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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1949, p. 13

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?HU~SDAY, APRTL 7th. 1949 THE CANADIAN' STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLE, ONTA~RYO PAGE THTRTEI2I difference between uptown and Gregory Friend Gives Vivid Accouni doxxn'ownan vtulyade a t rm destination. In a week the subway ,vas just a peysrt car to me, sometimes flot speedy 0f Ris rirs v is t Io£New York- eouh Fr m o er I etr poia n Opea , On Sunday I toured N.B.C. and the Observation Roof of Rocke- ___________feller Centre %vith mv relatives. (By Gregory Friend) therc I gaped about, mos tly in an On the tour of the Radio and It is an accepted fact that in upward direction, making out lVideo world I was televized frorn the prig a ew orke's anc such pillars of interpst as the Em- one room f0 another and saxw tihly rns toNethoghts ofaCn- pile S4ate Buildinc and Rocke- several movie stars sweating lightly turnsto thoufelier Cen- . ttre. and t'len. awved but under the TV bulbs in a felevision tral Park, but in the Easter per- c,_ urious. led by îns:inct,-I groped ýstudio. A sound effeets demon- iod the thoughts of those rnot lvdw n 1_ne I v tato rve nee'ig u ing in the big city are directed lMy wavdw nAeu.i vssrto rvditrsig u ta Nw Yrk tsei. O th b-one of the un important smallI look at the N.B.C. Studio from nimber ones. dcoignated solely Iwhieh Toscanini conducts music Vitation of my relatives 1 was bvadmntv nme ie nfor millions only made me ,vish able to sec New York for the first 'i I noticcd several smail shops for a tirket there, an unobtain- time before the overwhelr-ning, as I \walked along. and I was able itemn. -,,Wfl a few o m y s Iwl.safsàisfied to note that they corn- The vicw from the roof is an an dongs fewo theibpnesitonspared favoura bly with our own unforgettable spectacle. undoubt- andho ae n nifo henga tpof thosei Glory Anne Shoppe. Not being ecly the most awe-inspiring mod- harenannihengariturean-l a womyan I iingered little at these. ern sccncry man has constructed. BS or nyoe ese ho i gt b There was too much else to see. From atop the Centre, Central interestcd. I'm quite sure I did At .50th Stre,'t I senscd that 1 ak loe iete BS smre things, and had some thi.ngs hard nctîinliy strîick the firmoîs campus with a fcxx' duck ponds happen to me, that the average Rockefeller Centre. Nurnerous isrewieteGog ah ight-seer doesn't corne across entrances beckoncd, bt T decided ington Bridge, xvhich I visited on every day of the week, especially that to tackle the Centre alone M\,oidas', took on the appearance if heybelng o he emae sx.for the first time was a little of a giant cobxýveb, w'oven ac- 1 hope that doesn't Sound f00 more than I couid handie. Go-codg to sie buprns enigmatic, but going up the Bow- iîng on, I pas'ued the fanlons Radio Everyxxhe'e the people plodded ery alone, or travelling down- Cit1v Music Hall., ihI x isited through immense can ' ons lîkc town at night is more a man's liater. aind finallv I raine îîpon ants between rows of corn. Un- fare. iBroadway. Noxv there is a Strýeet! fortunately a strong wind coin- 1 ~pclled mie to leave sooner than Naturaly I was very expectant It \vsjust as 1I had imagined I desired. It's a great feeling to ato what I would -sec and -what i. Mxeth'atrEs. play\lan1ds, be sitting on top of the world. Impression New York wnuld make dance halls. (the taxi varictyl, an me, but 1 didfi't get reall'y