~WURSDAY, MAY 101h, 1940 T~ CANAnTAW MTATI~MA~f ~rSWMAiIY~YI7 T.V P~Ii'I'AeTF~ - - - -- - -, ~ ~ PAftU 'rwmw Chinese Festiv Cuminating 'T 'Me Far East mnoved Wes Wednesa evening, May 11,' te C aaian Girls In Trainir Trinity United Church cuhn ted their year's work with a nlese Festival. Guests were greeted in the tinner's Class room by Del ment President Marion Dil wearing a beautiful Chinese turne, and by Superintendent, Helen Pritchard. The entranc "China" was marked with1 maps and lanterns. Once in C the visitors were greeted by ty Cowle with the sound of a nese gong and announced by nice Stocker. Registration fol ed with the guests signing the Ister in Chinese fashioni brush and ink, and signing gurname f îrst. Each person1 received a tiny badge bearing Chinese characters of Happir These were made by member the Senior Group. Girls in che of registration were Joan Lu> and Gwyn Griffith. In each( one girl wore the C.G.I.T.i form and one a Chinese costu The Sunday School room gaily festooned with vari-colc Chinese lanterns, cherry blossi and Chinese displays. Smalli sels of burning incense added lectively to the Oriental ati phere. A special Chinese ne paper made by the Tru-Ki group contained ¶nteresting] vm s Oum U84 ot od S Wln.me eputurryl * D o nt wO e*v m e w .fy am iit * hPaTr my brolcen taystoll. 1 needd ceains ed eiIng t.,I Enniskillen Annîversa will b( Sunday 1 ai 2 p.m. and ' Services Will Be Coi REV. A. of St. George's Un Slngint by the Sunday S( Mrs. Seymour - Assisted by <COLLECTION IN AID 01 Tuesday, Mi Sports ProgrammE RACES FOR CHILDE JU~NIOR FOOTBAI ZION vs. E LEAGUE FOOTBALI SOLINA vs. SUPIPER>A UNTIL ALL Amplifier sYstem SuppIied Stage Pla, "JUM P IN(C A 3-Aet Mystery Comedy star A DMIq ADULTS: Supper with Concei Concert Only CHILDREN: Supper with Conce: Concert OnIy - Pastor - Rev.1 S.S. Supt. - Edgar Wright. ing and congratulated the C.G.I. terM.Gordon Sturrock, Bow- white gardenias. Before leaving cd satin, was sty]ed with a fitt Gr u s r se tT. on their splendid project. Miss manvi11. the bride threw her bridai bouquet bodice with low scalloped nec r. cr ups P esentLena Taylor, a former nurse in The reception was held at the which was caught by Miss Gloria line, tiny cap sîceves and 1<ý Cina, rcpeated The Lord's PraY- home of the bride, Mary Street, Atterslcey. Mr. and Mrs. Sturrock full skirt. She wore match.i ial n U iqueSty e e in hinse.Oshawa. To receive the guests, will make their home in Bow- elbow length satin gloves and 'h i ~ W rk coed in regular C.G.I.T. fashion, chose a gown of navy faille crepe matron of honor and the brides- flowers and blue satin bow, ai rher Y ar' W o k ,itha riedshp crcl, te ing ahoe ihh neckline with maid were rhinestone necklaces carried a rosegay of pink ros ing o Taps, and the Benediction.j turn over collar and long sheath and matching earrings. and bauvardia. Mr. Gordon Jarv st n trcsanddaa o Chna nd heleeves. A draped peplum with a Out-of-town guests at the Stur- of Bethany acted as best mnan. when work that is being carried on there bustie bow at the back lent inter- rock-Leavens wedding on Satur- For the reception held in i ng i b au Uite Chrc Misioar wn~uIGSest to the'skirt. She wore a navy day were:-Miss Marie Moyse, Mr. Kawartha Room of the Empre nina- les. Also on display was a scroil hat of milan straw With pinkDoFrgsnMrAla MrtHte Ptrbo, butf tChi- or Chinalog prepared by the Sen- wheat trimming and navy acces- Miss Lucille Forder, Mr. Douglas guests were recexved by il ior Group. Both these displays re- MIDDLETON-HOOEY sories. Her jewellery was a triple Harnden, Mr. Jack Childs, Mr- bride's mother assisted by Il e B- vald cnsierbletim ad Te mrrageof ila Mrgaetstrand of pink pearîs with match- Gordon Sturrack, Miss Audrey groom's müther. For ber daug] epare- work donhe pat ofteil and hey, dagero a M r aMrs. ing