Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1949, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 'rHUSD -- MA -W&, la" BRJNG YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD BIRTHS l'ARKER--Muý and MuIs. Lionel Parker Jr. w îsh to arnnounce the 1-irth of a 1:on in Box.. manvil le Hospital. on VWednesda, ax'4. 1949. 1- SW\AI1N -M . and Mrs. Ernie Swain. Buketon. annotînce lhe hîrth of Iheir dauphteu. Jud - CARDS OF THANKS Room and Board -- - REST Haven, Newcastle, Home Mu. and Mus. Luke Nicholis for Elder] *y Ladies. some vacanc- %vish tb hank ail kind friends_,es. Apply Mus. Pinnegar, New- and neighbous for their many at^ ate 18-2* of kindness. also fruit and floxv- -______ _____ ci- and encouraging Easter me- 'vanted To Rent SaIges. Ail xwcuc rntîch appreciated __ ________ duuing Mr. Nicholls' five weeks' FIVE or six-roomed bousc, bN stax'10 hspita. 181 Ma". 241h. Reliable tenants. Ex- Lucille. ai Oshaao eaxcl iclld l H s- 1----- -- -*«". ptal. on Misv Ist. 1949. 18-1 I vîsh Io thank ever.vone xxho ýcellent references. Phone 2834. waç 0kind during m ' recent 18-1 ENGAGEMENT ilInies. I amn regaining strengtb BUSINESS couple desire small andl health now and hope that it apartment. fIat, or small bouse 'M________r.______-v. il not bo Ion long before I arn bx June. Cao furnish excellent Mu snMu. .G.Bof In an- ,ibie. 10 sec voui ail again. It sure' reference. P. O. Box 34, Ne\v- iloîlce19eeîgègemnlcflh i s l1111e b be î'ememnberd bY old casîle. Ont. 17-2 daîîgter EleeoRuîth. 10 Ray.- friends ______________ moîîd B>u (î~erx -on of j --Bill Edgei*. \I'r. anr lr rs. -eL.oîîslerx -1For Rent The marria-ec xiii take place I 8- June 4,h au. 3 p.m n tiih<e Eu 's t 1 wi-h bo thank sincerelv bhe PASTURE wibh running water. Baiptiîst Chxîrt-b. sbawa. 18-1 citizelis of this communilv for tbe: Phone 220<1. O. P. Hertzbeug, 1 u axknnse hxnm Bowmaox-ille R.R. 4. 18-1 Mi.and 1\11-. G.?lre h Liii-r on Ou nno iînur fiîe ie i uuiî xpoogdîlessox XV infîisbed roonia. Apply 1,:ci 1 have p:overed and hav h-on T,.C+ C2 Articles For Sale .32 CHRYSLER sedan. Phone 811. 1 GIRL'S brown raincoat. size 12-14. Phone 2670. 18-1* FRAME building, 16 x,30, best offer. Phone 840. 18-If AMERICAN cernent and r'ock lath. Order earlx'. Limited sui)- ph'. Phone 3690WV Oshawa. 17-4* .JOHN-DEERE tractor. Model AR. i0 good condition. Phone Clark 25:31. 18-1* EIGHT Feet in-throw Bissel] dise foi- bouses or small tractor. Phone 2 -1 9 -7. 81 TWIO spî'ing coats, size 9 and 10 years, dî'3' cleaned. 67 Duke Si., Bowmanville. 18-1* SETTING of duck eggs. Clar- enice English. R.R. 2 Ne\Xwcaslle. Articles For Sale Real Estate For Sale 1937 PLYMOUTH sedan, good EXCELLENT building lot, 1.ý tires. new paint. gabardine slip acre. corner of Queen St. and' covers. muffler and tailpipe. $695 ýLambert. Apply 18 Queen St. or best offer. Phone 980 between18* 6 and 9 Saturday night. 18-1* - --- NINE-roomed brick bouse. mod- '47 DODGE Special DeLuxe sed- i ern conveniences, 3-piece bath, an, heater. slipcnvers, fog lights. hardwood floors. double garage. etc.. low mileagc, excellent con- I argain for quick sale. Appl 'y dition. Garnet Porter, New - Mrs. Brust. 103 Scugog St. 18-2 castle. 