land other amusement centres excited about anýthing uintil the shone forth their brilliht lilllts in A Wanderînz Sightsecr conductor barked out "125th St." profuse abuindance. Pleasure seek- On Ti vI MUSt ]have walk- affer a 15-hour trip fromn thoeî'rs millcd about, cabs hionked cd a good five miles, and my feet hometown. Thieraupon the train and bulsinless was, at i ts peak. bo:e exideiîce of this in the ev- dove loto a tunnel and ail was Everýhodv took the accunulafed cig etx t yuce black for some time. Not much 'brilliance for granued, everybody aemueifo anatnt ta get excited about. CXtcept me. I drank deepl'v of ftle New Jersey, at 7 a.m. and took I finally caught a giimpse of Sight before proceeding furtiier. tefuio eýý,bt c the largest sky-scrapers throîigh i To comment on more t han thej York, thle citv that neyer sleeps, the skylight of the cab that took impression the storied xav slip- seemied a little hazy at 7 a.irn. me f0 the homne of my uncle, on plied would be sîiperflous, but if aIl the samne. It was just niv 78th Street, but that view was certainly proved to hc tue moýst le oms h enMr the only one I got of them until striking spe'tale Of ftie after- which bs.d puiled out on Mondas'. noon of the next day, Saturdav. noon. And the first day counts A r. ute otIbad At that time I was precipitated the most! cd the Staten Island Ferry, the irîto the unceasing bustle, the rest- Safurdav afternoo0n' produced "Miss New York" w'hich took men Ies pri adhunidway's Of especially'active crowds, and be- past the Statue oC Libert.1 , th1 the glamorous city, the city that injg a greenhorn te sucb fraf fic, most inspiring and nepresentative can well be considered the capital 1 decided that it wxasn't the proper object of inlerest in the v'hole of the world. My older cousin f ime f0 fight if ont with the mob, ciyadoeoftens amu had a date for the opera, so he 1o0I sonebfth pec it.adOî ftemstaos deposited me in unintentionallv May' toîhîrer down ()Of statues in the world. I could . Maý*s tor furher ownthe not help thinking of' the refugee heartless fashion in the midst of wav . It proveci to be simnplv an for whom if symbolizes the free- th Nw or ca, n 7t-Sret. overgnoxnEaton's, and I' feit jdom, the opporfunitv and the I was one of eight million, and quife at home. After an hour or1 miglit of the xvhole U.S.A. What alone that isn't much of a feel- sio I nesolved Io go hom-e to 78th Ithankful emotion the sight of the ing. iStreet, and this forced me into IStatue mnust arouse even in the The Firt- Daj my first contact with that raucous hleant of the d.yed-in-fbe-wool TheFist aymonster of Manhattan's subter- American who secs it with the 57fh Street forms the southern irenean labvrinth of tunnels, the backgrotund of the one and only boundery of Central Park. From subway. Élowex'er, I knew the New York skyline! FARMERS We are PAYING thîs -weck especially GOOD PRICES VEAL CALVES and LIVE FOWL LARGE FOWL - ovar 6 Ibs. - top quality ------ 38g Llghter weights according ta quallty. SPRING BROILERS - Nveights 2 j tri 3 lbs.,.-. 