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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1949, p. 16

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y TEUBEDAT,%JINE-iJ, 1s4S BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD BIRTHS COMING EVENTS-f Articles For Sale Articles For Sale Help Wanted Lost MULHOLLAND - Gail, daughter Dance nt TY1-0114rl dl Stîî TWO range shelters. Phone 2438. GIRL'S bicycle. Apply 90 Con- EXPERIENCED girl for house- LOGGING chain on Scugog St. of Mr. aId Mrs. N. J. Mulholland, day. April 9Pib Rutih \*ai-n'~t- 14-1* cession St. West, Telephone 2917. work, modern home. Phone 835. Please return to Wlfrid Car- is happy to announce the arrivai iety Band. Admîx'.«&nîi .50c.14-l - -1-- 14-1* Bowmanville. 13-2 ruthers and collect reward. 14-1 of her littie sister, Karen Kelly, 1,lDYS brown suit, good as new, at Bowmanville Hospital on Tues- RumaRe t-Saîe ad sali. 'e 16. Phone 2694. 14-1* RAYBESTOS Raybond brake UGIE, blue and grey, with day, April 5th, 1949. Mummy and home cooking.Sam;d .ApIM p - ---9,_ lining, Permafuse bonded to TWO girls or women wanted to black spots. Lost nearly a monti' Karen are fine. 14-1 at St. Paul's Cliimmvh 4 .' vip mn 'IWO (,ont brooder stoves, good brake shoes, no rivets, brake help in office, full or part time, agio. Reward. Mrs. E. McNulty,4 141 condition. Phone 2069. 14-1* shoe exchange. Bob Stocker's for spring season up to May 24th. Dk tBwavle 41 are appyto nnouce he a- ICompnion oftht'~'ot'st~ RBBERtire waon. ppl Garge.12-t Appy Bookdle- ngsay ur- uke t..Bowmnvile. 4-1 POTTS--Jack and Gladys Potts Garage.________________ eres 14-1 WILL the finder of a black Pgr. rival 0f Delbert enby, a brother INelson Robbins. Hampton. 14-1* 1946 PLYMOUTH sedan, in very sa aectwihçiapae rvlo ebr ebabohrhold a euchlre and ;zrIitI ii~- good condition, heater and de- Tuesdl between 10 arn. and 3 forLynaLyndammy and i Tomm th.n Born l 911an AprirlDYs7tniATTiENTION co- Please ustbeWanted- pmk. TTETpOleasee Wreturn. toeas r3urSil S ere Bowmanville Hospital, April 4 3- 4hinS . llit' AYsV iy.npefcco-froshtar utberns.oni eekReliable man as dealer in Bow- S.(o floor) or Phone 2276. Bo9.14wmaton vpl 6CetreS. 91, 1*manville. Experience not neces- Reward. 14-1* SUGIT-T M. ad rs Mr- Dance at the' Avalon evtly GOODbmoodr houe, sie48 f sary. A fine opportunity to step lnSUGGITT, tieto. nOn.,Meon Fridav. Modern amd Old Timie, by' 10 f t. Phione Orono 5-R-S. 14-1 COAL and wood stoves are stili into oId profitable business where IR a saeS l li Sggtt NstetnOn.,onAdmission 5oc. Modern everv - hard to get. We have two, made Rawleigh Products have been sold Re lEt e For S l Sunday, March 27, 1949, at Osh- Saturday, S0c. 14-1 ADDISON electric mantel radioý by McClary, available ait present. for years. Big profits. Products awa General Hospital, a son; a $2000. Apply 67 Church St. See them at the Radio Shop, furnished on credit. Write Raw- BUILDING lots, 54xI15. Apply brother for Joan Marie. 