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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1949, p. 14

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t BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE f l ___________SV-IIU ~ 2,000 READERS~ÇCS3cEA BIRTHS BECKETT-Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett art- happy ta annaunce the arrival of their daughter, Phyiiss (Marie) on April l4th, 1 949, at Bowmanville Hospital. Asister for Garry and Wayne. - BUTSON-To Ken and Muriel Butson of Ennishillon, on Suit- day, April l7tb, 1949, at Bow- ravleHospital, a son, sîl born, premature. 16-1* CALE-Mr. and Mrs. Robt. H. Cale announco tbe arrivai Apnil 12th, 1949, of Gertrude Laura, sister for Libby and Carol. 16-1 G RU MM E TT - Jenniter Jill Gi-ummett, 250 Lyon St., Ot- tawa, Ont.. was born an Tuosday, March 1.51h. 1949, second daugh- ter for Frances and Gordon, and baby sister for Suisan. 16-1 QUACKENBUSH--Mr. and Mis. F. Quackenibtish are happy to announce the birth of their dauigh- tor, Joyce, at Bowmanvillo 1-os- pital on Apnil lS5th, 1949. A sis- ter for Loiaine, Grace Fs%,d Rose M arie.________16-1______l_ WRAY---Maxine Louise, daughter of Grace and Jackson Wray, is hpyto announce the arnival of a baby sister, Debora Janet, at Bowmanville Hospital, on April 13th,1949. 16-1* ENGAGEMENT_ Mr. and Mrs. AI mon T. Fletcher of Bowmanville, wish to announice teengagement of their eldest daughter, Jean Mary. to James taHoard WetseyoftrJFro,o and Clarnje, aBowme aviein.her Firth y. eting I tepMoris FuineralChaelfor serviceMon Frid ay,30(Apl22d a 1230 -1 nTemengaBowmnvîlle Ceneey toULLwad Josloeing meory on ofMrdanadents. MAndrts. E. Bulewho pssed away: Oher,. Jono tbr, 22Ma1thrAp 6- lth OhNG-Apv lans we once,7 Du enjoyed. llonWe How sweether99, mma vStiC. Kingdeth baslf a ofelines. HerwoKngcaonoder fu. o -illg;trsGertrude rand fLorne. Oshaw-, Eward U.SA.; 6arol HICKS -To loving mnemorv of al dean busband and father, George Henr:y Hicks, who passed away Apnil 131h, 1948: God took him borne - it was His will; Witbin oui- heants ho liveth still. -Sadly missed by wife and élaughter. 16-1* KERR--In loviog memory of al dear cdaîîghter. Jovce L. Kerr, wxho pasFed awvay April 24, 1947: The depîhs of sorrow wo cannot tel Of the losF of one we lovod so well, And wbile she sloeps a peaceful sleep Hor n moory we shal alwavs keep. -Ever remembened by Momt and Dad. 16-1 * MURDOFF.-ITn loving momorv of a dean wife and mother, Florence V. Allen. who passed away April 22nd. 1945: A litIle token true and tender JusIt t show we stîli remember, Memories of us ail togethen Will linger in our heants fore ver, Sweet to nemember hon Who once xNas bore. And who, though absent Is just ai dean. _-Lovingly romembened and sad- ly missed by busband, Mort and daugbter Bonea. 16-1 MUTTON--In loving memorx' of a dean fathen and gnandfathen, William B. Mutton. who passed away April 2ist. 1939: You're flot fongotten father dean Nor ever shall you ho, As long as life and memony last We shaîl remember tbee. -Lovi rgiy remembened by son Garnet, daugbtcr-in-law Hilda1 and grandchildren. 16-1 MOUNTJOX' ho loving memory of a kind father and mother. Sam-. uxel T. Mountjoy, wbo passed away April 23, 1941, and Mary Jane MountjoY, Apnil 25. 1942: -O for the touch of a vanisbed And the sound of a voice that is -Sadly missed by thei.r son. Theron, 16-1* 1CARDS 0F THANKS 1 _Rearl Estate For Sale1 Mrs. Dean Hodgsan wishes ta express sincere thanks to neigh-1 bours and friends for ail their kind gestures during her recent illness. 16-1* Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday wish to express sincere apprec- jation to ail their many friends and neighbours for the many kind acts of sympathy during the loss of a loving mother; also special thanks to Dr. H. Ferguson and Rev. F. Yardley. 