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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1949, p. 1

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Il i br ."Durham County's 1Great Family Journal" VOLUME 95 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOe THURSDAY, APRIL 7th, 1949 6c PER COPY NUMBER 14 Introduce Revised Poli Tax Laws to Stop noise And Guns eAt Town Council Session Town Council, with Mayor L. C. Mason presiding and ail mem- bers present, hustled through quite a bit of business Monday night before a quick adjourn. ment at 9: p.m. to permit the many hockey fans around the board to scurry away to Osh- awa to sce the hockey game be- tween Orono and Milverton. Chief intcrest of the session centered about three by-iaws in- troduced by Reeve Norman Alli- son. Their ternis in consecutive *rder were: (1) To prohibit dis- eharge of guns or other firearms within town limits. (2)' To pro- vide for payment of a Poli Tax. (3) To prohibit noise from racing engines in motor vehicles and shouting and making unusual noises in a manner ta disturb citi- zens. Approval was given the above save for the first on firearms, which was laid over for further consideration. @The auditors re- port for 1948 mas tabled and re- ferred to finance committee to re- port back. Communications Petition from residents near the town dump led to a motion to in- struct the Goodyear Company not to burn any more waste at the dump. Town Solicitor will be asked for opinion on legality of pre5ent location of dump and Property Committec wili explore for new site. Community Council was given permission to' use the auditorium of the Town Hall for the next 6 ilionths, subject to approval of Public Propert -y Committee. Petitions included application j for sidewalk on south side of Jane St., for graveliing and strei lighting east end of NelsonS anda cinder warlk on Albert Si ail of which wili receive atter tion of proper committees. Letter from Chief of Polic Sic ney Venton expressed thanks fc leave of absence and gave assui ance he would be back on dut as soon as possible. Application from Clary King1 open a billiard academy on Dui hamn St., South Ward, referred1 Police Committee to rcpci back. On motion of Reeve Allison an Councillor Carruthers, the MVayc was authorized to issue procIè mation declaring daylight savin from April 24, at 12:01 a.m. Reports Finance Chairman Vanstone ri ported buis amounting to $3,5 13.5 on ordinary account and $1,479.6 on new South Ward School. Fire Committee was authorize to have old fire truck repaire and not to permit ncw truck1 be sent out of town until old on is repaircd. Clerk will write town engineer Redfern Co. and Dover Construc tion Co. requesting that GIe Martyn be given access ta 1. property on High Street. Lundy Fence Co. will be rE quested to repair the fence thé they recently erected around dh posal plant. Authority was give Roads and Streets Committeet hire necessary trucks to gravi roads. Town solicitor will be instruel cd to prepare a by-law for licen ing bicycles at .50 per year, san to be brought before next meeting eet st. for .ir- ty to ta crt rid ,or a- ng e- .55 .68 :edI -ed' to ýne ,rs. c- is te- at1 -s- 1 to ;ei With the current season of Bowmnanviiile Mens Cani j r sb drawing ta a close, the N .iar monthlv, meeting and dit in the Balmoral Hotel, March was outstanding both in res to an address of national chara and the penetrating oratorý the guest speaker, Dr. Hai Doney, an officiai with the Ce dian Red Cross. The central th1 * presented by Mr. Doney a practical religion carried on in day-by-day work of this gi humanitarian organization. lining much of the detail in1 the Red Cross serves Canad from coast to coast, the speî further emphasized its importi * by s'howing a sound-movie of great floods in British Colur last spring, and how reliefA was organized under auspice! the Red Cross. The Speaker Jack Eastaugh, who introdt