'NUESDAy, MAY Stti, 190 THE CANAfl!AN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO A f 1V SOCIAL AND pEEONAL ?boue 663 eva Bates spent Sunday visiting Peterbora. Mrs. Luther B. Nichols, Cala- gie, visiled friends bei-e over e weekend. Mr-. and Mns. John Wilkin, To- onto, spent the wcekend wibh -. and Mrs. Jack Gai-be. Mr. and Mns. Chai-les V. Hoar, oronto, spent bbc weekcnd with is parents, Mn. and Mrs. E. V. oari. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Pickard. ingsville, spent bbc weekend ith bis brother. Mn. A. W. Pick- wUd and Mi-s. Pickand. ,,r. and Mirs. S. S. Lumb, Ban- rftviited bis sister, Mrs. W. IJLeas and bis mother, Mrs. E. T.Lumlb. Elgin St-cet. Mn. and Mrs. Will Prower, To- ranto, werc in îown Saturday. They expeet ta mave to Bow- rnanvillc this summen. Mrs. J. Coylc rcprescnbed St. Andrcw's Presbytery Cburcb aI the Prcsbylery Con ference beld in Peterbono last week. Mrs. Gco. W. James returned by plane Tuesday afler a Ihi-e weeks' enjoyable visit with rela- tives in New Yonk City and Occan ~Giove, N.J. Mr.Alex Coixille is spending hidays at her home here. Mrs. iColville bas held the. position af telanotograpb clerk at East ST. ANDREW'S Presbyterian Church Corner of Church and Temperance Streets 10 a.m. - Sunday School Il a.m. - Church Service MInister: Mr. Peter Wotherspoon Organist: Miss Louise Osborne. STRANGERS WELCOME General Hospital, Toronto, for the past year. The cellar excavation for the new addition ta tbc local Bell Telephone building bas been completed and the contractons are on the spot ta rush the job ta completion. Miss Dorntby Evans and Miss Rose Kibsey, nurses in training at Toronto Gencral Hospital, were weekend visitons with tbc formei-'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans. Scouting about bbc country aven bbc weekend motorists saw a bnush wolf loping across a field near Ncwtonvillc: red foxes wene seco cavai-bing along the lake- shore cliffs and a coon xvas t-ced in Bawmanvillc. Huge storage tanks wcre in- stalied underground last wcck for bbc handsome new service stabion crecbed by Roy W. Nirbols at the canner af Silver and Well- ington Streets. The foi-mal open- ing will take place sbontly. Dr. H. Ferguson and Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaugblin attended tbc annual coonvention af bbc Grand Chapten Royal Ai-ch Masons in Ottawa last week. Col. McLaughblin was a Grand Chapter officer last %.car, being Grand Swvord Bearen. Andrcw Young and Rex Caver- ly were elected ta the Burleigb- Anstruther Councîl Monday. The two vacancies. filled by Ibis elec- tnon. were caused bv bbc deatb of Henry Edwards and the resig- nîation of Pency Thompson. Rex. Cavcrly is son of bbc laIe Mi-. and Mrs. W. C. Cax-eriy. Boxvmanville, and brother af Mrs. Bill Oliver. Miss Ca.tbarinc Annis, B.A., Osbawa, bas i-eceived a fellow- ship awand 10 continue ber gnad- uiate study of Fine Arts aI Rad- cliffe College, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, for bbc next year. Miss Annis is daugbtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Allin F Annis, Osbawva. Bowmaiiville's newlv formed Football Club will hold tbe fi-st meeting of bbc scason aI bbc Higb Scbool grounds on Satur- day, May 71b, aI 1:30 p.m. Any- anc from town wbo is interesbcd in pîaying soccer is askcd toata- tend. According ta, a press dispaîcb tbc Menchanîs Baseball Team of Osbawa hopes ta have Ai-tic CIe- mence on ils pitcbing staff Ibis season. Former stan pitcher for Bowmanville Juniors and Inter- Smediates, A-lie is now residing A spring fashion show was inaugurated bbc past wcck when sulent foi-ms were decked out in --------H-I -S -D----Y FAMILY DAY -AT CHURCH SERVICES AT il A.M. AND 7 P.M. Bapllsm ai the Morning Service TRINITY UNITED CHURCH IMinîster: Director of Music: Rev. S. R. Henderson. B.A., B.D. Mr. R. G. Harle. 