PAGENflk AT.qAW IWAN!LZ NTM TVRD?,MT U. 9 BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS1 BIRTHS CRYDERMAN-How,,ard and Flou- ecca Cryderman wîsh tb announce the birth of a son at Oshawa Generpl Hospital on Saturdav. Méy 21st. 1949. 21-1* GIBSON-Mu. and Mus. Clarence Gîbson . announice the hith of their daughieu. at Bowmanville Hospital. May 12th, 1949, a sister for Sandra. 21-1* HOCKADAY-To Mu. and Mrs.1 Frnest Hockada.y a daughter at Bowmanvîlle Hospital on May 20th, 1949, a sîster for Evelyn. 21-1 KNOX-Mr. and Mus. John Knox wish to announce the biuf h of their son. Douglas Brian. at Bow- manville Hospital on May 24th, 1949. A brother for Helen, Patsy and Kenneth. 21-1 ENGAGEMENTS_ Mu. and Mus. Carl R. Tennant announce the engagement of their daughter, Joy'Nce Betty. to Robert Carman Cooper, son of Mu. and Mus. F. O. Cooper. The mauriage to take place on SatuudaY, June Ith, 1949. at 3:00 p.m. in Park Street United Church, Ouoo. 21-1* Mu. and Mus. R. M. Siephens, Bowmanville. announice the en- gagement of their daughteu, Betty Margaret to Goudon Dunn Thomp- son. son of Mu. and Mus. James Thompson, Port Hope. The wed- ding will take place quietly on June 4th, 1949.2~l MARRIAGE__ DAVIS - BURGESS - Io Oshawa, on Monday, May 23rd, 1949,b Rev. H. F. Davidson. ElizabethG Burgess, daughter of the late Mu. and Mus. Jas. Burgess, Orono, and Milford W. Davis, son of the late Mu. and Mus. A. Davis, Lakefield. 21-l* DEATHS ROACH-At Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Fiday, May 2th, 1949,1 Emily Brown Roach, widow of Morris Roach. aged 95 years. Rest- ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Service in the Chapel on Mon- day, May 23rd at 2:3(0 p.m. In- teument Bowmanville Cemetery. 21-1 SANDERS-On May l8th, 1949. at Victoria Hospital, Winnipeg. Ho- ward Russell Sanders, beloved husband of Nellie McNichol Sand- eus, 112 Rose St., and brother of Mus. T. M. Slemon, Enniskiilen; Mus. W. Creighton, Calgary, and C. E. Sanders, Winnipeg. 21-1 SHORT--At Courtice, on Satur- day, May 21, 1949, Arthiu John Short, aged 76 yeaus, beloved bus- band of Isabelle Butt, and dear father of Luther C., and Walter A., at home; George A., of Ham- ilton. Resting at the Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville. Ser- vice in the chapel on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Inteument Bowmanville Cemetery. 2- SUTHERLAND--At fhe Western Hospital. on Thuirsdayý, Max' l9th, 1949, Annie Plummer, %vife of the late George Sutherland, in heu 901h year. Funeral service -,as held at the Ralph Day Ftîneral Homne, 180 Danfoufh Ave., Satur- day at 3 p.m. Interment Mouint Pleasant Cemeteux .)11l- 1t CARDS 0F THANKS Mu. and Mis. Alexander Pax uce and Mu. Bcrt Payne, Hampton, wvish to express their heartfelt thanks for aIl the kindness and help extended to themn by everv- onle at the lime of their disastrous tiue. Especiail 'v do thev want to thank al the friends 'of Hamnp- ton CommîînîtY for their geneuotis contribution and wîlliîîgasit ance in uestouîng temporauv liv- ing accommodation. 21-1 Mu. anîd Mus. Jas. A. W eury. Enniskîllen. wish to thank ýthi mnany friends fou expressions of IN MEMORIAM ALLDREAD-In proud and loy- ing memory of Donald Alfred Alldread, who was killed in Italy on May 25th, 1944. Buried in Cassino Military Cemeteuy. -Always uemembeued by mother, brters and sisteus. 