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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1949, p. 1

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""Durhamn County's Qrec*t Family Journal" VOLUTME (ES - - ,a~d .~J t, Vanadian Institute for Dhind Planslo Extend Servies A'or Siglitless States Secretary Speaking at the Lions Club on ove of its sponsorship of the cur- Monday evening, E. G. Brown, rent drive for furids to aid this Peterboro District Field Serre- great movemnent. tary, Carnadian National Insti tutet The programme was in charge for the Blind, gave a glowing ac- of Barney Vanstone, Chairman, count of the work of this groat Blind Committe, who welcomed humanitari3n organîzation since as guests thrce ladies represent- its inception just 30 years ago. ing the local Cammittee for the From a mcagre start after the Blind, Prosîdent. Miss Helen Cry. first world war, an uphill fight derman, MVrs. M. J. Hutchinson had been waged to enlist public and Miss Florence Werry, and the enthusiarm and secure necessary1 guest 'zre1,r. Russell Oke intro- means for mnaking life brigbteri duced M.Bon for the sightlcss. Today. thanks M he.SBrown. to public response, the InstituteThSpae serves the hlind from coast to Born in Vancouver, Mr. Browvn coast arnd is tr ' ing canstantîy to lost his sight as a cbild. Ho ho- improve its service-. The story rame a beneficiary cf the xvork was told by Mr. Brown at the in- for the sightless by attending the vitation of the Lions Club on the scbool for the blind in his native --city and graduatcd at the ago of 1 ct lhe enrolled in the Uni- C. Stephenson, M.P. rsttf British Columbia, an SeeksNomintion ed his way by working in off SeeksNomin tion years at occupations hie had mas- For Conservatives tered, andi finally graduated a ____BA: ma.îoring in English. Coming oast h? joined the staff of the Speaking at the annual meeting Nation.,1 Iiistitute and for the of the Port Hope Progressive past two yoars has been Field Conservative Association held in Secret-iry at Peterboro. serving Port Hope, Thursday, April 21, the five coatiguous counties. Charles E. Stephenson., MP. dis- Mr. Brown, a young man wîth closed that hoe had been invited a pesn esnltsoewt by the exerutive to again contest caîro fliîency as hoe dealt with bis Durham Countv in the forthcorn- sbeti osctv nn ing Dominion clection and that it ,vith tho use of a few cards in braille wnirh were consulted xith eft fingers from fii o ttie lis verý, manner, his intellectua 'Chievemonts, bis confidence and ýsurance ere in themselves a onvinciiig evidence 'of what can je achioved by the sightless if ziven the impetus cmbodiod in the help planned on a national olane by the Canadian National ~ ~ Institute for the Blind. Organization The origin of the Institute in Canada was, traced by the speak- or bacte to St. Dunstan's Institute CoElan andE slir Col.E. A.d ABakr lndeian saci- Stion on '.he western front. recoiv- cd instruction at St. Dunstans which fired his imagination to creato a Canadian organizatioen of like character on national linos. With a few associates they laid the groundwork for the structure now sa weil established in thisj country. A nat."onal sUrvey was under- taken ta, discover every sightless persan in Canada, serviceman and civilian alike, to make the seheme truly national in character. At that time the only progress that had been made was the establish- ment of Sehools for, the Blind at C. E. Stephenson M.P. Brantford and Halifax and these xvere limited tq aeademnic instruc- is his firm intention ta do so. In tion of children. Some instruction his address at the gatherittg ho WaS given in handicrafts butI gave an extensive summary of nothing xvas organized in the way what has happenod in Parlia- of helping graduates to obtain mient since his election in 1945. lemployrnent in any skills devel- The federal member was intro- oped. duced by Major the Rev. John The OId Order W. Foote, VC; MPP, who repro- sents the riding in the Ontario Legisînture. Major Foote, Arho has won the respect of ail parties by his forthright speeches in the recent sessions in Queen's Park, said: 'Charlie