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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1949, p. 1

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~7i~ "Durham County's Gjreat 'Family Journal" Fil teen Lions Clubs Rally at Great Bowmanville Banquet' -To Honor Dr. Geo.. W. Miller '4 __ Residents in the Cburcb 51.-Sui ver St. area of tbe orderly towr of Bowmanville were quietly as- tor.ished at the roliing volume oi singing, applause and general bul arity ',hat ccImned tram îbhe ban- quet-annex of St. Paul's Churcb Monday nigbî. But thcy were re- assured when it was learned that it was a gatberiný of 175 members of Lions Clubs from this District, Zone 10, wxho came tagether ata splendid banquet ta do bonor to Deputy District Governor, Dr. Gea. W. -Miller, who ]caves tbis week for Switzerland to join the staff of the World Healtb Organ. ization. Alany Local Clubs Some 15 local clubs wcre repre- sened by debegations %vho came as gucsts ai' Bowmanville Lions Club ta give a popular "scd-off' ta anc af the moSt popular Lions of the wbale district. Among the tbrang wcro a hait dozcn Inter- national Coun_ýclIors, the Gencra' Secretary l'or Ontario, Bruce Malcolm and otbcr notables in Lionîsm. Guest speaker, for the occasion, International Counsellor W. K. Wylic, Dundias, Ont., de- livered an oratian on the truc meaning ai Lionism. In praising the virtues of Dr. Millcr in pro- fessional and service club work, he said that the spirit of Lionism would be carried ino the World Healtb Organization witb the earnestness displayed by the Dep- uty District Governor in al bis work at home and abroad. Other Gucsts President Jack Broughi welcom- ed the guests, who with the local club, made up the largest assem- bly of Lions at ane meeting in this town. Presidents of flic vani- ous delegations exp>7essed their regard for the guest of bonor and others who were bonored ta attend included Dr. Howard Rundie, President, Bowmanville Rotary Club, Mayor L. C. Mason, Major John Foote, VC, MPP, Port Hope, Bill Mitchell, Orono Presi- dent of the local Legion, Dr. R. G. Cowie and others. Mayor Mason ext'snded officiai greetings ta the ý ening and paid tribute ta the e work of Lions Clubs. He re- L gretted sincerely the ioss ta Ibis 'i community 'of the vaiued ser- ;- vices of Dr. Miller a.s an officiaI f with the County Health Unit. Handsome Gift It is impassible ta find space iin tbis issue for anl adequate report tof ail the congratulatory speeches made, ail of which were of tbe pattern of the guest speaker and the General Secretary who spoke lor ail the Lions Clubs of the Province of Ontario.17t rcmaiiîed for International Couimsclor, J. J. sBrown of the Bouvmanville Club ewho was dclegated by- the Ontarioa ,G(;vern.rel ofLions Clubs taoffo1r bis official felicitations to Di-, Mîller and wish hlm overy suc-1 ccss ;iin bis wark in the xw ai d of i bealtb and intcrnational service.i Thon, in behaîf of the Lions Clubs af Zone 10, Mr. Brow,\n pre- s sented their gifts ta the clopariing iDcpulv District Govornor. Il w-as a large tray of solid sterling sil- ver, inscribed \vîth the namnes of the clubs arnd dedicated as a îast- ng memento ta the great worl: of DDG, Dr. George W. Miller. rime crowd rase as aime man with a roof-raising, -For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" and tbe Lions ioar of tbree cheers and a tigor. It wast an emotion-packed moment. c Farewecll Speechf Finding words samcewbat diffi- cuit, the usually fluent Dr. Miller managed ta express tbe dcept thanks be feit personally and thec equal tbanks o! bis wife andr fanîiily ta be so acclaimed ani thec eve of departing for Europe. He went on with înteresting remîn- iscences of bis tbree years associa- lion witb the Bowmanville