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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1949, p. 1

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ian "Durham County's'Omeat Fani uwa v r &F rIra l" nu W IAN VILLIE, UNTAi«U, TMURSDAY, MARCH 3lst, 1949 LreAttendance a Arena Committes Dr. Geo. W. Miller Appointed Party of Womnenes a Philosophy of Recreation Idea Makes Appeal 1ra BanqeTstmia To World Health GHospitalAuxiiary Expounded by Vince Mathewson For Another $5,000edre . rw To World Bealth Croup The members of the Women's izesgnrlywlb n-T drd1 Hospital Auxiliary wish to thank I d r s e o eL o sC u eetdi oigta h rn al those who so generously au ddr ss efq eaLonsClu geecai ill e rfc ~'o Be Located at Geneva donated gifts and money to their whc a lsdisiesraeOn Reirn ______annual birthday party, alsol Youth and recreation held s*aày bership would have glad.ly paid for hockey and skating has takenti ng f oR a wy Atkin's Flower Shop for flowers i n the programme arranged, at the bil for a very ciever and ap- on a new role as a community or _____ The Board of Health of ther Durham Health Unit in 1945 and frtatbe the Lions Club dinner, Monday propriate reference. recreation centre. On Tuesda3 nlrasx.so îies si Br tMpeG v ed Unit d 1for ea abl . Un er uspi es f - UntdCounties of Northumber- took up residence in Boxvmanville. President Mrs. L. T. McLaugh- evening, March 28. Guest speaker night, Maple Grove Women's In- Commîittee of the Town fBw ConHemiBrngadtd land and Durham has accepted Family and Work lin, Vice-President Mrs. J. F. Vince Mathewson, made a very stitute made use of the large lunch manville, a great banque n rmteOtrl uiesClee with rge h re sintoroert Wt r. ilr the former HeyiandDr and Hospital Matron marked impression as he pre- ~ room for a ciobate and a dance and testimonial xvas tenderedMrE.Bleietnetedtesrvc G. W. Miller, Bowmanviile, who EivaHsig of Agincourt, and -Miss R. Harding received the sented an eloquent and informai were loud in their praise of the H. Brown, local representtveoofteGad ruk aiay t ha enascae ihtetheir children, Marilyn 15, Robin guests and Mrs. C. E. Rehder and dîscourse on the philosophy of facilities offered. the Canadian National aasM County Health Unit.since Novem- 12 and Timothy 8, Dr. Miller with Mrs. C. Austin ushered them to the recently developed recrea- Finances of the Building Com- in the Imperial Room of theBl tto gn tBwaviei ber, 194.5. This announcement was chractcristic energy. immedia- the tea room. Mrs. E. Crawford tion idea. Declaring that the new iteaacodnt hehir mrlHtl Sudy faefloigteslcino eytook a keen interest in!'com- and Mrs. H. Rundie were in emphasis in competitive sportmtteaeacrdntohehi-mrlHteSuda ngt,11,eha cniudto iv 1iîad f~ll wing the s leet onof efyn m an, not in the best condition. A t M arch 26. T he occasion m r e e e e e î c n u~ u h Dr M lir o ak a hi h os wîh mu nity affairs and the family charge of donations and Mrs. C. a o d vi p r ah rt a the present time, about $5,000 wili the superannuation of Mr. B o n o c p to r m w ih h o Genva Sitzrind whch~-soon became highly popular A. Jarrett in charge of gifts. Mrs. ug ob ntewni~ ie be required before ahl obligations after 44 years continuous sriertrs eates !inderapcesof heicho- amnongc a ,vide circie of friends. Vcrn Ot was in charge of regis- he underscored this 'thought by wilhv entkncr f h swt h rnprainc er wi es n ra s i s t o f th e U ie - .t e te i h h ss s a ce o ati n l Flkh c e ding ffd a l n c iu dies $3,3 7, th e fin al paý m en t ' n o w rep resen ted in th eu g m te N t on rg ni a io .D r M ] n t on l i m h ch he d in don the seating, plus $ ,45, pay- nationally