21-1* POOLTON-In loving and ever- lasting memory of a dear son, Pte. Jack Poolton of the Irish Reg- iment of Canada. who died of xounds in Italy, May 26th, 1944: They are not dead, the broken ones xvho lie In narrow graves beneath a foueign sky; Though poppies drift acuoss their resting place. They are not really dead. There is a trace 0f* their gay footsteps in Canadian snow. Down fiencily trails they loved not long ago; The echo of their laughter stirs a town With heartbreak as the early night cornes down. Their influence bleak years can neveu stem! They are flot dead while we remember them! The echo of bis voice, his eyes, his si-ile, Just as thev were are with us ail the while. -Deau-ly loved, deeply mourned Mother. Dad and family. 2l1 * COMING EVENTS Corne to the Liberal Rallv in Port Hope Town Hall, on Friday, May 27th, at 8:15 p.m. Enteutain- ment, Moving Pictures; Speakers: Mu. Farquhar Oliver, Mur. W. F. Rickard, Mu. John M. James. Un- der auspices of Durhamn Liberal Association. 21-1 Due to the cool weather and the darnpness of the Arena the Bingo Ihat was postponed frorn May 201 to May 27 is now postponed until June 3. Keep this date open for an evening of profitable enter- tairnent. 21-1 Eldad Sunday School Anniver- sary Services Sunday. May 29th, at 2 and 7:31) p.m., with Rev. A. E. Eustace, Orono, guest speaker. The choir under leadership of Mrs. J. C. Smales, will be assisted by Miss Donnie Creasser, Bow- manville. Monday at 8:15 p.m. the Kinsale-Greenwood Young People wîll present their play ll- Pecked Henry" and musical en- tetainment. 20-2 Holstein breeders' picnic and Field Day at Orono Park, Satur- day. June 4. Judging competition comrnencing 10:30 a.m. Picole luinchi. Guest speaker, R. H. Graham, Toronto. Puogram of spbrts. Ail breeders and fiends wiil be welcomed. H. J. Brooks, H. C. Muir, Puesident. Secuetary. 21-2 Don't miss the opening softball garne at Newcastle Athletic Field, Satuuday, May 28th, at 7:30 p.rn. (D.S.T.) Newcastle Ladies' vs. Courtice Ladies. Opening cere- mnonies with draw. Aiso Inter- mediafe Baseball, Newcastle vs. Trenton, will be played at 3 p.m. (D.S.T.) at the Athletic Field. 21-1 Salemn Sunday School Anniver- sarv Services wilI be heid on Sunday. June 5th. at 2:30 and 7:30) p. m. when the guest speaker will be Rev. A. C. Luffman of Greenwood. Muîsic by the Sun- day Schooi Choir. On Mondayv eveinig there will be a bail garne between Ebenezer and Salemn Men*s Softball teams commencing at 7 oclock and at 8:15 p.rn. Hampton Service Club will pue- sent their play 'Shes My Daisy" in the Church. Music between acts. Admission to the play 3.5e and 2(lc. 21-2 Wanted DEAD bouses and cattle for free pick up. Phone Toronto AD,1166 or CoL)oiîîrg 48J. We pay phone charges, Gordon Young Ltd. 13-tf zood %wiiî and congratulatiouis on STRAWBERRY BUYERS-I wiii the occasion of their Fiftieth sel ivm 1949 Pureinier strawbeuiry Wedding Annuv-ersary.%. 2h - 1 i-oup bs contuact. If intereste'd - see R. Manninug, Sixth, Line. Kenu- With deepest gratitude %ve ex- cai, Phonîe oliuo 231.8. 214 tenud Ibis word of thauuks fou the-____ __________ manyv kind acts of symiipalh « vcx- DEAD Stock! Free Service. We puessed bv thoîightfuut friends and ilii pick up ail dcad or cippled nieigliholius: also Good vear Tire & fairm anîmals free of charge. Rubhcr Co., Independent Order Hghest pices paid for old bouses. of Odidfello\xvs. Bechive Rcbekah Phone: Peterborough 4026 Colleet. Lodge, '%om-eiiîs Insfiucte and aIl Nuck Peconi, owncr. 