Dr. Doney, told of his pensi contacts in Taylor Statten Ca: with the work of a young med student andi great singer, Har Dr. Harvey Doney Doney. Aiming ta become, evE ually, a medicai missionary raad, the turn of events fct Dr. Doney a Squndron Lea( RCAF, overseas in the lateM then medical officer at forw, stations. At the close of the c flict he was commanding offi of two therapeutic stations mir tering to wounded veterans. BE in Canada he joined the Red Cr -and serves now as National I cetor ot First Aid. Swimmingî WuWater Satety and DisasterS vice o! the Canadian Red Cr Society. Bowmanviile, Said Dr. Don haçi pleasant associations for h: for at his new home in Agincot in odd moments, he %vas doJ some landscaping which %vc have been hopeless contusý without the expert quidance Brookdale-K;ingsw%%a\yNurseries Bowmanvillc. Red Cross worlk deemed much in keeping w this avocatian, the creating conditions ta 7niake lives moreb anced and happy. bath with pi tical heip and through educati advice arid training in al %va o! lite and among ail ages. %Vartimne LifeIuie Sketch in-ibrîef1v soin(- in dents of the %vork oi the Red Cr( cluring war. the speaker saidt f the quality of the service was truly adian life-line among those actively i reg- ail the services and more notabl nner among those rendered inactiveà .h 30, wounded, ill and prisoner of wai ýspcct Then, immediately war was ove 'acter the Canadian Red Cross turned t .y of just "s intensive a campaigna rvey home for relief and teaching ari ana- the all-sustaining incidenceo heme maintaining morale. sthe Setting about the strcngthenirý n the and the expansion of Red Cros reat, services in Canada, the sufferirý Out- of peoples abroad were not for how gotten. During the past year bians volunteers of the women's divi 'aker sion turned out from Red Cros ance workrooms, over 2500 cases o f the clothing for Britain and Euroîi nbi'a, and plans for the current yea. .vork were even larger. It was a mis es of sion of practical religion, large:, for the relief of helplcss children But it was more than that for i luced led adults ta take courage an( onal hope that the democracies would amps n't permit Russia to lay dlaim t( ýdical suzerainty over thcm. irvey Canadian Setup Supervising some 75 Outpos SHospitals in Canada, and man ning 10 Red Cross Lodges for dis jabled veterans, the work waý Sfurther diversified ta take in dis aster service, a huge programm( * of swimming and watcr safetý Sand to organize in almost everý icommunity various classes in ant and crafis and instruction in firs, aid and lite saving. The disastei service, that ils, bringing quicý relief in cases ot fire, flood, toi nadoes, etc. was arranged oné *-zone basis with local tacilities ir. Istantly ready at any alarm. Ovez the whole f ield, 95 percent of thE Tespeaker told several in stances where the Red Cross ser- v \ice was actively put into opera- tion in a matter of moments atter the first radio cal], rushing sup- plies and rescuing individua1s, praviding them with food, cloth- ing and shelter. Such was the case in the great floods in British Columbia and many lesser cases cnt- elsew'here. Last year, classes in ab- swimming and water safcty re- und sulted in earned certificates to ider, more than 50,000 children an< war, more than 3,000 youths and adults vard qualified as instructors in this con- sphere. icer Great Progress nis- First aid work was carried on ir ack every community and progres- ,ross sively into homes. The results Dir- have begun to show in very dra and matic marner. With more anci Ser- more people being trained in tirs' ross aid work and accident preven- tion, the huge total of deaths and ney, accidents are already on the de- im, cline. Dr. Doney emphasizcs the )urt, importance of applying trainec ing knowlIedge in case of accidents. îuld He declared that ,what was done sion in the, first few minutes ver%- of often meant the margin betweer sof lite and