16-1* COMING EVENTS Euchre party in Oddfellows' Hall, Fridpy, April 22nd, 8 p.m. Admission 25c. 16-1 Dance at Tyrone Hall, Satur- day, April 23rd. Ruth Wilson Var- iety Band. Admission 50c. 16-1 Reserve Friday, May l3th, for Bowmanville Public Sehools' Mus- ical Festival. 16-1 Dance at. Enniskillen Hall, Fri- daY, April 29th. auspices of the Athietie Club. Ruth Wilson Var- iety Band. Admission 50c. 16-2 1Euchre and draw in St. John's Parish Hall, Friday. Apnil 22nd, sponsored by St. John's Young People. 16-1 Don't naiss "Laughing Irish Eyes." a 3-act play in the Com- niunity Hall, Newcastle, Friday evening, May 6th. 16-3 Bownmanvill-e- Women's Insti- tute will hold an open meeting Thunsday, April 28th, in the Union Hall at 2:30 p.m. Any ladies in this vicinity wishing to become members are cordially invited to attend. 16-1* Pot Luck Supper at Blackstock Community Hall, April 22nd. Supper served fnom 6 p.m. At 8:30 Dr. J. C. Devitt will show his moving pictures. Aduits 40c, Childnen 25c. Under auspices of St. John's W.A. 16-1* A cafeteria tea and sale of work will be held in St. George's Parish Hall, Newcastle, on April 27th. Tea will be served from 5 p.m. An attractive menu is being prepared and a variety of useful and fancy articles will be on sale. 16-1 Wanted To Rent COTTAGE - at Bowmanville Beach for finst two weeks or whole month of August. Write Box 242, Statesman Office. 16-1 YOUNG couple with small child need four rooms or house by May' v lst, excellent references. Phone 2118. 15-2 HOUSE, in Apnil or beginning of May , for tenant employed at the Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries. Please write Fred H. Kooy, Box 261, Dryden. 16-2 SIX roomed house, unfurnished, for summer months, in Bowman- ville, on or before June Ist. Re- ferences will be supplied if de- sined. Write Box 237, Statesman Office. 16-1 For Rent THREE unfurnished rooms, heat- ed. Applv 110 Wellington St., Phono 957. 16-1* FURNISHED room, with kiteben pivileges. Write Box 241, States- man Office 16-1 VACUUM cleaners and floor pol- ishers, $1.00 per day. Murphy's, Phono 811. 16-1* 1-CustFtom Work TRACTOR plowing gardons, cul- tivating and discing. Phone 496. 15-4* TRACTOR Custom Work, plough-ý_ ing, cultivating and seoding. F. S. Allen, Phono 594. 16-tf Help Wanted PERSON-wanted for lauindry work. Apply Balmoral Hotel. 16-1* GIRL wanted for modern retail store, experience not ncessary . Write Box 239. c/o The Statesman Office. 16- 2 LADI o help with eooking and general dutes for Juiy and Aug. at a summer rosont. State wages oxpectod. Write Mrs. D. Hodgson, Bowmanvifle. 16.1* ATTENTION Ploase! Wanted- Reliable man as dealer in Bow- manvillo. Expenience not noces- sary. A fine opportunity bo stop mbt old profitable business wbere Rawleigb Products have been sold for yoars. Big profits. Products furnished on cned il. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept. ML-D-140-163, Mont- real. 14-4 Wanted To Buy dition. Write Box 240, States- man Office. 16-1 LIVE poultry for export ta Amner- ican markets. Top prices paid. Phono 2833 Bowmanville. 15-4* RUG, about 9x12 foot, for dining- room. must be in excellent con- dition. Phone Bowmanville 2200. 16-1 BEFORE selling yaur live poultry try us. Our pnicos are bigher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phono 7 r 13, revenm charges- - .17-tf ONE-acre gaod garden land, or building lots, in Sauina; good location, south frontage. Phone 2185. 15-2* SEVEN-roomed house and gar- age, new rocf, oil burner aptianal, venetian blinds, electric water heater. Phone 709. 16-1 FIVE-roomed furnished cottage, electrie ights, at Caesarea. Apply D. Hea]ey, 117 Rosemount. Wes- ton. Phone Weston 781. 