14-1. Dance at Enniskillen Hall, 14-*Bwavle141eihs ptMLD4063Mo.126HnS..14* ýTusaArllt.Rt i-real. 14-4 56 ACRES pasture, one mile east WEBB-Lloyd and Irene Webb Ison Varietv~ Band. Admission '35 DODGE sedan, in good con- MASSEY-H-arris tractor-cultivatorofHmon Phone 2738. 14-1* (net' Camemon), Pontypool. wsh SO5c. Auspices the' Athletir Club. dition. Ron Johnson, Phone 2791. and Deering manure spreader, A_____ ___________ofb-_oHamton to announce the birth of a datigh-l 14-2 14-1* both in working condition, pricedASPEDDopruiyfb- BUILDING lot, 87x60, excellent ter n Bowmanville Hospital on I easonably. J. W. Bowman, En- comning your own boss! Retail lcto.WieBx24 tts March 31. 1949, a sister for Grace. i Dance at Enniskillen Hall. Fmi., '47 STUDEBAKER recently over- niskillen. 14-1 necesitie0 inudiantdh uliune man Office. 14-1* 14-1* April 8th. 9 p.m. AI Stack's or- hauled, guaranteed, Phone 594. o-Insctiide,_ia________ofNE-creo_____lan,_o _____ chestra. Round and Square danc- 14-1* MEN and boys' work boots and oInctidsinaertryoON-regod gadn ado ENG GEV1NT ing. Admission 50c. Special prizes. cok - 1dretss shoes. complete stock of your choire. Part time agents bui1din.4 lots in Solina, good loca- ENGAGEMENT 14-1* MODERN Findlay co stoe sies and styles at popular prices. considered. Hundreds of surcess- tion, south frontage. Phone 2185. _____-like new. Apply 103 Liberty St' Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, King St. fui Familex agents started with 13-2* Mr. Il~ Mrs Gregory Skelly-, Gova erainCu ilS 4 West, Bowmanville. 10-tf a bormowed $25 or $50. No risk ____ ______ Gafton, wish to annouince the hold the' last euchre of the sea- _________________i swrhatil rvligFU prmns e rc;as engagement of their eldest daugh- soni in the Recreation Hall on LADIES' C.C.M. bicycle, in godMAN'S C.C.M. Overland, double- equipment essential in rural dis- two good building lots, good lo- ter, Jeanne. to George Edward iFridav,. April 8th, at 8 p.m. Lunch Condition. Phone Bethany lrl. aso " bylesaw, on bch angod; ticday foridea is and. F reerta- ain.Offie Bx25 tts Belîman. the son of Mr. and Mrs. will be served. Admission 25c. 133I "tbl4ao enhadt-ayfrdtis n recta a fie Arthur Beliman of Bowmanville. 14-1 10" swinging cut-off saw, weîî logiue, Familex, 16010 Delorimier, The' wdin will take place in '34 DODGE sedan, in good con- made. Apply 26 LibertySt N. Montreal. 10 oue,60-ns ewrof, vena oblid Grafton ]le in April. 14-1* Good news for tennis enthus- dition. Blake Short, Phone 2479. 14-1 - o urenewoton,veetir water -____iasts -- there will be a genemral 1- etr lo oeig ei n DE T Smeeting on Tuesday, April l2th,-- HARDWOOD, in one and foir- AU C T I O N S AL E heate, 3bigl ots ovndrortng _____________ at 8 p.m.. at the Lions Commun- INTERNATIONAL 10-20 trartor foot lengths. Neil Curtis, Ponty- The' underigned will seil by Phone 709. 1- ROINON In Bomaviîeity Centre. Any and aIl are wel- onu rubber, just overhauled. Phone pol Phone Orono B1ilO. 14-2* public auction for __ 1 Hospital on April 3, 1949. William _____14- Robinso. bld usband of core. Auxiiamy . 