Stephenson is a man that has wvon admiration and is a grand man to work with in this riding." Mr. Stephenson will be nom- inated at the forthcoming con- ventien of the Durhamn County ,Progreýsive Consorvative As- sociation. During the Easter re- cess ho visited most parts of the caunty and found a strong de- mand that ho acccpt the renom- ination. He left Sunday for Ot- tawa to take up his duties lxhen the House reassemnbled on Mon- day. He said: -Do not ho surpris- ed if a sudden cectior) is callod." ±SUWMA VILL. ONTAIO. TIJR~ocV APRTT, 9Rh 1Q1 A.l .LÂ ÂL O J. YouthsMaking Fuli Use of Memorial Park DeGeer New Rotary P resideui V. Mathewson Guest Speakez Tells About Recreation Plazu' It was almost Tarante Day at South Ward Park, and At both'ihi the Rotary Club luncheon in the Public and High Sehool groinds Balmoral Hotel, Friday, for two There will also be a recreation de. young ýmon who wero born and partment for tiny tats. At each raised in Toronto werc projected a supervisor. iii take cIh.re into the spotlight in the program and funds will be required in eujch and~ club 'business. Both identi- case as partial rcmnuneratioMZjpr fied*with atbletic and community qualified personel. The spea.4ér affairs in the city, they are now put the whole case on a practieal citizens of Bowmanville and on- plane and wvon much applauW.ïor gaged prominently in community his reasoned and constructi,6.4# affaîrs. peal. Hoesvas thanked byéiý First ta win applause xvas Walt Vanstone in his usual eloqMt DeGeer wha was voted the new mnanner. President of Rotary for 1949-50, Noted Speaker Comng:Z9 and ncxt to ho acrlaimed for a President Howard Rundle"-ý vcry able address xvas Vince Ma- congratulated his successor,eý*i tbiewson, recently appointed Dir- ident-eleet DeGeer, declarei3: ector of Recreation for the Bow- manville Community Council. who -poke on the philosophy of recreation and its importance to modern society. Mr. DeGeer lhad the double honor of recoivmng birthday flowveis along with Dr .?'t J. C. Devitt anather famous foot-' bail athlete of a former day. Crowning Honor MVr. DeGeer found it difficult ta express thanks for the honor ~2S conferred by bis colleagues, but < bis flueney returned when hoe told of hi$,. pîcasure at becoming a menfibér cf Rotary in Bowman- ville, a very romoto prospect for a neighbourhood youth in the city. He declared that his eleva- tion ta the Presidency of the la-.: cal club was the erowning honor of bis career. Ho is the Manager of the local branch of Sheppard and Gi and a Past President cf Bowmanx-ille Chamber cf Com- merce. Ho bias taken a prominent part in clevcloping athietie teams in this to'vn. Mr. Mathewson was introduced Walter DeGeer by another Rotai-ian who lbas -been belief that the hearty support h. active in athietics for y ears, De- liad reccivcd would ho extended puty Reeve Frank Jamieson. Ho just as heaî-tily ta bis ,d yn amIc îerapitulated the personal history foliower in office. To Mr. of the speaker as it appcared inl Mathewsoni. went the, Presi- The Statesimari recently wben Mr. dcnt's gift for an able address. Matbewson addressed the Lions Visitors at the luncheon included Club. Speaking with customary Rotarian Rg. Gardiner, Cob*uri earnestness the new Dirertor cf and Frank MeMullen, NewcastIej Recreation again outlin2d the wbo came witb Ceeul Carveth. work planned for the present sea- 'îeg-etnsweexre son wbirh xvas already under way ta Dr. Bill Tennant wha wasbak and deait particularly with the in hiý place àfter 1an a-srnèe M rbecreto inance seven months on the siek lEst. " Recratio FinnceNext Frîday the club. wi-l have Ho told that most smail town-, as guet speaker. 4a Jar Geîw~ comixunities wvhich have embrar- Churchill.i înl;, nted Cà"ai cd the idia of, organized Com- miiitary figue and'faîi-id as'den munity Recreation have found internationalhoem.