16-1* SEVEN-roomed house, vacant, Church St. in Orono, sun-room, hydro, new furnace, large brick cistern, force pump, septic tank instaled, well, garden. Mrs. C. L. Powers, 15 Arlington St., To- ronto. 16-1* SPECIALIZING in farms in Dur- hami County I have several listed for sale. They vary in size and pnice but in the list there is pro- bably one to suit you. If you will contact me at my office or home I shall be pleased to make an appointment to show you what 1 have. Leroy Hamilton, Broker, Orono, Ont., Office Phone 32r10; Home 1r16. 16-1 COOKE REAL ESTATE $2,500-94-acre pasture farm, will pastur3 30 head; 40 rod frontage on No. 2 Highway, well watered, spring-fed stream, good fences, barn 6 x 40. Immediate posses- sion. Contact EVELYN E. COOKE Realtor Newcastle Phone A2621 Clanrke 16-1 $7,500-Solid brick bouse, 9 rooms oul furnace, bathroom, hydro, hardwood floors, ahl conveniences, 1/ acre, extra lot. $2,500-Insul-brick, 6 rooms, hy- dro, water, sewer to the cellar, new roof, approximately one acre. $3,200-Close ta Newcastle. New insul-brick bungalow, 4 rooms, hot and cold water, electrie heat- er, 3 acre.i, 30 apple trees and chieken house. $4.000--For quick sale, buys a 5- roomed insul-brick bungalow, 3- piece bath, concrete foundation, full basement, electrie rangette, built-in cupboards and hardwood floors. Nice location in Bowman- ville. IMMEDIATE Possession-50 acres 2 acres orchard, 5 acres woods,« scbool ad church, 1/2-mile gravel road, frame house, 8 rooms, built- in cupboards, hydro, barn 40'x25', pig pen, hen house and garage- $6,000. $8000- Immediate Possession - Buys a lovely home; brick, hardwood fîoors, 8 rooms, nice hall, full basement, bathroom, hydro, scneens and double win- ,dows, combination door, insulated, new oil furnace, toilet in base- ment, fireplace in living-room, good garage. $3,500-Buys 100 acres, frame house, barn. 25 acres rye. 5 acres alfalfa, 10.000 trees planted in 1947, 3,000 Scotch pine and 2,000 red pine, 5,000 trees planted in 1948, 3.000 Scotch pine and 5.000 red pine; 5,000 trees in 1949, 3,000 Scotch pine and 2,000 red pine; 150 poplars. JAMES NIXON Real Estate Broker Phone 682 Bowmanville Notice For general carpentry repains, alterations and roofing - a spec- ialty - see Gerald Fulton, Phone Oshawa 180J12. 15-2* Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Sbop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS toa ah makes of refrig- enaters, domestie and commercial, Higgon Electrie 42 King St. E., phono 438. 26-tf BRAKE drum lathing, brake ro- linos, Raybond brake bonding service - no rivets. Brakes are oun speciaity. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phono 804, Bowmanville. Chicks For Sale YOU can still ordor Gainforth Cbicks. Phono Barron's, Hamp- ton 2420 for pnices, information. Banred Rocks, New Hampsbires, Leghorns. Light Sussex, Cross Breds. Good suppiy available in May. 13-4* Seed For Sale POWER cieaned Ajax oats. L. J. Goodman, Tyrone Miii, Phono 2305. 16-1 ALFALFA, Red Choyer, Timothy, Permanent Pasture Grasses, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Phono 577. il-tf WE have a few bushels of the best quality No. 1 Red Clover seed, Timothy seed and Field Peas. Garnet Riekard, Phono 2813. 16-1 SEED Hybnxd Corn-Most Matur- ities, $6.50 bus.; Short Maturities, $7.50 bus.; Hybrid Blond, $4.75 bus. Buy 00W and avod disap- pointment :ater. Now Buying On- tario Fa]] Wheat. Goo. G. Wick- ett, Port Hiope. Phone 228. 16-1 Articles For Sale 1936 CHEV. coach; also straw stack. Phono 2753. 16-1* '40 PONTIAC sedan, 45,000 miles. Mrs. Harry Rico, Phone 586. 16.1* USED rug brick. Phone 2257. 16-1* BALED hay. S. W. Brooks, Phone 2227. 16-if PIANO for sale. Tolephono* 492, Bowmanvilie. 16-1 CORDWOOD-hard and soft, in foot lengths; also codar posts. Phone 2679. 