'Bolbrik' Siding t9, Ir, Johns-Manville 3-mn-1 Strip Shingles $8.29 JNewv J.-M. Asphaît Shingles are mcex- A heavv, slate-sur- pensive. Fan ne- roofiog tbey may be faced siding in RED applicd igbt aven or BUFF coloun. old N-ood shingles Ibus saving appli- Made by Toronto cation lime and gix- Asphaît. Easy la ap- ing vou a bebler roof ply.Rollcove 50a b less cost. ply.Railcoxes 5 colons anîd blends sq. ft. Rail 52.35. ta choase from. Murray's Insulated Siding $6.49 Heavy, durable. slate - surfaced as- pbalt bonded ta ý'e" lbick bigbly iîîsul- aive board, Tapes- try blend, bunudie covers 38 sqt. ft. E"2rday Special!1 Copper Screening <RU ST-PROOF) Take advantage of this exceptional offer to repair or replace vour warn out screens and sereen doors. 30" wIide - reg. $1.33-- . 98c yd. 32" ivide - reg. $1.42 $-- 1.05 yd. 36" %vide - reg. $1.58 ____ 5 1.19 yd. <Offer Good Saturday, May 7th OnI.y) Don McGregor Hardware Co ?BOXE 386 57 KING ST. W. DELIVERY TWICE DAILY spring colours of varying shades the church were in the Sunday of green. In other words, the School, a ioud speaker being used leaves on maples and chestnuts for their benefit. Atkins Flower are well out and soon will be Shop, Bowmanville, decorated in full sheen to shade the streets the alter with beautiful flowers ail summer long. which added greatly to the ser- A family reunion dinner was vice. Dr. James Semple, Peter- held in the Olympia Cafe, Wed- bora, Grand Chapter was guest nesday, when proprietor Louis speaker and his brilliant address Laskeris was host 10 his brother, on "Starting Fixes in Cold Rooms" James Laskaris and family, Carl-' will long be remembered. In the ton Place, and bis sister. Mrs. pulpit with him was Rev. A. E. Kapos, Toronto, and three daugh- Eustace and Rev. W. Sterling, a ters, also niece Mrs. Chrysslor, former pastor of this charge. The Montreal. choir loft was filled with Masons, Robt. I. Scott, 413 Mortimer a quintette from Oshawa gave two Ave., Toronto, in renewing his well rendered num-bers and Mr. subscription writes: I get a great A. T. Milis. Oshawa, was heard deal of pleasure reading The to good advantage in the solo, Statesman, especially Pontypool -The Lord is My Shepherd." news as that chap Ed. Youngman is really a card. I lived alongside of him for a number of years and NE WTON VILLE he was one of the best neighbors ____ I bad for 20 years. Mr. Jas. Tamblyn and son, An appreciative audience lis-GodnTmyTrntii- tend ban xcelet msicl po-ed Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morris. gram at the Salvation Army on Monday ex-coing. Among the best Miss Annie Nesbitt, milliner ini items were two well executed Toro nto, is home for the summer. euphonium solos by Capt. V. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moase, Lind- Farmer of Clarksburg, W. Va., and say, visited his sîster, Mrs. G. W. piano and vocal solos by Bands- Jones. woman Eveline Farmer, who also The Cemetery Co. and Com- accompanied her father's solos. munity hall Committee beld their Mr-. Len Knight. Oshawa, render- annual meeting Monday evening ed a tenor solo and provided 1 Reports next week. accompaniment for vocal items. Mrs. Phoebe H-oldaway. Wes- St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met in the leyville, Mrs. Tone Langstaff and Primai-y