Lions Club and as Deputy Gavernart the past year. He spoke of thec sweet sorrow of partîng and gave assurance that the warmtb of bis scnd-off would greatly sustaîn him in the new work be vas sooîm ta undertake. He promised. if at ail possible ta, return o thie Inter- national Lions Convention in New York, in July, wbere lime hoped again ta meet many of the present a assembly. ( In conclusion Dr Miller iîtra- tF (Continucd on Page Eight) fc -Former Bowmanville .Business Man J. H. Kenner Retires in Stralford Aller 60 Years in Business There In the live-wire provincial dail1~ Variety Store*' of the late Thomas The Stratford Beacon-Herald, we Yellowlees, situated in the pre- firid in the March 31, 1949, issue mises now occupied by Mayor L. a story of much interest to the C. Mason, Barrister, and Hooper's aider generation of Bowmanville. Jewellery. He disposed of this *A whole page is given over ta business later ta Dobson Bros and the retirenent fram business of went on ta Stratford when bis J. Herb Kenner who bas sold out father bad been transferred ta after completing 60 years as a Clinton. successful merchant in that city. Born in Camelford, near Corn- Pictures accampanying the story wall, England, Herb Kenner came shpw Mr. Kenner and hIs suc- ta Canada as a child with his cessar. Stan Blovves flanking the parents. His father wvas sent out by the Bible Christian Confer- ence ta Bawmanville, then the headquarters in Canada for the Colonial Conference. For some years The Observer. the officiai Conference newspaper, was pub- lihdin Bowmanville by Rey. CehsBarker, who built the first salid cernent bouse in Bowman- - ~ ville at the corner of Centre St. and Lovers Lane, nearlv 100 -ears ago. It was later purchased and orcupied for man.v -ears by the late M. A. James u-hich bouse the present editor of The States- man still owns and is occupied by E. A Summers. The eider Mr. Kenner, who was an ordained minister, was in charge of the district from, Oshawa ta Cobourg, He died in Bothwell in bis 90tb year and lies in the family plot, Union Cemetery, Oshawa. As a voung man in Stratford, Mr. Kenner wvas a great biryclist and in the early 90's thought no- I thing of c.ýcding around Lake Ontario. via Kingston and Buf- falo witb ather Stratford enthuis- i asists. He stili retains the trimn J. H. Kenner figure that such feats develop. origal tor andme ew In business be saw the develop- origndl tor andthe ew ne !ment of thé- telephone, the motor1 with glass and vitrolite front. car, oaved streets and water erected some tîme ago. vorks and with the advent of Mr. Kenner heean bis long Hvdro he %vas the first ta erect career in Stratford on July 2, an illtiminated sign. 1890, whcn ho purchased a book Successfullxy establîshed i n and stationcry business. He later1 Stratford, Mr. Kenner married a expancded the business ta include Stratford girl, Miss Jessie Brown, pianos, office supplies and the in 1894. Happily their twa child- city ticket agency, for the C.N.R. ren. Dr. H. B. Kenner, Medical That was back in the horse and Health Officer, and Mrs. J. A. ~g davs and on],,, one Strat- Kay. live in Stratford. An activei mrenant is stîll active in member of the United Church. 'Jiiness sincc' those old daxs Mr. Kenner %v'a- treasuirer for 41I naw that Mr. Kenner hoas retired. ' ears. A Rotarian. Hcrb bas a ButYouthful Ambition 'record of 22 ,ears' perfect at-5 BtMr. Ketnnor hcgani his busi- 'tendanre and he is a 50-vear ness career in Bo\%manville. As!I member of the Masonic Order a youtn be served an apprentice- and a member of the Oddfellow:%s ship with the late Paul Treb*il- Lodgc. cock in the book and statianery. We are glad ta add this record t business. FroinMr. Trebilcock. ta aur large file of "Durham f one of the most bighlY respected County Boys Who Have Madet and successiiil mierchants in thei Good." for %v count Mr. K-nner historv of Bwavle young 00C of them since he got is i Kenner receîved a grouinding that education in schools and businessc enahled him ta purchase -Theiin this district. l 9 ýned at, the meeting. Tonigtj'î ----- - - -LeIEY-"'ut: A-Ad *../vJL.1. N J.v.