10-tf TWO buildings, one 10x12, colony bouse; one 20x20: 25-gaI. gasoline drum. Phono 2438. 16-1* ABOUT 600 ft. homlock planks; also willow wood in stove wood lengtbs. Phono 2298. 16-1* MAROON pram, excellent con- dition, price $30. Phone 2702. 16-l* INTERNATIONAL hoe drill, in good condition. Appiy H. Larmex', Burketon R.R. 3. 16-1* 1935 DODGE sedan, in good con- dition, reconditioned motor, best offen. Phone 2791. 16-1* CHICKEN house, 8x12, steel roof. Colin Smith, Phono 56r6 Orono. 16-1 * 25 USED sehool desks, choap, S.S. No. 18. Apply Leon Moore, Tyrone. 16- ICE refrigerator, 75 lbs. capacity, good condition. Apply 24 Queen St. 16-1 QUANTITY of timben from bouse 20x4O, timbers 10'" square. Phone 2588. 16-1 * BROWN repp studio couch, in excellent* condition. Phono 414. 16-1 TWO-furow riding plow; 14- plate outbrow dise; both in per- fect condition. Phono 2924. 16-1* GIRL'S bicycle, tires almost new, $15. Phone 2026 on apply 5 Con- cession St. 16-1* '36 CHEVROLET Master Sodan. Will tako trade-in. Appiy 28 Hunt St., aitor 6 p.m. 16-1* BROODER bouse, in good con- dition. Garnet, Riekard, Phone 2813. 16-1 1930 PONTIAC sedan, seal beamn ligbts, four new tires, fair motor, $70 or best offer. Phone Orono 62r12. 15-2* CORDWOOD, eut in foot lengths, maple and beech; two cords to load, $16 per card. Phone 2952. 10-tf1 KID Kangaroo plow; Fairbanks, Morse 3 h.p. engino, bath in good1 condition. Luther Hooper, Ty- rone R.R. 1, Phone 2322. 14-3 NUMBER of anchor pasts, 9 and 10 ft. Apply John Morraw, just east of Sici Laneaster's Garage, Newto'îville. 16.2* TWO bushels alfalfa seed; Case pony dise plow; two-year-old White Durham bull. Phone 2522. 16-1 * THREE-piece chesterfidd suite. baby carniage, coal oil stove, ail in good condition. Apply 78 Quoen St., Phone 2565. l 6- r. HARDIE sprayor, 160-gai, tank in good running arder; 10,000 ft. new 1" lumber. H. C. Pedwell. Newcastle, Phone 38-23. 16-l', LARGE mow of mixed hay; also quantity of baied straw. Lorne Articles For Sale 1937 CHEVROLET sedan, seal beamn lights, good tires,.$650 for quick sale. Phone Clarke 1120. Geo. A. Walton, Newcastle. 16-1 ONE general purposo mare, wonks single or double; also some' imploments. Apply to Allan Diekie, Eno:skillen. 16-1* LADDERS for sale. single and extension. Apply 86 Concession St., Bowmanvillo, Phone 609. '41 FORD 8-cwt. army truck,, good condition; also 4-cylindon Dodge coach, new licence, cbeap. Phone 4332 Clarke. 16-1 1933 PLYMOUTH sedan, in good condition. Apply C. C. Smith, c/o A. O. Parker, Newcastle. 16-1 WHIE namel Gurney cook stove, reservoir, used only four montbs, best cash offer. Apply M. Cain, 'Enniskillon. 16-1 WELL-rotted weedloss mushnoom manuro for gardens, sbnubs, flowenbeds, lawns: also cow and sheep m,ýnure. Phone Oshawa 3234 (reverse changes). 15-6 FINDLAY range in go con- dition; a number of usod windows suitable for garage or chieken bouse; also a number of good doors. Phone 2364 on 2568. 15-2* BRIGHTEN up for Spring! Can- ada's finest Venetian Blinds mca- sured and installed. Free esti- mates. F. F. Morris Co., Phone 480. 8-tf WESTINGHOUSE mantel battery 'radio, with new 1,000 hr. power pack batteny, in AI shape. Apply Allan Clark, R.R. 2 Newcastle. 16-1~ QUANTITY of squane timbers. new, 6x6, 8x8, lOxIO, iength from 8 10 28 feet. pine and hemlock. R. G. Moffatt, Orono, Phone qA,-î 16-1* '47 PICK-UP G.M.C. truck; '28 Model A Fond coach, good con- dition; farm wagon, 16" tires: Beatty washing machine. Phone 418. 16-2 RAYBESTOS Raybond brake lining, Permafuse bonded to brake shoes, no rivets. brake slioe exebange. Bob Stocken's Garage. 12-tf MEN and boys' work bootsç and dness shoos, complete stock of sizes and styles at populan pnices. Lloyd Ellis Sboe Repair, King St. West, Bowmanville. 