?KURSDAY, MAT 5th. 1§d T~!N CANADIAN STAT!SMAN. EOW IA1qv~u~. fl~9'AwTn Badminton Club Closes Successful Season of Sport With the playîng of the club finals and the election of next season's executive, Bowmanville ]Badminton Club brought the sea- son to a close on Friday night, April 29. This year both A and B tourna- ments were heid as a closing fea- ture, the A-tournament compris- Ing only those players who repre- tsented Bowmanville in the Cen- tral Ontario Tournament earler In the season, while the B- group included the remainder ef the club members. In preparation for these events. handsome trophies bad been 4onated for annual compe- tion by three of the club's origin- 1 members, Ross Strike, Marion and Stu. James and Dr. E. W. Sisson. In addition. individual trophies were provided out of Club funds and special prizes for the runners-up in eacb event were supplied by various directors. Results were as follovvs: A -Tournament Ladies' Doubles-Mrs. A. C. Anderson and Miss B. Flaxman; Runners-up-Mrs L. W. Dippell and Mrs. S. R. James. Men's Doules-J. Brough and A. H. Osborne; Runners-up- C. J. Austin and R. Swindells. Mixed Doubles-Mrs. L. W. Dip- pell and A. H. Osborne; Runners- up-Mi. and Mrs. S. R. James. B-Tournament Ladies' Doubles-Mrs. M. Bres- lin and Miss M. Moise; Runners- up-Mrs. R. Kent and Mrs. A. H. Osborne. Men's Doubles-T. Gatcheli and K. Siemon; Runners-up-W. Bur- gess and G. Tighe. Mixed Doubles-Dr. and Mrs. K. Siemon; Runners-up---Mrs, A. Osborne and T. Gatchell. Ini the annual meeting which followed the lunch period, the following directorate was elected for next season: Presdent-A. H. Os'borne; Vice President - J. Brough; Secretary-A. C. Ander- &on; Treasurer-R. Kent; Direct- ors-F. Cole, T. Gatcheli, H. B. P.undle, K. Siemon and Mesdames M. Breslin, L. W. Dippeil, R. Kent and A. H. Osborne. And so after seven long months of badminton, thoughts turn to the out-of-doors and the tennis court, the golf links, the bowling green, the basebali diamond and the vegetable and flower garden. COURTICE nhe Ladies Bereau elass of Zbenezer met at the home of Mrs. AJ. Gay, with an attendance of 92ladies and 8 children. Presi- dent Miss Anu Hoît presided and 9pened the meeting with one of Mlla Wilcox's poems. Devotional j>eri 'd with the theme" Diligence" ,=u<n charge of Mss. Alec Muir. Pr ~ ~urr reported $117.32 on banid' and $50 w-as voted to "Sae the Children Fund" for the adop- tion of a British child. Vocal solo was given, "Hilîs of Home" by Mmrs Lloyd Down. Mrs. H. F. Osborne gave an interesting talk on the if e of Rudyard Kiplin.g, and aiso gave passages from bis goxnpositions. Piano solo by Mrs. VIII Wade; Vocal Solo-4"Garden of Happiness" by Mrs. G. F. An- cd&u President expressed thanks o behalf of the class, to Mrs. Gay for opening ber home for *ue meeting an.d aiso, to those essisting on the program. Meet- Îng ckîsed by singing Kipling's *Reces.ional" and prayer by Mis. 2t. Gay. Lovely refreshments were then served. Canvassing for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, la ibeing very capably bandled by Mrs. Geo. H. Jobnston, Court- ice. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cunning- ham and son, John, were Sunday dinner guests with Cedrie and Mrs. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans and son, Charles, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors with ber parents, Clar-ence and Mrs. Penfound. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bîckle, and Mrs. A. J. Oke, were dînner guests on Sunday with Gus and Mrs. Oke, Toronto. Douglas and Mrs. Oke wvere HAMPTON Mrs. Olive Aluin and Mrs. Ida Trenouth, Napanee, visited C. W. Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caver ly. Mrs. Victor Peacock and daugh- ter Dwaine and Mis. E. Don- caster, Oshawa, at W. W. Horn's., Miss Isabel Campbell. Toronto,l was week-end guest of Mrs. E. H. Cole. Miss Eileen Wray and Missi Florence Kerr, Oshawa, at T. Wray 's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichols, Courtice, w ith Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Wilbur. Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Sandra, Toronto, visited Mrs. Jim Smales. Miss Ruby Dewell. Oshawa' spent the week-end at ber bro- ther's, Perey DeweII. Mr. and Mrs. James Gamean visited ber sister, Mrs. Ida Smale.* Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Richards, Donald and Jimmie, Toronto, visited L. Cryderman and Gordon Wilbur on Sunday. Mr. W. W. Horn visited Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Horn, Montreal. Mrs. Theron Mountjoy spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. Murate Robbins, Toronto, visited his mother, Mis. R. Avery and sister, Mrs. W. W. Horn. Miss Bertha Ai-mour, Oshawa, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armour. Women's Institute memb ersj weeguests of the Solina W 1 on Friday afternoon, wben a gov- ernment speaker showed a«um ber of interesting filmns onhoe canning and led a discussion on same. Refreshments were served 'oy the Solina friends and an en- joyable afternoon was spent. Our regular meeting will be held this Tbursday afternoon. Program and refreshments are in charge of north group; subject - "Social Welfare" - "Exchange of plants and seeds." Ail ladies welcome. BROWN'S We are sorry to report that Mrs. Wotton was removed to Oshawa Hospital on Friday night. All her friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. J. Hillier attended the christening of her great-grand- daughter in Dundas Anglican Church on Sunday. Several of our local nimrods went trout fishing over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pressley, To- ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and :family and enjoyed trout fishing in the streams. Mi. Bob Pearce, Newtonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Green. Several of the local Masons at- tended the church service in Or- ono, to, hear Rev. J. J. Semple, Peterboro,. MTs. A. Horrocks, Syracuse, N.Y., renewed acquaintances witb Mrs. G. Law. Miss E. Wren and friend, Mr. E. Cleveland, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Clarke on Sun- day. ZION (Hope Twp.) Sympathy of the neighbourhood goes to the family of Mr-. Gai-net Ellis, a former resident who pas- sed away recently. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Max Moore on the birth of a daughter, Beverley Ann. Zion was well represented at Morrish, Friday night when the Bailieboro Young People put on their three-act play, "Grandpa's Twin Sister." Mr. and Mrs. Chambers. Eldo- rado, visited their daughter, Mrs. Bill Morton. Normnan and Arnold Walker, Queen's University, Kingston, have completed their engineering course for the year. Dr. C. C. Oke, Welcome Cir- cuit, bas been making pastoral i calîs in the district.I 'Right Is Mighti Is Philosophy of Premier Kennedy end Mrs. 0. Dingman, Oshawa. "If we do what's right, the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright were people will follow us. That is the v.isitors at the Blake Oke home on essence of good government." Baturday. In these words, veteran Tom Norman and Mrs. Clemens and Kennedy, who handed over the M4arilyn, Toronto, were week end premiership of Ontario to an guests with hier mother, Mrs elected successor, summed up the Gordon Trevail. simple political philosophy which The discussion group met at the has guided his public career. Courtice Church on Sunday night. Speaking to delegates attend- for study on the book -Our Loy- ng the Ontario Progressive Con- i.ng Faith." servative Convention, the man The church service at Courtice "with ail friends and no enemies" was well attended Sundav night won applause with a forthright ,when the C.G.I.T. weî'e in expression of his belief in the charge. The girls attended in a principles of his party. body and sat at the front of the There was fire in Premier Ken- church. Mrs. Morwood, Oshawa, nedys address. He spoke of the igave a most intercsting message. events in the recent legislature Mis Jean Battle, Oshawa, took session and the apparent voting part in the Affiliation Service alliance of the Liberals, the CCF a.nd accepted a gif t from the