PAG SIX. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~5TA M A N~Z, BO~JWMAVLLLEL, ONTRIOÂ1~ HRDY PI ~ g'ii I A~A~ P ODAt çW Fifty Tears Ago Salem- Master Willle Chaflis sports a wateh - a prize for selling jeweiry for -a Toronto firin. Slin- Norman Mutton lias gone to Bownianville to learn carpentry with John Gaud. Shaws-- A party was held at home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ciem- ence prior to their removing to KXrby on the T. C. Bragg farm. Menibers of Victoria Hockey Club of Winnilpeg who erected a monument in Bowrnanvulle Ceinetery in Sept., 1896 to the memxory of Fred Higginbothani, a member of their team, came ta Bowmanville Wednesday aîter- noon and plaeed a wreath on the grave of their departed teain- mate. The visitors were enter- tained afterwards at the home of John Higginbotham, father of the deceased. Miss Gertie Young is attending the millinery openings In To- ronto. Darlington Board of Health Iased a proclamation that ahl Staff ord Dros. MONUMENTAL WORKS Open Every Day and Evenlngs Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby WANTED chidren ln the ownshdiaelIle vaccinated. Durhami Old Boys in Taranto held their first annuel banquet with Jas. L. Hughes ehairman. Among tiose taking part were Rev. R. Douglas Fraser, J. D. Keachie, Rev. Neil MePherson, Col. Sami Hughes,' M.P., Tios. Yellowlees, C. M. Cawker, Dr. J. T. Gilmour Wm. Scott, Dr. Julia Thomnas, M. A. James, W. J. McMurtry, W. H. Reid, M.P.P., and many athers. Mount Vernon- Those taking part ln the pie and creani social were Ketrina Argue, Marie Rogers, Prof. Beeci, Jas. Goard, C. E. Brown, C. A. Souci and Dr. J. C. Mitchell, chairmen. Darllngton Cauncil on the re- quest a! Col. John Hughes autiomlzed the purchase o! bel- mets for the 46th Battalion. Blackstock public school re- ceived a diploma fmom Dr. W. E. Tilley, Inspectar,, having received 80 perdent for 'neat and dlean premises. The dramýa "Kathleen Mavour- een" wes given by tic Royal Temple Dramatics Society in tie town hall ta a full hause. Cast o! cheracters Included T. E. B. Henry, F. H. Jonese, Preston and Albert Tait, Rod Mitchell, .Miss Stella Mason, Miss J. Jennings, Miss C. Wight. Thc play was so popular a repeat performence was given. Wedding- Marci 1, John David a cows PLEASE WRITE OR PHONE SCHWARZ IRGS@ lR. 3, Bowmavlle '9>durn s etr ummer tic Wateriswrmeouboswimming" cimst gy ontr resort. No wonder tousandesfrom bath sies of tie barder enjoy ita hospitality, crowd its amusement park, throng tic great ballroom wiere name bauds play! If you waut an exciting, fun- packed holiday or week-end writei now c, te Twn Cierk, rystal Beach, Ontario for a list of places In Ontario we have a holiday paradise. . .. let's do aIl we can ta encourage visitais frons aerass the border. Published - ini su pport af tic touriet busi- nes by John Labatt Limited. .«V"wwea a«,nmphe BEACH FOR FUN ta stay. If you drive, Crysta Beach la few miles frose Fort Erie just off Highway No. 3 which runs from that city ta St. Thomas. From Central and Eastern Ontario take The Queeu Elizabeth ta Niagara and Fart Erie or No. 2 ta Landon and 2 and 4 ta St. Thomas. Rail service via Fart Erie. Steamer from Buffalo ta Crystal Beach. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACKII In the Dim and Distant Pasl% Socialized Profits (by Joseph Lister Rutled-ge) 7%e profit system a! free enter- Prise is enathema to, ail devoted socialiste. Even profits a! 6 per cent on sales ere denounced as predatory. They couldn't exist under a system of planning by benevolent bureaucrate. Wbat meagme profits there mýay be wil imediately accrue to tihe benefit o! the people so taxed--or s0 we have been lnformd. Occasionelly, iowvever, it seeiss that even a socialistie officiel ceýn look on a profit wltiout bl'inking. One smail case in point was tie import o! a sbipment o! Brazil nuts inta, Britain. Iu repomting the case ta tic Labor-Socialiet gov- ernment, John Strachley an- nounced with chastened pride that in auctioning this cargo ta whole- saleme hie department had made a qu*ick tumu o! £1,250,000, a neat middle-man profit o! 250 per cent. Even tic fact that tues was ac.