death. -he In closing the speaker stressed Nith the principle of preparedeness in of the Red Cross objective, the dis- bal- semination of knowledge in how ac- ta do things for the stricken and ion, the distribution and storing of ilks supplies t0 meet an,, contingency. Closing lus great inspirational addî-ess he again emphasized the nci- practical Christian religion that oss, has tollow cd on tor -creratîoný t.he as the guidepost of the Redi Cross. Lions Club Concert Final of Seriez Features Fine Talent The cîgit-panel musical con- cent ta be presented under auspices o! tic Lions Club in thc Higi Sciool auditorium, Wednes- day evening, Apnil 13, will feature some o! the leading concert art- ists appcaring before Canadian audiences at the preseat time. Attention is called ta tic notice in Ibis issue ta facilitate thc pur- cliase a! tickets la the meantime. Many are looking torward ta licaning the famous Commodores Quartette which will headline tic concert. This quartette was tormed during the tour o! tie Royal Canadian Navy Show wiicb prcseated "Meet the Navy" 'he members include Howard Rcddick, first tenon; Donald Pamisi, bass; John Riagman, baritone, and Carl Tapscott, lead- er. Tliey had the honor o! appear- ing in a command performance at the London Hippodrome, be- fore Their Majesties. Tic accour- panist fan tic quartette will be Mrs. Lea Lightem. Mr. Parish and Mn. Ringman will aiso con- tribute solos la the programme. But the quartette wiil nat liold ail the spotlight for beautitul and taiented Miss Mary Syme wil present sparkling piano solos. Press reports in leading Canadian dailies, univensally' rate Miss Syme amoag the top flight artistes of Canada. Graduate of the Toronto Consenvatory at age 15, she is also a Bachelor o! Arts and atten post-graduate musical studies in New York sic made lier Canadian debut with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. To Finish Archtect's Plans Cal! For Building Tenders For New Memorial Hospital The architeet of the new Bow- mnanville Memorial Hospital was instructed to go ahead and corn- plete the plans and cali for ten- ders for the new building at a special meeting of the Hospital Board held Tuesday evening in the Nurses' residence. At the well attended meeting all the members of the board pre- sent were enthusiastic to get on with the job of building the new hospital. Mr. Smith, the archi- tect, was present and told that the estimated cost at present is stili in the neighbourhood of $400.000 but by the time tenders are called for it might go down slightly. Chairman Mcl Dale in leading the drive to start the building program f cît that until the Board had a definite price it would not be feasible for another campaign for public funds to be started. Once the price is fixed the Board will likely approach neighbouring municipalities and Counties' Council for increased grants as well as go after more private subscriptions. At present the Board can ac- count for a littie over $300,000 made up of actual money on hand, grants from municipalities, pro- vincial and federal governments and individual promises. It is not anticipated that the drive will start until the fail, but anyone wishing ta contribute donations now are asked ta kindiy send thcm to Ray Dilling, the Treasur- Another meeting of the archi- tect and the speciai building com- mittee wili be held next week ta iron out details in actual 1 pfsaon iron out details in actual plans of the construction. The architect will then go ahead with the detail plans which wili take a few months and? then cali for tenders. Before the new building dis- cussion took place a generai bus- iness meeting was held. Chairman Mel- Dale announced that the Standing Committees wouid bei made up as follows, the first named being the chairman Finance-Owen Nicholas, De- puty Reeve Frank Jamieson and Mrs. K. Squair. Property-Joe O'Neill, Dr. W. M. Rudeli, John Rickard and Rus- sell Osborne. Grounds-Sid