14-1 966. 1-1 FLOOR Covering! Congoîeum run- M A H WdNW sen-omd hue i 50 M s. A H. ood excellent location, nearly ram- Rveinsna Alldeded 78 eao ade'suii to the Canad- 1936 DODGE Deluxe sedan,50l-ier, Congoleum and Rexoleum pleted. Witt seil as is, reason- Funerla llromtea Fund ealCapel ianLginshodganat- 000 miles. Apply H. S. Britton Deluxe in yard goods and rug at the' home of Harold Porteous ably, as owner is moving out of ofNothut &Smth Bwrnioo tea, sale of home-cooking Newcastle 14-i1 ie;as nadlnoem wt 9Cneso S. omnil on pply 26 Liberty St. N. ville, Thusday&Apil th, themn-t and country store, on Saturday, - ___________ anvas back. F. F. Morris Co., on 14-1 thlle, UedayChurclh, Pon to. April 9, 2 p.m., in Legion Hall. ABOUT 100 young apple trees. Phone 480. 8-tf__________ termUntedmnC emeh, tv 14-IQueen St. 13-2 M. H. Pedwell, Newcastle, Phone Safurdav April lBih DOUBLE frame bouse, haîf ten Inemn rn ei 41Clarke 3823. 14-1* NEW Case VA tractor; used Case r ant orcupied, separate entrne Model D tractor; used Case Model 'Tht' following: stone foundation, cernent cla bis esienc, ~ The Ladies' Auxiliary of the ONE 1935 Willys sedan. APPIy DC4 tractor, 2yasod e Dining-room set, solid oak. 9 flsdulgage2citns WAKELY-At hsrsdec,4Canadian Legion will hold at' .WolcRR amn.bvlade; e eecrr efi-2ie; aenport; eatherback wllr, dbuseand raged, cstroo Coleman St., Bowmanville, on and sale of homne-made cooking TPh done 272 .R1 omnil.hylae;nweeti frgpeesdvnot ete bc wlbuadtanIlor coi Thusda, Mrch31s, 149,Joh atth LeionHal onQuen S. Pone2721.14-1 eator; Swift's fertilizer; steel rocker; leather arm chair, nil near, electrir ligbts, eas stove Thomas Wakely, beloved husband this Satuarday afternoon, April 9 CORDWOOD-hard and soft, inBrownts aDwieafenche. 49W . H. 6 c ane dottmcaitres; brassobe Poshessilondrrne av pic e 5, of Mary Ann Allin, in bis 9tb from 3 p.m. .onwards. Citizt'ns of foot lengtbs; also cedar p rw, aeDelr Poe49 pin n mtrss i1o1oseso-arned aîdLey year. Service on Saturday, April tht' town and district are umged Poe27.1-f14-1 phonograph; 2 walnut tables; Myrtle, Ont. --~4 2nd. Intermnt BowmanviPeotoeatten. 14- _________________ kitchen table and chairs; 2 Con- - _____________ Cemetpmv 14-1* - USED Allis-Chalmers Model B TRADE-INS - Beatty washer, goleum rugs, 6x9; kitchen stove: $200Hg ls am ie Notice tractor. Palmer Motor Sales, Bow- white enamel tub; floor model 12 verandah chairs; lawnchisnt-et fBwavl,10 IN N'EM RI.M - AF~YRS- av yurhihmanville. Phone 487. 14-1 cobnto radio; table model1 and table; vaity stool; 6 small acres. 75 cultivated, 25 orchard, IN__MEMORIAM____________ radio; portable bat-1 tables; clothes cupboard; srreen flowing rîeek, good bar. n . FARERS Hav yor hghNEW tractors, order nil Har- tery radio; portable battery and and storm doors; 2 garden gates: apple warehouse, modemnsolid FOWLER-In loving memnory of wagon wheels cut down, 600x16vyPrnr iet t . o-eeti ai;trepeecete-stoafin cls olotbikrsdne ombiti aurder rohe Ry owerrims put on, $27.00; also Hobbs vyPmnr ietSt . o-eeti ado he-ic hs er- e olom ales; coa oï brirk resiece bathm, butin orda rte Ro oermanville, Phone 2096. 