e Miik of Magnesia .... 23c, 33c, 55e ___________White Embrocation, reg. 29c, 49ce 22c, 39e Kieen-Or Antiseptic reg. 25c, 79c 19c, 54c NASAL Mustard Rub, I.D.A. LYSOL reg. 25e ----D--s------c--a18 Atomizers Boracic Acid, Dsnetn reg. 25e _........... 17c 35e - 69e $1.50 up Certified Body Rub...........-----39c, 89e 15 K leen ex Tissues --- 18c, 2 for 35c ___________Face-Elle Tissues ---- 20eý Cotton, 1-lb----------- 79e Gauze, 5 yds. 45e 1, "Utillty" HotI Bye FOUNTAIN Water Bottie - $1.29: Bye "Dependable" Hot ASPIRIN SYRINGES Water Bottie -, $1.59' "'Kitty Kat" Baby's 18c - 29c $1.70 - $2.20 Hot Water Bottie ---$1,25 79c Rectal Syringe, Adut ------------- $1.151 SPECIAL For Tight J;iw VICKS Chesty Coughs 901"'VAPORUR BRONCHD VICKS8-oz. SIZE VaANsr 03 RO 0L 50C .ft. for hom. us. R.,:,Ior. ...~ bo. 5 9 Eco.,oMlCUI98 lorgOs. z Tablets for poktor purse Reg.îlor ç5 tire fin 2 Econonoo59e Phone 792 ]j iAlex. We Deliver phy, Rector of All Saints Angli- can Church, Toronto. Miss Margaret McKibbin was a guest at the home cf Dr. and Mcs. J. A. McArthur. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stule and Muriel with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forder. Bey. R. B. Harrison took the service at the United Cburch on Sunday evening, assisted by Mr. Ralph Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Boss Curtis and Helen, Cobourg, Mc. and Mrs. Gordon Stcong and family, Pur- pIe Hill, with Mrs. Robert Bruce and Miss Mae King. It is with deepest sympathy te the family of Mr. James Byers that we report bis passing on March 6. Our community suffers the loss cf a fine Christian gen- tleman. Glad to report Mrs. Earl Dor- rell is able ta be out again. W.M.S. sponscced a crokinole party in the hall on Wednesday evening. Prizes wece won by Mrs. Ernest Larmer and Mr. Leslie Thompson. PAr1~E ft!7E1 Just Arrived Car Load of LINSEED OIL CAKE HAMPTON NILLING CO. CECIL LOCKWOOD Phone 2141 Hampton - WE DELIVER- .4-, m SAINCREFRIGERATOR! iThe Amazing New A STRBA L SCOTT'S EMULSION The High En.rgy Yeur-Round Family Tonic- ua Rich in Vitamin A - and Sunshine Vitamin D 5and 119 Vick's Cough Drops 15e Syrup White Pine & Tar 25c-45e I MACLEAN STOMACH POWDER CASHMERE Toilel Tissue. iuu. ndiui i750 he Box of 12 cýsiHr.Re 32cll 33< 32cswIT 2 for 65c GIN PULLS rheumtic poins. swollen, achng joint$, deror'ged i'dneys. Reg. Size 69Ç % PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store !mý MMMM" Mod PACt SEM mil a ci rriendly Personal Service - Lowest Prices i