-Gntl the' budget reqtiireci foi- effective Ma-nn is a saon-in-làw )of C ol. . appiication, ta be from $5,000 ta 5.,MrLaugh'iiii, Oehawa, and ' A .310.00)0 per yeaî-. The amount bis visit la Bowmanville. he W~ no\v on liand in Bowmanville xvas ho the guest of Col. L. T. Md- around $600, hience it was neOc- Laughlin, CMG, DSO, and Mrs. c ssa ry ta devise concrted plans McLauglhlin. ta raise 'the nccessary amouint. The speaker made a ýstî-ong plea for servie clubs and indcist ry to1 Anong the delegates attendin& support nlainied campaigns for the biennia' meeting of the B ay of funds and ta give active sponsor- Quinte Conterence Branch .cf thie *-shp Io local teams in ail branches Woman's Missionary Society At of zporIs. Smitlis Fails this week. frQri Fouir sepai-ate pi-ojeets for out- Bowrî-nvillc, are Mrs. W. P. rdonc ecrc'ation are mapped out Rogers, Mrs. C. W. Slemon. Mrs, for the season. Supervised pla. G. C. Quigley and Ms. Robçrtý These ufý and eoming basbaIl own age limit from around theso forwai-d ta a full season af sports ton Fei-guon: Front row-Don- 1 stars undet-hewtfu guidance prts and their confidence is such1 and in orcei ta hav-e the nccessaryadSecnCrPirGog of garage owner Bill Mutton ai-e that tyai-o pîesently selling cquipmcnt thcy are raising their Hcath, Icxvin Brooks, Mervin making full use of the Memorial draxv tic kets on a girl's or boy's own f'unds. From lcft ta right1 Brooks, Bobby Johnson and Ray- Park in tlhe south end of to\vn.i bicycle- ta raise money for uni - tbcv are: Back row-Danny Bates, mond' Sellers. In fart, thev are convinced that forms anti n0uipmient. The above Jack Buttonsbaw, Ted Dadson :-)ob uhMDnl they can dèeat any team their 'group of nntbusiasts ai-e looking Ross Jeffecy, Russell White, Clin- Ph'îob uhMDnl Fi rst Basebal 'Practice To-Night Spring is really bore' Bowvman"- ville Intermediate Basebaîl Clb have called thoir first practice of the soason for tonight, Thursday, April 28 at the Higb Sebool Grounds. Evers-one interestod in nmaking the team this year are asked ta ho prosent by 6.15 p.m., soaner if possible. The pi-osent club executive are anxious that a full turnout shows up s0 some idea cf the strengtb cf the team can ho cstimated. Any înterested spectators who have spring foyer and are anxious Ia hear the crack cf the bat will ho made welcame. Keith Jackson Heads Chamber Commerce Keith Jackson, manager of'GetPas in Stedman's Store, was elected Gwendolyn WJilliams president of Bowmanville Cham-LoAneesRar Community Council Plans-- Pro--J--.m For the Summer Vinre Mathewson, Director cf Recceation lac the Town of Bow- manville, presented in detail bis playgî-ound plans foc the summer moiltbs a! the meeting cf the Ex- crutîve of the Community Coun- cil beld Tuesday evening. The pr-ogramme designed ta cox-er ail sections of the town re- quires thc help of supervisors on a fulîtime basis. In order ta carry out this very extensive plan it is estimated that approximately $1,0)00 xill ho needed. It is hoped that this amaunt af money can bo raîsed through variaus projeets spcnsared by the Community Council and by donations fromn concerns and private individuals. Pcogram la detail will ho pub- lished next week. meeting of the executive held Tuesday evcning in the Lions Comînunity Centre. Ail officers elerted at this meeting wxill hold their position for 18 montbs until ucioor 19 u i iexvîth ta îe- I general at that time the cent motion passed at a generai Canadian experience was that meeting cf the Chamber. relatives took came of the blind or For the first part cf the meet- if thrawn on their oxvn thoy cked nutlheofcrwr le- out an Pxistence selling shae laces ed, the retiring Seeretary, Walter on street corners and s0 forth. DeGeer, condueted the meeting. Oniy in citios could ho found the Other officers iacluded Ist Vice moagre opportunities for the Pros.