AGE TWZLvj~~ TEE CANADIAN STATMAN, EOWMANVILL!. OWI'AR!O ?RURSDAY. MAY 1hi~ im*m E~SK LLENawa, with Mr. and Mrs. John Dor- MNS IL N ln. adMs .MNi ii Mr. and Mrs. E. Jennings and friends in Bowmanville. fanilly, Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Ce- South Durham Ministerial As- cil Mills and family, Maple Grave. sociation met at the parsonage on at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills'. Ma>, 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton and Brian, Maple Grove, with Mr. and famiiy at Mr. and Mrs. H. and Mrs. A. Brunt.î Stainton's and Mr. and Mrs. J. Miss Winnifred Cole, Nliss Ed- Stainton's, Hampton. na Gilbert and Mr. Ward Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Toronto, at Mr. E. A. Werry's. Larry, Purple Hill, at Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brownr \lr Mrs. Harold Ashton's. and Mrs Edward Millson, roo Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Adams Mr and Mrs. Edwin Crmnistcn.: and familv. Mr. ard Mrs. Donaki Maple Grave, at Mr. and Mrs. R, Lee and Wayne. Oshawa, at Mr. J. Ormistor.'s. W valter Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Werry, Saintfield, at Mr. and Mrs. A. Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Sharp's. J. A. Werry, Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Wrz. 21r. and MNrs. Fred Cowling and John Siemon on the arrival oci a -zn Miss June Whitfield, Cart- fine baby boy. A brother for Kath - ':ýriht, vsI'ted Mr. and Mrs. R. ryn. ;MýcNeil. Rev. M. J. Whyte, Toronto. vis- i Mr. and Mrs. L. Bradley visited ited Mr. an.d Mrs. Howard Ste-'.Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett. yens and other friends. Mrs. Rusýell McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall. Osh- virs. Waller Ferguson with Mr. TRAC TOR S Your work luis i fût view, right under you, as you ride while working. Single, double, or six. row cultivating ulits. 22" Crop clearance. One- man operated. Direct' uteering and automatic brakes facilita te work in close quarters. At. tractively priced. STAUNTD@WN ON YOUR W@RK U». a Fuiview Trector for TRA TOR PLOWING a CULTIVATING ~umI .PLANTING 'e FERTILIZINO ý0' VsiiltyofWok é@Iet Y.e9.D.ruý Graham's Garage Haydon Phone 2730 and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Mrs. Mi.nerva Trewin accom- 1panied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and Lloyd, Blackstock, ta, visit Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. Adam Sharp visit- ed relatives and friends at Port Perry and Seagrave. Oshawa Presbytery held their last meeting of the Conference year in the Enniskillen Church on May 4. Mr. and Mrs. Verdon Lethangue, Marie and Dianne, Ballyduff, Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Fallis, Cadmus, Mr. and Mrs. David Gnay and Carol, Newcastle, Mn. and Mrs. Milford McDonald and Gerald, Bowman- ville, with their parents Mr. and Mrs. James Adams. Mrs. Mary Gniffin accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wotten, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Gniffin, Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hudson,I Peterboro, visited Mr. Nelson Hudson. Sympathy is extended ta rela- tives and friends of the late Mrs. Will Wotten who has been living with her daughter Mrs. Cyril Avery, Bowmanville. Miss Donalda Griffin, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Wil- liams and baby Linda, Totten- ham, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grif fin. Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tynone, at- tended the funeral of Mrs. William Wotten on Thunsday and was tea guest of her mothen, Mrs. Mary Griffin. W.M.S. met May 10 at the home of Mns. M. J. Hobhs with presi- dent, Mrs. H. McGill in charge. Mrs. James Smales had charge af the devotional. Bible readings by1 Mrs. F. Beckitt and readings byi Mrs. A. Brunt and Mrs. M. Trew- in. Croup 1 under leaders Mrs. Howard Stevens and Mrs. Gordon Yeo were in charge of this pro-1 gram: Letter from Rev. Merle1 Ferguson read by Mrs. Will Moore; Mothen's Day music by Mrs. G. Yeo; Study Book by Mrs. R. M. Seymour and vocal duet by5 Mrs. T. M. Sieman and Mrs. H. Stevens. Mrs. Seymour closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served. Tnuth