18-1 -BUILDING lot on Prospect St.. '48 DODGE sedan, fluid dirive.j 50 ft. frontage. 166 ft. deep. Ap- immaculate condition. low mile- pl '\1Mrs. M. Brust, 103 Scugog aze, sun xisor. hieater, grill ,guard, St. 18-2 etc. Garnet Porter, Newcastle. - 18-1 BUILDING lot on Elgin St. Ap- - pl.vJohn Baird, 84 Elgin St., SIX cattle stanchions; pump for Bowmanville. 18-I filling spra.,or niou of cueek: Fordci _________________ car heater: orchard spra *cvr: 1160 COTTAGE, 4 rooms, verandiah gal. tank. N. Black, 156 Welling- partly furnished. 10 East Sicle ton St. 189-1 Beach. Bowmanville. 18-1' TRACTOR. on rubheî-. in xcel- S3.200-Orotio residence. Park lent cond ilion; also steel i'ol]or, ini Street, 8 rooms. solidi brick ancd Of(e f - u.----------------- 89" " Lioerty St. S., BowmaiiIJ. r~18- 1I*gno - oi"-" n .11'niN - "'-'" t-ticll"' W gu lu I -- Jean. o *\1 71 ocas Jie Pa-, Sicim dlisx1hpep18-1If Ie<oîî,Phone 194r41, Port Perrv.1200. Taxes $60. .erzii. (oof.- TiMr. an& d IN .. ois11 *v Io *ihaiik ail those ,xvho _i 35CHEV. coach, good conditionî. 18- j (cc-h. ui il M. sd Ms. li n. fîoxvers andc other g(n Appiy 28 Liberty St. S. or Pbone $.0 amo o iba' ries1 E. Ps tc oie 'ienia r vzifsaadLeU. DUy ppec869. 18-1* 1934 FORD Deliîxe coach, puiceci eaýst of Nexwcastle, 100) acres. 90 Ï8exii ae ~< ii; gfi- heoc(o vofîcesappe--T $425 on iîcarest offer. cecoîîcibion- xxork ablolacýi ir gse stee1 roofed l bauîî Ihnî cid so much to hrighten the LIVE poiiiluy for American mac- '35 FORD coach Nvith radio andl cc moîoni.iexx battery plates. gen- ancdi-igse, w-aber howx's, Mu.aul Srx W -Ilîigtii ru utloi~ veks. Aginhectfltket. Phonie 233 8-4:kheaber. in excellent condition. eî'aînr. relav-boun. tir'es andbrake electriciîv. 7-roomed brick lîouse, ofNex-s.1 e.xxi u o îîîou jo-lIaiks. sîdAiîev Veiiîi. IEpoitvfo o oAer-Apî-8tC r1 t 8-1 lilinog neaulv îîow. Applv J..J, water inside. oif w~eîir-îîI of Il c iillîr elde e iau iîmarkets. lTop lîcices paid. i SIX-roomed [rame bouse Io be - ___ - $.0Fai'm. on Lake Shore rlai~i1e. b ofle Elecn, 10 i' C hief of Polite P15 83Bovani-e S4 remox'ed [rominpropecty. Appîs- FLOOR CovcrIlil-g! Congolcuin run- $ob7 o ewovi2000aucs. WIîîîSlîeuu-e orloîi. ýonLARG18-1sue baby -cerinbRbbviIhampon. 18-3* net-. Congoleum rand! Rexoleum xxorkable, balance gnon lsslîre Mî Jb I Gî dn ntitu h oLARE -nbxth---- Deijîxe in xar'd goods aîîd î'tg and biîslî harois 35 x 72 and 24 x Johil Godon and h('flicr faili]- of bbc late Mus. sprîngs, tii good condition. Phonie COBBLER poitatoes. Apply raÏ sizes; also inlaicl linoleum xIvith 4.mtlrcf:wtra ai Mi ;s. Gorduon.The oiauriagv:11 ,iiiS.C 17nwhtexend-29xx. Ilana- a: F.F. orr48C. mtlros xac Ih Eî1 .Kii vs 0 xed29.18- 1 Aldsxxoî'th, Courtice, Phone 491 J2 takeplîicue the Iïiýter part Of Max, eutctthik ndapec sax'.axa ak .1.8orrs1o. val'round creck. Tciî--cooned i atoî cr beînnykidns-s.I NEp: Il 1 good conîdition and Phonie 48() 8-tf frame house, electricity, w aber in - uaucs anid messages of -svmpatî- l ii be ora ool ein Claî. J.PPhn Bwmadn. 2l665.orî'eaone.APPLE spua-er, iii gond conitiion: biotse. MARRI AGES adtnt ý,inizSent '(o them i Toxxnsli p S-otAeu u...Poe o'ave65o ooS 5 ands: I cultixator: 2 scuf- $8.500-F - .noî'th aiîl]xvest of duigtersd eevmn lJ. lVlllti. ScraxQioîîo. 