CAMAIAN TATEM« BWMANt=4..TM '1'RUDAY', 19AT lki. 1049 SOCIAL ai Pt M.and Mns. S. R. Corden ai ROY sPent the weekend in Mail Mr.and Mrs. Chas. L. Brou Detroit, Mich., are guests of! brother Mr. W. J. Berry Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Metca Willowdale, visited his parerý Mr and Mrs. J. L. Metcalf. Mr. Bud Nîchols, Englehas spent the weekend with his pa ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H .Nicho Mr. Lamne Doreen attended Il Radio Operatons convention Rochester, N.Y., aven the weel end. Mesrs. W. R. Strike and Ge, E Chase are enjoying a wee] fishing at their ladge at Algonqui Park. Mr. and Mrs. Chanlie Hoar, Tc rOnto, spent the weekend wit FNO FAITH? NO GOD? NO CHURCH HOME? We Belleve We Can Help Von Corne ta the DAPTIST GOSPEL SERVICES lheld Sunday Evenings 7:30 P.M. In the Union Hall, Division St. ir- 1BasebaII eason Opens Here May 21 In Juvenile League Saturday, May 21, 1949 at 2:30 in the afternoon the 1949 basebal season wii open in Bowmanville with a bang-up game on the High School grounds. Peterboro Troj ans wîllbe here to play an exhibition game against the Bowmanville Juvenîles, the team that went in- ta the Ontario finals last season. The above game is an important one for it may determine whether Bowmanville will enter the Lake- shore Leagrue this season. Basebali prexies are trying ta set up a Juvenile League compas- ed of teams from Oshawa, Peter- bora, Cobourg, Whitby and Bow- manville. Sa the Tropans of Pet- erboro corne here Saturday ta find out if Bowmanville has enough on the bail ta qualify for the fast league planned. [t is important thenefare, that every Bowman- ville fan should be on hand ta cheer the kids alang. Fats Galla- gher will do the rest in the way of pep and zip. The game wili open with Mayor L. C. Mason on the mound ta pitch the first bail ta Recreation Director Vînce Mathewson who is expected ta hit a home run. It is also hoped that the renowned Boys Training School Bugle Band will pipe the expected crowd and the players onta, the f ield. Check the time, place and hat and be at the game. At a special meeting of Darling- ton Couneil heid April 18, Council moved that any tax payer or any person wantlng ta use Township Equipment, must apply to council for permission before any wonk can be done. SUNDAY SCHOOL A NNI VERSA RY SUNDAY, MAY 22nd J SPECIAL SPEAKER Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, D.A. Special Music by the Junior Choir at TRINITY UNITED CHURCH - hmwi GENTLE as your owi RANDS i EASY VACUUM.CUP WASHERS A handsome streamalined ,washer with latest triple VACUUM -CUP fast washing action and rol top tub. Equipped with new chromium-pîated SUPER SAFETY WRINGER with stneamlined head, triggen release, automatic lever reset and adjustable pressure, Rub- ber mnountcd motor with "life- time" ailing. Outside contrai. $154-50 (Termas If Desired) - ON DISPLAy AT - The ]Radio SHOP PHNEw 573 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. X. Screened Sand Sandi Sereeneti Through IA Inch amern. Ideal for plaster] laying brick. or B. B. EV1y Phone 2255 Bot' ing andi blocks wmanvllle HILLSIDE FLOOR s ERVI c E New Floors Sanded and Finished Old Floors Refinished Also Rubber and Mastic Tule Phone: Bowmnanville 404 Office Manager CAME STARTS Johnston and Dick Patfieid en- joyed a week of fishing near South Monagharf. Un P-ONALCongratulations ta Bob Rehder, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. 'ho» en E. Rehden on winning the Isaac 1Cohen. scholarship for the best and is prens Mr andMrs E. . year's wonk in third year electni- md hs prens M. ad M. E engineering at McGiUl Uni- Ilia. Hoar. versity, Mantreal. wns, Mn. mkd Mrs. Douglas 0. Dur- Mr. Donald Normile, assistant her kmn, New Toronto, spent the manager, Bawmanville Hotel dur- weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. ing the war when Mr. and Mns. alf, James. Hugh Thurlow were the propniet- its, Mrs. Douglas Wand and daugh- ors, was back in town, Monday, ter Rosemnany, Toronto, wene saying 'hello" toalal his friends, arweekend guests with Mn. and Mrs. including Tom Harris wha has ir C. H. Papineau. snce taken up residence at Myrtie. DIS. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell spent Miss Eleanor Johnston, Hobiey's the wt-ekend in Tillsonburg with Dnug Store, Walkertan, spent the he their daughten and san-in-law Mn. weekend with hem parents, Mn. in and Mrs. Raiph Dawson. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston. She ne- e- Mn. Alex McGregor has &been in tunned ta Toronto an Monday ta Detrit hisweekattndig aattend the 3-day series of lectures Detrit hisweekattndig aand demonstratians spansoned by eo. canvention for druggists in East- DrtyGa oa h oa ksernnOntario and sponsoned by the Dork otGa C.ltth.oa in Parke. Davis Ca.YokHtl Messrs. Art Hooper, Harry Con- Evangelist Orland Bailey, Mia- a- nnRy Cannons, Don Brooks,nrR mi, Fia., lateiy warker with Oral, ith -Art Brooks, Don Wright, Ron Robents and Branham, healing ______________________ministny , invite you ta bring ahl - yaur sick and affiicted regardless of condition, to the Evangelistic Tabernacle, Ontario St., begin- ST. ANDREW'S ning Sunday, May 22-and contin- uing the failowing week. Under Presbyterian direction o! Pastor H. W. O'Brien' Deputy Reeve Frankc Jamieson Churcn has stolen a march on adjacentt campetitors in the service-station8 Corner of Church and field, iby getting a 20-ft. loafing8 Temperance Streets bench installed autside bis premis- es, under the "spreading chestnut tree". Fnesh-gilded with silvero 10 ci.rM.- paint, the inon-shod bench is ai-A 0, ready occupied by the retiring t iSunday Schoo gentry and gizzled paliticianss discussing panty platforms until 1 June 27 raIls araund. s .1..1 arn -The Guide Mother's Auxiliaryc Chuch ervce met at the Lion's Centre on Maye Churc Servce 1 with President Mns. Hethen- ington in the chair. It was decided ta caten ta the Minlater: Lions dnner on June 27. There t Mr. David Watherspoon was some discussion on the Guide Camp and the ways we couidP help. After the rail call and Cal- a Onganist: lection, Mrs. Murdoch taok charge.A She called on Marina Perfect for Miss Louise Osborne. a piano solo. The speaker for the evening was unable ta came so j STRANGERS WELCOME after twa contests the meeting h ______________________ ciosed with the National Anthem.M _____________________Lunch was senved. r Zion Defeats Sauina In Opening Game Ziontake opnen t Sana thanks ta Helen for ber work as a iean, faks pn at oliai pianist througbout the year; the ina Monday night by a score o appaushe wbich foliaed pa v 2-1. Play was about even in the e oehad ln eeset ha v first haîf, with Sauina taking the Anna Johns introduced Jean lead at the 15 minute mark when Burgess, Maple Grave, wba, in Baker scored a nice goal ona hen talk, gave an insight ino the long kick from the side. However, philosophy o! George Matheson, Zion evened the score when Stain- author o! the hymn "Oh Love that tan scored on a bard shot fromwiîfoltMeg"Tisbm the right side, thus ending the i a olentaMeago".whisfeedis finst period. couagled, or eorglhe Mathesn In te scon bai Zin hd athaugh blind, surmounted ail difi- slight edge on the play. They culties ta become at last a very came close a numben of times and great minister. In the bymn he finaily, after about 25 minutes, vaices his belief that w-e find bap- Stainton again scored, this time pns nyi ef-eucain on nce orer ic. Tisended in the submission o! aur will ta the game for Sauina as they could- that of God. n't break thnough the Zion de- Rceto a noe ne fence. Rceto a noe ne Line-up: leadership o! Margaret Stacey and Zion-goal-J. Killen: backs Don Morris. G. ilen;S.Sobi;bal bck- The Young People are present- Gifford; J. Nemis; J. Camernnigterpa "upn ees forwrdsS. taiton D.Kilen;tonight under auspices o! Baw- forMardsn;S.Stainton; . Kien;r manville Community Council and Solina-goal---43eorge Knox; on May 24 at Enniskilien for An- backs-Francis Wotten; Chanlie nivensary celebratian thene. Langmaid; bal! backs-Ewart Leask; Ross Cryderman, Robent Scott; fanwards-Rae Pascoe, Han- The average Canadian used. In ry Knox, John Baker, Bruce Tay- anc form or another, more than ion, George Giiroy. Refeee-Har- 34 yards o! cotton fabrics during ny Davey. 