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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 May 1949, p. 16

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-- - -- --- -ITRADE ' qw BRING YOUR ýlÎSL MESSAGE BEFORE CS3cEA 12,000 READERS 1 L 1- mz - .--. ý Y BIRTHS1 ETCHER-Mr. and Mrs. Morlev Etcher (nec Leona Mutton) wish ta announce the birth of theiri icon, Ronald Sydney, at Bowman- ville Hospital on Wednesday, May Ilthl, 1949. 20-1 RICHARDS-Mr. and Mrs. Ron Richards are happy to announce the birth of their son, Williami Neil, at Bowmanville Hospital.1 May llth, 1949. 20-1* SLEMON--At Bowmanville Hos- pital on Frîday, May 13th, 1949, to Mr. andi Mrs. John H. Slemon (nee Jessie Knox) a son, Robert John, a brother for Katbryn Ann. 20-1'- WHITEHAND - Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Whitehand are happy to announce the birth of their 'son, Frederick Stephen. at Bowman- ville Hospital. on May 121h. 1949.1 20 -1 * Reception Friday, May 20th, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Enniskillen, will be atý home t(, frientis from 2:30 to 7:30 p.m., it being their 501h -wed- ding an~o-i\19-2 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. anti Mrs. Simeon Sander- .son announce the engagement of their onlv daughter, Evelyn Flor- ence, to Mr. John Beacock. second son of Mr. and Mns. Wesley Bea- cock, alI of Nestleton. The mar- riage to take place June 4th. 20-1 * Mr. andi Mrs. Russell Wright announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth. to William Gordon Jewell. son of Mr. andi Mrs. T. S. Jewel]. The niarriage will take place June Il at 3 p.m. in Tyrone Uniteti Church. 20-1* Mr. and Mrs. Royal S. Hall. Bowmanville. announce the en- gagemnent of their eldest daughter, Florence Evelyn, to Mr. Marki Marchant, son of Mr. andiMs Henry Marchant. The marriage will take place June l8th at 3:00 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Church. 20-1* MARRIAGE MacMILLAN - DUSTAN - On Tuesday, May 17, 1949, at Trinity College Chapel, Toronto, Helen Patricia Dustan, daughter of Mrs. Thomas A. Dustan and the late Mr. Dustan, 10 Keith Campbell MacMillan, son of Sir Ernest and Lady MacMillan. 20-1* DEATHS COLWELL-Suddenly in Bow- manville. on May 17th, 1949, Al- bert Irwin Colwell, beloved bus- band of Hilda M. Foley, in his 45th year. Resting at the resiti- exice, 6 Carlisle Ave. until Thurs- day noon. Service in Trinity United Church. MaY l9th at 3 p.m. Interment Bowmanvil le Cemetery. Memnbers of Florence Nigh tingale Lotige, 100.OF.. No. 66. are re- quested to meet at the lodge roon, at 2:30 p.m. to attend the funeral of our late brother. 20-1 CRYDERMAN-In Darlington, on May 12th. 1949. Walter John Cy derman, beloved husbandote late Annie Gibson, in hsRn year. Frîneral from Northcutt & Smith's Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville on May l4th. Interment H!ampton Cernetery. 20_1 ]KENT-At the Hospital for Sick .'hi1dren. Toronto, on Wednesdlay. May llth. 1949, Gale Marjorie Kent, ageti six ypars. dearly be- loved daughter of Mi. andi Mrs. Robert C. Kent. Newcartle. Ser- vice was helti aI the Morris Fun- eral Chapel. Bow,%manville, on Saturday., MaY 141h. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemeterv. IN MEMORIAM BURNS-In loving memory ofa dear father and mother. James, who passed away May 27th, 1931, and Hanna. May 2th, 1943: 0 happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory stili, But death has left a loneliness The world can neyer f111. -Lovingly remembered by the family. 20-1 COUCH-In loving memory ofa dear mother. Winona Couch. who passed away May 24th. 1939: Each day I'think of someone, Who was always so kind anc tru e: Someone I loved with Il rmy heart; Dear mnother, that someone was t"vou. Lovingly remembered by bei daugher, Denelda. 