C.G. and the Communists. Thirty-one l.T. Scripture reading \vas given tîmes the 14 Liberals in the House b y Margaret McGregor a n d voted with the Communists he thie story of C.G.I.T. Praý-er was said. and, with regret in his voice, given by Lorraine _McGregor.' lie described this as "selling their Offering was taken 1w Lois Antîl bîrthright." Good Liberals in On- an Qrolyn McGregor. who also tario %vould be one of the chief at as ushers. Mrs. Warburton sources of the strength of the Pro- was a representatîve of the W.A. gressiîve Conservatîve Partx', he The choir contributed the anthem said. "People xvon't stand for an 'Fairest Lord Jesus." alliance with Comunists," he The Young People from Eben- nintained. ezer were guests of the Solina In the last provincial election, Mtission on Monday night ivhen his Party lost Most of the seats in a pleasant time was enjoyed. Toronto, he continued. This had 1923 %%e won every damn one of The Home The source of con- them." The roar of laughter from duet standards. The example set the delegates halted the speaker here determines the morale of the for half a minute. niation. "I arn glving warning % to the The uork of the Church is to Liberals, the CCF and the Com- teach and inspire others, so that mnList,' he declared.- we are they may live according to the going to win the City of Torontol princîples that governed the life in the next election." of Christ. The Premier said love of power Personal experience-AIi that laad gone to the heads of the fed- r.ally counts. The %vorld may go eral cabinet. -Thats human. I wrong but we may retainr on suppose," he remarkedc. "But thev 5ntegrity-our own touc wî need a defeat to knock it but of God, and say-I KNOW. their heads." SUNDAY MAY Sth SUNDAY MAY 8th il LINEN GIFTS FOR MOTHER MADIERA EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES In Several Designs. They Make a Lovely Gift. $4095 pro Lovely Floral Designs TOWEL SETS 1 LARGE SIZE 1 GUEST SIZE 1 FACE CLOTH $3.10 sel SPECIAL H FANCY TOWEL SET 0F 3 $1.66 set RAYON TABLECLOTHS Beautiful- Designs ini Peach, Green or Blue. 54"à x 54" ----------$4.50 each 54" x 68"----------$5.50 eac}x For Mother NYLON SLIPS Straight Cut All Sizes $3.29 ea. Rayon SATIN SLIPS Tailor Made to, Correct Style $2.98 ea. In Alil the Latest Shades and Styles Complete Size Range $3.95 ea. Umbrellas sm art plaids $4.95 eau YOU CAN CIVE MOTHER A LOVELY KENWOOD BLANKET See Our Special Displays of KENWOOD BLANKETS On Our Second Floor. Prices from $9.95 each Io $15.00 each For a Lovely Mother 1 NYLON ROSE always an acceptable gift beautiful and shedr in ail the new shades $1.40 pair A Big special 1 NYLON ROSE 100 Pairs of aur Regular $1.65 Value Substandards $1.OO pair HANDKERCHJEF The Daintest of Handkerchief s 49C each POLKA DOT', and STRIPES DRESSE smart cottons. $5.95 ea. JUST RIGHT FOR MOTHER s A'< s Gre Blac ASHANTUNG FAVOURITE lest of Styles ln ýey, Pink, Green, ck and Turquoise RESSES $10.95 ea. Latest Creaitions ln Smart HANDBAGS $5.29 and $3.49 6</d4e4 'g/é4eet ~ Phone 451 A A----ai I - J. fJul.l la 1 JWAriJ U V L GIFTS 0F DAINTY LINGERIE The Latest Creations Designed B y STYLECRAFT Panties and Briefs in Peacb, Blue and Maîze. \~ 'CPanties ~ Ps1.49 Briefs $1.10 DAINTY NIGHT DRESSES In Fancy Crepes and the New Styles $3.75 ea. ~.Lavely BATISTE Night Dresses Trirnmed With Lace $2.98 ea. PURE SILK SCARVES In A Wide Range of Designs and Colours A Gift Worthwhile for Motherl $2.98 ea. Mom Delights In BLOUSES Sa Dainty! Sa Lavelyl Here are enticing blouse selections Mother wiil wear and wear. Excciting-! ly fasbioned witb new V-neckline, classic convertiblej collai-s and ever-1 popular Jewel neck lines. Complete colour and size range. $1.98 ea. Does Mother Like ta Travel Give Her PAGE TEKEN WALKER 4 STORES Have Prepared a Wonderful Collection of Practical and Lovely Gifts for MOTHER PURE WOOL PULLO VERS ACROSS THE DOMINION SONS AND DAUGHTERS WILL REMENDER MOTHER WITH GIFTS' ý JEUPÀDA-f. MAT 3th, 1940 TIM CANAT)TAN STATESMAN, BôWMý=. ONTATtro 1RÉ%.qzrv" "Sq gr; 1 L% ianviiie Mm Ad1h, Jan a THE MODERN ýqTnRr