THUMSDAY, MAT loth, 1949 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA&NVILLP, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN BAHS. "Screech Owli" DUNCAN PRILLIPS. Editor A lisit to O.C.V.I. Meetings are held once every four weeks. (Norm Allun> At the beginning of the schooa One bright marning in the year a session called "Lame Duclk 'ýEaszter holidays, Catherine Iceple, Sitting" is held during which the * Marg and Marion Tink and yourŽ teachers choose the candidates tc trulý, uoggecly stumbled an the run for office. The many activities early bus ýto Oshawa ta attend a are organized into groups whiclh . session of the Oshawa Collegiate include a Movie Club, a dramatic and Vocaional Institute Student club, an Ir.ter-School Christian Congres-s. Fellowship Club, a Spanish Club, Student Congress is the gav- a Sketching Club, a French Club erning body of the school. Quot- and an orchestra. Under the Boy's .ing fron-i"Acta Lucli," a school and Girl's Athletic Association directory, 1945, "The Congres isail sports from badminton and a mergpr of the Congress of the v olcyball ta rugby and pale vaul- U.S. of A. and Parliament of ting are encauraged. Great Britain. It consists of a We were caurteously received Prime Minister, a Cabinet, a by Gord Hawkshaw who intro- Leader of the Opposition, a duced us ta Mr. Slyfield, the Speaker . Cierk, Secretary -0f speaker. The session apened with State. and ,House Representa- te m ace being placed on the table tive. One cari se that the Con- ard various prayers in Latin. The gress exists for the student and arder of pracedure, althaugh in - the student for the Cangress.'" teresting, was lacking in enthus- 1/ SJ "That's flot surprising ' because the Brantford Roofing Company lias been in business over 40 years. It's a Canadian company. Believes in hîgh quality. And stands solidly behind its products. "The Brantford Roofs I seli create a lot of good will. Every Brantford Roofing job I handie brings me others, sooner or later. Which proves they give complète satisfaction." Ask for "Brantford"I Asphait Shingles a Sealed-ln Slding e Roll Roofings a Building Papers * Roof Coatings e Asphait Mastic Floor- ing a Watorproofing Moterials e Built-Up Rooflngs. For sale b> The Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Ltd. AND Adams Lumber Company4, iasm but later picked up w#ej Icertain bis were introduced fo Idebate. These bilkS were maini Iconcerned with money and dane Iproblems. There was one biUl con Icerning us, however, whieh jshauld like ta enlarge upon. deals With the revival of the Bow manville, Oshawa, Whitby Debat ,ing Union. This bill has been pu- befare Congress mnany times withl o ut receiving appraval, but th( stalwart member propasing i thought that with a delagatiar from Bowm anville present thE time ta bring it up was approp« Sriate. Recess was then declared in or- jder that we might present aur own views. It was painted out that C. C.V.I. was tao large a school t. campete with Bawmanville and Whitby in sparts campetition, but that an intellectual competition, such as a goad debate would pro- vide an excellent medium through which friends cauld be made and school spirit increased. The debate cancluded with the appointment of a ways and means committee. Dy this trne we were tremend- ously impressed by the Congress, the students, and the speaker and wandered if thesa demacratic me- thads could flot be used in aur own Students Union. It is rather ironical that in the afternoon the topic for debate should ha whether O.C.V.I. had schoal spirit or not. One of the highlights of the debate accurred when Mr. Hawkshaw was asked to define school spirit in fifty words or less. In view of the fact that school spirit is such a diffi- cuIt term ta define and that Mr. Hawkshaw had anly tan minutes in which ta do it, we believe that his definition is excellent. "School spirit"~, Gord said, "is the gaod neighbaur policy; the United Na- tions af the school; the friendlj- ness of scholars and teachers; the code of the school, the breadth of the school in the classroom, in ex- tra-curricular activities, and even in the home; and the 'school