14-1 fieId sie; kitchen suite; electrir etr oean lm:gre snom -icebtatre wvho passed away April 6, 1946- safety glass installed, cars or' _e suiand_______________an_________n celar doeisteace P t Pux 11 e13 14* suite god a t nnew Appy PIone 811. 14-1* I glassware. iaundry, oit fumnare, hardwood ____ot__ 9-33 41*siegoda ew pl 607-i Terms Cash Sale ait 1:.30 p.m. floors. Silent is tht' voire we loved io n~ ~ King S t. E., Oshawa. 14-1 ' GOOD Value Chop: Oa t chop ~ R. J. Payne, Auctionoer. To hear; fo1rsec i±.j~ H N S 13-HOE Massey-Harris seed drill (white), $50. per ton; Baley chop, 1 84-ne1Ooniea am To a wyfrsgto peh$52. per ton; Mixed chop (bar- I1- farm, 105 acres, steel oofed barnis, But nat too far for thouîght ta We wish 10 thank all tht' ntigb and P-eston Fertilator; also somne 1ev wheat, oats), $54 per ton; fully equipped, good watem, brick reach: bouirs for their beautiful gifts and Ajiax oats. Phone 2154. 14-1 Sei' ' 'chp $9. e tn residenre. First time offered Sweet toremembSpecial Mixed flrhopwh$49.reper aton;sAuction Sales Swet 0 emebe hm wo nc flwes hir ae nd iwysSTRONG two-wueelt'd traiter, Mediumm Mixed chop (three grain_ Inquiries and listings invited. was here will be hîghly appreriated, hop 4'x7', wiîh stock ark. Applv T. 1 with ourkwheat), $46. per ton; Tht' auction sale of rcgistemed LEROY HAMILTON And who touîh bse t, is us in to se' t em aIl ag in Ioo .A Ven ner, Hampton R.R. 1. M ixed Feed Oat chop, $36. per Shortborn atti, farm machinerv, Broker Orono as dear. Mm. and Mrs. j. M. Wilsoni, tn lc res alGo .hv rilmefriue ý hn fieo oe 1 -Ever remembered and sadly 266 Rîtson Rd. N., 14-1 tn lc resery e.G ag'ilmefmiuett hn fieo oe 1- - -- -Wickett, Pr oe hn 2. rl o atrHlLot21 înissed by his sisters and bro- Oshawa, Ont. 1441* CORDWOOD, rut in foot lengtlis, Pot4op,-hne22.Cpon.8,yHoe wnerhipm. 1,e$4,OO-for quick sale, buys a thers. 14-l* mapie and bt'tcb, two rords ta - west of Garden Hill. will be held 3-piore bath. rct fundation, - -Mms. J. T. Wakely wishes to load, $16 per rord. Phone 2952. 13-DISC .Cockshutt seed drill, ini on Fridav April lSth, at 1 p.m.3-icbah ore fudton GEDDES --in loving mr ofor akidessrensso and agbst ___________ 10-tf extra good repair; 4 or 5 tons lsharp. For furtber particuilars fuill basement, electrir rangette, Patrick J. S. Geddes who passed fork d FOR thhwnandasis- baled hay; 3 cords dry wood; 600 qet' bills. Ternis cash. Jack Reid, fiilors cuphocards. and hardwood ila April 8, 1947: ance given during the scknessFO auoized Electrolux ser- used brick,: quantity 'of dry pop-. 1aurtionecr. 14-1 fornire location in Bowman- Time inaY nel tht' brokeni hearted and pssiiig of lber husband. with vire and poducts, Phone Oshawa lar and elm lumber, 1 and 2 inch; \ville'. Yersmy ae ht oud sperial appreciation ta Dr. C. W. 423 W, Electrolux (Canada) Ltd. 1elc cnln;cdrpss Fo es ot' onig Siemon and Miss Willmatt, nurse. 