room on April 27. Miss Mrs- Mabel Langstaff visited their iCresasser xvas in charge of the uncle, Mr. Alex Mai-shall who Iworship service. We xvere ail bas been quite i11. pleased 10 have Miss Ileen Balson with us for the evening. Worship service opened with a sing-song WEDDING withý Miss Balson at the piano. Miss Creasser gave thc theme. Jean Bragg led in praver. Scrip- ANDERSON -LOCKHART ture was read by Joyce Bragg. Re.SR.Hnrsnoicad Remaînder of' the evening was aRte.mai- nage f or ohyEan- spent in plaving games. a h araeo ooh vn Memersof he omeLe guegeline, daughter of Mr. T. H. Membrs f th Hoe LegueLockhart, to Mn. William Anden- met on Friday evening at the son, Toronto, on Saturday, April Salvation Army for a pot luck 301h, at the home of the bride's supper. Following an abundant father, 59 Church Street. [Mss meal, the ladies participated in a Verna McConnell, Toronto, coutsin heanty sing-song led bs' Lieut. of the bride, was maid of honor, Farm'er. The evening concluded Mr- Norman Ridout, son-in-la bx- an imaginai-y trip to Nova of ihe groom was best man. The Scotia and Cape Breton through reception was îîeld at Balmoral the medium or Dr. J. C. Devtt l otel, aften xvhich the couple left beautiful films. Mrs. E. Wlesfrasotwdigtp expressed the group's apprecia- forashort_________trip tion to thc doctor. and the meet- ing closed with the Mizpah bene-D rl gonF tb l diction.i aln tnF ob l lst Pack of Bnownies met April League Organized 26wlde leadership of Brown W ihNn em OlViolet Colwell, Tawny Owl ihNn Te m Dorothy Thompson and Packy Beverly Frank. The Pack play- At an enthusiastie meeting of cd two games and Tawny bold a bbch Darlington Football League story. The following tests were1 held in Hampton Town Hall, Mon- passed; Nature - .Tnan Turner; dlay evening, May 2nd, entries Knots-Gloria Smith; Courtes,,- were received from nine teams Donna Thirtle; Tea-Donna Thir- for the coming season with Bow- tle. Manlene McDonald and Iris mnanville coming back onto the Axford received their Golden roster xvith a re-organized team Hand. They are now Ist Class of experienced players. Teams Brownies and are elegîble ta work repnesented are: Zion, Solina, En- for badges. Good work girls' Anne niskillen, Hampton, Tyrone, Bow- Fairman reccived ber skatcrs and manville, Orono, Maple Grave artist badge, and Joan Buttery and Courtice. ber Writers's and Skater's badge. The first league game will be A large number of Bowmanville played Saturday. May 141h, bc- Rotarians and their wives at- tween teams which will be lisI- tended the annual Rotary Club ed on the league schedulc ta ap- District Convention at the Royal pear in The Statesman next week. York Hotel, Toronto, the first of It wiil be the heaviest scbedule Ibis weck. They incluided Pres- ever played, witb the nine teams idenb-elect and Mrs. Walter De- booting the bail in 72 games dur- geer, Secretary and Mrs. Blain ing the season. Several new ElliobI, Presidenb and Mns. '110w- players from the Old Country ard Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. will be seen in action on some Morris. Mr. and Mrs. M. Van- of the teams. stone, Mr. and Mrs. J. Easbaugh, A resolution was passed at the Mr. and Mrs. F. Jamieson, Mr. meeting ta have the secretary of and Mrs. H. Bickle, Mr. and Mrs. each club phone in the results ta Gea. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mor- the press atter each home game rison. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mitchell, thus affording good coverage Mr. and. Mrs. M. Dale, Rex-. S. R. whicb was not organized last sea- Henderson and Col. L. T. Me- son. Plans are alreadv undcrway Laughlin. ta charter buses ta take in the games 10 he played in Toronto by visiting international teams. The executive officers lce OO UNU for the year are: Prcsidenb-Tom Baker. Sauina; Vice-President- Mi-1. Murray Paterson, Bellev il, John Slemon. Enniskillcn; Sec'y.-i spent the w~eek-end with Mr. and Treas.-Jack Reynolds, Hampton.> Mrs. J. A. Paterson. Mr. Donald Staples, Malton, -pn h week-end at home T R N Mr. and lUrs, George Oliver ____ and family, Bobcaygeoii, visited Mr-. and Mrs. Walter Stewvart Mr. and Mvrs. Neil Porter. and son. Billie, St. Lambert, Que., Mr. and Mi-s. Geo. Crowthcr with Mr-. and Mrs. George Ail- and Chai-les. Newý,castle, visited dread. Mrs C. Wood and attendcd bbe Mr-. and Mrs. Loi-ne McCoy, Masonic church service. Brooklin, with Mni. and Mrs. Har- Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa, visited ald Skinner. Mr. and Mns. H. Rowland. Mr. and Mi-s. F. L. Byam, Mrs. W. okn amnCîfr n rmil Ms on, Eleaîuor Osborne, Janie -Me- His with Rev. and_-Mïrs. Jb Chure, Marie Lewis. Bernard Wýilkinson, OakwÀood. Lynch, Doîuglas Lxcett. Ted Wîil- Mi-. and Mrs. H. Bi-ockenridgc, son, Lilurie Stapleton, James Mc- 'Leona and Norman, Centervîlle, Clui-e and Frances Bruton. The with Mn. and Mns. Gussie Rose- idges wcre Rev. Mi-. Buint, New-! vear. onville,M-. Mellow%, Newcastle.1 I-. and Mns. O. Beckett with înd Mr-. R. Moses, Kinby. They Mi-' an Mrs. Floyd Beckett, En- warded the sîlver medals ta îîiskîllen. loan Bi-uton and Douglas kyccît. Mn. and Mi-s. Murray Tabb with Aii contestants recex-ed books Mnl. and Mrs. R. Calbert, Osh- Jonated by Mn. C. B. Tyrreil. awa. rusical numbens .%-ei-e a solo by Mr-. and M.%rs. W. Rahm and vIr. Colin Ta.% lor. two organ uxn. Kentiît with Mn and Mi-s. J. E. )rs by Mrs,. E. Worknian and two Griffîn, Yelverton. elections by the thi-ce Lynch Long SaulI Chuncb was re - )ys and Mr-. H. Rowe. Ail caon- opened an Sunday wîth a good estants ai-e ta be conigiatuiated attendance. in thein veny fine performance. Special Mother's Day service Mrs. Hcnb. Rundle, Hampton,. and Baptismal service next Sun- vîsiting ber parents, Mn. and day mo'rning at Il o'clock. i-s. R. H. Wood. Mi-J. and Mns. Clarence Goodman The Masonic services in Park'and Judith, Bowrnanville, with United Cburcb on Sunda%-M.adL .Gomn -enîng was well attended. The 1,i1- W.Mle isvitn iurcli was fîlled Io capa<-îtx fi-ndq in Bowmanville. while a iarnber unable to get i.n Mni. and Mrâ. Francis Hall and à Mrs. W. T. Warden visited rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wonna- cott and Ross, Dixie, witb Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. Mr-. and Mrs. H. A Werry and Jeanine, Mrs. H. F. Werry, Kcd- ran. v-isited. Mn. and Mrs. S. Jewcl. Mrs. E. A. Virtueand. John visit- ing in Dixie and Toronto. Mr-. and Mrs. Alan Moffatt and Leon, Bawmanville, Mrs. V. Wil- liamson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspeil attended the funenal of 'Mrs. Glaspell's aunt, Mrs. Arthur Lewis, Port Hope, an Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Hooper, Peterboro, Mrs. C. F. Arvdale, Mr- and Mrs. Dave Hooper, Orono. Mi-. and Mrs. George White and Jean, Bowmanvillc, wibh Mr-. and Mi-s. Frank Werry. Misses Edibb and Joyce Wood- ley, Bowmaiîville, spenf the week- end at home. Mrs. R. Hawkey, Bowmanville, visited ber sister Mrs. G. Phare. Mr- A. Doney, Toronto, Miss Hoskin, Bownîanville. called Sun- day ta sec Mn. and Mrs. A. Haw- key. Mr-. and Mrs E. Waters,' Osb - awa, visited Mn. and MIS. C. Stire