20-tf other organuzations. Thce ckund- fesses have meant iii'lî to us.\orkMTantedîî Colwell, Hilda and faniil x . '21 -1i* TR UCK lettet ing and sugn v it- ing. Geouge lFosev, Phonue 936. MsJauk Hair;toxv xisles to 2 express sinccre uhanks 10 11wli Superintendient iciure and ili W anted To Rent staff of Bo\%munvn\i le( Hospital- aiso to c lieu mnfiend.q who S FONE 10ten acres, on a thuce-vear kindîx' v cmnbeued lieu v itllij basis. Applv Brookdahe-Kings- flow;ers and cards and manxv acts vaxv Nurseries, Duke St, Bow~- of kindriesses showuî duiîng heu manilile. 2(-f reccuut sta >v ut the ho.ital. wi th -_____ speciai thauîks to Di-, A. F. Mac' a(- Caretakers Xanted kenzie and Du. H.l. Rundle. j- 21-~I'l'lie Bownîanx'ille Board of Notices iEducatiuuî requiires applications Notices fou the positions of caretaker as - - - --- -foiloxvs: Dr. C. 'W. Sîcovins. office vill 1. High School, man and wife be closed fom May 28th to about prefeu'red. Atuguist Ist. 2 1- 2 2l. New Ontario St. School. 1 Duties commence July 1. 1949. On and aller thus date I \villr State salauy expected and quiai- not be respon-;uble for~ anx' vdcbts ifîcatuouus. 'Applications f0 he iii conti acted bv tri.\ wfe. Mus. Jane Seeu-etarx 'i.;offiice hx' Juie st. Shacklîouu. . Boxvnîanx ic .leBoard Fred Shackleton. of Educatuon M1a' 1901h. 1949 Stuuart R Jainee,, Bowmanville, Ont. _ 2-3 Sec'y.-Treas. 20-2 Wanted To Buy LIVE poultuy for American mar- ket. Phone 2833. 18-4* BEFORE selling your live poultry tuy us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 17-tf Help Wanted CAPABLE girl for housework. Phone 835. 21-2 DOMESTIC help wanted, good wages. board in. Write Mus. Manetta. Pontypool. 21-1 WANTED-Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowman- ville. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reli- able hustier consideued. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-E-140-l 31, Montreal. 18-4 Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F FRED- ERICK ARTHUR GRIGG, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Gentleman, Deceased, who died at Bowman- ville on or about the 111h day of May, 1949. The Trustee Act R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Cueditors and others having claims against the above Estate ar -euie to send particulars and fuil proof thereof to the un- dersigned on or before the 20th day of June, 1949, after which date the assefs of the Estate will be distributed having regard Io dlaims that have then been re- ceived. DATED at Bowmanville. Ont- ario, the ]8t'n day of May, 1949. Lawrence C. Mason, Baruister, etc., 30 King Street West, Bowmaoville. Ontario, Solicitor for the Executous. 20-3 Auction Sales FURNITURE SALE - I have been authorized f0 seli by public auction for the estate of the late Thomas and Lillian Hughes, 72 Brown St., Bowmanville, on Sat- uuday, May 28, their household effects including dining-room. kitchen and beduoom furniture; cooking utensils; bedding; stove and many other articles. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wil- buîr, auclioneer; Theron Mountjoy, clerlc. 