13-3* 6,000 ft. log measure hemlock, 1I have been authorized tal selI $3.200-close ta Newcastle, new But ( amnot fiil tht'ogn N aiyad hlo rw asod&n ic;as 991b publie auction for Ray Glover, 'Insul-brirk huingalow, 4 ooms, For+li Ioed ne onebefre. Mrs 0 ereith Male r I ers, vt'ry low price for quick sale. Chrysier Autotrar, on good rub- 2 miles north of the foir corners bot and rold «ýatt'r, ciectrir beat- Who shp.1l sav tht' grief is ersbeO-MeredithG.MapleoGros lestn ed wisbes ta express sinrere thanks Appiy 72 Ontario St., Phone 9-025. 2be Av . E.Robnso, R r. f aa. ol tI ibwav, o ckt-er,3 ce os. 3 pl re n Thougl- tht' smile may bide tht' and appreriation 10 tht' Superin- ______1.1 aevl 14-.1 I ireldida. Aril 6tb, bs fai'm stokf iknbue tears: tendent and nurses of Bowman- 197M -CR 14sdngo WOODS' Electric Co. milkers, aritdHoistein heifers, bar- $2.500-inil -brick, 6 rooms, hy- Memaries keep tht' wound stillîadvil H sp ayt a; r.H B Rnle condition. Can be seen afteir 6 i $200; grinders. rollers, two terr- !ses, impiements, bay, grain.. etc. dmo, water, sewer ta tht' cellar, anopsenpcalytoal 1e p.m. 94 Libertv St. or Phonej peratuî'e farm freezers, 12 ru. ft. Terms cash. Sait' at'1 p.m. Elmer ntw rooi, approximately ont' acre. Despite tht' passing of tht' friends and neighbouîrs for their 276C8. 14-1 î1 rapacitv., $475.00; Generai Refrig- Wiibur, auctioneer. 14-21-i vears. many arts of kindness during bier eao,62rf,$5,0 efr Immediate possession. 50 armes. 2 -Lovinelv,, remembered by fam- illnc-,s at tht' hospitai and since J'33 CHEVROLET coupe, in goodi tion double unit milkers, $250; acres orchard. 5 acres wool ily. 1 *Ihmmtînm 14-1 I onition, xitb heater and de- Fleurv-Bissell Tandem dises, 26 FRESNT:.ened1 rolad hmhbi ie -froster. Apply R. Williams, New- plate,- $158, Manure speaders, .April 131h, will bie macbinery dayI gravel road, frame bouse. eight IMis. J. Westlake and brothis ast'141*$7;lm adfeiizrpeders. at tht' Sales Barni, Orono, wbere rooms. built-in cuphoards, hydro. M O U TJ O In lov ng t'm ry of ht' laI Mi s. ho . H ghe , n t' - -- P resto n fertilator atta rbm en ts; t e e w ill be offered for sale a l] bar i 40 x 25. pig pen, lien ouse of a1 dear father and mothei', 1 ila Richriids, wish to extend 1947 CHEV. coach, 12,000 mile-1 tractor 9 ft. cultivatomrs; irubber kinds uf new and used farmi and garage, $6.000. Hcnr Moîntov bo assd rtheir sinreit'tak n prr age, good as nt'w. R. D. Preston,1 tiretd wagon.s; steel wheel sets, machiev-sr s:friie awav March 12., 1940, and Sarab i jation to tkieir friends and neigh- Sheil Gas Station, Maple Grave. $360(0; Ftiie;also grauilrilg aý,laes ubrtrd$.0 u,10arso dlt (Whitfield) Mountjoy' who passed boums for their many kindnesses Phone 2493. 