18-I 27r16. fiers: 4-piece harcoxv: lax' rack: N Farm.c ncoi-vra. 77 ANDFs'o~ - GC'HART Qi 9e lss f a lea xvie ad [BEFORE selling vouir live poultry SUPPLY of Massev-Harris im- x'agonl: nînxverý: 1<)bags p12ns ewoi-5îbe.on 'olnt'mc. 7 hahil ic> .94-rl lii 199. it :21 mstlet:a es 1e bautfui flra I flour.aurpilt-sean bgbe. M pemets nd epaabu. cen Muiilaîi.AE.3'Eus.E. r.ecre. 1e'x-MkcbPast1uartee p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ii.t ryhiIciS:ue u- o eîgsfoitei ax e Fi .. Our, Bebare. phne rM -s. Ida Sadîe Hampo. Apl ' Cokv excaîe 81balance mixcd timnbrr busl, uic xîllc- b- ex-S. R1 lncle. o. hii xe1,trieîds ud nighotîr: 'sluea aîîd spuiîîg. cll steel bal-il Doolî v ui niSi. d. lite- of .paJeuîl ha îîs 1ndbueie:.Caon s,13.rex-er-se charges. 17-tf ITRAINLCîîiî.5f.-3 3 wt vtr -oonieni Mr . -t 1w- î-of 1( M. l- C'. Spence. s t ie e. anoRx- iONE Boy' Scout uiniform: boys\t"txl xÀnoo.bgc.Sou ecî lc csneîeiifn î\ .T C .Secr.Hýtns.adRN.VILLAGE poet, l mi C.C.M. il. in gond condition. Kîn liarniAil-o. Torontlo. 18-Ii PeWc1r Wight toc their C-orm- farni. gon oni pp v(niý,Dir Phone 2834. 18-1 le and stîsxx, spueccler. Ill pe- state of repair. f ortin',xvoncls. 18- 1 hem 'Couîits. Ininiudiate ' 1I - [ect cnoîditionî. Mis. rx'i Bragg,. - 1 ion unneces . sarv. oses- CORD\VOOD, eut in foot leîîgths. R.R. 4 Boxvmaîîx-ilo, Plîoîîe 2129.1 Foui-inSpeCtýoi appoinibmeits, DEATHSiouîncsa. S. F. Ferguison.'be 81 poeofir l lue Notices 142 Lorîîe Ax-eiitie. Ottawa, Plîouîe naple and bec-; bIvo coi'ds ta o81 pon fi o îue PIPR t eilae e euî 14 ____ _______2-127 18-2 load, $16 per cord. Phone 2952. -- LEBOY HAMILTON _______ e lin57.-2<11-tf LADY'S Eîgliýrh Jodhîpur boots. Broker Oroîîo, Ont Roolli Axe.. Toronto.ii Fri day. fNex'uashle Boar'd of Educatio_______ncxî.sire 9. niieliiex\' $1 0.00. 13-p Alîrîl 29. 19,19. Peairl l.uicv Piper' .*cne:ts thai ail childuen starn- Livestock For Sale 1CEDAR frees, onue Ic fouir feet. Blac'k riding 1boots,' sizc 7. price liclox-enlx f of Charles lHeniux1îîg school Septenîber Ist ar'e t :10 - --- s---u ---- -- iitabl-- foi hedges. 10cecdi, et i$700: Cxru-cor'clbreeches. 5170 S5.200 - Bu vs 4-roonîîrl fuamel Pilier caud desu- thier of Hec- bc ri'egistened xith Principal F. BAY maie, 5 i ccis nId. i0 Ail amos qDelane'7s. lalf mile noubli. 18. fiîîcst qrîaîity $12.00.Pilîori(,hingalnw.«fuîrîace. 3-piece bath- lie, t <Beirt). Allai ad iic utlx. Il-i\i- MtMilîeti by 1May 20th, 1949. condition. Appîx Wý\eîbanks sud one mile east o! Hampton. 17-2* 2679. 18-1 u'oom, gond locationî. crnit Ououîo Ceiîiee (-x- 1 8-1 18-1 VanAlI eî.nexn'tl. 18-il, ________ ELF,!ECTRIC stove. Mnffat, side FRSvg i 0rtb'~' pca 7.500 Solid .brick liouse. oiîîe ME~VIORIAM Hiving trotuble ,with '-ousexy- HRFRDcx'irîesn t'0oeiî. gond conditionî. Appl3' Gen. io!ffer: 4 lices. 4 nexv tubes. 4 steel 'oom. * ou furosie. blîiconm. I ME O IM ing n,ii(i,'Youn Singer repue- xeeks. Phone Clarke 13912, A. G. 1Farnconb, Newceastle, Phone 1141 rinîs. 4 xvacoui x eeluit tiox-ii, l-ii'o. lia îclwvoo'i [bonus, ail toli- seotative uilI bc iu Boxvmanxille Per'rini. 18 1 CI--uke. 18-2* s:i'c <m0li c omplet(, assenîbîx.vnetes, 2a-cetal. BROWýN lu loxig îîmîxof ioniTuiesclax until Fridav. If ____811 aIltirest 9e-,nis. x pn-k. guer- _no, ___are_ xtralot a iar 'n[ rnn.'