ýrnlaJjL~ These B.H.S. Students to Produce Sehool Magazine "The Screech Owl" Annual Ski Club Dance Attracted Enthusiastic Crowd The annual dance of the Bow. manville Ski Club, beld in Var. coe's Pavillon, Wednesday night April 6, was one of tbe most en- joyable social affairs of the sea- son. With many present franr Bowmanville, Oshawa and the -,urrounding district it was esti. rnated that upwards a! 130 peopbE taak part in the dancing and the varied programme which includ. ed stage attractions and lucky drawz * Exccllent music was providec for the dancing by Bernard Tiernev and bis orchestra, anc Biily Meek, the noted comedian, put on a great show with jokes, sangs and acrobatic dancing. AI! "hese artists received a big banc fram the delighted throng. The grand prize for the main draw, a hanûcsomne wrist watch fraie Hooocr's Jewelery Shop, was won by Mrs. Worth, Bowmanville. 1With Howard Sturrock acting as capable MC, the programme went on ta include the presenta- tion of the traphies won in final competitien. Ivan Richards of- tîciated in ibis dopartment and gavc an cnthusiastic account of the growth of the Ski Club since il -vas arganized twvo years ago. Chieri nterest was in the .pccial trophy for the Junior Championship, which will be an annual award. Tbis xvent ta Eric Atkins wbo got a big hand. As the dancing proceedcd ta the close at 1l: AMv, many spot-dance prizes were awarded but the names of the xvinners were lost in the general cxcitement. In an intermission period, thanks were cxpressed by the cx- ocutive ta the Varcoe maniage- ment for the use of the pavilion, one of the most popular places along Highway 2. Plans are al- ready made ta bold the next dance in the same place. And s0 the ski season came ta a happy conclusion. Courtice Couples Enjoy Address on The Brifish Isies Lloyd Dawn, assisted by Eileen at the piano led the Courtice Circuit Country Couples Club in heir themne sang "Hi Neighbour"'. followed by a sing-song at their April meeting. Bsns session was beid witb Prsdet Sam and Helen Van- Camp presîding. Ken Sumersfokrd ead a letter from Happy Doubles Club of Oshawa, extending an in- vitation ta a social evening, spon- sored by the club, at the Oshawa Airport. This invitation was re- eived with enthusiastie appraval and Secretaries Ken and Jean re forwardîng an acceptance. A pot-luck banquet and a good programn will feature our Mav mceting on Tbursday, May 5, c Ebenezer S.S. Conveners, Mari and Harvey Brooks, Babe and Wilf Brown, ietty and Ted Hutton presented their Easter program: Quiet music was plaYed by Eileen. Devotional was given by Vil! Brown followed by couples ining in singing "Beautiful :arden of Prayer". Worship ser- ice- closert with prayer. Miss Joan Greenfield. Bowman- ille, rendered delightful and 'ell played piano solos, Chopin's 'Fantasy Impromptu"' and "But- erfly Waltz". Gerald Balson ;ng "Burma Moon" and "Tres"~ icompaniecd by Eilecn Down, 'hicb was mucb enjoyed. Miss Susie Laird, capably in- roduced by Ruby Munday, had he honour of being the first lady obe guest speaker at aur Coun- ry Couples Club. Her most in- ormative and interesting address as based on the period spent in 'nglaîid. Scotland and the can- inent, during ber year's stay as xchange teacher. Miss Laird on ,cation. accompanied hy a tea- her from Toronto, told o! some fsome a! the beautiful cities sbef sited wbile abroad, describingr soplo and their customs. mode af( ravel, the poverty and vast Uins Caiised bs' the war. Nation-Wide Crippled Children Work1 New Local Manager jWalker Stores Has Foeas y B.RnehRgr in Interesting Career l U A dres aiR t lub Conformimg itb tbe long-est- Impressive A d e a otary Cub ablîsimed olicmvo h Saea ta report business chmanges about Fullilling bis frequent role as xvas mucb applau:se %wben Dr. towim, as a mnatter of local histor.v an aratorical pinob-bitter, Dr. Rogers announced that another o f whc isf-t dteflso Kenneth Rogers, Toronto, accept- 'the.