Little, George Annis, Bill James. Housekeeping-Mrs. L. T. Mc- Laughiin, Mrs. M. Vanstone and Mrs. F. Heyland. New building-Dr C. J. Austin, Owen Nicholas, Joe O'Neill, Sid Little and Mrs. L. T. MeLaughlin. Miss Lenore Harding, Superin- tendent of the Hospital presentedt her report for March as foliows: 1948 1949 No. of Admissions -- 68 74 No. of Discharges --- 98 101 No. of Births--------- 29 28 No. of Deaths --------- 4 4 No. of Stili Births --- 3 0 Patients in residence 12 18 Days Stay -------- 593 685 jBrilliant Address IAt Women's Institute 'On Canadlian Gov't. The regular meeting of the Bowmanville Women's Institute, behd in Union Hall hast Thurs- day, was in change of Mrs. C. Robinsoa's group on Histonical Researchi. Tic highlight was the address o! Mrs. Walter Reynolds, 68 Centre St., wia spoke on "Canadiati Government - Yesten- day and Today." The bnilliant exposition o! tic speaker desenves muci more notice @han Ibis brie! report a! the -meeting sa wc shal lie happy ta publish in a later issue thc full text o! the addness. During the business session a report was given o! thc succcss o! the Kopper Kamnival and tic Secretary %vas instructed ta pur- cliase aiotier Bond taward tic !umnisiing of tic W..noom in the ncw Memoriai Hospital. 11. was dccided ta hoid an Open Meeting an April 28, at 2:30 p.m. in Union Hall. Division St. S., and an invitation 15 extended ta aIl ladies o! tic community who wish ta jain for tic cunrent year. Vocal salas were contributed by Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Prit- chard v'hicb won mucli applause. A social hour followcd during whiicitic committee in change served tea. Balmoral Euchres SNet $172.87 For Arena Fund A cheque for $172.87 was ne- ceived this week by the Memonial Arena Committee from Mrs. C. A. Janrett o! the Balmoral Hotel which represents tic net pro- ceeds tram a senies o! cuch4es er. 1eNo.i-oftierhotels --- 27 2tc w n- inaîviual malaojustmcnts. Canon Warricr is a clergyman of t-Tennis Club Hold er.eI No. ofiperations -27 29 ter. the Anglican Communion with a wide experience in the Canadian MetigLinsCubtat the hotel management gave chunch. For some years now he has been carnying on clenical nie Meeting Lionsce f Clubn free use of the banquet room and work through the Association for Evangeiism and Christian ig i.mprta c fSian Thinkinq provided free lunches for the Counseiiing. He has had marked success in heiping people in Atter a very successful initial m oe uchres organizcd by the local their personal probiems. Reports on his activities and missions Tenn iCu span14,th omng vie ~ IM ~ A 8~ Beehive Club and Forester's indicate that individuals and communities have been greatiy Tennis ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AU 'UAU Club ispann vnB s su a c o u oM ro lbta invite the public ta enjoy enriched ard spiritually quickened thnough bis presence. Canon better things for this year. The a card games at a nominal charge Warner's visit here is being sponsored by the churches of first meeting of the season has ~ae .i.S , i~ in aid of the, new Bowmanville Bowmanville and Darlington. A cordial invitation is extended 12, a 8 p.mfoinThe Lsd Com- __taes_._V____iCofC.Banquet Memonial Arena. . toa ahcitizens in this communîty to attend these services. Ce t .m n t Bec sAvenue.Each organization heli six_________________________________ munityCete ehAvn. Guest speaker at the annuai Gucsts at the luncheon were two separate euchres which netted include the annual election of Chamber of Commerce, held in former wartime airmen, now as- Mrs. Jarrett as hotel hostess, has e nc ofF da ntl ig s officiers for the curnent year and the Balmoral Hotel, Tuesday night sociated with their father in busi- now tunned olver the total pro- a a discussion on improvements ta Apnil 5, Mr. Harold V. Lush, To- ness. ceeds ta the Anena Fund. TheT in the grounds this year. It is hoped ronto, toid his audience that the Straight