20-1V GRAY-In loving memory of Robert Gra'v who passed away iMay 24th, 1940: When aIl is still and silent, Andi sleep forsakes my eyfes My thoughts are in the silent grave. Where m ' dear husband lies. -Lovingly remembered by wife. Ida Gray. 20-V* STEVENS-In loving memnory or our dear mother, Esther Brown Stevens who passed away at Hampton on May 25th, 1945; also our dear dad, Enoch Stevens, who passed away at Hampton on Jan- u Lary 111h. 1929: and our dear brother. Harold Sherwood Stev- ens; who passed away at May- erthorpe, Alta., on August 29th, 1941: Sweet momories will linger fonever. Time cannaI change Ihem, it's true: Yeans thal may came cannot sev on Our loving nemembrance of yoi iLovingîy remembereti by Ih famiîy. 20- DU. Notices iW E DELIVER Texaco Gasoline Motor Oils and Greases to Bow- manville, Enniskillen, Tyrone. Orono and Newcastle Areas. Bol: Stocker's Garage, Phone 804 or 864 Bowmanville. 20-1 On and afler this date 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Jane Shackleton. Fred Shackleton. May 19th, 1949 Bowmanville, Ont. 20-3* Mr~. K. S. Jeffries, of the Singer Sewing Machine Co.. Port Hope, will be in Bowmanville and Dis. trict from Tuesday to Friday eacli week. For information regarding new or used machines and repairs write Box 245, Statesman Office or Phone Balmoral Hotel. 20-I TENDERS WANTED The Bowmanville Board of Edu- cation requires tenders for the following: (1) Painting exterior of High School. (2) New floor in upper hall of Central Public School. (0) Remodel basement at Cen- tral Public Schoo] for lunch rooni. (4) Electric stove for lunch roo m. Contact Rev. J. deP. Wright, Chairman Property Committee, for particulars. Rnwnanville Board of Education. Stuart R. James. Sec'y.-Treas. 19-2 Custom Work TRACTOR Customi Work, plough- ing, cultiviting and seeding. F. S. Allen, Phone 594. 16-tf TRACTOR plowing gardens, cul- tivating and discing. J. H. Al- dreati, Phione 496. 19-4* SIMPSON Annie Jane. ah Cour- Work Wanted tice on Saturday May 7th, 1949, Annie Jane Sinipson, witiow of ELECTRIC anti acetîviene weld- William Jamnes Simpson, a got 74 ing. D. W. Bothwell, R.R. 3 Bow- years. Service ,vas hel t ah Ie manville (Maplo Grove). 18-3 Morris Funeral Chapel. Bowman- ville. Intemment Ebenezer Con,- REFINED middle-:iL.El woman etey.20-1 desires light housekpeeo;ng. Write _________________________Box 249, Statesman Office. 20-l* CARDS 0F THANKS Caretakers Wanted Mr, anti Mrs. Elmer Lee wish tn thank the neighbours anti fmi- The Bowmanville Boanrd of ends of Enfielti for their help dur- Eduication require~s applicationsr Ïng our rouent illness, N-ouri kinti- foi- <he positions of camelaken as ness was appreciateti very mtch.' fol lows: 2 11 . High School. man anti wife - pîeferred. Mr. anti Mms. Robert C. Kent, 2. Newv Ontario St. Sehool, Newcastle. Nvish ta thank Rev. W. Duties commence Juily 1, 1949. W. Patterson. Dr. K. W. Slemon iSta te salany oxpecteti anti quaI- anti neigliboîirs anti fnientis foriifications. Applications to ho in their beaîitifiil floral tribuites antid Secretan-'s office byv June lst. kinti x'onds anti deetis turing the BoNvmanville Boardi sicknesF anti teath of hein dean of Eduication little tiaughten. Gale. 20-1 Stuiart R. James, __Sec'.y.-Tz-eas. 20-2 The family of <ho late Mrs. Ina. Wotten wvish (o thaiîk Drs. Mlat- ersonal oosis anti Ru.s-el andt nurses at the Oshawva Goncural Hospital: also ISLENDOR Tablets are effectix'e. frientis anti ue;ghboîîrs for acts of 2wes suppîv $1.0)): 12 ,%.ee.k,, kîndness anti e-xpresizions of ,;vm- $5-00, ah Jury ovi nt c patb'* v uring their recent ben-eave- Gregor*s Druîg Store. 