37g whlch wilI grade MILK FED "A". J "B " G rad e -- ---- --------------------------- -- ---3 5 ý Se lM. c Mb. 5c lb. p. g h FEEL SERENE Ever ronsider that your tense, strained. uneasy feeling mla'ht be caused by Impalred Sight? Toni often, that exact ly ln what s alllng people. Too often. iv'e say, hecause correct- hIg Glasses can bring instant relief! W'hy not have YOLE vision checked-up? MARVIN HOLLENDERO Optometrist (Formerly J. T. McCreery) OFFICE HOURS Mionday and Thursday- 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday - 10 a.m. - 6 p.rm. PHONE 2024 "Do People ReaIIy SCail Me Crabby?"9 0o you, sometimes fee! Ihot people ore b.ginning ta think you are high-strung - oways Ionse and ner'vous - sa flai you fi> off the handie easily ? Vour Nerves Con Play Strange Tricks on You I Fwomen find it hard t0 rvalUze through thue mest trving periocis of nerves are "bad". Xet it's not life-by taking tîs i*ine-tested ia for a high-strung woman's tocnic contairiing Vi.îînin Bi, iron te nerx'oîîss-teni to get aid ni ier nc,'du'd niiral'. Gix'e .ance-especially disriiîg the Dr. Ciiase's Nv'r'e Foodi a îhance ?nal charnges slie facscinla te i.Ip y nio, %a hvii yen ft,,! 1 Igy, od, young muotlitrhotcd rd up>t,-r or a biîndh et f iorvus.. Cet itha e itfe. That's s' len a goo'd lairge ','cn nîx' size t,'d.y. l'ise like Dr. Chaçes Nemu e Fucd, nanie 11)r. Ciî."is your assu rdalce. i >'ou 1 s mds gr> d h5hel;'ng Ch21 I help you feel bi.îton iook Dr Ch s ' ,rest better at night.D * s nthe Iast fifty yî ars, thou- of n.'a .n a i s %-own ofail RV F O On board I made the acqîaiîît- a nec of a cbarming Brooklyn deckhand, xvho pointad ont ahl the warships. carriers, tankers and other ships to me. as weil as sbowing me the boiler and angine nooms helow. He fypified the friendly Arrerican, and if was with some dejection that I bade hlm farewell. Ha realiy made me feel at home. Affer the hour-loîug trip fo Staten Island and. back, the cheap- est tbing in New York at 5e, I wýonnd my way fbrough the Sont h Sida open f isb stores. The Bow- mauville fish gourmet's palafe wonîd have been fickled f0 a watery turmoit af the sigbt of the delectable ocean species on dis- play, some stit waiiowing iunflîcir own blood. fresiî from the son. Business was poor, howcver, theý fishmongams reported. Nexf I aimad for Bi'ooklyu,. Bridge, fhnough the slnms. anîd1 then I decided on the climnatie finale of the day. The fbîngs that had impressed me most uîp f0, that point of my trayaIs ivas the rapid, awful transition from the endless roxvs of Cadiilacs, mink coats and millionaîres on Fifth and Park Avenues te the povemfy-stricken populace on 3rd, and 2nd Axvenue, especually ou the lower East Sida. Manhattaîî, of course, attnihutes ifs Broadxxay f0t Boxvery change te ifs oblonîg shape, a geogmaphical condition 1whicb brings ont the ciass dif- ferenees in a most gruesomne fashion. l'Il Never Go There Anymone Or, mayhe I will; but vith a fellow-sightseem. The Bowery, I mean. It must have heen somne, place in the day s Mi'en flhc song xxas xxîitfcui, but todav flics cer- tailydon't say nch there, aîid as for doing thiiigs - flîey just. loaf. At Ienst that is the 'Case if thex- îefer te the bnms clustereil by e'uch pubh and street cornier like se mauî,' flics on a cmunib- strexxn tahlecloth. A pitiable, but fascinatîng lot. I I xasî't quite sture w-vhe flic -cal Boxecry begaît. andi if I lind licen reading Holiday magazine a liffle more aftenfiyeiv 1 wouild haxe becu orientated a littia bet- ter. Thus t came aboutf, as' I stood on the street in flic gypsy quarter on Pearl Str'eet, unx'eihiig Jmy map aîîd getting aeqnainfcd wîth my stirrouîndings, thaf a very' kbnd-iookîng but unkepf char- acter edîgedinii and asked if I needed any belp. Fingenîng my xxaliet I nodded. The man,. allegedly a brick- layer. turoed ont te ha a mo-t amazîîîg piadox. In outwari appearaîîce lie looked ne houer J than 'lie aveorage bcer-soakeb