Thinking Arena Committee, in turn, ex- T e eo p r ln r to ly that possibly another court might greatest need of aur age under hemngwt teipotne of prearklinpg OrationheBal as be added during the term. Rec- vastiy changing circumstances, becoming well informcd and thus moral management, ta the Be- r. neationai Directun Vince Mathew- was dlean, sound thînkîng on do- equipped for straight, dlean think- hives and Foresters and to theso ilb eett sit ihadwrdpolm.SlAi otry Club Ladies' Nighi erso il e rsettoasitwihmçtc n wrd rblm. e- ing, the speaker declaned that ne- public who made the drive a _____ to the plans. Everyone interested, dam bas a local audience heard a glect- ..f -his. principle hiad much grand success. Te bilatbnut ad A h ls fhsades r at whether they belonged hast year- more coniWciiï-xpositibii ofThe rdo withbnqtheandArresocloutefbattitudes Dr id r otar crdill ivitd a hatwefae u t a th mmet aondo hte irsouan tesAjsocial evening anrangcd by Bow- Barkowitz nather surprised his id aten ntae pdart inted et- awa ation ndace p ater ioament of devocacistainan s.e eur-iLadies' A x a manville Rotanians as their annual audience by .relating some of bis ifatng. nd wider n h iêe- s asscation ofa frne pneoples.dat owith tatial corstsHe o Ladies' Night was held in the experiences as a wartime pnisoner ing wier ssciaionoffre pepls. eal wth he atria cotsin Canadian Legion grand, auditorium of the Boys of the Japs for thnee and a haif îg ________________ peaing n lvel almst onvr -vivid* terms befone tunning ta ex- ýlgSpekin inleelLamistconer Training School, Fnîday evening, ycans. How one could retain such is atoal tye r.Lshehii-amn tereetdcvelopmcntof, a eFn etr April 1. As usual on these occa- cheerful insouciance atter that Jak JliClb d great powens of earnest, per- conflicting political ideologies. sions the programme committee expenience was rather amazing. 'r ak&M lbsuasive oratonyash elod More than even it was necessary Thc ladies ot the Canadian anxiously consuited a national Enlisting at the outbreik of the r,,Hear Address By his subject "Our Tomonnow". for eveny individual ta think Legion Auxiiiany dispiayed the speakers' roster ta invite an late war, he had been caught as 71- The Speaker ciearîy for the issue was state generous co-oiperation for which orator- of distinction and authon- Captain in the British Mecical is Greenwood Minister Reeve Norman Allison intro- slavery or democratic fneedom.a thcv ane notcd when on Monday ijty ta address the gathening. Corps, inu the capitulation o'f of duced Mn. Lush, aften President Finaliy Mn. Lush tunned toa night they decided ta donate the Their choice this yean xvas Dr. Singapone. But al his stonies of ar The regular meeting of the Charles Carter Sr., had wclcomed great review of Canada's natunal entine net pnoceeds of the Anena J. Markowitz, noted surgeon in the incarceratian, were o! ighter Jack and Jîli Club was held in the membens and gucsts ta the resources and the necent, im- lunch couniter ta the Arena Fund the Department of Physiology, vein except the pause to define Tinity Sunday Schaol noom on 3rd annuai banquet. Mn. Allison mense discovenies of iran ore and which totalied $193.00. Toronto University. 11. was a his neartions at experiencing n. Tucsday, April 5, with conven- told that Mn. Lush had been born new ail fields. His summation Earlier in the season, the ladies happy selection for seldom has the quality of human fat% an os, Stu and Muriel Crago, in in Newmarket and began his bus- was that this Young nation stood came to the nescue ot the Arena such a representative section of Brutalized, day hy day, lie came d change of the pragram. Mr. R. G. mness cancer in 1904 at age 15 as on the thneshold o! a great destiny Management Committee when this cammunity heard a moi-elta define hatreri as an attnihute c-Harle very abiy led in a sing- a bike delivery boy for a dnug and every Canadian had an indi- they were seanching