ývavvoir are baviîîg ans' trouble witb HLSTIN and J ersey coxv; also HOUSF.. 18' b>' 12% iîngond ce- aiiteu'd .$72.50. G. F. Jemie.;oîî $4.500-Biv 30 acreio- aîn. < EIi7.abc:i ,r-oxx . xvbo 'pa. sed i .ouînmachiue ourxvouîîd like anx' Igond Yorkshire soxv\: hiollidue I Pa!r. cati be mox'ed. Appîx- vNor-'Tine Sbop. Phîone 4C17. 16-tf -a--soî'clîrbof acesavod 1 Px.cx-Mv'8il. 1947: jiniformautionî on iiexvon tisd around May 14th, Phone 2275.Im o.in- . Blackstock, Phîone creek. bîarn. a gzond fratrie lions. c Txvo d-rlriglît eyes. a tender 'jniabîes. \Vrite Box 245, Stat ma81Pn Pr> 1614 8I RYcdi o'1t ine - 11d ett l ons. îigenioti ch [oni- uc sIliemnOfc.1-1 i________________ --____- n 1 font Ieniglî . $12 per nnl A oiiidC. nirun Offite. 1&no REGISTF.RED Tamx-ocîth Hng. 11 FORD coac'h. good conîditionî. delix-erer!. Fuist-cieýss beecbîi 'I lapartmecIîts. lyioiin ,ho,-ttin-. A Ioxng lisi t lîau.kîuewii0 -nder 2 veci s. Appi>' Arcbie Appl>v Gordon Maîîtle at A. E. ipc.nttiiIfoleghîS18n grax'cI roan!. sîoxv plougliod. cui1c T E le:ct r on eiii i 1 Dee trst n Gd (at il -as AT"ETION PARENTS Ho.v. Ponilspool, Ontario. Phîone P h ainrs Courtice, Phone 1761.1 e od luee. F. G ilnr.F 4 il from village. Dcptuti o htalws Parnts of ail chîldien who ar'e Bethaîv 2t0r41. 1~*IObx'.112. exlovîl, bîîMIha' i3 ruglît. 18- k W 'I ialining Io enter Grade I of the 182 8<101) Biuxs a lo'etlîohome'.bik lîrigbî: reqiuesîed Io register tbem îîiext ~±c~ ae liens. one veau nid, las ing h OD[n oane.cuaiin all. fil]]basemeuit, hathcoomn. Ifrn zeucklunasu fn 0E'she'diîdo: xxek, May- 2 (o Mav 6th - Onîîx' iant spca\s-gu ianid i-oipr-ezsor. ailI fieldîispecIi nis,: No. *2 Coh- 9 i ,scueceîs iaur! douuble viii- Som gcîtl' c-t0f ov~sbed d: hîo-e x\\,ho bave rc'icliec the'i-r A imtedi quîaîttv of Baîîed nearîx- oew'. Phono 2819. 1- ir îd bpîîa~N.i d.-.cmuîtnîdn' nilt No bhîntglît of ,self. but of -1te -sîxtb birtbdad-cuiing 1949 xill be 'Rock and Leelin uttllefS. I1xveek ii bleos: aîsn icd. nxx- nl fucorce bnNob.ni ies oh er: M'-v-au-î I ceptedi. Registration formis mav ' to 101 xxeeks of age: 6 to10 ,1 veeks -VCUM Bat. i atul-ds feu'tiredul. u.go î.uî- nen fijrce. in e Il-oin I kiov H S un 'elldîîue bc nbaîîod al ilte schools. 'old pullets. reqîîire unlin t- eal s gn cnito $501.A- îîîgdose r e> i, lr Or gco nie-mumothlir. cWritesorgobdiconfoiinuit-es0aîîd - ig -ce Harv-y M-G I Ph acage-. Box-nanv-ille Board pîv 52 Car-iphonAxfoiniBoxvîîiaîî- 2837. 18-i - Lovh\uOîpls-52renlinîebAv.,iBoli- n- t2 Î5 f Edctation. 18-1 cquantits- axailable. Phone 2636x 11 8 1*_________1_______ -JMS1IO Tom. Bel>- anîd t-lidreîî. (8-1__ H. J. Brooks, R.R. 3, Boxxmaiville. - ____________ 'AD NS Cuioxvseî;R1EaeBrku Mî cK LE , 1Ilîoviîug mnicuiun-otf'a COMING EVENTS belli tuc.4. 7"xîce cb ' v;iî ht îcaîîeî:Pilorui(,' 82 Boxv-snville ci ar ol atri roher Or a Ic-ba e. oli r ck . -to basetca-olinll sier,\,c's.e 3-bu comopîcr rolcte., 01 \\-hso l camslîoier. mis vIi8-11, ilii hoseen b.y appoiîîtmont. phonîe zcucu'l cit e xxage: luîîîîeNo1.21.-Ciiî uoe.o Ke.xxh pser xxa M>81, Danc-e ai Txrone Hall. SatInr e o~2957.1-" "ue?