cames from a deep sincer- ity that must always charactenize heroic hearts: it is the better side of man's nature developing itself. Mary Baker Eddy. Buy With Confidence at Art'1s Car KING ST. WEST 1948 SPECIAL DELUXE DOGE SEDAN- Like new (iow mileage)- ------8-- 1975.00 1947 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDANETTE- Just lika naw <with ail extras) --- $2895.00 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Spacial Delux- with heatar (low mileaga). For quick sale only -- $1695.00 1941 PLYMOUTH 5-Passanger COUPE- A lean car, lias bean very wali looked aftar. Full prica - $1175.00 1940 CHEV. COACH- Spotless Inside and out ___- $1150.00 1939 OLDS. 6 SEDAN-- Clean car __ - ---- - $1050.00 1938 CHEV % -TON PANEL TRUCK- Just what you've been wanting te gat. OnIy ----- ----------- $595.00 1938 CHEV. COACH- (No knaa action) an exceptlonalIy clean car--------------- _ _$875.00 1937 DODGE SEDAN- lI Ai condition througbout -8775-00 1937 PACKARD SEDAN -____ $_ 750.00 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN-- Nawiy overhauied mator, dlean lasidea na d out ----------------- $750.00 1937 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN- Ia perfect condition throughout - -- 750.00 CASH - TRADE-INS Market BOWMANVILLE 1936 GRAHAM COACH- Cican car ------------------ ----- $595.00 1936 DODGE CONVERTIBLE- With rumbie seat. <Don't miss this buy) --------- -------- .$695.00 1936 PONTIAC SEDAN- Good appearance and good nunning condition -----------------------------$575.00 1935 OLDS. CONVERTIBLE- In Ai running condition. Oniy $450.00 1935 CHEV. MASTER SEDAN --- $475.00 1934 CHEV. STANDARD COACH $375.00 1934 CHEV. COUPE- Spotiess Insida and out --- $450.00 1933 PLYMOUTH COUPE $350.00 1933 CHEV. COUPE- Ruas lika new- $395.00 1932 MODEL B FORD COACH- Radio and newly overhauiad motor $350.00 1931 MODEL A FORD COACH ------- --$250.00 1931 STUDEBAKER SEDAN- 5 braad new tiras, a real good aid car ------------ $295.00 1931 GRAHAM COUPE $ 275.00 1928 FORD COACH -- - $175.00 1931 DURANT SEDAN $____ 150.00i EASY NONTHLY PAYMENTS PHONE 2148 BOWMANVILLE Open Every Evening 'tili 9 p.m. - Saturdays 'tili 6 We want to Buy Cars 1938 ta 1942:- Dodge, Plymouth or Chei*rolets in lst Class Condition TRIPLE INDEMNITY INSURANCE if .~ A new palicy providing occidental death and diamemberment hmnefit te Fce profect your loved ones. Your beneficiaries wil receive: 000ý0 racevalue of the Policy if you dia from a natural cause. Double the race Value of the policy if you die by accident. Triple the race Value of the policy if you dia while iding as a passenger in a public conveyance (except aeroplane) or whie in a burning public building. Youyoursefget libera) disnienbernsent beuefitsproviding cash for Joas af parts of your body. 4&k for aur pamphlet -Confodera tion Lite Annauncea",jivinig particulara of thes» bonoits. Ih viii interat yoU. 4E1~ConjederationLfe ne ab Of a a ýsociation I1 O aO0NmI1O Branch Office: 169 Charlotte Street, Peterboro P. J. MATHER, Divisianal Manager * Our former-friend above il de- lighted te receive his choque for savings mode on creom ho mark- eted co-operatively. During Morch, United Ca-op- vrotives of Ontario paid $52,000 in patronage dividends for creomn morketed from Octaber 1, 1947, ta September 30, 1 948. You con short in the "ectrog" an your creamn! UCO. pays full market price for creomn when it il received, end a patronage divi- dend when it s eamned. Creom cons are looned fret for shipping.. Writo Toronto Croom.ry Brandi IUNITED CO-OPERATI VES 0F ONTARIO J28 Dulce Street Toront. TYRONE t Several ladies attended the Dis- trict executive of the Women's Institute at the home af Mrs. 0. W. Rolph at Orono. Amang those tattending wene Mrs. Ralph Glas- peIl, Mrs. J. C. Cook, Mrs. L. J. Goodman and Mrs. G. Rasevear. Mn. and Mns. G. Saloman and Miss Rogers, Brighton, with Mn. and Mrs. Howard Philp and Miss Jean Philp. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Boyd, To- ronto, with Mn. and Mns. R. Burgess. Miss Grace Hayward, Bowman- ville, with Miss Velma Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lageer, Osh- awa, visited Mrs. Chas. Stire. Mr. Chas. Stire is taking a holi- day on account of ili health and is with bis brother Mr. Edward Stire, Dashwood. Mrs. V. Milîson, Toronta, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kellan, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner spent Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werny and Master Tommy Hoar visited Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan, Beth- any. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graham, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Macdonald. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Long Sault, visited Mrs. J. McRoberts. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Bishop, Helen and Donnie, North Oshawa, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. S. Jewell. Miss Velma Callacutt visited Miss tzwen Hilîs. Mr. W. Thiesberger attended the Ontario Fur Breeders' Assoc- iation short course at Veterinary College, Guelph. Mrs. Henry Wood and childnen. Long Sault. visited Mn. and Mrs. Roy Maynand and Mrs. J. Mc- Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Elford and children, Port Penny, Mr. Laurence Tabb, Bowmanville, Miss Irene Spanks, Little Britain, visited Mn. and Mrs. M. Tabb. Mrs. H. Cameron visîted her daughten, Mrs. H. Trivett, To- ronto. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Maynard, Mrs. H. Wood and family, Mrs. J. McRobents visited Miss Phyllis Maynard and Mr. O. Andrews, Bowmanville. Mrs. H. Finlay and Dean, Misses Verna and Ida Wyle, Unionville, and Mr. J. Ash, Toronto, called on Mrs. T. Richards and Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow. Mr. and Mns. C. English and family, Newcastle, Mns. G. A. Sleigbt, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family, Enniskillen, visited Mn. and Mrs. Henry Stainton. Mn. John Wilkinson, Oakwood, with Mn. and Mrs. A. Hilis. Mn. and Mrs. C. Windaver and Hazel, Rockroft, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham and Barbara, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. D. Stainton. Miss Mabel Brown, Mn. Gardon Brown and fniend, West Hill, vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. T. Tabb. Mission Band met Sunday ýmonning with 36 childnen present. Bobbie Coombes and Carole Phil- lips gave neadings. Mrs. Leon MVoore gave a chapter of study book "Tommy Two Wheels."' Col- [ection $1.01. The cbildnen an- joyed a couple of games outside. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm and Doneen, Miss Gwen Davey and VIns. H. Rahm, Burketon, called on Mn. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson at Halls Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park and family, Mn. S. Duval, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamn and boys enjoyed a motor trip ta Kirkfield and other points forth. Don't forget tha Anniversany services at Tyrone on Sunday at 2 and 7 p.m. Several from here attended the Progressive Conservative annual meeting at Orono. Those fnom here taking the Taylor bus ta Niagara on Sunday vere Mn. and Mrs. R. Virtue, Mn. and Mrs. A. Richards, Mrs. W. H. [Taylon, Marie and Jerry, Miss M'uriel and Bob Burgess, Mn. M., Hamilton, Miss Arvilla Beckett 1Im etAn SOLINA Miss Valma Gilbert, Toronto, at home. Mns. Clarence Scholl, Charlotte, N.C., Miss Mary Cathenine ScoIi.,' Mn. James Rua!!, Rochester, N.Y.; Miss Muriel Langmaid, Peterbaro, at Roy Langmaid's. Mrs. H. E. Tink with Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Oshawa. Mrs. Eric Pearce and Douglas, Toronto, at Harold Pascoe's. At Sunday School, the Mission- ary stony was given by Mrs. John Baker Sr. and Pearn Leach sang "My Task." Sunday School next Sunday (May 22) wiIl be at 10 a .m., with church at 11. Mn. A. L. Pascoe attended Mn. T. H. Lackbart's funeral at Bowmanville. Sincenest sympatby is express. ed ta the family of the late Mn. Walter Cryderman who passed away last week. Membens of the Women's In- stitute ententained Zion W.A. members at Eldad Chunch, Thurs- day afternoon. Y.P.U. members fnom Hampton and Solina were entertained by Maple Grave Young People last Wednesday night. We welcome Mn. and Mrs. Heal and son, xvho have punchased Mn. Roscae Baker's hause south of the village. A number o! relatives and fnl- ends assembled at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Walter