- complisi-ed, nat by tic stony- bearted capitaliste, but by a be- nigu sociaýliet gavemument, could- n't change the !act thýat tic public whose teste heppened ta r-un ta Brazil nuts could satisfy it et ap- [proximately twelvc cents per nut. Sa apportmnity makes culprits of us ail. * mu-Winchester ~ '~TOP TOBACCOS CIGARETTES SVIROINIA BURL!Y TURKISH Stevens and Mary Gertrude Faley, bath o! Mepie Grove, were married by Rev. Ivenon Wilson, B.D. Solina- Chras. Rogers recently received $6,750 on an endowment insurance pollcy. Twenty-lIv, Years Ago Charnier of Commerce gave a Sunday nigit concert in the Opera House. They were asslsted by Mme. Alex Colville, Miss Damothy Stanley' and Mns. W. Adams. Accompanists were Mrs. M. A. Neal, Miss L. L. Bragg and Mr. T. W. Stanley. E. C. Reider, -Station 10AE, broadcast tic addrep on .uHistory o! Uic Telephone" given by K. J. Dunsten, Toronto, at thc Men's Cenadian Club. Efforts are being madle ta dis- card tic Taronto and Eastern Electric Railwey munnlng frosu Toronto ta BowmanvIlle. Miss Florence Smythc, Supt. of Hospital, eddressed Women's Institute on "Fimst Aid lu tic Hoýme." Bowmanville lss big enaugh ta, be convenient and small enough ta be a pleesent place ta live lu. Helen Stacey entertained- 20 of ber little girl friends lu banor of hem first leap-yeam bimthday on Feb. 29. C. H. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dilling are on a trip ta Texas. Miss Flore Galbraith feil an, ber way to, churci, Sunday morning and fractumed ber hip. Tues makes four accidents lu recent weeks on icy walks - Mrs. AI E. McCready, Mrs. Elgin Wight and Mr. T. C. Bragg. A. A. Colwell, Newcastle, wes elected president o! Durham County Apple Growers Associa- tion. F. J. Brimacombe, Kirby, won tic field cmop competition with Banner Oats in Clarke Township. Orono- Lieut. J. C. Gamey, M.M., is t'aking tic Captains' and Majors' course at Royal School o! Infantry, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. James Gill weme given a surprise party and presentation an their 25th wed- ding anniversary. Bowmanvillc Rotary Club re- ceived its charter Mardi 6 when over ane iundred Rotarians fmom tie district were present for tic ceremony et the Bowman House. Darlington Station- Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hare were presented wltb a silver tea. service bef are leaving for ticir new home et CoIlin's Bay. Day Warnica has retumned from taking a Captain's course at thc Militamy College at Montreal. Deatis mepomted o! well known Durham County people werc Mme. Samuel Allin, Rev. Roger Allin, Brooklu, Benjamin Brit- tain, Chicago, Ill., W. A. Windatt, Winnipeg, and Geoirge Brima- combe. ?aiet ESw± ITTSBU RGH end lU complet. lun of hisgh quality paints. W. have them ln stock. Je . H. bornofhy 94ý Concession St. Phone 431 ALSO AVAILABLE AT Muarphy's APPLIANCE &'FuRNffTUREF 52 King Mt. W. Phone 811 Bowmanville Nor-ship and ail] epeated the Jission Band- Aim Watciwomd, lurpose, and the Memory Work rerse. Shirley Ellis gave a tem- wrance reacling. Mrs. H-. Mills Pari the, story' . Mrs. Lloyd Ashton howed intcresting pictures an frira. Shirley Milîs gave out the ;nday Schaol papers. Hlotsehold hint: Kceping &Il :od under caver is a good way mid tic house a! aunts. NORTHLAND PLUMBING & HEATING EXCHANGE 52 Lapp St., Mt. Dennis Ont. Phone MUrray 4377 NEW and USED Plumblng and Hcating Fixtures - Bought and SoId - 75 Northland Ave., Mt. Dennis, Ontario, PONTYPOOL The funerai was heid on Mardi r29 of Walter Bradley. In spite of bad rends the funerai was attend- ed by a large number of relatives, frlends, and neiglibours. You will recall, we mentioned last week, tic cause ouf Mr. Bradley's death. HIe was returning ta his farm home froni Pontypool, late nt night, when he slipped and was run over by a trailer load of roof- ing steel, dying within a few min- utes. Some