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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1949, p. 5

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t"R'URSDA'V, MAT Hti, 19* 99II~ E9AIAflTA%? ~9'A W~MA7.i' R~%~IAM'U??? V P%~W~A~v~ With the federal elecf ion an- uiounced for Monday, June 27th, the citizens of Durham, for the Inext two months, wiil be listen- ing, reading and seeing alI the arguments with which eacb polif j- cal pary wili atfempt to per- tuade you ta vote for their can- didate. If wili be a hectic period Of organizing, advertising, broad- casting and possibiy some baby kissing and almost everyone will j'Qin in the excitement, some with odhumnor and many with fiery »nusiasm. Selllng Liberalism During thaf period, the writer Will be frying fa seli Liberalism to you. The main thing, so far as 1 an concerned, is that each and every person should become in- terested and enthusiastie about the election because its results wiii mean much to each individu- al in this community. Thing Before You Mark There are many tbings f0 con- aider before you decide thaf im- portant point of marking your ballot. There is the record of the parties, fhe basic policies of each parfy, the merits of the leaders of each party and the merifs of the local candidates. Unity, Security, Freedom The Liberal party stands for Unity, Security and Freedom, By that they mean that the dignify and worth of the individual throughout ahl of Canada is put to the forefront in their thoughts and deec*s. Ex-Prirne Miniisfer Mackenzie King is the perfect example of this policy in action. He led bis party in the figbt againsf poverty, exploitation and injustice. He fought for freedom; he fought for the common man and as a resuif he led the Liberal government for a record number of years and saw his policies Jus- tified in an expanded, unified Canada. His successor, Prime Minister Louis S. Sf. Laurent, was hand-picked by Mr. King for gov't. service and is showing that he aiso has that common touch, thaf down-to-earth friendliness for humanify thaf typified bis pre- deceos so r For Greatesi Number Thaf is the basic policy of the For Live Paint Protection and Beauty 'su*fl F H'O.USEý4PÀIe The famous Sun-Proof Two-coot Flouse Point gives you long-term property insurance thot you can't afford to over- look. No longer is it necessory to spend extra money for thot third coot of pint-you save cost of point and labor. You need have no fear of resuits when you redecorate with Pittsburgh Paints. In rnany ways they are better than pre-war quality. $6.15 per gallon SJ. H. ABERNETHY 94 CONCESSION ST. PHONE 431 - and - MURPHY'S APPLIANCES 52 KING ST WEST. PHONE 811 Liberal 'party, legisiation which will do the rnost good for the greatesf number of people with no special privileges for a select group. That is why every group, including industrialists, farmers, workers, small business men and others have confinued to eleet John M. James Liberal governmenfs since the turn of the century with only two exceptions. Thaf is why the Lib- eral parfy is known as the -party of the people." From Different Ground Conservatism springs from dif- ferent ground. Tories were called by that naine because they sup- Iported the party of the king, "Tar- Ia-r'", and that means the abso- lute king, sitting on his throne to preserve their special rights and p r iv il1 eg9e s. The Con.srvative creed was aristocratie, it believed in a hierarchial privileged society dominated by the few. Later, when this society proved unpopu- lar this group adopted the out- worn doctrines of the Liberals, and even iâow they are trying to become popular by claiming they will outgive the Liberals in cer- tain social legisiation, but by be- lief and background their hearts can't be in it. This move is quite plainly a swallowing of their oasic policics in orcler to win an clection. Cani you imagine the autocratie, aristocratie leader of the opposition weeping for the common people. It just isn't nat- ural. A Wonderful Record On the other hand you have scen the Liberal party in action and have benefitted fromn its sound, able legisiation. If has brought this country out of a depression and has helped to 'build it up to real status of nationhood; bas gov- erned wisely during a world war thaf wrecked the financial sys- fem of many