1948. Tri!nity W. A. Enjoy Talk On Trip to New York Miss Florence Werry and her group Were in charge of the May meetinig of Trinity Woman's As- sociationr on May 10. Devotional period was present- ed by Miss Werry assisted by Mns. P. Cowling and Mrs. Jenkins. An interesting and entertaining talk on her trip te New York City during the Easter vacation was given by Miss Margaret Allun. She advocated that people should tra- vel before they are too aid. In al there were 1,293 persans enjoying the trip and good travelling com- panions added ta the success of the holiday. Miss Allin told of vis- iting many of the interesting pla- ces of Gotham includ'îng a church one-quarter of a mile in length. Te complete the pragram Mrs. G. Harle and Mrs. V. Ott rendered two vocal duets "The Lord is My Shepherd" and "Somewhere a Vaice is Calling". Miss Phyllis Ohallis accompanied them at the piano. Mrs. P. Cowling extended thanks te those taking part on the program. President, Mrs. C. W. Siemon conducted the business session with Mrs. Ross Strike, Recording Secretary. Reports of the various groups were given and showed cansiderable activity on the part of the members. yTrinity Y.P. Hear Inspiring Address On Hymn Author ~ May 16 meeting o! Trinity Y. sP.U. was in change o! Christian eCulture Convenens Anna Johns and Don Morris. Anna led the ewarship service, assisted by Yvon- sne Jackson who gave the script- une reading. The service stressed the importance o! the artist, who interpret the beauty o! God, whe- then he be painten, musician or paet. Don Morris intnoduced Louise Peance who sang "The Message of the Violet" and -~Keep on Hoping". She was accompanied by Phyllis Challis at the piano. Ivan Wooliey piaye dtwa selections "Biess This House" and "Land o! Hope and Glory" an the coranet. George Ma- han sang 'When 1 Survey the Wondnous Cross" and "Oh What a Day": Helen Nelles accompan- ied bath George and Ivan. Don Opening Infermediale ""B" Dasebali Came Lindsay VS. Dowmanville Royals ai BIGE SCHOGL Admission Children - - :25c D ruggist Wo Deliver r Place Your Order Now for Copy of B.H.S. Screech Owl r An invitation is extended ta al BHS graduates and any others in- terested ta purchase the revival edition o! the BHS Scneech Owl" magazine whicb is due off the press in about two weeks. The cost is 60 cents, plus 10 cents for mailing expenses. Al orders should be placed by mail, if pos- sible, and shoud be directed ta Ralpb Hils, Circulation Manager, at the school befone June 1. Wth only a limited number o! copies available, orders should be placed as soon as possible. The "Scneech Owl" staff would aiso like ta apologize ta those gra- duates of the past three years who wene not notified of the republi- cation directiy. Limited time due ta exams in Fifth Form x May have resulted in some accidentai omis- sions. It is hoped, howvever, that the more necent graduates will al submit their ondens for a copy just the same. Darlingion Council To Raise $83,000 For Two New Schools Dariington Councîl held its May meeting with members ahl present and A. MIlson, Reeve. presiding. Roy MeGili reported having loaked aver the lane situation for H. Patter and that Mr. Patter was given use o! same. Committee on building repart-'I ed they had looked at a building and decided that same wouid be satisfactory for Dariington Town- ship's use. This committee wiil draw Up specifications o! the building and advertise for tenders. W. R. Grosskurth visited the Council ne pipe arch cuiverts and snow fence. Clerk was instructed ta write the County Road Supt. regarding a tree in front o! store at Ennîs- kiîlen, the tree being in a danger- ous condition. Cornmittee of South Dariingtan Airea Sehool Boar-d accompanied hy Inspecton McEwen presented a letter ta the Council asking them ao apprave the issuing of debent- ires for the building o! two1 schools of two rooms each in the South Darlington Sehool Area. On notion of R. NichoIs and Garnet Rickard the appravai for the issu- ing o! debentures for these build- ings in the amount of $83,400 was given. This was ta be piaced be- are the Orntaria Municipal Board for their approval. Communication was read from I lE a f S FO M R I > s-IG TE NIO*E IFONI iTR a number of farmers in South Service 5.06 Darlington asking that thein Nonthcutt & Smith school taxes be levied on their Ambulance service - 25.00 building assessment instead of the Woodley whoie of the property. This matten Sheep insoection ____ 13.25 wili be taken Up with Dept. of Cynil Mumford Municipal Affairs. Sheep damages 30.00 Letter was read from Park Eber Milîson Commission asking the Council Sheep damages 47.00 to accept their resignaton fnom J. D. Hogarth that body. Apnil salary 145.00 Letter was nead fnam Hampton J. D. Hogcarth Women's Institute. Clerk was Excise and postage 5.00 instnucted to write the heirs o! Post San. Cane ____ 36.00 the late Dr. Jabez Elliott for con- J. D. Hogarth sent ta turn the Elliott Memonial Registened deed etc. 4.75 Park over ta the Hampton Com- Relief -.