ow ned, public te m . o h o r f H a t , t e H s le i of PlAnisnt in the ntrn- rONei- «hlethsepouinata kaing moemnthad tassistanbce'henth Prm-oonehaarbwsarsath cmpetonofS9citotoad ndna Prsien o bo o lanngintisiten- kaig oemnt ndohh ecn appiied to the front of the years of residience in Boc a-teRtr lbi 90 u i tioai n dl an reort.fr andver Ms.porrntamefMor ceestfvyutstaingpar iobuldigplu oter dd an vileaofMr.Bronbndiisdimnggretpileustwasintheworoo in Geneva on April 18. He Will George James, Mrs. Geo. Annis, athletics. ends amounting to ahmost $1,000. Sldbnlas amr enthusat Ale 15 aneisfaomyewiiiYorkow, i Mrs. R. L. Mitchell. Others assist- Boy Oratorf Funds at hand are almost exhaust- get-together been seen jnti ing were Mrs. C. Bagneil, Mrs. Mr. Mathewson continued withed nd oatnshv sowdcm niyfr nocrow n inAgs.W. Cawker, Mrs. E. Hoar. Mrs. his exposition after the film dw osdrby seating arrangements hadtob Loathe to Leavej B. \aîstone Mrs. M. Vanstone, showing and thenegave way to a The Committee points out that improvised to accotnmodatesm WVhen interviewed, Dr. Mier * Mrs. WT. Rudeil, Mrs. K. Siemon, question period in which. he an- thr-r tl eea echants12guss. . spoke with equal regret that he M rs. L. Dumas, Mrs. J. W. East- swered many penetrating enquir- and mnany indivîduals in townl It '«as not confined to amr and bis famiiý will be lcaving augh and Mrs. W. Riddols. ies. He proved himsehf to be a - 'ho have not contributedi so far; local expression for men fo il Bowxmanville but bis ne'« Lal to -- clever speaker and a soundi to the Arenia, '«hile about $900 is walks of life camne from alpat duty left him littie choice in viexx organizer in the work which hesiiotsadn n lde.B e- o h ontyadr0l«yotc of the nature of'the work and his Dur. County Girls now directs. Following Mr. Math-I cause of the urgent need for funds ls came from many points ob past expérience in medical ser- e* ~ xsn.yugBbBo'n «oe very citizen who can, is urged numbered among those sîn vices abroad. Indeed his career Winfl vafly .twarcis of the Lions Oratorîcal Contest I b contribute as much a spossible.! to do signai honor to Mr. Brwn1 raslkaroacfo uhaPeterboro Festival at the Boys Training Sehool this I Vînce M. Mathew son Donations received this '«eek Tefloeestu ipae youthful individuai. Born on thî er eivrdhswi1n d include an additionah $10 from asmrnrtyenaizdn faniily farm at Markham, Ontario. dress, -Our Experiences at Bar k Dutlmîesac'«arob Bob Burns '«ho 'as the first in- tefc hta h aetm h youog Miller argued that ecïuc0 j CongP.ratulations tO the follo'«- Lake Camp.' Bob won great liged to sum Up the main point dividual cootributor when thc Prime Minister of Canada a tin ndtrve wretobepr-ing girls who participated ho the acclaim for his masterful de- aeb the speaker, the devel- Fund '«as started, $100 from an speaking in the City of Os0 'a ferred to plodding after a plox\ . eterboro Ki'«anis Club Music scriptive po'«ers and clear andjopinent of Art ini sports. The filnm anonymous source, an additionah There were no party uinesints With bis eye on a medical caie-2i Festival iast '«,eek. Miss Lorna concise diction. jof arbara Ann o1ffred the key $5 donation fromt Roy McM ullen! fine accolade to Hermie Brwn he chose to approacb his goal xitb Flecher xvas a'«arded first place1 Also present as guests of the to the idea. Since infancy this '«ho had received the money for j whose friends are légion. a broad educationai foundation. Dr. (;eo. W. Miller In piano solo ciass under 13 years. Club '«ere other finalists in the yoting Canadian girl had been refereeing services, $35 fromn thel restimonial and Gifts ohtaining 88 marks. Miss Bevcrly Cratoricai