saloon pi4ki,buit bis caiîclidi ad- J vit e, tales of gore andia uc on the Bowxery. hus warnuIIgsI against Bewery mcii ioekîîg forý a liandottand bus descriptîcionet1 flic rosi prototype fi ther ipthiel street -- of bus vine stoues, si de - xxalk bcd-, laziuîess anid bad tenu- par -- ail relafed betwecuî thoe dieafeiip rmront f uic ele'.ated hune. aided mni n ne snali x'. mm for m%. joui -ncy. and xx e parterl i the be-ýt cf friands. The second grain of salt! Scon I Lýýt flicBow.ery f ie (,lat- ter-day -t tutcof w Ira, tiSd d o bo ube AglStreetocf NewtY 1Cuty. 'lcTh rst îivigoratfuî; ght cV*\e OSw.'. a huaiiin ug pro, îiuuîe tut~~~~~ axxv"etae i;- uciii- n:ctix uiiloux-mnorta iý xx cuitoui xxîulî their dailx'- tazks auîd passed thi oigh ilhe enfmaîices ocxc i'hs hodY, b'ui nimde s:îre. x'e" -Sure. o b nut n ttu 1lont f0 be. The fellow was un- A lot of people had apparently 1 doubfedly a "gonen." gonefto bed. c W'alking flot f00 slowly in case#**1 t one of the local yokels decided Times an Times Square I was sueker bait. I continuad Affer the river voyage I amed on mny way. past the polluted bars, for the sumptuous lights of Times the dishicvellcd paxvn sbops, fil- Souara, a New York night spec- thv grocery stores and the bîims ialty. Neon signs, theatre fronts -hatless, butfoniess and aimless and storé lighfing create a brul- 1-a sîghf f0 makes eyes sore. liance ir proportion f0 daytime il Olie place~ I nearly enfered but illumination, and the dazzling as- decided f0 leave for the next trip sembly mad& me think of power xvas a place called "Jimmy's cuts, jusf for contrast. As Il Bowery Foulies." I didn't even walked along. admniring v'arious know xvhether Jimmy xvas stili in ingenions advertising displays, a à business, or whethem his sigo was stranger came Up behind me and ai so a 1 citoven from y-esteryear. asked for a match. This was a Bang' A wine bottle, some relie corny approach, I fhought. The of a iost wcvekend, broke into man, who spoke with a strong mnrimeronis pieces on the sidewalk accent, infroduced himself, much three yards behind me. I decided f0, my indefference, and somehoxv 'to walk fastet'. rimanagad f0 gef me on the sub- The neýxt item that amiîsed me ject of Europe. Befora I knexv if was a ty'%pîcal. benevolent fry, of I he had invifed me fo his homne that grcnit organization. the Sal- !in Reims,' France, to be bis guest vation Army. but nealix' a little for three weeks. I replied fhat overdoer. ere., wbere there was 1 would be delighted, and if hie so lttie hiope for anyfbing. Over wouid pay my way over I would the beads of fxxo Bowery char- certainly corne f0 see him. This acters c"igagci un somie inohniated stopped hlm for a minute, buif, gossip xvas flhc folloxxing sign: unabashed, hae soon gof another "Are You an Alcoliolie?' The Time idea, while I got fed up. Would To Stop is Now2' It ccrfainly is. I like f0 coma f0 his hotel room Onfsid c of more burns the for a drink? What gaîl, I thought. Bowcry did not offer anything I thanked him very kindly, in- further. Just flionglîts anîd im- forming him that 1 was a feefotal- pressionis, f00 leiigthy f0 put, 1er and thaf I didn't like hi dowvn bore. but quite obvions, company any longer. Ha assured Aroîind flic corner from thel himseif that there were no hard course I bad be"n following, at feelings involved, and leff. Von 7th Sftieet, %vas aniofier acstlîcfic Taine, as hie called himself, wasr inivenioni -- 'Beethioven Hall-lonix' a squîirf, but strangars ara' 'D'ncin 9 f0 