for somne or- bnilliant exQ2osi'tion of the funda- ofthIe realization o'f invcrted to sang. Muricel Crago then pre- store. Later lie was engaged in vidual responsibility in thinkung ganizatian ta take on the responsi- mentaIs of human rights in global attitudes. sented an Easter worship service, advertising and sales promotion thnough and lending weught ta the bility of onganizing and openating terms. British Ideals opening with a hymn followcd by for 17 ycars and then joined Metal higli tasks ahead both at homne ancr the Ai-ena lunch couniten. Mns. W. Brilliant Speaker But we are ahead of thie main scipture reading by Veda Stampings Ltd., Toronto, as a in a wicr worid partnership. It H. Bates was cantacted and with- st Thampson. Dorothy Van Driel sales executîve coverîng Canada is regrettable that lack of space in a week, the proposition had But it was by no means a theme un the addness ot the n- sang "Open the Gates of the from coast ta caast. precludes a full report ot this been piaced betore the Auxilianv sobeir-sided discourse for I)r. speaker. Dr. Markowitz took the s- Temple". Lorraine Deweil read The great expansion of the coin- great speech. Ail we cao do is ta executive where it met with th'e Markowitz, %vith a niatural tlies- evaculatian at Dunkirk, whliehi as a paem. A hymn was sung and pany led ta the demnand for execu- compromise by quoting some of unqualified support of President Plari flair, carrird his audience rescued more than 300,000) sal- s- wonship closed with a prayer. tive changes and Mn, Lush became' the pertinent passages in the. ad- Miss Rose Bates and the other into spontaneous bunsts o! laugh- dliers, as an exanîple of the ini- leJa refedplayed toe-Peieti 94adsilhl' rs.Te olw ladies. Mrs. W. G. Coyle volun- ter and applause as he told domnitable wii of the British Y ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I celn in oo.Hwr e-ta oiina ela eea We taik about advancîng tcered ta take the main nespansi- sparkling stories. bath nevelent people, and the spantaneous ,Y fney introduced the guest speak- Manager. Aside fnom Compan y costs-weil listen ta this-When bi!ity of anganizing and openatîng adirvln ahsmi hm.mblzta ft~waento ts er, Rex'. A. C. Lutfman of Green- affaurs Mn. Lush has become nat- William the Conqueran captuned the projcct and gathered about He poked fun at a well known on an sland bastion, Io defend 4 oo, hogae mstinerstngioaly nan s frmr re> England, il cost but $75.00 ta kili 1hcr a group of encrgetic workers political . figure in a cioseted ail alone, the huma4x rights and r and humonous taik. Lau Dcwell dent, Canadian Exporter's Asso- a man. In the carly l7th Century, wlio for nine days, w-hile the ice dilemmina which iliustrated his fundamental freedomsý that Bni- ,k thankcd the speaker for his ad- ciation and is a member o! the that cost rose 1.0 $1,000.00 each. was being used for ail types o! cautiaus neutralify. He scoffed at tons gave ta the world.. -dress. Foreign Trade Committee of the In Wonld War One that cast rose e-cents, served a vaniety o! food psychologists whiie consciouslv With a few scalpel tlirusts Mt a Presidents Frank and Evelyn Canadian Chamber of Commerce. <Continued on Page Eight) stutfs ta the hungry customers epotn hi tnst nuchitnclia0rais h'sck '1Jamieson then toQk charge o! a This effort is most commend- bis heaners ta forget personal er said thene COuLd he 110 mistake ur short business period. A letter- able un view o! the fart that the canes and en.ioy a happy even- ot the declanedi purposeo f Great le o! invitation laid been received .: i: r J U 1. Auxiliary had previously made a ing. The speaker was quit& rem- Bnîtain in entering the war and accepted from the Happy I'A81G UUBuding FuIIU Iec'J iYÇsIHel $25.00 donation. iniis,,cnlt of the late Steplien Lea- against Hitler on the invasion of Doubles Club, King St.' Unitedr This Satunday aftennoon, at the coka i bs.Hsfe-lwn oaî.H îcaeIdhavte Church, Oshawa, inviting the VIanSS' W W iiff!irmnw!