-(-clinics would open sbartl 'tIv i ari foi lime pasi 95 ytres. cd a last-iminute cati ta address at Cobourg ta serve this central ý'~~abr it ak trs Tuesday, ta get acquaîntcd witb the Bawmanville Rotary Club, district and Miss Drummond, Reg tho imc'w maîmager, Mr. Frederick Fridav. The occasion was a dress- N., bias been selected as supervîs- J. Tiompsoiî. Just five weeks ïebersal for the opening of the or.Mr hmsnc etoBw Rotary Easter Seal Campaign, (2) Camping service sucb as the niaîville as a successar ta the and as Sccretary, Ontario Society original Bloc Mouitain Lodgc 0on formnerinaagcr, Jack Claytan. for Crippled Cbildren. Dr. Rogers Georgian Bay wlere eacb sUmn- xho xvas traîsierred ta Walker gave a rapid-finc summary ai mer cripplcd" cbildrem are cared Storcs in Corn\,all. tbe wvork of Ibis great arganiza- for free i0n otating 3-wcek l We found MVr. Tbompson no- tion and tbe vavst expansions thal pcriods of bealthful oîîtdoor rec- luctant ta tell lus porsoîmat history bave taken place in the past fcxv reation. Next came the all-y car. but thon it %vas poîîted ouI that years. In conclusion bie araused Waod Eden Lodgc at London and a aieo rti i a o much intercst by declaring tbat the Merr) \wood badge on theasanteo!Biinhws0W a vcry definite niavement is noV Rideau. Not only arc these being ii a district origiimallv Izcttled by tinder wa.v tao stablisb erippled expanded, especiaiiy Wood Edlen. pooplnge from tectBnisblslesa children's work on a nation-wide but others anc planned as funds b ctisg qîaimtocl omc a muta basis, with most af the provinces permit. baîs an isird.sclmig tphoexpeitet- rager la follow the example o! (3) Vocational»tnaining service:-vry rc tr !arits Oim'ario iîm Ibis important work. This is aimed ta provide train - business citizenm. The Speaker ing for remunerative occupations n later adiilî lie. bIb is conncc- Born. im Staffordsbîro, EigIand, PasI Presîdent Forbes Heyland, tion. Variety Village on the casî- Mr. Tlompson appreimticed in the Chairman Crippled Cbildren's cmn outski*rts of Toronto, is ai- dirapery' businmess and bias been in Committee, introduced Dr. Rog- reidy in aperalion. Il is sponsared the.lrado almosl contiîmuously ev- ers. A Master ai Arts and Docton and fiîîanccd by the Varictv Club or ""îce, Mrrot a Lincolnshmire ai Pbilasophy, Dr. Rogers spent a! Toronto and its fine success iass, the couple rnnved abroad and 13 ycars as anc o! the leading wiil be duplieaîcd at other points for the iast 40 years Mr. Tlomp- figures in the Big Brother Move- as mcaîms permit under otber son lias fillcd important posîs witli ment and at the same time - sonsrsips ladiîmg iirms in Canada, South came înternatîonally known in (4) Extension o! the geiera1 Amenicanaîd the West Indios. high execîîtive offices with the service toalal Ontario communities Sînce returnîmg ta Canmada limelbas Lions Clubs, His great capacity wibb pantular empîmasis on thie boon identified wvitb Walker for organization and as a speaker, discovery ai every cripplcd cbild Stores as a sales suimrvisar and led ta bis appointment on March in the province anmd steps taken brancb manager. I. as Secretary o! tbe province- ta sec that ecd receive the atten- During