counfries; bas low- ered taxation below the level of any other country and has brought in measures of social socurity legisiation which few other coun- tries have attempted. If bas also been in government when Canada bas been more prosperous than at any time in her hisfory, when cmployment and wages were greater than ever before and wben the standard of living bas sur- Campaign in Bowmanville MAY 9- 3OTH INCLUSIVE Headquarfers: Salvation Army Corp, 35 Division Street THE COMING ELECTION By JOHN M. JAMES ,IBERAL NOMINEE FOR DURHAM Canada Hast Nation World Congress Chamber Commerce Canada has been chosen as the hast nation for the tweifth World Congress of the International Chamber of Commerce. more than 700 of the world's leading businessmen wiil assemble in James S. Duncan Quebec Cit y for the sessions wbich will be held from. June 13- 17. Theme of the Congress wiil be "Towards a Freer World Econ- omy for the Benefif of the Con- sumer." In making this announcoment James S. Duncan, President of the Massey-Harris Company, who is President of the Canadian section of the Chamber, remarked: "It is a fribute fa Canada's growing importance in world af- ýfairs that Queboc City bas beon chosen by the 30 member coun- ta Orono, just f0 be able ta mai-ch at attention behind a good band, who were very generous with their stirring tunes, weil piayed. The service was beld in Sf. Saviour's Anglican Church under the direction of the rogular cier- gyman, Rev. Dewdnoy xhose in- spiring message and gaod deliv- ery was enj oyed by ail. Tbere's always somnething in- spiring about a large group of men singing such weil beloved bymns as Son of My Soul, Onward Christian Soidiors, etc., and last Sunday was no exception. But the highiight of the wboie affair, as far as the writer was concerned, was when BillMitch ell and Colin Tay lor sang their duet, "'Take Time ta Be Hoiy." If is seldom poSsible f0o njoy euh beautiful harmony as thaf prdue- cd by those fwo Orono gentlemen. Their singing is in marked con- trast fa a lot of the green-pple- beily-ache maaning that passes for singing on the radio. Having lunch the other day, one planter had buily beet, and said if was tough, xwhich brought up the query, -What was bully beef made of?!" Some thougbf if was aged cows and buils, but one chap tboughf if might ho horse moat. Whereupon the guy wbo bad found bis buliy beef tough, sug- gosted that the foughnoss mighf be caused by someone forgotting ta unharness the horse hefore if was processed. the post war years of ever in- creasing and expanding growth, you will, I think, realize that the Liberal government bas truly done a wonderful job. If will con- finue to, do such a job if you re- turn iftato Ottawa because if is working for you and your inter- estas. PONTYPOOL' If the personnel of the Athîctie Club are able, in the future, ta organize, and, win bail gamos, etc., with the samne success thaf bas aftended their dances, they wili win a lot of friends and fans tbrougbouf this district. One of the biggest faults in this area for some years past bas been a noticeable lack of community spirit. Now that the latter is bo- comirig apparent, let's hope and pray that the traditional wet blankefs don't start operating, thus squelching the embryonic spark. Quite offen, in the past, somo wortbwbilo enterprise has been started by unselfish people, hop- ing to make our community a botter place in which fa live, only f0 bave some, smail minded son of a gun feel jealous because ho or she hadn'f thougbt of the idea first, do a first rate job of subver- sive action, thus bringing about the coliapse of the newly born, worthwbîie scbeme. Lýurope isn't the oniy spot where tbey bave a fifth coiumn, believe me. Last Wednesday niglit the Club bad a bard time dance. lt is a long fîme since s0 much fun and genuine good fellawship bas been dispiayed in that old hall. Mrs. Andy Sutch won the prize for the most thougbt-provoking, bumor- ous ladies' costume. George Van Dam won the genits' prize in the same catagory. If the committee bad spotted the oufragoousiy rag- ged ouffit that we wear every day and cail clothes, they wouid bave unanimously awarded us the mel- low tomato. There were many original ideas of bard iuck dress present and ail those taking part have the thanks of the commitfee in charge for belping to make