~~ Legion Hall, the Auxiliary wiîî onatory had many a story that British gaverument wouldbv members o! the Jack and Jîl aNl V e qEuire A dduIiaioavaam a nIY hoId a tea and home-made cook- brought out the modern frank- fallen instantly if t had flot de. Club ta an inter-club social even- l_____ ng sale from 3 p.m. until ahl are nesF which is dissipating straiglit- claredl war in Sc'ptemhc'î-, 19391 , ng ta be edltOhwaipr taken cane of. 1 iaced Victorianism. (Continued arn Page Nine) ing hed at Ohawa arpont This week the Arena Building and aud.îted statement of the to- __________ on Thursday evcning, Apnil 21, at Fund rcceivedi several worth- tal cost of the projeet ta the De- s8:30 p.m. For those requiring whie boosts which put its finan- partment. Aftcr they have checck- Trinity 'W.M. H a 1transportation plione 376. ciai picture in samewhat better ed the details, an inspector wilil ko Ida eh Ethel Hendry won the lucky condition. be dispatehed ta look at the ako In i hs attendance pnize. Kcith Jackson TeBeieCu fteRbc rn n feeyhn ssts Sconducted severai games, after TeBeieCu fteRbc rn n feeyhn ssts pi etn fTitx whic a deliciaus lunch was, serv- ca Lodge compietcd its senies o! factory, the grant will be approv- ThIA ti tesfr ea G v nbyS cy - c Havc Sandes ove asix card parties at the Balmoral cd. This information xvas the Chur.h W.M.S. was helli in the vote o! thanks bo Muriel and Stu Hotel and netted a grand total a! most cncouragîng news the Coin- S.S. Asom n Apnîl 8.Meeting Asportofdyan nle rebutasi d tinomiceoLorie$102.06. mittec lias received, because it opcncd with quiet music. Pre s i,- nin aet ofthe B ortatineluor d th e u s tg ras- ',s eellandEan an VnadThmp- TheForstesVedgahad athr wîl eantha nofunter anvss entMm.R. . Hakinconuctd itheannal bnqut o th Boo p rttionfortheoutlyug aeas ~ fr te eryfie pogrm re-a mal trnot a te fna patywiil be neccssary, especiaily if the business. t!.1anvîile Chamnber o! Commerce At the conclusion o! this activity sented. on Monday night but their series Darlington Council, which mneets Supplv Secy. Ms. Marke ad day niglit, the ersumaytcpn:,nd7 rtrsfo, produccd $70.85 for the tund. today, approves a sizeable grant. MissermtrmnMss o u apnkeand peene y eear sum tar otiants and 75"e ntrns tram Both of these organîzatians are In the meantime, the Commit-iss Ahestrong o!oJapanrthan- .prcened by s iecretn fu ler . onaur inr îryexpesd he oin- ta e onraulte fr her f-tee wili meet Friday niglit at the igtesctyfrpceis ne- Mn. DeGeer said: affair. whicb pnoved that it was Newcastle Holstein forts alang with the management Arena to stant planning its sumn- Bragg ungcd the membens ta read ' Thisý past year the Chambher 'very rn ich o! a success. I o PieHefro! the Balmoral Hotel which pro- mer program o! events which wili more o! the missionamy books in h as been active in Bowmanville At the request o! a group of 1 Top rice H if ervided free use o! the large east likely include a concert by Pub- the libranv. and anea cndeavouring ta assist, aur Y*eaniors ;wc looked ino the AtO kvle ae oom and free lunch for the 12 lic School pupils, the High school BladMs. . A. in any wvay we felt a Chamnber !of Osisbilitv 01 es.tauhIîýhîug Tawn occasions, cadet inspection, the use o! the Wgtgv brie! revuew o! two: Commei ce could and shouîd. We; pobtal deliverY, but discovered In addition, Hambly Bevemages, lunch noom arca by the BOY books "Behind Mud Wails" and have had requests tram many w have not thic necessary popu- - The Tenth Oakville Consign- Coca-Cola bottiers o! Oshawa, do- Scouts, wnestlung matches, pas- "The Big Fishemman". sources and opportunities ta servei lat ion nonr sufficient number of e ment Sale licld Mardi 30th at natcd $100 1.0 tic fund and the sibly box lacrosse, negulan dances, Mrs. J. Shackleton and hem ia a variety o! ways. In cvcry ýdelivery points ta bave this ser- Oakvilie. rcalized $21.460 an 