<Pu-l'nîge:vc-N.2Hieliîx' as oss f Oshaxwa, 1 9 6 d x - c 7 b R î b w l s n 'v1F I '1'.)_ _ _ î u u î - e u i c r : k - ( h e t h f e . s u i t a b l e f o u m o t e , s e r v i t e s t a t i o n , We wxoluniIuveni îîuî saclî miss etY Baud. Admission 5t0c. 18-1 AND OTIIERS BUC ilural -vol ilu tablles. etc. Low' taxes. Easy terris. I ~~~~~39 UC conver'tible. Model]-cm es tdi oul:3lce chu. _____StudioC4ouradio healc Andich as diýxxuîs nunther3\eau, Doit miss,"Laugbiiig Irish IIN THE ESTATE of OLGA -ii46 raio. h e. defrosten, gond ii csin'ufielId Suite. iko Iieiv. .475)-ilpce.-'oi fîe con itin. Aripî WX. A. Tomîliî- -fl rc.710 11f Ili oui' muie!> bour s of (hi uuk îug Ev a :-;-ct pIc> i0 the Coiîi- ATKINSON GIBSON. Deceuised. so Ooî,Pon834 1-l'MpxsPoe81.8- clcivieun-.greolht Thogli 'f uiaierxer nîiuiiii- Ha . Nexx casile, Frida>- ALL peîsnusliaxig claiisN VACse I iig. u d>-neuoratch. vx ctian evenriiig. Ma>- 6tb. 16 -3 cgaîuîst the cislate of Olgua Atlkui- E VACstrco:IwVC 1935 DODGE coachi, 3 pnaebicallv C asetatn cx VC-lîlincîs. hii înouîims. iuîcîîunîcnîi. Inleal uiicsnl i> f.ulen molii-.lîo- Tue Compantions o!(ilie Forert Nexx,-cas( lein fthcCoîuuî(> of Dur- îîor electrîc washer, Phono 2972. jts Mce Cs:isdM i bBox;-man\-ilbe. hliers acu'tiIc~ rs. 18-Ix-u11l lold a eucîre iii the S.O.E. lxj, m Widoxx. xxho ni enionc81 ' aeone-x-ax2 : 2- furoxx1 -ase hall, Thîuuî-da>-, Ma>- .th. 8:30 p.m i-abouit Ilie 2Ind cau> of Febrrîarv. nîcxx' -CaIe ..1)-casli Il puc. Lot ii THOMPSÛ',CN -Iiinmenioi> Of a 18-I T 1949, ar'e uequî ircd f0 semd t hiePANS Ht-disc bracînu' ploxi; Nexx' Ezeeflo owax fuo118xilSpic. S nt ind lîixeli. f iimoir - i iîesgidal Post Office Box- \i mo id b efrt ilizer spu'eacre tiseci M.- H. 1.3- 0'dsial isrmet.ten, r xhCvtý aie-, txx'lx-cmiuîte valk [roui I\la>- TI .uii-nuui wîxiiîa-.ed lin -1-atiii toi Ladiles' Service C tub -39v.Bx iiiIu. Ouitaurun. fu11 rardeiabIe inttiesterm c-tobicuîixao: abe x'ue îd ocbar axs$210 10î e. I-ibecstdptbelioiesteel posis: W'afcr însuuesv\--! fc-lengcat rcxx sd, Ma-ISI, i ýIIl puesclit a phruv She's Mx, particinlcs Of the saune Oui Or'b- F. J. Mitchell. 1-1 s W:Sxuf' Fiiie .W H. 1948- Dci yv" inHu-nîpton Suindax- Sn-lool fore 19e 281lî dc>'of J(jii(,. 1949. 18 U o$35) ((0ccci 3 los I e0x25. i i i F3v eat lia i uul -i-nlohmi. licarni - oMou i Fuia>-.Mav 6. 'Admis- -afler ,vhiich date fic a.ss'ls of (hoe FLrttdwedîs -Brownu, Case Dealer, Phonîe 497.off5round o! -,llotxxa' No15. 2 est1 Ne tiî i: uiern iusofien io lc and i 5c. I17-2l' td x i e - cutc i 1x'- ofsOsaoonî 18-I uccrt tof îîuuing regard onl>'Ib flicîcums o! nantiîe foc gardeuis, shî'ubs, _______ - o sax.Tiuus Flic- ii . ii: i Gonb liafli xxi h thie Exeu-uîoc sîil Ilin floxveu'iîeds;. laxx'ns: also cowý and BRAI)LEY Ftîrnitiuu'e C,),, 40 Kinîg 511 ( o 585oiNi 1i c' irenilo in thv fover or lie Bow'- haie ritce shoep m-nu me. Phone Oshawa St.'W ., Oshawva, Phionie 271-3-pt'. Higiixx--.tu7x:345c.oxxîtîi.xa Four îcuî i uî cix \e 1l11111. iilncîxf'lemo'iuAreuic al 8 p. DATED thîîs Stb de>-of NMav. 3234loeuisc charges). 15-6 bedî'oom suites. .69.00; steel bcdHgw..srcyd ihcla 1-Corîtfits, complote. $2695;tfe1t4baex'aliondug fourlînuse. C ashIlol' (1PIc'lih1e h Coihnd n 2.vficnai* 1949. Ný iIaMRvýSadr \IEN anîd bo.