a fine night's entertainment. Now let's sec you in some bail games, f ellows. The farmers are busily work- ing througbout this district, ton their fields, seeding bein he order of the day. Tree p]atin too is in full swing. Most of aur hand planters this year are fe- males, who bave the happy knack of being able ta plant trees at a rattling good pace while they keep the air full of liveiy chatter. Any one driving iby the spo.t where planting is in progress and flot noticing the workers, would think there was a flight of wiid geese hiking north. There seems toa be a sfeady, kind of bigh pitched gabie, gabble, gabble, broken very occasionaliy by a deeper no-te, where one of the male pianters bas had the good luck to be able fa slip an odd yard in edgewise, probably when one of the girls choked on ber chewing gum, and couidn't speak for the moment. As long as they put in pienty of treos each day, .hey are welcome ta gab. When bhey are doing that they are hap- >y. If is much better than having abunch of sulien, dispirited people araund you. Our noan bours are always the higbiigbt of the day's activifies, vben we sprawl on the grass open our lunches with eager anticipa- tion, discuss the Most interesting topmc of news, then, ta top if ahl off, do a choiee bit of back-biting bout somne one we ail know, but, who, doesn't bappen ta be present. My, doesn't the time fly when you're taking your noon bour? En the song "'Old Man River," the arky bas ta "move that box, fate that bale." When planting trees back bere, you "dig that baie, lant that free, tramp that earth." Vo don't think mnany jobs are .ore pleasant than grubbing in ,e earth on a pleasant spring I Jay, baving yaur lively noon bour riat and fun, whiie eating a tasfy unch, then bead for home at five ).M. on the deparfment truck. ýager for a good washup, bot neai, good night's resf. And flowinLy that you have tied a *doA Canadians, apart fromn the feeb- lest sentirnentalists and the Con. munists, are capable of under. standing simple statements of ec- onomic truth. They can be told that to distribute more money at the present time would be self- defeating; that to raise wages, except directly in proportion to increases in production, is a grave blow to the worker-not assist- ance; that ta continue trying ta keep the price af essentiais - such as housing, butter, bread - down by law, while permifting the price of luxuries tao ' checked. simply nieans an in- creasing shorfage oi esseiitiaÀs DANISH HOGS A report from the Danish Co- operative Siaughter Houses states that the period of pig feed shortage is now over. With more feedstuffs and potatoes than the countrys pig population can con- sume, the number of pigs could be increased. The latest estimate of sow num- bers in Denmark was 249 thous- and compared with only 136 thousand in the pig census of February 7, 1948. Before the war, the total wvas 390 thousand, the present target of the Danish pig industry. It is a wise man who "No's" bis passed that of aimost any county Today, Canada under an abee- Lpei-ienced Liberal government is, Llooked upon with envy as the f avored land of the world. This government surely is flot due to 1be changed at a time when the country stili needs experienced and proven men at its bead. It would be as wise to change the ooard of directors or the manage- ment of a corporation or of your business because they had been doing beffer than anyone bad done previously. Best-Managed Democracy Some of these i-tems will be ex- panded, as the campaign continues but in the meantime a quotation from the Atlantic Monthly might sum up: "The various pieces of the very complex national policy which Canada is fashionýing fit fogether in a long-range program wbich shows solid and consistent fhought and is a credit to what is perbaps the best-managed. democ- racy on earth." Think Well on These If you think on these thinigs and look around you af the pros- perify, the well-fed, well-clothed men and women, of our commun- ity; rememýber the war years wben the Liberal governmenf Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Graham, Pont iac, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Sami Castle, son Paul, Peterboro, visif- ed Mrs. L. C. Snowden. ý M Miss Jean Craig, Toronto pn a couple of days wifb Miss Dora- 0 e STRAIONT DC fby Snowden. Special Mother's Day service will be held on Sunday, also bap- tismal service. Mr. Sam Castie and Mr. Bert Snowden sang solos at tho church service ]asf Sunday which wero enjoyed by ail. Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, G a a dress to the Bible Class and the Young Peoplo's Ciass iast Sunday. Haydon "i tries for this Congress. Meeting on historic ground where Allied leaders planned for war, busi- nessmen represenfing almosf ail the free counfries of the world will discuss the problems of peace. These meanxviii assemble 1bere at a critical time in Canada's jhistory. Their deliberations will >cover world trade and currency difficulfies. No county bas more at stake in these discussions than Canada, since our future prosper- ity is absolutely dependent on our foreign trade." This is the first time that Can- ada will be the assembly place for the Congress which is known as the "World Par- Si a me nt of Business." The four main sessions on the agenda will deai with the follow- ing subjects-i'Sfeps to f reer trade and markets"; "Monefary stability and converfibility"; "Re- gional Unions and the world c- nomy", and "At the service of the consumer." Discussions will be opened by many of the world's leaders in trade and industry. It is undersfood that plans are well advanced for a good reception into Canada of the foreign delega- tians and Congress officials are now allotting accomodation at the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City. MAPLE GROVE Phone 273e CAKE & PASTRY MONARCH FLOUR MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY PIE CRUST SEND 2 TOPS & 25e FOR HOUSE KNIFE QUAKER MUFFETS ANN PAGE PEANUT BUTTER CA MPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP A & P'S OUR OWN SPECIAL BLEND BLACK TEA -- - A & P CUSTOM GROUND BOKAR COFFEE- TUNA F151 KETA SALMON HEDLU N D' MEAT HALLS 7-lb bag 49C * apkg 31C 2 pkgs23c 16 oz jar 35c 2 10 oz lins 21c '/z.Ib pkg 38c . lb 51~C m m m t in 43C -1-11b fin 33c m - loz tin 39C DO YOU GET THE BEST THERE IS, BUT MORE FOR VOUR MONEY AS WELL. BUY CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY. - , RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF STEAKS or ROASTS BIIADEROASTBLADE BONE OUT WING, HORT B ROAST WELL-TRIMMED lb 4 C WNSIRLOIN, BONELESS ROUND or SMOKED SLICED PORTEEHOUSE- lb. 69e BREAKFAST BACON b. 59<e LEAN BONELESS PJEAMEAL lb. STEW BEEF lb.e5< COTTAGE ROLLS . . . 63e SHANK OFF1 GRADE -A" LAME LEGS *. lb. 69g BOILING FOWL « lb. 49e EITHER ENI] MAPLE LEAF or SWIFT'S PREMIUM POUK LOINS - l. 52e SIDE BACON - - '! 43< POEK LIVER -- lb.-27< SPARE RIflS MEATY lb. 35< The i TRAC TORS MAME F-- Customers' Corner What can we do to give you better service in your A&rP store? We want A&P service to be every bit as good as the quaiity foods you get in our stores; and every bit as satis- fying as thrifty A&P prices. Good service cails first of ail for courteous treatment. But we mnust aiso strive to be prompt, helpful, efficient and accurate. Your advice and sugges- tions can hein us keep our service the way it shouid be. We hope you wilI let us know if we shouid ever fail ta give you good service; or if you have any suggestions as ta how we can make your A&P a better place to shop. Please write: Customer Relations Dept., A&P Food Stores, 135 Laughton Ave., Toronto, Ontario. 1 view, right under you, m ',you ride wbile working. Single, double, or six« row cultivating unitu4 22ff Crop clearance. One- man opcrated. Direct uteerîng and automatie brakes facilitate work in close quartera. At- tr actively priced.i DWN ON Y@UR WORK Use a FuIIvi.w Tractor for PLOWING * CULTIVATING . PLANTINO a FERTILIZINOI m' s Garage Interior & Exterior For Oulside Use Glidden's "ENDURANCE" beautifies and preserves For Inside Use "'SPEEDWALL" ln glass and semi-gloss finish - makes soft restful ivalîs and woodwork. For Floors Use "FLORENAMEL" makes your floor colaring harmonize ivith your furn- ishings, long wvearing, easlly applied. For Furni iure Use «"JAPALAC" enamel, makes old furniture look like new. VARNISH and SHELLAC J. W. JEWELL "BIG 20", PHONE 556 27 Klnt St. WV., Bown-anvllle THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IRMWVAwvmýT.ir mmmÀpy^ CHECK THE TRIM OF YOUR MEAT AT A & P. NOT ONLY ý eMMSDAY, MAT 5th, 1949 L 0 il

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