2(0-1 men 0 a ovng oter. 201'SK INNY Mon. Women! Gain 5I The fanîîy of the late Mns. 10 15 lbs. New pep. too. Try Annie Sinmpson xish to e xpress ifamnous Ostîrex Tonie Tablets for dotible nesults: ne%%- eaîthv fîesh: tbeir sincone thanks anti apprec- noxv vigor. New -9et acquainteti' lation luto beiri.relat ives. fiîl iCot 0.Aldugîî.2- anti neiglîbour s frthn<eir k iîîd- 6u l rgit.2- neses tit crds Of s> niPathv\: 11IYGENIC Supplies -(i ubherl also fanr<tie beautitul floral 0*f-! goods, maileti postpaid in plaini ferings sent ou hein necont ho- srealeti envelope vvith pnico list. reavernent in hI- los5 of a loxving Six simples 25c. 24 simple~ $1,00. mother. A *;pecîal thankg <o Bey, j Mail Onder Dept. T-.39. Nov-Rtuh- Jý S. 1. Wilof Oshawa for hîs ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilîton, Ont. comforting m1essage. 20-1' 18-91 63 Kig St W., o 20-1ili 9 I UICK0 1 convertible, Model \ville. Permanent vunnorîtio ihBowmanville. C46 raio hete, dfrote, godlange manuifacturrr Onlv mli- Wantedcon dioheater, W.dAfostein-gotiable bustIer consiclere'q. ýr i t e Ao loki, cservicp staitions, high-j VVate codiion AplyW.A. ominRaw,,leigh's, Dept. ML-E-140-13, xvay husines.,er. fanms, etc DEA hnss aticallefo f son. Orono, Phone 83r4. 20-2 - Montreal. 18-4 BK ain,1e eU stt pick up. Phono Toronto AD.3636 NEW 3 anti 4-borner ranges. J. SPhono 326-2017lan on CoLioiirg 48J Wo pay phono iImmnediate deîivery anti installa- Lost Broke'r Rep. 20-1j changes. Gordorn Youîng Lti. 13-tf lion: also rangettes. F. W. Weî-ry ________________ DEADStok! reeenvce.~ :& Son, Electnie, Phone 2i39. IN Bowmanville on May 14, walîet DEADStok' reeSerice We19-2 containîng son, of mon'ev. drix ens Chicks For Sale farm nimupas freadofr<rge. 40 BIK . permit. Mrs. Lesl:e 'Coombps, -1 illr piupal feaeorfenippgei BUC Special. foîîy equîîp- Phone 2,581. 201-ISTARTED cockemels, pollets, non- [Highesî pricos paîi for olti hanses. peti, complo-te motor overhaul. - eeimn betsat rs Phono: Peterborough 4026 Cletnwtis.Bsofer accepteti, or BLACK wallet initiaIs RP.U. breetis ho choose fron, 3, 4,5,6, 7, Nîck Peconi, owr'emr. 20-tf altier car in tratie. Phone 662. contains driver's licence. Lnçt t 8, 9, andl 10 week olti at bai-gain Notice Dog 0wners f ~~20-1* vîcînitv of Concession antiScuo pîe hie1018a, As a Notice_____________________RANGETTE, gooti condition, Ss.Fn$2p0ae:hno269 olticou keres, pullets ati -inon - __________________________$2: i21-Isexeti cbcks, tiurkev poîîlts. im alo ' dîyrange, oquippeti with m .---______ -v AIl pensons ox'.-nin or harbotir- a il buiners. wNaterfront anti druîm,1 LADY'S golti wrist watch. Re- etatdîvo.Asapleo0f the ta duoae eîîlcl<oscMi e2a $40. pl 198 Chumch St. West.i warti. Phone 28G04. 2 bnai.<6wkoi iht Suç licence foir saine. Pî'osecution foi- i1ppy20-1_- ________--sex X New Jlamps:hinc:. New failLine ta boIt a licence nma.\ h f MANS 16- jewelc Faýýo-wn xx.tj Ham-psbines, Light sussex cocker- instituteti withouît furber notice,. EGGS. fresh fron, poultrv farm. xcatch, matie in Swilrenîanti. pisý 36.95. non-.sexecI 43.3p, li 'ntier bv-iaw zovomnîng tho keep. gradeti anti cantilet. delivereti brown strap: In-t inu 'mcîni% fi58.95. Senti for complote bangaîn îing or harbounung of tiogs. j e'-ey Frîia v in Bownanville. 1'Oticl andi Scuîgog St-- Reari.pruce lsiFtantid rloîe Twetitlc S VENTON j Phone 2720 between 12 - I c.m 'hone 230or lbave at Stauo- Ch, H;2'býeriesLimiteti, Fer- Chie£ Constable. 20-l1w 1 man Office. 20-1 '&us, Ontario. 19-2 AUCTION SAàLE Livestock For Sale The undersigned will sell b'- EEVNYo33i5.