bracelet. A corsage of pink Sturrock and Mr. and' Mrs. A. H. ter's wedding, Mrs. Gray ch<, ippeîl their leaders in compiling mater- Harold Hooey, and Edgar Laverne crain ihwiebwcm troko omnilOtr a navy frock with matching pi cos-ial picure, et., or tesepro-Midleto, sn ofMr.and rs.pleted her ensemble. Mrs. Stur- io. Mrs. Grace Boultbee and Miss turc bat and accessories and c coss- ialcturs t. o hs -Mdltn o iM.adMs. rock, the, bridegroom's mother, Connie Baultbee of Toronto, Mr. sage of American Beauty rose Misjet.James Middlcton, l ai Orono, wba assisted, chose a navy flow- and Mrs. Ro'bert F. Smith, Toron- Mr,. Neals also chose a nav ice ta The official welcome was exten- was solemnized on May 14 in the ered crepe dress designed with to.fokwthbakacesre large ded by Marion Dippell who also parsonage of Orono United church swahar ekln nd cpcrsage ak rosesois i ..hina announced the following interest. with Rev. A. E. Eustace officiat- sîe.Artdouple plmacnd NapGRYImdatl ierterc Beth- inbro ra m A hinese radio ing. the waistline. Her hat was a wide tion. the bride and groom mtore Chi boacat asprsete b mm- The bride 'wore powder-blue brimmed model of navy straw The marniagé ai Phyllis Pat- ta Malton to go by plane to Ne, Ber- bers of the Diligent Dozen Group. crepe with white bat and black with white and trimmed with na- ridia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. York for their wedding trip. Th llw- This included current events, ed- accessories. Her flowcrs were vy veiling. She wore long white Ernest V. Gray, Janetville, and bride travelled in a grey gabai reg- ucation, health, bousing, etc, Amenican Beauty roses. She was gloves, navy acces.sories and her Mn. Cecil Arnott Neals, son ai Mr, dîne suit with topcoat of Luck with Those participating werc Joan attended by Mns. Bruce Tennant jewellery was a cameo necklace. and Mrs. Clarence H. Neals, Beth- tone blue, navy accessonies, ai the Luxton, Marilyn Miller, Dorothy as matron-of-honor, wbo was in A fcathered corsage ai white car- any, took place Saturday after- white gardenia corsage. then Johns, Helen Maguire, Joan Won- dove-grey with matching acces- nations completed her costume. noAnl1,a h ntd M n r.Naswl ei thenactt Benic SockrMary sories. Her flawcrs werc yellow Mauve swectpeas and baby's Church Parsonage, Blackstock. in Trno nss Ofick adnoreObrcadrnoe. breath in a crystal bowl centred Rev. R. B. Harrison officiated at nsai ie Haon The best man was MT. Bruce the bride's table. Mrs. Grace thc double ring cerem-ony. are The Department pianist, Lama Tennant. Boultbee of Toronto paurd tea. Te bride, given in manriage U.S EGG PRODUCTION ixton Fletcher, delighted cveryone with For the wcdding trip ta points Those serving were Miss AudreY by her father, was gowned in____ case ber excelient piano selections west, the bride donned a black Knaggs, Miss Phyllis Baxter, Miss ivary satin, fashioned with fitted uni- "Tarantelle" and -Teddy Bean's shoity coat. Mr. and Mrs. Middle- Marion Baxter, Miss Gloria At- bodice Unithdsweetheart poductiine Lime. Picnic". wtUnitedrtnekln was A play cntitled "P'an P'an ton will reside in Orono. tersley of Oshawa and Miss Con- and lily point sîceves, and long iarms during March amountedt ored Makes Good" bighligbted the ev- nie Boultbee ai Toronto. full skirt. Her fingertip veil ai 6,137 million eggs, anc per cer ,alms ening'.s entertainment and was ab- HUNT-WOOD Later the newly manried couple tulle illusiçn was crested with a more than in March 1948, an ves- ly presented by members ai Se- leit by motor for the Muskoka halo hcaddness embroidered with eight per cent above the 1937-4 l ci- nior and the Tru-Ki-Lo Groups. Miss Helen Margaret Wood, district. For the honeymoon trip seed pearîs, and ber only jeyel- average ai the same manth. Th TiOs- The sctting was in a Chinese home daughter ai Mr and Mrs. Lewis