21-1 The Ninth Durham County Community Auction Sale w,,ill be held at the Sales Barn, Orono, on Thuusday. June 2. at 1 p.m., wbere there will be offered for sale a large number of milkers. spring- eus, grass cattie, calves for veal- ing, feeder hogs, brood sows, suck- ing pigs and manyv other items. Remember the date, June 2nd- the Sales Barn, Orono-the place where ahl farmers meet. Jack Reid. auctioneer. 21-1 Real Estate For Sale LOT on Jane St. Apply 57 Lib- erty St. S. 21-l* $3,500-four-roomed home at Har- rnony (Oshawa) cîty water, gas and electricity, house easily heat- ed: immediate possession. Phone Oshawa 4984r. 21-1 CHOICE building lot on Brown St., 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additional garden plot at the rear, 90'x100'. New sewer. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett. 21-1 HOUSE, 6 rooms, 3-piece bath, on corner of Main Street in town of Bowmanvlle. Lot approx. 80'x 100';. hardwood floors, and furn- ace, good location for Gas Station. Possession about July lst. Phone 805. 21-1 $4,700-Farm near acres, good barns, fuame house, a good price. Orono, 100 1/ ',àstouey buy at this $1,500-Very desirable location for summer home. 56. acres wooded property with wide trout stream. Enough timber on puoperty to build a house. 5 miles north of Bowmanx'ille just off pavement. LEROY HAMILTON Broker Orono, Ont. 21-1 COOKE REAL ESTATE $22,000-"Green Pastures" near Cobourg, 96 acres, very scenic, oveulooking Lake Ontario, 9 uoom- ed brick home, combination liv- ing-room and dining-roorn 18'x28'; fireplace: modern kitchen: 2 elec- trie refuigeratous; launduy room with tubs; 3 bathrooms. L shaped barns 36'x70' and 20'x50'. Four steel box stalîs and extra bull pens. Cao tie up 18 cattle. Cold water basins for ahl stails: con- crete silo; milk bouse and cooler; hot and cold water. Children's play house with fireplace. Excel- lent xvater supply, permanent stream. This farm will meet your most exacting demaods. Possess- ion Sept. 15th. $5,500 - neat home, 8-roomed frame house, attched garage, liv- ing-room and diniog-room, mod- ern step-saving kitchen, bath- room, hot and cold water on tap. Beautifully located. well pantd one minute to school. Possession 30 days. 1 MELOTTE cream separator, in good condition. $40. John Nicholîs, R.R. 3 Bowmanville, Phone 2168. 1 21-1 $5.000-50 acres, 35 acres wouk-' able, balanîce bush and pas'cure EVINRUDE outboard motor, 3 7-roomned insul-brie bouse, ne w h.p.. perfect condition. Selby asphaît roof; soft water pump; Grant, 6 Mill Lane, Phone 2674. bank baro. steel roof, good stabl- 21-i îng, bydro throughout. Fiust lime FU-ue uny eeti offeued. Immediate possession. stove with automatie oven contuol, Contact1 EVELYN E. COOKE in good condition. Phone 2053. Realtor Newcastle -___________________ Phone Clarke A2621 MAN'S bicycle in good condition. 21-1 Appiy Cecil Brown. 4.5 Temper- ance St., Boxeranville. 2 1 -hV NIXO'S RAL ETATE MAROON deluxe stuoller. in good $8.000-Buys a ]ovely home, solid i condition. Wiil scîl reasoîîably,' brick, baudw'ood floors. 8 uooms, Phone 2863. 21'1 nice bail, fuit basement, bath- room, bydmo, secreens and double 1 have receixved instructions I xindows, combination door, in- from Mus. Norman Allun f0 sel j sulated, new oil furnace, flue- hv public auctîon on Saturday, place in living-room. June 4, at the rear of The Gate- way Recstauitýant, King St., West, $7.500-nine-roomecl, SOUIdbrick Nexvcastle, heu cutîre houschold bouse, oil furnace, bathroom, effects. This sale will include: hamdwood floors, ail conveniences, ehectrie refrigerator, \'ashing ma- 11, acre extra lot. Teums au- chine, and a full line of household uanged. funiture. For fuuther partie- ulars sec bis. T1emms cash. Sale $2,500 - six-uoomed insul-brick. at 1 p.m. sharp. Jack Reid, auc- hydmo. water, new roof, approx- tioneer. 