-s' w'o'k boots and fln or ,coee.iu 6-95;a sqtae e . rmis. ----E c tu:-iuhnrd i>lii hai -oed biItie aîînagemn 18o- W'illitniRexs chn\is dcess shoes complete stock of hou his 8.5 I oos Atnd fa nI i- n teo he rus 81 Excuob-Aplîs t. Hnnlgiî- si7es aînd Styles at pnpula' p rices chompchar$69,ailvn e cr c seold s;S1.0oo.00Lot it)0x32ô ciiiNO. 2 Meiiies fLadies Auxiliar>- u o t olee . 1-3Lloyd Ellis Sboe Repair, King St. Ite,$4.1:6-c-irua HigIixxav, niu-eb treenl, suitab!fo T~N~RS WAN ED Cae.isuducuLegion. i.x'sîîîuîg bo at-. t C *t - est, Boxxmanville. 10-tf esea$fast0suites $66.111); fpnishg-for-business, surx-evenl. Cash or TEND-t.RS illiihiu-venb Y IfOhi. pleaqse uîîee( at Gac-tons ),-RYESO abond brake lainips omplete, $12.95: rangeteAosrvcstuîs ickan Btu1- aes6 pm.Sar. 18-1 !i(eEtle0 AE RAT iî.Peu'mafuse bonded 10 raniges fuoni $59.111; 3-pc. allnver- flic~~~~~~~~~~ iuîiirit .î< 20)O!u ~ ~ ~ ~Deceascni brake shoes, lia rix'ets. bî'ake veloii>bed cbesterficld stuiesand garages. faims, etc. linonî. 4!!1.4h1949. tor, hi sup- XI, persons haviing elaims against shoe exehange. Bah Stocken'i 11.<: îustericauites oxîin'leBdEtt PIo i c1iv- al: I iea'nud l tHuh e . In . Iîu n g e xecîs' in the 3- r t h1e estale of Ja uues CG rcut -lare of G arag o. 12-tf g e n or xx ne oriental design- B w l-a vil.R a Couiiie -Gaui.sud19eReg -t~- ni sfî xeouîo> b Tru i iYotuI-g r tie Toxx-i of BoxnivueD-_______ Offceill ýlIatc i th Twn eole il beprseneàund'f $49.50, chenille hed spueasîs $6,9-5; 78 Kinîg St . I-- of Coholii 1. -ii-viinformation asices o ox vmlaiixil le Conir 11d>nI- 1 aî>. 149 r - u o prn!Cn alelms 67. vrtifr- J.Sbelyn, D. Maclachîlan, îîecssui i ni le obain'd foni îîunitx Coîjn-i. nnTliirsdv. d ((v 10oI Fi bads fiest 1ne4an.îlaîs ma- te hn-jeat Badlv's.4<) ingPniis 32 - 1)17 18- file ýavscîccdintandTwniHslaîAded1.-Free esti- St.W., O26w'- Phon7271.6-tfi bue~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j ic unt.iMu bi.iiti oxu alA-Ros-Sti'ik-. K.C., solic'itor foum atiles. F.F.torisW.,, Ponshawa._____Phone_____-71.__________ missionî 3.5c aud 25c. 18-1 F. F.ArniîsMorris ExvCo.xil 4honFen 'I'NDE-t xxIlbe eccx 'chbvOntario onoro before the 2lst - tf--ClMIK - Deriîig Farmaîl o n flieciudruue (iI 12:001)1)Olotk Thie Box-mnxille Public Scbools cday of îMcx - .1949, ftull panticuilaus NEW 3 ad4-'ne H" uearlv' rix,, on rubber, star -______ ilarCi aru on l"- nhtiI e4s.(c ptlier Mi n ct Fst c coiniesini-sftliarc-c m mmd iedli'es'an ,nta- ebs-sames WC I k iex' Pon 203 1- xea' oi iscii o Cuuî bt- ui I- iiilnu d. c ices and si nging Inin(ýie a -sfie n (lie sain 21st ictiono: also rangettes. F. W. I ouin ubPnhonre clI gh2703.