14-4* brand. Phone Carl Todd, CIarke%,agons. rultivators, etc. Teris 30 acres planted aboui thire. away April 10, 1947: and floral tributes during their -1-0 r2- ch o eev.Frfrhrvars aoto 5000 Scotch, 0(O) Their merlm is as dear flaye raehos, 4 rerent bt'reav'emtnt in tht' lassSEVEN-roomnforatforameactbouseid,24xd . ad aout200. , .o As n tht' houm the\, passed awa. . of a loxving sister, xith esperial 26, ta be removed from property. - înfîction cnac ac eiRtdPne14-but201odso -Lavingly remembered bv tht' mention of Rev. S. R Heiideison Grant Jackson. Blackstock, Phone BRADLEY Fuiniture Ca.. 40 King!aucioner. JMES IXO Behie ebka Ldg. ..aniPitP ' 0r1 1 *S.W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc.JAE NIO fammly 14-1* Mrs. illing ea de. Tu. a14-1 orUSE WF All-ham 4s-racor oSts mlt,$69;fl aeBroker 160 Lihcrtv' St.N. --rbedroom suites, $6900; steel bed M. Thomas Gimblett, haIt mile Telephone 682 B3owmanvillt Chicks Foran Rg. uSale41 sadard type, thmghî' mecoo ftrco t'rî $6.9c ; squase cast of Courtire, is gviguîp141 Chicks For SaleI wish ta thank friends anddtinard, eceen tosuhp e Doug coechirs, $95,ailqure1 [;farmîng andici wiitseli by public14* neighbaurs of Hampton commun- ite, ePho nt2191. 14 1* 3 crmeair ors,$.5,achstriel<auiction on Saturdav, April 9th, A LIMITED quantity of Barred iîy and tht' Township of Darling Wigh,_ Pone219._1___3_________________eteriel at 1 p.m. sharp, all bis farm stock Rock and Legborn pullets. 1 week ton, tht' Rotarians. Dr. C. J. Ans- 13 NENTOA ae uts 190 -c aua iis and implements including thrte \ok\V ne ta 8 weeks of age. Witde or lin and nuirses and Mm. Living-1 trurk, tbis trucek is in gaod con- brleakfatstes,$60 spng hoses, 4024ea95oftdairycattit' TRACTOR Custom Work - phone fo. prices and quantity stone Miller for many kindriesses 1 dition and is priced ta sell. R. B. fled cmttrse, $2495; ri-gt ,30 hg,14 MC rc n luhn.cliaigads available. Phone 2636. H. J. shown me foliowing my accident. î Brown, Phone 2639. 1- agsfo 5,0 -c lvr many other items. For further ig 1oe54 4t BokRR. -vi1. 1s4is-at1n tttmnra x 11[bd 1.stritî sies 9 atiriar echIs ersrab . .- -d";1 J ýý- _ - -«' _' " ' __ - -- --------- - - _ - - i- 1. - . - r sim le ne ts t e r.1111 - - n-1 rivKes ar ne%,ý,go.New ' -get acquainted"j eell, W.J. Bagneil, Marr s '921OG ~-IREG. No. I Erban Oats: alsa Casz- j paniy os,Loets1 theecatv ohSoce Jew 1932ar. Al Aednn, S125: alsa rade Soring Wheat. certified No. 1.' atN ofIl. C i,. . CrtGaageigone80,, on Injl-tf size onlv 60c. AUdrugig-zts. Jwelleiry, Glorv nnShoppe, slightiv used DeLaval electrir ' Alfred Allin. Phone 2332. and ' i Con. 22,lCartwrigrteton nd 14-I1 ownmamille 5uc10 SI1.00 Store, creani- sepairauor. R. P. Stenger. iha h,\ýenBreo n - - -_-MW. H .B w Tht' Town Shoppe, Eniliîskmîlei, Plhont'Bownianvi I j QUANTITY of Seed Cartier Oats ' Bluck-iio, kon '1lursdav. Aprîl REPAIRS Io aIlnakes of radias. H-YGIENIC Supplies (14bbe'iPhopnes Jewllemy.1615J-12. 282. lR. 1 goods) mailed postpaid ini plain Mahemr's Shat' Stor'e, Masomi &=- - _ Phonke Oha 161112-9 n iI t. lîral icî,csat r' Io- al u fr adi nted epairs WOODN - icke. lv2*iuuu niit i e.liiieAîliigtrutDale.uailS.akJ.an mndels Voi -ealdcîe ewt rc i.Dl.S .Jcmn&Sons. At- WODNtank, caparit-, appmrax. -tai ta ta h :. 