21-2 imately 1 acre. ____ JAMES NIXON Soina Sale Exchange Twilight Real Estate Broker Sale f o-mnoruow evening, Fiday, Phone 682 Bowmanvilie May 27, at 7:30 p.m. at Baker 160 Liberty St. N. 21-1* Farns, Hampton. Specials: cedar posts; cedar shingles; Fordson $175.00-full price, lot 108'xl 15, tractors on uubber and on steel, on Hunt St. with wateu and seweu, in good ouder; one-horse single in Bowmanville. phow and other impiements; lix'e- stock: bued sows and yoting pigs; $275.00-full puice, lot 50'x' on xacinated heifers and fresh ou rspec twt tradsw springing cows; Shouthoun bulîb-s; m, Sn.Bownillwe ua nd.w boises. Temms cash. Ted Jack- r nBwavilNrhed son, auctionecu: Jack Baker, man- $l,500-or best offer, 1-roo cI gem; Phone 21811. 21-1. n p it tnhn 17 ft; ý_ Cu.stom Work TRACTOR Custom Wouk, plough- ing, cultivating and seeding. F. S. Allen, Phone 594. 16-tf TRACTOR plowing gardens, cul- tivating and dîscing. J. H. AIl- du"ad, Phone 496. 19-4* Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom wouk, tuy the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS to aIl makes of refuig- eratcors, domestic and rommercial. Iliggon Electuic 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf SFIOE Repair - woukmanship guaranteed. '24-hou r service. Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, 39 King St.W. Bowmanville. 18-tf Chiropodist T. M VANT, D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General chiropoclv wouk. Suite 2. 47 Puince St., Oshawa. Phonle 4534-J. 2- Room and Board cluded Caesarea, Lake Scugog. $2,500-half cash, six room furn- ished cottage, on West Beach, in Bowmanville. $4,500-with $2,000 down; two- family brick bouse, 5 rooms'each, on king St. West, i0 Bowman- ville, suitable for business, in business district. S6,300-terms. vacant, nine room brick house, large lot, beautifully landscaped, double garage, elec- trie stove, linoleumns, x'enetian blinds, sereens, storms, etc., in- cluded. In best location of Bow- manville on Scugog Street, ut able for Tourist Home, etc. $9,90)) Snack Bar, Guoceies. etc.. on Highway No. 2, with living quarters. Reduccd for quick sale. $8,000 cash with $1.900 mortgage. Stock and fixtures included. Also have bouses fuomn $2,700 up in Bowmvranville. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. W. Phone 326-2017 J. Shebyn. D. Maciachain. Broker. Rep. 21-1 Summer Resorts Board ai-d room with home SILVER Bimch Lodge - Cabins,' priviieges to middle ajge lady in twin bcds, spring mattresses: exchange for few boums assist-r lai-ge shady grounds. Enjoy a ance xith housexvouk. No launduy- . rpeacefol vacation with excellent Phone 2834. 21-1l meals. Write C. Chistian, Bow - - m nauville or Phone 2625. 21-4* LotNoueioilîte-elijovyt hem11sel ves. DIAMOND anîd emneuald riug. on and are such burdens 10 then-, ou befome .May 7th. valuedi as * selxes, as those who have nothung keepsakre Rpxvard for ils retimo n in d. Onlv ,t.hp artive have the to 62 Division St. _ - 21-l', true reiish of lfe.