Contests, '«ho. xvhen trained in the artistry of skating. Companions of the Forest as pro- Acting as chairman, Ex-Wade He gradluated in Arts from Vic- Zealous in Healtb Unit xxork for Ailison '«as axvarded fiftb place introduced by scbool officiaisý That '«as the essential. And yet ceecis of a Home Cooking Sale and Milton J. Elliott, '«elcomer toria Cohiege and then xent on to '«hicb he bas bren highly comn-in the sanie class, îvith 81 marks. took their bo'«s and briefly an- she wvent on to compete '«itb the! $340 from Mrs. Muriel Dunn, pro- co munity cross-section of fares win his medical degree at Toron- mendeçi, Dr. Miller became a There '«ere 16 entrîrs in this nounced their o'«n subjets. They xorlds greatest figure skaters ceeds from ber series of uchres. business men, professional e to University. Ignoring the de- leader in Lions Club activitirs and ciass. Lorna '«as awarded fourth inciudied Larry Crook, Jim Ab- to win the tbree greatest cham- îuditngctsahepoee pression ho 1930 he mariried and '«as eiected a few mnonths apo as place in piano solo Sonata class bott, Gordon Dixon, Graham Bar- pionships open to '«orld competi- The Committre is most anxiusand dsatget sh r' then took a post graduate medical the Deputy District Governor, iindcr 19 yas with 84 marks, rett and Fred Hayward. Alan tion. 'Inere '«as quite a tbought to compiete the financing without to pay personal tribute to hi Tl course in London, Engiand. 0f- Zone 10. lie is a member of the bliere being eigbt entries in this Weir w-as unabie to be preseot there and it was this idea tatM runniog an additional canvass of low citizen and right-hand gct ficialdom took note of this brul- Officiai Boardi of Trin ity United claýss In piano solo Sonata on account of iiiness. These lads Matbewson stressed \vhenhe Mrt'he to'«n, because '«hen a canvass Ross Stutt delivered the fomiE H rw liant and argumentative young Churcb and teaches ho the Sun- Beetho\vrni open class Miss G'«en '«on loto the finals in a field of asked for continued cooperation md ti oe twl efo etmna drs n r man and he '«as induced to Join day Scbool.i funds Ioisa riiilie tehnsm itfo h th Budd Prt Hopeobtained86 23 spekmrsityel aoheftyntpurseomaf money.deabehameinidentifiedya10e1905urin ohe m aosIda éia e- Hstnn bu ttemmnlrarks inosecond place and Miss men, tbey '«ere fine representa- cern in community recreation Other gifts came from theOre Led LogGnoq.Be vices in '«hidi he served for tic to get ready for bis ne'« assîgo- Catherine Teeple, Bo'«manvilie, tives of the youti aspect of the xvork. of Rail'«ay Telegraphersadacmigaflte itJeuae n e x t 1 4 e a r . -m e n t, D r.limler s s e n i n g s i m d 2 m r k .p a o S o lo m e e tin g . jN e w A r r iv a I O r o n o J u n i o r T e a m g r e a t c lu s te r o f A m e r ic a n B at1o g , B ' « a v l e e ' a Ciil and War Service mchtme s poss ibler'«ftMabis "las sunder 18 years, Miss G'«en Art i Sorsl F Finalss ws onuced:Roses, a omntape Among the executive posta lie mother, is J . ilr fMak udd came third with 87 mark~s, Sot Gnribsies'a cnutdEnters cmmntFainalso, hse ase b1I8an a fiihed ie '«as Health Officer at bam. His father, J.W. Miller pass- '«ith seven entries. These girls Gcttirig back to Mr. Mathe'«- b President Jack Bruh or wsdsace oMs r Port o ooffy Pvi ulcgeaniof bed wysm er g.S o'sades esoewt ihtieprogram, Bob Kent took overOsa a M n a her home. Many other shorad îo0f5yes.AScet-yh thageurthfine perforrmanuofaeilt comes nd 10onbthn appreciation. of his reception by' as Chairman of Boys and GirlsOsa aM n y dresses '«ere made during thee-bsbe o«ro teght _aehirovneadfnlyAss the career of Dr. Geo. W. Miller.infotcslvsbcepedd the public since