bis long service limelbas wide, central organization, wbicb tion required. frequentJy acted as Europeam caordinates the work amang (5) Service for cerebral-palzy bayer for several fîrrms an this rippled children. cases. Thmis bias now been orgam- sida' ai the Atlantic, so the experi- Dr. Rogers spoke o! tbe work ized but. a compîcte provincial ence bie brîngs to Bowmanvîhle if the Boy Scouts as an example stirvey is r.ecded ta find thc tata: xiii heofo advantage to discrini- if the inspiration and enthusiasm uin this catagony. Dr. Rogers said inating customners wbo patranize with ivhiclm the service arganiza- that itlibas 'been estimated alreadY the local Walker Store. Ris mnvi- ions are supparting tic work of tiat thec nimber ai famîlies that îatiom is.'"Drap in aiytime and )nbario Society for Cnippled bave sucli cases would make up gel acqainted, even if imot shop- 7bldren. He Iisted many o! the a city thec size o! Chatham. ping. I icvelopments that bave taken (6) The continuation and ex- Mr-. and Mrs. Tbompson have lace since the movement was tension of Easter Scal Campaigns cud ahoe n Lbet ;rst spoisored by six Ontario viicb permit allich people in Place aîmd bath expr'ess them- Rotary Clubs. twa decades ago. Ontario ta share bib tis great selves as deligbîed %witb the town and witb theopule \vbom the\- le paid ligb tnîbîîtc ta the chief humanitanian work. have met. Weokonds tbey bav .e ichitect o! the expansion, Rotar- Future Planning opportunity of vîi-îtîimg one niar- an Reg. Hooper o! Toronto, wbho' The speaker ivent on to ouliîmc rîed dau.cimbor in "Toronto. Thenr ecame the first Sccretary. .21 manv of tlic things stili ta hco ther dcaîîgbter is omarricc toa a ears ago. The speaker summariz- donc ta make the circle of sericle busiimessiran in Trindad, BW1.1 ,d point hy point, the develap- ta cîipplcd chidren evem 'OrC The Statesoman expresses friendix. nents that bave taken place sînco complote. He listed sanie of tbcmn community greetings ta Mr. and lie %vark xvas inaugurated. Ex- as follows: Tic need for a cen- Mrs. Thonupson. )aded services were mentioned tral registry ta coordinate the Is follows:: work o! local surveys. The estab- There are more tbam 550,000 Organized Work 'isbment o! a Camp in Nortbern. miles o! bighivavs in CanAda. (1) The extension af decentra- Ontario on the uines af Blue Canadian labour incarne in 1941 izd provînîcal clinîrs, whicb nom- Mounitain. Tbc need ta dcevelop tatailled $7,130J1.000t.iO. This w~as1 nimber 7. under supervision ai la parent.,' aFsociatîon ta hrlp jn an limrcase0of S$895,000,000 or 14 ained ortimopaedic nurses. There (Continued on Page Eigbt) per cent over 1947. New President Durham Counly Club Has Long Distinguished Career At the reccîmt aimîuai meeting oL s îmgimg as Bass a nd ai o ini con. tbbc Durham County Club o! Ta- neotio i wtm sevenal well known romto. Donald S. Linden was maIe quartettes. olcied Prosident and Miss Aleen In secuian circlesý, Mn. Lindeni Akcd xvas elccted Sccretary for traiîîed the great Pageaml Chorus lime carrent year. Tbey take ovecr of 2,300 voices for the CNE and tîam Dr. Frank Trebîicock aîmd orgamizcd tbc special choir l'on Miss Helen Baker, President amd .time dedication o! the îîew Unuion Secctary, for some time past. Station whon the Duke o! Wind- Tîme nme\%, îmcumbemts wene bath son was gct. haro in Eîmglamd but snce be- g e t coming identificd witb Durham WIar Scrvice Couiityý,-ai'e just as ardenmt ad- During World War 1, Mr. Lin- herents ai the Club as any ai the don transferred firoin lime ramks imative senmsanmd daugutens. Soine of time Engineers ta lmead up flic tume ago The Statcsman tld lime1 Cana din Entertainient Bureau, story ai tbc Aked family wbo 1bondon, England, with the rank purcbascd