Mn. and Mrs. G McCoy, Mr. R. Hawkey, Bowmanx-ille, wcnc teai gucsts of Mi-. and Mrs. A. Haxvkey on Sunday. Congratulations ta Mn. W. J. Tape, a foi-mer resîdent of bbc Long Sauit and naw of Fort Erie, on cclebrating his 801h birthday on Sunday at tbe home of bis daugbbcr and son-iîî-laxv. Mi-. and Mns. Bei-t Haxvns, Fort Erie. Mrs.1 Richard Hatberle 'v atteîîdcd bbc celebrabion and also visîted Mr-. and Mrs. MI. H. Tape. Mrs. Howar-d Finley, Unionx-ille, and Mr. Dean Finlcv, Sunderland,' x'isited ber mothen, Mrs. T. H. Richards and Mi-. aîîd Mrs. C. Biaelow. Mnr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs aîîd Michael visited Mi-. and Mî-s. W. Gibbs, Osbawa. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Wood, Audrey and Teddy, Bowmanville, witb Mi-. and Mrs. Loi-ne Annis. Mr-. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley, Mn. and Mrs. N. J. Woadley at- tcnded the Masonie Service at Orona churcb an Sunday even- ing. Mr. Jim Woodley enjoyed a trip ta Massachusetts this week. Junior Y.P. met at the vestry Sunday evening with a fair at- tendance. Doris Park had charge of tbe meeting. Veranica Friend gave tbe devotianal. Patsy Phil- lips playcd a piano solo. A scav- anger hunt was enjoyed, after wbicb cake and ice cream were served. Tyrone Recreation Park Com- mitIce met April 28th witb Bill Thiesburgci- prcsiding. The fol- lowing wcre named in charge of sports for tbe coming season: Senior Football-Ralph Glaspeil; Junior Football-Chai-lie Camp- bell; Baseball-Leslie Coombes. Murray- Tabb xvas appoinbed ta look aftcn bbc footballs, etc. The committee are planning a field day June 4tb, more particulars later, Mi-. and Mrs. W. Park enter- taîned at dinner on Monday ev- ening aI a birtbday parby in hon- aur of ber mother, Mrs. F. L. Byam. Smnashing Their Way By Joseph Lisber Rutledgc A sbort wbîle back bbc bead of the Soviet Cominform addressed bbc party members on a question afIo 'oyalty. Il xvas a strange sont af loyalty that vowed allegiance riot ta ones. own land or one'si owiî people but ta a fareigo crccd plcdged ta donîinate a wonld. Yeb,1 s trar'ge as il was. it met xitb a ready respanse. Tbe part of com- munisnî abnoad was ta wonk and figlît for Mothen Russia and ta be ready when tbc ime arrived ta give ail assistance ta Soviet troops1 that migbt came ta ibenate theiri land. Who wcrc bbc men wbo pledged thein party ta such treacbery? Their voices were beard, Thorez af France and Tagliatti of Italy and lesser known, but flot la be oul-done, PollitI of Qi-cal Bnibain. Sbarkey of Australia, Larsen of Denmark and Pessi of Fmnland. They wcne not offcning the sup- port of Russians ta Russia. They wenc saying thal Frcncbmen and Bitishers and Ilalians and Aus- tralians and Danes and Fions. xvbcn tbe moment annived. would sdil their own people ta the in- vader. Il will be noted Ibat. oubwardly aI least, Comnades in Canada and bbc United States made no such avowal. But a fcw day' s ago nepresentabives of the Federal Bureau af Investigations, testify-1 ing at the trial of top raîîkiîîg communists in thic United States. were able ta fuIiin willî some evîderîce. It xvas ex'ideîice bliat pre-dated tbe axo\val of Europe's comi-ades. The xxibiesses tld af a Leniîî Mlemoral gatbering in Detîroit inIDecember of 1946. Tlîe speaker-s at blat gi-cal gath- ering wei-e Caî-l Winbers, Michi- gan state party directon, and our own Tim Buck, bead of bbc Labor- Progressive party. According la witnesscs under oabb. Ibese men made figbbing speeches. Winters said Ibat the parby was "bebind alI stnikes - auto, steel, elecînic Mother's Day1' Cards 5c - 1lOc - 25c REVLON'S "Touch of Gnu" Face Povder ------ 65ec Fashion Plate S1.2.5 Lastron Nail Enarnel 7 5c Lipsticks - ---65e - $1.00 Nail Enarnel - ---- c0 Match Box Set $ 2.00 I.D.A. Brand23 Reg. 33c - 5.,c - 43c 19c -37c 23c - 43c . 