'binhtder, c it- 1lt iifior ser\ ice prmnpt andi Six sair.ple., 25c: 24 samiples $1.00. kumîs Fiower Sbop their sincere,'500 gais . in excellent condition; 1 ALFALFA, Red Claver, Timnothv, ting box anid other pow~ereql-raoabe We piu'k up and de- M4ail Omder Dept. T-38. Nov-Rub- thaiîks for tht' gifts tht'v donated! also %vooden pump with 30' log. [Permanent Pasture Grasses, etc. ment. Sale at 12 o«clock. Trrrms I ver free M'%.lcs Radia Service. ber Co., Box 91, Hanltion, Ont. for tlîeir 2nd Annual At Homne. 'compiete. Howad Gîbson, Phone!'t'af edSoePoe57cs .P C u lr;Ca.i 'A' Ted Woodyard's Appliance 9-9 14-1i '2482. A14-1 1-tf Lamnb, auctioneer, 13-2* Store), 14-1 Livestock For Sale NINE Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks aid. Ross Cryderman, Enniskillen. Phone 2265. 14-1 HOLSTEIN cow, due to freshen April 1,Jth. Apply Hilton Tink, R.R. 2 Bowmanville, Phone 2283. 14-1 YOUNG pigs, 6 weeks old. Ap- ply Herman Christi, 1'4 mile south of Oshawa Wood Products, Phone Oshawa 3423J2. 14-291 W anted To Rent ,f FURNISHED o r untumnished' rooms in BowmanviUle. Phone. 2588.14* PASTURE for 20 head of cattle. Phone 3823 Clarke, M. H. Ped- well. 14-10 YOUNG couple with smal need four roomns or house byeý Ist: excellent referenees. Phone TWO good work horses, brown SMALL aparîment. Phone 2382. gelding, 7 years old; roan mare, 1- 8 years old, both sound, good I-- iworkers. Apply Gray Bros., New- THREE rooms, with garden and castie.14-1* hydro. Write Box 233, States- castît'.1 man Office. 41 THREE-year-old general purposeVAUMCens,100prdy t grey Percheron mare; reisteUMred j, 1.0pe dy i Jeseybul. 1 monhs ld;fmv Floor Polishers $1,00 day. Mur- Jersey heifers. Apply G. E. Rob-i phy's, Phone 811. 14-1* insa, R.2 anelill. l~1*FOUR-raomed bouse, cernent cel- A NUMBER of fresh, . Istre lar, hvr'm, large garden and fruit o megmtered trees, ont' mile north of B awman- I and grade Holstein cos. Al ville. Possession April 151h. Write ais txvo oamsng youing ' d;Box 232, Statesman Office. i al o tw pr misi g y0lngregist-1141 ered bulîs. Walter Frank. R.R.'141 5 Bwmaill, Pone2403 S Bomanille Phne i4-1- Notice to Creditors HOLSTEIN eow, Jane Rag Apple a dO hr Pictie B. born Nov. 26, 1945. due In the' Estate of EDITH VIC April 'th: last yeai' produced TORIA SCOBELL, late of the' 13,254 lbs. milk, 416 lbs. butter Town of Bowmanville. in the' ! fat: arcredited and listed. C. H. County of Durham, Retired In- Robinson, Hampton, Phone 2611. surance Agent. deceased, who died 14-1 at Bowmanville on or about the' MATCHED brown team of Per- 16th cThy of Mamcb, 1949. i cherans, s;ix years old; brown Tht' Turtet' At R.S.O., 1937, Percheron gelding, rising si Ch. 165, Sec. 5 1. ytars; matched team of Clydes- Creditors and others having dale, roa n color, five and six years i dlaims against tht' above Estae aid. These borses are weli brokeni1[are required 10 send particuiars arîd quiet. J. W. Boyd & Sou,ý and full proof thereof ta tht' un- Orono, Ont. 14-1*i dersîgned on or before tht' 251h. _________________day of April, 1949, afler which. date tht' assets of tht' Estate will WVanted be distributed baving regard 10 dlaims that have then been me- DEAD horses and cattît' for fret' ceived. pick up. Phane Toronto AD.3636 DATED at Bowmanvillc, On - or Cobourg 48J. We pay -phonet' ara. tht' 2lst day of March, 1949. charges, Gardon Young Ltd. 13-tf LAWRENCE C. MASON, Barrister, etc., 30 King Street West, Notice to Creditors Bowmanville, Ontario, - and Others Executor. 