lrrisponsibles in this, area have staiied a rumour that the at- physician, Dr. McNeil, o! Pontypool, did not handle thc case properly. Nothing could be more unfair. The "Doc" issued instructions which started the Ontario Provin- cial Police investigation of the accident, and, promptly had the coroner on the scene. The latter gentleman, a! ter considering al tic evidence, stated there was no need for an inquest, as deati was caused by an accident. Instead of maligning Dr. Mc- Neil, he shouid, be given credit for is prompt and efficient actions. For 25 years we have disagreed and argued with the old "Doc" on every subi cct from. Sanstrit to the hole in a doughnut, but, don't intend ta stand quietly to one side and hear hlm. maligncd unfairly. A few days ago, two children, aged respectively 3 and 2 swal- lorwed 15 laxative pilîs each. Prompt action on the part o! the mather in contacting Dr. MeNeil of Pantypool saved tie tots. Dr. McNeil issucd cmergency instruct- ions by phone, then, knowing bis car would be unable to navigate the mud on the sideroad, contact- ed Harry Carter, who promptly placed his jeep at the principal's disposal, taking the children froni their hôme, over the muddy road ta the county road and the Doc- tor's waitlng car. The youngsters were then rushed to lhospita1 at Peterboro. At last report they were O.K. Mr. and Mrs. Chap. Winn and !arnlly have movcd from, the aid Lew Rogers farm to the one known at the Samuel's farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ch-arlie McNeil have moved from. Pontypool vil- lage, back to their farm home on the 12th lune o! Manvers near Janetville. Many people in this area have been or are very iii with the flu. Mr. Ed Cain bas been seriously ill. We regret to report Mr. Wil- liam Robinson d'angerously ili in Bowmanville Hospital. (He pass- cd- away on Sunday in his 78th year). Last Wcdnesday night a group of aur young men staged a suc- cessful dance in the L.O.L. Hall. They intend ta use thc proceeds ta buy athletic equipment for thc newly formed Pontypool Athletic Club. It's a good healthy sîgn when the young bucks belonging ta our reservation, express a de- sire to use some of their spare time in athletic pursuits and try ta prove, an the playing fields, that they are as good or better than similar athletes in, surrotupd- Ing centres. That's ane kind- of rivalry that should always be en- couragd On. Saturday niglit the boys met and formed a club. The officers are: Steve Nimigon, Secy-Treas. Social Camnmittee-Grant Stew- art, Morris Nimigon, Jim Hack- wood, Lamne Hudson; League Representatives-Wes McMahon, Steve Nimigon. They hope to have a dance ta raise funds on Apri1 13. There is a rumour that Arm- trong's trucks and heavy mach-i riery will be in our district again1 this summer, when it is expected bey will be building another stretci of No. 35 highway.T Man3ý people were sorry to lcarn of the deati o! ?&. Fergus Porter. He is one o! thc reel aid timers froni tic noii.i end o! aur township. George Van Dam Il busily steaming out is green house ln preparetion for this yeam's tabac- co drap. We hed always supposed this was donc ta werm up tic soil but was surpmised ta, leamu thc main abject is ta kili eny possible weed seeds, so, tirt the young ta- bacco plants (wiici have ta grow from seed> will have a better chance o! survival by not heving ta campete witi weeds. ENNISKILLEN Mm. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Set, Oshawa. Miss Betty Smales, nurse ln training, Oshawa, and hem motier Mrs. J. Smales visited in Toronto. Miss Fanny Smales, Taronto, mc- turned home with them. Mm. and Mme. Roy Tindail and family, Altonýa, epent Sunday with Mr; and Mms. E. McNair. Mrs. Vemna Wood, Mr. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peth- ick. Mm. and Mrs. AI Williams and family, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Pinci, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Graham and family, Pickering, visited Mm. and Mme. N. Pinch and Mm. J. H. Graham. Mrs. Mary Griffin spent the week-end with Mm. and Mme. Lamne Griffin, Purple Hilîl. Mrs. Jardine, Kingston, is stay- ing with hem brother, Mm. H. Annis, wio le stili quite ill. Mr. and Mms. Herb. Slemon, Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. T. M. Slemon. Mms. Bertha Yeo, Tymone, visit- ed Mr. and Mms. Gardon Yeo. Our pastor, Rev. R. M. Sey- mour, is on the sick liet, Mrs. Sey- mour in hem very capaýble manner took over bis duties on Sunday. Taking for ber text "In Quet of the Kingdom o! God." We wish aur minister a speedy recovery. Mm. end Mme. J. Bommowdaile, and. Brian, Oshawa, Miss Joan McGill, Bowmanvillc, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wemry. Mm. and Mms. Fra&k Hull, Osh- awa, with Mm. an;a Mrs. John Dorland. Mm. end Mms. Amthur Lcad- beater end Georgia, with rela- tives in Toronto. Mms. J. Kennedy is spending a few days in Tomanto. Mr. end Mrs. Walter Rahur, Tymone, spent Wcdnesday a! lest week with hem mother Mme. Mary Grif fin. Mme. O. Beaumont and Jimnmy witli Mm. and Mme. A. Leedicater and Mr. Gea. Reid. Misses Elsie and Mamie Botwel and brother Earl, Newcastle, with Mm. and Mme. Carl Ferguson. Glad ta report Mme. Fred Ferguson is improving. Mm. Nelson Hudson vlslted. friends in Burketon. Mm. and Mme. David Gray and Camai, Newcastle, Mm. and Mme. Milford MacDonald end Gerald, Bowmauville, with Mm. and Mme. J. Adams. Mm. and Mme. keith Ferguson with Mr. and Mme. David Jackson, Oshawa.q Mme. Minerva Tmewin and Mm. and Mme. Earl Trewin and Domeen, were Sunday visitors with Mr. ad Mme. Albcrt Wriýghts and Mr. and Mme. Fred Trewîn, Black- stock. Mm. Allan Stainýton, Haydon, .vith Mm. and Mrs. E. A. Wemry. Mm. and Mme. Perey Van Camp and EMaine, Blackstock, and, Mme. WV. A. Van Camp with Mm. end VIre. F. Wermy. Mm. and Mme. Amthur Brunt and Mona with Mm. and Mme. W. Mlark, Port Perry. Mr. and Mme. Milton Staintan, )orotby and Clarence, wlth Mr. and Mme. Chas. Stainton, Oshawa. Mm. and Mme. George Roache and family, Mr. and Mme. Wallace Keich, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mme. P. Ellis. Mm. and Mme. H~oward Oke, Oshawa, Mr. and Mme. Bruce Ash- ton, and Lamry, Purpie Hill, Mm. and Mme. John Oke, with Mm. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mme. Stanley Turner and Helen, Oshawa, with Mr. and HAYDON We welcome Mr. and Mrm. Walker and their small grand- daughter ta aur village. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrà. Jack Potts on tic arrivai o! a son. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin, Lynda Rundle, Bowmanville, Mr. Ronald Stainton, Mimico, at Mm. W. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Len. Stainton and family, Mrs. M. Heard, Ennis- killen, et Mr. Don Carr's. Mr,. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family at Mr. Russehi OrmIa- ton's, Enlskillen. Miss Vivian Cowling, Tomonto, at home.. Mm. Reid Dickie, Mr. Elwyn Diekie, Cadmus, Mr. Wilbert Reynolds, Nestieton, Miss Jean Black, Toronto, et Mr. Dan Black's. Mr. and Mrs. Pollack and fami- Iy, Hampton, at Mr. John Lip- tay's. Mm. Fay Mountjoy, Bowman- ville, et Mr. F. Denby's. Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Hamp- ton, with Mrs. Don Cameron. Mrs. Chas, Garrard and Mrs. Russell Crossman with Miss Rose Mountjoy, Nestîcton. Miss Meta Degeer, Bowman- ville, at home. Mrs. Herb. Bradley at Mr. Lamne Bradley's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabm, Tymone, at Mr. Roy Greham's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto with relatives heme. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gamra±md ln Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Graham and family, Ajax, at Mrs. Russel Crossman's. Mrs. Wesley Thompson, New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mc- Donald and Jerry at Mr. Roland Thompson's. Mr. Milton Slemon with Mr. Gardon Slemon, Toronto. Mr. Jim Graham, Bowmanville, 3tetQù« STEAK OR ROAST 130NELIMS ROUND 05<ss VERY LITTLE BONE SHORT M OAST lb. 