__________18-1_____ ilig. arw iliuriuuiuoii ue-e;-ýui i gi-uic'. cud "Th(- Magie- Pipert." cid> fMx-14.1east f\ers-& onElrue Poo px ei' ak-st:arter nCliîmes - ni-. pvhc uuhîitietl [ci-o 1the utudei- o'cIai 1 anis, cf flic N\Ieuinoiali Ibe dou-essed xx-ull 9e nisîuubuîrtel 25319.,1- loa' -lx'tuco nîe uson \Jr sugîe f \îeuî. Fiday. Mav 131h. ai 8 1 among;î (flie Pa Ities euîilcd- ___ 1 oucltck . Adîmission 35c. No c'e- - heret.hvn eadoI oHNYWre acel tile n uîber; Olixver -80" Stanîdard, on TENirRSxxi.9 r.evii vwuuxcdsci1.3,x26ig egrninnv o ANY WC'ersadeî tllr ndrubbe -xxit iwx2 tne: as TRCTl îoiîg gudnsrcii TENDRS i! h revive hv er\d scts.18-2 cdaimos ofrxyî-b 1 Ile sauch solutitor Acro xxaler pressure system: liew' 1Morlel "L" wibli 14x:30 tires; Near- tix'atic.g u-icdiscing. Phone 496. flic !2luer! Illp to 1 21:00 0ui otk - -foui b t e AdTinistrators shall then Ex- nunca e nutboard m otors are I ,nrîx' iit 8 t p w r à i5 4 lieon iu 1ad 4t1lu1949<.o hi uui iîo Aînvfaoiu-hv uo s ni-a'ilhe amnnBIlle ox ocsut 8f.pxen ________________ 1 tinoklenAnuesa..Sr-hvcnt;., o Aaxale a4a Bo.,tko-off cocon huuclcu. used xx'lhTRC RCuso Wokpb-h- Pdotui <Ilheelel or ouhiu es uîî1-Mav 221h, 1949, jDATED aI Boxxmaiîillc luhisCocîtice. Phone 2833. 18-2* -. iuýh sIc Ofi c C' zlîoî a cin! iCleday. M v 241h. stoper folnxx-ed W Ros, Stnike KX.C. FOUR F e chuîr. co p e e xx g icufc c 'iniu kD e-Iicuti'a n ud se !n . F Resu'dfrmcc tl'C uî:sGiit. ihga.;adhrwr:as cte.o ubi-t ie, o-CIIIv h v >-ctitled 'Jtumrpinz Jexv-BOxx niaîîvîllc, Oai, xuh ls n adwr:as-ui m u ube. \xviS.th lîlpPhnes.94.in-t Cnhîou:i o 11\ il lu iicn inec*- cs"pnseuuied bv Tcînitx' Unitel Solîcuîn fuior 19entr' kîlchen cabinet. AplvH Vuî e: Mcsse>-Harris 7 ft. tandcem fP ro a )c, lci uîi.î - 9e buicuc VPU Fl a1disc harrowx: MCouuikDerngI_______________ obaîe rn luu h ...FuIparbiccîlans Adrîiiuiistinaio-s 16 -3 Camp. Blackstock. Phone Port ,cir r-v 'ake. usenlilnesc unnbesuca".i f18-1 ____________iPerx'106r'3. 1 j, ie eivu . EBARR. -tlr o on' gond., used, rucier-tiî'edr SLENDOR Tabîcîs are effec-ivxe. ('irui e leu su IAns-ne x'sbiig10attenîd the eSale COLEMAN b'îî abler>', t--e 1 wagon . Will sell ou- deat for i-ohmr 2 weeks' suppî>' $1 .001; 12 x-e f n iuiue - 1-2 -Barbara Auîuu Scott lu-e ShowxcfalFAFBc IxeTnolxAlidison mantel radio: Iron horse peeirl racon H C. Pîtht'in .ruuprin iýrr>- & Lýnx'eI nc M- TENDES xv.~l 1 uNu-ux e TWe--rs a L -Per at. e(unv rase.ec nle y>ce îc -aîdjSuFrnfrOtro hn rgr ru tr.1- Help Wanted Wanted A PERSON required for upstairs DEAD bor%:es and cattle for fres Iw-ork and assist in dining-rnom. pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 Applyv Balmoral Hotel. 18-1* or Cocooîwg 48J We pay phone EXPERTE NC ED salesmani Io charges, Gordor, Young Ltd. 13-tf handle tarmn equipment and Re- cessories, full or part time. Write e ar Box 24ô. Thc Statesman Office. 18-1 FOR )~romi-t- efficient, guarante~ service, dveing and cuistomw SALESGIRL required hy Fr-ont trv bb ýc Nct-WRy ShoemR epair Street store. experience not nec- Shop, King St. 'West. 9-tf eFsai-v but would help. inust he_________________ necat and bc able to mneet the REPAIRS to ah mrakes of refrig- public. Wý,rite to Box 246, States- eralcrs. cdomesîle and rommercial. Mani Office, stating full partie- [-iggon Electrie 42 King St E., ulr.18-1 phone 43981-6 ti EXPERIENCED kindergarien or SHOE Renair - workmanship primai-'v teacher N'ante(l to super- auarantecd. 24-hour service. Lloydi vise Tiny. Tots outcdoor playgrouîrdl i heRear 9Kn fuoin 4 Jîi!v for six weeks - dayBbs ' eBear 3 i' t . wxeek: salaî'x' to be arrange,]. Ap- BoNw minvilie. 