îg.Phn public auction for Ed. Fowler. Lot 23.2- 2.3, Copn. 2, Cartwright, on Friday. SERVICEABLE boars. and gilts, May 20, farm stock, implements Phone Port Perry 197-21, N. R. and somne furniture. Sale at Green, Nestleton. 20-1* 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. REGISTERED Shorthorn Bull, 10 20-1* months' old. colour spotless rett-- brown. Apply Friend, Bowman- r Farni stock and implements, the ville 2523.* 19-3 oroperty of W. B. Ormiston. Lot NUMBER of young sows, ready .3 and 4, Con. 8. East Whitby Twp., to re;goyugHîti (one concession north of .Colum- 0cow godue Jn. ord CHlste- bus, 2 t,ý miles east) xill be sol eo.Phn 53.2-1 Dy }ttJi pi tUt.c a t o t urctti UO,. May 2lst. at 1:30 p.m. Sale in- cludes 40 head of cattle: 34 pigs; horses: fuîll line of implemnents, inclîiding two gooti tractors, anti harness. Torms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. TEN young Holstein heiferç, freshening soon; also two-furrow lnternationpl tractor plow, new'. Ivan Mountjoy, Burketon, Phone 'Port Perry 78-13. 20-1* .Repairs COMING EVENTS Articles For Sale j Articles For Sale- Real Estate For Sale Dance at Solina School. Friday CHEVROLET coach, 1937. Phone BRIGHTEN up for Spring! Can- LOT, on Jane St. Apply 57 J» h- night, May 2th, sponsored by the 916. 20-1* ada's finest Venetian Blintis mea- erty St. S. 20'l* IFootball Club. 20-4* sured anti installeti. Free esti- 1 1929 PONTIAC coach. Apply_20 mates. F. F. Morris Co., Phone SIX-roometi frame bouse Io be 1,Depew's Pavilion, East Side Second St. 20.1* 480. 8-tfi removed from property. Applv, 1Beach. Bowmanville, opens for l_______________ -INelson Robbins, Hampton. 18-3* sthe season Saturday, May 2lst. CEDAR Posts, any quantity Up to 1947 DOD GE Special Deluxe sedi-________________ Free dancing. 20-1* 100. Phone 2856. 20- 1 an. heater. diefroster. grill guard. $2.700-full price, with S1.450 e fog lights. etc.. low mileage. ex- down. balance mnonthly. 5-roometi 11The Beehive Service Club is RANGE, McClary, coal or wood. cellent condition. Garnet Porter, qemi-attacheti brick house On holding an afternoon tea and Apply 60 Ontario St. 20-1* Newcastle. 20-1 ýOntario St. Apply 5 Libertv St. a home cooking sale in the 100.OF. S. 20-1* ol Hall Friday, May 20, at 3 p.m. 1949 RADIO lîcenses now avail- 1944 INTERNATIONAL diimp ______________ 19-2 able at The Radio Shop. 20-1 truck, four yard box, in excellent SI(l.750-Service Station on No. _______condition througbout. Will take 9 Higbway. Apartment, Store, anti 1 Afternoon tea anti sale of home- GOOD black loam, f111 and gravel. car in trade. Write Boýc 251,.One acre best garden soi], 500 cooking 10 be helti at St. John's Phone 2255 Bowmanville. 20-1* Statesman Office. 20-1* raspberries. etc., spning well. Rectory from 3 to 5:30 Friday,,, 6000 CEDAR shingles. Apply Mon-20 ROLLS imitation brick siding, Stock incluties gas pumps, airi May27 Sonord b S. oh sley Gilroy, Phone Brooklin 3n1 $40.00; nearly nexv blacksmith's compressor. groceries, meat and sWomen's Guild. Evenyone wel- r2o1. come. 20-1* 20-1* C.l cutters, $8.00; 22 rifle. cheap. car arcessories, scales. show cases. C.J. Mitchell. Newtonville. etc. Splendid garage, %vonderful Dor isteoeet TeGOEfahrlmtt uniy Phone Clarke 3122. 20-1* location for cabins. Everything Don' mis te oereta TheGOOE fathrslimtedquatit, - - .painted and very neat. Hati Sunbonnet Girl" at the High suitable for pillows. Phone 2252. MEN and boys' work boots and $25.000 turnover last year. School If School Auditorium on Thursday 20-1* dress shoes, complete stock of close by. Good reason for selling. yeven ing, M.a'y 19 at 8:30) p.m un- TWO îawn mowers in gooti con- sîzes andi styles at popular prices. Contact der' the auspices of Maple Grove ion AplBrkdeNus- Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, King St. Bowman anti Gibson IWomen*s Institute. 