10-tf LATHAM raspbenry canes, $2.00 per hundred: two young Holstein cows, due to froshen May Ist. A#ply Frank Aldsworth, Cour. tice, Pbone 491J2 Oshawa. 15-3 FLOOR Covering! Congoleum run- iler. Congoleum ai-ic Rexoieumn Deluxo in yard goods and rug sizes; also îniaid linoleum with canvas b, F. F. Morris Co. Phono 4L 8-t WESTON' Foundry cook stove, equipped with ou humns, 2 years old, $65 complote; 5-45 gai. oul drums, $3.50 each. will doilven. C. Carswelî, Maple Grovo, Phono 2967. 16.1* SIMPLICI-LY Iý 1.~ p.Garden Tractor; natural wood crib, spning and mattress; baby swing and car setit; foiding go-cant and mat- ress, good condition. Phone 2069. 16-1* TRADE-INS - washers; electrie ranges and rangettes: tank model vacuum cloanors, slightiy used; radios; record players; Findlay coal range witb sheif. Munphy's Phono 8 11. 16-1* Annis, -Tyrone, Phono 2341. jSIGIE o often wo!: 16- 1.. h ar - I alw'ays wanted a Fleury 1 Bissoîl Tractor double dise, both 13-TOOTH M.-H. cuitivator, trac- 1sizes, large and small; cash on ton hitch: 1946 haif-ton Fargoltenms. Immediate delivory. Ap-1 truck. Percy Werry, Phone 2124.j ply T. S. Mountjay, Ha'mpton,] 16.1* Phone 2503. 16-1e f Articles For Sale FARM wagcns on rubber-Special offer: 4 tires, 4 now tubes, 4 steel rims, 4 wagon wheels eut down, size 600x16, complote assembly, ail tires, tubes, rims, work, guar- anteed, $72.50. G. F. Jamieson Tire Sbop, Phono 467. 16-tf 1947 FLEETLINE Chevrolet sed- anetto, airway blue, in excellent condition, heater, slip covers, chrome rings, 12,000 miles pro- sent mileage. Apply Ted Bris- bin, 74 Sherbourne St., Port Hope. 16-1 rOLIVER 60 Rowcrop tractor with *cultivating attacbment; Case VAC *Rowcrop tractor witb cultivating *attachment, used one season; 10-20 iMcCormick-Deering, on steel; two furrow tractor plow; car trailer. Walter, Frank, R.R. 5, Bowman- ville, Phiono 2403. 16.1* THREE-plate olectric stove, no *oven; ico box, 100 lb. capacity, *both ideal for cottage: Findlay' Oval cook stove with oil bunners or grates; large, brown mron bcdr, spring and spring-filled matt:es; hon bouse 10x12, ail good cn dition; youth's two-tone spcrt coat, 36-38, neanl\' uew. Phone 2830 on caîl at 75 Scugog St. 16-t* SPRING is here! Rid your car ,of oid worii out oul. Cao supplY these famous Cities Service Pro- duets wholesale: motor oils, greas- 1os, Cisco pop. Silvertown tires THE CANADIAN STATESMAN Classilied Advertusung Rates 1 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 BIRTHS - DEATHS - ENGAGEMENTS - MARRIAGES CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 Per Insertion IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a line for verses per insertion NOTICES - COMING EVENTS - ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - FOR RENT - WANTED - ETC. Cash Rate: 2e a word (min. 35c). Must bp paid before insertion if Charged: 3e a word (min. 50c). Add 25c extra for box numbers or replies directed to this office. (Additional Insertions at Same Rates) ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money order with order to get iow rate. CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE NEW VA Case tract or; ,new VAC Case tractor; new Case 41/' one- way dise: new Case 2-dise tractor plow; used Case D tractor on rubber, uscd Case S tractor on rubber; used M.-H. 102 tractor on i rubben; new set of drag harows; new baylo.ier: Shun-Shock edec- trie fencens; B.T. and DeLaval water systems: town wheelbarrowv, rubber tire; Martin Senour paint: banbed wine; steel posts; farm fence; 1 complote B.T. litter car- rier. W. H. Brown, Case Dealcr, Phono 494. 