-Jay. _ _1 1941 DODGE sedan, low mileage since oveuhauled, gond ruîîhhr, xiii take older car inituade. Austin Stephens, 40 Buown St. RADIO, Marconi, mnantel, in ex- cellent condition. Oxvneu forced to sedi because of lack of funds. A baugaîn at $9.95 or less. Phone 2523. 21-1* '39 BUICK convertible, Model C46, radio, heater, defuoster, good condition. Apply W. A. Tomnliîî- son, Oirono, Phone 83r4. 20-2* BRIGHTEN up fou Spuing! Can- ada's finest Venetian Blinds mea- suued and inýtalled. Free esti. mates. F. F. Morris Co., Phone 480. 8-tf '29 CHEV. ',,i ton truck; wheels, frame. engines. front ends and parts for '29 Chev. and '29 Ford; 1 steel form fou 16"' road culverts complete. R. Bothwell, Maphe Guove. 21-1* FORD coach, 1935, new clutch, kingpoins, fuel pump and tires in hast thuce months; new motor and cauburetor hast yeau; body work good: $500 or best offer. Apply 143 Diîke St. after 7 p.m. 21-Pl 50 SHEETS of 10"' steel roofing, 26 gauge. new; one Stewart- Warner 6-volt radio with wind charger, in good condition. Phone Clarke 1721, Carroll Nichoils, R.R. 3 Port Hope. 21-1* MEN and boys' work boots and dress shoes. complete stock of sizes aîîd styles at popular prices. Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, King St. West, Bowmanville. 10-tf FLOOR Coveuing! Congoleum run- ner, Congoleum and Rexoleum Dehuîxe in yard gnods and rcîg also inlaid linoleumn with back. F. F. Morris Co., 48<) 8-tf Boien Huski gaudener. 3 b.p.,j plow and cultivator attachment, useul one season. puicedi reasron- ably; one set steel trucks, A-1, $40: one No. 77 Fle~uy single plow. Graham's Garage. George White & Sons Dealer, Phone 273 0.1I 21-h FARM wagcns on rubber-Special offer: 4 tires, 4 new tubes. 4 steel rîrns, 4 wagon wbeels eut down, size 600x 16 complete assembly, ail tires, tubes, rims. work, guar- anteed. $72.50. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, Phone 467 16-tf SHELL Oul Co. now have tanks, (250) gal.) and rotary pîîmps ax ailable foi- ban to farmers. loi- mîediate deliverv .N o contuaci (or deposit requiuedi. Mefer on tank truck ensures cc rtedeliVeued nuiantites. Phone 497 for inform-1 ation. 2 -. PASTURE v ith runiuiig w'afer. Phonîe 2200(. O. P. Hertzberg, R.R. 4 Bowmanivil]e. 2- Livestock For Sale TEN pigs. six xx eks old. Blakec Short, Phîone 2479. 21- 1 TWENTY wraffliîig piiz.. E. R. Kpoxltoui. R.R. 1 E:inic:killen, Phîone 27.5,1. 2- FOURTEEN York: hure 1igs. xvcli stnrtcd. Phoine 2104, Bowvnan - ville.21- EIGHT or tou n ' v îg îig. .si-: [weeks old. Pione 21,25. 21 -1t REGISTERED Siiortiioro Bull, 10' Iniontuis' nid, coloiur spnt les mdCI bi'owîi. P.pply Fricuci, Boxv'milî- j vile '252:3. 19-3 Personal rHYGENIC Supplies (rîle good ' ) nailcd pos1panid in iýi n sealecl enx'ive xv i) (ipuice list., Six samples 25c. 2-4 sarnples~$ )< Mail Ouder Dcpt. T-38, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Onît. 18-9 TIi Enîaîîd rececit] «v. "'Ila pp, N .Home' won a llii'e iile stfecle- cliase fix'e leîîgths ahead of .'u Revere" hued in the Uniledi States. That's one t une *yff' Rexvere" eou]du't shLit: "The Britishi aie commn,," the fgre4t ,qtd#@'$ on NEW GENERALS Trade-in your oId tires at OUR SIG HOLIDAY SALE! «MAecE 1IN CANADA G. F. JAMIESON TIRE DENOT Cor. Kinz and Silver St.. Bowmanville - Phone 467 Tuesday, May 3lst ai 8:15 p.m. AT THE BDALMURAL 1H0TEL SPEAKERS>- Miss Mary Skeans, Serretary o!f Ilie Onprba Young Progressive ('ouservative Association. George Hogan, Past President of the Unversity of Toronto Y'oung progressive Conservative Association. C. E. Stephenson, 11.