20-1*iti. A20BrodleNre-1 West, Bowmanville. 10-tf Insurance anti Real Estate Brokers _____________Ont.__Phone_521 Don't miss "Jumping Jewels" e.21 WELL-rotteti weedless mushroom Wib~ n.Poe2- to-night (Thursday) at Town Hall THREE-burner gasoline stove, in manure for gardens, shrubs, 20-1______________ starring Trinity Y.P.U. Plavers, gooti condition. Phone 582, 177 flowerbeds, lawns: also cow anti $l0,000-Lange General Countryv untier auspices of Bowmanville King St. E. 20-1* sheep manure. Phone Oshawa Store in Kendal. Modern equîp- Community Council. AdmissionWHP Tsean13,lo mi- 3234 (reverse charges>. 15-6 ment. including 8 foot Frigidairei 35e anti 25c. Starts 8:30 p.m. 20-1 age, gooti running condition. FLOOR Covering! Congoleum run- counter, Toledo scales, meat slic- GrndOpnngofte wa- Phone 2387. 20-1* ner. Congoleun, anti Rexoleum oer, cash register, etc.: lO-roometi n Gan Opnig o te Bwmn-Deluxe in yard gootis ant u frame bouse in excellent condi- t ville Tennis Club at 2 p.m,. on DODGE sedan, 1930), gooti tires sizes; also inlaiti linoleum witb . hot M ader eting. Otherud 0Tuesday'. May 24th behinti Lions anti gooti running condition, $225. canvas back. F. F. Morris Co., .ingso incrhiebarin, oilti o CommunitY Centre. Round Robin Phone 2298. 20-1 Phone 480. 8t ulig nhd an i n -tournaments aftoîrnoon anti eve ____ -___________________feeti bouses. electrîcitv. thmougbZ- r ings. Bring ynur lunch anti have MODEL A Ford coupe, gooti tires USED Case tractor; uiseti Massev- nul Yearl.v turnover $30,000. -a picnic on the groundis. 20-1 anti running ontier, $100. Phone Harris 102: new Case one-wy Stock at invoice. Coutie niet Cuih unavClarke 3823. 20-1* dise: new hay* loader: steel posts; - __________United_________________ barbeti xirc; wator pressure $7,200-Farm wvith great founist' School Anniversary Services Nvill DDEcah 94 ngoi~~ systems. W. H. Brown, Case possibilities. on Lake Ontario, be helti on Sunda.v, May 29th at dition, price $298. Phone 20315 Dealer, Phone 497. 20-1 near Port Hope; 10 largerom 2 anti 7 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. Bowmanvilîe. 20-1* 1-4 SPECIAL Delu Clîtr in gooti condition; 80 acres, 5.5 S. R. Henderson of Trinity Unitetid ________________14 workable, balance pasture anti Chiîrch. Bowmanville. SpcaQATIYofne 5-passonger Club Coupe, oxcol- bush. musicby Soolat lizUnTik, of16, Ceon, 3 Clakelent condition, built-in radi,___ mui ythe Suntiay fcoladBi,,,Lo 6 o.3 lre heater, 5 gooti tires. Apply ,H. $.0-ot fHgwyN.2 the choir under the direction Of R.R. 2 Newcastle. 20-P i Moses. 50 Lambs 1Lane, Bowman-igwa No 2 Mr. Frank Walter. 20 _1* _ane,>_________________ - - TN bas of ebag potaoes.ville or Phono 29302. 20 r ei Newtonville on groi count.y TEN ags f Seago otates.îoad, 1 12 storey frame house. 9 The Annivorsarv Services of Harolti Ormiston. Burketon, Phonoe ODDBaeSo xbne.ros sunporch Ri s torerooni -Tyrone Suntiay Sebool will ho 2,373 Bowmanville. 20-1*i no rivets. In stock ready to go: in spotloss condition. Barn 25x40 helt May 22nd at 2 p.m. and. Chev.. Dotige. Plymouîth, Chrv- xitb loft. Lpwýn. -ardon anti 7 p. m. Guest speaker ai 00o11 COOK stove, white anti black sIen, Olds.. Ponc. Biick (dru ms store fonce. Excellent view. services is Rev. H. F. Yartiley ofi enamel, oul burners, in gooti con- latheti). Bob Stocker's Garage. LEROY HAMILTON Courtice. Special music by the dition. Phone 414. 20-1 Bowmanville. Phono 804. 