64 Ladies' Auxiliary o! Tic Caaad- band concerts, carnivals, etc. group took the worship service. case we teel we have macle ani vice set up. head for a general average of ian Legion added $193.00 as indu- Addutîonal donations whici Tiose tuking part wcne Mrs. A. honest effort ta do our work in a We have arranged witi the $335. Top pnice was $1.200 paid cated in a separate stary in this have saved thc Amena Fuad con- G. Brooks, Mns. E. J. Gibbs, Mrs. husiness-like and efficient man- Town Council ta include in their - li James T. Brown, Newcastle, issue. siderabie money have included C. W. Slemon. Mrs. Roberts sang ner. Muci routine work lias de- annual budget $100 ta condiict a IOntario ta H. Gregory Merritt, The Fund Chainman, investigat- the fine co-openatian neceivcd 'Tic Lord's Prayer". Patsy Smith 1Veloperc in some phases, such as Municipal Chr istmas Perty each Bowmaville. for the three-ycar- ing furtier sources o! revenue tram Radio Stations CKEY, To- also sang "Alerte". These salas ehecking on taIse advertising, výear sa thal the children o! aur old heifer Glenafton Rag Apple tuis wcek phoned the Agicultur- onta. and CKDO, Oshawa. Bath were veîy muci enjoyed. Mns. li contra.uig illegitiinate ranvas- j owo mia al have a place ta go Theodona, she is a daugitet- o! the ai Dept. of tie Provincial Gov- advcrtiscd the Pontiac car sev- Gea. Miller gave a vcry iaîemest- 1Sen-s, o-orn.inating shap closing jand see Santa Claiur-. noted Extra and AIi-Canadian crament, the branci which is ne- erai times. No invoice for any o! ing talk on same o! ber expeni-, hours and ianidîing Caniadian W4ae ug edthie .setting Jbull -'Maksman." A baby, cal! sponsible for appraving or de- this assistance was neccived tram ences ta India. Cham ker of Commerce cans fpo a Tow,,n îai-king lot and aur tram Ibis liier wvent ta H. J. clining grants in connection witi CKDO, but a letter and a receipt- May meeting wilI take the torm * poridence and unquinies. 1 will Ii.st Town Couricil has thiS Lîndrer con- fMcFarland, Picton, at $350. This the Amena, and, a!ter explaining cd invaice for $46.25 was mecciv- o! a supper meetng. Mrs. Drum- j_ brietîy same o! the local activi- sideration at the pr-escrit tîme. cal! wvaq sired by Glenafton Rag 1 the size and use o! the large cd tram CKEY xith a letter whici mond, Oronai, will speak on tics we have sponsared or taken 1Wt' are at the' prc.seîît tinte un- Apple Caesar wiio sald for $585 lunch room w'as ia!ormned that it thanked the local organization "Christian Stewarclship". partintî. voived in a coilroversy with the I tram H. Gregory Merritt ta Carliappeared likeiv tiat the grant for gixing them the appantunitx- Mrs. F. G. Suai-r of!*the Do- Io Oc-toheýr oui- Speriuil Eveuts, Port hpeChaiex nu! Commerce H. r a -. Wert Liberty-. Ohib. 'voulId lie$10.600 instead o! $5,- o! !ullfihling their responsibiîitî\ miniou Board iwill ho .-peakei- for f onimitev lui c .ted a l)o! li,!r ii<l 1h.' Be!'! >h>iCompany -aea"is also a son a! -Marks- 000. Thc Committee will nowý be to 'bc tisteniug public bv using the l'hauk-ojftezing service on Dav pio-c. ( t(Al ' îi-i~th'- stigges- Iman." required to &end in an itemized their facilities as a public ýservice. ISunday, May 1. il merchants wnîch operated ion à <%untiniued on Page Eight) Missioner at Easter. Missioni Services CANON QUINTIN WARNER London, Ontaria, who is ta be the Missoner at the Easter Mission services ta be held in Trinity United Church fromn Sunday night, April lOth, to Friday night, April lSth, inclusive. This man holds a unique position among the clergymen of the province in that he has been recognized as an authority in the field of evangelism anld personal counselling by medicai and psychiatrical bodies and has been callcd from the active pas- Praclical Religion of Red Cross Portrayed by Dr. Harvey Doney In Address ai Nen's Canadian Club 6c PER COPY NUMBER 14

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