18-tf ph' Mr. \V. M. Mabhewson, Diree- BRAKE dî'urn latting.,- brake î'e- ,tor of Recation, Bowmanville. lios. Ravnond brake boniding 18-1 service - 'o riv ets. BrPkes qre WVANTED- Mlan for stcpcdv -travel nGtraseia l. 80,Bo Sîockle. arnong consicrs iin Bowr-nan- GrgPoo81,Bwavlo x ll.Peuinpanent connection viih il1tC large mi ii ifactuueu. On Iv ccli- TeAeîa ninb'i alil butIercnnideed. rit 0îoom sîiow-ccîrespect for !ii! Raxx leiZh's, Dept. ML-E-140)- 131. Ivlnîr1 .mother-in-lax" bY neveu speakiriv 1 mont18-4 to licr or oîeeting lier say. -3 1-949 EFXPANSION Porm W "ic.And nost modern ,tîs F- arcen agn onu çc1lillg 0ngall- bands arc ti- ' v no IW I<at riation in Gruent"i- Oshaxa. W'hi- same pro[oi-nd respect. hY and Bowxnianv, 11e terrilor 'v. I f___________-_____ x-ou ar ni of emplov-net nor 3011i feel oui' prescrnt position . uoLisatisfaclo'v. xve w'ould liko Io Th e Statesman Sold taîlk lo xou. W'c desiie men 'l1 Io 50 .ears nid for se,1llg poi- At Following Stores tions. insb-axa. Boxx-manville aind W'biv Distu ici. Expe:'îence in selliniz no, îee~r as A, iiDyîs Dru g Store. Newcas11': teseb 3voii0111' methods.Appl ' D. G. W\iton's. cvcsl Monda 'v. Mp- 9 onlv, 1 p.m. TeIs Wilonz&Brown. Nýnv100\ illýý staut pi omptlv -at 1:30) p.m.. Room T. M. S'-mroi. Ei-n-killcn 011, Geniosha Hoel, Osiawa. 18-1 F. L. B * arn. Tvrioiic - G. A. Bar: on. Hlénmpton Grecs Boots: Negbhbourlines Wm ni. '~I onyn we c-lai-o.is ne of oîr moit H .SxWi.Bsktc percýsanjt alid nîo.ct pîni itabc' of C. B. Tyrrell. Orono crops -anci one vhich is rnost X...Bgu1, I" o-i xvorthxvhicil i-vati ng and bar- '. .1 ev-ci. V7J. Brry r3 an ,e Ug-Pcrtli Couîrir The Slatî'srrip Office.1 ORONO E - P. MASTER PB!N CKOWS 0F ALL K1Imm Dà Speci.al Cat Chop at $48.00 per tor Wire Fencing and Barbed WOirg Rope in Ail SizeS F Phone 37-y-i1 Robsi-! Glainville Manager. _ Rernernber MOTHIER SUNDAY, MAY 8th Mother's Day Gifi Suggestions l'aridl1e,% 1,a 'en cler Per-fume S9l.'i5-$h5-3. l'ardiey La vender Soan box 51.50 I'crde3' Tusinîg I'oxvdcr Lavender, Aipril Violets, I'ardleyý Bond Street I)usting Poxider $2.00 I'ari'dy Bond Street Pcrfume -$2.50-M4.50 C'hanuel (ologne 30-.0 (Chanel Perfumne 5.050 A'mer's Pink (iover Dustinr Pnwchr 5.1.65 Elizabeth Arden u ine Gpranium Soap $1.00 El:izabeth A~rden Blue Grass Fliwer mis, ---- -51.75 Adrienne Dusting Powder ----- - 51.50 Adripnne ('ologne -- --51.35 ('otyPurçer $ 2.25 Honeysuckle TaIeîîm andi Snap. gif t w'rapped 51.50 Helena Ruhinstein Heav'en Sent Snap cake 70a Smi'es'n Chuck1cs Chocola les ?1lb. A5s'orted, espe1i,-î7'I' ('horniale (o'elNuls .8s1 ('Cherries loi Liqueur S 1.7 ï Fre'.hmasteu 12 Orchid (bhoro1abe, 18-o,'. . S5< "-Ib. Ell'e Si 1ni4~, 55 Peppermint Pattiev;. 1' -l .40e National Baby Week MAY' IST TO NMAI' 7TH Rexali Baby Nrý Stork Nurser, th'*,eomplet'1 feedingr unit 7.9r - 3 for $1.01 .Stork Baby Powder . 28 qtork Antiseptir Baby D011-- 60r Sfork Kant KaIlapseç( Nip'ile. __- 2 fer 25 r Stork Latex Nippleýý 3 for 25e Stork Nursing Bottie. 8-oz.10 JURY (& LOVELL TOU R REXALL DRUG STORE W~lien %V e Test E~yes It is Donc Properly PHONE 778 BOVêMANVIILLIE ~- -~-----,..- T .c..,,c~c.'. -TuT-~ - -- IIRMSDA'Y. MAY Sth, 1940 v 1 SIELL t-O 000201

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