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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1949, p. 8

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PAGE ETGHT *'HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWP~&ANV1LLE. ONTARJO THUR~DAY, APRIL 21st. 1940 HAMPTON A goodly riumber attended the Good Friday service in charge of aur pastor who gave a very thoughtful and impressive mes- sage on the theme o! the "Cross." Misses Yvonne Williams and Barbara Rogers contributed an appropniate vocal duef which added ta the inspiration o! the service. Easter Sunday services were largely attendedl, which w-as quite encouraging. Af the evening ser- vice our paston presented a fine message fromn the words "Now is Christ risen f rom the dead and become the first fruits of them thaf slept»- The choir rendered two splendid Easter selections, Mrs. Howard Milîson taking the soprano solo in the anthemn "Hosanna ta the Son of David." Sorny ta report the serious iii- ne," of Miss Dora Purdon. who was taken ta Toronto General Hospital on Sunday, wbere she is neceiving freatrnent. We are pleased ta weicome Mn. and Mrs. Fred Payne and daugb- ter Julie to Hanmpton, they bave mnoved from Oshawa to their fine new home next to parsonage, algo Mrs. Payne's mother, Mrs. Thompson. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Cullough of Newcast le wbo have recently rnoved to the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ali. Randle, at south end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Niddery and Connie, Bowmanvile, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. L. S. Nid- dery's. Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. Reeves and son, Ray, Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Goodman, Mr. James Gregory, Oshawa,, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole, Bowmanville, with C. W. Souch, and Mr. and Mrs. K. Caverly. Mrs. Catherine Jacob, and son, Walter, Port Hope, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilchrisf and Linda, at J. R. Reynolds'. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters and Ralph, Toronto, with the Salters. Miss E.sie Macmillan, Alex- ander, a guest of Mrs. E. H. Cole. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reynolds, Lenore and Alan, were Good Friday guests of Miss L. Reynolds. Mr. L. Pascoe, Toronfo, was Easter guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Challener. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Parker, To- ronto, with Mrs. M. Goodman and Louise. Mr. and Mrs, Ted Kersey, To- ronto, Lloyd Kersey, Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and Clare, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler, Oshawa, at S. Ker- sey 's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilcox, Cobourg, af J. D. Hogarfh's and H. Wiicox's on Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mackie, Mr. and Mrs. White, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Hogarth, Oshawa, wifh Miss L. Reynolds and Mrs. R. Pascoe. Misses Dora Purdon, Alliston, Margaret Purdon, Cberrywood, and Mr. Harold Purdon, Toront o, wifh their parents, Mr.,.and Mrs. J. Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox and Madlyn spenf the week end wifh Rev. and Mrs. Frank Cryderman, St. Catherines. Mr. Douglas Caverly spent the week end with his cousin Donald Fennell, Islingfon. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, af home. Mr. Morley Hastings, Toronto, at G. Adcock's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lockwood, Marilyn and Sandra, with friends in Toronto. Miss Betty Knox, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mounfjoy spent Easter Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns and Barbara, Oshawa, at Don Adcock's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nelson, To- rontQ, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowmanville, af S. Williams'. Miss Cecule Petit, Miss Sharon Guesf, and Raymond Petit, To- ronto, af W. Chaprnan's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams and Miss Eva Williams were Easfer Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowrnanville. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Chekig n uePal etine T..c # 4 1 How United Nations truce teams on the widely-scattered fighting fronts in Palestine kept In touch with each other ls shown In this photo of one o! the key stations in a U.N.-organized radio network covering Palestine and, Rhodes. This system helped make it possible armistice agreements naw lun cfi Erma and lIa, Thornfon's Corners, at J. W. and Gerald Balson's. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Trul visited ber sister, Mrs. W. Cun- ningham, at Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Cryder- rnan, Joan and Grant, Oshawa, af L. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Noble .,Steven- son, Burlington, week end guesfs at J. W. Balson's. Miss Hazel Cunningham, Cam- eron, is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. 1liarland Truli. Mr'. and Mrs. Frank Wosflake Sr., Solina; Mr. and Mrs. M. Cochrane, Oshawa, at Tom West- lake's. Mr. Donald Yellowlees, Kitch- ener; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellioff and farnily, Peterboro, af Mr. N. E. Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Chapman, Kirby, visited af Elmer Wilbur's. ' Mr. andý Mrs. Elmer Gibson, Marilyn and Keith, Blackwafer, were guesfs ith Mn. and Mrs. Sam lDewell. A regrettable error occurred in last week's Wornen's Instifute news in regards to the district speaker. The item oughf f0 have appeared thus: "Word bas been recoived that the district speaker, Mes. Hayes, will not be in Hamp- ton on May 4, as planned." (Intended for last week) North end residents of the vil- lage were much alarmed and excited on Tuesday when a bon- fire on the promises of Don Ad- cock quickly spread f0 a grass fire, endangering adjoining prop- erty and it was with sorne diffi- culty it was broughf under con- trol by the several persons who rushed to give assistance in every way possible. A number from Hampton at- tended fhe special meeting af Trinity United Church, Bowman- ville, and on Tuesday nighf sev- oral of our choir members oc- cupied the choir gallery. Mr. and Mes. Fred Daw have taken an apartrnent in Oshawa for the sommer. Miss Mary Louise Daw, R.N., nighf supervisor at Toronto Gen- oral Hospital, spent two days af ber parents' home. Mr. and Mes. Stuart Daw bave moved from Oshawa f0 Bow- manville and bave taken an apaef- mecnt at the homo of Mrs. Daw's grandfathee, Mr. A. E. Belîman, King St. PONTYPOOL We regretfully report the death and funeral of Miss Mar- garet Costello. Most folks read- ing these words will probahly %vonder who the lady was and where she lived around Ponty- pool. Roiighly about 15 years ago, a Miss Jaynes rented the farrn west of Ponfyýpool, now op- crated by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Best. We believe Miss Jaynes' in- tention was to run some sort of an cgg laying ouffif. When she moved on to the farrn, she was accompanied by a rather quiet, reserved type of lady, who assist- ed in the operafions of the newly estahlished business. Miss Jaynes suddenly deparfed this neighibourhood and leff Miss Costello stranded. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and their son, Per- Icy, invited the stranded lady fo stay af fheir home for a spell. It turned ouf f0 be a good fhing for both the Robinsons and the stranger because Mrs. Robinson becarne increasingly an invalid, necessitating, the services of a practical nurse, wbich position the late Miss Costello admirahl-, filled. Hcr funeral was held on Good Friday af her old home at Enaismore, Ontario. Iis nice to ho able to note fhat neighbours of the Robinsons, Mr. and _Mrs. Chas. Best, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Curtis and Percy Rohinson accompanied the casket, contain- ing the remains of this liffle Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 319 Dundas St. E., Wbltby