-P. and tes Discussion Period FolloNving the Speeches. DANCING - ENTERTAINMENT - REFRESHMENTS Ail iiterested parties are cordially Invited to attend. 10 CLEANSE, REFRESFf; SMOOTH Cleonse with Ardena or FIuffy Lleansing Cream 1.25 to 7.00j Refresh with Skmn Tonic, 1.25 f0 10.7.5, Smooth witîh Ardena Velva Cream, 1.25 ta 7.00à Orange Skin Creom, 1.25 to 9.50j or Perfection CreaM, 7.,50 and 12.50 JURY U LOVELL TOI R REXALL DRUG STORE When We Test Eyes It in I)one Properly PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 35c PER AD Association ----------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- ----- Articles For Sale_ Articles For Sale- BLACKSTOCKÇ 35 BAGS Katahdin potatoes. Ap- CORDWOOD, cut in foot lengths, ply Gordon Baker, Tyrone. 21-1* maple and beech; two couds toi Mu. and Murs. Wilfued Barboro, load, $16 peu coud. Phone 2952. Durham, Miss Passey and Miss ICE box, 50-lb. capacity. in excel- 10-tf Mildred Aréher, Toronto, Mu. Vin- lent cniin Phone 608. 21-1 cent of Bowmanville, Mu. and conitin.- BLANKETS, Carpets and Scatter'Mus. Elmer Archer, Wbitby, with 1932 FORD V-8, in good running Rugs made f rom your old caupets, i M-.-and Mus. Wilbeut Archer. condition. 28 Jane St., Bowman-1 woollens or cottons. Gather your' ville ou Phone 846. 21-1* uags and Phone 2890. rm.Cap- Mu. and Mus. Loune Buadburn bellwhowillbe n Bo" CmP-and familv, Toronto, with Mu. and ________________________ ellwhowil beb Bwmanville Mus. Wesley Bradburn. A PILE of manure appuoximately duuing week May' 3th wilI cal' - Ms Gertrude Henry, Toronto, 20 loads. Phone Clarke 2530. with samples and quote prices. ' wth Mus. James Henry. 21-1 21-1* Mu. and Mus. Meruill Heouy CHID' cubmape inihspring TRADE-INS - steel beds, $7.50, and daughters, Nestleton, wvith mattuess, Phone 2031 Bowman- 3-pie ce cbesferfield suite, like VuadMs.LisHn. ville. 21-l* new, $75; ABC Wasber, enamel Mm. anîd Mus. A. J. Cook, Brook, tub, guauanteed, $39.50; Westing- l in, with Mu. and Mus. Neil Mal- 1930 DODGE sedan, in good con- bouse table model combination cohm. dition, good tires. Phone 2298iadopbonograpb, playýs 12 me- Muan Ms. oreWîin Bowmanville. 21-1 couds, $59.50; combination por~t- and childreîî with Mm. and Mus. able battery and electric radio, Norman Mount.ioy. ELECTRIC radio and metal ice $25; rangette, like new, guar- i Misses Beth aîîd BeiuyMcil box. E. D. Knapp, Middle Road. anteed, $39.50. Muuphy's, Phone Port Pcmry, with :0us. Luther - NE Cae VC tactr: sed Jack NIailow fîîîîslîcd xritiig UNCaseD Case VACtuactor gusedhls exams at Toronîto Uîîivei',sitî UNDEROOD ypewCtesegoDdtuacf or; used Case C trac- o n Monday anid startcd Tuesday condition, $35. Phone 336 or ap- toir; used M.-H. tiractor: nexx Case to patuol th' ihv~ ncag ply 21 Cbuuch St. 21-1 412' one-way dise; niew Case 2 of a First Ah i Ambua-n c rg GARDEN tractor. 