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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1949, p. 9

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~~RSD A MAPif,2lwt,1049 lte ewcasile Independemi MDunblMaraet Ami Mgr. and Mrs. «Buster" Harris, home ta spend a few days ~oy, Grr an Tileand Miss them. Bety ra, Ceeey sent Easter Mr. and Mrs. Harry Du We.endwit M. ad M. Ga.spent Easter week-end vis] aray.frlends in Toronto and Aginc( Mr. and Mrs. George Dawber Mrs. E. Hlooper, Ajax, spei and George Jr., Toronto, vlsited few days with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Duck. Henry Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. George Wade, Mr. A. E. Mellor, Kingi Belleville, spent Good Friday spent the week-end with bisJ wlth Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade. ily. Miss Mary Bell Is spending Mr. Arnold Tompkinson ZAster bolidays with ber fami]y Miss Yola Fracckinl, Tort In Cayuga. visited the former's mother, Miss Elsie Howe spert Good Chris Barchard. Friday with ber sister, Miss M. Mrs. Bradford Kay bas lef 19. Rowe in Osbawa. spent a few days with frienc Mr. Emil Schmid, nephew of Crestwood, N. Mr. Herman Scbmid, bas left Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ne bis native home Switzerland to Belleville, and Mr. Bill ThicI live in Canada. For the present and friends, Kingston, v time Mr. Schmid is living with guests over the holiday week. his uncle. We welcome bim into with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tih our midst. son. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. MacDonald, Miss Reta Rowcliffe and Toronto, spent Good Friday as Archie McLeod were boli guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. E Bitton. dall. Mr. Fred Rowe, Ottawa, spent Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Heard Easter weekend with bis family family, Oshawa, visited Mr. and frIends. Mrs. Harry Couch. Mrs. Prank Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Frances Raven, L Mrs. Jim Hunter and Miss Bar- Branch, spent the holidaysv bara Hunter, Toronto, visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Finley. Stella Anderson. Mr. Keith Branton who is Mr. Stuart Milligan spent the tending the University of Toi week-end with his parents, Mr. to is speflding a few days v and Mrs. J. C. Milligan at Shan- Mrs. J. Baskerville to prepare nonville. h is final exams., Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton and Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. MeCulloi Neil motored to Hamilton Easter and family spent Sunday m Sunday to bing Mrs. Grif- their parents in Oshawa. flths and ber grandson Joey Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Porter. RESERVE SATiRDAY, APRIL 30 TE MWRSWr DURNO AND RER CHEERIO CLUB in the TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE at 8 p.m. Sponsored by the dddfellows' Service Club Admission ce m ne 35c and 25c THE CAKAD!AN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARTO . PAGE NM family spent Sunday ini Toror Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Meado and #amily spent Sunday w Mr::/ Meadows' parents, Mr.a Mr.W. J. Woodward in Bo manville. -Easter Sunday visitors w. wlth Mns. W. H. Pearce were M~ Marion Riekard, Barrie; M~ Walter Riekard, Masters Jarr ensand Donald Rickard, Shaw's; 1 itlng and Mrs Orval Stinson, Cheslt or.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hockin a: nt a family, Ajax, Miss Minnie Peai Mrs. Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Bre ton Rickard and George, Mrs. stan, R. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Alb fam- Pearce an(! family. Miss Frances Toms, Montrei and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Powell, Ne, onto, tonville, were Easter visite Mrs. with Mrs. George Rickard a Mrs. Flarold Toms. !t to Misses Lida and Muriel Lu] [s in and Mr. Bill Keyes, Tororl spent the week-end wît i~ elles, Frank Gibson. ýkson Marilyn and Douglas Pearc ivere Toronto, are spending Easter ho' -end days with Mr. and Mrs. Albe iCk- Pearce. Miss Verna Milligan, Mr. Er Mr. Johnson and Mr. Fred H. Grab; [day and Albert spent Easter Sundz Ran- in Minden. Miss Milligan and Mt Johnson wene guests of Mr. ar and Mrs. Ed. Milligan while Mr. Gr, and bam and Albert visited the fo mer's mother. long Some cottagers were down ovi with the week-end. Among those wl endured the damp and very ui Easterly weather were Mrs.' at- Duncan and Buster, Mr. and Mr rn G. N Bull, Toronto, and Mrs.j forh Weeler, Bowmanville. fr Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Wrig] were with Mrs. Gordon Ash ovg ýugh the we~ek-end. Mrs. Wright i ith mained to be with ber motbe Mrs. Wetherell who is very ill. and Congratulations to Mr. and Mr -Paul Yurkowski, the former Id Rogerson, who were marriedo April 14 at the United Chure Parsonage. We were sorry to bear that M. Harold Hockin bas entered Bom manville hospital for an operi tien. We are happy to report thz sh sprogressing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinsor Chesley, and Miss M. Pearce, Tc ronto, *were week-end guestsc Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. ai IMrs. Albert Pearce. Mrs. H. R. Perace returned wit Mr. and Mrs. Stinson ta spendi few'days in Chesley. Misses Duvaine Gray and Mar garet Patterson visited Rev. ar( Mrs. W. W. Patterson. Mn. Howard Rowe, Hamilton spent Easter with bis family. Mn. Peter Wirstiuk, Hamilton visited Mr. and Mrs. AIf Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hockin, Da. vid and Douglas, Ajax, wer( week-end visitons with Mrs. W.J Hockin and Mrs. H. R. Pearce Master David Hockin, who hw been holidaying for some timE with bis grandmother, Mrs. Hocit in, netuirned to Ajax on Monday -.Messrs Allan and Ross*Goheer, Wallaceburg, and South Porcu- Ipine, respectively, are spending Easter holidays with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. IR. W. Gobeer. Mr. and Mns. Ken Withers, Ps- terboro, spent the week-end with Mn. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Goheen and family, Bowmanville, were Eas- ter Sunday guests of the Tam- blyn's. Mrs. Zola Scott is visiting be: daugbter, Mrs. C. R. Green. Misses Mary Hagerman and Eleanor Hancock are holidaying in New York with Mary's aunt, Mrs. Harry Patterson. Mrs. Laurence Gaines, Joy and Nancy, had Sunday supper witl Mr. and Mns. W. Woodward, Bowmanville. On Easter Sunday, the follow- ing were Welcomed into member- ship of Newcastle United Church; Mrs. Ross Aluin, Mrs. Fnank Hoan, Mn. and Mrs. Cyril Avery, Miss Catherine Tucker, Misses Evelyn and Thelma Stapleton, Mn. Mar- low Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. An- thur Randall, Mr. and Mrs. James Porter, Dr. and Mrs. A. Weissgerber, Miss Dorothy Weiss- gerber, Mrs. Lois McClusky and Mr. J.TF. ackson SnNGLES You get long life, fire protection and good looks when you choose J-M iAsphait Shingles. There Iare colors and styles to gratz every cnoie. ic for a free estimate. DON MCGREGOR Hardware Co. PHONE 386 59 KING ST. W. ,fohs_ _vil rito. Biography of Canada's Prime. Minister E. Rt.'Hon. L. rs. A. Was born in Compton, Quebee, on February 1, 1882, of French- gbt Canadian and Inish-Canadian par- ver ents. He was educated at St. re- Charles Coilege, Sherbrooke, Que- ierbecandat LvalUniversity, Quebec City, where he graçW.ated Ir.in law. In June, 1914, he was Ida appointed professor of law et an L aval, ch He bas been awarded LL.D's by six universites: Queen's Un- îr. versity, 1930; University of Man- rs. itoba, 1935; University of Mont- ýra real, 1943; Bîshop's College, 1943; ha- Dalbousie University, 1947, and ethe University of Ottawa, 1947. oOn January 1, 1946, he was made o- of were well attended. AIl churcbes id had beautiful flowers placed by kinfolk in memory of someone itb dear. The morning service at St. George's Anglican combined tbe abeautiful Easter story wîth the impressive Holy Sacrament. In ir- the evening, the United Church nd service was held in the Sunday School hall. Rev. W. W. Patter- )n son combined the lovely Easter hymns witb a most touching mes- )n sage of the Easter told in story form. ýa Miss Helen Alkenbrack, Tren- re ton, is visiting ber parents, Mn. j. and Mrs. John Alkenbrack. e. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Law and as Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carveth et- e tended the chuncli services at Les- k-kard on Sunday. It was the oc- y. casion of the installation of elec- n, tricity in the church which biolds umany fcnd memories for these .g folk. r- We welcome home Mrs. D. i. Milligan who bas returned after espending the winter months in th Florida and Toronto. i. Sympathy of the community is il extended to Mrs. Harry Couch on - tbe deatb of ber sister, Mrs. - George Powles of Lindsay. Mrs. Marie Gartshore, Elmwood, ýr is bolidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wicks. tl OBITUARY dBRADFORD EAMSEY KAY Aften an illness of some months Mr. Bradford Kay of Crestwoocl. *New York, died et bis summer residence in Newcastle on March 26. Mn. Kay was borm in Rising ýSun, Maryland, the youngest son *of the late Alexander and Eliza-1 beth Kay. He attended West Not- tingham Academy, C.olumbia, and the New York Electnic.al School, where he taught dor some yeans before going into business for himself.. Ho netired ten years ago on account of iii rheal-tb and since then bas spent the summers in Newcastle and sthe*winters in New York and St. Petersburg, Flonida, where hie was a very popular member of the Lawn Bowling Club and for severai years registrar of the Canadian Club. Hie was a member of the Prest. bytenian Churcb and a life mem- ber of Independent Royal Arch Lodge and elso of Jerusalem Chapter number 8 of New York City. Surviving are his wife, the former Winona Eilbeck, two sis- ters, Charlotte of Morristown, N.J., and Helen of New York, City, and thnee brothers, Lewis of Morristown, N.J., Howard of Sari Fransisco, Cal., Robent of Everett, Penn. The funeral was held on March 29 at the family home, arranged and conducted by Dunham Mason- ic Lodge, Number 66, AF and AM. Newcastle, assisted by Rev. W. W. Petterson of the United Church. Interment was in the family plot at Bowmenville Cemetery. Attending the funenal were many friends and relatives from New York, Brantford, To- ronto, Bowmanville and Onono. Beautiful floral tributes were ne- ceived fnom organizations, friends and relatives. S. St. Laurent Ia membor cf the Imperial Privy »Council. Mn. St. Launent bas sorved as batonnien ot the local Quebec City Bar, batonnier-general of Quebec Province Bar end Presi- dent cf the Canadien Bar Assoc- iation. He bas pleeded many im- portent cases before the Supreme Court cf Canada and before the Judicial Conîmittee of the British Pnîvy Council. He served as counsel on the Rowell-Sirois Com- mission on Dominion-Provincial Relations immediately prier to the wer. On December 10, 1941, Mr. St. Laurent succeeded the lete Rt. Hon. Ernest Lepointe as Minister of Justice and Attomney-Genenal for Canada. Ho was elected te the House cf Commons in the Quebec East constituency in a hy- election, 1942, and i the genoral olections in 1945. On September 4, 1946, Mr. St. Launent's appointment wes an- nounced as Secretany cf Sttefofr External Affeirs. Ho continued to occupy the Ministry of Justice until December 10, 1946, when be relinquished thîs post te devote himself entiroly te the External Afteins portfolio. Mr. St. Laurent was Deputy Chairman cf the Canadien Dele- getion to the United Nations Con- fonence et San Francisco in 1945, and Chairman cf the Canadien Delogetion to the First Session cf the U.N. Genenal Assembly in London early in 1946. During Prime Minîster King's absence in the United Kingdom in 1945 Mr. St. Laurent was Act- ing Secretary af State for Exter- nal Affairs, and in the sumnmer of 1946 when Mr. King was away at conference abroad be served as Acting Prime Minister, Mr. St. Laurent was Chalrnian of the . Canadian Delegatiori at the second part of the First Ses. sion of the United Nations Gen- oral Assembly in New York ini Octeber, 1946, and at the Second Session of the Assembly in Sept- ember, 1947. At the national convention af the Libenal Party, summoned by the National Liberal Federation, in August, 1948, ta select a suc- cessor ta the retlning Liberal, Party Leadet, the Right