2.' Poor oid Lud- friends oniy f0 a point. Neyer- wig-! Ibet bc'd do a flop in bis theless, encountering the differ- grave if li c w that. cnt types is quite an exparience. In thoex eîîung I saw somne films Billy Rose's Diamond Horsashoc of my cousin's trip tlîrougb Eur- certainly didn'f live up f0 my1 ope. Vitli fli exception of the expectations which I had gather-1 cuies fakcii in haftcned Germany cd mostix' from fhe movie of the they ariouîscd iii me a passion for samne name. The honseshoe sîgn1 flic status cf a hou-vivaiit that xxas't lit up; the long-stemmed( o isutgndInayoeu m tg chorus girl af flic door was home-( of life.ly; the stage was smali, and as for magnificence such as exem- From Stocks to Picasso to Jupiter plified by Hol lywood, thena wasn't On Wecdnicda.v I saxv the Nexv any. Frankly, I was disappointed. Yor'k Stock Exchanîge, the place How did I gef in wifhouf pay- fluat makes flic world tick. Bus- ing? I just walkad in. Nobody muess %vas nather sloxw that day, seemied f0 cana, and affer fix'e accrdig f flc ourGuie xhominutes I walked ouf again. I rattîcd off data at a fuirions, titi-gIS il doesn't believe in digestible pace. There was still cover charge. cnutghi paper littered on the Affer a tour of theatres, play- floor f0 inske it look like the îns etuat n te pt stock exchigc, boxxex'r. lansf estaranddadthe230 ot Ini the affennoon I -visitcd the 'of untarest adcudedat :0arn., Museuum cf Modern Art. The thaf I was gefting sleepy. I soon exhiifsand ilmthen pnvedgot home, xifh the Times Square bigby iîfeesfngave ifthelights tili shining in my eyes. highl intrestng, ve* f*th inferpretafion of Bicasso and the First Time: Rembrandt and like lcft a lot f0 the imaginuation. Evcning bnought a trip te Hayden Wge Planetariuîm, wbre the entire On Friday I visifed the Matra- uinivcrse is dlisplayed on a semi- polîfan Museum of Art, where I spbereical ceiling in a most com- slw my firsf Rembrandt, Duerer, prebensive manner. Ohviouîsly Hais, etc. originais. It was a fhouîgh, Asfronomy cannot be marveilous experiance. The cale- grasped in one night. brafed Mefropolifan Opera opened * * *ifs doors f0 me in the evening, Crime, Pays when, together with my cousin, Getting into the Sf. Patrick's I was lucky enongh fo sea Wag- Day anae ws n snalljobner 's mystic masterpiece, Par- Most of the streets leading to'Tsifal, a igt of the oeraGrail. Fiftb Avenuie wene blocked, and iThe thiraothha ivneGodpra epec I didn't xvanft I wait uîntiî Iaîe l , with isrivie Goof iday found oue openi, so I decided to sel rank mswicfh somceoftemanf nesort to frickery. Pnetending I euiu ui vrcefd n live ina htelon ne f te wîthth te old-fashioned glamour laiyed n hoel onI onterof fh of the Met as seffing the four and te a policemîan and meekly ln- ahl orln efrac qUired whetber or nef hie was go- fliffed by much tori quickly. ngto let nie througli f0 "my" Charles Kulîman, sean recently iiig th eon elokda in the film "Song of Scheherez- me quizzically for a minuîte, and d snthtilroeamaby then decided thaf I had an hion- and the rest of the cast headed est face, for hoe lot nme, frough. by Rose Bampton, Joel Bergluund To cmplte te dstarly u 'and Herbent Jansen, cneated the I xxeui info the hotel and ordemed oea ih fîepy eiin a roorn for flic nigbt, statiîîg that meaîîing, loto an occasion the 1 would netni'n wifliin the boum. memory of which will neyer cali1 Theccpforot Il bott . foi-th ans'fhing but the comment the meantime, and I proceeded ' wonderful." A nighf that will