20-1 Broker Orono, Ont. Sunday Sehool assistet b%, Misses 20-11 Mary anti Doris Alîdroati. Bow-_ FINDLAY Oval cook stove in FARM wagcns on rubbem-Special manville. A cordial initio gooti condition. Phone 730 ori offer: 4 tires, 4 new tubes,, 4 steel J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS 1 is extentied 10 alI.01. Apply 189 Chunch St. 20-1 rims, 4 wagon xvbeels cutl down, Realtors si7O 600x16. completo assembly, Woman's Association of New- MARCONI electnic mantel radio, aI] tires, tubes, rims, womk, guar- 19TAMPTON tonville Uniteti Church will holt InbgOoot condition, price $15. Ao)- anteeti. $72.50. G. F. Jamieson 140 acres. containing 30 acres rx- aAniesySevcuna.ply G. Frienti. Phone 2523. 20.1* Tire Shop, Phono 467. 16tf collent. level crop land,. 10 acres e May 22nti aI 7:30 p.m. with Rex. AE-A eeninirc HELOlC.no aetnsmixeti bush. No buildings, $2500. Nicholson of Bowmanville. guest lath. Onder eanly. Limiteti sup- (5 a. niitr up EVC TTO N speaker. Tuesday, May 241h, Ty- ply Phone 3690W Oshawva. 17.4*(20g.)adrtv up SEVC ST IO AN 1 rone Young People wiîî resnt available for boan to farmers. Im- GARAGE their play "A Ready-Matie Fam - CORDWOOD, eut in foot lengths, mediate dolivemy. No contract or Seut, Rd.inHmpo.0 a Uvy" in the chunch auditorium at maple anti beech; two cords ta deposît nequireti. DMetcr on tank capacity: .5 noo-n apDaitnient. Soff r8:30 p.m. 20-1 loati. $16 per cord. Phone 2952, fnîck ensures accîinate" deliveneti drinksainti cigarettes. Excellent 10-tf quantites. Phone 497 for infonm- alng.Ilesfre ae Youn pepleinteestd i theatin. 0 ý4.000.00 cpsh, balance easy erms. forthcoming federal eloction are 1936 DODGE sedan. mileage invitedti t attend a meeting of the 41,0001, four tires gooti as newx.NE equipment. Fleuîry -Bissol Stock at inventorv. SYoung Progressive Conservative Apply C. A. Johnston, Phono 338. spreaders, $27.00; 26-plate Tan-- -1 AsocatonaIth Blmra Hte 2.* dem tiisc, $169.00: fracton plo-%ws. BARNr eAssoiatio____te_____________ Ot-l' co wagons. punip jack, Wood's For 1%'rekini on Tuestiay evening. May 31, at LMUHcah,13,i dC 8:1 pm.Prgrmm wîlco~îPY~OUH oah,194,ingoodC pany 12 rit. fI home frezer 5.cnanîgvîibefli-I. sist pmf ogrspakmes fomco- running condition. Apply 12 plus 4 ei. ft. nefrigeration, $4.5.bers anti gondisable lumber. not of a0nti speakesfo To-bCentre St., Bowmanville, .Phono Corne andi sce Ibis freezer. New m ros. ',rm dîmaiitling anti removal. dancin an ttalorîn e.201 68 20-IP anti usrci hay loader and side $300-00 cash. dancing and entertainment. 20-1-Irake Cocksbiîf). Phone Carl Ela udvSchool Annix'er- DODGE truck, 1947, haîf-ton, in Totit, Clarke 15-20. 20-1* C1 EladSuda AI condition. healor. radio. Will i1- owmanvillr' Pepresentative sarIv Servi ces Sundayý, May ,291h, 1 ýell or trade for car. Phone Clarke 'TRADE-INS-Elctýricexvasher. en- Telenhone 2456 at 2 ant II73 p.m.. xith Rex.A.J1940. 20-1* ýamel ttub. S39.50; electric xvasber, Fergus E. Morrill ýE. Eustace, Orono, guesî spea. -____________- $69.50, botb gciaianteed 1 vos;i: No Sale- No Charge The choir untier leadeiîý'ship of 1933 HARLEY-Davidson 74 motor- 'U*estiigou.ýe table model cm Wr hav\e a nuimben of client- Mrs. J. C. Smales. will becsitt cycle. with windsbield, (rash binatUon n-acho, plaN.s 12 n-ecoîtsl, looking for fanms. lar'ge antid sl bv Miss Donnie Croasser.Bx~ guards, speetiomelen, etc. Phone S59.50: ovenct1c, S9.95: coal range. Fo ore;s aiat fil mnanvillo. Monda.\ at 8:15 p.m. tlhe 2341. 2.*roservoin anti xarining aven, seî v1ce contîact i Kinsalo-Groenwooti Youing Peoplei $49.50; nexv rangettes witb n;ito- J. A. WILLOUGHBIl & SONS j xx'll present thein play ' Hon- METAL beti. thee-quartersîe matir oven colItl.