Hon. W. L. MacŽkenzie King, Mn. St. Laurn- ent was chosen to succeed Mn. King in that office. On September 10, 1948, Mn. St. Laurent again became Minister of Justice and Acting Prime Min- ister wbile Mn. King was at the Third Session of the General Assembly of tbe United Nations in Paris. Wben illness prevented Mn. King from attending the meetings of Commonwealth Prime Ministers, whlcb epened in Lon- don on October 11, Mn. St. Laur- ent replaced bim during tbe lat- ter part of the conversations. On November 15, 1948, Mn. St. Laurent became Prime Minister and President of the Privy Council. Mn. St. Laurent is married to the former Jeanne Renault. They have two sons and tbroe daugh- tons. ATTENTION FARMERS TBRAC TOI S (2 -3 PLOW> for immediate delivery. ALSO OTHER Orders yours now from Harvey Parier TYRONE - PHONE 2328 Also Tractor Plows, Manure Spreadens, Wagons, Balens, Water Systema, etc. -ORDER YOURS NOW- Mr. John Virgin, Toronto, spen~t Murray Grant and Mr,. and Mms GLORIOUS I NEW FASHIONSI AHBAT TO SUIT YOU! Top your Sprntg uttits wlth sur extra becomlnt Sprint bonnets. Ail prie- ed lower than you'd ex- peet. MEN'S SUITS & COATS FOR EVERY OCCASION Be a best dressed man this Spring [n one of our fine custom teleored suits or couts. Styled te flatter youn best peints and ail skillftslly made. One cf tbe widest selections in town to choose from in the latest rcieurs and in a complote veniety of sizes. Come> in and choose yours frcm our budget pniced coats and Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 49 Kmg St. W. BOWMANVILLE 1~ ANNOUNCES BUDGET PLAN .. . COMMIENCINC MAY 1ST P EA $ 19.50 alton BUCKWHEAT--$15.75 a ton THRE SHEPPARD A ND GILL LUNDER CO. LIMITED PHONE 715 BOWNANVILLE 96 KIN~ ST. E. T àlKbIio H E M DE N sEO *RSOI* * IF R *t was 1909. Lurchlng and bumplng Over the reugh ground et Baddock, N.S., the Silver Dort rose into the air, pilofed by J. A. McCurdy. If was the flrst aeroplane flight in ~j Canda-and if mode history. fiisfery was writfen in the air again in 1919. Aicock and Brown flew from St. John's, Nowfoundland, ta lrland, and brought Canada te the doorstep of the aid worid. Thon came fhe infrepid bush.. _____pliaits, openlng new pafhways through Sgranit wild ipaces te new discoveries. In 1924, Canada', Air Force wes born. Through flhc yeurm it worked quiefly, *fficionfly. Thon contme l.warand Canada'* mon of t he air emblazoned their names focever lafIne nnuis of the worid's groat Now clebrating Is Silver Jubile., fli Royal Canadien Air Force is carrying out a wark of pouce. Lives are being saved by mercy flighfs -. ..th. uncharfed North a. e s being phofographed . . . scienfiflc knowldge af ueronaufics is broadened. By opening up many now horizons In this country, the menonfathe R.C.A.F. -,a" proving flies roam fa grow lnar r Caada niimedJust how anuch romn, la ld hIn Camade Ualim«edw* an Mhtated 144 pape book publlshed by Me, by sencdhig 25c la cash (no sionpa or choques, pkmue) ta "Canada Unllwued", Dao. N3-6, yowamne and address cI.arly. MÀ manies eclv.d wIIIlie dorét.d ta tMe Cano"a Cainship Couna. BREWING COMPANY LIMITED Ca cq Oi f BOvkO, wclom, chiné, labour, fraternel and ot0 ,rgS isations whos. atm fiste ecquaint n.w Canin"no wIl If,. .pporturhiWes a.,.d by demcrdk ehe.ship la conodu -g.-.- ~ PRESENTJNG THE FOLLOWING ADVANTAGES TO THE CONSUMER 1. Assures You of BLUE COAL in Any Size Yon Desire. 2. The Feeling of Security in Knowing Il is There When Nesdod. 3. A Cleai Delivery in the Good, Weather Gives You the Service You Wani. 4. Permits You Io Purchase ai Summer Prices. NEW PRICES ON h6es NHRCT EFFECTIVE APRIL 12TE S TOV YE $21.50Oafou CHESTNUTf SM AR T SPRING COATS The busiest item in your Spring wardnobe . . . smart avern-anything coats. Come Into aur stort- and sec these new fashion items - you'U se ail the worsteds, gabardines, suedes and broadcloths in the latest Sprilng-dipped colôurs.. with pnice tags that give realistic consideratiori to your clothes budget. 1 PHONIE 836 49 Ring St W. . DOWMANVIELLE VE W l LUMBER COMMED m, 1 BOWNANVILLE 96 RiNq ST. E.

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