-Dave Higgon, 2nd Vice sightiess ta cama a pittanre. In P-s Sa orsn raue rural Canada, the biind citizons Pe.Sa orsn raue were reduced ta belploss and dis- -Byrion Vanston and Secretari'- couraged individuals. Sc; the sur- Managem-J. Shebyn. v'er v eacbed eut ta got the names Immediately foliowing the elec- of the entire Population of the lion the new president occupied blind, in Canada., the ch air and conducted the meet- Thon, with a comprebensive ing. Chaimmen cf the '-aciaus programme cf assistance the In- rammittees are as foiloxvs - stitute set about getting individ- sivic-Sid Little: Rural-Clame ual histories in order ta make tho Garton; Tdustrial-Dave Hîg- programme individuoiîy effective. gon; Comrmercial-Stan Marri- Next came the steady endeavour son- Speciai Events-Bill James ta make the publie conscious of and National Affairs-Georgei (Cantinued'on Page Seven) Moody. The Punch Line of Orono's Champions This weck ftle editor receivec a "rushi" postrord îmomn Mrs. ME. Allia, Las Angeles, tellilig0 her change of addî-ess fî-om 1821 East 2nd St. ta 2424 Cininnaf St. and cantinued: 'Please don' lot me miss even orio Stotesman.' We arc taking pains ta see thal a speciol xvrapped copy is sont along in the meontime toaoccomn modote Mcs. Aluin wbo is anc of aur most x-olued. long-fume sub- Fcribers. even when a native of Noeývcostie, hem hii-thplace. ,Mrs. Allun odded a note giving information on a former Bcw- manx'ille girl. Gwendolyn Wii- jîams. internotionoliy famed pia- nist. "Miss Williams gav-e a mar- velorîs inforpretation of ber Fkili in the Pbilharmonic Auditoriun bei-e Saturday' niglit wbcn she xvas accampanist for the famous singer Lottie Lehma." In furthec comment Mms. Ahlin wrote: "*Certainily you can ail be prouri Of Bxmn-il-contribu- lion ta the Muîsic Faculty of USC and for hem brîlliant success asa musician anti accompanist." Oldest Mother To Be Honoured For Mother's Day i. if I fi 't Lt 'f '-t f il Wood Scîtato, whbih as beci' flhc officiaIlloal Toumist Bureau sfor the Past twvo eoi-s, is being diustc up by Sgt. at Arms Olivet- Roberts ta aceommodate miotorists 1this seasoni. A lar-ge supply cf mops and literature is agoin ex- iîected from flic Ontario Gavera- ment Tourîst Burt-au ta hond out ta ail callers. itîcluding local cr oxvners planning trips. The interior of the Senate is mnurh moi-c attractive since S. G. Preston and Sons didJ a free paint- intg and decoroting job just Leoaie Christmas. Several oldtime Sen- ators have 'been on the sick lisi, but most af tbem have prctty w-ci recovered. Farmer members xvifl ho absent during sceding but the aid standbys stili bî-ighten tho 6w'v 11 and evening sessions with poli- tics, ouchre and heamts. Darlington Sof tball Six Teamn League Organize May 2nd The Damlington Softball League %xvii baud tîteir annual nmeetinîg Mondav. Mas- 2nd at the Mapie Grave School bouse ta dmai u the 1949 sehedule and make some imnortant mule changes. The lcague this yoear xviii con- sist orf ix trams. As yet, oniy fix-e ha'-e vo'u'ed thrir coti:"'ît ta play irlidiîîg 1\aple G l'O p. Courtice, Tycone, Ebenezer and Salem. but we are expertiniz a 1 sîxth tn-,m ta came from cîther Shows or a towxn tcarn. cosl'. ast vear witb Co:trt.ý-e xinning the clip. This vear an cen mai-e succes-fîil sc..ahi is bloped for as six Itesm- :bould make the competition kroner. XVeeklY rcports xwil] ppear in The Statesn:,an as ta the pragress of the league. ' children,.NIrth B.", '. ,i %. isiting Fier mother, Mrs. G. C. mi Borinycastie. B I e s Who s, the cldest motlier that is a resident of the tovn cf Bow-- manx-ille? That is whbat Dave Buckspan. manager cf the Rayai 1. 4 M4,Theatre , waulri like ta know ho- iIII~ ~' cause ho bas a ceaI treat in store for the oldest mothet- in tawn la naction with Mothec's Day. Next Fridav ening. May 6th, thie oldest moîbher will ho bonour-- cdi ta thp theatie xvitb anycce iin ier fan-ilv xisbing ta aiccampan ' lier. Duciag th(- evenîng per- - f6î'maiiceshe xvilho reccgnized b ' vbavinz a presentatian made ta bei- an the stage af the theatre. Arrangements have beon mode ta bave special transportation bcing hec ta th-ý theatro and take hber x- anme. Several mort-lants in - tO%'m h ave danateçi sne verv warthwhile gîfts that xvîll ht'. pro. sented to ber the nizlit cfMa Theme is only ane catch in this sebeme. We don'! know wha the oldest mnother in Boxvmanvillo î<, -. To Ossizt in i fnding out xvho luis distinguished lady i, . hor son. cangltor, grancîson, ,.,andau2b- Dean West Junior West Ray West froflc other herSclf are ro- que.sted ta xvc:îe ta Dave Buck- The above photo shows the were backed up by every mem- piaver t'a tne team foc the soason ..