first' idea"~. It was painted out ta the assembly by the speaker that the fifty students who were present an a beautiful holiday had school spirit, although they didn't rea- lize it. Car we i nfer from this that stu- dents at B.H.S. have school spirit but do not realize it? Perhaps! In my opinion O.C.V.I. is at a disad- vantage hecausa of the size of the studant body. B.H.S. has as many advantagas as O.C.V.I. and more; howeven, there is always noam for impravement. We shouid endeav- aur ta camne out of aur cliques or gangs, for these quickly dampen any spirit in othens and actually show aur own weaknassas. ARGENTINE TOBACCO The average 1948-49 tobacco production of Argentina Is estima'- ted at 59.9 million'pounids com- pared with tha previaus.crap of 47.4 million and the average of the years 1942-46 of 47.7 million. The increasa us due, te larger plantings and very favourable Continuons Quality Is Quality You Trust Authorzd bottierof Coca-Cola mnder contreet wltJCoca-Cola LM. RAMBLY'S CABONATED BEVERAGES OSHAWA - - - PHONE 755 LI] ily 1 it he n ae f- r- eEDA d Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes, Port e Hope, wit-h Mrs. Mary Luxon and àMarion. d Mrs. W. J. Jackson with Mr. yand Mrs. Cecil Glass. t Mrs. Mabel Langstaff, Newton- ville, visited Mrs. Jennie Hoskin and enjayed a faw hours fishing sbut the fish fared better than the tfishers. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thertîll and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elgear, Toronto, at their summer home here. Mrs. A. G. Darlington spant Tuasday with ber daughter, Mrs. Jack Glover at Newtonville. Mrs. Norman Thartell and Mrs. Gea. Clark are spending the week at their summer home here. Mrs. C. Glass and Mrs. W. J. Jackson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson. Correction of items in last week's news-Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Grant, Uxbridge, and Miss Violet Mercer, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer. Messrs. Neil Stewart, Wm. Dar- lingtan, Wm. Mercar and Roy Mer- car attended the Masanic banquet in Orono when visiting druggist.s wara guests of honor. Mr. Malvin White, Lindsay, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer on Thursday. Melvin sold his farm near Lindsay and is now rasiding in Lindsay naxt doar ta Premier Frost. 1It appears wa have had soma unwalcome strangars, around in aur neighbourhood in a truck, picking Up iran withaut the con- sent of the owners. Thasa warm sunny days ara bringing the tobacco. plants in the greanhousas aiong rapidly and some grawers are planning ta start planting -the latter part of the waek. Mr. John Gardon, Bowmanville, and Mr. Jim. Gardon, Whitbyi with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Vannatto, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Vannatto. Mr. and Mrs. Jilisan and Chris- tîna, were in Bewdley trying 'out The yaung lads and lassias are getting in ahead of the senior bail playars this season. A soft hall game was played on the park Fni- day afternaon between Kendal and Kirhy schools with Kendal ,vinning by a large score. Mr. Cecil Carveth again pre- ;anted an interesting group of films in the Sunday school room on Thursday in the afternoon for îupils of McLean's, Kendal and Sixth Lina, and in the evening for ha community. "The Hametown Paper" pictured the variaus steps in Ats making from coliecting the news, and going ta press, ta dis- tributing the paper ta its readers. T'hose in quandary avar rats were 'iven sama fine ideas on how ta get nid of them. The National Park Bureau's presentatian of You'l taka the highroad on Jas- per-Banff highway"l made many t> us wish we could parsonally îe this beautiful country. Othar njayabla pictures fa'liowed by unch filied out a pleasant aven- I. 1 ENFIELD ~ig. s f t p ti p if n ti iT Woman'a Association mat at Mrs. C. Payne's on Wadnesday with 18 presant. It was pianned to hold the annual garden party July 20. Wednesday evanîng Zion Y-P. U. and Weslayville Y.P.U. had a hall game at Wesiayville after which thay ail ratired ta the schooi bouse whare Zion provided the warship service. The evaning closad with games and retresh- ments. Sevaral from hara attended the funaral of Mrs. William Thorn- dYke in Port Hope on Friday. We are sorry to report that Mr. Ross Dînner bas been confinad ta Part Hope Hospital. Miss Helen Barrowclough, Lakaport, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Barrowclaugh Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Earl Brooking an the hirth of a baby girl on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Grenvilla Flatt. Fenelan Falls, wýith Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tharndvke. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snell and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dinner,' Barbara Arn and Ronnie with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Langman, Toronto. Mrs. S. Milîs and Miss Winona Snell, Port Hope, with Mn 'Simon Barrowclough. Mrs. Jim Snell, Port Britain, callad an Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Toppîn called on *Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorridyke. Miss Eileen Allun, Newcastle Mr. Murray Payne with Mrs. A. J. Christie of Port Hope. There is a wida difference be- bergsil!ent ~tod mecerei.-n rNFEL Our W.A. met at the Parsor Enniskillen, with a goad att ance. Mrs. J. R. Ormiston, Ez tkillen, a former mamber, coné ed the devotional. Items ofk nass regarding aur caminga varsary wara dealt with.' Foster Snowden, Kadron,j two delightful solos and Mrs.1 aid Warry also of Kedron,j an intaresting talk an "The C munity Spirit." Mrs. James1 antertainad with a humorous n ing and Mrs. Gadfrey Bowi read a poam ta close the pragr The North group sarvad lu assisted -by the hastess, Mrs. -nour. Mrs. Fred Taylor, Paul Lyrin, Toronto, are visiting parants Mr. and Mrs. James Sfi Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin Celia, Union, at Fred Samis'. Correction:-The item last w regarding the Baptism rites sho have read; Beverley and Dci Samis, daughters of Mr. and 1 Fred Samis, and Linda Har daughtar of Mr. and Mrs. Jim E ris. )nag4 ttend nni. iduci busi anni Mm san, Har gav, ..-ar Par ead rmai Sey. anc hai :ark and ,reel ýuld na rris, ct- s. 'e n- rr d- an n. ýh id t r r t t s i 1 T If any af yau don't know where the Cald Springs Federation Camp site is lacated, why flot drive around and find out this very Iweek end. We knaw you wili be interested ta know that ane hun- dred Boy Scouts from variaus parts of Eastern Ontario plan ta set up their camp in this delight- fui spot. The Scouts will arrive Friday evening, eract their tants, and, atherwise make themselves sfnug for the waekend. On May 21 they will plant trees in the fore- noon, then repeat this wonderful public service act on Monday fore- noon. In between times they will have hikes, write farestry essays, hold field trials, sing sangs, pro- duce skits, have church on Sun- day morning. Although they will ha planting many trees for us in Durham County, they ,will flot on- ly receive noa pay for*thair work, but, are compelled ta pay for the Privilega. They wan't ibe occupy- ing bads either, but sleeping on the cold graund. The use of the camp site will ba free, however, the boys have ta be fed, that is wvhy each Scout mnust pay a fee ta camp in aur rnidst over the waek end. Why flot run out, mix with the!se fine yaung chaps, bid them wvelcomne ta Durham County, thank them. for planting trees on our. aroded souls, and otherwîsa encourage them ta become good Canadian citizens, worthy of the and thay are trying ta improve. rheir camps in bath 1947 and 1948 have been madels of cleanliness, idiness and efficiency. Thé boys' nanners are courteaus andpoie They are helpful. well disci plined, have lots of national and commun- ty spirit, are an asset ta any com- nunity. Lots of us in Durham Caunty could profit by visitîng thase lads, then, in aur daily lvest try ta emulate the examples shown us.à t tr undargoing an aperatian in a f Peterboro haspital. Her mather is taying with her. s .Many of us were sorry ta learn t if the death of Mr. Jaff Morton. % Ir. Morton operatad. a farm on v fe Manvers side of the Manvers g -Cavan boundary near the Several tram hare attendea the showar for Miss Shirley Brunt on Friday night at the home ot Mrs. Cecil Malley. Sympathy is extendad to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Avery on the death of ber mother Mrs. Wotten. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephenson and famly, Newcastle, visited Mr. .PONTYPOOL known in neighbouring townships as his awn, awing ta his wide- spread livestock dealings. Jahnny Bowler visitad his mo- ther ah Hilton. His sidekick Bobby Youngman accampanied him. Our hard bail team, flashing their new sweaters, absorbed a 10 - shellacking at the hands of the Janetville boys, Saturday even- ing. We've played enough poker ta know that it doasn't always pay ta win the first jackpot, sa, by the same pracass of reasaning, an- ticipate aur lads wilI improve from naw an. One of aur playars was warning the others ta watch the bail. He emphasizad his re- marks with an outflung arm. At that moment the bail smackad him on the very arm he was point- ing with. Moral, practice what yau preach. Many people from this vicinity visited the Royal Theatre in Bow- manv'llle last week ta view the picture "The Best Yaars of Our Lives". Evaryone we have com- pared notes with, agree at is a splendid picture. We ail] welcomad the invigorat- ing shawers Saturday marni>g but wished thay had listed a bit longer. The Hydro pales are in front of our home now. Guess there isn't rnuch excuse for not putting in the wiring naw. We visited Rudy Selback's ab- battoir at Hampton last waek. It .s considered tha hast in Ontario of it's siza. Mr. Selback has every convenience for handling meat of any kind. We vîsited his wall- stockad caoling raom, containing sides of beef, park, bacon, hams, sausages, etc. One of the guests got his coat tail caught in the hig doar of the coolar, there he was, frantically trying ta jain the rest of us but heing held tight by the caat tails caught in the door. Someone said thay thought his lame was Norman Leach, Taun- on. We have somatimes sean dags getting thair tails caught going through screen doors, but this is ha first occasion we have seen a full grown man in a like position. Although the trees seem ta he slow coming into leaf this year, the cauntryside is just hursting with baauty. There is nathing vrang with nature that a nice, gentie, warm, May ram wan't fix. Let us have faith that right riakes might, and in that faith et us ta the end dara ta do aur Parrin's on May il. Next mneeting at Mrs. J. Curson's an June 1. Home and School Club met May 10 with a few in attandance. The Club jaurneyed ta No. 9 on Wednesday night and had a very enjoyable time. Master Trevor Davies visitad bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. F. Fleming. Candor will lose You soe M WEEKEND SPECIAL$S SPRING SUIT S Reduced 25% to 1/3 off Smartly tailored wool suits in a wide variety of colours and sizes in sin&gle and double breasted styles. Choose one of these budget priced suits for your vacation or cool summer evenings. Suits Reduced 25 % to 1/3 Off Blouses Reduced Add one of these hankie-sheer tubbable blouses in delicate pastel shades. Jewell or plunging necklines. Choice of long, short or capped sleeves. Priced so low you'll want several. Atm --- ----------- ---h-- --p--- 57ON 3IG 6T.W3 PON 363 I Enhanc e Yo'ur Eye-Appeal!1 Let US help you select glamorous eye glasses. Frames that blend with the contours of your face . . . colours that complemant your persan- allty. MAR VIN HOLLENDERG Optometrist (Formerly J1. T. McCreery) OFFICE HOURS Monday and Thursday - 10 a.m. - 8 P.M. Saturday - 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Guaranteed NfYLONS 99e pair Sheer nylons in new popular sum- nmer shades with dark pencil seanis. All guaranteed against a clear break. Complete size range. GlorY i 4 i and Mrs. G. Stephenson. friands but nat as many as de- Busy Bee's met at Miss Jean ceit.-Young. Wewarsh. t ea f r Woer weren' sny a en ar af.Mn. UlobarAhln' sdde pasiongtheMr in opClrt. eda aasthelt ai uty as wa understand it.-Abra- ne of Clarka. He was as well narn Lincoin. la 22 DIVISION ST. PHONE 2024 22DVIIN1T BROWN'S KENDAL WESLEYVILLE 25% tO 1/3 OFF The 57 KING ST. W.l