'u STEAKS & ROASTS I -L.67 EX TisA LEAN NINCED NEEF - l.39e FLAT RIB BRISKET lb.24 NESTLETON Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Suggitt on the arrivai of a young son, also to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beacock on the arrivai of a young daughter. Mrs. R. W. Marlow visited Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt an their 52nd wedding anniversary which was Mrs. Marlow's birthday. W.l. sponsored another euchre party on Wednesday evening. Ail seemed to have a good Urne and help make more funds for W.'. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot and Bryce, Lindsay, visited Miss Ethel and Mr. Henry Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm have returned f rom Fiorida, look- ing hale and hearty. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoyer have returned from Holiand where they visited friends. Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto, spent week-end wlth hls parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson., Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer, Garnet and Beryl, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MeGill, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGill, Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wil-i Sc - PRICES k~ EFFECTIVE UNTIL APRIL 9 FINE CANADI'AN FINE CANADIAN MMLDCEMEE .39s FANON' BLENDED JUICE - - Oz14 CROSSE & BLACKWEL. KETCHUPNew L:w 5W 21< MAPLE LEAF CHEESE - - kd.25e SfIORTENING DONESTIC - l.329. ANN PAGE-WHYyrE or BROWN MILK BREAD - A & P CUSTOM GROUND DOKAR COFFE GOLO REEF-SOUTH AFRICANh PINEAPIPLE SLICED - IONA TOMATOES -* AYLMER CHOICE PUMPIN -li MACARONI or SPAGHETTI TURA FISH NEW L FAN CV CREAMETTES - 24-oz loaf lc m a b54c* NEW CROP a 200oz tn32c 228-oz tns 29c - 28-oz fin 9c )W PRICE fn37c i3 8-or pkgs 25c ROBIN HOOD GATS 1-"- ROBIN HOOD FLOUR- EASTER CANDY JELY EGGS FLOOR WAX K RAFT - Ca NCIEN TRATIED SUPER sus WALL CLEANER SPIC & SPAN LIBBY'S Buy Red or Blue Brand Boof - Canada's Finest Quality NUSHIOONS Freh Cut, Whfte, Ne. 1 Ob. 554 SPIAM Texas Fr«h Green, N.12 lb.. 250 e Thoe. ae planty ut your A & P Pinuioa les this week et reailow prices. Buy eF nd can them nw 11b34o 1-f. 49g 2 Pg,29e -P*370 M lg 3 3 Tins 239 LA N LE sShank Off lb. ob< LAMB FRONTS *lb. 45< FRESH POIX SEBULEES lb 4 FRESH PORIK NUTTS ~L~550 COTTAGE ROLL lb. 63c m ~SEA FOg SUGGESTIONS F"oe RILT :b.S Il40 F'ATHOMS HADDCK ILLTS b. 9< SNKED FILLETS 111 S ILVERBRIGHT -COD FLLETS Fr lhb. 31< SALMNON STEAKS l370 Oshawa, visltcd lier parents,* Mrý and Mrs. Stan.ley Malcolm - Reeve and Mrs. W. G. Bowles and family visited is parents Dr. R. P. and Mrs. Bowles. Next Sunday is Communion Service ln United Church Mr. and Mrs. George Joins vis- ited Miss Louise Johns and Mr. Fred Johns, Ceasarea. Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited Mr. and Mrs. George Johns. A number from here attended the presentation at Janetville on Monday night for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stacey. Don't forget W. A. meeting at Mrs. John Grieves', April 14. Mrs. C. Garrard and Mrs. Rus.- sell Crossman, Haydon, visited Mme. John Mountjoy and Miss Rose Mountjoy. Mrs. Norman Lansing bhas 7 tuned ta ler home for the us mer. Mr. Bruce Myles, Toronto, toak charge o! service ln Presbyter- ian Churci last Sunday. CARE for them now! For $10 yau can send 22.5 pounds of life- giving food ta a hungry friend or relative ln Europe. Order framn (Canadian) CARE, Ottawa, for Close or Backward Young or Old of Ail Breeds WÉ BUY - TRADE OR SELL MM" et 5 ,t - Your A & P Produce SuY 0f The W.ek CELEET STALKCS Vou A 00Plorida Pascal,, Ne. 1--4810 R A M~E California Navel, Fancy, 3«'& Doz. 249 B.C. Delieoue ýCub&n, Fr..>,, Firm & I OUR A & P MEATr BUV 0F THE WEEK BREAKFAST BACON - MOKED SLICED b. < VISIT A & P AND SEE THE WONDERFUL NEW WAY A & P SELLS PEAK QUALITY FRESH FRUITS AND ~ ~\ VEGETABLES Mr. and Mrs. Willard Caak, guaranteed delivery. LAP KEEPS PRICES L'OW-DAY IN'OAY OUT. 1 f - Phone 2895 "M eAmAnTAM MUMAIMM cello pko. 25e PACM Mx - Ir IC à% IE3 à% 13 M. Ibo. 33e