dlowvn f the parade. No, O'Dwyer, lirge for a long time! you can't ho Iiîckv allil ic time. On Stinday I was able to ob- Buit if w'vas a great da.v for tba tain tickets f0 Carnegie Hall Iî'ish, sure and if was. AIl 85,01)0) where Bruno Walter conducted of fhemn in the 4-boum long marcb the New York Philharmonic On- pa.s;tt flaf pamalyýzed east-west chestra iu the 4fb part of the traffie compîetel 'v. It was realiy1 Beethoven cycle. Radio may be 1 fanfastic. Bnt the Irish anîd S i pefecfed to itis utmosf, but actual Patnck dsemxe eenv it o th performance cannot help but rank Ptricklelc Icnth f erbir panade sevenal steps higheî'. Carnegie cauises, and coniments on ils Hall itseif is a nather bare -look- grandeur conîd fi The States- ing auditoriuim, huit the aceonsties man. I niust menîtionî fli pluick are said f0 he among the finesf. cf one ladies' college, howex'er.J Walfer's direcfing and Beethov- This coilege bad ne band, so the en s symphonies certainly formed ladies bad to sîng their manchial i an exhilerating and enjoyabie air. 1laî cftbm cuîd'f ing,~musical finale f0 my fen-day visif. and hlaf of tlhc ncnaiîîder didn'f knoxv th(, wcris, se fliaf oîîlx a Gourmet's Paradise fcxx puodcîced aftcnipts at melodY. One thing I1 haven't mentioned Feehie as it xxas, if ixas certainiy ik fod. New York offers ift to your money's worth. Some of the baffer knawn restaurants I visited, where I ate my firsf hare and my first lobster, are Long- champs, Luchow, Rumpelmayer and Sfainbargs. I x%-ould highly racommand all of fham but in New York there are so maux' it 'doesn'f really maffer where youî eat. But whaf those restaturants do f0 your waisfline! To raally anjoy New York theme' are fhrea essentials. First, mone -; ILots of if. If goas rather quieklv. Second, Curiosify. It dex'elops sponfaneously. Thiî'd. A good pair of shoas. With these thmee you can'f miss. * * *1 ' Parting Is Such S-waet Sornoxv On Monday I bade faî'ewell.to the enchanfiîîg cify. Memories iingered. The confmast hefween rih and poor, haî'dship and abundance; the skyscrapers, brid- ges, resfauraîîts, amuisement ceii- tres, mnuseuis, 'sfoî'es, Central Park; tha cosmopolifan populace. They are PII reasons for a efurn visif. But there is also a certain indefinable afmosphera tbmough- ouf the whoic of Nexw York that casfs a magnafic speil ox'er al who have been there oni a xisif. If heekons fhcm toei'ermn. amd eeuualiy thcy ahl do. If is this speil that makes New York truly greaf. CATTLE MARKETINGS DOWN Inspected slaughter of cattie in Canada for the first txvo months of 1949 was 199,841 head as com-. pared with 226,571 for the saine period in 1948. Also during the two months of 1949 a total of 23,281 cattie have been exported to the United States-13,74l head of beef cattie and 9,540 dairy cattie. Fxports of dairy cattie for January-February last year were slightly less at 9,134 and of course no beef cattie were shipped to the United States before the middle of August, 1948. Men are queer animais. They have always known that one horse can mn faster than another and yet they will squander millions of dollars to see that simple fact demonstratcd over and over. BROWN'S A miscellaneous ,how an xxa' held at the sehool on Safurday evening for the recent bride and groom -Mn. and Mns. Elmer Roz- nick (nec Helen Moore). Aff-er the bride and groom xx'ere seafed af the front, Miss Peggy Stephen- son nead the address, whila Miss Ruîth Kalakaka pinned a cor'sage on the bride. Two balloons xwere broken