assumiog bis du- Work. Er Summers madte bis us- ngaditeleswr rit Public Healti Commissioner MWorld Citizen first-class - honour and gold ties here in February. He '«as ual, '«itty contribution '«heu he Accoî ding to the latest informa- over to the excellent piano nitne 0ta motn fie 1 -alIda ie aeWrd bhs e«wr i onstt ea as particuiarly grateful to tic Lions presented the Club's gift to Lion tion as we go to press, the Orono magna-vox selections byC.A BeistheofcsMrBow War 2, and Dr. Ceo. Miller '«as famous medical pilosopher, Gen j Club for permission to use one of Don Wiliams for Mrs. Williams Junior "D" hockey team, Cham- Jarrett, proprietor of the Bl saPs is rnia fPls immediately drafted as the first eral Dr. Brock Chishohm, Direc-I their rooms as an office. Among and their rîe'ly arrived ,daugliter, pions of Eastern Ontario, '«111 op- moral Hotel. ,ieCatradee «drhn tbanks individaédicalerarvicTee fucky dra« '«inners '«re day niglitApriOr4,10athonsherviceutliyîîg the carer of4Mrinethctdsthatae highpost 0f Detut the Navies 10 tbe East. He rose in .atioo. Tbe personnel 10 this tS. a ls h r h alie fortahîrd a ineobyémetion Tannouer daW Beyandw. r ma ydnadMlvro r r'nteut'ncet itrc Gad ateOn rank anîd autbority until, when organization are consideredi.A t.ed' h rc e agent ie ymnin antne s ,Bgyan .Aea Lne n iletnae rwteipontce the shooting stopped, the former ternational citizens. Mucli of tir îng TiT'str Deac Goddard, Hcdger of Bo'«manville. Space OQ'« playing off and the '«100cr for the CN.R., Ross Stutt, mangrDsicGad odroCnd. Markiam boy beld a naval rank '«ork of Dr. Miller '«111 be iii the The service of xxorsb îp at, St. '«îtb, ho'«ever, a slighbt'«wist in doesn't permit reporting other '«iii stack rip agaiost the classy o f Jury & Lovehi's DrugStr, Co iudonPg gl) the equivaient of a Brigadier realr-n of tropical dîseases 10 Paul's United Churcli Sunday lus interpretation. Had lie been items of fun and business on the Orono kîds. The game '«iii start general. wh-ich lie is a sprcialist. He lbas morniîg '«as conducted by they assessed a fine the cotire mem- agenda. . at 8:30 p.m. and a good cro'«d is Durîng periods of leax'e f rom been advised tbat one of bis first minister, Rex'. G. C. Quigley , xwho Oexpected n ruletk Lack ofI t r lodla, Dr. Miller made traveli tasks is to act as Secretar y to the dels'ered a message on -Tbc txo Recreation ietrs1R v Yardley coonterhmieadte studies 10 Ceyion, Burma, Siam World Health Assembiy xvicb bold aspect of the Necessity of ticDe:cor IRlo cto fnsontihoe balnddnt and mysterlous Tibet, and on one '«ili meet ho Rome the first '«eck Cross". Tbis '«as tir fourbb of a Weekly R p r 'Guest S e k rat lclfn «o'ctaogddtG 2 a f n * .... of these jourocys lie acted as of- of June. series of Lrnten Meditations ReornS ea e back a'«ay from any bets. Takîng Gr v ager 5IVA~ ii uyiu ficial piotographer for the Gov- Iin expressing au revoir and -What Chistians Believe". MaiSt22 markedIthe termina-y ithe first game on soft ice in Bo'«- d a e r a e t a most2 ark__thtemina_.ianville's nr'« armna, 4-2, tir de- ernment of India. After ail. this good luck to Dr. Miller and bis Follo'«ing tbc sermon amslion of ice skating this season witb eh .Yrie fCu îecidinOron as tohe etrteamshwt sCa aaba long service, Dr. Miller dlecided family, Tbe Statesman voices thecj impressive ordination '«as con- the Pre Wees, Bantams, and Rv .Y ade fCutce rn stebte emwt to return home to Canîada '«ihi sentiments of this entire com- 'luctrd, '«lira, kneeling aîîd Midgcbs eogagcd in good' cleanî 'as guest speaker at bbe seconîd a 6-4 score. Cle pna h abmmn i oîda i îve bu «t bis '«ife and chiîdren and to en- munity, 'iti bbc