j FINE QUTALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention f0, detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of irnported and domestie Grýpnites and Marbies in stock. ;ruace wnintpavec.. *15V y j Ar tae ect between Israel and Arab state. known, somewhat lonely, reserv- ed lady, on her last sad journey 1to her final resting place. Due to ber frail physical con- dition Mrs. Robinson was unable to attend the funeral. It is -sel- dom that two funerals are held from the same home in less than two weeks. And, we can well imagine the st!ain that Mrs. Ro- binson and Percy have undergone lately. Did any of you folks ever un- dertake f0 move a stone gate pil- lar? In that case, don't! Here's what happened this very April 16. It was a nasfy snowy day, rather than do nothing, we decided f0 move that pesky gateposf. Our gateway must have been design- ed for a pack mule, if has always been too narrow for trucks, bull- dozers, etc. Sharp at 8 a.m. three adults started to dig the post out. We thought it would be down in the earth a foot or eighteen inch- es. It was four feet underground, we had f0 go through a foot of frost, 'besides chopping off a lot of pine roots. We finished mov- ing it at 4 p.m. In the process we used a Cletrac bulldozer, heavy logging chain, Ford tractor, 12" x 8" hickory, 5" x 14 ft. oak pol- es, two ironwood hand spikes, hand rake, two doublefrees, 14 feet of plowline, Swede saw, ham- mer, axe, pack pump full of wat- er, 2 shovels. Then used up the resf of the day by loading the "A" frame of the bulldozer into the fruck and f ak- ing if f0 Leskard, where Jim Ca- meron did a swell welding job on if. The 16 foot gateway that we now have is well worfh ahl the bother. If required seven hours. We had thoughf if mighf take, a haif an hour. We esfimated the weighf of the post f0 be about fwo and a haîf tons. Stone and cernent posts lasf an awful long time, but, take a fip from an old codger, put themn in the right place at the start. If will save wear and tear on a lot of fhings, inc'luding machinery, fooîs, head- aches, ulcers and bad language. Easter Sunday coaxed a lot of rnotorists f0 try ouf the roads around here. If also was the means of bringing lot3 of folks f0- gether for the first officiai holi- day- since New YearS. The trains hrought plenfy of people to stay the weekend wlth relatives. So xnany visitors crowded into our vicinity that it la flot feasible to list them aial. The Church put on a special taster Service that was much. appreciated by the attending congregation. Our guest, who halls from Newcastle, New Brunswick, was telling us about the time that his father returned home in the ear- ly hours, one bof July rnorning, from a fisbing trip. Our guest and bis brother were sleeping on a verandah screened i by Vin- ginia creeper. Just as the fathen took off one of his wet socks, a red squirnel came scurrying through the. creeper, missed his footing, and landed on the old man's bald head. The squirrel sprang back to the cneeping vin- es. Whîle the father, who bas a violént temper cbased the squin- rel, trying to bit him with the wet sock, at the same time yelling ouf that, "be'd murder the red headed s0 and so if bie even got close enougb." The old gentleman bas quite a large nose. One day an acid- fongued neigbbour got on the bus, and in a voice loud enough to be beard by ail, asked the driver bow bis nose came f0 be so large. To which the driver replied thaf, "lie bad always made a practice of keeping if ouf of other people's business, thus giving it a chance to grow." Our guest tells us that bis fa- ther once declared that, the only difference ibetween ho and Churchill was, "Churchill knows ail, and I'mail nose." The Afbletic Club bad a splen- did dànce last week, realizinýg a nice net profit. The boys intend their next boedown to be a bard luck affair. Everyone is suppos- ed f0 corne dressed in, their old clothes. Anyone corning dolled up will be cbanged double the re- gular price. Knowing these far- INCOME