$950; new 1.56 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont Pecked H-enry"' anti musical on- with ribbon steel springs. Excel- 3-bui-ner electrie ranges, auto- orj t ertainment. 20-2 lent value, $5,00 complete. Phonoe ai vncnrl 9,0 -c. B~ avleRpeettv ______________________245.-21. chesteî-fielti suite, lilke nexv, $79.50. Establisheti aven 50 years Vlanted.To Buy LEONARD refnigemator, complete- Murphy's, Phone 811 Bovnan- 2- Iy noconditioneti; one building lot, vxille. 20-1*j LIVE poultny for Amnenican mar- xater anti sewer. Apply 37 Lambs. -- i $4500-With $2.000 down, 2-fam- kot.Phoo 233.18.* Lne.20~* fBRAD3LEY Fumnitune Co., 40 King1 ilv brick bouse. five îooms eacb, _______________________ I.W.,Oshxva Phno 71--pco' the main street in Bowman- OATS recleanoti about 20 cwt. M.-H. 8 fI. tandem dise, gooti as betiroomn suites, $69.010; steel beti ville. mnonlhly. Phono 2720 betw3.een new~, two years olti useti very'outfits, complte.$26.95: foît base ___ 12 -1 p.m. 20-1* little. Wilfned Bowman, Enni- floor covering, 49e a square yti.; $6,300-Terms. Immediate pos- BEFORE seîîing your live poulîr s ki]len. 20-1 chrome chairs. $6.95, aIl colons: essini ne nooni brick,, lange lot, --3 pe. allover velour chesterfielti beautifullv lantiscapeti. double tîy uis. Our pnices are higher. M. 1929 MODEL A Ford coaeh, in suites, $149.00; 6-pc. nalural finish garage, e-lecînie stove. linoleums. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phone 7 r faim condition:, small motorcycle, breakfast suites, $66.00l; spî-ing- venetian blintis, ineludetin besî 13. reverse charges. 17-tf in faim condition. Appîy 57 Lib- filleti maîtresses. $24.95; tri - lght location of Boxvmanvlîe. erty St. S. 20-1* lamps, complote, $12,95: nangeltes.-___ to E chage ORC pup wth î' " ppe;i~'ranges fnom $59.100; 3-pc. alloven $1 .500 -fîll price, one-î-oom cnt- 'WAanted toE ca g OC upwt l "pp;i - elour bed ochestenfiolti suites, lage, at Lake Scugog in Caesarea, SEVN-oomtifrao ous wthlaid linoleum 8'x2l12':; chemnical $119.0l0; 9 x 6 Axminsîer cai-pets, 17-fl. Motorboat. incluieti. SEVN-ooedfrme oue %vthcloset anti pipes, nearly flOw. green onrxine oriental designs, ____ aIl modemn eonx'eniences, in Bow.- Phono 2170. 20.1* $49.50l; chenille bcd spnoads, $6.95; 2,5 bIt l cah. 6 omfri mianville. for bouse andti tn or,- table lamps. $67î5. Everytbing $50'ors. romfunîh fifteen acres of ]andi in adjacent 1 MODEL L50 Gibson guitar, beau- tehoeaIBadeds 0cig otmagvle.o etBahi district. Write Box 250, States-1 tiful condition, 2 mos. alti, D'An,-thhoea rdys.4KigBw nvl. man Office. 20-1 annti pickup. -im ,;taintnHamp- St. W., Oshawa. Phono 271. 6-tf i____ Pets For Sale TWTO blpack and Nwhite Colli,' niior furnîsnod or paîrtiv fuînisheti apartment witlh 1housekeeping pnivileges. Box R, Bowmanville. 20-l* E. B. Taylor, Phono 2392. 20-1* A SMALL farm rot over 80 acrtie must be arounti Bowmanx'i~ At pi-esent rates a maiiwav box- Omono or Newcastle, int-nIîmis of car bas earnecl less that 8go per buying. Write Box 252, States- cent of its replacemnent x-aluie by man Office. 20-1* thet' ime il is netimeti from service. Railway rates in Canada are the Tihe average Canadian xvoman lo-,výest nf aily country in the world 15 ' ears of age anti o'vr useti 7.6 '.xitb the possible exception of ninis of full fashioneti hosiey n ome oriental regions writh ex- 1948. :remely low living standards. M Baby -Deserves ýThe Bes! -AND YOULL, FIND THE BEST AT JURY& LOVELL - YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Xtork Antiseptir Baby 011 - ----- ----------- - . 