12-3, IN THE ESTATE OF MABELThe Stal esman Sold ELIZABETH COUCH, Decerased. ALL persons having dlaimsAtFlo igS re against tht' estate of Mabel Eliz-AtFlo ngS re abeth Coucb, late of tht' Town of Bowmanville in tht' County of Dyer's Drug Store, Ntwcà"t1le Durham, Widow, who died on or D. G. Waiton's, N;wcast1- about tht' 241h day of February, Wilson & Brown, Nt'wtn%',. J 1949, are required ta send ta tht' IT. M. Semon, Enniskilien undt'rsignt'd at Bowrnville, On- F. L. Bvam, Tyrone lanao, full particubars of tht' s.ame G. A. Barmon, Hamptoni on or before tht' SIh day of May, W 1949, after which date tht' assets WmHfackwood, Pontypool of the dt'reased will be distributed H. T. Sayweil, Blarkstock i aving regard only la the dlaims C. B. Tyrreiî, Orono of which tht' Executrix shalî.then W J. Bagnefl. Jury & Loveil have iiotice.' J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and DATED Ibis 31st day of March, Tht' Statesman Office. 1949. ______________ APHA I. HODGINS, Wise sayings oflen faîll of bar-' Barrister, Solicitor, &c., ren ground, but a kind word is Executrix. 13-3 neyer cast aside. WANTED fI Ir 0 B EXPOIT I Registered and Grade HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS WALTER FRANK PHONE 2403 BUY R.R. 3 DOWMANVILLE u * e Nationally Advertised Dlands FOR QUALITY A14D VALUE! Aqua Velva. 59e Blue Jay Corn Remedy 306 Bromo-Seltzer --- - 25c-49c-95c BrYlereem --------- 29c-49c ('astoria ---------- 83c-69e Dettol -_ ----- 59c-$1.95 De Witt's PUIS . - 60C-51.00 Dr. Chase's Nerve Fdl. 69c-$1.79 Doicin Tablets $2.39-SIO.00 Ena':. Fruit Salit,----- 59e-gSe Ex-Lax .,.--.--------- 15-33o Now - Unique Art Studio Offeru DOUBLE SIZE PRINTS From 1'our Negatlveg 6c EACH Glosay Finish le SALE Woodbury Facial Sogp One Full Size Cake for le with the Purchame of JURY ULOVELL YOUR REXALL DRIIG STORE WIhen We Test Eyez B lu Done Properly Forhan's Tooth Paste 29e-49e 20 Gillette Biades with Dispenser ---------5 - 1.00 Gin PUIS - ------.---43c-69e Halo Shampoo - 29c-49c.9ge Su4ve --.--- -50c.85C Ipana Tooth Pa.ute 30c-49c Band-Aid . . -- 15e-30e Kkovah Heaith Salits 29c-49c Listerine. Ige,. -- --89C Mecca------- - 29c-59c-$l.19 olymupene 75c-$ . SMILES'N CHUCKLEhif( Fruit and Nut Cream Easter Euri, Chocolate Coated Each - 43e Fruit and Nut Cream Egg and Bunny Cart - 68c Smlles'n Chuckles Cherries ln Liqueur - $1.70 Smlles'n Chuckles Assorted PHONE 778 BOWMA NVILLE à, s,.~ ~1 J gI %0-40% - - - - - - - - 0%0%0%0%0%oràm A THE CANADUN STAIWMAN. BOWMANVULr. t)IqTAiRtn PAGE SDrrÉEN @»-- .- .-- -- - - - . 1

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