mer lads as we do, and having seen some of the weird ouffits they wear anound home, called clothes, we look forwai-d to see- ing some unusual ensembles. If migbt flot corne amiss fo tip some of the fellows off to rol up their ovenaîl legs for the next few days, especialy if if rains and tbey have to dlean ouf the box staîl wbene the -calves raiqa a win- fer. Bruce Hogarth Wins Honours in O.A.C. Short Course Standing seventh in a class of 52 students in the final exarns in the short course in dairying af the Ontario Agicultural College, Guelph, wbich concluded necent- ly, Bruce Hogarth, Hampton, came in the honons division. In first place, T. L. Farquharson, Kimberly, won the Christie Med- ai for bis remarkable showing in taking 1,012 marks of a possible 1,200. Bruce Hogarth, a son o! Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Hampton, served in the late war as an of- ficer with the Imperials and since refurning home has been ernployed af the Hampton Cream- ery, owned &nd openafed by Ted. Chant. On winning bis OAC cor- fîficate, Bruce rejoined the Hampton Creamery staff. Mrs. Bruce Hogarth is the former Miss Edifh Rackham, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Walter Rackbam. The young couple bave one small son. Bruce's father, J. D. Hogarth is widely known as Clerk and Treasurer, Darling- ton ToFvnship. Bruce is also a grandson of the lafe Tom Baker of Solina. The Stafesman extends cornmunify congratulations f0 the successful student. TAX CWAC's, the girls who served* in the Canadian Army in Worlt War II will hold a re-union ir Toronto early this summer. Washes by exclusive vacuum. cup action-easier on ciothes. Rinses and dries witb extra hîgh-speed rotary dryer. Does ail your laundry in! one hour a week. Saves soap and bot water. No built-ja connections needed. EASY TERM.P $219.-50 The Radio-Shop Phone 573 38 King St. &, INFORMATION ~1 1Outstanding Quality.a ANN PAGE-WHITE or Bvb MER BDREAD A & fi CUSToM GROUND DOKAR COFFEE HEDLUND'S MEAT HALLS FANCY KETA SALMON CATELLI COE ANN PAGE FAMOUS-WITH PORK HEANS1 VEGETARIAN OR BOSTON STYI DAINTY CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP *' 2Tins 219 HEINZ TOMATO ]KETCHUP B- . 249 JELLY POWDERS JELL- 3 Pkgs. 25e BULK ROLLED BATS "*3 lbs. 199 AYLMER CHOICE PUNPKIN Tin z.99 APENN NOTOR OGI Gmar$1.15 MAPLE LEAF N TOIES 3 Pkg 19e PRIMROSE SWEET M IXEL> PICLES 16.-:;. 16e WELCH'S GEPJUICE B16.o2le STEAKS OR ROASTS PORTEREUSE lb. 69g WING OR SMIN IO b.69e B DNELES ROUND lb. 65< MLIT laBInEiKlib. 2Me FIYINGCHICKENS Delicious Flavour m m MILK FED GRADE A 21/à TO 3 LBS LAM NLEGS « *lb. bigPOK DUiT LMNIFRONTS-* 5<SI LVERBR IGHT PORE LOINS Either End lb. 539 SALEON STEAKS FRESH SHANKLESSp FRESH PORU I Mr,>ES .% 5< CoDFILLETS 1 PRICES IN EFFECT UNTiI.. SAT, APRIL. 23 lb 49C i b. 55e lb. 35e *lb.- 31< TEA. Of ficiai Representatives of the INCOME TAX DIVISION are to be statioried in ' PORT HOPE POST OFFICE and will be availabie from APIRIL l9th to 3Oth INCLUSIVE For thxe purpose of answering queries in connectio à with 1948 Income Tax Returns FINE CANADIAN 24azaa lcOL» CIIEESE lb. M5e 24-zlof I c ELVEETA tfA CHEESE KRAF l2.V.27e --lb u54C PURITY 5l SFLOUR « E;T -b.33e 16-oz lin 39c TUNA FISH Tii43e PUR ITV 1/2,as lin 18C GOATS*-4z 6 PEACHES i 2Ol21 1ozlin 12c CROWN or EHV2-b2e CONSYRUP Ti25 HAE LE 15-oz lin 19 FLORWAX -1b. 41< AÀ& P FRUIT£& VEGETABLE SA WINGS VOUR A & P PRODUCE BUY OF THE WEEK TOMdATOE S NEW CROP, MEXICAN, FIRM RIPE No. 1 HAND SELECTED QUALITY 14-oz min celo pkg 2015C New NACH Cop,. lb.. 290 CELERY STALKS - - 2 for 25e NATIVE No. 1. GREEN MNONS NLaSr uncho 2 fr9 0 SAL» IX Freth Shr.dded Colla SALADMil Vgetables, No. 1 Pkg.15 Nw Brunswick, 15-lb. POTATULS canada Table Stock Ppck* Bey Red or Mue Brand Beef - Canada's Finest Quality VOUR A & P MEAT BUV 0F THE WEEK SLICED SMOKED 13A»N BREAKFAST lb. 59e CHOICE SLICED POI LIVER lb. 33e 1 tIM CANADUN STATESM«, BOWMANVMLLP, ONTAIUO - PAGZ XIGET nr-TMDAY, APRIL 21st, 1940 de

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