-. --- --- 218.00 munity. wsataie Roads and Bridges Clerk wsatoie to place Maint. and repairs 4226.38 ail Township labor on Unemploy- ment Insurance. Family Allowances (the Baby Following buis were paid: Bonus) are non, costing the Cana. Bell Telephone Co. 'dian taxpayer $525.00 a minute. I WAR SURPLUS STORE I rFAI*NT ALL COLOURS GUARANTEED INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR $3.25 per yallon Army Boots Reconditioncd New Soles and Heels Special $3.95 Blankets Armny Special $3.95 A. 17. Army Shirts Special $ 1.49 Work Pants $2.85 Army Mattress Special $3.95 ARMY Fatigue Pants Special $2.50 ' A _ __ORE 'Ir:endly, Personal Service S QUI BB em*mw.oéHep oie for beffer health AI INDIGESTION * CONSTIPATION Squibb Squibb wt Angle toath Brush 50e Cod Liver Oil-----60c, $ 1.29 Squibb Squibb N ' Dental Cream- 49o 10-D Cod Liver Oil 75c,$1.75 Squibb SqulbbFRI L" hve ram- --45---o 1re~- 35 WBITING PADS "ýBrotwnie" 8c, 2 for 15c LAXATIVE Vegetable TblIs L.. c VITAMIN BI Tablets reg. 37c,71)c 23c, 49c Very Personally Yours SYRUP FIGS &SENNA NEW Luxury- with Kotex.. 3-oz., reg. 25c --- 19C g iv in g y o u so ftn ess th a t fu lfils _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yo ur fondest dream of comfort. MIRACLE softness that real]v LAVENDER lasts . . . holds its shape without SUAVE LOTION' sacrificing safety. I.D.A. Brand 12,q 4-oz., reg. 43ec------ -33C 33c WITCH AE 2 forI.D.A. Brand 2fr 4-oz., reg. 25e- 19C 65C 48'. SULPHUR I.DA. Brand_ 1 $ 1.23 1-b., reg. 15c lic PICNIC NEEDS When picnics are decîded in a moment'& notice be prepared. Keep on hand the necessary items that help save time and make your outing a more enjoyable CAMERAS KODAK Tourlst -- $29.68 Up Duaflex -- ---- -- 14.56 Brownie Reflex . 11.56 Target Bran-nie 6.72, 8.12 Baby BravnJne -- $3.47 ANSCO "Shur Shot" $5.90 Marksman (Camena ... $5.95 FILMNS Kodak Venichrome or Ansco Plenachrome, ~opula sire I.' 'i j New Discovery Fastest relief for the distress of rheumatisrn and arthritis. IMDRIN $3.00 - $5.50 - $10.00 *UPSET STOMA CH *INDIGESTION k.mi *HEARTBURIN Maclean Brand t Stomach Powder , and tablets bring fast relief. Buy Todayl Special Offer Richard Hudnut Home PERMANENT Plus Egg Creme Shampon FREE Both for - $3.25 IVEGITABL LAXATIVE 1 î , tP L L5 PRESCRIPTIONSA PCLY Your Local I.D.A. DRUGS Phone 792 Tuesday, May 241h OPENING CEREMONIES 10:15 a.m. Interlake Paper Napkins 130 PIcnlc Jugs $3.75 up Paper Cups . Io Duchess Paper Plates --- - 25e pkg. Duchess Plenie Kits: plates, forks, etc. for 6i 250 Drinklng Straws ..Io Thermos Bottles, pInts - --------- 31.50, $1.65 First Aid Kits - -89c, $1.50, $2.75 Up Bathing -- n",Vm ---------- 0 is ie 1- ýe ýs is d .e Clifi Purdy 47 Centre St., Bowmanville, ha& accepted a position with thi Goodfeliow Pninting Ca., Osh awa, as accountant and off ici manager, and taken up his dutie! with a fine background in thi! kind of service. It is understooc that he wili supervise the entirt accounting system and act as chiel assistant ta Mn. G. M. Goodfeiiaw Managing Director a! the firm. Employed as assistant paymaster o! Defence Industries Ltd. ai Ajax, during wartime, Mn. Pundy transferred ta the administration staff o! Toronto University, Ajax Division, when it apened and spent thnee years there in the capacity a! accountant. He be- came experienced in cast ac- caunting with Defence Industries which will be of fine advantage witb the Goodfellow Ca. Born in Bobcaygeon, Cli!! came to Bowmanville in 1930 with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. C. B. Purdy, and punsued his education bene. After entering business life he was marnied in 1939 ta Miss Hilda H1all. They have a family of three children, Wayne, Linda and rennifer and for the present thein home wili continue ta be in Bow- nanville. Mn. Purdy is receiv- ing congratulations on his im- portant new appointment. ICENTLE, BUT OH. SO THO r7ýýý 24 DIVISION STREET BOIVMANVILLE 'l m Ao -ý 10:30 a.m.