6-oz. 60e %tork Baby Powder , ------- -30c Rexail Children's Laxative -----------------------------4-oz. 35e Defender Infant 9Syninges -- - ------------ 1-o. 40e Stnrk Latex Nipples --- ------------------------ -10c - 3 for 1.3e Rexali Stork Nurserç leakprnf seal-cap slips over the nem, non-colle nipple for storage or travelling bagr. Complete T'nit Bemedies lKeep Your Famlly Healthv BiFma-Rex, 4-or.. ---8.5 -helps reclure iaq -relleve% hearthurn ]Rexail Mllk of Magne'uia (Plain or Mint) - . -8-oz. 25r 20-o,. ----------- soc Sani-Ped Foot Poiider, 4-oi. 50C Rexall Purtest A-Sa-Rex Tablets. l00's 59C M 31 Solution- antiseptic mouth %vash and grargle 4-nz. 29r, R-nz. 57e, 16-oz. 89e Lin-A-grptic Liniment 4-ni. 69c . 16-oz. $~1.89 Moth Prevenlives Elkay's Maoth Fume Cryst.ais suitable for your vacuum cleaner - ---- 16-oz. 49e 5 -1 s. $. 2.35 F.lkays' Math Kîller and ,Math Control Llquid with D.D.T. 16-oz. 95C Red Cedar Flakes wlth Napthalene -. 35C 39e - 3 for %1.09 NEWV! Helene (urtis (old W~ave SHAIPOOý Especially for hair that tends fa be nify. Bottle - 69e Cleaning Needs Fouir-Squàare c;Iag ('leaner with applicator, 8-oz. - 43r 1UniversaI CleanNer, the Ideal %pot cleaner, 4-oz. --- 30r Fnir-Sqtare Furniture rnllSh. R-ni. -. - 69r Rexall Floor IVax, 1-lb. -_ 59r Fnur-Square Silver Polish. S-oz. -, -..55r NEW! ilelene (Curtis Mllky SHAMPOO F.ipecialIIv tond for dry, fine hair - lathers instantly - leaves hair easy fo arrange. Bottie - 69e JURY Y LOVELL YOI'R REXALL DRUG STORE Whcn We Test Eyes If ta Done Properly PHONE 779 BOWMANVTILLE 1 hav-e receiveti instructionsFO prmtefiengantd frnm the exocutor of the estatesieF ,rompefinacntmguaran ,p of the late Olga Gibson tao5011 jsrxicethenanti cu stom wopr by public auction at lher lato r teNeIWa ho epi sidnc ai S.,Necatl, n Shop, King St. West. 9-tf Saturtiay, May 21. aI I p.m. sharp, REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- modemn anti antique fui-nitui-e, enaters, tiomestie anti commercial. diý,hes, glassxvare. betiding, linon. Higgon Electric 42 King St.. E., siîvenware. electii washer, stoves, phone 438. 26-tf ganden tools anti many other items. This sale ivill include sev- SHOE Repair - workmansbi p oral pieces of gooti. antique furo- guaranteeti. 24-boum service. Lloyd ltune. Foi- fuirthen panticulans see Ellis Shoe Repain, 39 King St. W., bills. Terms cash. No resei-ýve Bowmanville. 18-tf Jack FReid, Auctioneon. COMPLETE brake service, brake 19-2 1iî-um lathing, grinding anti hon- ing. Brakemaster cylintiens anti Tht' uîndorsignoti xill seîl by xvheel c 'vlindens honed anti pol- public auiction for~ Mrs. Satilor, in 'sheti. Per-mafuse Ray'bond brake the village of Brooklin on High- bonding. no rivets. Raybestos %-,-av No. 7. on Saturdav. Mav 2Ist, brake linings. Brake shoe ex- all'hem hoîîsehold contents ineluti: changes in stock. reatiy to go. ing Coffielid refnigeraton: elecînic Bob Stocken's Garage, Phone 804 nangotte: Singer sowing machine; Bowmanville. 20-1 radio: table anti chairs: beds; V ne oR n drossons: 3 Congoleumn rugs; kit- W ne oR n cen anti pantnv equipment; wheelhai-row; 2 Iawn mowers: FOUR-roometi unfurnisheti apart- gardon tbols: anti manv othor :ment equineti hy Sept. lst. Write articles tno numerous to mention. P.O. Box 335 Bowmanville. 20-l* Sale aI 1:30 p.m. Tenms cash. GOOD pasture for ten heati of Don't forgzet tha place of the sale yugcIl o esn pI -Bnooklin. Clifforti Pethiek. I wi M ate o csn.Ajl, auctioneer. 20-1 . J. . May. Lot 3, Con. .5, Dar- lîngton. 19-2 Boomand oard ONE 1 o n Peres. on a tree-i'ear QUIE voug ma desres xvay Nurseries, Duke St., Boxv- andl boardi at neasonable rates tilI avle.2)t Septomber, Phono 2320. 20-1* TWO office girls desire small, i e THE CANADIAN STATUDUS, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAICM SIKTEM IUMDAT, IWAY lm. is»;ý ýw 17

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