ane ai the fime aid McLaughlin farms near Tyrone,i rnodcnnized flie bouse. anmd ro- vived ils old funiction as a social cenmtre. But th s story coimccrs the îmew President., knowm among a hast ai friends as Don Linden. Bonm at Slougli, Buckinghamshire, Eimg- !aîmd, but naised ta athictir cm-:' iimeîmcc in Canada as far back asi 1906, Daim campcted in sevecn mational walkimg cbampiomships, woan 4 firsts, 2 seconds, 1 fourtb. At the Oympic games in Atbems, Greece, as Canadian nepresenta- tive. amang 19 compelitairs, ît requined a decision o! a commit- "" tee ta break lime first place tic and Liîmdcn was named in seconmd place. In ' years o! local con*peti- live sports in Toronmto, Mr. Lin- den also playcd senior lacrosse and baskctball. Athlete and Musician However sports took secai place ta music la wbicb aum, Linden turr.ed under bbc directin o! bis mother, an accomplishesi pianiFt, graâduate iii Paris. Franmce, Asan aduiit, Mr. Lindeu bas been Donald S. Linden idientified with lime Phibarman.c o! Captaii.l Woril War 2, be Sos'ic'ty uîmder Dr. Tornînglon, w~as draftcd in the naie capacîîy iatcr îîîder Dr. -Humphrey Anger: by the Torontoa Citizens' Coin- The Toronmto Male Chorus, tînder -nitîtee to orgaize musical pro- Dr. J. A. Tripp; the 'Natiaimal granmmes for thc troops in trainm- Chorus, under Dr. Albiert Ham; ing. Combînîng the two xvars, be lime famous Mendelssohn Choir, c'oncluct.cd over 9,000> separate tinoor Dr. A. S. Vagt aîmd Dr. programmes. Herbert Fricker. Lodge Work A\ chamrter momber ofi thle Menm- lI Masom:î'ci .,Mr. Linmden (10k-saln Choir, Mr. Linden was tell eoeDirctor, H igh F a PasI PreÀidîî, Wardo(im5' Pvark Maohec o ir , nd îgtm &Ysocuatioi' af MasýOnîc badges, Park Maouc hai, amd thDistrict "A" and iii 1936 was Ernest Bowles aîmd Fred Beatty Mater of Melta Loclge anmd Presi- also bcad s o! Masonic Chairs, thes dent, Master's Association. At crg-ýanized tbe Toronto Mason.t( Grand badge meetings, lie bas for MaIeChors. AudefromaIl bis yLars led the singiîig in lime nitu- Mr. Linden bas licen leader ais*:. In club cîrcles lie is a mernmer c'hoir, in Rosedale United; Trinit,ý fj(ýMs a( i lb tYbteri; Deor Park United- Sit ieco a(h)LîrlnS.gr Cieorýc'5s and allier churches. HcI ietro heLire igr ha.; r aie a great deal o! conmcert (Cantunued on Page EigmI)_ HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN.-- UY EASTERSEL i .' ,I V% -Ji~.JvLL. 10 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. APRITI 14th. 1949 rE 0 l Tbis fine group of Bowmanvîlle [bas rcally came ta life this year 'magazine. Frorn left ta right onica Friend. Marie Martin, Gwen Back row -- Fred Tuerk, Jim -ligb School students with anc of and will soon go ta press as a they are: Griffith. Gregory Friend, Miss Frank, Robert Knox, Ken Craw- their teaclhers, Miss J. Cunning- bigger and better school maga- Front i-ow-~Isobel Cruickshank, Cunningham. Audrey Stu'rrock, . fard, Bob Gallagher, Norman îam. are the brain trust hebind zinc. The above stiidents are the Wilma Richards. Marjorie Mut- Peggy Dippell, Jean Reynojiids. Allun, Ro ' Gorbam, Biul Robinson, 'eviviig the B.H.S. "Screech ones, responisible fQr edifing, lay- 'on. Lois Wilson, Bernice Hansen, Third row--Pat Cale, June Biekle, Earle B3rown. Owl.2' This annuialrriagazine of out, solicitiîîg the eylertising arid Maria Clarke, Colleen Clarke, Virginia Hopkins, Gerald Morris, he scbool wbicb bas nat been r.verytbing else thati goes ino Stella Bonk, Nancy Varcoe. Sec-j Dunçan P Ihillips, Bill Ruridie, Joan pubiished for a decade or mou'e lie iTaking af a popular studënt m-)d row-Catherine Teeple, Ver- R ice, Isobel Carter, Pat Bowles.1 -Photo hy Hugh MacDonald I j ; in Aw PER COPY NITMRP.T-? 1-r%

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