and confetti sbowered tbe bride and groom,. wishing thern înck. After flic nuany iox'eiy gifts xx'eme opeîîed, Helen anîd Elmnen tlîanked the people and the people added "For They aî'e Joliy Good Felloxxs.' Mrs. A. Brownu led iin a sing-soiig. Soma of flic people eujoyed dancing aîîd we thank those xxbo capably supplied the Crcnc Iiiectric Phone 55-r-i Orono Repairs music, Mrs. T. Wilson, Mr. IP. Parker, Miss J. Perrin and Mr. F. Moore. A tasty lunch was scrvQd by the commrittee - Mi's. T. Wil- son, .Miss J. Beisey and Miss P. Stephenson. XVc xxould aiso like fa thank Mr. T. Wilson, for kiiidly toxxing people ont of the nmud xith bis tracter. Mr. and Mrs. Ro>bf. Grahamn visited Mr. aîd MNIs. S. Porteous on Ttivsday exeîiing. Miss Betty Stephenson x'isited Mr. aud 'drsMamx'iîîAlleni and JuidN in Boxxmanxilie on FridaY'. Sorny te report thiat Mrs. G. Stephenson is on1 the sick lîst. "I arn a gî'caf friend tai publie aiuiserneiîfs, for tluev 'oep people froin c.SnulJohnson. andi Alterations ... . .. Pole Lines a Specialty Free Estimates ... I. 'I FEATURES OF NON-GROUP ENROLMENT a Generaus Benefits-low subseription rates. a Enrol before age 60 - continue after. e Costdy and important short-stay cases are covered as there is no minimum time in V. hospital before benefits comnmence. (Bene- >patient service, deep therapy, or admissions solçly for tests.) » 0 Each enrolled dependant as wchl as the subscriber is entitled tri fuîl benefiti. a Simplified statament osf health-minimum ,naiting periods for chronic or existing 7h'E8ZE 7 .YOSP 7A - C RE PO 7 o* MME c3W.,,,/ C"a"RLING'S - ( From the green scum of algae ta the full-grown Uoke trout there is a complex food chain, which con exist only $0 long as woter remains unpolluted and freesof silt. By keeping water pure and by abserving the catch limnits Yau con heUp lceep nature in balance, and assure an everlostlng supply of gamne and commercial flsh. c/le4f e~eid- YV0U R S T0 E N JO0Y - Y0U R S T0 P R0T E C T te -%9 .. u CA£1'RLING'S THE CARLING BREWERIES- LIMITEIJ WATERLOO ONTAIIO o. i o A. E. McGREGOR & Co. HARDWARE FARM AND HOUSE WIRINC Pure Kettie Rendered L A R D 20-lb. pail - $3.50 SHIP US TOUR EGGS FOR HIGHEST MARKET PRICE WHFIT] PICKERING FARMS LIMITED Phane Whitby 336 - Night or Day BT ONTARIO FO HEIDIIUA R A 1t NONUGeeUP ENROL.E3 NO yu OOô ;ma ak aplcaio t oi te unIrdso thusnd f lu Cos ubcrbrswh hv n faro te urein csto unepete hspta bll. h E Bu Cos o-gop n"' t seseial desinedto potet idiviual or amiieswho re ot e ploed hereit oul bepsil ofr ru the-4Plan. eM.- 3 1N lL é l m ANs 22 DIVSION BT. COMPLUTE AND MAIL "V THIS COUPON TODAY î -----------------------------1 gTO - BLUE CROSS PLAN FOR HOSPITAL CARE.i I 135 Sc. Clair Ave. W,. Toronto 5, Ontario. *Pleaie send me ful information about the NI'W Bmue roi nn- *group enrolmenî. Ih 15 undersîood that no agenIs wil cali on nme soliciting enrolmenc. I Nanie.... . ............ . .. ..... ...... ,._._......I City orTw... i ST PAYS TO ENROL UNa BU RoSSGROPHERE P05SIBLE 4f4 e wýwPLAN FOR HOSPITAL CARE ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION 135 ST. CLAIR AVE. WEST, TORONTO 5, ONTARIO Many their r tnusui delicat off ba funct 1< girlhoc middle tonic,1 a do to reg It will better, Duri manda ages h MMMMWA 1 IIMRSDAY, ArRTL 7th, 1049 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLP, ONTARTO PAGt THMTEEN 1 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE LIAIA q --- ab--- -j ...-

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