sincere hope tbrough î"the imposition of iands" e, oybîrhocey.Evn toug agnertheet g f S. Pul joy tic educational facîlities and biat bbcy may return to liVe i re em1r «ce e aar o al eiy.of '«ater oerrd Unita ed hrciniorofm nPuls to be the speaker at Bo%«aî h ryo cuainaî pk freedom of tbc bomeland. So, be Bo'«rnainville sometirne in tbc tir office and '«ork of Eiders in tie ice an enooyable time '«as ville Rotary Club, Friday, oeof'th bc om n pepe f joiord the Northumberland and near future. tie cburcb, and, received "bic bad bv ail. Jack McNulty capably Auxiliary on Friday eveoiîîg, ýD rmn o«ltl hyraie Authority of Hoiy Seripture as assisted. Mardi 25. 10 the Lecture Room. , M uri el DKnn arties tic ne'«est members,' Rev.S.R tue '«r en ldbyHbe thirrue ndgud i té ur O Strdy orin, arhThe meeting '«as in charge of 'Realize $340.00 Henderson, minister ofTiit 7ealotdsbuto Prim e M inister's Visit to Oshawa therD onduct of their lives and as 26, lie Saturday Morning Club JaesntiomSoneetrleandr s' or Arena Fund United Church, delivered ithdcreuo bm held its eeting wth abounsientiied bytMr. ayhbRcemetoogktsotlittieesin- a okand duties of their office.'"it itdbyMs ubRgers, con-astetinic farsogvr- Gives No Hint of Coining Election The rninister '«as assisbed in this nthusiastic youngsters in atten- duicted tihe'Norsiip service'. Dur- Tie final cuchre anîd bridge ai oefte bea brrr Yorqieasbtgd tpb tp ni îe part of tir service by members ac.Chgean onHtin ing tbc cvenîng Miss Myrna Tuerk jparby spoosored by Muriel Dun alefoftic gar etstmethaotcî feeom wr of tic session. and conclucd it son, Kay Jons, Norm Allen and payed t'o enjoyable piano solos-. 'as hed at bbc Lions Centre on long lime. The xery fact tha i ea e ills n m oet t Devo es pee h to Geo ge rewby presentiîîg bbc dutirs of session MVr. E. G. Witherspoon Msise Rv G. C. Quigley iotroduced Thursday evcning, oetting $36.75. spoke '«ithout notes, and rciar «i f i tic manuaechl oGeorThereic h supervision, Te programMr Yardlcy. '«hose subjrct was Entire procerds for tir series is , what be said te personal incidet «vnaotteoe i ad Unite $hrho aaa h oi Achlc nnmu, h r 340. Mrs. Duuîo wîsbîes bo thank and observations at borne n ofaslltaîara ciqe '«îdv tb tiec u l task o01 'iti tic co rntry's business. He ne y d Cirirc l f nd ae . T r m v film s. "Cham pions in tic ganization 'hich is ffcting sucb .ai fo tIeir 'onderful support, abroad, m ade bi loqu ct, x-N ' th t a o h r tt pt i reporting twvo évents oceurrîng at saîdilt Ail carne do'«n totic Charles Carruthers, Mr. Ed'«ard "Tbree Ltl itn"ad"e' odru ubro ue fwt pca hnst h e-tmoaeu drs i bhc same lime Saturday iight, genciral complaint tiat tir gov-1Doidge and Mr. Otto Bragg. GtTohee" ( 'oders fulcooim r hnswo aes hj er-moeapaigadnt the chie reporter on Tic States- errnent '«as doing the rigit bilîî e oehr" acmuiysng Yardley told thiitcrmsting story edly to bbc proet. i hm a htCnd man solved tir difficulty by é,t-i but in the '«rong '«ay. song). Movies bave bren inmd of teoii i e ok fsad o h Jesodo origirnhiiiweNm'«prYork. AflWbnocr of tir Lucky Draw forstnsobibieodofagatarnGdlsoa,'efdth tending the îîon-broadcast dîn- By'-pass BNA Art C.ofC.Speaker uclrtus8'e's of gad rn. Al Acoliolies Anonymous and aisd ibridge'«as Mrs. George Young, '«orld destiny, thc fulfilimentccuidadloeesDslcd iiecrception tcndered Hcrmie This refere. af course, '«as ar ciorn 8 ymarsof egand under wic restrl-1 5gai.gs r.RgCap he et pnteitrs Brown in lie Balmoral Hotel, b h eouesaî ibc r-aecriyivtd ing to bic non-drinker or non- $5. Hair Service Miller's Bcautv détermination nf inCividuai Ca-inoetcldnoong u- Bowvîuanvilc, aînd luning in ai t treso Costraothv