73c 9c - 3 f or 25c and meat." He added: "The tirne is soon ta came when Lenin's tcaclîings will be put inba action." Everyoîîe knows what Lcnin's leachings wvcn-violent revolution wibh contraI of tbc state seized by party members. Oui- own Tim Buck listcned, approving. When bis lime came be spoke for "us cammunists." "The time is sooni coming." be said. "wben commun- isîs will smasb thein way ta vic- bai-y." Thene Iben is tbe unitedt front of communism. And wbat docs victory mean? Il means bbc absolute and com- plete domination of a world bv men wvho bale God, who bate ail forms of religion, wbo deny ail rights of propenty, al nigbts bf fneedom. wbo bale succcss that is ont their oxvn; wlîo love onîy rutlîless power and who scek to, iîîpasc it on a world. That iq xvbat the "comirades,'" wbether Russian or British an Amenican or French on Canadian, intcnd for In flic United States tbey have Abbott and Costello. That's a lot of fun. Here wc lhave Abbott and CosI. That*s NOT a lot of fun. Thc way tbc Russians are go- ing. Iooks like tlie Mar-shall Aid plan may become tbe martial aid ComiPetitive Prices and Personal ServiceI SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS for Thursday, Friday, Saturday W. raservo the rlght to Ilmit quantitle, gdmn4e&4tmn LOTION .......600 CIL ....60~1.10 POWDER ... 281&550 CREAM .........55 soAp ........... 5 Ale x. We Deliver Neilson's Chocolates Speclal Mother's Day Wrap 85c $1.70 Milk of Magnesia Calamine Lotion L.. 5c 45 Corega Plate Powder Wash Cloths ------ I q For Mother's Day P age& Shaw CHOCOLATES Je wa6n4 of& el&nc e -ýBOND STREET PACKAGE .ON E POU MD $1.25 ('.tnaFOR BABY '3 9 IlizBaby Foods 3 for 25e S.M.A. Baby Food 98C Stecdrnan's Tecthing Powders 25e Drugs Phone 792 REMEMBER NOUHER'S DAY Sunday, May Sth BO.XED CHOCOLATES, for her sweet tooth, by Laura Secord, Neilson's, Page & Shaw- 80c lb. up HUDNUT GEMEY PERFUME - ---51.75- $3.75 HUDNUT DUSTING POWDER --------- ----.75 VELVETTA BATHI SALTS --69e EVENING IN PARIS PERFUME -----75e - $1.65 -$52.75 TOILET WATER OR COLOGNE . 85e - 51.60 GOYA PERFUMES 75e - S2.25 - %4.50 up YARDLEY LAVENDER PERFUME - 1.25 - $1.95 - 953. DUSTING POWDER with puff------------------- 1.75 COLOGNES: FRAGRANCE ------ 1.50 LOTUS $1.50 - 2.5O BOND STREET TOILET WATER S 1.7 5 Johns Manville Ready Roof ing J.N.REGAL ROOFING- smooth surface, 108 sq. ft., 45 Ibs., with nails and cernent $2.25 J.-M. PILOT ROOFING- srnooth surface, 108 sq. ft., 55 lbs., mith nails and cernent - -- 5 2.95 J.-M%. SLATEKAT ROOFING- siate surface, 108 sq. ft., 90 lbs., with nails and cernent - -- $3.69 Coloujrs- Red or Green Soap Boxes -----------------------------14c BABY NIIEDS ~ Baby Week-May 2Io 7 1.D.A. Brand 39C Ba>-.1 Crea[rn Reg. 50c 1ato eni& 21/2lbs ------ 69C $1.59 MFENNEN BABY OIL with lanolin - MENNEN AntisePtie BABY OIL ---------5-11-23 BABYS OWN TABLETS 23e TAYLOR BABE BATH SOAP --_ 12- for 23e PABENA, Mead's - ----- ---c----- - 5 300 DEXTRI-MIALTOSE. Mea4'S --..-------2-- 7 c -$-00 PABLUM Mead's ------- 25e 50- PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGre or, Your Local I.D.A. rug Store m PBE as FLOUR Follt LIGOTER - MORIE TIENDER PIES,Î, ýÇAKlES AND PASTRIES TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVME. ONTARIO 1 MOMMAT, VAT Eth, 1049 IbAf4v mili« m