3 h.p.. plow, dise tuactor plow: ncw Case 3-! Bobby Wheeleu starts oui Wed- dise, cultivator. Apply 182 Duke fuirow tractor plow; set Case iesday Io'.ork with the Haydon St. 21-1 spmîîîg-tooth hauuows: electrie McDonald Co. in Oshawsa. fenceus ai-d batteries; barbed wirc; IBt îd a1 adesn o GO-CART and tricycle, nearly faum fence; steel posts: wateu ronto, w"ith Mu. aî u.Hr new. For pauticulars apply 60 pressure syý,stems; nil soDace hicat- ' Sxvaîn.j Concession St. 21-1 eus. W. H. Buo-wn, Case Dca c'r, MVr. anîd Mus. Wallace Holmles PLMOT sda, - Phone 497. -1 -laîîd sons, oeha\va, M.anîd Mus.. 1937 PYOT ea good- Kolusky, Gat u îc NHr condition. Phone 980 betwccn 6 BRAÜLEY Furnitume Co., 40 rs*lr and 9 p.m. 21-.1* St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271 3 pc. i')Id Forder, Port Peruy, Mi.s Do beduoomr suites, $69.00; steel bed ol(îy Hnwson, Toronto, and Miss~ ICEBOX, xvooden, wvhite, 75-lb., ouffits, completp, $26,95; feit base Lîîcille Forder and Gordoni Stiir- excellent condition. Phone 2868. floor coveing, 49C a square v.;roclk, Bowmanville, at Mus. Jos,. 21.1* chrome chairs, S6.95, ail colorsi: Focileu's. DURAT auotrc, eceli~ ,3 pc. allover veinur chesfnufieid Mu. and Mus. Aiisoîi Tay lor. DURAT atotrc, xcelentsuites, $149.00: 6-pc. natural finish Osliaw«a, xv:th Mm. anîd Mus. Roy wouking condition. G. Peterson , breakfast suites, $66,00; spring- TaYluîu. Courtice, Phone Oshawa 3423w4. filled mattresses. S24,95; tuiight , MiXF. Mark Wcldoui, Uxhuidge. 21-1* lamps, complete, $12,95; rangettes,' NEW-Rangettes, $54.50: Westing- ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allo 'cm bouse table top clectrie range,. velour bed chesterficld suites, slîghthy damaged in shipping. re- $119.00; 9 x 6 Axmiîîsteu carpets,11 Muphys29., ho 811. $29.00.$4950: chewnlboreadsigns,5 P U B L IC J gur$299, Pocl81r.$249,004.50;eenhuenile beoreadsig.95 table lamrps, $6.75. Evemything for JOHN-DEERE Model D tractor., the e at Bradîcys. 40 King Plow, crltivator and dise to go St. W., Oshawa. .Plîoîe 271. 6-tf with it if wanted. In fiust class - ----- o condition. Phone 768. 21-1 For Rent LATE 1929 Chrysher, in faim con-udma diin ydalèbaks ilsell WO nfuraih m ins.Aplly Proffres51Vie Bowmanville. 2-~I2 with Mr. and Mus. James Parr and Miss Eva Parr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey at Pointe au Baril for a few days. Misses Peari and Dorothy Wright, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and family with Mrs. R. Brin and Miss Mac King. Mr. and Ms. John Martin ~. two daughters. Englehart' Shortridge. Congratulations to Miss Jean .McLean and Mu. Parr on their marriage on Wednesday at Cour- t ce. Mr. and Mus. David Fairthiorne, Toronto, wvith Mr. and Mrs. O. Wruight. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marloxý and famil\' have rnoved loto their lovcly new home in the "West- i-oitntý' section of the v'illage. Clarence \,arlo\v was contuactor and John Venning decorator. Once again the tulip border at the home of Mu. and Mrs. Frank Stinson. is a riot of lovely color. They arc' '!ad to welcome vîsîtors. Mr. and Mus. Rupert Byers, Boxvminvilc, with Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byu. Mrs. Klelt nd Mus. Fred Gi- son, Bowmanville., with Mu. and mus. Mcr\-Îii Guahamn. MII)GETS TO P'LAY NMONDAY Bill Mutions., Bo\,wmanville MidI- get baisebaîl tcarn xviii play a re- tiiroi exhibition game at the mernorial Park on Monday even- inig starting ai 6:30 p.rn. The first -ameplvd li rno May 24th fl-ic Bowrnanville lacds x'oI a 15-8 \lictorýy. Silver collection will be takrn. MIEET ING Conservative % 3 TE 0 SDAY, MAT 2@04 IM THE CANADIAN STAITMM, 30"L4NVn=. ONTAIUO mak.-Cw lp^"Mqqvww 1