-pan at the Royal Theatre stat- three West brothers who formed ber of the team toi make an ail- Junior bas earned it two ycars - 1ng hec age and the dat& cof hem the scoring punch-lino of the star aggcogafion. in a '-0w. Tho brothers xvere birfhday. lt is imporative that Orono Junior Hockey Team Juînior- bùlds the player trophy. grouped forc the above pose a! lilese ' efiers Le tIini fot inter thaît which %von the O.H.A. Jr. "WD' aise sp: nus a nity nic-tkie the (lots the banîquîet t'ndt-ied Lv fth edtî--axi oîî, lI~x til. Championsliîp this season. Rac-k-,on \xvi-h indîcate bis, prohifit "itizens of Orutaîlonitt o n- I.Ie~:Oeao '~rn îng up il stcaîghf wins ia îLe scoring. The tropbv 15 gix-en ini capture of the cbompionsbip ýn a'id * ', g anc ge ' will1 ilaydowns these three Lorwards J recognition of the znost valuable the final Lame against Milverton. reaily' be worth you.r while. )1 Oshawa S.A. Band Tennis Club Plan Gives Excellent Opening Party at Concert at St. Paul's1 Memorial Arena 1 A very appreciative audience .welcomed the Oshawa Salvation 3Aî-my Band at St. Paul's United Church, Tuesday evening, April 19. and listened vvith fixed atten- tion ta an excellent concert. The concert Was given under the patronage cf Major Robert, officer in command of the Osh- awa Salvation Army, who also arted as Master cf Ceremonies in introducing the varlous num- bers playod by the Bandi. Band- master Gentry, altbough conve- loscing from a very-sericus motor- accident, conducted in bis usual fine form. Ho was ably assisted-. hy deputv bandmnaster Sargent, These txvo mîlsicians dielighted thc people with their special num- bers, Mr. Sargent in a cornet solo and Mrs. Gcntry' in two violin solos. The latter xvas accon-panied at the organ by Mî-s. Reta Dud- ley, organist at St, Poul's Churh. The programme of band music xvas intei-spersed xitb tht-c vocal numbcî-s by six ýýoung ladies cfi tbe Ohw Army corps whlo mode a goceat impression with thoir perfect hacmony. Following the concert, mei-, bers of the'~ band and their fami- lies wbho had accompanieci themi to Bo',manville, wece entetti n- ed iin St. PactEs ossembly room1 by memb'ers of the Scugog St. anti Liberty St. groups of the Junior W.A. who bad sponsored the concert. Wood Senate Al Ready for Big Bowmanville Tennis Club ex- ecutivo held their first meeting of the y car Mondas' evening in the Counil Chambers with Presi- dent Art Hooper in the, chair. It was decided to have a Club Party on Frida.v, May 6. in the foyer of the ncw Bowmanville Arena, starting at 8 p.m. By request, this social evening wil bc sirilar- in nature to the one held at the close of last sea- son. The evening's entertainment iviii incluce cards, gamnes of skill, dancing -and lots of foàd *for ail those presont. Everyoria inter- ested in tennis, whether a mcmn- ber or neot, wiIll h made welcomne. Admhissioni is set at 25c per per- son, -fao over expenses. Scoliary major items of bWziness on the agenda was pick- ing officers and committees. These are: Vice President-Bili Tait; Seecetary,- Mrs. J. MeNu- ty; Treasurcr-Mr*..J. ïMcNulty. Commnittcs are as fnlioxvs: Tour- ilamient--Mrs. S. R. James and Jack Duim; Social-Marie Môisc and Mr. alnd Mrs. Keith Jack- son: Pulîcit-Bcrt Johonston; Special Events and Entertain- mient-Mis. E. Finniegani and Stan Morrison ; Caniteeni- Art Bell: Grounds Cornmittee-Bill Tait, Art Bell, Jack Dunn and Art Hooper. Ail Set for Box Lacrosse Enclosure TEe r lacios sticks are biggerj interes! in these young chaps, net Hugbe,, Ron Woalner and Bob ian the va:;n!7Fery themselves, only iii lac'rosse but in ail other Johnson: Front row - DerWIn ut ~x -rttie "lic' L. . aie 'sports boi-îg cic-velicpe'tt t the, Highti'-Iti. Larry Piper, Trevor 1 '< t "t.:- th(L- ;. tîJ<'1ta plaN pi'rk. W'î h e <' lads are lact<- Alliisort, Eric Niekerson and Ron i " i e l r r ( - i - > 't' b - n g n i ' !z /e h e -\ m a k o u. p jii e n - M u t t c)t l. ~ r c- 'h ,.e .e r-c'-sPark. ttiîîj;a.,m. PJ'rmlf argtfo Bill Mutton is taking an active are: Back iow-Bill Sellers, Jack J --photo by Hugh MCL nJ& Ie er )r a ma - - - 1 BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. APRIL 28th. 1949 ÀM

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