ler-6OtirSat-Taem nn lu fr ren- colc orintace a-o On Saturday evcnioge eaarcb'16cohoeiS;tfornsinstance, tiatnnomiSalon; Mrs. ElmrcrOtt, boUtle idians to '«ork towerd tiatgra '«dfoan'«paan'«in l-îîu Mî~se S. areu'«u agaînst tie virtual abrogation of j1 bu o~ vryitenprosi an Eau de Cologne; Miss Mabel Bor- future. j'br iymgtfn ec n PrmeMnitr t Luln hote connstitution in carrying mucli1 agers) met '«îthbou forty i alcoholie, evetuaîîy arriving at ]and. $8.50 permanent frnm Iris'hp an ti rgltb'«shp atttendanci.lAtloteen-agers arcatia'tpointa'«brrrle is faeed '«11h Beauty, Salon; Mrs. Harry Rice, jbctu o ftcrftes spoke b li audtori m of tir f bb legsiati n on bbc gend. . nvit d to atte d tie e meting.9ony tw altrnatves:totantdor Tange se;eetingBrs. onte 0 sha'«a Coileglatm Instîbute. At That u]Ls*,about SUMS Up bic main raie:nsitorTng e;SylBukpted rîoon tic sanie- day tbc Prime, l cme of the addiress. 'vr.. The Hobby and Craft group suicide. Since tir fomtnofplt; rs Mioe Diîe e;asnetbeakn ieaiy y Miise 'asgvè acvî rcp.ILaurent clased '«ibi a bnif.metevr Teda vning. a ra nchev o .eini' nomous; Eucbre Winners-Lucky Dra'«, tion and dînner in bhe Genosha 7:30. Leather'«ork and soap cary- ailoer tir United States and Mr.C udr lcretbeIiý 'omynthv hui mary of some aithue points in tic r.C udeeeti al: Hotel. nurrent budget brouglitcdo'«n by ing groups are ueinn te Cnda oeeteei bwa]n'ea. functîonîngoficalviitof at tic nea oxxvcr, trelîs no a lap; Mrs. George laCa Wsrm.an Foio'«ngbbcadres cosev arriiue icyherd nl e e' imorantciic movement. in thr food classes et bic Ryerson movedthie vote of bbenks ho Mr . i Prcsbynvratioure 0 n, rtherl. N'«ti ar da-s it~proa far'at eu sum up ftic '«mIe effort un à fe'« anti ils allermabhi n 0 the House I, ai Manager, .Meîal Staipi ngs ia kuiori indusîcy in England but,'«as enjoycd. %. grec a otrd ai Dîxinitv. h'«oid sage.e t m nyo k eutd nItc re pve ni acrh s e n t e n c e s . T i c s p e e c h ' « a s a l m o s i o f 9Co m m o n s .e n i gL e rfdD cTo s eroe a p a t ordf i m nc f a t h n dto p h '«holly dex'obcd10 an atback OTro~dnoa dc cldaIe for tle past 40 trhsleebe St____________jM. Foote schrethasptora hsor axcs m y okr en-a ti goe wol eoe tanatconiPast Pcidn.Cajuadian Expert- business in Canaa. He brben Ij S.Pus1hriutlbee- 1 ubfat n oehobcR~n~ George Drew%. Mr. St. Leurcot Tlîcy Stil Nt-d CARE M in NpItt l cc «ib ucetuc rsnInttue icel oerdad ilden en 10h (aadeeahadinersahialip«a eeî-dcopope bcettim .mroumn icseae îod vc~ nt o c îgui a ii-unl~iup ae irzui>.YO a cdii oal proiujli îand lnue plai.s of s Secu etary, Independent Master CROî'a s hmt snic sPrgcsv-onexai People JndifferentaniBi Fiotmve bcoe stances n i b h lue cianed Nr.1 ilp a i - ictendor retnve ib seii- jiduŽtrY ,o sustan nalonl pro-; Eakers Association. He is rce*v- a big foodi package ta 00 cf i ember ai tie Ontario Legisiat- 1 To male huiS PiCtuce tîl fthfi.K . iSe nn ia Drem« anti bis ioiloxcrs «ccc nuore 1.ng a 225pound package 1bai agi (uelt o.. Do ro-, fAi: ta hcok tbbc1i ng congratulations on baving bundreds on i r iiue orpir.geF ve Asscmils for Durhamn Counbv realt.c. the speaker toid of bs sn -aic 'a < in e concerrd \% i cirdlay and cb- i Canàcr.îan b CARE, Ott.awa. De- dcabe and liear tlois oL.:antiing!pr a \bex rv attractive andi overseas. CARE bac s4ca: bab: M r. Fote. zater.riing tie present obser iatîn. among tflic. pe onicoe. <-L. M o'o strucionalism tan in deehîng hîverjr guarar.îeed. .speaker. j high1j, ueful trade text.'and infant. food packages, îoo. ses.5on af the Legislature. andi the ruimsofiGermany. lHe 5î mrhdyfoei 6c PER COPY p q tilv Journal NUMBER 13

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