J. the bride chose a riavy gabardine lery was a double strand ai peanîs rate ai lay was 17.2 cggs per lay ews whenc a missionary teacher called Wood, R.R. 4, Bowmanvillc, On- suit with a matching shontie coat the gift of the groom. She carnied er, compared with 16.2 in 194 i-La ta interest the family in sending taria, Canada, became the bride ai with whicb she w~ore a ribban a cascade ai American Beauty and 15.6 for the l0-year averagE pic- their small girl P'an P'an ta the Seth Adelbert Hunt, Jr,, son of trimmed widc brimmed bat ai na- rases and baby carnations. Miss The increase in the rate ai lay wa Ginl's School. As the Chinese be- Mrs. L. A. Mook, 55 North Race vy straw, a pink crepe blouse, grey Helen Gray was ber sister's only partially offset by a decline in il Slievcd that education was for boys Street, Greenville Pa.,,an Satun- suede accessaries and a corsage ai attendant. Hen gawn ai blue frost- number ai layers. $1only, and girls wcre but simple day aiternoon in the First Metho- Ilumps ai dlay, it remained for the dist Church, Greenville, Pa.___________________________________________ IHonorable Gnandmother ta give Rev. Wendell Minnigh ofiiciated ber consent and P'an P'an went at the double ring ceremony at b ta school. Uniartunately though, 4:30 a'clock, for wbich the attend- at the close ai the schoal term, the ants wene Mrs. Murray R. Morley Missionary teacher feels that (Bernadine Hunt) ai Grave City, P'an P'an has learncd littie, con- a sister of the bridcgroom, and * tributcd nothing. ta the school life Wayne Scott, Greenville, friend ai * and she advises her that there will the groom. Members ai the imme- * be no room for ber the coming diate families werc also in attend- seasan. P'an P'an returns ta bher ance. home and is able ta bning together A poudre- blue crepe frock, / a few Chinese playmates ta, whom street-lcngth, with navy éblue ac- she tells the stories ai the Bible cessories, iormed the bride's wed- and teaches the hymn "Jesus ding attire, and ber flowers were Loves Me". Thus wbcn visited la- pink roses. ter by the Missionary teacher, Mrs. Morley ware a black crepe P'an P 'an receives great praise dress with black accessories and for ber small but eas-nest efforts ber corsage was formed ai red and bas earncd a place in the roses. s school to which she returns. Following the cbunch rites, the Cast of the play were: P'an groom's mother was hostess at a P'an-Jeanne Bond; Honorable wedding dinner for the bidalS IIAI R OCJK C o Grandmother-Lois Wilson; Hon- party and the immediate familles C o onable Grandfatbr-Marj a r i c ai the young couple. A large wed- Mutton; the uncle-Betty Flett; ding cake, complete with bridal Missionary laacber - Marg i e figurines, centered the dining Reynolds; Coolie-Marion Dip- table.H peUl; Chinese cildncn-Marilyn Later in the evcning Mn. Hunt -r 1 and Eileen Spicer, Joan Wood and and bis bride Icit for an undisclos- It was with deep gratitude but are ta reside in Erie, Pa., whene T k E nV cto Sa tinge ai sorrow that Marion Dip- Mr. Hunt is employed by the Gen-fo Ipeli, on behalf of the girls and eral Electric Corporation. ileaders, presented Mrs. Gea. Mil- The bride is a graduate ai Oro- Wear 'Em Around the - ler, the Senior group leader, with no Continuation School, Onono, Sa small gift of appreciation. Mns. Canada, and she bas been employ-u ithe success of C.G.I.T. in Trnity cabinet works in, Newcastle, On- Church, and ber leadership, ad- tario.Su vice and entbusiasmn will be miss- The bridegroam, a graduate aiFroufi h cd by the girls and associate lead- Penn High Scbool, class of 1945, l ers. Mrs. Miller and the family is a navy veteran ai two and One-I gleave in August ta join Dr. Miller half ycars' service, includ'ing duty Well tailoned with cuifs or plain 1 in their new home in Switzerland. in Europcan waters and the Az- g: Chinese food, lncluaîng nîce, ores. in white, wine, green, blue, grey, chop suey, Candied ginger, dried Out-of-town guests i addition 1' plums, green tea and nice cakes, ta Mn. and Mns. Morley ai Grave scanlet or navy. Iwae served by the girls. The la- City, were the hride's mother and A wonderft dies ai the Evcning Auxiliary pre- sister, Mns. Lewis J. Wood and . 