16-1 BRAJDLEY Furniture C,, 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bednoomn suites, $69.011; steel bcd outfits, complete, $26,95; felt base floor covering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colons; 3 pe. alloven velour chcsterfiecl suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spriog- filled mattresses, $24.95; tri-light lamps, complele, $12.95; rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bcd cbestenfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bcd spreads. $6.95; table lamps. $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phon~e 271. 6-tf Livestock For Sale BAY mare, 5 yeans nid, in Al condition. Applv Welbanks and Van Allen. Newtonville. 1- TWO good Yorkshire sows. sec- ond litten, due eanly May. 'Phone Clarke 1613. 16-1* TWELVE stocker cattie. 5 Io 8 huodred Ibs. R. G. Moffatt, Onono Phone 84r7. 16-1* ONE Durham calf for vcaline. Apply James Dclane.v, 12 mile nortb and 1 mile east of Hamp- ton. 16-1 YORKSHIRE sow, (a rrying seu- ond litter, ciue about the 10th of May. Apriy Io Herbent Gaud, R.R. 6, Phone 2662. 6l 15 HEAD of 2- *vear-ohd Durharn grass rattle. Apply Bruc-e Ash- ton. Bunketon, Phiono Port Perr ' 165-32. 16-1" Notice ta Creditors In the Estate of JAMES GRANT,; Deceased. ALL persons having dlaims against the estate of James Grant. late of the Town of Bowmanville, De- ceased. who dieni on or about the 10lth day of Fehnixar'v, 1949. are heneb *v notifieni f0 sond in0t1OW. Ross Strike. K.C., solicitor for the Adminstrators, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or before the 21st day of May. 1949, full panticulars of their c.aims. ImmediatelY after the sairn 21p4 day of Ma ' . 1949, the assets of the deceased will be distrihîitcél arnongst the parties entitled thereto, baving regard only t0 dlaims of which the said solicitor for the Administrators shali thon bave notice. DATED aI Bowmanville, this 2th day of Apnil. 1949. W Ross Strike, K.C. Bowman'/ille, Ontario, Solicîtlor for the Administrators. 16-3 Personal SLENDOR Tablets are effective. 2 weeks' sioply $1.00: 12 weeks' $5,00, aI Jur « & Lovelî's and McGregor's ýDnîig Store. 16-1 SKINNY Mon, Women! Gain .5 ta 15 ibs. New pep, too. Try famous Osînex Tonic Tablets for double results: 00W healthv flesh; new vigor. New "get acquaint- jed" size only 60c. AIl druiggîsts. 16- HYGIENIC Supplies - (nubhcr goods) maiied postpaid in plain seaîed envelopo with pnice list. Six samplos, 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Onder Dept. T-38, Nov-Euh- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamîtion, Ont AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY CATTLE The undersigned auctioneer has been authorized ta soul by public auction for R. C. Pearce LOT 27. CON. 1, DARLINGTON Vi~ miles south of Courtice and ~4mile east. on Wed., April 27ih The following valuable livestock 12 Fresh Cows and Sprlngers Il Vaccitiated Heifers 12 Heifers, 2 years oid, freshen in fali 5 Heifer Calves, 3 monthç nId il Calves, Heifers and Bule 3 Good Holstein Bulis, 700 to 800 pounds Above Cows are AIl Young Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terme Cash ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer. 16-1 AUCTION SALE The undiersigned will seli by pub ic auction for M. Goldstein at Trhe Cameron Farm LOTS 2. 3 and 4, EAST WHITBY TWP. (on No. 2 Highway, one mile east of Oshawa) on Safurday, April 301h The following: 33 head Registered and Grade Holstein cattle; horses: pigs; fowl;, John Deere tractor and full lino of tractor implemnents including fertili7.er drill, binder, mnower; double disc, milking machine and milk cooler; new rubber tired wagon. Terms Cash Sale at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Sellers and Atkinson, Agincourt, Auctioneers. Auction Sales The undersigned will seli by7, public auction for Fred Crawfordi, north half Lot 19. Con. 12, Man- vers, 3 ilcs east of Highway :3.5, (Fleetwood) on Wednesda'y, Apr 2ttefollowing: 3 hanses, 13 hr'ad of cattle; bogs; feed; a good line oi farm implements and quantity of household furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. (E.S.T.). Torms cash. J. C. Curnmiskey, clerk; R. J. Payne, auctioneer. 