Parninden, Tuesday evening, May 17, ta, honour the occasion of their Sul- ver Wedding annivensary. On bebaîf o! thein mothers, brothers and sistens, Mrs. Frank Bray, sis- ten of Mns. Parrinder, presented themn with a silver teapot and, with the kind wishes of their daughten Evelyn, son-in-law Jack, neighbauns and othen friends, Mrs. Sam Dewell made the pre- sentation of a silver cneamn and sugan, tray and saIt and pepper set. In addition ta these gi!ts, Mrs. Panninder and daugbter Helen gave Mrs. Parninder a case o! silver flatware and the Wam- an 's Institute sent a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Guests were present fnom Port Penny, Colum- bus, Enfield, Bowmanville, Hamp- ton and Solina. The entire com- munity joins in these fond wishes and extends cordial congratula- tions ta Mn. and Mns. Panninder. HAMPTON Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Toronto, with Miss Lulu Reynolds. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Nelson, To- ronto, visited Mn and Mrs. S. Wil- liams. Mn. and Mns. Ken Pooler, Osh- awa, with ber parents Mn. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Mn. and Mrs. R. Burns and son John, Janetville, visited Mn. and Mns. J. Purdon. Miss Minnie Horn spenit a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Earl Davidson and son Ge- raid, Edmonton, are visiting ban sister Mrs. Clifford Colwill. Mrs. C. E. Jeffeny visited han son Wallace and Mns. Jaffery, To- ronto. Mrs. Menvin Mountjov isited REGcUJjATj[eJ? It saves lime and trouble when yau familiarise yaurs.lf wlth th. regulatloas reqarding travol ta th. Unitecd States before you set out an yaur trip. Hors are th. facto: 1. The allawarsce far pleauru travel during the curreat ration period of Novemnber l6th, 1948, ta Navemnber I5th. 1949, in $150 U.S. par persan ($100 in the cas. of childrea tanden Il yearg ald). 2. A Ferra H, abtain. able at any bank. iun e- quired to take out af Can- ada aniounts excée.dng $10 U.S. on $25 U.S. and Cana. dian fundu. 3. Special allowances are granted for strictly busi- nss travel wher. your ap- plication la cetfied by y6un employer. 4. Applications for langer amaunts of U.S. funds fan traire! for health or *duce. tional purpea.e may b. rmade on speclal forma ob- tainable at your bank. a gaod tirne. Sunday evening the Junior Y. and David Kronquist. Ail repart P. held a special service at which Mr. Carveth, Newcastle, shawed maving pictunas. Roland Coombas conducted the worship service. About 100 enjoyed this service including Haydon and Salem. Col- lection $10.00. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Allen of Bowmanville. had thein son, Doug- las Lloyd Allen, baptized in the manse Sunday aftennoon, also Wayne Douglas and David Wil- liam Murray af Bowmanvjlle. Mrs. Papineau, Castieton, is with her daughter, Mrs. C. Shred. A gama of football was played Monday evening between Tyrone and Enniskillen score 1-0 for En- niskillen. Phone 497 Bruce Hogarth. The important thing in 1fr Is sess aptitude and the perseve- to have a great aim, and o - 1 ance ta attain it.--Goethe. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fitz, Nestletan, and attandad their sale. Mr. and IM'rs. Mountjoy attended a sktower in the Community hall, Black- stock, fan Mn. and Mrs. Arnott, Neals. Mr. and Mrs. Don Adcock and Ray and Mrs. Gilbert Adcack vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns at their cottagle at Rice Lake. Mn. Roy Powell, Columbus, vis- ited at Cecil Lackwood's. Mn. Murata Rabbins, Toronto, st W. W. Honn's. Mn. and Mrs. R. Luke and Mns. E. H. Cale with fniends at Orono. Mn and Mns. Elmer Gibson, Blackwater, visited at Mn. Robt. McCullough's. Mn. and Mrs. Eanl Waddell. Bryan and Linda, Whitby, at Jack Reynoids' Mrs. E. H. Cole, Mrs. W. G. Doidge, M1-rs. H. Salter, Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and Mrs. F. Honey at- tende dthe Women's Institute Dis- trict Executive meeting at the home of the president Mrs O. W. Ralph, Orano, on Thursday after- noon. Mrs. Perey Dewell entcrtained fan ber mother, Mns. H. E. Tink, Slna, who celebrated ber birth- day when ahl of ber children and gnandcbildnen, brothens and sis- Lers wene present. Sympathy of the Hampton friends is extended to Mrs. Rev. W. Rackham, Manilla, fonmerly Of Hampton, in the death of her mothen Mrs. Crawford of Toronto. Sympathy is also, extended ta the relatives of Mn. Walter Cry~- derman, Sauina, whose funeral wvas held on Satunday afternoan at the Hampton cemeteny and was large]y attended. Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Westlake Sn.. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Westlake and family. Solina, Mr. ai-d Mrs. Nelson Fice and family, Taunton, at Tom Westlake's. In the list of Home and Schaol Club officers last week the name for Ist vice president ought ta have been Bruce Yeo, instead of THý uifor, genle ilking netic Speedway Milker pleases the cow . . . because it con- fornis exactiy te her dehicate nsillcmalcing syotem. The De Lavai Better Miliing that pleases her . . . profits you tbrough higher production and better udder bealtb. Why not talk je airer with us today? Start right with a De LevoI Separators ...Slcim clease, preduce lighest quality crean4 last lofiger and cosic.lets year etse. A tire and style for every need and puýrie- hmnd or moto, W. Il. Lrcwn De LAVI... MILKER 0F CHAMPIONS A,,otber great Csnadian eowe to job, the bonor roll of .bampsoes Lq Poob 511y 0rnsby 264213, the great Hlstein owned by bfr. Fred M. Snyder, Waterloo, Ontario. She ta now Il yemr old and h., à life=oeproductàon r.eord of 127,080 lb, eof mik and 4213 lb.. of fat aie eght lactatoos. She uas bred ad raied 'y SM. S.yder ancd ha, beet, milked throogbut ber lift .bby a De Laoal Miitr, wbjcb Mer. Snyder bas bren ,.otog wise à day for the la«t De LaoaIStering Milice, A grest milke et lower prie. Simple, bool. pçoo and dependéble. DeLvlqusltin lamiik- irg performance and con- struction. The De Laval Sterling pulstor haou 1 Kn tetW GRANGýES APPLES Customers' Corn*-r Many thousands of house- wives in sevelal hundred comimunities have helped to build A&P by their patron- age, their suggestions and yes, their complatits. Through them *ve have learned much about what women like or dislike and have tried always ta conduct our business accardingly. You can do a great deal ta help us improve our ser- vice ta yau by telling us what pleases you or dis- pleases yau in your daily contact with aur stores and aur people. All af aur employees would be glad if you would point out whenever we fail ta mneet your needs or to make your shopping pleas- ant and ecanomical. Please write: C.stomr Relations Dpt., A&P Food Stores, 135 Laughton Ave., Toronto, Ontario5 PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL SATURDAY, MAY 21 FLORIDA VALENCIA, 176'u NOW AT THEIR BEST B.C. WINESAP, BEST FOR EATING EXTRA FANCV CELERY STALKS TONATOES ONIONS Yellw Cooking, Large, No. 1 ]POMMTES TbeSok o Flarida Pascal Mexican Hand Selected Quality, No. 1-14-or, min Native Grown, Tender, THIS IS A REAL PEAINUTS TP.E AT Virginia Jumbo, Blanched and Salted DELICIOUS CANNED MEAT YORK BOLOGNA -t FINE CANADIAN COLOURED CHEE- - - OLD b45c AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP AYLMER CHILI SAUCE .*.- ANN PAGE PEANIIT BUTÀTER FANCY KETA SALMON- TOILET SOAP PALMOLIVE 3 reg cakes 28c 2Z SWIFT'S SWIFTNING - ANN PAGE-WHITE or BROWN MILK BREAD .*.* A & P CUSTOM GROUND CHECK THE TRIM 0F YOUR MEAT AT A & P. NOT DO YOU GET THE BEST THERE 18, BUT MORE FOR MONEY AS WELL. BUY CANADA'8 FINEST QUý RED or BLUE BRAND BEI STEAKS or ROASTS gia Doz.55 2 Ibs. 29e 2 for 25e Pko. 29g 2 bchs. 13 3 Ibs. 149 151b. 7 -oz* Ige t2-oz lin33c MLD b 39c 11-oz btl 17C 9-oz btl 22c 1ozjar à 5 1,5 finI 33c ni cakes 2 7c lb 39c 14-oz lait Ilc m ib5lc rONLV tYOU R lAL TV. EF b394 lb. l.63c 35c I894 E84H lb, 439e lb. ce< lb. 29e 21 j E I 'i SI s 81 P WING, SIRLOIN OR BONELESS ROUN PORTEIHO USE- BLADE BONE REMOVED ILADEIROAST a OVELL TRIMMED SHORT RIS ROAST VHOLE OR SHANK HALP hbO$ED SLICED ODE BACON- WOKED SHANKLESS 01K SRQU!JIVR! D SKINLESS b69e CHOICE WIENEIS PEAMEAL l.47e COTTAGE ROLL b-49< BACON SQUARES ILb 59e< IodJGKDBAN SLICED lb*59 DBITE- LOBSTERFR a b.~ WRITfE FISH FREH» lb. 49etf 7Q» FILMESFREf à ...ROFTSYOUD THAT'S WHY DE LAVAL MAGNETIC SPEEDWAT MILKINI PAYS REAL DIVIDENDS ___b 1 TA B Li s a F- PAGIC TwrLv2â 91 King Street West Phone 497 .--. 1 THE CANADUN STATESUM, BowliANvr=, ONTAM "MPMAT, MAT 1M. lots ' ç il