'Jpared the foad and ta thern the C. 'Miss June Wood, bath of Bowman- Girls Sizes and practiù G.I.T. express their sincene tbanks ville, Ontario. Ialso ta tbc Mission Band who cloth, chain M~helped with the decarations. W1~ Mr.M. Symons on bebaîf af the STTJRROCK-LEAVENS $1 9 at gucsts expressed appreciation and StAdr'sUtdCuch Sthanks ta the girls and Evening Oshawa, was the setting for an Auxiliary for a delightful even- intcnesting wedding Saturday af- tennoon, May 14, when Helen An- Women's Sîzes ice Leavens was united in mar- ~L I nage with Howard Wesley Stun- Sunday Sho rock, Apple blossoms, mauvetu $2. 98 CnOOalips, purple iris and palms provid- edthe floral background. The Pieis daughter ai Mns. Ernest Iry Services d-avens sad the he at r.avens sh and the atem e held on is son ai Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stun- rock ai Bowmanville. Rev. Georgep1 Telford penformed the ccremony Nav 22 ~and Mr. C. J. W. Taylor presidedreiý tted eck- lng iing dla lvet anld :Ses rvis t.he if ty the thie ses. Rvy and red ie y ie on '44i wore a gown ai f-pcriwi-nkle 'faill-e ARE SERVED tafieta designed with tight iitting durlng Supper and Concert bodice havîng a boat shaped neck- $5 9'198 & $2-98 line and cap sîceves and swecp- y ai 8 p.m ing flaned skirt. A long pointed peplumn accented the waist line T E H E T ' ~'and she carnied a nasegay ai pink 1 VIW La S carnations and sw#eetpeas with -ring the Trlnty Y.P.U. Players white tulle friii. Miss Audrey Sturrock, Bowmanville, sisten af s s 1 if ta nid e agof asrid tfesa dDONRT FORGET ALL FULL-LENGTH SPRING COATS A faille styled an the samne lnes as that warn by the matran ai bonar, and ber flowers werc a nasegay rt $1-00 aofPink carnations and orchid 50C- sweetpeas with tulle ril. Bath 5c the attendants wore eibow length j mnittens made af the samne matenial as their gawns and matching bon- jt50 nets trimmed with purple veiling. W. W U' W- - 25c They cach ware a single strand aiohf 25 ers hn 451 THE MODERN STORE R. M. SeymourMrDoga Harnden, Bowman- Secretary - Laurence Wear vi~'lle ' pentarmed the duties ai best man. The ushens wenc Mn. Jack Cbilds and the bridegrooms' bro -______________________________ Most of Canada's rivers drain Events are only the shella cof into Hudson Bay and the Arctic ideas; and often it is the fluent Ocean. thought of the ages that is crystal- Highest mountain in Canada is lised in a moment by the stroke Mount Logan in the Yukon, 19,850 of a pen or the point of a bayonet. feet high. -E. H. Chapin. FOR THRIFT'S SAKE CONSULT THE SPECIALIST . a and when you need new electrival wlrint you corne ta sec us. Wrhen you have us do Your electrical installations our specially trained experts give yaU guaranteed work ln every phase of your electrical installation. If you are ln doubt as ta what you should - do consult us flrst - we iill be glad to adise you free of charge what is nccded. WE SPECIALIZE IN HOUSE AND FARM WIRING HI1GGON ELECTRICf Your General Electrie Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bowmanville 42 King St. E. ,..sses rarm )ays lu range of smart, stylish :al dresses in fine broad- mbrays and other cottons LAY SUITS THE TOTS SA splendid range ln aIl new styles at prices ta suit every purse. O0 - $1.69 - $1.98 LT GREATLY BEI Bowmanville 100 %Wool' jPULLO VERS JIn Maize, Green, Blue, J Pink and Grey. $3.95 OUCED PuICES lis THO MAT, IWAT IM, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvnti!- mmT,&iqTe% - I)SZ95