16.1*ý Solina Sale Exchange at Baker Farms. R.R. 1 Hampton. Twiligbt sale commeociog at 6 p.m., Fni- day, April 29tb. Horse show and sale comprising ponies; hacknev, saddle and beavy horses. Horses unsold not charged commission. Imp]ements; - two-horse tandem dise: three-honse M.-H. cultivator; 1 '/- hp. M-H. gas enigine; oe- cYlioder M-H. spray pump; mow- ci'; bioder; rubbor tirod wagon andi oak rack; cedar post.s; pigs, calves; stockons, etc.; rogistered Shorthoro bulîs: five reni beifers; seven-year old Holstein cow, due May 6tb; three-weeks old caîf. Sale will continue by floodligbî if not cleared by sundown. Ted Jackson, Jack Baker, Auctioineer. Mngr. Phone 2180. 16-2 Wanted DEAD horses and cattie for free pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 or Cobourg 48J. We pay phone charges, Gardon Young Ltd. 13-tf Work Wanted ~ ALL types af tractor field work; also manure loading. W. F. Werry, Phone 2539. 14-3 DITCHES dug and back filled;, water pipes laid. Apply Leland Payne, Phone Clarke 1304. 15-2* Room and Board REST Haven, Newcastle ' Home for eldenly ladies. Some vacan- cies. Apply Mrs. Pinnegar, Neix- castle. 16-1* SET Lost SE f key)s on key ring. Finder please bring to the Statesman Office. 16-i LADY'S light blue smWeater lost in vicinity of Libé'tv and King Sts. on Monday night. Phone 2794. 16-1 * WILL the man who found my talking budgie with his bens, name Tajoe. please communicate with Mrs. McNulty, 4 Duke St. Rewand.l REPAIRS TO ALL MIAKES of Sewing Machines Wonkmanship Guaranteed Ca!ls Mide on Thursdays SINGER SEWING MCHINE CO. 47 Waiton St. Phone 1015w Port Hope BE PREPABER AND Avoid the Rush! Have you r lawn mower sharpened, ready to, eut tjje lawn with precision sharp- ened blades. WE PICK UIP AND~ DELIVER Give Us a Cali G. F. JAMIESON TIRE DENOT Cor. Kingr and Sîlver Sts. Bowmanville - Phone 467 RexalFeatures For Spring Now is the time for extra caution ta preserve gond health. - Build your resistance against seasonal e(>ughs and colds by supplementing ynur daily diet with some of these well-known Rexall Furtest Vitamin Products. PURTEST VITAMIN PRODUCTS Plenamins, 50's - - - $18 Cod Liver 011, 8 oz. (plain nr mini) --85c Cod Liver 011 Capsules, 100's --$1.19: Exîraci Malt with Cod Liver_011, 16 oz. - 75c Proteet Your Woollens with Sperial J:LKAI'S MOTH FUME BRYLCREEM OFFER! CRYSTALS Wîth each largo tube you ne- 16-oz.- -------------- -- 49e ceive a quality comb 5 lb'%....----- ---------$.35 SPECIAL! lc Sale of Woodbury's Soap Wxith the punchase of 3 cakes you neceive one additional cake for only le. 4 CAKES - 30e NEW! Rexali Deodorizers The newest method of des- tno.ing household odors. A fouch of th-' firîger releases a fine scentod mist destroying unpleasant odors. Fine, Cologne or Meadowoweet EACH - $1.98 aý)so1uteIy FREE for a limited lime ONLY - 49c TOOTII PREPARATONý »5 Denturex (cleans false teeth) 1----- 60C Briten Tooth Faste or Powder --------eaeh 33e M.1. 31 Dental Faste ----- -sMali 23e Rexali Dental Fix 1-os. 25e - 3-os. soc Rexali Milk of Magnesia Tooth Faste .- 29e NEW! Amm-l-dent Tooth Fowder ..--75e JURY & LOVELL 1 ~YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Wben We Test Eyes P in Donc Froperly I'ni.NE 778 BOWAMANVILLE t., -.."&... -. and uîh' hattpriVý ar L nni fan belts. spank plugs, spark pIli g pumps, seat covens, etc. Cari also supply to farmens contracts for gasoline. Frank Carter, your Cities Service Wholesale Agent, Phone Bowmanville 2717. 16-1 TM CMADLAN STATUMUR, BOWMANvff.ýtr', ONTAluc TRUMDAT. APRM tlf&- iùàà PAME PrmnTrm t

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